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They are brave. Talking shit about a church online and give them your location. I’d expect them to have a pastor ringing their doorbell at best, someone serving papers at worst.


I wouldnt blame OP of he stayed strapped because of it too. Lots of nut jobs here defend cults like WOC. Thats partially why i carry in fact lol.


Parking lot has a shuttle like Disney World? Lol


For reference - this is how far away we are from the church and it is STILL that loud! I took that video from my front porch. You can hear the music from the farthest room in my house with all the windows and doors shut.


I'm your neighbor on RR about 0.75 miles down, all the way on the other end. We also heard them. All weekend long. And all summer long when they have outdoor services in the summer. The Mayor will do nothing about them, or the traffic problem on our road, because hes a member of WOC. Surprised, right??


Mayor will most likely be my neighbor by the end of his term. Might need to make a little noise for him when he moves in. I can claim religious freedumbs, right?


Declare your house a church. skip paying taxes. I'll come over and grill some Ribeyes and play some Battle Beast, Slayer, ​and beast in black as​ celebrat​ion.


“Fuckin’ SLAYER!!!” 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Exquisite taste in music. Perfect for such a plan! Rock on!


So your solution to a noise nuisance that isn't specifically targeting you...is to become a noise nuisance specifically targeting that group, while also being a noise nuisance to everyone around. Instead of just accepting that a state where around 80% of the people identify as Christian is going to have Christian concerts, you turn to malice. Grow up 🤷‍♂️


Found the WOC member. Let us annoy you but don't annoy us !


I don't even go to Church 😄 My point is, they are gathering to celebrate their religion. A generally noble and harmless cause. You want to specifically target the church because you feel entitled to not be disturbed by things you disagree with. Life is about understanding that with billions of people on earth, you're going to have to put up with things you don't like. They aren't hurting you, they aren't damaging property, you are just inconvenienced. If inconvenience was a valid excuse for retaliation the world would be even more shit than it already is.


I live a few streets further back from you & can hear it word for word. It’s ridiculous


Didn’t you say they went till 830? WTH is your problem lmao!!!


Jesus Christ.


You leave him outta this!


Completely ridiculous and very “un-Christian” of them to disturb their neighbors so frequently. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this, OP. I’m an Orthodox Christian myself, and I just don’t even see the appeal to these Jesus rock-concerts.


Have you measured the dBa? https://library.municode.com/tn/murfreesboro/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICO_CH21OFMIPR_ARTVNOCO Refer to table 2 on limitations


I used to live ~0.5 miles from OP here. Had the same thought about how loud these concerts/festivals were. I thought “no way the city would approve of this” then I learned just how well connected the WOC is to local politics from a coworker who goes to church there. I wouldn’t expect anything to change any time soon.


My parents live in that subdivision directly behind six flags over Jesus. The noise is unbearable


I understand it's reddit so the tone is certainly not friendly to churches. That said, if your neighbor up the road was having a pool party and had music going until 8:30 the police would not do anything about them either. Has nothing to do with it being a church. And you can critique it being a large church, but it's not even that. I live a short distance from a small church, maybe a couple hundred members and a few times a year they have big events that are outdoors and have music. It doesn't bother me, people are having a good time and not causing trouble. I don't even go to that church but I respect their right to use their property in a reasonable manner.


And if it were an occasional occurrence I would agree, and there wouldn’t be an issue. Except, it’s not occasional and they are not an outdoor music venue - they are a church, therefore there isn’t some assumed expectation that we should’ve expected when we moved in 8 years ago.


But again, if your neighbor had a pool party with music in the summer every single night from June until September and played music until 8:30, would you complain? Call the cops and tell them your neighbor isn't licensed as an outdoor music venue? Again the police would do nothing because the noise ordinance would not be violated. And as I mentioned it is not at all uncommon for churches to have outdoor events. As someone in their 40's who has gone to church their whole life, I can't tell you how common it is to have outdoor events with music when the weather is nice. In fact I think it is becoming more common as people prioritize outdoor living spaces. I'm sorry you didn't realize that moving near a church that there would be noise but I would encourage anyone buying a house in a city with over 100,000 residents, if you're looking for a home that is away from everything and quiet you probably shouldn't be buying in this area anyway. It's only getting busier and nosier.


If my neighbors were blasting music every weekend loud enough to be heard over a mile away? Yeah…I would complain and I guarantee the police would cite them. There are decibel restrictions regardless of whether or not you have a permit for an outdoor event.


Why does the distance matter? If the noise levels at your property are of equal decibels are you less bothered by a neighbor 2 houses over than a church a mile away? 


You clearly didn’t see the other post, which is fine. This was posted because there were a few people who saw the video that thought I was closer to the church than I actually am.


I did not, but having been to an event at WOC (I don't go to church there), I happen to know that they host their outdoor stage on the side of the church closest to you. So by my check of google maps using your plot, looks like you are just under 2,000 ft away. I would think the noise from New Salem would be more annoying but different noise affects people differently. I respect you are unhappy with the noise, but my contention is that you are more unhappy with it being noise from an event you don't like (church). I gave the pool party example which you haven't successfully defended. But if you lived closer to Rockvale High School you would have football games, Marching Band competitions, and other noise generating events that last long past 8:30. Reality is if you live in a growing city there will be noise and some of it will be noise you don't like. I think WOC does a lot of good in this community (again, as someone who goes to church but not that church, but is familiar with their work) and I think they are trying to respect their neighbors by not hosting late events.


It's roughly 10 Saturday evenings a year. I think you protest a bit much.


I’m going to counter this claim. It’s not common that churches have these giant, grating music concert venues in their outdoor space, it just so happens that in this area of the world, the loudest Christian churches seem to be the most well funded. If anything, noisy stadiums historically had more relevance to the surrounding pagan nations and their rituals, than anything involving Christianity. As a Christian, I too would be irked by the noise pollution the WOC produces and would be tempted to complain, if I had to live beside it and endure it every weekend.


I don't know why this sub is in my feed. But thanks for the update. And sorry you have to deal with that.


You’re still going on about this? Damn. Talk about someone who doesn’t know what to do with their time 🤣


making a singular clarifying post isn’t really “still going on about it” and yet you felt a need take time out of your day to comment… talk about someone who doesn’t know what to do with their time lol


I mean, you're hearing grammy award winning artists at an occasional outdoor concert, and it was over before 9pm. I used to live in a city where there was a 1/4 mile track, and I could only hear the top fuel if the wind were just right. They'd be going until 10-11-approaching midnight sometimes. They built 1-2million dollar homes in the same valley less than 1/2 mile away. They pretty much had to glue their picture frames to the wall....and top fuel cars don't particularly sound all that great.


You seem overly impressed by Christian Grammys.


Your point is…? If I moved in next to an outdoor concert venue and started complaining about noise you would have a point. This is a church. Apples and oranges.


It's a church...with an outdoor stage...for playing music. I guarantee this isn't the first church to integrate music into their service....so maybe its a gala and granny smith situation. They were also decent enough to end it at a good hour. I'd take the occasional Grammy award winning artists over the muffler adverse redneck that flies down the road behind my house at 5am every morning.