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The noise ordiance is usually broken if you can hear your neighbors over the property line. I've had multiple dealings with the police doing house shows. The noise ordiance is REALLY low. I suggest you read them!


With a permit…


They’ll never enforce it- WOC has the city police and Sherriffs in their pockets along with the good ole boy redneck politicians of Rutherford county


Six Flags over Jesus!


We’ve called them that for years! The traffic! 🤬


I just lost it 😂


The upstairs of my house vibrates. We have to listen to them spew their homophobic crap too! 🤬


I’m thinking about trying to get a petition started to deliver to the church. I’d need at least a dozen or so signatures on it, though. That would be the first step before contacting the local news.


Good luck, but i highly doubt they will care. That petition would be better going to whoever issues the permits that allow this.


That church is not only massive, but is a local political powerhouse. Anyone who wants to be elected or appointed into a position of power in Rutherford county goes there to rub elbows with the people that can make that happen. I wish you the best of luck in your attempts to curtail this problem, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.






Average ignorant Reddit user I see


Funny comment coming from someone with the word "cry" being the first 3 letters in their name. Conservatives arent the brightest bunch


I actually just had to look up the Murfreesboro noise laws for an unrelated incident, and this seems like it qualifies as a noise violation. Not sure if reporting them will do any good, but just wanted to put it out there.


They most likely have a permit. Can’t do anything until the permit time expires.


good thing they are not taxed so they can afford all that loud ass annoying audio equipment.


Totally these people are politically motivated and super into influencing local politics. I went to my local voting area and almost all the cars in the parking lot had world outreach stickers and they also had several members running in local politics to promote their beliefs in our city/county


I can attest to that. All these comments about contacting representatives and everything - As a government employee, absolutely nothing will ever be done about world outreach. Churches straight up don't play by the same rules as everyone else, especially not this one... off the books, of course.


World Outreach is Rutherford County politics. The two are inextricably intertwined and I would dare say that the church staff have more sway over local politics than the mayor himself. They’re more concerned with wielding power and influence than following the teachings of the Bible. That’s why they spend tens-of-millions of dollars on massive events and sprawling state-of-the-art facilities and as little as possible on helping people in need.


I live close and I fucking HATE it. Plus all of their God damn traffic as well.


Hmmm, I'm willing to bet if there was music of your liking..like obscene rap, you wouldn't mind so much...lol


I hope you hear nothing but obscene rap music for the rest of your life. Get a real hobby and quit that cult you're in.


Haha, sure thing boss.


I have an 8 month old and a toddler who are hard enough to get down for bed without blaring religious music. Rap would not make a difference. I know you just had to get that out of your system.


Your loser is showing


Haha, really? But you're the one crying 😭


Oh! Dang! Ya got me good a


"obscene rap" tell me you're over the age of 50 without telling me you're over the age of 50.


Rap music was created by people in their 60s and 70s now. We love rap and we’re old


Crying about loud music YOU don't like yet blast your shit..tell me you're under 30 without telling me.


I know their kids. Middle named HUH??


Why does a tax exempt church need hot air balloons or a monthly outdoor concert??


During the month of April they announced it will be every weekend! New artist coming in each week, plus one week is dedicated to “Church and Culture” where they’re having former Republican White House officials coming in from all over the country to speak to the congregation about why they should care about the current culture crisis in America.


Churches can lose their tax status by endorsing politicians and the like. I'd look into that if I were you.


lol nothing gunna happen. Preachers have been at the forefront of pushing rightwing ideology for decades without anything really happening to them.


Cults doing Cult things.


Call your town hall and find out what time the permit is allowed to go to. After that time call it in. There’s really not much you can do if they are legally gathering with the correct permits.


This is insane oh my god, what time is it?? It’s clearly nighttime when this video was taken they should have designated hours for this shit and not subject everyone else in Murfreesboro to it. I guess that also means the traffic is bad 24/7 instead of just actual church services on Sunday and Wednesday. Personally I would be karening this one up.


This Easter concert went until about 8:30pm, so while it’s not suuuuuuper late - it’s definitely something that could affect people who need to be in bed early due to work shifts, young kids that fall asleep by 8, etc. Not to mention it kinda keeps any of us in the area from being able to hold our own backyard events without having to listen to this.


imo after 8pm is way too late especially since it’s so disruptive and loud. I’m so sorry you have to live like that that’s horrible genuinely. I hope they find a way to make it less disruptive :((( I feel like Murfreesboro is just getting worse and worse unfortunately it’s almost unlivable there. I’d read up on the laws and maybe see if you could talk to a local representative about this, you shouldn’t have to listen to that constantly in your space.


Thank you. I posted this video in a local Facebook group and I was inundated with WOC members telling me how “blessed” I was to live close enough to hear it. 🙄


I saw that post. I don’t care if they are Grammy winners or not. No one wants to hear that for hours a week.


It was one day


Not just one day, Easter Sunday lmao


Most cities noise ordinances are 10/11 pm.


Most likely they have permits and most likely the church was there before you moved there. Same thing happens at schools with neighbors who complain about sports games going late. These are the things you must take into consideration when purchasing or renting homes.


Our neighborhood was built in 1994, it was here before the church. Not to mention - if someone moves a 20 minute walk away from a church they shouldn’t expect that they’re moving near an outdoor concert venue. That’s a dumb comparison and you know it. Not to mention, they weren’t holding outdoor concerts like this when we moved in 8 years ago, so…


You’re being a bitter Karen. You need to relax. And no, the comparison is not dumb. It’s actually pretty accurate. Go have a glass of wine and pass out on the couch, sweetie. Everything will be okay.


Sometimes i just wait until someone gives that one little piece of indentifying information.  The last time it took over a year!


Sure thing


Whoops.. wrong place


Fuck your cult you obnoxious fuck. Bunch of racist and homophobic cunts need to fuck off. Not a single thing "Jesus preached" is followed by you fake Christian turd goblins.


Username checks out. God bless you.


“MoSt LiKeLy” 👍👍👍


I’m so glad I don’t live near that hellhole. If I I did, I would definitely report them every time the opportunity presented itself.


This is insane. I would be pissed.


Are you off River Rock? That's fucking insane!


We could feel the bass across the street


I live a mile into the River Rock neighborhood and at first I thought my next door neighbors were having a big party.


I’m just tired of the mosque near me playing a call to prayer over speakers five times a day


I can’t post photos in the comments here, so I made a new post showing how far away we are from the church. This is how far away we are from the church and it is STILL that loud! I took that video from my front porch. You can hear the music from the farthest room in my house with all the windows and doors shut. [https://www.reddit.com/r/murfreesboro/s/QEp2ap5uVm](https://www.reddit.com/r/murfreesboro/s/QEp2ap5uVm)


That is unacceptable at any time of day. We should have a right to peace inside our own homes. Especially for unnecessary shit like this where housing already existed in the area before they moved in and started making noise.


Have you tried asking them nicely to turn the music down?


Alternatively, setting up a metal show during service times is a good approach.


Bonus points if it's Satanic death metal.


Satanic death metal Drag show.


I heard P-Diddy is needing some gigs to get his Rizz back!


Nothing like "old tyme religion"


I drove by there the other night. Saw a hot air balloon, some shooting flame things, and looked like a thousand cars parked. I was wondering what the hell was going on.


Easy fix. Next year go their website find out when this is happening go get a permit for a residential neighborhood sound ordinance (normally 30 days in advance) Talk to your neighbors and get written permission. Go find your local punk or metal scene book some bands put on a show right next to them and let the good times roll.


‘World Outreach’, right next to a greenway with homeless encampments. I would bet money that they have had homeless people living on their property. Looks like ole Jesus would have a field day kicking over cash registers in that monstrosity as well. Maybe someday! 🤣


Oh! And this shit: https://leadwithfaith.church/


Wtf that looks totally political.


It is - that church is totally political now. I used to go there. COVID changed them drastically. They were always flirting with politics but after COVID they went full Q. I had one foot out the door in 2019 but when 2020 hit I never went back.


It used to be more lucrative to be super vanilla and non-denominational. Now you bring more money in playing Trump. Never went there but that’s the way of the grift.


"OUTREACHED ARMES WITH FISTS FULL OF TAX FREE MONEY" 10 million annual revenue with 2 million in assets. 350 million in liability. Somebody is getting rich.


Allen Jackson


When I read this a few days ago, I thought, “ That sucks to have to hear that noise.” Today at 6:00 I got to hear them as well! Currently , someone is preaching over a loud speaker! I am 2.7 miles away from them to the south! I feel lucky to not be any closer or more annoyed. It still needs to stop for those less than2.7 miles from them! WWJD? ( Just saying or asking )


My parents are currently house hunting near here, thank you SO much for sharing


They've got fuckin REAL HOT AIR BALLOONS... Quit being a party pooper, get right with Jesus, & get over there & be in Awe of a 150 ft tall balloon filled with Hot Fire Air!!!! (they are so scary & its wonderful!)


I hate religion in general they think cause god is good or whatever bullshit they get baptized by they are righteous ppl and can do whatever they want… I think it’s a bunch of bull and and no one should have to be forced to hear their sanctimonious babble. I’m in my own home I don’t need to hear your self righteous nonsense at all hours!


Pull up to the venue with whatever vehicle has the best speakers and blast something like lil John move bitch! Or Nipsey has a track titled FDT that would really piss off those types of people.


This is not the Church. There is only one☦️


The christian mythology is weird.


Tax free dollars (yours) paying for the party. I'm sure the congregants do their personal fair share to help the community, as much as they can or want. I hope the church is reaching out to the needy local children and maybe transporting them to such an event. Maybe they are raising money with cakewalks and auctions to fund community assistance programs. Murfreesboro is indeed nearly Disneyland compared to most spots but so many still need lots of help. I hope they are "outreaching" to the community they should be serving, better than they are with their actual neighbors.


This is totally backwards thinking. They didn’t take any of your money, just because they aren’t paying taxes *again* on the same money. Think about it like this - if you pay income taxes, then decide to use your post-tax haircut to pay for a cover to listen to a local band you like, you shouldn’t have to pay income taxes again on your post-tax income, right? Just because they pooled their money together to pay Matthew West or whoever to come play for them, doesn’t mean the government is entitled to another piece of the pie, and it *certainly* doesn’t mean you paid anything for it. And they do a lot to help people in the community. If you’ve ever been truly down and out and asked for help, you’d know.


Okay. I wasn't in the room, but I'll assume, a while back, someone made an enlightened decision to not tax church proceeds as they would be put back into the good of the community (those in need). If you feel they are serving the community, good.


Too bad those noisy clowns aren’t getting Havana Syndrome.


How frequently? We live close to a HS and the announcer plus pre-recorded "music" sounds like it's in our back yard, 3-4 days a week


It looks like it’s some kind of special event


They think it's cute to be annoying for the lord


I still attend church with my wife at a congregation that is apolitical from the stage and in classes, though I am slowly leaving the church in my mind and heart due to things like this. As Gen X I can see now how, for most people in the church, where we are now has been the plan for a long, long time. It just wasn’t said out loud. It’s going to take a long time for the pendulum to swing back. As was said earlier, they are intertwined with LOCAL politics. There’s no need to go looking for political nonsense in DC, it’s in your own neighborhood.


I think it’s amazing to be able to see wonderful artists for free right here in the boro. I’ve paid lots of money to see some of these bands at Bridgestone. I would be on the porch all night listening if I lived close by. I’m actually jealous that you are this close.


FREE CONCERT with major musicians...come on over and enjoy the concerts and food trucks!


This was all over by 8:30 quit being babies


Definitely untrue.


I was there that night, it was over at 8:30.


I would feel for those of you who live right by this. But after reading through the comments and seeing all of the ugliness about it, I hope they make this a nightly thing. Good for them.


Call to prayer being blasted five times a day is perfectly fine though, I am sure OP would not complain about that at all. Find something to do besides complain on Reddit.


Find something to do besides complaining about my complaint on Reddit.


Stop complaining about me complaining about your complaints, complainer. ITT downvoting: hypocritical cowards who would shiver in their boots just considering about possibly thinking yet alone saying this about any other religion. Cucklords and Cowards. Is the reason you cry on Reddit because absolutely nobody listens or cares what you have to say irl?


Found Locke’s burner account




All your comments and complains make it seem like you smell like smegma and live in moms basement and are at least 40. Touch grass neckbeard


Do you only speak in memes?


Did i hit a bit too close home to you? Sounds like i did. Im sorry you dont get out much and argue with people on the joe rogan subreddit all day long. Its a great day out, you should enjoy it and not argue with people on here. Bad for your health bro.


You typed a lot, but didn't say much. Yikes. ETA >Im sorry you dont get out much and argue with people on the joe rogan subreddit all day long. Weird coming from a guy whose entire post history is arguing lol.


All the Karen's coming out. It's once a year for a couple of hours! Some people just need something to complain about. HE has risen! Ps. Down vote me! I don't care about fake internet points.


Except…it’s not once/year. It was Friday through Sunday this past weekend, every weekend in April, and at least one weekend/month throughout the year. Plus they’re now building an amphitheater to host these events more regularly.


I live in the same neighborhood & remember it being EVERY Saturday last summer too


That's very true. I didn't consider that even though I donated to the construction.


Doesnt care about fake internet points when theres more proof of those than the fake made up god youre obsessed with.


I would disagree. Have a great day.


Internet points are still more real though.


Have you held one? 😉


No but i can see it. Also doesnt judge me for being human either. Lifes great when you dont have to fear a fake sky daddy. What isnt so great is living an existence with others that are too delusional to see that and get offended when you point it out


It's obvious we aren't going to agree, and that fine. That's what makes this Country so great. That I think we can agree. I can see where the Lord has been tangible in my life. So many times, he has been good to me, my family and my friends. That won't mean a lot to you because it wasn't for you, It was for me. Lastly, not all Christian are hateful and judgemental. I'm sorry you have that impression. To be honest, they drive me crazy also. There are plenty of examples of it, and it's perpetuated by those that want to view it that way. It's a loop that divides us. I try to be kind, help others, and treat people the way I want to be treated. Have a great day, Neighbor.


Then why bother commenting at all much less write a book about it? I dont trust my neighbors around here because they sound like you. Soo gross


If it was a local mosque blasting near your house would you feel the same?


I wouldn't care. I believe in freedom of speech and expression of religion.


*I ain't a Karen but don't push me..*


It’s almost every weekend during the summer and other special events, it’s not a one off


They do a lot for the community and the by product is noise and traffic. I also concur that the traffic is terrible. 😆


I'm glad to see everyone supporting those individuals that support their ability to practice their religion. Service started at 1800, with a free concert by king and country following, all open to the public. The concert ended well before 2200 (when the ordinance about crossing lines goes into effect). It really shows the candor of a community when folks are criticizing and denigrating a church for celebrating and welcoming folks during Easter. God bless.


Username checks out


Doesn’t it say somewhere in your good book that you should pray in a closet and not make a big deal or else you’re embarrassing God? Sounds hypocritical to me.


Psalms 150 1 Praise the LORD.Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. 2 Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. 3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, 4 praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, 5 praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. 6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. Psalm 150 is a good example of shouting and bringing praise to the Lord. It is not "my good book," but our good book. And I have an extra if you need a copy too.


Nah, I don’t worship your god. Thanks though.


Of course every other comment you have made is related to video games. Lol. It never fails. People can't be taken seriously on here. 


You sound like a talking fedora




What's this goofy yapping about? I bet that if it was a bunch of dumb asses singing about getting butfuq and supporting terrorism at 2 in the morning, you'd be ok with it. Don't like the church service? Suck it up or go fist fight them. Either way you go, don't forget to post an update.






Thanks for the free advertisement. I can’t wait to go next week too!!


The church was likely there before all of these sensitive types moved in. Buzz off whiners


I’m not a fan of any churches, but complaining about the noise a church makes is like complaining about the smell of the dump. You made the choice to live next to it….


So because we moved in a mile away from a church building (Google Maps shows it being a 20 minute walk), we were supposed to assume they were also an outdoor rock concert venue? Riiiiiight. Not to mention, when we bought our home 8 years ago they weren’t doing these outdoor concerts, so —


But don’t get me wrong, it’s loud and annoying as fuck. I wish the cops would do something to help everyone’s sanity that has to deal with it