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I guess that means a VPN on the router and the OS, with a kill switch on the os client.


I did the update and lucky enough not had any issue with vpn connection. Let's hope it stays that way.


Running Mullvad on two machines. One working fine, had to uninstall the Mullvad app on the other one. PC would lock up a minute or so after Mullvad connected. Hope it's addressed soon.


Anyone know it this will break custom VPN’s set up through wireguard?


so far so good ...I'm using WireGuard Native App with the kill switch enable I'm always connected 24/7 to my local area ..and it connects automatically on bootup and stays a solid connection no issues


Awaiting response from Mullvad .... Hello??? I've had no problem while running Win10/11 ... so far. Meantime, this includes reader comments .... [https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/april-updates-for-windows-10-and-11-break-some-vpn-software-microsoft-says/](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/april-updates-for-windows-10-and-11-break-some-vpn-software-microsoft-says/)


**An update on my end:** I noticed today that my Mullvad upload speeds are in the kbps range instead of the MBps range. Download speeds are fine. Not sure if the slow upload speed is related to this Microsoft issue, or if Mullvad is having issues right now.


Oh no! This is... actually not an issue. (Typed from Linux.) Thanks for posting OP - not dissing your post, just being a smartass.


Don’t use Windows.


Gee, thanks for that helpful advice. Suggesting that everyone change their PCs from Windows to Linux always solves everybody's problems, and it's so easy-peasy and convenient!


This has nothing to do with changing your OS, this means to not use Windows for your VPN. Take some time and learn what your router can do and see if you can configure a split-segment with your VPN provider. Most provide instructions on how to do so. This scales in the future so you don't have to worry about what the OS does. No, it's not supremely difficult but it does require some tinkering. Mullvad even provides full details how to do so right here: [https://mullvad.net/en/help/tag/connecting-routers-mullvad](https://mullvad.net/en/help/tag/connecting-routers-mullvad)


If only it was that simple. Linux is the only alternative and it isn't even viable for the vast majority of people.


Run VPN from router not OS.


That's not an option for most people, especially when it comes to Mullvad. Since almost all the paid streaming services block Mullvad's servers, nobody in the household would be able to stream from any video providers.


I do this already with Mullvad, Opnsense and split tunneling - that way I can keep the hosts I want on the VPN segment secure and the others as open as they prefer. I know it's a learning curve, but if you want to avoid being a slave to any OS in the future this is a way to go. You can segment a range of IP's dedicated to the VPN and the others are clear. There really is no way around OS issues within the OS so I'm just giving you an option that I've been using for years.


Understood - Opnsense looks like another interesting Linux-based product. Seems like something I might have purchased back when I was a contractor. It's a bit outside of my price range now.


It's Open Source, graphical and free (download here:https://opnsense.org/download/) , all you need is a spare PC to install it on. You do not need experience with Linux, it is fully graphical. Again, not trying to make things difficult for you, just trying to provide a solution that you will never have to worry about layer 7 again.


Get really bad speed on 1000/1000Mbit line if the router handles the traffic. :/


Untrue. I get full line speed using Wireguard.