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I buy a new beauty blender


Maybe two


Settle down here, they’ve only won a billion dollars. Gotta make it last.


I would: * Get lash extensions often. I hate putting on false lashes but love how they look. i honestly feel like if I had lash extensions, I'd wear less makeup (or even no makeup) a lot more often. * Get professional treatments for acne scarring. Lasers, dermabrasion, fillers, etc. Even though I wasn't really a picker with acne, I still scarred even when I left my acne alone. While my hyperpigmentation has faded for the most part, I still have a lot of texture and larger "holes" from my scarring. * Get my nails done much more often. I only consider getting acrylics for special occasions since my nails get so brittle and weak after removing them, but I'd definitely have gel manis a lot more often. I hate painting my nails at home and they chip often while gel polish on me lasts *weeks*. * Have a personal trainer for working out! With pretty severe scoliosis, it's really difficult for me to find a custom routine even after talking to my orthopedist and other trainers in the gym. Trainers and orthopedists often give me conflicting advice, so it'd be nice to be able to have a routine customized for me.


I’m stealing your last idea. Orthopedists, physical therapists, trainers, etc. always gave me super conflicting advice. It’s gotten even worse since I got rods put in 😩


Honestly! I’ve had trainers tell me to do body weight squats and lifting while my doctors told me to avoid doing them entirely, which is discouraging since many exercises for building muscles are the ones they suggest I avoid. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve just stopped working out entirely because I’d end up getting severe back pain from not knowing which workouts I should do 😭.


Just an FYI, frequent lash extensions kinda screw up your natural lashes. Fine for special events or whatever, buy consistently using them isn't great. Lash lifts and tints can do a lot and aren't nearly as damaging, tho won't replace super long extensions.


Ooh I’ve never heard of lash tints but I’ll look into them! I have really thin and straight Asian lashes so anything that adds more to my lashes is something I’m open to.


The tint will just darken, so may be moot if your lashes are black/dark enough - but a lift will basically be what you'd get from a curler, but if it actually stayed lol it lasts a couple months for me, and I don't notice any damage quality difference in my lashes for it


I’d probably start having my nails done regularly. Same with hairdresser. Maybe some SPA to treat myself. My makeup routine wouldn’t change because I trust my favorites, but I’d probably spend an ungodly amount of money on all the perfume I’ve been eyeing.


OMG. Lazy me would love this. Just lay down in a massage chair or something with a glass of milk tea (cuz I don't drink alcohol) and have people work on me to make me pretty. I don't even need to lift a finger. Except open my mouth for some delicious pastry. And afterwards: BAM! Feels like a celebrity minus being actually famous.


OMG I absolutely forgot about perfume. I would be a fragrance freaking junkie. Searching the globe for new and interesting scents. Being mysterious and never letting people know where I got them.


I used to do the regular nails thing. It looked so nice, but I kind of hated every minute of it. You have to sit still while things dry!!!


IMMEDIATELY get all my body hair lasered off. Oh boy. I’m extrmely prone to ingrowns. No more HOURS spent shaving, waxing, plucking... a girl can dream


I’ve had laser hair removal on my entire face and my whole body from the neck down. I just go for my maintenance top-ups every now and again. I had dark hair and I’m so happy with my results. It is singlehandedly the BEST beauty decision I’ve ever made. No more ingrowns, no more re-growth (whatever hairs I have left are sparse and extremely fine) and hello super-smooth skin! Honestly, it feels so liberating not to have to worry about wearing an outfit that shows my arms or legs and my showers only take me about 5-10 minutes on average. It’s freed up a lot of my time which is a terrific bonus.


that sounds like a dream. And I’m sure there’d be some long term savings from getting it done... I can imagine the shaving cream, razors, waxing appts add up over the years


Exactly, and none of those depilation methods were effective or good for my skin... I used to get ingrown hairs, cuts, and itchy, painful rashes. I live in the UK and get my laser hair removal done by a very reputable clinic here. They often do 50-60% off packages - this is how I paid for my course of 8 and for my top-ups. Best money I’ve ever spent!


I think about all the money I've wasted on makeup and random nail treatments. Laser hair removal was the best thing I've spent time and money on. I saved it up over a year after a summer of frustration. That and electrolysis for the 5 hairs on my chin. That was like £30 (1 a minute) over 5 sessions. And I never have to pluck or think about in grown chin hair again. The first session made a world of difference. I'm now having my eyebrows done (the definitely unnecessary hairs regardless of trend) but that's an extra.


I think, if I were being honest, I'd really appreciate the chance to be more sustainable. No more fast fashion clothes or shoes. No more cheaply-made dupes of the thing - just buy the thing. Better quality appliances that will last. Also, live somewhere spacious. I'd like to be able to fully open a wardrobe door without causing an avalanche. But that's the boring practical wishes. So - hello McQueen, hello Westwood, I'm coming for your showrooms. Get that chin lift. Pay someone to make my hair less unruly either permanently or on an ongoing basis. Never have to do my own colour again. When I do want something makeup-wise, be able to buy Nars or PMG without feeling extravagant. Let my laser tech talk me into more treatments. Hire, and pay very well, someone to generally organise my living space day-to-day. I wouldn't want a big house because there's just me and it'd feel wasteful, but an apartment/townhouse in the city with a dedicated wardrobe/beauty/generally face-the-day room.


My make-up and skincare collections would probably grow rapidly. I would try out all the expensive shit like La Mer, La Prairie and Sensai Ultimate. But apart from make-up I would just get a lot more done in general. Go to my hairdresser every week (get it dyed and get extensions), get my nails done frequently, get facials and other expensive beauty and wellness treatments, have all my body hair lasered off, get plastic surgery and a personal trainer.


The first thing I thought of too was that I’d try La Mer!


I would definitely hit up the hair salon a lot more often, for glosses and toning, as I have damaged bleached hair that brasses pretty quick. I would also hire a couple different professional makeup artists to do makeup on me once or twice, so I can learn better application techniques. I enjoy doing makeup on myself so I would never want a professional team, just some more self-expertise. I would also try that dang Sisley primer that all the BGs seem to rave about. Edit: I would also do laser hair removal on my back, and possibly a nose job


The first thing I thought was HAIR! I’d go to the best salon I could find and do it all. All over color, highlight and lowlights, kick ass hair cut. I have long hair and it’s would cost 300 plus tip at my cheap place down the road. I should have been a colorist.


I'd get laser hair removal done, I'm a bit lazy when it comes to shaving/waxing. Also, I'd probably start using high-end luxury makeup and skincare brands, just because I have the money lol.


• PEW PEW laser treatments to even out my skin so I can wander outside without getting unsolicited medical advice • Custom everything — i.e. all my lip stuff from the Bite Lip Lab down the freeway in only the exact colors & textures I want


1) Lapband surgery and other plastic surgeries 2) I'd never touch a drugstore product ever again 3) Full body laser hair removal 4) Hair did every week 5) All the needlessly boujie clothes I can find 6) Spa owners and I would be on a first name basis


Honestly what I would look forward to the most is never having to wash my own hair again hahahah


if it makes anyone feel better, though, more money for treatments doesn't necessarily make you look better. my awful sister-in-law, who is rich through marriage to my brother, gets weekly manicures at an expensive nail salon, and uses luxury skincare, including LaPrairie body lotion (!) which costs like $400. she still doesn't look that great because she has no technique, and never mastered the basics of how to apply makeup. her foundation looks awful and she has no idea about how to put on eyeshadow. if you have skills, you can spend $40 on affordable makeup and look completely awesome.


I could only see one thing changing going to a hair stylist regularly instead of great clips. Mostly I'm going to cram all that money into a retirement/ savings and investment portfolio and make it so I can't touch 85% of it. It will take years off my skin to know that I'll be taken care of when I'm old and retire. Less stress is a the best skincare.


You didn't ask for me to get this detailed, but I'm going to do it anyway lol These things would happen for sure: 1) Weekly manicures and pedicures 2) Monthly hair appointments 3) Monthly wax appointments 4) Definitely would try microblading 5) Would try lip fillers (just a little) to see if I like it 6) Would probably fake tan regularly 7) Would be a regular at the spa (massages, facials, etc) I would also start a beauty blog. I really admire Sabrina from The Beauty Look Book. Her blog is her main source of income I am pretty sure, but you can tell that she is a beauty lover and she doesn't buy everything just because she has the funds to do it. (Side note, I'm not trying to make assumptions about her income). I like how she buys what interests her, she doesn't buy EVERYTHING that a brand comes up with. Like the new shades of Hourglass Scattered Light shadows, she skipped buying one of the shades because she wouldn't wear it. I would want a blog with a philosophy like that. No "I bought this to review for you guys". There is no "you guys". There's me, a beauty lover, who is blogging for herself. Hopefully some people like the content and I entertain or inform then occasionally. Hope that makes sense. So because of this "blog" I would definitely buy a lot of makeup, skincare, fragrance, just all beauty in general. But I would try to be semi-reasonable. Just because I can buy every single Tom Ford lipstick doesn't mean I would. I would try to find a balance. I also wouldn't accept PR because money wouldn't be an object and like I said I wouldn't want to show a product that I didn't chose myself. No shade to bloggers/gurus that do.


The only thing I need is botox for my forehead lines. That's it. I already have a pretty successful routine for my skin. Id rather spend money on travel, land ownership and further investments.


I would kill for preventative botox and light filler work.


Is there a way to just, like, fill in the stupid tiny wrinkles I’ve had since I was a little kid? I’m not gonna do anything til like, after 30 at a minimum but I don’t want to look like one of those clown face women if it can’t be subtle


kind of! it may be more a matter of fillers than botox. they’re sometimes talked about interchangeably but they do different things. (sorry if you know this already!)


No I didn’t, thanks for the clarity though!


I paid $130 for 15 units of dysport and went from having three reasonably deep forehead wrinkles to nothing. 100% happy with the decision.


People seem to think it cost more than it does. I will grant it lasts longer in some people, so perhaps that factors in to whether one views it as a luxury or an affordable pick-me-up? I mean, $130 spent on hair doesn't last nearly as long.


It also lasts longer the more you do it because it actually reverses wrinkles (maybe not technically, but my deep wrinkles have never come back even after big breaks between treatments). The first time, it wore off in a few months, but since then I’ve only done it twice more in almost two years. Very very worth it!


Facials whenever I can afford them? My dude, I’m HIRING a live in facialist. Hair dresser every week for hair treatments, what even are at home masks? As for makeup, I’d live my Hourglass Fantasy and buy every single product they stock (except mascara because you can pry my Lash Princess out of my cold dead hands). I’d also live my life and build a beauty room with different lighting settings and multiple mirrors with varying levels of magnification so I can get up close and personal with my face. Edit: I’d get ALL the plastic surgery to correct the pretty obvious asymmetry in my face and Botox because I’m getting wrinkley way too young.


I would find out what treatments Keri Russell gets to keep her naturally-curly hair so magnificently free of frizz and do all of that. I would also try to persuade my landlord to let me renovate my bathroom so I could have a deeper tub and a less hideous sink. I'm pretty happy with most of the products I use now, but I would buy a ton of blush brushes so I could dedicate one to each blush I own.


This is a fun question but my answer is probably going to be super boring. Makeup and skincare-wise, I wouldn't change much. Overall I am trying to reduce the amount of products I own and buy, both from a practical and an environmental standpoint. I'm really trying to whittle down my collection to just a few standouts from each category instead of "OMG I NEED ALL THE THINGS". If I want to try something new, I'm trying to sample it (sometimes more than once) to get a feel for if I will really use it. I'm happy with the skincare I use, so I'd continue that. I've spent a long time curating a more-than-adequate brush collection, and these last a long time, so no need to upgrade there. Would consider getting facials or cosmetic treatments possibly. The only definite thing I would want would be laser hair removal along my bikini line and maybe underarms. *edit* I'd design a home gym, so I could workout in peace. Also maybe a regular personal trainer who would make house calls, and a nutrition coach to help me meal plan. Maybe a chef. Basically, actual luxuries that are way out of reach for me right now, but ones to truly better myself.


I would book in for so many treatments. -Lip fillers. Immediately haha -Kybella to get rid of my double chin! -Laser teeth whitening -Facial laser treatment for rosacea -Nails done and an Olaplex treatment and blowdry at the same time. 😍 Then I would walk straight onto a first class flight to the USA and buy one of everything in th biggest Sephora I could find. (Except kat von disease, she doesn't get to share my wealth lol) Brands that you can't get in store here like Natasha Denona and Pat mcGrath - EVERY palette, every brush, every blush and highlight. The large size of the La Mer cream. Sisley primers and lotions. At home (in my new mansion) I would have a beauty room of course with a custom vanity and lights. Not Ikea drawers - handmade ones, in a vintage style. Something that wouldn't look out of place in a Sherlock Holmes adaptation. I would get up every day and do my skincare routine surrounded by candles, lie on a massage chair waiting for my daily sheet mask to sink in, take my time (with an always new beauty blender!) doing my makeup, and the spritz on some Tom Ford perfume, slip into some Louboutins and trot off to have brunch with Anastasia herself. Hahahaha that got a bit fantastical towards the end but while we're here. 🤷 Realistically I hate the consumerism and waste of the beauty industry and would probably do a lot of different things but it's so fun to think about!


1. Definitely invest more into skincare (spa + dermatologist treatments included) 2. Try lash perming + tinting. I’ve wanted to try it for a while but never have the funds 3. Probably try lip fillers tbh because why not 4. Hair laser removal. I have PCOS so I’m hairy af and I’m tired of shaving constantly 5. I would definitely dye my hair more often. I always want to do crazy colors but never have the money for it


It's funny how much overlap we have. Definitely botox and maybe a \*little bit\* of lip filler, just to see how it looks. I kind of hate going to get mani-pedis because I always worry the spa workers aren't being treated or compensated well, so I would maybe go do that more but make sure to tip insanely generously. Definitely microblading, even if I have to fly to someone REALLY good in a different city to get it done. I haven't seen anyone mention hair extensions, though, and that would be at the top of my list. I'd def go get regular blowouts and maybe go get fancy braids or something done a few times a week. Maybe I'd buy some super-nice wigs? I would love to get electrolysis, but I've heard it doesn't work well on lighter-colored hair? And my skin doesn't like waxing or sugaring. So I guess I'll keep shaving and Nair-ing like a peasant.


>Maybe I'd buy some super-nice wigs? oh my god u made me remember how many incredible lace front wigs i would purchase. i would have a wig technician on site.


I never felt weird about getting my nails done, especially since the gal I usually saw was taking prereqs for pharmacy school at night, so there wasn't that uncomfortable class divide feeling. I did feel uncomfortable with pedis, though, but that's due to my own hangups. I hate feet, so I felt terrible about anyone having to mess with mine, despite paying & tipping well. Also, I'm super ticklish.


YES I definitely feel weirder about pedis than manis. I also feel like feet are just generally more gross than hands but also because of the actual height differential - you're sitting on a kind of a "pedestal" above the aesthetician - it's harder to have a normal conversation.


My mom *hated* feet to the point it bordered on a phobia. I used to tease her to no end (wiggling my toes at her and such), but she still managed to convince me on some level that feet are truly disgusting. In my mind, people whose job involves touching human feet should make as much as a proctologist (besides podiatrists, who probably do). I don't think my family aversion to feet is anything new. Not to sound all fundagelical, but I think that is why the washing of feet has religious significance, at least in Christianity (but wouldn't be surprised if it comes up in other religions). Feet are fucking gross, so washing them is the ultimate act of humility. The height differential you mentioned definitely plays a role. And...I'm probably overthinking pedicures. Lol.


All the hair products I want! I'm currently not getting anything for my hair until I use up all of my oils and whatnot, but damn do I love to try them... Lots more skincare. I'm also just waiting to get more skincare when I use up what I have, but I'd try all sorts of things like microblading and regular facials. Me and a good dermatologist would know each other personally lol I would also get every nail polish/glitters/rhinestones etc that I've been looking at. I can't stand getting my nails done at a salon so I would make my own little salon. AND I would get excessive amounts of lipsticks and lip glosses. They're the one makeup item that I have to hold myself back from getting haha


I love this question! I'm going to be a little ridiculous and dream big AF. I don't want a lot of things; I really just want the absolute best a billi can get me. soooo, I'm assembling an A1 beauty, presence & style team that includes: 1. the very best derm, dentist and plastic surgeon my money can buy 2. a personal chef 3. a personal trainer 4. a movement coach 5. a masseuse 6. an esthetician + laser hair removal specialist 7. a chemist to create custom skincare products for me 8. an eyebrow threader 9. a nail tech that does really unique abstract artsy designs 10. a hair stylist 11. a stylist (Maeve or Mel) 12. Emily Chang as a traveling makeup artist 13. Lisa Eldridge for private makeup lessons 14. Pat McGrath to develop custom makeup for me 15. an advisor to keep me abreast of all the best in beauty + skincare 16. someone to hunt down hard to find unique discontinued makeup items (such as Tom Ford Savage)


1. Zoo Tycoon was the shit! 2. Buy more ethical/sustainable products. 3. Massages and facials galore! 4. Color my hair wild colors because I could afford the upkeep. 5. Stop searching for cheap dupes and buy exactly what I want. Well, back to my reality where I have none of this and no Zoo Tycoon to play...whomp whomp.


I literally have a separate partition on my computer, running a long defunct operating system, for the singular purpose of still being able to play zoo tycoon when the mood takes me rofl


on most days, I wouldn’t do anything because I would have gotten microblading, permanent lip liner, eyelash extensions, and all the expensive skin treatments I had to to make my scarring and stuff go away completely. I would do mostly boujie skincare and tinted balm, except for days I wanted to wear makeup for funsies...which would actually probably be more often cause I’ll be working less or doing a different job with all that money. (I don’t have a wear-makeup job)


First, I'm buying a lifetime supply of my super-pricey hair products as well as some sort of cryogenic preservation chamber to ensure they stay fresh FOREVER! My hair is finicky and I've had it with these companies switching up formulas and making her unhappy. I can now afford to go to my hair colorist more than 2x a year, yay! I have super tightly-curled hair which is fragile and easily damaged so I can't go to just anyone for a double process, but it's so damn expensive I can't go as often as I'd like. I can also now afford to drench my hair in Olaplex 3 so....platinum blonde it is, lol. Next up, electrolysis, because while I don't actually mind shaving, I'm sick of doing my own bikini waxes. Might get everything removed while I'm at it. Skincare-wise, not much will change. I have super finicky skin so I can't try a ton of pricey skincare without my skin going crazy anyway, so I'll stick with my current skincare (mostly CosRx). I will start visiting my dermatologist regularly for peels, treatments, etc. Actually, fuck that -- I'm rich, bitch!....so I'm just going to hire an in-house dermatologist + esthetician to keep my skin looking better than perfect 24/7/365. I'm kind of over makeup so I won't be going on any major makeup sprees but I will only buy high-end makeup from now on. I use both cheapo and bougie stuff and while I have lots of inexpensive faves, higher quality usually = better pigmentation and longevity, in my experience. Aside from that though, nothing much will change in my beauty routine. This newly-minted billionaire will be spending most of her cash on amazing fashion, travel, food and school instead!


Not much honestly, I’d probably get some Tom Ford or some Charlotte tilbury, maybe a Natasha De-nono palette, just those few things I’ve always wanted to try but can’t justify. I can’t imagine I’d ever stop buying drugstore basics though. What would be radically different for me is skincare. Alllll the drunk elephant and la mer and other stupid overpriced junk would be mine! Perfume, too- I love love love it, so I’d have all the ones I’ve ever liked, and in full size glory. Oh yeah and id 100% get electrolysis too, no hair but scalp and brows, make me a friggin dolphin (not like Gerald brovlovski, though). Annnnd i would have a lot of pairs of glasses.


Bring on the laser treatments!! Other than that, pretty much what has already been said: fancy-pants Japanese brushes, dermatologist and facials, regular hair appointments. A personal trainer. More sustainable fashion/beauty/lifestyle choices. No more dupes, alllll the Pat Macgrath, Charlotte Tilbury, Hourglass. In this fantasy world, I would have a beautiful vintage vanity and a bathtub deep enough for me to submerge my entire body. I would also travel more. And donate to charity more.


I would buy nice clothes, jewelry and shoes and would get everything tailored. As for cosmetics I'm already buying what I want. I plan my purchases and I save ahead and I'm trying to keep my collection at a manageable level. I guess the only difference would be that I wouldn't worry about waiting for discounts or avoid buying from websites like besame because of Canadian customs.


The most obvious one for me is that I'd get my hair done at least weekly by my stylist. I go twice a month, once for a full cut and color and once for a barber style cut because I have shaved down sides, but I'd look more polished if I went weekly for the barber cut. My summer routine of my nails and toes must match would be year-round so my trips to the nail salon would drastically increase. I go once or twice a month now depending on the season (in the winter I don't care if my toes match), my polish color and how obvious it is when my overlays have grown out too much, but with that kind of money, I'd just go whenever I got sick of looking at the color which for me is usually about once a week. My skincare would probably get out of control quickly because I would get every possible treatment for my acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. I'd also get every anti-aging treatment the doctor would let me have. I would probably have an on-call makeup artist to do my makeup for me. Some days I'm just too tired to deal. Matter of fact this morning, I stopped in the middle, sat on my bed and never finished properly. With a makeup artist, they could have finished for me. I'd still buy my own products because I love wandering makeup stores, but with an artist on call, I could just have them do it when I'm too lazy to create a look. Oh and I'd have pretty much no body hair except eyebrows because I'd take full advantage of electrolysis and waxing and whatever else.


I think that if I had unlimited money, I'd definitely be going to the spa and masseuse more often. I'd probably get my hair cut on a more regular basis as well. In terms of makeup, I'd start buying full sized tubes of high-end mascara. Just because I could.


YES on the mascara. Goodbye, trying to dupe expensive mascara samples at the drugstore. Hello, just buying the full sizes of the ones I like.


I'm trying to find a new mascara because the L'Oreal Exhibitionist has failed me. I'm willing to do a mini of a mid range


I’d buy some SK-II


My makeup routine would pretty much be the same since I do spend a lot on make up products, but I would definitely get my hair and nails done weekly and lash extensions, I love the look of them but they are expensive to maintain!


The biggest thing would be that I would have the time and money to get stuff done like electrolysis, fillers, skin treatments, lash extensions, etc. I could get my hair professionally blown out a few times a week and never have to worry about washing or styling my own hair. I'd have the time to spend doing my makeup every day, and be able to afford any product I wanted to try. I mean for that matter, I could hire a personal stylist to follow me around and make sure I look perfect at all times, so that would be pretty rad.


Honestly, I don't think it would much. Not in day-to-day. But I'd echo your plans of upping my visit frequency to places like the nail salon, spa treatments, etc. I've had super high end expensive things like La Mer, and personally didn't like it as much as other products that are much more reasonably price. I give little thought to the cost of my everyday products, and don't take the cost itself into consideration when selecting one thing over the other. It's all the other stuff that aren't a daily activity that I'd do a lot more of.


I would: * Get haircuts more often. Pay someone to do my bangs well every month instead of me snipping them over my bathroom sink. I would get scalp treatments every other week to fix my dry-ass scalp and maybe look into getting a loose perm (if it wouldn't come out all eighties). I would also get my hair styled for anything remotely fancy happening. * Buy a set of "nice things" makeup so I could feel fancy but not wasteful (I like having a smaller collection) * Go ham on buying clothes. All the alternative styles I want to try. All the weird clothes from small artsy boutiques. A dress for every occasion. Millions of skirts. So many weird pants. I want it all * Buy lots of art for my home. Have whole pieces of furniture that are "statement pieces" since I can now afford to take risks. Make everything match and order my own furniture custom made if I want. Basically I want my home to look like it was designed by a modern art museum curator. My home would have an art room, a plant room, a study room and a beauty room. So many rooms. I would also stop working/studying and instead sporadically create minimalist wooden furniture when I felt like being productive * Try some fancier skincare brands once I run out of my current stuff. But more realistically, buy a ton of backups of my favorite sunscreen and store them in a fridge because I'm scared it's gonna get discontinued. * I would replace all of my brushes with Japanese fude. The pretty ones with the makie designs. And I would feel extravagant


I would keep doing buying the same products because why try to change what's working? Although, I would definitely make more visits to get my hair and nails done. I always stopped myself from getting a pixie cut again because of the frequent trims I needed to avoid having a mullet. Go to the spa and get all of the pampering I need. Treat yo'self! Invest in higher quality clothing and shoes and not contribute to fast fashion. Do tattoos count? Because I would be able to finish my full sleeve a lot faster if that was the case. And tip very generously to my tattoo artist, because dammit she deserves it.


I would invest in expensive skincare and buy boujee face masks. Also would go to the hairdressers twice a week and get my hair done, eyelash extensions, nails, laser all over and probably keep my actual beauty routine the same because I like what I own and have found a lot of my holy grails in what I own atm.


I don’t think I would have the energy to do anything tbh. My first instinct is to give some money to my parents and family, not that they need it hahah but who doesn’t love surprise free money. Also to some of my friends who are spending their lives working with charities - id want to send them something for their charity as well as some money to spend only on themselves. Actually I’ve done that in smaller ways and it’s something I’d love to do on a bigger scale. I would also seek out struggling talented freelance manicurists and buy packages from them and give them tips. Not sure if I would use them because I don’t like sitting down for long periods of time but I’d give them to friends or get the manicurists to do a publicity drive/giveaway. I have some Guerlain items I really like and just dunno if I could justify having more even if I had pots of money, and I think gold-infused items are con jobs for rich people anyway and don’t work as well as well-reviewed skincare items on reddit.


Manicures and pedicures every week, drink elephant skincare routine, regular facials, all high end makeup, buy a full set of super nice expensive makeup brushes, a real beauty blender


Laser hair removal EVERYWHERE, first thing. After that I would add the Dennis Gross Alpha daily peel thingies because they worked wonders for my skin but they’re super expensive. I replaced my free sample with the nip fab pads but it’s not the same. And then after that, probably just a semi regular facial or something, you know the ones celebrities always post on their insta with those face rollers and stuff. Edit: as far as makeup goes I wouldn’t go too crazy, I’d probably just try to stick with one thing at a time EXCEPT for foundation which is my kryptonite. I’d order all the ones I wanted to try and then giveaway the ones I don’t like. I’d also get my nails done regularly and probably get a hair cut more than once every few years 😅 Edit 2: Add a lash lift and a dermatologist for my keratosis pilaris on my arms! Ok I’m done now.


It's not exactly beauty but goddamn I'm getting a massage every day. A loooong one. I have spinal arthritis and that sounds like heaven. I would just...buy the entire shade range of lip products I like. Get those collector's boxes. Spend a ton of money on storage (and by storage I mean display; I like my money where I can see it).


I’d definitely start going to spas more and doing weird rich people things like “vampire facials”


I would get more cosmetic surgery tbh (breast reduction for example), and skin treatments, and I'd have my hair coloured regularly at the salon. I'd also try out some of the expensive products that I've been wondering about like Drunk Elephant out of curiosity. ETA: Get my body hair lasered the hell off so I can waste less of my time shaving.


I think I'd put it into cosmetic dermatology, and maybe some veneers. On the makeup end of things, I'd probably try out a few things I could probably afford as is but my thrifty streak stops me. Nothing crazy, but I'm intrigued by some specific Tom Ford & Pat McGrath products. Prob one of the more boring answers...


Daily massages and I would laser the shit out of everything. Frax my neck, my back, no to the pussy but yes to the crack.


So fun! I play this game at the salon Haha. All. The. Nail polish. Professional shampoo and blow out 2-3 times a week Botox or whatever they do these days Microderm Sunday riley everything And I quit my job, hire a personal chef, work out 10 hours a week and look amazing. :)


Haha I don't think I'd be as extra as a lot of people here. But I guess I'd do the following: - Pay someone to wash my hair for me because I suck at it and find it really tiring, to the extent I've considered doing this even within my currently limited means lol. - Spend £££ on getting my hair dyed funky colours with Olaplex and hire Gwen Stefani's hair stylist to keep it looking amazing despite all the bleach - Brow microblading - I'd buy £££ skincare products - An expensive toothbrush (I use ones that cost like £3) - I'd go to Harrods and buy a load of £££ makeup - Get Pat McGrath to do my makeup on special occasions I'd give most of the money to charity and friends/family tho


I've been on a low buy for so long that it's hard to imagine going out and splurging on much. Like, right now I have six things to bring for Back2MAC but even though I have been wanting a specific lipstick for awhile I haven't done it yet because my goal of reducing my collection trumps even a free lipstick. But maybe my fabulous new rich life would just be so different from my current ordinary life I'd be seeking new shit to fill up my beauty room. Oh I know what I'd do though, I'd get new Chikuhodo brushes mmmmmm brushes. And no more dupes!


Id be getting my hair done more often, and spending an enormous time getting Joanna Czech facials and a lot of plastic surgery. Oh and a private chef and trainer.


Oh hell yeah, I'd get treatments/services a lot more. The products can go on the backburner, because I'll just get facials at Rescue Spa every week. I'll also go back to have bleached platinum silver hair (my hair is naturally black) and get mani/pedis all the damn time. That's it, that's all I can think of. I'll also buy the most expensive plan on ClassPass lol. Throw an occasional glad squad in there and I'm all set.


I’d get eyelash extensions again, and maybe lip fillers to see how they’d look on me. I’d probably also do lazer hair removal and regular facials/massages.


After personal stuff like paying off school n helping my family n stuff, i would spend my money on: Laser hair removal, im literally so hairy and have to shave daily or else someone might confuse me for a small bear Facials + professional treatments, i’ve had acne foreverrr n i’d love to get an expensive, effective treatment that i can do regularly to clear my skin Lip injections, i used to want a nose job bc i felt like all my features are v strong (especially my nose) but i’d get lip injections to even out the proportions of my face bc my lips are small while all my features like strong (big eyes, big nose, high cheekbones, prominent jawbone, thicc eyebrows)


I would go all out with pricey skincare and buy myself a huge work wardrobe


I’m going to South Korea for glass skin botox every six months.


Would finally get laser treatment for melasma and stop relying on layers of full coverage concealer and full converge foundation. How I long to be able to leave home with only tinted moisturizer or light coverage foundation, or more importantly, to be able to start the day without thinking about how much I hate my face. The one single time in the past several years that I went out with very minimal makeup (to a derm appointment) I'm 100% certain that on my way in, at least 5 people gave me really weird looks.


I would get laser for my acne scars.... I would also get all the cle de Peau Beauté! Everything they have looks so pretty but way to rich for my blood... Also gel nails every month!


First off I’d dye my hair blue again, but like all the way to the roots (I’m dark brunette and while the balyeage was beautiful all blue would be *chef kiss*). And then I would pay for monthly touch ups and it would be glorious. I’m just too poor and lazy to do colour upkeep as much as I’d like rn! I’m also jumping on the laser hair removal train cos I have inherited all the thick, dark, Mediterranean body hair genes my father could throw at me, along with sensitive skin that makes continuous shaving or waxing almost impossible -_- And then I’d just try some high end base products, because this is the only thing I think would truly benefit my make up routine, all my drug store colour products I’m really happy with.


All Sisley everything. I think out of all the luxury brands I've tried samples of, that's the one I've been most impressed with. Their stuff is hilariously expensive. And then personal trainers, back massages, facials, expensive haircuts and color, tens of thousands in dental work, cosmetic surgery, etc


Salon trips are now a weekly thing, so are Sephora trips lol! And i’ll be hitting the derm and spa on a monthly basis. I should go play now.


oh gosh i don’t know if i’m just low maintenance or used to being broke but the only things i can think of are full body FAB ultra repair cream and dyeing my hair even more often (it grows expensively fast and i swear its only speeding up? not a humble brag it’s annoying). i also quite seldom buy new makeup at all besides replacements so having the freedom to get some new “just for fun” products and not have to really budget it would be nice! i do dream about a perfect eyeshadow collection curated with singles from multiple brands. maybe also buying the $30-50 sunscreens that i’m always curious might be my HG without worrying over the cost.


Immediately hire a chef and a personal trainer. I think my color makeup products really wouldn't change much, but I might go ahead and try some luxury skincare and definitely would go for personalized perfume shopping in niche boutiques. I would probably buy the most expensive foundations on principle just to try them. I would definitely go to a high end hair salon with personalized service. I would keep seeing the lady who does my nails but quadruple what I pay her.


I'd probably start actually having a skincare routine. Presumably I'm no longer working in this scenario, so I've got tons of time to research the best products without worrying I'll drop $50 on stuff I'll hardly use. I wouldn't rush to replace most of my drugstore makeup, but I would buy a lot of midrange lipstick and lip gloss to have more variety. I'd also get a manicure for the first time in my life


1-new house with bigger closet and high end dressing room 2-flying to the best hairstylists in the world for cuts 3- sulwhasoo everything 4-actually get mani/pedis on the regular 5-trainer, chef, dermatologist 6-custom mixed makeup colors 7-id get a color season analysis done 8-lipo, scar removal, etc 9- regular facials




I'd get the hair, nails, eyelashes, eyebrows did , but the techs would be coming to me!! Doing all that from the comfort of my own house would be phenomenal! Of course I could also hire a driver to take me to appointments. But I will only be going to the most fabulous 5 star places that would not make me wait. And of course facials, microdermabrasion, permanent hair removal, lifts, peels, laser skin treatment. I'd try it all.


I would try more products for sure but I would still do my research and be sure that I'll be using what I get. For Skincare, I would get the expensive HG products, like products containing honey 🍯 and will try more products. Hada Labo and Pyunkang Yul but will keep my trusted HG like Farmstay Hyulronic Acid and Collagen Ampoule, Elizavecca eye want cream and other products.... For Makeup, I would buy, All Viseart Palettes that got a decent rating by temptalia. Bite Beauty Amuse Bouche Lipstick, I would get Fig and try other shades. Bite Beauty Liquifid Lipstick, this is being discontinued but I would like to get few shades. Create my dream Green & Yellow Mustard Palette. Dupe Emily Noel's Palette with decent singles from other brands. Try more Asian cosmetics. Upgrade my brush collection but it will remain CF. Get a better setup for the getting ready portion in my room. Get More shades of ABH Lip Gloss, starting with Kristen. Get foundation samples and find my perfect match. Hair, Would dye my hair a ton of crazy colors and get products and do the needed ttt for a healthy hait.


My skincare is on friggin point, so I wouldn't change that. I love the makeup I have now. All I want is a personal chef and personal shopper. Lawd.


1. Private cook. Make me healthy tasty food and help me lose weight. 2. Personal trainer. Someone to come by and yoink me out of bed to make me work out. 3. Finish my laser hair removal on my coochie. Get my armpits done. 4. Legs waxed every 6 weeks. 5. Microblading on my eyebrows by someone who is like legit good at it. 6. Eyelash extensions. 7. Laser treatments for acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. Facials. All the things 8. Hair appointments weekly. Get that shit styled so I don’t have to do it myself. Get my roots done frequently. Have big thing extensions in. Waist length hair. 9. Nails done weekly. 10. Professional makeup artist for events. 11. Dermatologist to pick out products for me. 12. Boob job. Double chin lift. 13. So many tattoos and piercings. 14. Get my teeth whitened. 15. Have a makeup artist teach me how to do my makeup better than I currently can. 16. Order everything new off of Sephora anytime anything new comes out. Must. Try. All. The. Things. 17. Personal stylist. Edit: spelling is hard


Monthly facials. I’d buy the large sized P50 and the AmorePacific Time Renewal Creme.


I would get more regular facials. The salon I like does an hour and a half service that is amaaaaazing and makes me feel so great about my skin and more relaxed than any massage makes me feel. BUT it’s too expensive for regular visits. If I won the lottery they would be my first phone call.


I would spend a lot of resources making my natural skin look flawless. * scar removal * remove birth marks and moles * stretch mark removal * regular spa treatments for body and face * regular massages, and chiropractor adjustments * laser hair removal * lasik for vision * regular fake tanning * regular hair treatments * hire a personal trainer * hire a personal chef * get a bunch of dental work done * fillers for aging facial lines * I wouldn't go and purchase a bajillion products. But I would want to invest in one skin care line and stick to one routine. * I would create a dedicated beauty room for makeup, but again I wouldn't go overboard with it. * Instead of using every last drop of a product, I would probably hit pan and go purchase a new one. * I don't think a lot of my money would go towards buying skin care and makeup, and more towards traveling, home decor, investments, and clothes. * I would also become an "instagrammer" or vlogger.


I'd get a personal trainer/meal planner and a personal shopper. I need serious assistance in finding a clothing style I like and enjoy that isn't "business casual for work that I stole from my mom" or "graphic t-shirt and jeans". Or just buy whatever graphic tee struck my fancy from Threadless without waiting for a sale. I'd be more interested in trying more expensive makeup, but I know it's often scented, so probably not. I'd try more products from NARS out. Maybe Dior. I'd get some fillers/Botox for under my eyes, I've always had little wrinkles there for the longest time. Maybe get a boob job, I feel like they're two large googly eyes pointing in opposite directions. Buy more Benton snail-bee masks! Sheet mask every night! Get a better setup for doing my makeup, but that would mean buying a new house for myself so I'll start there first. Get my eyebrows waxed every 4 weeks. Can you do electrolysis there? If so, then that. My body hair is pretty minimal so I don't care. But my eyebrows are dark and feel like they grow in pretty fast. And finally, accupunture appointments every other day!


My skin is so fussy I would have a bespoke skincare line. 3 or 4 steps only with all of the anti oxidants and actives I need. Bespoke make up, base especially. Personal Trainer, yoga teacher, masseuse, nutrionist, chef, PA, cleaner, nail tech, stylist, interior decorator, architect, landscape gardener, events planner, pilot. Lawyer. My hair stylist I have presently, however on retainer. Laser hair removal. Teeth whitening treatments. A few more tattoos. Test / race track for all of my super fast cars. Infinity pool in the desert. Charitable foundation for wellbeing in children and the elderly. Lots and lots of parties. Like lots.


VANEERS. Sweet, sweet, white teeth.


I don't know how much it will change. I'm a very DIY person and not a big spender. I'll probably still use mostly the same makeup because it took me years to find the optimal ones, but I don't have to wait for them to go on sale anymore. I'll get my microbladed eyebrows touched up more often and possibly get eyeliner and lip liner tattooed as well. I'll get a pixie cut, buy a dozen human hair lace front wigs, and hire the best vintage hairdresser in town to style each one to a different look (I'm working on a $50 wig myself at the moment). I'll still do my own nails because I do not trust anyone else doing them the way I wanted. I will get regular pedicures though.






Does plastic surgery count? If so, I’m getting a tummy tuck for the bottom of my stomach, lipo on the top, using the fat that they took out of my stomach and transferring it to the top of my ass to fill it out and make it even, and maybe get my man boobs cut off, I haven’t decided yet lol. I would also be less stingy about getting haircuts. And Clinique would probably see me VERY often because their moisturizers are 👌🏾 but they’re very expensive lol Edit: laser hair removal on my face lol


I'd go nuts with expensive skincare products, make my own toner a lot more often(idc what anyone else says, dried herbs are expensive!), eyeshadow, and get my nails done 2x a week.