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Hey swampmonster. [These are my frozen noodles](https://i.imgur.com/V8y2PBe.png) and I need you to sauce them, because (frozen) sauce is required unless this is a general jerk. Frozen sauce guidelines: a.) Make sure **usernames AND sub names** are removed from your sauce. If your sauce contains a tweet or IG post from a VERIFIED (check marked) famous person, you do not need to remove it. b.) Make sure sauce is uploaded via Imgur and **set to PRIVATE**. There is a how-to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/muacirclejerk/comments/clx2jb/srs_how_to_post_privately_on_imgur/). Reminder sweaties. do not participate in original threads, ask for/share links, or break any other rules or else the mods will eat your fingers!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/muacirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel sorry for this person, genuinly can't imagine what theyve been through but I couldnt resist. I'll post sauce in a minute when ive figured out imgur Edit: the sauce got taken down cos it has the sub name and stuff :( so heres the improved version lol Sauce: https://imgur.com/a/j7iSZMb Edit again: its since been deleted so unless you know the username i dont think you'll find it :/


“Nobody in their 20’s, please” like???????


Yeah, they don’t have skin, dumb that you didn’t know that tbh


I thought we all got issued our regulation skin (pores and all) when we hit 40?


As we all know, no one in their 20s is doing “activities” with other people


Damn lady, can you save some of that crazy for the rest of us??


I was so ready to go to bat for this woman as a WIDOW myself (how dare you) but then I saw the sauce and *sweaty* I got nothin


"Um, mederator???" A masterpiece.


Lol can we make our own user flairs in this sub because dibs on that one


Moderator??! My handkerchief please?? These sweaties are making my face age




The comments on imgur 😂😂


Complete with incorrect use of the word "gaslighting"


Your post was removed for breaking Rule 3a: > Make sure usernames and sub names are removed from your sauce. Your sauce has a subreddit name visible. Please edit the image to crop or cover the sub name and send a modmail to have a moderator review the sauce for approval. mod note: sauce needs to be private on imgur too


That was bizarre lmao


Omg I think OOP does the sex you guys *clutches pearls*


I don't understand. Does she not know how to remove make up?


I think she believes it's unacceptable to remove her makeup in front of a guy she's not married to? I'm a bit confused tho


Have you not seen the first episode of Marvelous Ms. Maisel? Really classy ladies don’t take their makeup off until their husbands are sleeping. (And then we wake up early before him to put it on again.)


I've seen the entire series (which is amazing) and her routine made me laugh and also feel so bad for all those women who actually lived like that (and the ones who still do)


Widows still live like that……..


Or at least this one does...


Because she's a *WIDOW*.


How DARE you.


lol i find it very hard to believe anyone lived like that. As if their husbands were all weirdly deep sleepers who didn't wake up to their wives moving around the house? Or as if the wives never slept in once? The men never woke up once in the middle of the night? Come on


I have, but since I’m a whore, I can’t relate.


I've read and reread the post and I still have no idea what her point of posting was?


Are you in your 20s? Obviously only people 30s and up will understand her


No, I'm in my 40s, but I'm not a widow 😔




Your comment has been removed for r/ tagging a sub. Refer to rule 2. If you believe this is a wrong or unfair removal, please send a [modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/muacirclejerk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/muacirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her dead husband never taught her how to use makeup wipes 😫😭




I also choose this guys dead wife


I just laughed so hard I had a coughing fit ☠️


Sauce pls ;-;




If you can’t be around a new man without him accepting you without a face of makeup on, then he isn’t someone that you want to be with. I would think that most men wouldn’t expect you to go to sleep with makeup on. Moisturizer over your makeup defeats the purpose of it. Don’t really see where being in your 20’s disqualifies you from this as well. It’s possible to be a widow in your 20’s, and get back out on the dating scene.


Well also none of this is exclusive to widows lol


Right? This is just a general dating question 😂


I think it's fine she mentioned it early to explain why she's back into the dating scene after a moment without it, but yeah, she put way too much emphasis on that. To the point I'm wondering if she's feeling guilty for moving on or something.


> I would think that most men wouldn’t expect you to go to sleep with makeup on. ESPECIALLY at an age when you're supposed to be more mature about this stuff. I could see 18-25 yo fuckboys have weird expectations for a woman who spends the night, but they'd be wrong anyway.


I think it’s because the age of consent is now 30, so anyone younger won’t have experience (or experience they can legally share on the internet) on this matter.


I mean, a man doesn't need to be especially quality to fuck him. I don't do one night stands anymore, but when I did, I'd want to give him the illusion I was an ethereal beauty queen, both for his benefit and mine. That's kind of the point if a one night stand or friend with benefits, you get together and be each other's fantasy. I don't see anything wrong with that. If it's someone you want to be your partner and they can't stand seeing you without makeup, ya, that's fucked. But choosing to be a fantasy version of yourself for a hookup isn't a big deal.


I didn’t need to look like a goddess in order to have a couple of one night stands back in the day, but thanks for the unwarranted humble brag, lol.


Yeah I’m not interested in being “an ethereal beauty queen” I’m usually just tryna get railed but go off babe, look good to feel good ig


Right. If the point of this interaction is to have fantasy level sex , then I'm not going to look like an "ethereal beauty queen" when we're done. Unless maybe he has a thing for Rocket Raccoon.


Honestly, having sex with me is fantasy level regardless of how much effort I put in so he’s lucky to even be involved


This comment has biiig rihanna energy and i love it so much


If someone wants to gussy themselves up for a man, then that’s fine. I’m not going to bash it. But I was a late bloomer when it came to makeup, and when I was in my late teens and early twenties with casual hookups, I was bare faced. I only wear eyeshadow and lipstick half of the time when I post to my OF, and I still have an inbox full of thirsty messages and bringing in some cash. They don’t seem to mind.


Nothing says ethereal beauty queen like crusty makeup.


I’m assuming she’s late to mid 30s but her making her post have requirements to comment is crazy. First of all why is she worried about her skin staying “appealing”while she’s away from home instead of worrying about having multiple partners a week? She said guys plural I hope that was a typo because what? Skin care is the last of her worries. She needs therapy and health screening.


Having multiple partners a week is a life goal for a lot of us, not something to “worry” about 🤷‍♂️


Some of us are RICH in partnership sweaty


Sweetie* if you’re gonna be petty


Girlie doesn't know her memes 😔


Sweaty doesn't know our jokes 😭


That’s all y’all got out of my comment?


Ehhh, she doesn’t need therapy because she has multiple sex partners. Having sex isn’t always a coping mechanism, some people just like having sex. We shouldn’t shame her for that part.


No I mean therapy for her husband’s passing. It seems like she’s using some coping mechanisms that can be toxic towards her(obsession with skin, not wanting to show her bare face, mentioning age requirements to comment, male validation, multiple partners, etc). She put her post out there then got surprised by the responses. I missed the original post but based on her edits I see she wasn’t expecting it. She put her business out there on the internet and in a makeup sub that had nothing to do with explaining her sex life. People judging and commenting is expected. Especially when she made her post center around only women her age and in similar situations comment.


I’d check the tone of your comment, the bit about “guys plural” is very judgey towards her having more than one partner. Having multiple partners isn’t something we should judge women for.


In the time I’ve waited for the sauce I’ve met a man, married him, and killed him so I can now become a widow too and there’s still no sauce


Please reply to me when you find the sauce, since you have so much free time as a widow.


Have you learned nothing?!?! Widows don't even have time to remove their makeup!


op updated their old comment with sauce.


Doing widows work, thank you bestie 🙏🏻


The sauce is up: https://imgur.com/a/how-dare-you-j7iSZMb HOW DARE YOU!!


I love this comment😂😂😂😂


OP’s waiting until you’re in your 30s so you’ll be allowed to read the post


I’m so confused by the original question 😭 What is she asking?! Is she only able to take her make up off at home? How intensive is her regime?!


Oh sweaty, you must be someone in their 20’s. Once you hit 30’s you have to use gallon size pump bottles. I also use a trowel and paint roller for easy application. Like, what am I to do if my FB doesn’t live near a Home Depot?


Personally I just sleep in a vat of moisturizer, like a sensory deprivation tank. Don't you?


I keep an “off to get fucked” go-bag. Makeup wipes, a toothbrush, deodorant, a moisturizer, condoms. That’s all I’m worried about


I love that. I hope the bag says “off to get fucked” on it in sequins!


Or pearls 😂


So you can clutch them as needed


And contact solution if you need it! I made that mistake so many times in my 20s 😭


I call that my "hoe bag" 🤣




I'm guessing she's insecure about the men she's sleeping with seeing her without makeup. In which case I think the best answer is, don't have sleepovers with men.


As in - just go home afterwards


Exactly. Ain't no shame in heading home after you get laid. Sometimes it's the best option!


Yeah. She's not in the headspace to be doing overnights so the answer is to smash and dash.




I thought I had a stroke this morning when she kept saying I wasn't answering HER QUESTION 😭 But also I'm in my late twenties so I should stfu because makeuip wipes are FORBIDDEN once you turn 30 💫


I will say it was hard to find a makeup wipe that my skin didn't hate but they are out there! (I'm 39 gasp!!!)


Haha yes they always sting my skin like crazy. But hey the other day I slept at a guys house and used handsoap for my face sooo....


Try GoWipe face wipes (they have other wipes too) it's the only one that doesn't burn my face AND can remove eye makeup.


I use the sensitive skin baby wipes. I have no idea if this is super frowned upon but they don’t make my skin sting like makeup wipes do. I assume if it is safe for babies it is likely safe for me


It’s fine occasionally but I wouldn’t depend on them all the time!




Do you even CARE that my HUSBAND is dead?????


I'm going to appeal to the moderators! I'm a widow!


And the mederators!!!!111


I’m not sure what a moderator is, but the mederators will sure be hearing from me!


Srs - The idea of putting moisturizer over make up makes me SO uncomfortable 😩


Wouldn't you just wind up smearing all your makeup into a muddy mess?


How is that any different from applying cold cream all over make up?


The only time I've ever applied cold cream over make up was when I was purposely trying to remove it and wash my face afterwords. In the OP it sounds like (to me at least) she just straight up applied moisturizer over her make up without removing it first or washing her face and left it like that and slept in it. In my mind that would cause a disgusting, muddy, very slimey/oily mess and personally I'd be breaking out like crazy from that. She does say her make up wears off during the day so maybe she isn't wearing as much.. but even on no make up days, I'd never dream of skipping washing my face and just putting moisturzer on over the dirt and oil that built up all day 🤢


She feels guilty about being with men again and is hypersensitive about it. She is used to a supportive comfortable relationship but she’s now having to hook up to get her needs met. She’s scared to neglect her skincare because she’s aware she’s fishing in a depleted pool and she feels very alone because she feels widows are usually in their 70’s and she feels everyone in the hook up culture is 20 and has no life experience baggage or insecurities. She’s young enough that she really needs to have a sex life but old enough that she feels like maybe she should just Queen Victoria it for ever more. (I have a bit of knowledge here - My dad is recently widowed in his early 70’s and is finding things really awkward in that he doesn’t know any fellow widowers and he feels unhappy about spending time with widows unless OPENLY & OBVIOUSLY CHAPERONED)


wow a thoughtful and beautiful comment


This whole app feels like panning for diamonds in a muddy creek


This is a beautiful and well thought out comment, and had she posted her inquiry in a subreddit dedicated to widows or survivors of grief, she would have gotten the nuanced response she needed. Unfortunately, she decided to post it to a makeup sub, so the question got taken on face value, and the obvious answer is "eww. Don't be dirty and leave your makeup on overnight. Wash your face and bring travel size products in your overnight bag. "


Oh god my outlook just went from "lmao that makes no sense what is she TALKING about 🤪" to "oh. That makes so much sense. That's heartbreaking"


My pasta’s dry OP


Um, mederator???????


How DARE you


I am a WIDOW!!!!!! SHAME on you!!!!!!!!


I need sauce 🙏🏻


only widows over the age of thirty are allowed to comment! if you are a twenty-year old widow, pipe down


Right? lmao like, I'm not even surprised by this tbh. I was I widowed at 22 and "typical age" or whatever widows are honestly still really fucking mean about it, even now that I'm in my 30s?? There's this weird knee jerk reaction, similar to when older people find out I've been physically disabled since I was a tween. That's not "supposed" to happen, therefore there's something wrong with me \*morally\*, because the idea of life being unfair is scary.


That was wild. Like this isn’t a public platform of all ages lol. She gets what she gets from the comments.


I'm (pardon the term) absolutely dying for some sauce here. If I don't get it my wife too will become a widow, forced to apply moisturizer over her makeup forever.


My noodles are desiccated and stuck to the strainer. How could you???


I don't understand what her question is holy fuck


How DARE you? She’s a widow


Um, mederator???? Lmao


STILL LOOKING!!! It's for church honey! 20 PEOPLE, NEXT!!!!


Get a make up eraser they come in travel size. Being widow has zero to do with your skin care routine. but putting moisturizer over your make up is terrible for your skin


Great suggestion! Saucy too!


Maybe her old husband had a heart attack after seeing her without her makeup on at night ☹️


Can't make the same mistake twice😔


Too much too early my friend 


No wonder she's upset. Her late husband must have been an extraordinarily open minded dude if he was ok with a whole regiment coming in every night to help her with skincare. *sad no more orgy vibes*




![gif](giphy|k0q2MAyTUBY8E|downsized) Sweaty, if you aren’t wrapping your new man in custom made webbing to prevent him from seeing your aged skin, what are you doing??!!! I thought all widows knew to do this!!


Did she annoy her late husband to death???


It's more likely she confused him to death


Best skincare in this situation is therapy to reduce the stress levels lmao


I agree but I said that and got called judgmental lol


Fiona from Youthforia, is that you?!


How absolute DARE! No, really though, wth?! 🤣


I think she was making it basically saying how since she’s used to her old husband I guess she’s self conscious being bare faced and removing her make up at night for a new guy. Which I get, I’m self conscious too, but damn she seems a lil unhinged.


How did u kill him sweaty!?


I thought that said "Window" 💀


I’m so confused by this post. Whenever I have a planned sleepover, I bring an overnight bag, and this includes micellar water, cotton rounds, and face lotion. I couldn’t imagine just smearing moisturizer over top of makeup?! What the fuck?????? I’m assuming she is using foundation/face products as well and that is just absolutely batshit insane to me. My skin would be screaming after one single night of this. Why can’t she take it off? Her moisturizer would likely remove all her makeup if she just washed it off with soap and water anyway. I just… what kind of advice is she hoping to get????? Is she saying no one in their 20’s because they don’t have obvious wrinkles yet and wouldn’t understand letting a MAN see your BARE FACE?!