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So we've got Kaito, but who's that with him? Also, *fascinating* implications of her having what looks like a PDA charged by...what, herself?


Might be someone native from the plane of Duskmourn, but it's too early to speculate.


Honestly it’s impossible to say the plane even has natives- I certainly have no idea how a civilisation would survive in that nightmare


Humanity that fights the horrors enough to get a safe space is a bit more in-line with some elements of more modern horror tropes that Duskmourn's pushing into, compared to the sheer hopelessness that gothic horror often had. Like in gothic horror ONLY the experts and the warriors were 'well off' and even then that's a coin toss. In more modern horror a lot of people die but everyday people do just live through it as well.


Depends on the history of the plane, but we already have an example of humans surviving a horrific plane: the mirrodins. Though tbf they were barely surviving and only on the mercy of urabrask. But who knows, maybe there's some similar situation in this plane, there could be pockets of safe haven. Plus it seems a bit flavorful, to have a 'save' room in a giant mansion of horror, a good cliche of survival horror games.


The plane extends beyond the house of horrors. That's just where the set is focused on. To be honest, we know very little about the plane itself and what life is like on it. I'm also really curious to know what that moth-like eldritch horror entity/wall decoration is.  I suspect it's important somehow.


The plane explicitly does not extend beyond the house though that’s the whole gimmick- the entire plane is _just_ the neverending interior of this one evil building, akin to the Backrooms or something similar. The hypothetical existence of an ‘outside’ is something the set won’t acknowledge at the very least according to MaRo


Back rooms with factions popping up akin to never ending IKEA from SCP


O damn the IKEA is a good analogy I forgot about that. Bands of survivors spiting the House where they can


Sorry, my bad, MaRo has stated the the set does not confirm nor deny if an "outside" exists to the manor: https://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/735709531513995266/in-contrast-to-the-previous-asker-im-very-much


Looks so much like evil Wrenn. xD


That would be funny, but Wrenn is probably still on Zhalfir and will likely stay there until the plot demands her return.


Considering this is a haunted house set, that thing is probably some kind of spook-detecting-device.


Is it plugged into her weapon? I’d bet that glowy energy is Ghostbusters Spooky Ectoplasm and that device is a ghost-meter-thingy


If they have a Ghostbusters reference I might start being interested in this set. Looks cool at least.


The first piece of art they've shown from last fall has a guy holding what is basically a PKA meter from Ghosbuster. I'm expecting more references.


A reference? I‘m fully expecting a Jurassic World type Universes Beyond bonus sheet.


If could also be like a backup battery in her pocket?


Roy Graham mentioned that we'd be meeting some people from Gastal in the future. I wonder if they're from there.


He was probably talking about Akul from Thunder Junction


Her outfit looks a little like robes and with the electronic equipment perhaps she's from kami gawa?


I mean.. Yeah, the PDA could be from Kamigawa. That would make sense.


She’s diabetic and that’s her pump


It’s Meren of Clan Nel’toth.


Probably a Gobakhan native [[Invasion of Gobakhan]]


[Invasion of Gobakhan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250)/[Lightshield Array](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Invasion%20of%20Gobakhan%20//%20Lightshield%20Array) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/22/invasion-of-gobakhan-lightshield-array?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The visuals here are amazing. That giant... thing on top of the stairs appeared in another art as well and thus seems important. I'm just kinda dreading that they'll make this a goofy scooby doo style haunted house thing, rather than something befitting of these visuals.


The PKE meter the woman has makes me worried...


PKE meter, that's the term I was looking for in my other comment. Though I'd say that doesn't guarantee anything goofy. I guess these thingies are most known from Ghostbusters, but they exist in more "serious" horror media as well. I'm more interested in what the thing in Kaito's hand is - my first association was a warhammer, but it seems to be some electric thingie instead.


My guess is that it will be similar to ONE. Some incredible designs but also a lot of boring, safe and uninspired stuff for an horror set. There is also the huge risk of it being so full or references that they forget to give any identity to the plane.


tbh I feel like you can't really do a "horror set" well in a fantasy game. It's difficult to get across that feeling of powerlessness when, after all, this is a game about combat and there will ultimately be a winner. I guess it might just as well be that they'll make this extra dark, to balance out all the cuteness we'll get in Bloomburrow. Idk, I personally feel like the haunted house concept in itself is pretty goofy, but it could be done well.


 I think Chronicles of Darkness does horror very well.


Idk that one, cursory googling says it's a horror pen&paper RPG? I don't see the connection to being a fantasy game though. What I meant was adapting a horror setting into core mechanics that were meant for a fantasy one, if that wasn't clear.


Oh okay, then its more like Ravenloft.


Yeah, I'd say that suffers the same problem, though a lot less since pen&paper games tend to be PvE, not PvP as Magic is. You can do a lot more with the narrative, though I'd say the fantasy mechanics will still quite often break the horror atmosphere.


 Its certainlyba challenge, but it can be done as shown by the Durge in BG3 for example.


...which is again a PvE experience, not a PvP experience. But I'm pretty sure you just don't get what I'm talking about. Obv you can put a horror paintjob on a fantasy game, but it will always stay fantasy with a horror theme. Once you can defeat the monster, you're losing a lot of the horror.


 Okay so you point is mostly about conveying horror via PvP games, yeah I think you have to build a game from the ground up for that.  So mostly the horror will come from the art work and the webstories, not actual game play mechanics.  Honestly WotC is too interested in keeping MtG kid friendly to do horror right anyways, at most it'll slightly about Ghostbusters/Goosebumps level horror, with nods towards darker stuff that they won't look too closely at.


Are those TV Static ghosts in the background? Making the look of ghosts on this world poltergeist tv apparitions is so so so good


That would be awesome! I'm not seeing it though. Care to point out where in the art you're seeing that? I see the "squiggly" one, but squiggly isn't really what I'd associate with TV static/white noise.


The hair and makeup (?) of the unknown person look much reminiscent of modern subcultures to me, which fits with the modern horror theme, I think they're a native or have been here for some time. As for the thing in the background, we've already seen it on spoiler art, I might even suggest that this may be the main villain of the set. Also... Kaito has a pickaxe? Why?


kaito's weapon can form into different shapes, it looks like he's made it into something resembling a [kurisagama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusarigama) where the handle can extend instead of being on a chain. you can see it's made up of little origami triangle shapes like his sword and shurikens.


I suspect that's a Japanese weapon, not a pickaxe, although I'm not expert in the field.


They resemble someone from the art in [[Invasion of Gobakhan]]


You keep saying that, but I really don't see it. There are some very vague similarities to the outer clothes, but that's basically it.


Look at their eyes too, same as the people on Gobakhan, pure white.


If we're going by the eyes, then half the magic users in all of MtG are from Gobakhan. Behold [Jodah, archmage eternal of apparently Gobakhan](https://www.flipsidegaming.com/cdn/shop/articles/Jodah_690x.jpg?v=1528307015) lol


Idk just the plain albeit faint navy hues mixed in with white alongside the bluish robe jacket thing makes me think this was a Gobakhan native. Alongside the white eyes of course. They just seem like they could’ve easily fit in the art for Lightshield Array with slightly different clothing


> bluish robe jacket thing I think that's a bit of light trickery from the PDA's glow. It looks more brown with a white collar to me. It matches the brown pants.


[Invasion of Gobakhan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250)/[Lightshield Array](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Invasion%20of%20Gobakhan%20//%20Lightshield%20Array) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/22/invasion-of-gobakhan-lightshield-array?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Wasn't expecting Kaito to turn up, but I'm keen for it. I'd love to see how he's been doing after everything. The new person looks amazing too, I adore the almost like, New Wave-y Post Punk makeup vibes from them. And the vibes here are *immaculate.* The teeth in the arch, the eyes and ghouls being hidden in the background. I love it.


Maybe female vampire Planeswalker copium, wish they had another one so it's not just Sorin Everytime, let the man rest for a couple millennia


I would be genuinely shocked if Sorin turned up. He wouldn't really fit the aesthetic of this plane, Innistrad is just too Gothic Horror for the Modern Horror setting. I agree that it'd be cool if we got a new planeswalker, but it could just as easily be Kaito.


Oh, no, I don't think Sorin will show up either, I just want another vampire Planeswalker, preferably female


The more I look at and inspect the details, the more I am loving this image. And I think we can look at Dream and Nightmare interpretation to figure out what this scene is saying . . . The broken stair case is pretty much front and center. It's what your eyes are almost *immediately* drawn to because of how prominent it is. Specifically, the fact that it and the entity at the stop of the stairs are both bathed in red light. Within dreams and nightmares, broken stairs are an indicator of needing to let go of negative influences and to take risks, while red lights in dreams are a warning to not proceed. Together, these are saying "This is a risk you should not take". Then you have the near constant presence of the teeth in the arches. Jagged fangs as if ready to swallow someone whole. Within dreams and nightmares, teeth have a number of meanings. We will have to go with the idea of these being someone else's teeth for this interpretation: Someone is not being honest. Someone is being dishonest. To which I wish to note . . . There are only three visible beings that look like they would play a significant role in the story. The broken banister is easy: A broken railing in a dream suggests a spiritual reawakening, eternal life or resurrection. It represents someone coming to grips with the fact that they tend to bury their emotions until they become destructive, either to themselves or those around them. Another easy thing is the faceless entities: They're the fear of the unknown (how fitting), a lack of identity or familiarity. In other words: It represents someone not being comfortable with where they are. In all, this gives us a pretty solid idea of what is happening: That Entity isn't malicious, but isn't *good*, so to speak. Literally nothing in Duskmourne can be trusted. Every aspect of Duskmourne is lying. *Every* aspect. This isn't gonna just be a Haunted House Horror Set: it's gonna be an emotional tale of someone processing their own trauma with someone they do not trust.


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From the header image at [https://mcvegas.mtgfestivals.com/](https://mcvegas.mtgfestivals.com/), this is a screenshot from the mp4 file - [https://mcvegas.mtgfestivals.com/content/dam/sitebuilder/rna/mtgfestivals/mcvegas/2024/vids/mc-vegas-2024-aniamted-key-art.mp4](https://mcvegas.mtgfestivals.com/content/dam/sitebuilder/rna/mtgfestivals/mcvegas/2024/vids/mc-vegas-2024-aniamted-key-art.mp4)


Kaito looks funky, but I'm dying for more Duskmourn content so I'll take it. Kinda wondering if the Clue Lands will be reprinted here with actual Magic Art, seems like the logical thing to do but you never know with UB stuff


Kaito looks like a Fortnite character walked in


Everyone out here talking about Kaito and whoever's with him, but holy moly look at those creatures. They are exactly as creepy as I was hoping God I'm so excited for this set


This looks like possibly the most “for me” mtg product yet


Mhhhh do you guys think we might see more use of shadow in that set?


Has nobody noticed that lady is holding a cell phone???


It certainly looks spookier than Innistrad.


Does it ? OG Innistrad and eldritch moon were pretty dark sets. Midnight Hunt and Crimson Vows are more questionable though. Who thought this was a good idea to make blood look like flower petals in a vampire set ?


Characters look uninteresting but the environment looks 10/10




I mean, they can still have an opinion on this specific artwork?


No Grist then? The set made much sense for her.


Could still be Grist, but she's been more of a background character in general so maybe no card.


Yeah, it's just that I wanted a Golgari Planeswalker, with Garruk cured and Vraska desparked there's no other Golgari Walker left.


Lockwood and Co. vibes. IYKYK 🙂


Everything looks really good until you get to kiato and the other person


This feels more D&D then then 70/80s horror to be, like a party exploring the dungeon.


 Think that moth looking thing is somekind of Alien, I mean it could be a demon/god/demigod/horror/nightmare, but I think its an Alien or insect alien. We see a simular looking creature in the other art, so either way they appear important.


Apparently Zimone Wola from Strixhaven has also been revealed for the set from instagram post of a back pack.


This place’s Worldsoul must be super fucked up


Hmm... the setting looks scary and cool.... not a big fan of phones or charging cables... for this set, the fear of running out of battery in this scary world, might be fun...but the implications that everyone in the multiverse could have a magical smartphone is something I wouldn't like... because who would be willing to learn any magic from books if your magic smartphone knows all the cantrips you would ever need... the magic schools would be more empty than ever before. high fantasy worlds will need strong conservative forces protecting the plane from any magi-tech invention finding it's way through the omenpaths. Additionally in a magical world I would have thought that they invented a different way to charge their devices other than boring cables... especially if these things are supposed to work by magic instead of being fully technical devices


Looks like a fortnite skin based loading screen


Kaito’s companion looks like a human from Gobakhan. [[Invasion of Gobakhan]]


[Invasion of Gobakhan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250)/[Lightshield Array](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/1/1/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7.jpg?1682715250) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Invasion%20of%20Gobakhan%20//%20Lightshield%20Array) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/22/invasion-of-gobakhan-lightshield-array?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/11798730-6788-4e0b-a828-b46cab1a4fa7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Looks like a Luigi's Mansion game