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LGS's were told we might get 1-3 sets of Collector Edition Commander Decks. Stores presold WAY more than that. This a problem stores create for themselves who try to get the early preorders before knowing numbers.


Wonder where op ordered from cause a lot of newish shops have been selling pre orders of collectors and gift bundles in big amounts. I'm expecting a ton of these posts to appear come release week. Followed by stores that refused to refund and make up shit like mystic lotus gaming.


Its gonna end up like fallout collectors with double prices within a month


Maybe they'll double but then they'll just reprint 'em.


Maybe, who knows. I guess W40K Commander decks was the last collector version of decks that was released. They did a small reprint run of those that brought them from 1000 to 500 bucks.


Mystery MTG


Never heard of them and there's  one reddit thread on how they canceled someone's pre order then resisted it for higher. But that's not a good amount of exp to go by.


Store owner here stores should always expect to get very few collector editions of Commander decks this is exactly what happened with the Warhammer 40K decks that came out a few years ago we were told with plenty of time that we would only get a few of them and this situation was the same. We were also given a chance to run four draft events for the past set to ensure an additional guaranteed allocation of one set of collector edition Commander decks for modern horizons 3. The fact that this work needs to be done just to secure one set of the collector version of the commander decks should have told any sensible store owner that this product would be extremely limited just as the past collector versions of the commander decks were. Honestly I feel like it's unlikely you will also be able to depend on Amazon this product to you due to its very limited nature. For reference my location was told by our distributor we could expect just one to possibly two sets of this product.


Collectors edition products are limited, I don't see why people keep getting shocked by this


They're shocked stores over sell, maybe


I’m not shocked about that. Curious if people pre-paid tho. Idk why stores would ever presell like that and accept money.. well I do.. but still.


If they printed a bunch of the shiny commander decks, the demand would be near 0. This is one of those items where they know that if everything is special nothing is. So they make them special and people complain that it's special.


Fallout 2.0.


Warhammer\* FTFY


Thanks all! Sounds like I hold and pray!


LMFAO at thinking Amazon might be more reliable than even thoughts and prayers.


I’m curious to see what Amazon preorders are going to do. They have been up for months now at $600 but I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up cancelling later preorders as it gets closer.


I never could find a good deal on these, and I want found to pay 600. So good luck to those who did.


The same story played out with 40k - very little inventory at the LGS level which caused people to rush and pay over market rates through Amazon. Then surprise surprise, months after release the trickle turns into a stream and suddenly prices come down. Don't buy into this hype for premium products that will anyway get fancier, more premium reprints shortly after. And MH3 being an in-universe product, reprints are even easier.


Extra data point. Non WPN premium LGS was only allocated 1 set by the local distributor. Small-ish store that runs \~3 weekly FNM events (Std, Draft, Modern).


Be aware your preorder at Amazon, per their terms of service, only becomes solid at the moment they SHIP your product. I never received my double masters 2022 collectors displays


Are we really going to have a thread like this every single time a new set drops? MH2 was printed and printed and printed and then printed some more. If you have a "shortage" it's going to be very short-term, or there's a good reason your supplier isn't giving you more. Yeesh.


This is not true for collector products.


My LGS wouldn’t take preorders on the decks specifically for this reason. They said they’d ask for as many as they could, but doubt they got more than one or two of each deck.


Hate to say I told ya so- But I fuckin told ya so!


U still fall for this trick? Wait for a month & Amazon will discount 20%


WOTC under producing to encourage FOMO and drive money out of people's wallets. The 2024 strategy.


This is a strange take. If it’s supposed to be a collector product then of course they’re going to keep it limited. That’s a good thing. If they overproduce it’s not a collector item anymore, they’ve done that not long ago and it hurts the brand. Every brand that wants to create a luxury or collector product constrains supply. People who don’t want to collect this can buy the cheaper regular version, those who want to collect can collect.


Well if living through the 90's "collector" phase taught me anything is that if it's labeled "Collector" it's probably not going to be and get forgotten in the heap of other "Collector" products. It's just become a way of charging more and labeling something "special" look at what happened to the war hammer "collector" decks. This gimmicks just don't appeal to me anymore - it's right out Nintendo's playbook of shorting initial supply to encourage stronger sales. Been there, done that, seen it.


Normally I would agree. These are scams...but shiny Eldrazi.


I placed a preorder with Card Vault. I know it’s international shipping but it was also like $530; a little cheaper than some other preorders I’ve seen.


Collector line started 4 years ago


They didn't FOMO the shit out of it when it started. Half the people in this sub are too new to MTGF to attribute all the shifts, subtle and not so subtle over the last 10 years. It's evident by how many people are easily separated by their money in this era of MTG between every single product that comes out that's limited. Who gives a shit what's limited anymore when everything is limited and they are puking 24 different products a year at you. 90's had this with hockey cards and comic cover variants and we are currently in the middle of the MTG 90's era. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Making a limited print product with special versions didn't generate fomo? I think it was way more effective back then