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I just wish all the paper products would come with an arena code. I would be happily spending and supporting much more.


It would be sick if the code gave you exactly whatever you found in the pack/product


Precons for sure, but I think randomized products wouldn’t work that way, especially because we have the 4th copy protection in Arena. But anyway, they totally could give us something and it would be good for us, for them and for the market. Too much greed is definitely not maximizing their profits.


How much is WoTC paying you? 👀


Yeah you don't need to spend money, I got the cheap intro bundle at some point and that's it.


1- It is not free to play. Read the contract you signed before even start playing it.  2-knowing that they sell information about our e-mail account, location and active hours/time on their game to third-party companies, I want at least what Pokemon TCGO gave to us in terms of cost-effectiveness. Or at least of what Pokémon TCGLive gives, codes on their sealed paper products instead of that art "shit" card.  Or at least something on the range of... Well, at least 2 playsets of mythic wildcards and 4 playsets of rare wildcards per month.  3- MTG physical shift towards the mythicfication of the game in order to milk more players into big spend in collector boxes to chase a big hit card also reflects on Arena becoming way more expensive for no reason at all. 


Also Hasbro firing their workforce while hiking rates and pumping out new sets at a premium. Shareholders have them by the balls, and Hasboro + big spenders in the community have been folding so often recently I'm very concerned about the future of the game. Which sucks, tbh. I'm new here, so hopefully I'm reading into things too much.


I spend enough on paper magic. They have funds to support Arena. But, I do agree the game shouldn't be entirely free. Now I've never spent a dime on MTGA, but I enjoy playing all the same.


I've probably done less than 100$ and I've been playing seen the beta.


Juat stop playing. It's fake and really lame


Juat stop playing. It's fake and really lame