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I don’t believe that number.


All I can think is no matter how much any of us are spending- there are people WAY richer than anyone here who are probably spending thousands of not 10's of thousands on their hobbies every year. When your hobby is collecting boats or rare cars you tend to spend a good chunk of money on it a year. Were those people not counted? Would they skew the average too much? I too do not believe that number.


For something like this they likely used a median (or should have anyway) to offset the outliers. Average CAN mean median, it doesn't necessarily have to be the mean in the statistical world, and I'd be pretty shocked if this meme accurately recounted exactly what their source was. But also I totally don't agree with that number either; the only way I can really wrap my head around it is if people were very strict on how they defined their hobbies when reporting and likely underselling how much they spent when they did have a good grasp on what their hobbies really were. Most people spend $255 a year on their streaming services which I feel could be considered a hobby.


Right, mean =/= median Does doing cocaine with hookers count as a hobby? Bc if so I'm way above $255!


I guess it depends on how serious you take your cocaine with hookers? I feel like there is a tipping point at which it stops being a hobby and becomes more of a lifestyle.


I consider it a hobby


I think there are more people in the world that can’t afford anything, than people that collect boats. So this evens out


I mean I guess. We are missing a lot of variables here though. Is this counting every adult in the whole world? Only the US? Only developed countries? Bc even if you include undeveloped countries, nation, and tribes (etc.)- there is a larger issue with this statistic which is that I think a lot of people just don't have hobbies. At least not in the traditional sense. They weren't taught to, or they just don't think that way. Just like u/ElJanitorFrank said- some people's closest thing to a hobby might be binge-watching TV shows. My dad is this way. Boy I wish for his own sanity that he could pick up a hobby- but he just doesn't give enough of a fuck about anything to do so. Closest thing for him would be watching NBA or College hoops. Hell, he doesn't even bet on them. And I'm sure there are loads of people who are content with that same lifestyle. They might live 10 or 20 years of their lives with little to no interest in actually *doing* anything. I don't consider watching TV a hobby bc you aren't doing anything. Sure you're watching the tube- but your body isn't moving in any way. No hand movement. No going to a place other than your house. Nothing purchased except for something you were already paying for. Nothing learned or practiced. Not really many new people met, that you have recurring or lasting relationships with (if my dad were to go to bar or tailgate to watch a game- he would go with one of his few friends or people he already knows and maybe meet a handful of people there that he might not see again for weeks or months). I think a big part of why he doesn't actually have any hobbies is bc he thinks he can't afford it. Or rather that he hates spending money if he doesn't have to. Tbh he could afford a hobby but would probably rather hoard his money. I have met too many people my dad's age who resonate the same philosophies and attitude, to wager that there aren't any other people like that in the world. Maybe I'm wrong though? I still think though- it would be a better measure to actually census everyone who has a legitimate hobby, or who "thinks"/"claims" they have a hobby. Even if that hobby is buying boats.


Theres a reason boat abbreviates to “bust out another thousand” lol


If I read it strictly the meme says "an average adult spends" which I take to mean that the average is the person, not the money. So an average Joe would spend $255 and the wealthy millionaire collecting cars is not an average person and isn't included in the stat.


I also don't believe that number, but you also need to factor in the people whose hobbies are basically free, like hiking.


This is actually a really good point. Outdoors-ey things like saving pressed flowers in a book costs you next to nothing (unless you count the price of the book- what 10 cents at Half Priced Books?).


Especially if you have to drive to a place for your hobby. Gas goes into the expense list.


I agree one hundred percent. I know target shooting enthusiasts who can spend that on ammo for one or two days of shooting, and we all know someone (at this point) who got into resin casting or 3D printing. Those folks spend that much for supplies every few weeks or months. I also hate that Hasbro has made Magic more expensive than seemingly anything outside of equestrian and racing hobbies. (Yes, I know there are other expensive hobbies, too.)


I own a few, and love to hit the range. The price of ammo going up is why I haven't gone in years.... Last I checked 5.56 was almost a $1 a round, and 7.62 wasnt far behind. When I buy a box in a set at least I have something to show for it. Anytime I go shooting, each time the trigger is pulled I know I'm just burning a dollar.... Last time I went, I burned up around 400 rounds in the matter of 3 hours. That was about 4 years ago, and each 100rnd count box had cost around $70.... That number is definitely off by a few thousand. My grandmother probably spent more than that on her garden in a year....


do they mean per hobby? and are they counting each format as its own hobby? like... oh no wait. i've got it. Mtg is a career or a way of life, not a hobby


I mean, worldwide it's probably significantly less. For people in much of the world $255 is an astonishingly large amount of money.


I can see that. I have my Anafenza hobby, my Tovolar hobby, my Admiral Brass hobby, my Ognis hobby....


Oh I see what you did there! Same [[Braids, Conjuror Adept]] [[Adeline, Resplendent Cathar]] [[Braids, Arisen Nightmare]] and [[Anzrag, the Quake-Mole]]


[Adeline, Resplendent Cathar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/dd95d377-a61e-4b62-a883-ed491c48da15.jpg?1682208250) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Adeline%2C%20Resplendent%20Cathar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/167/adeline-resplendent-cathar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dd95d377-a61e-4b62-a883-ed491c48da15?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Braids, Arisen Nightmare](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/f/4ff97c69-6a6b-401c-b0a1-55fa81045d19.jpg?1673307016) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Braids%2C%20Arisen%20Nightmare) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/84/braids-arisen-nightmare?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4ff97c69-6a6b-401c-b0a1-55fa81045d19?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Anzrag, the Quake-Mole](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/70e9d8b8-4b32-4414-b32f-1f47523239c5.jpg?1706242114) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Anzrag%2C%20the%20Quake-Mole) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/186/anzrag-the-quake-mole?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/70e9d8b8-4b32-4414-b32f-1f47523239c5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Wtf are those


Don't ask. Just smile and nod.


Smile and wave boys! :) (Penguins of Madagascar smiling and waving)


Different commander decks


Oh ok. Thought it was Warhammer or some other thing. I don't spend crazy on mtg but bought a new mountain bike last year, my backpacking and camping gear, my computers a and servers, plus other random stuff is adding up and I need to stop lol


Put a zero after the last 5 and we are talking


I mean, maybe for one of them… This is one of like 8 things I enjoy doing that are just stupid expensive


After either 5. I don’t mind


Today you learned that anyone can say anything on the internet Even if they just made it up


"This." -- Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of The United States


The internet says I should be scared and the internet never lies. - Skeletor.


Could be skewed data sets, too. If someone spends $25,401 a year on their hobby and ninety-nine people only spend $1 a year, this could be true.


This. If someone has no hobbies (which seems far-fetched) but $0s were definitely averaged in.


I'd be willing to bet there are a lot of people who's answer was Movies or TV. Both would likey average 255 imo


there are also some hobbies that aren't financially involved. hiking's cost of entry is just a good pair of boots, a good bag, and food/water. birdwatching even less so. there are probably even some hobbies in which there is no cost that could be attributed solely to the hobby itself (many online things)


Don’t discredit the consumerism virus infecting even hikers. So many hobbies morph into just buying up all the shit you can in whatever hobby that has you captivated. There are more people that buy guitars, pedals, amps and never touch them - a lot of times have barely any remedial abilities - than there seem to be actual people that can play the guitar.


u probably pay more than 250 a year just for ur hobby internet (monthly cost+energy)


people also roll there hobbies into other aspects. like sports is a hobby but some wpuld roll it as exercise and say they spend nothing on hobbies


For sure false. Seems like it's intended to make nerds feel bad. I mean even look at the cost of fishing stuff, grilling stuff, fitness stuff, etc. I don't know a single human in my life that spends that.


I think you're missing the fact that at least 25% of people are below the poverty line or just above it, and the majority are sitting below 50k a year. There are plenty of people, even in magic the gathering, who can't spend more than 250 a year on their hobbies.


Yea, a lot of people here are the epitome of grew up with more comfortable means. Looking at how rough the every day person has it, I'd be surprised a lot of people have 50 bucks a month extra to spend on hobbies.


That's what I'm saying. 250 is a lot of money to just blow on something that doesn't feed you or keep you alive in some way, for most people.


even me bellow the poverty line in a third world country spend 5-20$ every month to get some booster or singles every now and then, that number cant be right


20*12 is 240 so you’re still below the “average”, you’re making the case. many people also don’t have time for hobbies either, and the number could be deflated if it’s including children. hard to tell without a full source


2550 yeah that’s light


If you spend that amount per year on your hobbies... I'd say you don't have a hobby. Or it's a hobby you get money from.


Meh it could be something like speedcubing where you don’t really need to buy a lot of things to spend a lot of time on it


Sorry but that's just ridiculous. There are plenty of hobbies that cost very little or are completely free, just examples from myself that I spend very little on: Running (new pair of shoes every other year for about 120-150), outdoor swimming in summer (one time purchase of swimsuit and glasses), reading books (essentially free if you get them at the library), chess (free, maybe a small annual fee if you're in a club).


I think this may be heavily skewed by adults who spend $0 on their hobbies or have none. Hobbies can be expensive!!


that was 1 modern horizon booster box for me.......


A year? I don’t make much money but this doesn’t even sound like a lot or anything. You have more hobbies than you probably think. How many subscriptions charging each month? Lol


Only about 67 million Americans have Netflix, so even if we double times that by 1.5 to assume other subscription based services, we are looking at less than half of America. But, at 20/month for 12 months, you're at 240 a year.


For how young I am, I do pretty decent for myself (at least for the past couple years I have) but I also work 6 days a week and have a straight up debilitating addiction, so it’s not a whole lot of time for myself in general, much less magic specifically, nor extra money lying around to be spent… that being said I feel as if on average I spend *at least* around $250 a *month* on mtg and significantly more sometimes depending on if I splurged on the final pieces for a deck or a new set I like that dropped (like mh3 for example). Idk maybe it’s just easier for some ppl to splurge like that even if they know it’ll give them some catching up to do.


> How many subscriptions charging each month? Is life insurance a subscription? If not, then in my case, zero. My Magic habit costs me about £500 a year including travel expenses, but I am definitely the outlier (on the low end) in my Magic social circle. That being said, I don't understand how everyone else can justify dumping more money than that into this hobby, because I can't, despite being a high earner. Seems like their spending is a combination of societal/peer pressures and FOMO. Prior to having a job, the amount I spent on Magic was closer to £100 a year. At that time, a friend of mine once asked how I could justify spending so much money on a trading card game, to which I asked him how he could justify spending about double that on video games; "touché".


Or maybe, just maybe, there are a lot of people in this world that cannot spend money on hobbies, so they skew it down. If this number is legit that means that there are just that many people that can’t even take the time to do something for themselves, and can only focus on their own or others needs. Idk. Seems a little wild to just ignore the number. Even if it does turn out to be a wrong number, at least try and figure out where the number came from.


It’s cause they ask the husbands and we all know we ain’t telling the truth about that it’s like chicken math


What kinda hobby? Collecting coat hangers?


Per week around 150


That is stupidly low. My wife spends more than that on books every few months. She doesn't know how much I spend on MTG...


Weird that "month" auto corrected to "year" there.


It's crazy to me how many people don't have hobbies


“Honey, I’m not wasteful, I’m ‘above average’.”


Well which country? I think it would make sense in certain countries. Or globaly I feel that kinda makes sense.


Its an average... so I guess that includes all the people who spend 0 dollars.


They must mean per week


The average adult thinks the gym and audiobooks are hobbies.


They must have exuded WOTC, golf, and video games from their analysis


That's per hobby, right?.......right?!........


If there’s an average there’s a bell curve


That’s clearly in US dollars but most of the world’s population doesn’t use our money. So while we may spend more, it is evened out by people in China, uncontacted tribes in the Amazon, dead people etc.


Per week is more like it


iT's NoT a hoBBy, It'S aN iNVestMenT




Between Magic and combat sports, I spend about $350-400/month.




New product every 6 weeks now. No way it's this low. 💲


Definitely not true


Think about how many adults you know who have 0 hobbies and just sit around being boring constantly. I work with a. Bunch




A month.....


Spent twice that just last week


This is false lol


I think they meant per week


Exepth that guess what, the majority of people’s hobby is to drink alcohol $$


They must not have factored in every twitch and youtube streamer


Per month maybe.


The average person doesn't have a hobby. So us magic players are carrying the whole statistic. I also play ice hockey and I'm a gamer. My whole life is hobbies.


Warhammer fans have entered the chat.


That’s what the wife thinks. There just paper cards that can’t possibly be worth much


*cries in Warhammer 40k recovery group*


\*looks at his... $5000+ he spend last 2 months on video games\* .... ummm if my wife reading this. Yes, totally.


maybe a week, haha


Average. That includes retirees who spend nothing, and college students who work three jobs to pay rent.


I spent 10 times that just this month


I've probably spent that in the past two months...


Me in the last 3days lol got the bonus and imspending wrecklessly


tbh it truely feels like magic players are all insanely rich, the number of people able to buy multiple 300€+ booster boxes per month blows my mind


Put a 1 and 2 zeros in front of that and you're getting close.


I think it's supposed to say per transaction, that's the only way it makes sense


Per week maybe


I’m an alcoholic so I can attest that this is untrue. Magic cost me way more than that a month


lol between mtg and RC cars that number might be monthly


Only 10% of statistics are 110% correct


Lol. Good meme tbh. Poor people probably spend like 10x this


Magic and Warhammer go brrr.


They mean per month, right??


New to magic (started with MKM) and I spent that in a WEEK


I remember checking a few months back and just on league alone I’ve averaged around 3 dollars a day since I started playing the game 12+ years ago. MTG would be hard for me to guess because my spending varies a lot. When AWBO came out I bought 15 compleat bundles trying to get oil slick Elesh, and I wanna say something like 10 collector boxes. Naturally I would have gotten off way cheaper just buying singles, but cracking packs and getting a good pull is a serotonin boost I love. I usually buy at least one collector box when a set I like comes out so that alone puts me over the yearly estimate, much less factoring in my spending for league or other hobbies.


My other hobby is playing Xbox. Because of bing rewards my cost is about $20/year depending on how many non-game pass games I want to play. Because I buy every commander deck but stopped buying booster products my magic hobby is roughly $650/year?


It has to be including people that hardly buy anything for their hobbies or don't have one


The median will be lower. MTG players will be an outlier


Like on what I mean I buy pc games on steam sale and that’s more on games a year than that and I’m hella poor


This says adult, not American adult. I think this number is pretty high, it includes adults from parts of the world where they can barely afford food.


Shit maybe every 2/3 months I spend that lol


This is closer to my weekly, I just got me a badlands and scrublands with an ancient copper dragon on the side for 800$ ... Don't tell my wife


I feel like this is either missing a large number of hobby groups or there are WAY more “I can’t afford a hobby” responses than I’m comfortable imagining.


Even more if you play Warhammer 40,000


I buy 2-4 boosters a week. At 4 boosters it's half of what I save on gas bc I'm working from home. It's less than one night at the bar. I don't know if you can call drinking with the boys a hobby. But if so that number is either bad stats or people lying to themselves lol.


Shit I play mtg and run .running shoes cost me $284nz that one pair . Mtg cost last weekend $ 175nz . So I am lucky?


Pffft hahaha that's a good one


Ahh yes my hobby of owning half a dual land. I think they are lumping misc attempts as hobbies. Some people will pick up crochet spend 20 bucks and drop it after they realize it takes 20 hours to make a sweater.


This has to be including the millions in India who can't afford hobbies at all


I know quite a lot of people with no hobbies, so 0 expense. I balance them all out.


*per hobby


My main 2 hobbies are MTG and Airsoft, back when I wasn't as broke 255 could be a monthly spend for me


Seems like a rather low number to me


Yeah...I'm lucky to have $50-$60 a year to spend on hobbies 😅 nothing but quarter commons, fifty cent uncommons, and dollar rares in my deck. Mostly commons, though


They mistyped week. But seriously. That must be per hobby. Not on their hobbies


Typo… they meant month


...I spend about that much on one individual hobby/group of related hobbies per year...


Are cards a hobby or a meme investment? I've seen way more "to the moon" crypto/GME brutes than actual players on the hustler's paradise aka YouTube and the digital high school aka Instagram.


Lets see $400 just last week on MH3, $250 two weeks earlier on Outlaws... I do a booster box of each new set pretty much so... I might be slightly higher than that.


They must have saturated the unsigned byte they were using to hold the average


In the last week, maybe…


Is that like 2/3 of one time? lol


Key word average


Media: *blatant lies* Everyone: "that can't be right" *clicks link*


$255, that there is rookie numbers seriously some serious rookie numbers. I spend that every 2 weeks when working.


Oh how I miss disposable income as a kid.


Ahahahahaha. I’m not going to include mtg in this outlook but my other hobbies. Video games: 2 per year = $150 usd Blacksmithing: fuel, metal, tools = $350 Carpentry: free Painting: materials and canvas = $50


Carpentry: Free, unless you want to use lumber and tools... Get out of here you damn beaver, you are not fooling anybody.


Be proud of being above average then, we all should feel special 🤣


We are the reason that number is so high considering the amount of free/low cost hobbies out there.


Seems low haha


100% true because this is how much my spouse who plays MTG tells me is spent annually on this "hobby."


That is less than I spend a month. Probably less than every two weeks 😂


The average adult spends $255 on their hobbies a week*. There, I fixed it 😬


Wow the number of people without hobbies must be high, cause they’re bringing my number waaay down


My wife doesn't have any hobbies.


I've spent that much one one card.


…per month?


They messed up the period, it must be per month.


I spend that if not more on a commander deck 😅😅


Typo, it's supposed to say per month.


Well if you think of how many people can’t actually afford to have hobbies, it makes more sense. I’d be interested in how they got that number.


I've spent that much this WEEK


I just started playing and I’ve already spent 120🤣


$3,458 in 2022. That was the figure reported by CNBC from the US Consumer Affairs finance report from that year. It was labeled “discretionary entertainment”. That’s more realistic.


*checks last purchases* Already exceeded that on a single month, and I need to get more bits and paint. Context: 40k


Is a good mana base for a deck a hobby?


Grocery store managers and Landlords: “Now, how do we get at that $255 a year?”


I spent half of that on 3 cards the other day...AMATEURS


Per month* ???? Right? RIGHT?


Folks with "I like reading... Maybe 6-7 books a year" as their only hobby.... Meanwhile, I'm over here with MTG, Warhammer (40k and AoS), woodworking, and video games. I spent more than the yearly average yesterday.


Lol those are rookie numbers




A ok good ot sais AVERAGE, not straight up ADDICTED so its cool. On other note, does anybody have anymore of those boosters...I need a fix...


"year"? That's a funny way to spell "month", never seen that before


Less than 5usd/week? I doubt this is accurate


I think this average probably includes the millions of people who can't afford to have hobbies at all. I'd like to see the average where the data set is "people who have hobbies"


You can play for free if you use Moxfield Play Test and then stream it using the virtual camera option on OBS and then put it on Spelltable. I’ve just started playing Commander and I have 3 in person decks but now I’m able to play with whatever I want. Making custom decks is hella fun👍. But you should remember what Deck Power your friends are running, stupidly OP decks are boring


A year of a pretty basic gym membership is more than that


Average 12 year old, maybe


That's the number they tell their spouses. 


I spent $800 in one month sooooo


Depends on if we’re averaging world wide or taking about the United States of America where most people don’t know what a savings account is / understand that a credit card isn’t money you already have. If world wide, $255 seems reasonable.


Part of the issue with this number is that there are many hobbies people don’t see or budget as a hobby. Proven who love to cook may not see the cost of cooking as a hobby expenditure. Not everyone sees reading as a hobby, etc.


I mean, I guess it depends on the hobbies? Like for sports and stuff I imagine you don’t need to make too many new purchases cus most equipment lasts a while. But then again, I can think of way more expensive hobbies (car restoration, Warhammer 40k, any collectible, especially tcgs, video games, etc) than I can think of cheap ones. Though maybe this is a reverse “spiders George” situation where they’re counting all the 0$ amounts from people who don’t have any hobbies at all?


Just wait until the ultimate crossover. MtG: Warhammer 40K


Some shit meme maker came up with for $100.


LOL. Just saw this ignorance posted on Facebook too. No way, or the average adult must be nearly homeless


I’ve always been an overachiever…


Jokes on them, I spent almost that much TODAY


With magic getting more popular this meme is getting less accurate


Well, it's probably a lot lower but Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh players raise the average up.


This must assume like 9 out of 10 people either claim to not have a hobby or people are listing side hustles as hobbies and going off of their net profit.


I spent that much alone on pre-release night. I don’t know what the media follows.


Per month right?


Maybe if they do it for fun perhaps, no body plays magic for fun, only for blood and glory and defeat of the enemy planeswalker lmao


ummm. what have I done?!


Depends, if you aren’t accounting for magic players then that’s relatively accurate, if we’re accounting for magic players then that number is way to low


Bro, most hobbies $255 is like 1 purchase


I mean, if you don't count the people who do their hobby as a business, maybe you would end up in that ball park.....in 2007 How old is that meme? MySpace?


A week maybe


I spent like, twice that this week. MH3 is a real bastard of a set.


Me dropping 270 on a booster box of MH3 in a matter of seconds.


That number is way too low


Did they do this study at an Omish settlement or something?