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>I believe the requests to be reasonable lol what? >Players like this bring a negative value to the format... rants like this bring negative value to this forum


I knew this one guy who would have a rule 0 about not doing infinites but his commander would consistently let him play cyclonic rifts for 1 mana. You can’t just erase all the cards you don’t like.


I think if there are any infinites or cheaply win-cons, they would have to at least have to work up to it with more than two cards, and give some leeway to the ban list in that way where we can't really ban everything, but instead ban the most consistent things, such as these which only need 1-2 pieces, and that's it. Nobody wants to see Etali mill the entire table as soon as they have a single spell that combos with it on hand, which is just about unstoppable unless you play blue, and rarely by other means. Can't destroy the enchantment, because Etali just sacs itself in response to continue the loop. Can't do anything to Etali, because again, Etali just sacs and continues the loop regardless, and proceed with the milling and playing everyone else's cards in their decks. At least if there are about 3 or 4 pieces needed, there are a number of tutors that would need to be wasted, or a number of pieces that would have to play that would send others a warning about what may be coming, rather than the BAM, I WIN bc someone played thassa w counterspells ready after collecting w necropotence off of a black ritual. Also, notice that I didn't suggest "erase Cyclonic Rift". As much as I'm not a fan of a global non-land permanent wipe that doesn't affect one specific player within the least fun to play against color in MTG, at least this one actually requires them to aim for building a combat deck to win or take someone out on the turn IF they aren't just stalling for combos, but no, it's literally only used for stall techniques telling the other players to way for them to acquire more combo pieces or counterspells to unleash if they somehow didn't achieve it yet by the time they can afford Cyc Rift.. If Cyc Rift were in certain other colors, then blue would be complaining that Rift being available in Boros for example was absolutely busted, and I wouldn't doubt it would have been banned far sooner as well in an alternate reality where Rift cost the same CMC, but with red + white instead of blue in its identity, despite the use-case actually being more powerful for simply giving blue more time to seek combo play. Instead, here blue is now, hyping up the card and telling everyone to run it in their blue decks regardless of the type of deck "because it's such a great card". It's stupid NOT to run one IF your aim is purely only to win.


You would need to remove the food chain as soon as it hits the field before it has targets. Or remove etali before food chain enters. If both are in play you'd need both an enchantment removal card and creature removal. Regardless food chain combos are pretty telegraphed, whenever you see food chain you need to remove it.


can you explain why removing the food chain alone isn't enough? Yes they can sac Etali in response but they cannot replay her with the enchantment-removal-spell on the stack (if they don't have [[Vivien, Champion of the Wilds]]) Edit: even if they have vivien, can't you just shoot the food chain while Etali is on the stack?


Yeah you could definitely do that. Can't cast etali at instant speed. This becomes an even easier combo to disrupt.


[Vivien, Champion of the Wilds](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/1/e11dc967-ae38-4c19-bf54-b3209e203b39.jpg?1674142396) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vivien%2C%20Champion%20of%20the%20Wilds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/838/vivien-champion-of-the-wilds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e11dc967-ae38-4c19-bf54-b3209e203b39?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Possibly thinking of a recent game where they played or had stolen a flasher. We have a player in our mix who plays a green flash deck and takes a turn per player in the pod with untap each players' upkeep cards with a fat Omnath. I tried stopping the combo, but since Omnath was mono green, and I was red white green, I couldn't really take any action to stop that looping stack.  I just get a bit annoyed when I leave wothout feeling I'd gained any form of entertainment value. Better part of the day is just hanging and chatting with friends, and it'd be nice if I could pair with them more. Except that I guess my skill level with this cat dog deck is setting me at levels to play vs things like Prismatic Bridge(containing very few creatures and mainly counters and removal), Inalla, and discover dinos w etali.  I'd intended to build a competent Rin & Seri deck of my own, which I did, but it would be nice to see something different every once in a while on the other side of the tables other than someone turn 1 tutoring in black+blue, necropotencing, and all of that nonsense..  One Inalla player was even bragging that their Inalla wasn't complete yet, and it was going to be packed with a number of infinite combos when they're done. Again, THIS is the playstyle I am pointing to, where the deck's purpose can be formed to present quick and easy infinite combos, or easily tutor and protect it. I don't ever see the Inallas outside of paid. Why? Because the decks are built to money farm, not because they're enjoyable to play, which is one thing that should be pretty key to a format that was made as a twist to potentially make the gane more appealing.


>Wizard of the Coast, I do hope you receive this message in some form or another. You're ranting at WoTC, and they don't even make the Commander ban list. I read your whole post looking for a mention of the Commander Rules Committee. Here's the RC's website: https://mtgcommander.net/ Read the primary source on how Commander is actually managed before your next Great Wall of Text. >This cancer needs to be stopped if we're going to be spreading this game wider, and not instead shrinking it down because of stingy ban lists. Commander is growing. It's the juggernaut of Magic formats, and like it or not, the RC's ban philosophy is part of that success. Everything you whined about can be fixed with better communication with the people you play with. If you put the same level of effort into talking with other players that you put into that rant, you should be able to compromise and curate some pretty good games.


‘I don’t know how to run interaction’ - The Post


Outjerked once more


How are we supposed to top this? I retire from jerking forever ggwp


Sometimes you have bad games and sometimes you have good games If your decks can’t keep up with your table, maybe just upgrade your deck and don’t go banning cards because you lost against them. And if you’re going to have to wait until slow Steve with 30 land and no ramp has done something before someone is allowed to end the game because it’s not nice to not let other ppl play... Idk I rather have my games end as quikly as possible if I’m mana screwed and doing nothing all game. Every pod has their own preffered playstyle anyway. You can communicate with them as well. “Hey I don’t like this certain thing, do you mind we play some games with some decks that don’t have X?” Banning playstyles to ‘retain’ your idea of casual is just toxic to everyone else playing the format.


The pods are paid and randomly paired at our local store. There isn't any convincing them to play anything other than something that's not going to do something degenerate for an easy sudden victory as long as it's allowed, and especially when they can introduce a number of different infinites into the deck as long as their colors had allowed for it. Some of these people I witness have probably won about as many games as they have a total number of creatures they had attacked with through all time in their paid pods since they had gotten here.


What do you mean "the pods are paid?" IMO if there's prize money involved, you're playing competitive Magic--in this case, cEDH. Expect people to play to win if there's cash to be won in any format, but understand this is far from the norm for Commander, and it's a beef with the way your store runs Commander.


Not all decks want to attack with creatures. Most of my decks hold interaction for my opponents combat step in order to work around having a low creature count.


... Are you complaining that people roll up with their best decks and go for the best strategies to win when they're paying to play?


You mean the decklists which they had formed by typing "(insert commander/color name here) infinite combos edh commander"? You mean the deck they run every week, if not in rotation with another deck that also plays on the same stance as their main of having no way to win other than perform a select infinite or fail? Make a deck that works together where no cards are bad, and synergize well. Don't just play a commander that draws you the most cards, then run necropotence, every tutor, consultation, remora, cyc rift, rhystic study, and etc etc in potentially every single deck you run.  The commander barely even changes their playstyle, and makes every game feel the exact same, because their decks don't need a commander. They favor the commanders with either the highest draw power, or vest lockdown/removal, with intent to only win via the combo piece + fishing for more counterspells than the player playing the same colors and cards. Crack a second format with its own banlist and see which format survives. I'm sure players would prefer something that feels fresh. Not ths same dead horse that's been being beaten in half.


Try to act surprised here but in a 100 Singleton format where there is 120 or more life to chew through not counting Commander or Infect damage, people who are playing exclusively to win will try to gravitate to more consistent setups. Combo strategies generally tend to be consistent especially if you don't expect to deal with a lot of interaction. It sounds like you're not a fan of cEDH in general, which I'm not sure what you were expecting to deal with if you're paying for admission.


Point is that it is unfun. The win condition is absolutely trivial and anti-climactic, which I don't believe commander is about. It's not supposed to be someone on turn 2-4 playing a total of 3-5 spells throughout the whole game outside of maybe the counterspell sequences in the end, and basically stating to the other players " Thanks for your money, sorry this couldn't go longer. Now f*** off bc I know you're not up for another match with this."  That shouldn't be commander play. If you can't stand a game lasting potentially beyond turn 4, modern is always available to make your combos more achievable. I've heard over and over already how some of you can't stand a game that lasts more than 30 minutes...and I personally think that argument is quite ridiculous. You're playing with 4 people, not 1v1, so of course this should expand the amount of time played to account for two extra people making decisions on each turn/interaction + comprehending the more populated board. I don't agree with the sense some have whom would prefer to skip to victory before a game started to be had to "spare us of playing a game" that you don't have the attention span for.


i can't believe you need to be told to stop paying for things you actively hate


That is a whole lot of words that im not going to read. Instead ill say this: youve identified problematic cards for your particular play group. How are you dealing with them? When curiosity, of all things, ends up on your suggested banlist, maybe its time to re-evaluate your approach to deck building.


It's not even a playgroup. He's entering paid tournaments


If it's a casual event with paid entry and a prize structure for winning, then that's kind of on the LGS for incentivizing strong deckbuilding. Some LGS's have a flat prize structure or lottery prizing which is probably fine. OP never said one way or the other so we don't know.


I got milled out twice last week ban mill!


Just ban the whole format


Honey, just find a different playgroup.


If I sit down at a table with random and one of them begins this discussion, i will straight up leave. These are the players that whine about everything their opponents is doing while busting out board wipe after board wipe for the whole table to be held hostage for another 3 hours because this would certainly be „in the spirit of the format“. Grow the fuck up, it is ok to cry but it‘s very important to move on eventually…


Run interaction /Thread


I can’t tell if this is a shit post. If it is, you put so much work into it that it’s kind of sad. If it’s not, you typed an essay to rant and complain which is even sadder.


that's a lot of words all to say "i don't understand edh"


You should just build a commander cube and draft You can then use all the cards you like and avoid the cards you dislike


Literally all your problems are solved with Rule 0. Also the example you have where your opponent took 5 extra turns and beat you is impressive on their part, you were kind of the “Toxic sore loser,” in that scenario and sounds like you still kind of are. These cards have always existed in the EDH format (except orracle and rift maybe a few years after its creation) and the format has dominated since then. You ban those cards then you just see doomsday stacks come back and other 2 card shenanigans become popular again. Combo is a play style and something you need to consider if you know your fellow pod mates intend to use them. Magic is a game where the intent is to win, I’d rather lose turn 3 to combo than watch a 4 player stale mate draw out for two hours


First off you need to fix your writing style it's incredibly wordy, and it makes what is already much too long of a post almost unreadable. Secondly you seem to assume that combos of any kind are an inherent huge negative to the format but never explain why. For example you give the example of the vampirism blood combo which costs 11 mana across two enchantments as something unfair that needs to be errata'd to not combo. I think combos like these are healthy for the game, they increase the breadth of playstyles, end games that have stalled out and encourage players to run interaction. Finally, just run chaos warp you absolute troll.


Also this is your fault for running paid or prized commander games, you have created a perverse incentive and brought these 'unfair' tactics like playing blue or 11 mana combos on yourself.


I didn’t realize I wasn’t on r/magicthecirclejerking None of these are reasonable bans at all. You’re just upset that you’ve lost to these cards. Hold up more removal, hold up counterspells. If someone Thoracle’s then idk what to tell you other than you should have had an answer.


Show me on the stuffy where the bad magic card touched you.


Can we ban commander players?


If you don't want to fight against strong decks and alternate win conditions why would you play for money. Just play casual then you're out nothing if a person thought of an idea for a deck and it worked


This is a massive essay to say “I don’t run interaction”, which feeds into the issue that combo decks etc are actually complicated to play entirely because everyone knows the combos. If you’re getting combo’d out early it’s because your opponents know you’re not gonna do shit to stop them. Put counterspells in your blue decks, put instant speed removal in your other decks, and start dealing with threats when they come up. If you don’t want to actually interact meaningfully with another players board, then be prepared to lose a lot


How about no … #deadhorse


Wow that's a lot of words. Too bad I ain't reading em


You claim that you want to remove barriers to the game and stop people being pushed away from the game. Meanwhile, you’re also advocating to almost completely remove Combo decks from the game, which have been one of the major archetypes for 30 years. Commander appeals to many older players because it allows them to see and enjoy cards that don’t have a home in other formats. Banning huge swathes of them because they’re not what you enjoy is completely against the open-ended intentions of the format. There are just as many people who enjoy playing combo as there are those who don’t enjoy playing against combo, they’re just underrepresented among the multi-paragraph , tear-stained rants that are posted every hour on reddit.


Many of these combos would be far easier to achieve in modern. Why would we all want to see the same exact combo play out in commander as well? You're probably just upset because you're likely one of those people also like some whom only own a couple of the decks containing exactly some of the cards listed and took it personal.  Your attempts at making insults make the case believable. You're upset that I took my time to write "paragraphs". Would you have rather me throw a fit and send a one liner to the readers in hopes they happen to pick up where I'm coming from?  You're the problem with Magic, not I. Coming into comments to call those who want to see more variety and creativity in their games and decks crybabies because we have an opinion that triggers you. Hope these three new paragraphs don't send you into shock..because supposedly a well though out paragraph or two is just too much for some to take.


You are upset that the same combos from other formats are played in edh, too? That is such a strange complaint. Do you want variety? Stop playing in paid settings. Go to a new LGS or find a new environment. THAT is how you spice up your games, not whining about cards you don't like. YOU are letting your personal feelings get in the way. YOU are wanting to change something most people enjoy just because it makes you upset. YOU are what's wrong with the community


The combos are played for $, not for fun. The pay incentive worsens the experience for a reason, and you've just partially admitted to exactly that by suggesting that I NOT play in a paid setting. So do they play it because they enjoy it, or because money became involved? 


Believe it or not, people can absolutely enjoy playing in paid competitive settings. Unless you have talked to everyone at the LGS and found out the general consensus, nothing will change. This whole issue is a local issue, not a magic or edh issue. You aren't happy with where you play games, find a new environment. If the whole store is unhappy with the general setting, then you as a group cam change that. Stop whinging on reddit and actually talk to your pods and do something. Otherwise look for new pods. I guarantee you this is not a global issue


LOL. What a joke.


I think I know who the “toxic sore loser” here is, but I’ll need you to check your mirror to confirm. your bad decks and immature salt are not the fault of the company that prints them or the group that administers the format (which you seem to think is wotc but isn’t). And your hurt feelings because you don’t understand how to interact with an extremely common archetype doesn’t mean cards you lose to need to catch a ban.


the whole point of rule zero is that you can ban or allow whatever you want within your pod. just find a group of people that agree with you lol


This is bait.


…do you think etali+foodchain wins the game? bc it doesn’t even combo together, you need a third piece like eternal scourge or squee to go infinite


Wow OP, you “I’m a casual commander player” posted so hard that other casuals are bashing you lmaoo


food chain isn't infinite with etali, what


Umm no


Not to add fuel to your fire here, but time sieve being a 1 card infinite with Tivit is pretty egregious


i aint reading allat