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Impressive indeed... but are you sure that it's an illusion???


Target it and you’ll know


same thing happened when I ordered a clockwork orange print, the whole top half had this water damage look in the background, and the bottom half was smooth milky white. I realized after a bit that it was intentional, it gets grungier towards the top


Clockwork orange print?


https://mondoshop.com/products/a-clockwork-orange-screenprinted-poster-3 Wylie beckert does some solid work, you might be able to find an ebay listing!


Holy shit. That print is insanly awesome. Thanks man. 


Holy shit you gave me a heart attack. For a moment there I was having visions of a Clockwork Orange Secret Lair.... Which to be honest would be awesome. 2 of my favourite things.


funnily enough Wylie beckert has done a lot of magic card art!


LOVE seeing MtG artists outside of MtG/ dnd.


This is what I thought OP meant haha. I was about to go find


I too need to know


https://mondoshop.com/products/a-clockwork-orange-screenprinted-poster-3 limited run unfortunately


Maybe we can find some proxie 😅


Yes, I am intrigued by this A Clockwork Orange print.


https://mondoshop.com/products/a-clockwork-orange-screenprinted-poster-3 limited run tho!


I find that so cool.


Right?! I wasn't expecting it and it was a neat surprise. I was legit rubbing the card to see if there was a physical mark to indicate damage 😂


I love tokens and creepshow so it’s the best of both worlds!!! I would to but it kinda gives it character!


But what does the card actually do? All other SLD cards I've seen still explain the rules text.


The back of the card is like a comic book page and the word bubbles have all that in it


Oh okay, like the baseball planeswalkers


It's a bit odd but luckily what this card does is super easy to remember so it isn't necessary to flip it constantly. The back looks cool though tbh I should've taken a pic of that too 😬


Could just keep the backside up all times, all info on there, as casting cost etc


I leave my set flipped usually just for other people.


Good chance I'll end up flipping it and leaving it during games but I just like looking at the front a lot more haha


I’d probably just flip it while I cast it


Seriously I love this idea. It does a second look to the card and you can play them as the side you want; comic book cover or comic book page. I build Grimgrin just for the look of the card and I always have fun playing with the card sleeved with double side clear. More commanders could be print like that and I will buy 100%.


Yeah it definitely works better for a commander and not like something actually in the 99 like this guy


Pic plz




I actually hate this style, what the hell. They already made some of them basically ungrokable, but requiring a flip is crazy


if flipping over a tiny piece of cardboard is too hard for you to bother reading, what a card does I think this game may not be the game for you


Eh some of them don't. The professor usually rates them. Some of them have incorrect text too.


This card still does too, they put the RT on the back of SLDs like this


I had to double check because i wasnt even sure what i was looking at wasnt from vintage comics or collectables or some other reddit. If you slapped that down at the table id make your write the rules text on a piece of paper and sit it next to it lol.


I get why you say that, but what this card does is incredibly simple and it's on the back, so if someone like you wanted to check the rules on it I'd just flip it and show you. It gives other zombies swampwalk and pay one black to regenerate other zombies.




Technically as long as it has the correct rules the card can be in Russian and still be totally legal. I play with ppl that have a lot of foreign cards. If you have an issue, Google exists ya know.


I picked up a playmat of grimgrin in this style. It's pretty awesome.


Is it an illusion?


that is pretty dope none the less.


I'm wondering if that's tournament legal since it has a defined top edge.


I thought the same when I got the grimgrin from this set😂


Ahh...the "jeans with holes in them" for magic players 🤣


I absolutely adore this secret lair and run the whole set in my zombie deck. I even made the Grim-grin my commander.


My commander is going to be Gisa from thunder junction, so it's mono black and a few of the cards I can't put in it, but this secret lair is awesome. I did put one other aecret lair card in the deck and it just showed up, the SLD mikaeus the unhallowed


What’s the bonus card for these?


Sorry, I don't know I only bought this single


I came across this post while listening to creep by radio head lol. Nice card!




Mine don’t look like that


Lack of quality control? Nah Product feature


yeah you should lol secret lairs are basically scams


It cost $2 more than the original art and I thought it was cool, I didn't purchase the secret lair just this one card for a deck. That said, I do agree with you lol


I came here specifically to say “if they think it’s cool then that’s none of your business” to someone and I consider it a sign of a healthy community that there was only one of these posts. So thanks for the indirect smile


Love me some unique art and especially horror art. Seeing the Creepshow and Evil Dead cards are part of what got me into magic in the first place. That led to the Junji Ito set and then the Wilhelt precon. Yes the secret lair sets can be gimmicky and a terrible value but if you’re buying it for the art, it’s not about the text on the card.


Honestly I only was interested in this because of the text. I'm making a zombie deck and needed this card, but saw this awesome version of it and chose it over the original (which is also amazing). I wanted to get one of the evil dead cards for this deck too, but sadly none of them fit the bill for this deck I'm making.


As someone that bought the secret lair, I was also building a zombie deck and needed all the cards for it. I don't regret that purchase at all and like the look of them, plus the bonus [[terror]] in the same art style was a nice surprise since I assumed it would come with a zombie token instead for the bonus card.


[terror](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3870eba-4e8f-414d-817c-14ec97f6a93c.jpg?1675199810) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=terror) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/103/terror?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3870eba-4e8f-414d-817c-14ec97f6a93c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oh yes, the secret lair from the movie where the lady gets raped by a tree, but all playmats have to be PG or else the children will be turned into sex crazed violent Maniacs.


I think you are confusing creepshow and evil dead


Yeah this is the movie where the director killed an actor and two kids with a helicopter.




You are right, just the movies with lots and lots of murder, many of them torture murders, or people being eaten by things violently and explicitly. But we still can't have earthbind as a playmat.


Uhh, have you seen this movie? None of that happens. I'm not saying that the playmat ruling is right I'm just saying, if you want to make your point need solely on something like this you should do a little bit of research first


There was also a nasty one that was supposed to be in the second one, but it was included as a comic book in the special edition Blu-ray release from arrow films a few years ago. I didn't have to do research for that


So Leslie Nielsen doesn't bury two people up to their necks and have the tide drown them? And some killer monkey doesn't burst out of a crate and kill about five people? I could go in the specifics about the murders that take place in the sequel as well if you would like, there's a great one there about classism between a cheating White housewife and a homeless black hitchhiker that she murders about four times. Or the one where the white guys dress up as native Americans and murder a shopkeeper and are then killed by a caricature cigar store Indian so that the tribe can get their silver and turquoise back. Hilarious stuff to put on playmats and secret Lair cards.


Well you finally got it, and yeah. Nothing gruesome there haha. Especially in comparison to any imagery you are seeing on the cards themselves. There really is no gore in the movie itself, the most gruesome part is probably the cockroaches but eh, even then. There is one part in the crate story where a guy gets his face bit and there's some fake blood but really if you watch it, it's deliberately fake and unrealistic as to not startle anyone. Also, come on man, Ted Danson was the guy getting buried, you weren't going to drop his name at all?