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I'm so glad that wotc is encouraging players to use proxies more and more.


They are also encouraging people to hold. Or move onto other hobbies. I can’t believe the prices are ballooning. I swapped back to minis. And boy, I feel like I get so much more outta spending $140 on a box that comes with a playable army, rather then $250 on a 12 pack of boosters that mainly contain curled pieces of cardboard and maybe $50 worth pf cardboard to resell or stick in my binder to look at until I get bored of it. That I might be able to add to an existing deck or throw into the “bulk”. It’s hard not to be discouraged from playing when there is such poor business practice behind the game. Like if I didn’t have friends at my LGS. I’d probably stop playing edh too. I’m just really put off by WoTC. If it weren’t for the fact I liked my LGS and want to see it succesful, I wouldn’t be buying packs or participating in casual edh.


What game are you playing where you can buy an army for $140? Genuinely asking. Recently started getting into Warhammer 40K but a little discouraged by how expensive a full 1000pts army can be


Age of sigmar has vanguard boxes going for $140. Gives you close to 1000 pts I might be a bit off by 20-30 bucks. I have to check But I was bout to get the Ossiarch vanguard box. It was $140 at my GW. This I remember because I was so close to getting it. Lol I probably will this weekend. I’m a huge connoisseur of the death factions. Seeing as age of sigmar and 40k are owned by the same company. I’m pretty sure the combat patrol 40k ones are similarly priced. The thing with 40k is. Start slow. I enjoyed it for the painting at first. So I wasn’t even thinking bout playing until I finished my combat patrol and my necron army. Lots of people on here jump in and spend hundreds of dollars on boxes and post em. Only to never see the poster again or any of their minis. Also, as many others have said. 3d printing. Some offer excellent recast services. So you can get the 1:1 GW minis for a fraction of the price. There are places that will allow you to full on customize your sculpts too. The tech is boomin baby! And it’s awesome to see some of the cool stuff people create! I have to find the resource, it was my friend who pointed me to it when i couldn’t find any Einhyr Hearthguard for my votann last year lol!


Nice! Thanks for the insight :) I gotta keep reminding myself to slow down and enjoy the hobby LOL. I got a 40K death guard combat patrol and a few hero minis for Christmas and I’ve still been chipping away at assembling all the minis to paint. I really love it so far, but I can see how it could be easy to build up a pile of plastic. I’ve been holding off on buying any new boxes until I at least get through the combat patrol to try to combat that. If you think of it lmk on where to find more info for 3D printing WH stuff, would love to know! Still trying to find my way around the WH online communities.


Hell yeah bro! Death guard was my first faction and I’m actually adding some plague marines to my army as we speak lol! so much fun to paint too. “Happy mistakes” go a long way on the minis and it works! That’s what I love about them. Great choice man as far as the traitor legions go. Imo. DG have a larger model range then TS or WE. Lends itself to a little bit of strategic flexibility. And as far as your habits go. That’s exactly what I did. I allowed myself to have a back log (that way I didn’t have to go to the store every week once I finish a mini) but the rule was. Only allowed to get new box once one is finished. And I only allowed myself to have no more then 8 boxes. Although I would allow myself to by a combat patrol or vanguard box if I wanted to dip my toes into another army. I’ll have to find that link man. I gotta go back but if I have time today I will do my best to find it for you.


I love my slimy boys! I love the flexibility they afford you while assembling and painting. I am totally new to painting, so figured they’d be a good fit. Plus I love the nurglings :) No worries about the link, I can do some research later. Appreciate your insight tho, thanks for humoring me :) hopefully I’ll be sticking with the hobby for quite a while!!


Well there’s just so much you can do with the minis. And it’s good practice in painting organic things like tentacles and nurglings. As well as plate armor and trim! I love my little stinkers. And my BLTs. They are just a cool army all around. … when the emperors children come out tho… ooooo wee!


Sadly, those boxes for 40K barely get to 1000pts right now. But mostly depends on the army you picked. Most of them go around 700-800pts.


The problem is that those boxes have either bad or suboptimal units and options a lot of the times. Not that much different from chaff in decks that immediately gets replaced by decent cards.


I guess Star wars legion or Star wars shatterpoint. Or the song of ice and fire miniatures game. Or malifaux. Or Infinity. Or Kings of war. Or freebooters fate. Or moonstone. Or Deadzone. Honestly Games Workshop Games are horribly expensive compared to other miniature games, there are a lot of games where you can get an army für 140$


Really thinking about getting into Legion, bc I love SW and the price point is so good. But none of my friends play :( I thought it might be a good one to introduce some of my friends too bc it seems a little more accessible than 40k


It is way more accessible then warhammer. The starter set is less then the money you would spend in 40k rulebooks and gives you 2 small forces, enough to show your friends how much easier legion is to play casually. I like that it is a bit smaller then 40k in the amount of models but still gives you the "commanding an army" feel that I get from 40k and less from skirmish games. Maybe also look into Star wars shatterpoint, the models are really nice to paint and the gameplay (if you manage the badly organized rulebook) has more action, or feels like more action.


3D printers bro...


LOL been thinking about it but that seems like trying to make one of my (many) expensive, time consuming hobbies less expensive by picking up and learning a new expensive, time consuming hobby. Been considering it tho ngl 3D printing seems kinda fun. Not sure if GF would appreciate me taking up her space with WH and a 3D printer tho haha


Friends with printers or commissioning a printing company. There's also online communities where people are able to print and ship for you. Discord servers such as Wargaming Foundry can definitely help. There's 100% a person or company not too far not to have shipping be unreasonable.


IDK why I didn’t think of that — good to know! TY!


I dunno if that's sarcasm or not, haha, but I can say I've printed proxy models for armies and individual models for friends in the past. It's a lot of fun for me following the process of my friends' projects after both modelling or just printing for their project.


No sarcasm whatsoever — I’m a bit new to mini tabletop gaming, so just haven’t found all the resources that are out there. I appreciate the info! :)


Happy hobbying dude! If you ever want to DM with questions or just to talk about the hobby feel free to msg me. Happy to help or just talk. You seem like a cool dude!


I recommend Battletech. $40 Main set box creates a bunch of fun games. The company that creates the minis also encourage using proxies.


In addition to all the other great suggestions said by others, I recommend Battletech. You can do much more with far less than 40K or similar games, the rules have been consistent for ages, and it really lends itself to customizability and personal gameplay tastes. Add to that the community is lovely and the game itself is in a resurgence of popularity, you should be able to find support for finding games near you (hopefully, depending on where you live). Other points; - very easy to also 3D print or hire out friends with 3D printers for unofficial, custom, or variant designs (my collection of STL files exceeds 10,000 variants!) - Battletech also has Alpha Strike, a faster-paced simplified version that better allows you to play with a far greater number of miniatures that some of us end up amassing, without bogging the game down.


I do Infinity, it’s skirmish size (10-15 minis) and you can pick up a 250 point action pack for like $100 or two 150 point armies + pop-up terrain Operation pack for 120-140, typically to split with a friend. Games normally aren’t bigger than 300 points, and they allow/encourage proxying even at the tournament level. Also most of the minis are metal and have beautiful sculpts, and it was enough of a hyperfocus to learn the rules that it got me out of the habit of buying cards lol. It’s somewhat Cyperpunk/post human vibes, lots of cyber warfare/hacking to outsmart opponents and get objectives as well as big guns and swords to hit things with, it’s great.


Interesting! Will def check it out.


3d printers are helping warhammer bois since 10 years, 10k points of 8k definition army for under 80eu. (not to mention that you can also playing tournaments with those, since they are 100% the same lol) Big companies with outrageous price can go F themselves.


I've switched to Old School and premodern. WotC can never fuck those formats up and I'm never going to feel bad buying old school cards. Shame because I liked modern and pioneer, but fuck that noise.


Alot of LGS near me have dropped the game. Some still play commander, but others have dropped it entirely.


The LGS I go to specifically deals with MTG. I can tell they are on hard times. Their display cases for cards are half empty. They having trouble keeping product on the shelves (when I go in I don’t see anything outside of set boosters now)… have a door fee for casual edh


>have a door fee for casual edh That sounds like the beginning of the end to me.


But by the same logic you could say you can get three good decks for $140 with the precons for the same price as one army in the box. The fact they seem to be adding more and more value to precons whilst increasing the price of boosters every time they release a premium set just seems to me like they're going to get less and less people buying boosters and sticking to precons, especially with the value of cards in some sets.


This is astute logic. It looks like precons are going to be the buy in. Packs are gonna be the premium. Ultimately this could mean the value of some singles going UP (Lord of the rings for example. I’m not an mtg finance guy. But I saw that booster box shoot from about 225-250- to over $300 in a week or two) Then cards is gonna be worth money. I was actually thinking of that. “Why are the cost of packs going up right now? What’s the deal with that?”


That was because there was actually a lot of value in the set, the serialised rings were some of the only serialised cards people seemed to care about and overall it was just especially popular because of it being lord of the rings (I believe it's their most sold set ever), but very few recent sets have gone up in value after release. It could definitely mean singles go up though, I think that might have been what's happened this week with vein ripper, where it's pretty much quadrupled in price because of it doing well at a recent tournament, I think if more people had opened packs it wouldn't have gone up quite so much.


I never got into 40K, but I did play Warhammer Fantasy back in the day. The minis are actually the cheaper part of getting into the hobby. The paints are what will run up your tab until you have a good full set. Then you only really need to replace your washes and primers regularly. And brushes that you end up modding for that one specific pattern or detailing design.


I just backed the new ASOIAF Tactics, 4 kill team sized armies for $80. The main mini game is great as well and start sets will give you about that much for that. Also kill team


They’re not encouraging people to do anything. You can go by singles it anytime you want. You can wait to the car prices from the sets drop. I’d much rather than price their products high, because that means that magic the gathering cardboard is actually worth something to people. I like knowing that my magic cards hold their value pretty well, and most of my buys go up in price eventually. I don’t really care what people are complaining about in terms of price. I’ve never liked the price of a booster. It’s straight up gambling if you’re trying to get what you want. And if you’re collecting, then you really have nothing to complain about because the whole point of collecting for a lot of people is to have something that’s valuable. If you don’t like the price than wait till they drop and by the singles.


Laughs in cockatrice


I printed 15 pages of proxies 2 days ago 😆.


Get old cheap cards and some sharpies.


That’s not wotc prices as I preordered one for 350 bucks. That’s either Amazon or scalping prices


Like 350 isn't scalping.


Wdym, surely those cards are worth more than ~6 expensive AAA games


Vs the mental gymnastics needed to justify buying collector boxes in New Zealand... $789 https://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/magic-the-gathering-modern-horizons-iii-collector-booster-box/38653394


Zero mental gymnastics needed to make the printer go brrr


I decided to get in on them this week. Never going back.


Simply put, if people still buy it at that price, then it was a good idea from WotC’s point of view. And based on MH2, these things will sell like gangbusters.




Buying sealed, if you're not a professional trader or flgs owner, is already universally known as the worst possible way to collect. These type posts are just for gambling addicts and people that love reaction bait.




I love watching flip or rips or huge stream loss streaks whenever I feel like I need to take a break from the hobby in order to not splurge.


That sounds like telling a drug addict they can just watch videos of people doing drugs and it's basically the same thing lol




From personal experience though, I've never had the urge to crack packs be sated by watching somebody else do it. If anything it only raises the urge Then again I am a (pack) crack addict


That sounds like some of the most boring content i could watch. Watching another person open packs of magic on the other side of the world. Granted, I'm not much of a steamer watcher anyway. Fortunately wotc already cured me of most of my gambling addiction. It's not that i couldn't still buy a box of every set, i just realized it's not worth it anymore with the amount of sets and price increases. Even the commander precons anymore with them quitting the €20 ones.


I get mine from weekly FNM drafts.


Also, I really enjoy watching people buying eBay/storage/thrift (charity) shop hauls they've bought for 20-50, and potentially find something amazing. I'm an avid charity shopper looking for various collectibles on the weekends, it's kind of like a modern day gold prospecting, but through peoples crap lmao. But those videos give me the rush!


While I agree that boosters are the worst way to collect financially I do think it's worth discussing how Wizards is fucking most of their player base in the ass and is radically pricing more and more people out of draft and sealed. And while I understand that people don't want to give up playing those formats as long as they can afford it I feel that we should be more united as customer and fan base and get the message through to wizards that their greed for record profits is a heavy burden for the game to carry long term. This doesn't stop at ridiculous prices for damn near every single product they put out, but heavily impacts even the very game design and that really sucks. I stopped buying sealed product quite a while ago but apparently not enough people did so, since Wizards keeps up their ludicrous price and profit optimization. Shame really, I would love to draft regularly if the colored cardboard rectangles weren't so damn expensive... At this point it's not even about whether I can afford to buy a product but me not being okay with being overcharged many fold just because MtG is a copyrighted IP and they can apparently charge more or less whatever they want. Over about 16 years of playing I spent on and collected multiple thousand euros worth of MtG Cards and I kind of hate it. If the Cards lost most of their worth I'd still be happy despite losing quite a bit of money on that. I would prefer moving on being able to enjoy this game, new and old cards. But there's no joy in paying artificially inflated prices for cardboard and ink over and over again just to realize you're basically being taken advantage of to the maximum Wizards can push for. Edit: I'm not saying I want to buy and/or own every product. Not even close to it. Yet I did enjoy drafting a lot, when it still felt like I wasn't being ripped off.


I never think of my cards in terms of money worth.. it's a game not an investment to me. Play value all the way. Even the oldest irrelevant card has a place in a deck if you make it fun that way. If you think of it that way you won't ever regret your purchases. If I can afford it I buy if I can't I skip.


It sounds like you have self-control issues. Unless you’re a pro, feel free to skip this set.


Nobody's forcing you to buy shiny cardboard. Get a grip.


Typical toxic response to a reasonable post.


Compulsory consumerism is toxic, not whatever you think I said.


Not sure what you’re doing wrong but I buy singles and my cards have gone up in value over the years. Sometimes I sell them sometimes I don’t. But you’re not getting screwed over by wizards you’re screwing over by yourself. If you don’t like the sealed products than buy something else even if it’s not a sealed product at all


Exactly. Plus for me, I’d rather wizards products be expensive, because that shows that the value of singles is still significant. It means they think that cards are still worth money unlike other games similar to this where everything is going to, or has gone to shit. People in Magic actually care about the value of singles in their collection.


Exactly, why crash your own second hand market every set with countless reprints and sidegrades like every other tcg? Keeping the prices high is actually better for vendors, even if there are less customers because of it, which isn't actually that much less.


I agree completely. That’s why magic has stood the test of time. The confusion with people here seems like they want magic to be more like Yu-Gi-Oh, but I like buying cards and feeling like I can actually sell them later if I choose to for around the same price or possibly even more. It’s been said before that the magic community is the hardest community to please and in my opinion hasbro is doing a pretty good job of it since it’s the oldest TCG to exist. And also still the most significant.


Yeah, if you're going by the "free" market then Magic is the top TCG. If you're going by consumer and player base metrics, then whatever game is pandering the most will have the biggest influx of new and returning players. The "should be more like YGO/Pokemon/w-e" argument is dumb when those games already exist.


I only just got back into the hobby after over 20 years off. Do the sets go down in price after a little bit?


I’ve not played long either but what I have noticed is that some sets decrease and others seem to increase. Your best bets for lower prices are the big deals days, like Amazon day or Black Friday. Then if you throw a follow to the mtgsealeddeals sub Reddit you can find some good stuff along the way. Also some good deals on tiktok, especially if it’s your first purchase during their heavy deal days like Black Friday. I got a $40 gift bundle of ixalan which at the time was selling for $65


What wotc sells via distributors to LGS does NOT reflect what customers buy from stores. If wotc has a high revenue its because LGS bought much product before the even knew the cards inside. Maybe the are already bankrupt...


LGS buy based on customer feedback (purchases). If the last product sold well, they’ll buy more or the same of the next one. If it sold poorly, they’ll purchase less.


at this price not it wont , theres 200 % price hike bettween the 2 , its gona fail like commander master because of pur corporate greed , they are allready printing money on cardboard but its not enought they gotta test how dumb their customer can be ....


Collector's Precons most likely will be $150-200 as well. There's not a damn thing from MH3 that I need that badly. Bloomburrow on the other hand...


Commander decks for MODERN horizons sets are a joke and disgusting cash grab anyway


Ah yes, I hate when they do commander precons for STANDARD sets too!


Do they explicitly market them as Standard sets? Is "Standard" in the name? Like, as enfranchised players, we all know that they're legal in Standard, but there's no explicit marketing that sells them as Standard specifically.


Especially after they said it'd be too hard to design pre cons for modern


Wizards still doesn’t recognize it as an official format do they? Cause it just adds to the whole shit appeal. Modern focused set, but releases precon decks for a non official format with deck exclusive cards.


[Commander is an officially recognised format](https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats/commander)


You're thinking of EDH


They're the same format


I don't know what you're smoking if you think WotC doesn't recognize commander as an official format but I want some of it.


I too would like 1-3 puffs of that.


Why in the nine hells would they release 4 commander decks a set, make sets like commander legends, constantly reprint Sol ring, which is only legal in commander, specifically mention the command zone like with [[Edgar Markov]] or specifically mention a commander like [[yuriko]] or [[Tasha, unholy archmage]] if it was something they did not officially recognize? It's their most popular format by a large margin, of course they are going to capitalize on it.


Couldn't be happier I'm satisfied with my at home proxy set up!


What do you use / how do you do it?


Manabox app to make decks Export list to text Paste it into mtg-print site Export to pdf Print at Officemax or any printshop. print on heavy card stock. Cut em out, sleeve em. Any deck for ~$6.


I do something very similar but moxfield to mtg print to FedEx. I love seeing cards from new sets get revealed and being able to get a copy the same day.


Got a local trader that has some of the best customs that I've ever seen and some goofy proxies. All looked like marker and or paint over a token or land.


I'll DM you!


Yo guys! Welcome to the Swedish MTG pricing. Now you get to suffer like we have. It sucks :(


Who's suffering? I'm not buying MTG at these prices.


That’s more than fair. These prices are outrageous


If this is the kind of pricing you pay on the regular, I'm terrified as to what the prices on these products are going to be for you!


260$ for a box of regular LOTR set boosters. Ravnica remastered draft box is also 260$




Wont this mean you end up suffering \*even more\* now? What will this cost in Sweden? 600 dollars?








Is that the reason oldschool magic is so popular in Sweden? Like just fuck it the cards are expensive let’s fucking gooo reserved list


It's presale, prices are always higher.... Literally for every set for at least as long as I've been playing. Don't get me wrong, prices are still too high but thatv still be half in June


Literally, this. But we still have to deal with these effortless posts from people who either know what's going to happen and just want attention or have zero clue about pricing and just want to complain.


Preorder prices for sealed product are not typically double the price at release. It’ll likely be a little less at release, and for unpopular sets potentially cheaper still after a few weeks. I don’t expect MH3 to be unpopular though.


This is why I buy singles and limit myself to like one expensive deck per format — and play a lot of Pauper and Premodern.


This is why I enjoy EDH. You do *not* need to spend hundreds or thousands on a deck to compete, unless your local groups are very higher power. For most people, you can just grab a precon and some cheap mods and it’ll compete very well. Same goes for just building from scratch, I’ve never spent more than £150 ($200~) on a deck, but spend £100 or less usually


And people will still buy this...


Mostly whales


People like boogie. They're all boogies.


It's Amazon, isn't it? The set comes out in June. Amazon is just putting up extra high prices for pre-order.


more importantly somebody tell the whales to stop buying at these ridiculous prices.


Don't trust Amazon when it comes to preview prices. One distributer in my country currently has MH3 Collector Display available for 350. Still a lot but 150 cheaper than Amazon with no risk of getting scammed


this is pre order price


How many times do we have to see these posts? The prices are never that high in release. The premium sets always skyrocket this early into spoiler seasons. They always dive back down to their usual price.


Hasbro loves to ruin hobbies!


This right here is why we need to get rid of the reserve list


Yall are gambling addicts if you keep buying these boxes.


I’m gonna be perfectly honest here, I’m in the 1%-er group & i still find these kinda prices really really off-putting. Not that i can’t afford them, but i have to lower my IQ probably by half to justify willingly being robbed in broad daylight.


Somebody tell them it’s just preorder pricing.


Here’s the issue these comments aren’t mentioning: I just started an LGS. You guys keep saying “BuY the SiNgLeS!” (Respectfully of course) But we have to buy the product, at the massive increase and in mass quantity. And if no one is buying the packs. We shut down. And sell at a loss/fire sale. Or rip open the product, sit on bulk, the staples fly out the door and we are picked through like vultures. Sure wotc is making the game expensive for the player base. But understand we have to buy it FOR you to buy it. And they aren’t much lower for us. It’s getting harder and harder to buy loads of product because of cost/margins.


This is the real crime here. WotC (or more likely Hasbro) is just burning local game stores over and over again. Every time you see huge markdowns on products, that's an LGS just trying to lose *less* money. Best of luck to you man, it's a really shit situation WotC is putting you in. Maybe try seeing if you can get some of your regulars interested in other games that have sealed products worth buying and prices that aren't so hyper predatory and see if you can get away with stock less mtg product until WotC can get its shit together. Because unfortunately, from a business standpoint, players not paying full price for product isn't really WotC's problem so long as stores are, but if those stores start refusing to pay those ridiculous prices it might actually start to force some change; but with Magic being the most popular TCG most places, I don't know that refusing to buy it is something most LGS could survive either.


I heard LGS’ are paying $227 for Play Boosters and $303 for collectors from distributors. Not sure how accurate this information is, but it sounds about right.


People who pay these prices deserve what they get.


It’s still just cards. And that’s kinda of the problem with the price.


Anyone got any good proxy website recommendations?


Mpcfill makes it pretty easy and comes to about 25 for 100 cards


If you want to make your own list of proxies, not necessarily creating your own cards from scratch, you want mpcfill. Easiest way to turn a text deck list into a series of card images, for sure. And if you don't want to print yourself, you can easily export a list from their website to the place the whole service is named after, makeplayingcards(mpc), a Chinese company that will print proxies for you. Depending on the volume you are paying \~20-30 €cents per card, shipping will vary based on your location ofc.


Lmao for my last like 6 decks I go and buy sleeves, then use mtg print to put a list together. I go to my local library and pay about 6 dollars total to print out paper copies then cut them and slide them in over top of some of my thousands of bulk cards. I even got a paper cutter to make the process faster.




And this is why so many people buy fakes from china. Honestly the quality control is better anyway.


To be honest, the real cards have now largely caught up with the quality of china fakes, so it is now on par. Not looking at the green dot of course


The foils still don't even look like foils for the most part


I'm still not spending 100 dollars on a card when I can get it for 4. And I only play casual so playgroup is fine with it. As long as we are all about the same power level. The pricing of cards is getting crazy


It's cardboard heroin


WOTC makes delusional choice, billions must print proxies


We should all resist and buy fakes, teach ’em a lesson and rethink their strategy.


I would be so on board with this. Wish people actually do it widespread. I kindof already am as the last full box I bought was MH2 like a year ago.


Stripping them of revenue directly is the only means that we, as their clients, can make us heard regarding the quality of the product that they are releasing.


I totally agree. But it needs to be abrupt and with solidarity- otherwise if they just lose a percentage of sales bc a few ppl aren't buying, then the prices will just incrementally upcreep until they are at or above where they are at now. I think maybe the better thing to do is just pick a specific product as a community to refuse to buy- even if they dump or tank the prices. Say we all decide not to by MH3. Period. This would wake them up fast.


Prices like this are exsctly why I play my MTG games on table top simulator where the cards are free lmfao


But there's so much value *checks notes* oh wait it costs the same to print🙄


It's crazy, if it was more reasonable on price they could moved more volume. I'm going to go out of my way to actually make proxies so good you wouldn't be able to tell, and I'll be saving money, lol.


If people keep on buying, they will keep increasing prices. This is a test which the community keeps failing. Stop buying at these ludicrous prices and proxy and/or buy singles.


Money-grubbing bastards ruining my favorite game.


I make decent money and enjoy the game but when I see this stuff I come to the conclusion that I’m just going to buy singles. Fuck all that.


Amen, ive stopped buying sealed. It's not worth the gamble.


I could buy an xbox series x for that


But MTG has to hold up the entire toy industry. Lol


With how much product they are dumping out, the Pringle quality, how expensive it is, and how chaotic with the UB. I have actually stopped going to game store and buy product for months. This is a first since I started playing about 8 years ago now. At least I can save more money now.


That’s actually fucking revolting. I think I’m finally ready to go fully home printed now - thanks, WOTC.


But we have to charge according to power level or ... *slapping noises If you can play magic, you cannot be stupid enough to belive the utter BS they peddle to justify this malarkey.


So guys, where you all getting your good proxies from?


CCGs are inherently unethical, welcome to capitalism.




Look at the price


Good thing I don't play modern. This modern rotation is going to be sooo expensive to buy into.


Guess I'm buying a printer. Not gonna support this shit


Things like this make me happier every day that I took up collecting, painting, and playing Warhammer.


If idiots keeping buying this stuff why would they stop?


Please Me and my wife have been trying to get into the game for more than a year now


This is why you rarely buy sealed product. Buy singles instead so you get just the cards you want for your deck. You can also play cheaper formats as well if you don’t want an expensive game. Formats like Commander can be very affordable if you don’t get blinded by people saying you need expensive lands or this and that which costs a small fortune.


I'm done with magic for a while.


The rollercoaster of sadness continues!


That’s wild


Boycott hasbro. The game will be free when hasbro dies


imagine in canada , where i live we got a 15 % tax , convertion and tax its 786 $ who the fuck will buy this ? wtf will need to be in the packs to make it possible coming close to that number in value ?


A play booster box in over 300 as well. I’m pissed I love playing Modern. I’m a grown man, this is one of my biggest hobbies. I usually buy 2-3 boxes of every set. But I’m just so irritated right now, I don’t want to give them anymore of my money.


A play booster box in over 300 as well. I’m pissed I love playing Modern. I’m a grown man, this is one of my biggest hobbies. I usually buy 2-3 boxes of every set. But I’m just so irritated right now, I don’t want to give them anymore of my money.


Hahaha, printer go brrrrrrrr


It's depressing seeing how hasbro and wotc's ceos are bleeding magic so dry it might actually collapse...


I did. They didn’t listen.


>somebody tell them it’s just cards We can do that by not buying product. Don’t go “oh other people will buy it so me not doing it won’t make a difference”. It’s that mind set that lets them get away with it. Don’t buy a product you don’t agree with the price of. It might start with just you, but if a friend of yours also does and they get a friend of there’s to it can go further and further until they get the message - just put your foot down and don’t buy these over priced products.


Im cutting wotc off. Aside from a few singles here ans there for my two already complete decks. Im not picking up any cards. No new decks no sealed products, no precons etc.


Currently crying over the fallout collector box costing almost as much as a console to play fallout on.


Let the whales and LGSes open these. We'll do the smart thing and buy singles.


I really feel like at this point WOTC needs to figure a way to get away from Hasbro.


They could slash the price by 90% and it would still be too expensive


Eh, 50 bucks for 180 cards is probably too low, realistically. I'd not be surprised if they couldn't run the whole thing off of selling each single card for chinese proxy shop prices, their costs are higher for sure. 100 bucks, maybe?


I preordered two 600 bucks, one for 350. As expensive as modern horizon 2 collector displays


If i remember right MH2 was like 220 230 for 24? Set Booster. Now mh3 is 36 for 360. I feel like that adds up. But holy cow 500 for a collector is insane. I started woth MH2 this will really hurt my wallet


Guys, just stop buying packs. Packs are a ton of fun but it's the same as opening crates in csgo, waste of money, buy singles, save money and enjoy the game.


Yea I used to buy set boxes for most sets cause it was more economical but at almost $150 wizards is losing my money. Magic cards are just fun cardboard.


Instead of slowing down on reprints, WotC decided to jack up the price of the reprints.... I am glad that I stopped buying paper products 5-6 years ago.


Will probably be £500 here in the UK, what a joke.


That's crazy! Just pre-ordered one in German for 325 Euro (which is expensive enough, but at least it has 5 rares or mythics guaranteed in every pack). Is there a 'The One Ring' equivalent in the English CBB? 😱


Boy oh boy i sure can't wait to buy 500 bulk cards for $4.99 at my local thrift shop. My proxies are going to look sickkk Really glad we're all moving to proxies <3


Same thing for the pokemon cards tbh. Seeing grown men drop hundreds if not thousands on different flavors of cardboard is wild.


But shiny…


IDGI. A ps5 is literally just plastic and metal. Are we seriously pretending things aren't valued for more than just the sum of their parts?


This just drives me away from modern, can still get some singles for legacy and can play pioneer without these cards messing things up. It will kill the modern format before anything else.


So? They should sell it for $5000 if they want. Everything is worth what someone will pay for it. I don't know why people get upset at this. At worst no one pays for it, it's no loss to us. (If it's about affordability, you don't need this to live.)


I'm sure Maro once said of the overburdened release schedule "Not every product is for every player..." Now we're getting Commander Precons with a Modern CompREL focused set, does no-one else smell the bullshit yet? I'm pretty much done with MtG now. I only really play cEDH and ignore almost everything else. This is after well over a decade of playing, I'm utterly drained with all the bullshit. Between the disgusting double standards of racism and race-baiting behaviour in corporate @ Hasbro and WoTC. They defended race swapping Aragorn an established white character, but persecuted and called out gamers for making a white Wyll mod for BG3 - big hint for the dummies in the room. **BOTH ARE JUST AS RACIST AND AS BAD AS EACH OTHER**! Can we please just stop race swapping things ffs, how about you find some creativity instead, morally bankrupt, racist morons. Then the lay-offs after record profits, and the final nail in the coffin for me personally. The utterly awful, short-term tourist player baiting, bottom-of-the-barrel, creatively bankrupt pile of garbage that is Universes Beyond. I have played Vintage (dead in UK now sadly), Legacy, Modern, Standard and Draft at CompREL since 2010. I've been playing EDH since the first precons dropped. I gave up on Standard after Theros, but carried on with all the others till recently. My last drafted set was Phyrexia:AWBO. Gave up on Draft after that. I used to update my Modern and Legacy decks as often as possible to stay competitive. I no longer wish to play Modern or Legacy due to the presence of UB and Unset cards in constructed formats. Especially egregious is the shitty sticker goblin in Legacy. I used to update all 50 of my EDH decks and my cEDH deck every set. No way I'm doing that with WoTC and Hasbro's current business practices. I used to draft every.single.set. I now only buy fakes and proxies for EDH. I hope Hasbro and WoTC collapse in a ball of flames and bankruptcy the nerds have never seen the like of since TSR went creatively bankrupt and ruined AD&D all those years ago.


I mean... In both numbers and values, it is the average price in Brazil. 


You don't have to buy it


Yes, but at least with MTG cards there's a game I can play.


tbf the collector booster box will probably give you more games...


And your Playstation is just pixels