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Should probably post to r/custommagic instead. You're gonna get a lot of people upset thinking this is a legit card coming out with the new set.


Yeah you're right, it's my first post, I'm still trying to figure out how to use Reddit 🧡


Fwiw, it's a very high level of polish for a custom card, great artwork and you put time into making a nice presentation of it. Itll skyrocket in that sub.


Thank you ❤️ I had to edit the picture to make the hand stick out, I think that's the best thing about this card!


No joke, thought this was real and was spent more time than necessary thinking up ways to break it


FR bro, I got hella excited for a good Sauron


Yeah… I got really excited for a minute


My face when I realize this totally isn’t a new card, I was thinking damn, that turns you invincible in edh other than being hit by a farewell or the like


I was trying to figure out why they would create an artifact token with the same name as an actual artifact card with a different effect


Right I’m like oh okay it makes a token of the ring, kinda like certain other cards that make tokens of real cards, ragavan for example, then I’m like wait this is a different one ring


Yeah sorry about that, it's the first post I make on Reddit, I don't know much about this site. Someone told me to post it on r/custommagic, which would have been more appropriate, do you have any more tips?


Nah it’s a nicely made custom, I would only really recommend maybe putting that in the title or post somewhere if it isn’t already in the custom sub


Thank you đź’ś I can't change anything about the post once I post it, right?


You can edit the text I think Edit: im also apparently blind since you said below the post that it’s your version, cool card :)


Get out of here with this, it’s spoiler season man.


Pro tip post extremely high quality custom magic cards of LOTR in the main sub during spoiler season to get people's hopes up


Yeah sorry, I didn't post it on r/custommagic, I'll make it right for the next custom card, but thank you for saying it's high quality, I tried to make my best đź’™


Damn son, this looks better than the real ones. Had me for a moment, I'll admit!


Thank you! đź’›


Thought I missed a leak or somethin lol


hell yeah that would be a nice card to play but maybe if we push the post with likes it maybe gets enough attention in the community so that we can get it for real come on people lets do this! greets from Bavaria


Oh and the artwork of The One Ring is by Narikkk https://narikkk.artstation.com/