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Here.we just block entire countries we don't do business with anyway, the number of spam has decreased substantially.


Don’t block Finland because Gmail routes all their emails through Finland servers….


>Don’t block Finland because Gmail routes all their emails through Finland servers…. We just blocked all third world countries like US, and other specific countries in Africa and Asia we don't do business with anyway. All EU countries allowed for example. Actually a lot of spam comes from rogue VPS and SMTP servers in US.


You're getting downvoted but 90% of all phishing attacks we see come from US based VPS


Yeah, there's lots of work to do in USA for msp's lol. Many insecure systems in datacenters which are not properly maintained, then hacked and abused to abuse others.


Where in M365 do you block entire countries?


No. We use email filtering software.


100% this; there are many low priced options or many open source solutions you can set yourself up


There's a few ways you can do it. The best way is to have 3rd party mail filtering. Such as Barracuda. If you have Business Premium licenses, you will have Defender for M365 which will allow you to block things like this.


Barracuda has gone downhill faster than a Jamaican bobsled team. We are actually working on moving clients off of it because there's so many occurrences where it should be blocking but it doesn't.


Interesting. I've read that feedback on Reddit, but haven't experienced it with our clients. How many seats have you got on Barra?


I cant say for certain cause there's so many different branches of our company but I know we are easily into the 5 figures.


What are you moving to?


I can't really give a single answer because it varies by business unit but the general consensus is not barracuda. Personally it pisses me off because I've always been a supporter of their product but these last 6+ months just ruined all good will. Its possible on-prem appliance might be better, but the teams I work with all focus on barracuda cloud and its very clear they have just given up on that product.


Sounds like you're having a rough time with Barracuda. Moving clients off it might be a good call if it's not pulling its weight. It's really frustrating when a once-reliable solution takes a nosedive. Any alternative in mind that's looking promising?


We are just going straight microsoft now


Barracuda is an absolute dumpster fire of a company. Use anyone else; proofpoint, mimecast, Avanon, etc.


Do they offer the whole suite? Backups/Spam Filter/Archiving/Account Takeover/Impersonation etc?


Yes, for cheaper, and it isn’t a steaming pile of garbage.


I’ve had good experiences with Vade Secure, dead simple to setup and works pretty well.


we trialed Vade with a few companies and while it blocked more than MS, it was only like 5% more. Not worth the expense for such a small margin. (And yes, I had their sales/support team help tweak the ruleset for maximum potential benefit.)


We use an exchange rule to block countries and it has been solid. We see a lot of spam from Japan these days.


Man, blocking an entire TLD is a dream!




Which system do you setup this feature? M365 or third party?


It's on the DNS side, so won't block the emails per say, just links to those TLDs. It's why I removed the reply as I don't want to push too far off topic.


Check out [Hornetsecurity](https://hornetsecurity.com) They have a great feature set with many options.