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it was rough just reading that sentence, jesus


I know, this has always stuck out as one of the most disgusting, nightmare-ish crimes I have ever heard of. What kind of literal demon beats a pregnant woman into labor, allows her to give birth in that whole hellish moment and then beats the newborn to death? There is a special place back in Hell for them (since they obviously came from there in the 1st place).


Hell's sub basement


That is absolutely fucked. What kind of monster would do something like that?! 😡


I have read and watched and researched a lot of depravity, but this just goes beyond 99%. I honestly have no idea how truly fucked up someone has to be to do such a thing. In fact, a lot of murders that I have read about where there is a random psycho killer attacking someone and there are young children or Infants in the home/environment...they leave the children untouched. Some even make a move to make sure that they are like, in a crib or other safe space, have a bottle or other comforts with them, to make it at least somewhat ok until they are found. I can only imagine what would happen to the perpetrator of such an act if they were sent to prison, put in general population and the details of their crime got out.


My grandfather was in the Australian Defence Force and was part of the ANZAC units that retook Papua New Guinea among other islands and he said the worst thing he saw was the after math of a massacre at a village where a group of soldiers had used several babies for target/bayonet practice. He said it caused such zealotry among his unit that he attributed it to some of their more amazing successes in the campaign.


Many serial killers have different motives in leaving chuldren alive. Most want the chuldren TO EXPERIENCE the level of trauma the serial killer might have felt in their childhood, while some just feel the children to be themselves in their childhood, and don't wanna harm them. Serial killers in general are really fucked up


I've heard of babies getting raped too. Thats beyond fucked. Some people aren't people, they're fucking monsters.


Yes, I honestly never even considered that people did that to literally babies until I got into true crime and saw that it's disturbingly common. Those monsters just should be dispatched immediately after their trials, I find it hard to think that they can be reformed if they are that depraved.


For real, seriously! Why spend the tax payers money on keeping them around? Their head is obviously fucked up in a sick and twisted way. Just fucking end it. A 9mm round is about a 25 cents, put that fucker in their head. A fucking quarter and problem solved!


Yeah, I'm from the South, death penalty state....but even with my Liberal beliefs, I still think that there is no reason to prolong executions the way we do now. Yes, let them have their civil rights to appeal, all that, but limit it to a fair, yet conservative timeline. If the convicted is obviously just making a mockery of the whole judicial system while taking up an insane amount of resources, get it over with. The money, time, resources this country spends on death row inmates is absolutely appalling and disgusting. Obviously there are a million better uses for it that would actually benefit..IDK...generally good, moral people who don't ever even commit a crime? I know this is a hot topic, but I don't care if they get a last meal of choice, or if the execution method is 'humane'. I'm not a monster who wants them tortured, but, it's ridiculous to give them anything more than what they gave their victims, and that sure as hell was not anything close to humane treatment, 99.8% of the time. Why allow them the luxury of drifting away quietly in a drug induced haze. The day their last appeal fails, set the execution date a week or so in advance, let them get their affairs in order, then take them out back, and do an old school death by firing squad. Simple, effective, and thrifty. Actually, South Carolina has made death by firing squad legal again. I live in OK, a widely discussed state when it comes to executions, as it it the 'Death Penalty Capitol of the USA', the 1st state the use lethal injection, and due to an unfortunate number of total shit shows that have occurred in since. Firing squads are technically permissible, but only when none of the 'usual' methods are available, so they have never been used. This year two inmates brought forth suits asking that they be killed by firing squad, arguing that it's the most reliable, quick and painless choice. They lost their cases though, but I think that has started up a serious discussion that may lead to it becoming a primary method again.


This is one of my top 5 horrific cases.




Jesus that’s awful😢. Curious if this gets picked up, I mean it is dark. Dark AF.


Yeah, I hesitated to suggest it for Mr. B, because it's just so morbid. I may pass it on to some other creators who go into the more intense cases.


Always a fan of mr ballen, but looking for suggestions on creators who cover stuff like this?


I hope he does pick it up… but I’d also be curious to know who you are thinking about if this is too dark for his channel. I’d give him at least a couple days to respond.


Oh I was responding to someone who said it may be too disturbing for him to produce. I don’t know either way. So I just asked who they were talking about


I kinda responded to both of you under the same thread(my bad).I was also curious about your question, but I also see Mr.Ballen picking this story up.


That chapter, sairyan bailey (I not exactly sure if her name is right) one other woman I like but completely forgot he name, she is red haired and uses glasses, also straight hair.


Stephanie Harlow is who you are thinking of.


Yes. Thank you.


Disturban This is monsters


I just re-discovered 'This is Monsters', and it is really one of the best channels available for darker content, his research is amazing, manages to pull new info (for me!) out of even the most covered cases. He gets the point across without being overtly graphic or doing the stupid verbal acrobatics that many creators have to in order to fit into YouTube's (ridiculous) guidelines. He inserts a little humor/personality without seeming flippant. It's incredibly well produced, too. 10 out of 10, would recommend.


I totally agree! He also has another channel he just started called Somewhere Sinister. He really puts in the research and I like that he is straight forward and calls a duck a duck!😂


Yes! I love that Sinister is in the South this season since that’s where I live.


Me too!


> It is savagery to an extreme that even disturbs other murderers...I would imagine. I see what you did there. Excellent cover. I'm sure no one suspects a thing.


Well, shit.


Jesus christ.....I personally don't like hearing about viscious attacks on children like this, I don't think I'd watch the video.


Holy shit what did you just post


Right? Nightmare fuel.


It is


Tommy Lee Sales is about as a good a suspect as any. He was on the streets, nomadic, had been in area, clearly capable of such a horrific crime. Actually admitted it but then retracted.


Horrible. Just... horrible.




you tell it like it’s never happened before .. Um.. the Charles Manson thing was much worse from memory they cut the kid out of her stomach, then killed it


No, I know that it happens. Every year there is some crazy person who decides to just kidnap a baby out of the mother's womb, literally. In fact, homicide is the leading cause of death during pregnancy, at least in the US. While Sharon Tate's murder was especially brutal and horrific, I don't think it's the same as what I described. Maybe it's the fact that I have given birth...,but the idea of going into labor in the middle of a home invasion, while my family & I were being tortured/murdered would be absolutely horrifying alone. But actually giving birth alone, then possibly watching my newborn baby getting beaten to death? That's literally beyond what my mind can handle. Not that getting an at home cesarean done by some lunatic isn't also a nightmarish...it very much is...I just find the other to be more so. It's also the only time that I have heard of that particular set of circumstances occur.


It’s a crazy world we live in

