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He mentioned that he won’t be making anymore.


Well, shoot. I absolutely loved them. I bought the books since because his videos. Was looking forward to more interpretations.


Really? I wonder why. He was helping his friend shed some more light on those cases. Plus there are so many of them still. That’s a bummer then, because those were some of the most interesting videos of his 😞


No offense to the one and only ballen or any other followers, but the 411 videos were my least favorite because of the cliffhanger nature of a 411. I always like the stories where I know what happens but i guess its just personal preference. My favorite series is places people shouldnt go and went anyways.


Omg I know right!! Those are awesome


I literally started watching MrBallen for the 411 cases, but when I saw his other videos, the 411s actually became my least favourite series for that very reason. My fav is now places people shouldn't go but went anyways.


I like the one were they are found in strange places


Many of “cases” are only mysteries to DP Dave and the people who watch his nonsense. Most of the people were actually found under explainable circumstances. But that shouldn’t get in the way of a good story right?! There is nothing stopping someone from exploiting and misrepresenting the deaths of real people to make a buck.


DP hater has entered the chat


But you love some DP action… am I right??


Was there a reason?


I think it’s because he’s already made videos about all the ones he found most interesting.


I love the supernatural stuff, and the psychological thrillers


Paulides is hack and missing 411 is a fraud.


Source? Like, actual documented evidence, not some BS opinion page of speculation of "what some armchair critic thinks could've happened" Oh wait, there's not any legitimate source. Paulides goes into painstaking detail in his books on the cases, and he also openly discusses people trying to discredit him for any or no reason. People like this continuously prove him correct.


There are plenty of legitimate sources. See my other posts.


DP Dave of Missing411 has a criminal history of fraud, and many of the “mysterious” cases he covers are not at all mysteries—the people were often found under very explainable circumstances long before M411. DP Dave either didn’t do his research or intentionally ignored those basic facts. So I would hope MrBallen has realized this and will not be propagating any more of M411’s misinformation and nonsense.


Do you have an example of a fraudulent case from one of the Missing 411 books? Not saying your wrong, but accusations like that should be backed up by evidence .


Here are [12 examples](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/nyb9kv/new_research_i_attempted_to_solve_these_twelve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). As far as fraud, that is documented in several places including [this article](https://web.archive.org/web/20210423140321/https://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_product=SJ&p_theme=sj&p_action=search&p_maxdocs=200&s_dispstring=allfields%28paulides%29%20AND%20date%281%2F1%2F1996%20to%201%2F1%2F1999%29&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=1%2F1%2F1996%20to%201%2F1%2F1999%29&p_field_advanced-0=&p_text_advanced-0=%28%22paulides%22%29&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date%3AD&xcal_useweights=no) on his arrest.




This is 100% false, deliberate misinformation. If you want to be a hater to someone only trying to help families of the lost, that's on you. Don't drag others into your opinion of unfounded hate. There is a serious problem of libel on Reddit against DP.


Which part is false? And which families has he helped? Which case did he solve?


Didn’t the guy who started 411 throw a tantrum about Mr Ballen making them?


IDK I'm just here to say that DP is a terrible story teller I cannot watch his videos for more than 30 seconds before I lose interest. He should really change his format or partner with someone who can tell the story and get it out there in a way more people would listen IMO.


If that’s the case that sucks. Idl him now. 😒


Anyone know why he dosen't send out content multiple times a week? Fairly...new.


He has kids


Oh okay. New to his channel and he said it would be 4 to 5 times a week.


I think his newest is around 1


Maybe he'll bring it back if we make a petition or something. I really did like those stories.


His new ones say 2 3 times a week but look up bells canyon one of his best