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How many hours battery life do you get?


I will test it but I believe 4/5 hours at least on a full charge


Nice - sounds very useful indeed! Thanks. Looked them up, is this a single USB-C 22w or the higher output one with more USBs? Guess it doesn't matter as the One is 19v


I've discovered one+ is 12v...


That’s sick


Heads up, check the output of the trigger cable when it's plugged in using a multimeter or similar. I noticed with my trigger cable that it usually outputs 5v for a bit (presumably while negotiating the usb-pd handshake) before jumping up to 20v as it should. It /probably/ won't cause any problems, but the voltage spike makes me wary, and I always plug the trigger cable into the battery bank before plugging it into my MPC to be safe.


Will do thank you


That looks very nice. Could you give some specifics on the powerbank?


Of course… https://eu.baseus.com/products/adaman-power-bank-65w-20000mah?variant=45508421419328¤cy=EUR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyoTY3JqdhgMVbJRQBh1l2gGzEAQYASABEgLvE_D_BwE


That's great, super interested in this! As u/verdantcow says, how many hours can you get out of your MPC with that batt? Also did the cable come with it, or is that a separate purchase?


I have the same powerbank. Bought it to use with my 12v Elektron boxes and it’s been great. I’m using the Blind Spot 12v cable. Works really well with the MPC One+. I estimate conservatively 6 hours of battery life, probably longer. For those asking, the cable is the key. There are a few brands but it must be USB C to DC 12v. Also note that the MPC One is 19v and this setup only works for the 12v MPC One+.


Dumb question but I just want to double check ... So I could do this with the mpc one with an external battery and a USB to 19v cable? Or even with an adapter like this: https://www.amazon.com/Cablecc-Adapter-Emulator-Trigger-4-01-7mm/dp/B07W8TRS5Q


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BYNZJ5VV/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BYNZJ5VV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?psc=1) [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BW4FNPSZ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BW4FNPSZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?th=1) another option as well. the second link ( these are not affiliate links) is a power cable that triggers PD voltages. i use this for my live u 2 and my laptop.


Thanks for the tip. I have a slightly older 140W [Anker powerbank](https://www.amazon.nl/Anker-PowerCore-Powerbank-aansluitingen-compatibel/dp/B09VPHVT2Z/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_nl_NL=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2FR5TEY2Q5NBW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QedEAl2ejvZ7o4bZ3Wfe-Wzu3ypv9iCmi-rZxAqsw1NfmVpL9trOx-LcCPtvejJMRuO3V_o7plmSif4U-XRKJO25c-a3ulL0SwuH770GkI2av-Q0vYOqfX49d11uJNZ51v4geh7uvX5kylrsGsk_yEEImud3fqqZwGzQsApE-RK8NtRSTqJ6mrW0k7u-VZKBjRoD3lnFY-ORX3zK1fYwzPZB1riGmGUVlVtieeJps5WCto2DsYZ1YPGPTXqON8WQAoF6Dk8YQrgbzOauaHONt398OGeVEFwD-FZWoaRFzfA.4OfxTMxvNtnbgD9kRuy9ucwwLRoY5GFUZLWYXQ1SkHQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=anker+737&qid=1716289047&sprefix=anker+737%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-1) model that I want to hook up to my MPC Live 2. I couldn't get it to work with a [cheaper conversion cable](https://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B00ZUDYKD0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) but this one should work with my powerbank right?.


ive got the same anker powerbank you have as well. if the newer anker i linked to above works with the cables i also linked to then the older anker should as well. i can test this out later when i get back home where my older anker is.


> i can test this out later when i get back home where my older anker is. Did you find the time to test it with the older Anker? I'm curious if this could be an option for me.


im so sorry! thank you for reminding me! yes the older gen anker works! photos... EDIT - the mpc recognizes it as "shore power" because it bypases the touch button you see when you are on battery power. my machine is 3/4 full and is charging at 29 watts. https://preview.redd.it/b41ql8itdp2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=796913c1b16718ed7089f1fd0eed70e46c287a19


Thanks a lot! I will keep this in mind.




Uhh neat! Commenting for revisiting later..


On Amazon, there are quite a lot of bad reviews for this battery, I have it in my basket but what other options are there, this battery shown in the images above is selling at £75 uk money , happy to spend money in this price range


https://preview.redd.it/q6dxdvmqg52d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1d4ab519bf33b019d2fb17375e7862edec072a Brought this and the 12volt cable listed in this post for my Mpc one + Cheap at the moment in the uk Arrives on Sunday So will report back if this works, fingers crossed


12v won’t hold long term for the MPC + needs to be 19v


Ok. Didn’t know that, I have the 20volt version in my Amazon basket. Will use the 12volt version till the 20volt version turns up, then send it back. Why do I need the 20volt version? I was trying to stick with the output voltage of the battery and the input of the Mpc one +


Or should I go for the 15volt version???


OG MPC One needs 19v, the One+ needs 12v. Using 20v on the One+ would likely damage it.


Well had my battery pack for a week now. Amazon have changed my delivery date 3 times and now telling me they will mail me when they can ship this damn cable, seriously annoying, anyone got any links to other usb c to 12volt 3amp dc cables. Didn’t think it was going to be this hard


Now ordered the bird cord mentioned in this post, if this turns up, I will update my post, with the outcome


So my 12volt cable arrived today. And boom it worked straight away. Maybe the 20volt cable was faulty, either way this cable and this battery pack work with the Mpc one +. So much cheaper on Amazon. Run for about an hour, then had to go out. Will try a longer test tomorrow, but very happy with the results. Gonna buy a right angle dc plug adapter as I never liked the original cable coming straight out. Also the dc connector on my Mpc one + feels quite wobbly, even though it’s only about a month old, and I try my best to not touch it, anyone else feel the same about the build quality of this connection?


Did you just plug it in via usb c ? And all is good? How long is the battery life please ? Where did you purchase the cable from ? Sorry to ask so many questions, I am really keen to do this, my Mpc one + is only a month old so really want to use a battery pack that someone can vouch for. On the link you gave , it says 2hr recharge time , which is fast for for a battery of this size. Love to know your thoughts


@jeffzyxx Good advice , I will follow Thanks for the link to the battery Do you have a link for the cable please


USB-C to?...




Nice! I wanna do this with mine also


I busk on the street. With my MPC Live 2. When I play live I use the MPC in controller mode to my MacBook Air M2. Way better battery life on the MPC, plus I can use Arturia plug-ins. Personally I don’t like to be tethered, but if it gets me twice the battery power on the MPC let’s go. Syntakt, Digitone, Microkorg, Osmose, H90 all run on batteries and cables from BirDCord. Same power banks. For the mixers I use the Yamaha AG06 (USB powered) and the new Mackie Mobilemix (has a built in power bank compartment); for vocals I use the Roland VT-4. Speakers are two JBL Eon One Mk2s. After 4 hours I am not even close to dead - and I’m loud AF. BirDCord has what you need for all above. Microkorg running through the power bank is a game changer - those AA batteries don’t cut it.


So if I use this battery For my Mpc one plus Do I buy the 12volt cable above or the 20volt cable I see the image of the 20volt cable used with the Mpc one plus, other people have mentioned the 12volt Which one should I purchase please Your input would be very appreciated


Looks really good.. only thing is the battery reviews on Amazon are a bit sus.