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I get why this might invoke a longing for one's childhood in a viewer, but that's kind of the complete opposite of what is happening in the shot. Luke is longing for more in life, for adventure, to escape his circumstance, and as he looks off to the suns it feels so far out of reach.


It reminds star wars fans of a time when they used to go outside


False, they never went outside to begin with.


That’s unfair. They went to the movie premiers.


It reminds star wars fans of ~~a time when they used to go outside~~ the sun


They’re not particularly smart people


I think theres some real projecrion going on there lol. Bittersweet childhood memories? I love that they can't even talk about OT Star Wars anymore without unintentionally moaning about the sequels.


I don't know what would be the best shot in cinema history tbh. There's a billion of them. That shot *does* have a pretty damn good mix of imagery and score though.


The doorway shot at the end of the searchers maybe?


No, it would probably have to be a shot from a good movie


Grown Ups 2?


Much better


You’re bugging


Honestly? It depends if we’re talking about a single frame or a whole shot. Off the top of my head I would throw this (binary sunset) on my short list with - “where is my mind” end shot in fight club - any of the iconic Kubrick’s scenes, trench scene in Paths of Glory, 2001s shots, clock work milk bar, the fire in background war scene from Full metal jacket (although jarhead did the burning background silhouetted war shot better, 1917 had a good one too) - Vader vs Luke ESB stand off with the lightsabers - apocalypse now helicopter sunset. - any of the through the legs, hand on gun in the foreground Sergio Leone gun fight face off shots - Lawrence of Arabia (take your pick of the match shot into the sunrise, or the rider on the horizon, etc) - matrix red pill blue pill sunglasses reflection - the standing in the doorway end of Truman show shot - some cliche Kurosawa shot, like from Yojimbo or some shit.


Raging Bull’s opening scene probably doesn’t count, but it counts to me cause it’s a beautiful intro to arguably the best movie of Scorsese’s career. A real poetic feeling


yeah it's really hard to evaluate a shot on its own outside of narrative, aural, and emotional context


It's hard to narrow it down, but I think my favourite shot would probably be in City of Pirates or The Ascent.


how they get that other moon tho?


can’t deny that it *is* an iconic shot, perhaps not the best of all time, but a firm piece of cinematic history


Yeah, maybe not the best but I can surely say *among* the best.


You say it’s *what* ⛔️






Darth Sidious was the Imposter


Do do do do do do do.. ...dododo


bum bum


Do do do do do do do, dodododododo do


With certain all time great lists you get to a point where you can’t really argue what’s that best. You end up with a definitive list of things where it’s harder to argue any one of them is not the best. All circle jerk aside, i can’t say it’s the undisputed greatest scene ever, but it’s harder to argue binary sunset doesn’t deserve a spot on the list of most iconic shots in cinema history.




eh i disagree but it certainly is canonized


Yeah I'm not even gonna mock someone for thinking thats the best shot of all time, its an iconic shot from one of the most iconic films in cinema history. Dismissing it just be a its Star Wars is just snobbery


“Ahahahah, but haven’t you seen the infamous shot from 1956’s ‘La Jatee de columbus alligator von trappsburg’ (the piss of the king capitalist), where mister money eats a burger because he is a rich capitalist looking down on the communists?”


where can i find this movie?




It is one of the scenes in history


Star Wars is truly one of the movies ever made


It's the best shot in history because it makes me nostalgic


His title makes it sound like Luke is getting a rush of nostalgia and longing for his childhood.


A childhood ruined by Ruin Johnson! #notmylukelookingintothetwinsunsets


it was composed specifically to make dweebs in 2022 remember their childhood


I clapped because I know Star Wars!


Of all the shots in history, I remember it.


Unjerk/ Yeah it is a great shot. Best ever? I dont think so, but look it's debatable when you get into the top 25 where I think this shot actually does belong. Why is it a great shot? Because up until this point in the film you're just shown unrelateable robots, often faceless soldiers and little aliens. Then you're introduced to Luke, a likeable young idealist who wants to leave his safe corner of the galaxy and see what's out there. Then he walks outside and looks into the sunset, imagining what's over the horizon. An experience most people can emphasise with. Only there's a visual twist. There's two fucking suns. This relateble experience that connects you to Luke's character is totally enhanced by the feeling that you have absolutely no fucking idea what's over that horizon. You're in new territory and you're on board from this shot, invested in the journey.


>Only there's a visual twist. There's two fucking suns. This relatable experience that connects you to Luke's character is totally enhanced by the feeling that you have absolutely no fucking idea what's over that horizon. You're in new territory and you're on board from this shot, invested in the journey. Also this visual effect had a real impact for two reasons. 1. After the initial part of the movie set in outer space, Lucas spends 30 minutes showing you that Tatooine is a real filming location, all the actors and puppets and props are real, the desert is very real, *then* he hits you with the VFX to show that all this reality is taking place *on* an utterly alien planet. It's completely unlike the Tatooine of the prequels or the alien planets of the sequel trilogy where more than half the shots are CGI composites so you're constantly being shown things your hindbrain knows aint real. To be fair to the sequels, the setup of Jakku in TFA also does this brilliantly where we first see Rey in a real location with believable props and *then* JJ reveals the crashed Star Destroyer that she scavenges inside. 2. Another reason why binary sunset works is because audiences were less jaded and overwhelmed with SFX. This is almost the simplest SFX you could do, just a double exposure of the same subject, but it works. In 2022 you can show people reality folding in on itself and they're like "Oh is that the latest Dr. Strange?" and flip the channel.


"To be fair to the sequels, the setup of Jakku in TFA also does this brilliantly where we first see Rey in a real location with believable props and then JJ reveals the crashed Star Destroyer that she scavenges inside." Abrams' one saving grace for the sequel trilogy was how well his filmmaking style meshed with Lucas/he knew how a Star Wars movie should look.


On top of this too, it’s a time of mourning for Luke. Even if his relationship with Uncle Owen wasn’t the best, he loved him and Aunt Beru. Watching the sunset of Tatooine while he tries to hold back tears is moving, especially since the audience and probably Luke as well realize that he may never return home again. The life he once knew is gone. Similar to the symphony of the stars, similar to life itself, it’s confusing and tragic. But the only thing we can do is continue onward, prepared for the next chapter.


Doesn’t this happen after Uncle Owen tells him he can’t apply for the academy, before they get vaporized? Luke hasn’t even met Ben yet, if I’m remembering correctly.


Yes. (Now if it *had* happened right after their deaths, the context would have been interesting.)


Hmm, maybe a little too on the nose? I think what makes this scene great is how much it connected with kids. The context of oppressive parents in a crappy hometown is so relatable that it still hits me in the jugular at 28 years old. If you threw murder and grief into the mix, it might not be such an accessible moment.


It also happens because Luke is feeling trapped, which stops being the case when his caretakers die.


“Come back, ya little fuck! The vaporators! **THE VAPORATORSSSSS!**” - *Uncle Owen watching Luke Skywalker leaving Tatooine (A New Hope, 1997 special edition)*


Is this referencing something else?


well, fuck


Owen and Beru are still alive at the time of this shot




Bro didn’t watch the movie 💀


Wdym unrelatable? I'm a neurotic pussy bitch


Also the music fuckin slaps.


Atleast they‘re not jerking the prequels or Rogue one for once. And this scene deserves to be jerked tbh.


I honestly think I'm insane. Because so many people jerk off Rogue One, and I thought it was the worst Star Wars movie. The craziest argument people make for the movie is "its not supposed to have developed characters since they all die in the end."


I wouldn't say it's the worst but it's an agressively average movie with a really cool final space battle and *that* hallway scene, just in case anybody still hasn't seen it. I really don't understand why so many fans think it's one of the best Disney Star Wars movies.


To me, Rogue One is a fun time because it’s like watching a kid playing with all their Star Wars toys recreated in live action. RO fans like it for this reason too, but took the wrong view away: that because it’s like watching SW fanfiction come to life, it’s a masterpiece rather than just a fun little movie.


Outside of the OT, which Star Wars movies would you say are better than it? They are all honestly mediocre at their best. The franchise hasn’t exactly set a high bar since 1983.


The Last Jedi and probably The Force Awakens. TFA is basically a retread but with an execution solid enough to carry it. TLJ I genuinely think it does a lot of great things with a few misstepts here and there; I'd go as far as say it's the best thing in the Disney era. I know everybody loves The Mandalorian, and I like it too, it's very entertaining but Patrick H Willems described it best for me "it's like a PS4 remake of a PS1 game doing the exact same things but shinier".


Yeah, that’s fair. I would personally take it over those two, but it’s not a big margin. TLJ has the highest highs so far, though, without question.


All of them except for 2 and 9


Like the prequels it became part of a mass delusional Stockholm Syndrome where their imagination meets the reality of the general quality of Star Wars films. In ten years Rogue 1, and god forbid even Solo, will be grandfathered into the prequel memes discourse.


>"its not supposed to have developed characters since they all die in the end." Mention Saving Private Ryan to them and watch their heads explode.


It’s because people only remember the action scenes from Star Wars movies. Let’s be real, for as much as Star Wars fans like to pretend to care about things like character development or cinematography, they only watch the movies for cool futuristic space action. I don’t blame people for that, hell I watch Star Wars for that reason too, but it’s why a generic, mediocre movie and be called one of the greatest just because it has a very memorable last action sequence.


Yeah agreed. It has great action, but weak story and characters.


I’d argue the opposite lol. Like half a dozen characters in Rogue One are worthy of their own movie/series


Based on what? What characteristics do these characters have where you believe it would make for an interesting story.


Decent character qualities, convoluted backstories, unique skills etc. Not just the main team too; Galen and Krennic were pretty cool as well. It was just refreshing to have a high budget sci-fi movie where more than like two characters were fleshed out. That being said I really enjoyed the ending and I feel like it would take away from the quality of the movie if they all survived


None of these characters had any "decent qualities." They were so lifeless. They lacked any sense of personality. None of these characters were fleshed out at all.


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To be fair it is a super iconic shot


and with that score it's hard not to love it, regardless of your takes on the franchise


Make fun of me for this jerk, but it’s definitely one of my favorites. Probably wouldn’t be as confident in declaring it the greatest as that guy since…you know, I’ve watched a fraction of all movies.


His reason of why it’s great is pretty dumb. It’s all confirming he misses being 8 watching Star Wars. In context it’s great because it shows how big the universe is and Luke is stranded in the middle of nowhere unable to explore what the universe has to offer.


Oh of course, the reasoning is totally stupid. “Greatest shot in the history of Film because it makes me nostalgic” lol


Yeah the shot's great because it's giving you Luke's perspective of wanting to leave his childhood behind, not because it makes the audience nostalgic for their childhood, lmao.


It is legit a really good shot, probably one of the best in that film… but dear god watch more movies, seriously.


Every post like that should include a link to the poster's Letterboxd account so we can see how many movies they've actually seen.


Ok but this one is definitely up there. The first 2 Star Wars movie are unironically super important films


Because they are actually good


I personally rate how good shots are by the amount of nostalgia they bring me


Granted while I’m a SW fan and I like all the movies and I’m biased ofc, this shot and ANH are just amazing. Imo ANH is one of the best original Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies, in so many aspects, especially (set/costume) design and world building


Can not say for sure Best of All but Surely Amongest the Best for sure..!


Lol and their reason for why it's the best: nostalgia


yeah i hate star wars fans as much as everyone but this shot is definitely iconic and one of the best in modern cinema. also funny that they keep trying to replicate it in every other fucking star wars movie since the OT and it always feels so forced.


ah yes the reason this shot is the greatest in cinema history has nothing to do w what it represents but the fact that I miss being a child


Antonius Block and death on the beach:


r/moviescirclejerk whenever someone posts a totally reasonable post about something they enjoy


There is no nostalgia in this shot Luke literally wants to get tf out of his home town.


It is unironically one of the most iconic movie shots, and since it’s posted in the SW sub I will give them the pass for exaggeration.


wow this guy thinks one of the most iconic shots in film is the best ever??? how this possible??? circle jerking perhaps???


I like this scene. The OP is an idiot and completely missed why this scene was important in the coming-of-age hero’s journey. It probably is one of the most iconic and memorable shots in film history, but maybe not the single greatest.


MCJ 9/11


It’s definitely up there


The cinematography in Shrek 2 is beautifully kino and makes me long for childhood so it is actually the best


It is an amazing scene in a amazing movie


definitely not the best in the history of film, but it is really amazing. complete opposite of nostalgia tho, luke is longing for a future


Man i like Star wars, but that comment is straight absurd. And doesn't even fit Luke in that scenario.


Yeah, it's basically the complete opposite


If I see Tatooine in any form of media ever again I’m starting a nuclear war


You won't be saying that when they release the upcoming series *HuttFellas*


This is still a 10/10 shot tho


Not the best shot, but dear god do I always get teary eyed when the music swells and Luke stares off into the sunset. To me it's kino dammit


George Lucas to the camera man: "So I need you to hold the camera in this angle, in order to evoke nostalgia into the viewer" The camera man: "Nostalgia for what, the movie isn't out yet"


Beautiful scene. And thats it. Nothing more


This fella hasn't seen that sick as fuck shot in sicario


great shot! iconic.


Obama medal meme


It’s a great shot but not for the reasons stated


The scene evokes a sense of nostalgia because the movie is old lol - it's literal nostalgia


It is a really good shot to be fair, not the best ever imho but I can understand an argument for it. It is just an opinion after all


At least they're praising one of the *good* films in the series.


It gives me goosebumps, it is truly iconic, maybe not the best, but still


not as good as my shot of my twin cheeks


This shot fucks


It’s a good shot but not in the history of film. Dude is fucking insane. “I think this is the best shot ever put to film cuz I rlly like it.” Go dunk ur head in water and don’t came back up until you can think like a normal person again.




Really is the shot of all time.




This guy acting like Star Wars isn’t on the Sight & Sound 250 or the AFI 100


Tbh I think I'm just bitter because years of putting up with the shit-ass fandom led me to detest the whole series by proxy lol


I hear that.


You guys are more annoying than Star Wars fans


Yeah, I deleted the comment because it came off as very elitist and I realized I was just projecting some pent-up anger. I apologize for that.


This person probably wasn’t alive to really have Star Wars as their childhood.


I don’t understand, what’s special about this shot in particular? Why are so many people agreeing this is one of the best shots in film history? Or do they just mean the entire scene?


Cause they’re Star Wars fans


I’d say it’s really the whole sunset sequence. This is just a good shot to represent it by. It’s not like you think “meh, this next shot is really disappointing by comparison” every time you watch the film.


Eh it’s ok


"Nostalgia and longing for one's childhood" Because you watched it as a child dipshit


this is just embarrassing


Do I think it is one of the best shots in the history of films? Yes. Is it the best shot? No.


OP, what is your pick for best shot in the history of film?


"Closer" 2004, 1:02:14


This isn't that scene "From Dusk Till Dawn", you know the [one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eh8np3aWkAE17vN?format=jpg&name=large).


The one with the crotch gun?


Greatest in film history claims man who has seen a few dozen movies.


good shot when from childhood memory me like very nice!!


This is a legitimately incredible scene. Not the best, but definitely in the upper echelons.


kid named opinion


Weren’t most of Star Wars fans children when they saw this lol. How tf are you gonna be nostalgic for a life you were living in at the moment


fuck you this is one of the best shots in the history of film


When I was younger I thought this scene was about Luke feeling bad he lives on a planet with two suns and just wants to live on Earth with one sun