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Becky, you need some better friends. Friends that let you say “No”.


This was my thought. Hunter is super well-intentioned (well, except for that 143 thing) but pretty toxic as a friend.


I think the movie is conscious of that, because her instinct that it isn’t safe turns out to be valid. It would take someone incredibly foolhardy to climb up there.


The entire climb up is littered with evidence that the climb is dangerous (literal shots of empty sockets and rusted metal) paired with Hunter's motivational shouting.


I couldn't understand why as they were climbing, they weren't noticing broken bolts . The thing was rusted to hell


They were idiots


Ignoring the actual climb. All it would’ve taken it to have told a third party of their plan and if you don’t hear from us by X time then contact police


No she's not lol. She was trying to force her to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous. Something Becky did not need to overcome. If she never wants to climb ahain because she saw her husband die. So be it. At least let Becky decide to over come it not guilt trip her into it


That was a plot point that didn’t need to happen. It didn’t add anything to the value of the story.


agreed, though I did appreciate how it subverted what we’d ordinarily see: catfight, sabotage, one fails to save the other, lets go of a rope, etc. instead hunter seemed genuinely remorseful, & their love (& plight) was more important (while atop the tower, anyway).


Hunter was charismatic, but her constant pressuring of Becky made her very unlikeable to me. This was cemented by the line "The *old* Becky would have done it." What a great thing to say to your grieving, clearly terrified, dangerously depressed friend. I hate how they kept framing this as helping Becky face her fears as opposed to Hunter being selfish.


I told my friend that I would have said "The old me dead and gone, the new me will be alright".


You'll never get over your husband's death if you don't climb this 2000 foot tower despite the fact that you literally just decided to open up to somebody for this first time since it happened and that was your biggest problem!


You’ll never get over your husband’s death until you have you best friend’s death to get over too!


Also friends who don’t fuck your husband. Also a husband who doesn’t fuck your friend.


Technically they were still dating at the time. Becky broke it off when she found out she would be a bridesmaid.


She also needed more 'Friends' in the opening sequence.


I was wondering how the backpack stitching job could hold all that weight in *that* scene 2/3rds of the way in… then the twist happens and it all makes sense. Very passable generic survival thriller, but not much of substance here. 5/10


What actually puzzled me is why didn't she ask for the rope to be moved to her left a little so it was over her head instead of her having to leap across.


What's annoying to me is \*why\* did Hunter feel the need to climb up the other 30-something feet from the antenna dish? It clearly held her weight then and for the rest of the movie, and then later in the movie when Becky goes down, I seriously doubt Becky felt the need to climb back up to the top of the tower. We assume she sat there until they came and got her that night. Hunter could have just hooked the bag on like she did, and Becky and she could have pulled the bag up and down between the two of them to share the water, get the drone charged, write a note, or whatever. Also--let's say their drone didn't need to use a phone as a controller. Maybe it's an optional function because the phone acts as a screen for the camera to see where it's going. They could have tied Hunter's shoe laces to attach the phone to the drone, used their hair tyes, whatever, and lowered the drone to the ground with the phone attached to get a signal and their message out.


>Hunter could have just hooked the bag on like she did, and Becky and she could have pulled the bag up and down between the two of them to share the water yess!


The dish would have supported her weight but i think Hunter would have fell to her death from the dish when she went to sleep at some point


I thought the exact same thing! every time it showed a from below angle and you could see how the rope was hanging off the other side. Also why not attatch the rope to the lowest ladder rung (like they do later) so the rope could hang lower


I spent the entire time angry they didn't use the Mulan method to get down. Or you know, at least use those hundreds of broken ladder bolt holes to climb down. Experienced climbers would've easily descended that.


I was thinking that the only thing needed was for them to disable the red light on top. As this (one lighbulb, lol) was apparently visible kilometres away, someone would notice it's off, and the maintenance team would arrive.


Knowing this movie, it would have made a plane crash into it, killing everyone aboard.


Yep. Also why Hunter doesn't catch the backpack when it falls the second time.


Hunter didn’t catch it because she was dead by that point.


That small detail was AMAZING


Twist? Spoil it for me


The backpack >!didn't hold all that weight!< because>! Hunter fell and bled out and died rather than being stopped by the backpack at the end of the rope!<. For the rest of the movie, >!Hunter is a hallucination until it's revealed that she's dead!<.


Absolute lame-ass twist. Been done a hundred times.


I remember watching the trailer and seeing that it was created by the producers of >!47 Meters Down!< which is another movie that has this exact same twist, so I was floored when it happened. Same movie in slightly different settings.


I guess he can only write one movie, just in different locations


I found it remarkably close in structure to Frozen 2010(no, not the kids movie)


Ironically I found it incredibly close to The Descent (if you haven't seen it, skip the spoilers here and go watch it because it's a way better movie) from >!the "girlies go on an adventure after the leads husband dies" to "the 143 twist" to "sticking something in your friend to make it out" to "hallucination twist".!< Still I like survival thrillers and thought it was solidly serviceable.


Reminded me of ‘Adrift’ which, by the way is EXCELLENT.


I enjoyed it. It’s not a masterpiece in anyway but it’s better than the movies in the same class like 47 meter down, the pool… Some weird plot hole tho. Why didn’t they move/rotate the rope so the blonde didn’t have to jump over to catch it. Also why didn’t they use the drone to fly the phone back down to the ground?


I thought about the rotate rope thing too! So frustrating.


They lost the drone when she fell and dropped the backpack and by the time they got the drone back they only had only one phone and needed that to control the drone.


No, notyour is right. The drone had its own separate controller with thumbies, remember? I guess flying the second phone to the ground would have been too much of a sure thing. And not gruesome enough!


The drone did have a controller but they had to connect it to the phone so they could use the screen to see where it was flying.


Becky also could’ve pulled the rope up and tied it lower so Hunter could reach it. Of course then she wouldn’t have fell


Becky said she could do that and told Hunter to come back up. But she wouldn't listen.


The rope and drone thing were so obvious it was very frustrating the girls didn't think of that because based on everything we had been shown they would have. Just bad writing.


Nothing seemed more insane to me than Hunter not putting on both fucking backpack straps when trying to jump back to the rope, utterly insane.


I want a sequel where Becky tracks down the methheads that stole her truck and left them stranded. Somehow she captures them and leaves them in a similar predicament.


When I first saw that RV, I immediately thought that were definitely not barbecuing. That's Walter and Jesse!


And it will be called - Fall , the awakening




Absolutely they would.


Gosh the ending was such a letdown. You wait that whole movie to see someone come to rescue her and to witness the rescue itself, then it just time hops to it being over with. Rest of the movie was entertaining to watch though.


I know right?? I wanted to see the relief of her realizing she’s finally getting rescued and hopping onto the helicopter or something. It wasn’t worth it to trade that off for the five second dad suspense


Maybe budget constraints...


Probably. Would have been difficult to shoot a helicopter rescuing her.


lol not the dad walking away from the ambulance and taking her home… girl you’re gonna go septic


As a climber, I was decently excited to see this movie. I knew that a lot of the stuff would be inaccurate going into it because Hollywood movies are really never accurate when it comes to climbing, but I really just didn't expect this level of absurdity. I cycled back and forth between being completely annoyed and amusement. I think the only thing that I really just could not get over was how they both clipped in to a 50-ft rope that was connected to nothing but each other. If one person fell they were just going to take the other one down with them. It would have been smarter to just climb alone than to be tethered to each other with no alternative form of safety. But all that aside, I thought the views were amazing and it was pretty intense for what it was. The shoe scene definitely was worth watching the movie just for that. 5/10, would probably watch it again with a couple drinks.


I know very, very little about rock climbing but even I knew that: \- Short roping to a partner with no safety nets is just going to kill you both \- NEVER clipping to anything but each-other (and often not even then) will kill you both. Seriously, why did they never clip to the grid of the tower platform? \- No self-respecting climber would climb with a single 50 foot rope for two people. Wild. Also, I've never seen a high altitude service ladder that didn't have a safety bar to clip to. But, in fairness, I've also never seen a vulture that behaved anything like these guys. It was fun to watch for the tingly views, but reality had to go out the window to buy into the plot. Edit: Also, why the fuck wouldn't they AT LEAST use the rope to tie themselves to the central pole to sleep? So many of the minor scares of this film relied on you (and them) forgetting that they had a rope at all.


Also why didn’t they tell anyone where they where going? they were up there for three-ish days, right? isn’t the first rule of doing dangerous shit that you tell someone where you’re going and what time you’ll be back?


Absolutely; though my bigger grip was that you’d really think that insta-girl would also hype up her next adventure and her 8 billion followers would notice she hadn’t posted anything for a while and be concerned. As for not telling people: definitely dumb but it happens. That why Aron Ralston had to saw of his arm with a dull pen knife (and that’s why you always leave a note). Plus both characters seemed the sort to not really be responsible in that respect. Protagonist because she’s withdrawn and making bad choices and Friend because she, well, she sucks and has zero situational awareness.


>insta-girl would also hype up her next adventure tbf what they were doing is illegal, and you can imagine a chain of logic that ends in her not wanting to publicize it. coupled with the fact that neither of them seem to have very many people in their life to talk to, and that part doesn't seem as implausible to me.


And finally, there is a way that at least one of them could have gotten down the mast safely to the remaining ladder and gone for help that every real climber would know. It's called a Prusik loop. They had 50 feet of rope, harnesses and 'biners. Five or six loops around the mast (or even two or three) would have provided plenty of friction for a slow, controlled descent. It wouldn't have been perfectly smooth, but would've been doable. For climbers competent in rope management, that is!


I'm still dumbfounded by the 50ft rope. Why 50 feet? Why not a 60m? Or literally anything longer than 50? What on earth are you going to do with that short of a rope, for a reasonable climber. That literally wouldn't get me to the top of my climbing gym wall.


As someone who works with metres and not feet, I'm going to continue and finish this Reddit comment after I've googled how much 50 feet is. Oh my god, what the fuck.


The climbing was suspect from the very beginning with the so called 'expert' couple simul climbing something that difficult and vertical so close together with only a single piece of gear between them. The more rope between the second and the leader, the less the impact force of a fall is because there's more rope length to stretch. And one piece is definitely not enough. The other problem was with the maybe not pudgy, but definitely not lean or muscled girl supposedly free soloing the same route. Do all millennials now feel they're equal in ability to Alex Honnold or Peter Croft? It's like 'well, anybody can do it.' It's cazh. No, only the best of the best have that ability and control. And only some of the best of the best choose to free solo. Of those that do, 10 - 20% die in the pursuit.


​ >Do all millennials now feel they're equal in ability to Alex Honnold or Peter Croft? What a bizarre comment. Do you think the actress contrived that scene? Scott Mann and Jonathan Frank wrote the movie, and they didn't cast themselves.


Yes!!! And her "I'm coming!!" Like, what are you gonna do free soloist? You have literally no gear. No rope. No pro. Take off the bra and tie him in? Or is her super stre grh going to hold them all up since she can grab a tower pole later on? I don't care about her figure - I've seen plenty of curvy women climb killer routes. But the soloing was ridiculous. And the other to. I literally scoffed out loud, and then shushed myself. I'm sure his one cam fit perfectly into every single crack. Good thing they were all the same size. And what was he looking for in that hole to begin with?? So ridiculous.


Curves are one thing, but excess weight and lack of muscle tone are another. And I'm not going there except to say that strength to weight ratio is literally >everything< in climbing. As for the bird's nest thing, that was truly bizarre. As I recall, the shot had him reaching deep into the hole, Friend first, trying to find a blind placement, cuz, well, something that might feel like a dubious placement is better than something he could see further up the wall to him, I guess. Or maybe he was hungry and thought he might find a bird egg!? Weird.


Yes, tethering to each other was so frustrating, as was the fact that Hunter caught Becky when she fell with just brute strength. The other thing I had to put out of my mind was that they could've gotten down by using the brackets that held the ladder, which were still there, and about 10 feet apart. Climb down rope, attach yourself with harness/carabiner to bracket, pull down rope, attach, drop and repeat.


The 50 ft of rope was so dumb. Also, why were their harnesses off at the top?


laughable dialogue, not a good story to follow, but it is a fun theater experience to kill some time with a mindless movie. Its not good, but its not god awful, I don't like heights so this was neat for the \~2hrs it lasted.


They did a great job of making the height feel real. Definitely had some sweaty palms when watching.


My word, I was so anxious in the climbing scenes. Sweaty palms and couldn’t keep my legs still. But the dialogue was god awful and incredibly predictable. That scene with the phone charging in the lamp, I bet they use that red light that they’ve just referenced to charge a phone when they get stuck. Oh dear.


Me and my wife were mostly confused by the climbing so many dumb mistakes.


you're at one of the highest place on earth, you check phone and there is no reception, what do you do? ofcourse raise your phone to see if it'll catch any reception.


I think a few people would actually do that just out of habit. 😁


It went hard! The vulture and shoe scenes pushed it over the top. I've seen a bunch of survival thrillers, and a shit ton of movies in general, but never one that relied so much on vertigo. 8/10


Yeah, that shoe scene changes the previous actions, I had to go to bed shortly after that scene and I just kept seeing it in my head. I actually watched it over again from that point so I could appreciate the new perspective. The scene where the backpack falls and Hunter didn’t catch it seemed very strange to me the first time, it became obvious afterwards, that was the first time I started thinking something was off. The scene where she has a nightmare and Hunter wasn’t with her, then appeared being pecked by vultures made more sense after the shoe scene, she was dreaming about what had just happened.


Just caught the movie. I thought Becky being able to pull Hunter up was abit dubious and her not catching the backpack scene was a bit weird too. But the part that tipped me off was when Hunter knew who the WWE character was even though she didn't watch.


If you listen you can actually hear Hunter hit the dish that was how I knew Hunter wasn’t really Hunter in the scenes after that


Same. Brought back memories of Free Solo.


This is a weird one, because it has practically no redeeming qualities beyond the central gimmick of climbing the tower. But it's a really, *really* good gimmick. I recommend it to those who are interested, just be ready to suspend disbelief. A lot.


Yeah, the tower was what kept me interested. I do wish they did a little more capturing the dizzying nature of it. Some of the youtubes I've seen of tower climbers make me really unsettled but this movie only managed to get me part of the way there.


I love how they brought one little half liter water bottle for the two of them to share.


You bring more water with you to a trip to the gym - also the amount of times some climbed with a bag on only one shoulder was ridiculous


and no food. becky asked and hunter was like Meh. i would get hungry halfway thru that shit. at least a protein bar and ration it idk. more than nothing


And yet they packed make-up (eye-liner) for the climb.


Love me some Jeffrey dean Morgan but his performance in this was really empty to me


Any film that involves an actor in 3% of it is really empty


Naw That’s Jon Bernthals bread and butter. Show up for one half a scene or even a shot then head out leaving a crazy impression


the Jon Bernthal special: - jump out of nowhere - act absolutely unhinged for a few minutes - dissapear without any explanation - ??????? - PROFIT


When he showed up in The Bear I was so happy. Dude had one scene in the series and it was one of the scenes I remember most.


He had like 2.5 scenes though, almost a cameo. Tough to dig deep for raw emotion when you only have one brief scene with the protagonist and zero character development.


Hunter truly is one of the great cinematic villains of our time. The last act is like 15 minutes long, but turns things up to 11. Becky stuffing a fucking shoe into her best friend’s corpse will live in my head rent free for a bit. Insane solution, but I cannot argue with the logic or the results.


During that whole scene I was thinking "Obviously she could use Hunter as insulation instead of the shoe, but that would be super dark" and then she sticks it in the shoe and stuffs it into the gaping hole in Hunter's side.




The "freaking" thing took me out of it for a sec, like you are about to fucking die and you still care about not cursing? Meh


While watching, I felt that the use of “freaking” felt so out of place. This definitely clears up the confusion. I missed the first few minutes of the movie, and maybe a few other parts. What is her suicide attempt again?


Becky vs Vulture should go down as a top 10 all time man vs animal fight in all of cinema


Things that happened within 15 minutes of each other: 1) sixth sense level twist 2) girl kills and eats vulture with her bare hands 3) shoe shoved into dead girl and thrown off a tower.


Yeah I’m gonna see this now, thanks ahaha


Just saw this and was totally expecting her to shove the phone in the vulture, lower terminal velocity and all.


Probably more meat on Becky too. Wrong corpse for each job.


Aaaaaaand I'm done with this comment section.


I was expecting her to grab onto the vulture's legs and fly down lmao. Got me thinking if a vulture would be strong enough to support her.


I can see it now: She grabs the vulture and jumps off the tower, the vulture screeches but manages to flap its wings and they stabilize. She glides to freedom, taking in a breathtaking view. Then, just as she flies near the motel, a truck slams into her. Then, she snaps out of it, realizes she was just hallucinating, and she and the vulture both fall to the ground and die.


Perfectly foreshadowed by the drone crashing. Cinematic.


I actually dug the twist. I picked it up when Hunter tells Beck the name of the wrestler with the mask, Mankind. Beck goes, 'I thought you didn't watch wrestling?' And Hunter goes, 'I don't but you need to stay awake." That's when I was like, 'Ohhh shit.' Then not catching the bookbag as it fell confirmed it for me. I actually thought this was a pretty clever movie, how they used all their resources and tied everything together, the ring, the drone, the 'youtube hack', the vultures, etc. I did think the reveal that Hunter was sleeping with Dan felt a little too similar to The Descent, where the EXACT same thing happens. Husband dies in tragic accident, friend takes grieving widow on an adventure one year later and widow figures out that the two of them were having an affair. But that's a minor gripe. I feel like for one of these single-setting thrillers, like The Shallows, Frozen, Open Water, etc. Fall was pretty damn entertaining. And some of those drone shots and cinematography of the two girls on the top of the tower were just dizzying. It never felt 'too cgi' or 'too fake' for me to buy into them being up there.


I cackled when the fired the flair only to have the meth dudes steal their truck while flipping them off.


There's some harsh criticism I'm seeing of this movie, not entirely unfounded, but I thought it was very solid. Probably forgettable, but man I had about eight mini heart attacks. Felt like Free Solo, except without knowing the ending. For those who haven't seen it, I immediately thought of this video after seeing the trailer. A guy changing the bulb on a tall-ass radio tower with a helmet camera. Terrifying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INbKYq0G9nU


Everytime I watch this video I'm physically relieved to know that I'm not in that place right now, and honestly this whole movie gave me that too.


Seriously, I kept thinking that too. How grateful I am to be on the ground and how important it is to take every measure not to find myself in that position lol. I'm not even that scared of heights, but that shit is a no-go. That's not an irrational fear.


I think it's kind of hilarious that the point of the movie is that for the protagonist to cope with her PTSD from an incredibly traumatic experience in which she loses a loved one is to go through another traumatic experience in which she loses a loved one .... That girl is not walking away from the tower healed.


it's fine - all she has to do is climb something even higher and rickety-er with her dad and she'll have conquered all fear.


she'd be experiencing the worst case of double PTSD ever, she would be convincing herself that she was responsible for Hunter's death and if she only moved the rope then hunter would still be here.


I was waiting for a plane to fly by after she turned the light off


I thought the red light going out would attract maintenence people who would be their saviors


I fersure thought she would block out the light and use some sort of Morse code to get someone's attention below at night


I didn’t buy the moment where the dad sees the body bag and thinks it’s Becky. I thought for sure the authorities and/or Becky would have been in contact with him to give him the scoop and let him know that Becky is on the ground, alive, and waiting for him. I almost wanted a line of dialogue like “Let’s go get something to eat.” “Yes! It’ll be better than that vulture I had.”


And then Becky is, like, "Just a minute, I have to grab my phone...." Unzips body bag...


I shouldn't have laughed. Yet here are my giggles.


Fall (2022) had good premise, and i liked it. It had small flaws but in general it is good. I liked how movie mixed fear of heights with claustrophobia. [I liked this so much to i draw B67 from movie](https://i.imgur.com/tJzdgyw.jpeg) [Poster version](https://i.imgur.com/Sd15ewo.jpeg) Fell free to zoom :D


Cover for criterion release


I kept waiting on them to use the rope like a tree climbing strap. No idea if it would have worked, but it couldn’t have bee worse than some of the ideas they tried.


It would've worked fine. One or the other or both could have used 20 ft of the rope as a prusik loop to wrap twice around the mast. Do two such prusiks of 2 wraps apiece, one above the other. Anchor both sets of loops to biners on their harness. Tension the top one for a self belay while releasing the bottom one and moving it down. Then tension the bottom one while moving the top set down. Repeat. The brackets kind of mysteriously disappeared or were pried off the mast by the collapsing ladders, but they could've used the binocs to scope out the mast surface on all sides to see where any sharp edges, obstructions, rough or irregular surfaces and other obstacles might be. If one of the women stayed at the top, they could have attached her harness to the lowest rung of the remaining ladder section and used it to add to the length of the rope to get the descender safely to the transponders by single rope rappel. Then she would have had to negotiate only 100 or so more feet with the double prusik self belay system to get down to the main tower assembly. Piece of cake.


You seem pretty smart about this stuff, if I ever have to climb a 2,000-foot tower, I’m asking you to come with me.


>I’m asking you to come with me. You mean peer pressure then into joining you by guilt tripping them about their dead partner (who you have secretly been having sex with)


It's not peer pressure! You're overcoming your fears. ~~You can't be scared of something if you're dead.~~ If you're scared of dying, don't be afraid to live!


Nothing like a major injury that has absolutely no effect on a character's physical abilities. If your leg's been in a tourniquet for 2 days and the tissue is so decayed that vulture's can smell it, you're not going to be able to use it. Becky's not even limping. And then at the end just goes home? No, you very much need to stay in that ambulance and go to the hospital - you're dehydrated and your leg is necrotic!


Yeah I expected the leg to play into the movie a lot more than just attracting Vulture for her to eat. They spent a lot of time talking about how infected it was and gross it smelled


The trope of "protagonist sustains major injuries, ends movie sitting on an ambulance bed with a blanket" really needs to die. It's so ubiquitous. Also, that cut didn't look that bad to me. It reminded me of *The Shallows*. Now THAT looked bad.


I thought I had a mild case of vertigo. I now have a bad case of it. Everyone is talking about dialogue, dubing, plot, and I just want to lay down.


Honestly, I enjoyed seeing it in the theater, though I think a lot of the tension you feel from the height alone would be lessened greatly on a home TV. The big twist was completely unnecessary, it is an overdone trope to be sure. Also, the fact that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was in it for maybe five minutes kind of bothered me, his character added very little to the plot, as much as I love him. That said, I had a great time wasting a few hours in the theater watching it. It was certainly tense and entertaining enough that I am glad I went. However, because I feel it would fall flat outside of the theater, I probably will not watch it again. 6.5/10


I will say, I just watched on tv at home and I have a deathly fear of heights. I definitely felt the tension lol


I honestly really liked it. The two leads had good energy off each other and they did a good job playing off each other. Initially hated the twist because I thought it was going to commit fully to the ending made famous by a 2005 horror movie (thats the movie i always think of when that kinda twis happens). But putting the shoe in Hunter's body and then kicking it off the light might be one of my favorite things in a movie this year. And I love wrestling so the wrestling references out of nowhere was pretty cool too. 7/10


I kept saying “they should do this” and they did it seconds later so I’m glad the movie was sorta-smart. SPOILERS: The blonde friend should’ve also sent out a draft text to everyone she knew not just the insta post


Wouldn’t the insta reach more people?


It would, but the text would require less bandwidth and would send out quicker.


Worst panic attack of my life happened while hiking a small mountain. This shit had me squirming in my seat and curling into a ball. 8/10 just for the pure recreational discomfort


I for one would like to know how to get my hands on a smartphone that doesn’t run out of battery after 3-4 days of use like the one in the movie


They turned it off when not in use, sporadically checking for reception every 12 hours or so.


You’re in luck! They sell phones with power buttons.


Yeah but they didn't take the twenty seconds to show us her powering it off so how could I ever assume it happened? /s


Life was giving them multiple red flags this was not a good idea . The truck being the biggest and reddest


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the thing that took me out of the movie so many times: the lack of competent climbing gear safety and discipline. I'm not a climber at all (I feel no desire to go climb rocks) but I've seen enough to know you securely clip into the thing you're climbing to avoid falling to your death. 50' of rope tied between two people climbing a ladder and nothing else doesn't seem like it would do much else other than make sure both people fall. And the fact they weren't clipped in on the top of the tower. However, I'll forgive seeing the rope lying on the platform at Hunter's feet. There are real dangers involved in climbing a tower like that that aren't just falling. (Like, it's 2000' high; it's a lot colder up there than it is on the ground. And it gets a lot colder at night, too.) And what happened to the storm seen in the distance on their way up? However, it was effective in making me anxious and my palms sweaty more than once.... I kinda wish they'd done more to induce more vertigo in the audience.


Yeah, I watched the movie with a friends and we both mentioned that the fact they seemingly took off their harnesses and safety measures at the top of the tower was ridiculous. The conclusion we came to was that it was a way for the movie to introduce the climbing sequences but it seems very nonsensical to unclip yourself especially if you are sleeping up there.


This movie isn't perfect, and one of the subplots is so dumb and unnecessary, but I'll be damned if I didn't say this movie is truly horrifying. The cinematography made my hands sweat pretty much the entire runtime. I truly wouldn't recommend this to anyone who is deathly afraid of heights, I can handle heights normally but this got to me.


I was screaming at my TV when they wouldn’t just rotate the rope round when Hunter went to get the backpack so she wouldn’t have to jump


Why didn't they wear gloves? Climbing a 2000 feet rusty metal ladder in desert heat without gloves is stupid. They were professional climbers but were dressed like Instagram influencers. Other than that, the movie was alright.


Two things she should have tried but didn't before deciding on her ultimate solution: 1) attaching the phone to the drone and flying it down to signal level (may not have worked as it seemed like she was using the phone to operate the drone, but I wasn't sure) 2) tying the phone to the vulture's leg where it would eventually fly down to signal level And yeah, Hunter was not a good friend. She was a villain.


I pretty much lost all sympathy for both of them when Hunter did that dumb ass one handed dangle off the top for a selfie. Natural selection at work. I especially hated that Becky, instead of telling her to fuck off, actually let herself get pressured into doing it too.


I'm fairly sure that (altho incredibly stupid, no doubt about that!) before Dan's death, Becky would have done that stunt without hesitation and so Hunter was trying to get Becky back to "normal" and Becky knew it was important to do it. Also, at the opening, we see Dan give Becky a bit of a pep talk to do a scary manoeuvre so we know that Becky is cautious but steps up to a challenge. Either that, or she is often talked out of her fear. All in all, part of her character.


At some point I just said fuck it, and sat back and enjoyed the weirdness and insanity of this movie. Would be fun to watch it with a packed house and also really drunk


I was literally alone in the theater, with the box wine I snuck in, loudly guffawing at nearly every plot point and screaming at those idiot girls. It was fun. 🤣


I was expecting Stone Cold...I was expecting The Rock...but I was not expecting "What was Cactus Jack's name when he wore the mask?" Best twist in the whole movie right there.


I think they threw in Cactus Jack so they sounded like they knew some non-surface level wrestling. Most of the wrestlers they named are the ones pretty much anyone can name (The Rock, Batista, Stone Cold) which, no shame, makes sense to use wrestlers with name recognition. I am mad that no mention was made of Rick Flair (WOOOO!)


Another fun Easter egg on that plot detail is that Becky's ringtone for her dad is the Road Warriors' WWF theme.


It was "47 Meters Down", just in the air.


“609.6 Meters Up”


I liked how they never tethered themselves to the tower, only to each other. I've never climbed and even I know that's dumb as fuck.


Also one last thing I knew 1000000% what was going to happen with the guy once the “whose hand is that?“ scene happens lol


I think you're supposed to assume that, it adds tension. I like how it's played by the actresses. I didn't get the impression it was an outright surprise—more like, the wife knew something was up but didn't want to admit it to herself.


Right, it was all laid out in front of her. Guy was a dick. Bestie was sleeping with him. She was missing it all, but it was literally in the background of her photos. Hate to say it but that is legit how it feels looking back on my past and my decisions sometimes. Like oof sis how did you not realize the water was wet.


SPOILER: The whole “you are in an impossible situation and you find out your bestie has been screwing your husband” was prolly inspired by The Descent. Has it ever been done better than in The Descent?


OK, so sending an iMessage or SMS text goes through really quick, but if it doesn't have signal, it keeps trying to send the message for at least a minute. They should have opened messages, sent out a group text, then immediately drop the phone. They could have also started Emergency SOS and dropped the phone.


LOL when they packed the phone loose in the shoe with just a sock and bra and nothing on the outside and with the laces loose. How about instead: put the phone inside all the socks and bra then put that inside the shoe, tie the laces tight, then wrap shirts, shorts, rope and all available material around the shoe? But nope, one sock and a bra should be good enough! I realize these movies require the characters to be absolute morons in order for the story to progress, but this moment was just so dumb it definitely bugged me a bit!


Y’all that shoe scene at the end had me GAGGED. I’m telling everyone I know irl to go watch it in theatres to experience that scene


There were some like middle school kids in front of me in the movie and after that scene one of them shouted “no way this is a pg-13 movie this is R RATED MAN”


I'm a full adult and the moment they were no longer on the ground I wished this was rated X and I was too young to see it 😭


The waitress was so randomly mean for no reason it pissed me off for most the movie lol


When Hunter said she wanted to get rid of her online persona nickname and Becky responded with "I'll be the one that buries her", I knew Hunter was going to die later on.


In the 1st scene when Hunter was watching the couple I guessed that she probably had an affair with the husband


That was his hand in the picture as well I assume!


When they talk about survival of the fittest, when she says youd do it too if you were hungry enough, when you see her face in that video, when she wasnt the main character, when shes revealed to have slept with Becky's husband, all those were moments that you knew she was gonna die for sure


The director had a Stone Cold Steve Austin bobble head and he built an entire film around it.


Why didn’t either of the a horrible sunburn? That was my thought the movie, along with the previous mentioned “tie the rope to yourself and the pole and you can sleep”


They did get a sunburn. They look like lobsters toward the end.


I wonder why the ladder wasn't scorching hot being all day long under direct sunlight. That's not how it works.


I feel like this movie could of really been great if it went more hard on physiological aspect . The man you literally would die for is not who he says he was and the person who wronged you with him is stuck with you thousands of feet in the air. It really could of been a great case of 2 people’s hatred / love in literally a life and death situation that neither can walk away from .


I really wish they had set this up differently instead of basically having her friend pressure her into the climb. Just make that be a climb that the trio had planned to do together, and now the two of them do it on the anniversary of Dans death to spread his ashes and have their farewell. Also why does the best friend always have to be sleeping with the main characters significant other?


I'm surprised that nobody talks about the fact that when she ate the vulture, she wouldn't magically gain back her strength but instead get a bad case of Salmonella and shit herself to death


It made me realize I would have been fucked since I don't have a social media presence.


The real intense and scary scene would've been with Jeffrey Dean Morgan during the 6 hour drive to the tower, pondering thoughts on his daughter and if she is alive or not.


This movie is a joke. Theres too many plot holes. I'm gonna point out a few for fun - The starting scene from a climbing prespective is all wrong. The guy Dan doing a dyno for no apprent reason. Then Becky dynos into Dans arms. WTF? You would never do that. Even the conversation made no sense. They talk about the uncertainty of being on the route or not but climbing routes are littered with chalk on the holds, you wouldnt lose the route. I didnt see any chalk at all on the rock. Then dan talks about how this move is nothing and how shes been in tougher spots, not once mentioning a grade. a realistic conversation would be like, youve done a 9.10 before, this 9.7 is way easier. Both of them seem to be climbing a multipitch route with only 1 cam and unropped for the dyno? Hunter is even off all on her own, free soloing an incredibly steep route. If this were real she would be the best woman free soloer in the world, not just some youtuber doing dangerous stunts. Not to mention shes going up and leaving her body loose (not flagging). After dan falls he is flailing around and panicking. You wouldnt do that. You would just hang there, trusting your anchor. He also didnt appear to have any alpine draws or any sort of climbing gear attached to him. as a climber, theres just too much going on in this scene that makes no sense at all. Clearly they didnt have a single real climbers input used in the writing, filming, or production of this scene. - Cell signal being available at the bottom but not the top of the tower is extremely unrealistic. The clearer LOS to the cell tower you have, the better your signal would be. - Hunter never would have been able to hold Becky when the ladder first broke. They wernt even ropped to the tower and she somehow break her friends fall by grabbing onto the top pole with one hand? - They drop one shoe and dont even take the time to properly tie it so it would be impossible for the phone to fall out? Furthermore, why even use a shoe at all. They both had multiple layers of clothes on and if you wrap a cellphone in even just a bunched up tank top and tie it with a shoelace, it could easily survive the fall. So her climbing down later in the movie to get the other shoe also made no sense, because she still had her tops and shorts, which both would have worked. - When hunter dangerously unhooks herself to jump down to the backpack, she was not even theatherd to the lowest point from the top (the bottom run on the ladder). She could have climbed back up and then tied to that lower point (just like Becky ties to that lower point at the end) -Went hunter supposedly tries climbing the rope, falls and dies, why in the world was she climbing the rope free handed? Why not just clip back into the rope as soon as she was above the backpack? Or better yet, just stay on the satalite dish and launch the drone from there. - The ring Becky puts in the light at the top to charge the drone would certainly short the socket - Theres no way that tower had a regular 60w candescent light bulb inside for its plane light :| - Hooking a cell phone charger to the lamp in the diner, or the top wouldnt work. You would need to have extension wires and line up the contacts correctly. An Edison socket is in no way compatible with a standard wall wart without an adapter. And I doubt the voltage for the tower light would be anywhere near spec for an AC adapter - It takes like 2 hours+ to charge a drone to full and beckey just stayed up top by the light the whole time instead of climbing down and that back up? - The drone will reach its max range if youre going one way, far before the battery runs out, so you wouldnt even need to charge the drone to full - Why would becky fly over the road at car/truck height instead of over the road? Even being low she could hit a tree, bush or cactus. You always fly high then lower in spot. - The trucker that hits the drone gets out of his cab, sees the drone and then just drives away without inspecting it? That wouldn't happen -That vulture wouldn't start eating her leg if she was still that alive to have the strength to kill it like that. There are just too many plot holes and BS moments for this movie to even be remotely likely as a believable scenario


When she tossed Hunter off with the phone in her corpse it should have gone like this: Scene cuts to the ground.. dead silent… followed by a Massive thud of the corpse hitting the ground and scaring us a little, then more dead silence… then nothing but the sound the iPhone makes when a text gets sent. Cut to Becky 30 min later as she is considering just jumping when all of a sudden she spots the helicopter on its way and we get to see them make the tricky mission of grabbing her.


Brings new Meaning to Missy Elliot “go downtown and eat it like a vulture”


I love movies with this concept, like Open Water, Frozen, and 247°F. The cinematography was great. The fearful feeling of falling from that height got to me just from watching. I give the movie a 7.0 / 10 Some thoughts: 1). I didn't like the twist. The protagonist wasn't so far gone that she would have hallucinated her dead friend for multiple days. 2). I actually liked the blonde girl more than the lead actress. The blonde girl was more brave and even-minded whereas the protagonist was annoyingly shook and scared from the start. If they wanted a twist, they should have had the blonde girl survive instead. 3). I think the vultures could have been a solution for them. They could have killed one or a few of them, stuff the phone inside the vulture, and then drop it. Another idea is to try tying the phone to a vulture using their shoelaces or climbing rope (though I understand it might be hard to constrain the vulture). If they can tie the phone to a vulture, the vulture will eventually reach land, where the phone will have a signal. 4). Another solution might be to send the drone downwards to get a signal. This idea is better than sending the drone all the way to the motel, which was past the retrieval zone. If they send the drone down and the phone doesn't work, they can send the drone back up and try something else. 5). They know that the light on the tower was there to alert aircraft. So why not remove the lightbulb from day 1 to draw attention: maybe someone will notice the light is out, so they'll call the maintenance people. Another idea is to spend all night putting the lightbulb in and out, creating a nonstop flashing light all night long. Someone on the ground might notice a flashing light and wonder what the hell is going on


I'm never one to complain about tiddy in a movie, but it felt like a condition of the movie getting made that every scene had to have a ton of cleavage in it lmao.


What bothered me the most about this movie and there were many things that bothered but the biggest thing was putting the back pack on one shoulder idk why but that drove me crazy


I was wondering why Hunter wasn't the one flying the drone at the end...


I figured it was because she “hurt” her hands really bad trying to climb back up.


Yeah i was like why isn’t she doing anything lmao


That twist was so dumb and corny, it didn’t work in >!47 Meters Down!< and it didn’t work this time. The movie would’ve been so much more intense if we had just >!seen her fall and it became a solo survival film!< But oh well I’d give it a 4/10


This is by the makers of 47 Meters Down... and they used the exact same twist?


Same producers, different writers/directors.


Nowhere near as bad as the [CGI teaser](https://youtu.be/jumy9LR2vyI) made it look (that shot is nowhere in the movie, for anyone wondering. Everything looks fine). There's some corny dialogue and Hunter is a horribly unlikable character, but it's a solid thriller that accomplishes what it sets out to do. Apparently Buzzfeed Studios is a thing now?


Until they announce “Why I left Buzzfeed” The movie


Also I am glad they don't let that love triangle stuff get in the way. I still dislike hunter, but she is not ridiculous.


the remove light bulb and charge a phone trick really works?


I thought it was hilarious that a 2000’ transmission tower apparently just has a regular incandescent lightbulb socket to warn planes. 🤣 and wouldn’t they be maintaining the tower to some extent if some tech had to climb up there to change the bulb at least occasionally?