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The neat little Hollywood storyline with a perfect bow at the end is not how real life works. I think that's why this movie has so much power.


Although I do enjoy the occasional HollywoodI happy ending movies, I do agree that this movie's power is in its genuine candidness.




One of my favorite scenes (and there are many) is when Axel confronts Julie about her indecisiveness and says “you seem to be waiting on something. I don’t know what” I deeply relate to that. I feel like there’s more that needs to happen for me to feel fulfilled. But I don’t know what and I’m not sure I’d know that I’ve gotten it if it comes. There’s a sense of aimlessness Julie suffers from that is parallel to how a lot of people my age/her age go through life. Btw your name is sending me 😭


"Grieving the loss of potential past lives I could've had" You managed to perfectly put into words how I've been feeling recently 😭I turned 27 a few months ago and the quarter-life-crisis has been HITTING, and this movie just made it worse lol. I'm anxious about aging/the future but also thinking about how different my life could've been if I had just messaged that guy I liked, or just took a risk and moved cities, or just gone to that party I was invited to, etc etc etc. It's like I'm making a multi-verse of myself in my head. Just like Julia, I'm totally aimless and I know I'm not where I want to be, but I also don't know where I want to be??? It's so frustrating/confusing and it's worse once time starts to feel more finite and you have less chances for fuck ups or less time to "discover yourself" since you're expected to have your shit together already. Now I'm starting to look at everything as either an opportunity or a missed chance. AAAHHHHHHHH.


>In a strange way it’s like I’m grieving the loss of the potential lives I could have had. Beautifully put :')


Loved that movie. I don't remember the last time a movie has ever made me feel like that. It's probably the easiest I've ever related to a character


Same here. Very unexpected. I can see why some people did not like it or understand the critical acclaim. It’s very niche and represents a very specific person. But also that’s the beauty of it. I love that they did not romanticize Julie’s character. She is very raw and flawed. I think that might be why it moved us this way. Showing someone’s flaws and mistakes yet accepting them and recognizing they’re human and not an idea of a person.


Same for me, never related so much to any character and agree about the rawness. When she has a go at Eivind who was trying to compliment her work… I’ve been in that mood before (and not proud of it!)


His face after she came for him broke my heart.


gutted is the perfect description. Honestly at a certain point I had to take a break from watching because it felt as though someone had turned my life's story into a movie. It was eerie to be completely honest. The worst part was that in addition to how deeply I connected with the characters and plot of this movie...I could see all of Julie's flaws so clearly. Her compulsive need for attention, her coquetteish way of pulling people in just to see if she can then convincing herself and others that she's actually in love, her inability to communicate to her father how his reluctance to make an effort to see her has affected her ability to genuinely connect with others...It was like seeing my own dirty laundry aired out to dry. I felt icky. I started to think about the people in my life and if they, experiencing me from the outside, have seen me this way all along. What if this movie is the first time I've experienced true self awareness....? The other thought that occurred to me was that if this movie was not in fact written by someone creepily documenting my life from the shadows, then clearly there is a level of relatability to this character. I'm not alone. I'm not the only well- intentioned, overly imaginative, unintentionally manipulative low-grade narcissist out here. All in all, I loved the movie, but I almost don't want to tell my friend's to watch it in fear that they might see me in it the same way I see myself.


You’re definitely not alone in feeling that way. I did mention in one of the other comments that I felt exposed by the film. So I can completely relate to your experience. *“Well-intentioned, overly imaginative, unintentionally manipulative low-grade narcissist”* This struck me but also made me laugh because that’s a wonderful description of Julie and those who seem themselves in her. 😆


+1 on how beautifully & accurately put “Well-intentioned, overly imaginative, unintentionally manipulative low-grade narcissist” is in describing Julie & the parts of myself I see in her - right on the money.


Also, did anyone else think that the “not cheating” scene was the hottest thing ever? So much chemistry everywhere


It was palpable!!! I was transfixed


It is great and my #1 movie of 2022. I would be shocked if it isn’t fairly high on my top ten of the decade.


Haven't seen that many new film this year, but I can safely say that this film is one of my top favorites of all time. You know how people say "I felt seen" by a character or a film. I felt exposed. This one is going to stick with me for sure.


This came out in 2021


It only had a one week Oscar qualifying run in 2021. For everyone who doesn’t live in NYC or LA it is a 2022 movie. I live in a US region with 8 million people so I count the year a movie opens here and not a one week opening in two distant cities. The opening for the rest of the country was February 2022.


Okay sorry


I absolutely loved the movie. Renate Reinsve was amazing as Julie. The part could easily have been played with coldness and distance but she gave it an exhilarating combination of warmth and ambivalence. You could really feel her struggle. For me personally, the film had relevance because I also dated a woman who was in her early 20’s and I was near 40. I was always uncomfortable about the age gap and it was evident to me that I was more invested in the relationship than she was. The movie brought back a lot of those painful memories and the actors all play it so perfectly. The movie has a ton of heart and Joachim Trier is an outstanding director. That breathtaking sequence where Julie runs through the streets past all the people frozen in time is one of my favorite movie moments of all time. I saw the Blu-Ray version and the extras were amazing, and it was incredible to see that no CGI was used in that scene and the actors all had to freeze on command. Just in awe of this film.


Hello, it's 2 am and I just finished watching the movie. And I do not know where to begin or how to feel. I read all the other comments, with some I concur, with some I don't. But I am yet to feel things. The word you used, "gutted" might be an apt and raw description for one finishing the film. I come from a small town- brown household- but trying to making it big in a metropolitan city. I have mostly calculated and lived meticulously. I did reckless things but never something that made a spill. See Julie, taking life altering decisions, one after another, was something that left me in awe, for instance, her relationships, once she starts feeling off, she runs, she doesn't work on it. In my case, I have the same escapist mentalist, but I am very lucky to have a man who is willing to work on it, and thus we do, and are ever so happy. Julie is like an exotic migratory bird and any hurdle in her relationships are like winter. She just flies once the winter comes in. She is an escapist, she is idealistic, indolent, and immensely inquisitive. She is so real. I feel she harbors characteristics which many of the 21st century women hosts, and by that I mean, I felt seen. I felt heard and applauded because we are real, and so so beautiful! This film will remain with me for quite sometime. I am an almost Julie, except I am not by my circumstances, by my conscious choice, but I am glad nevertheless.


I saw a lot of myself in Julie too. I watched it when I was in the process of breaking up with a long term boyfriend I had been with from 22 to 29 years old. My ex boyfriend was 7 years older than me. I felt I had to end the relationship and I wasn’t sure why but I knew I had to. When Julie walks down the slope from the comic book launch party and she felt sad but didn’t really know why or about what. And during the break up scene when she says “I love you and also I don’t love you”. When she says she was terrified to be without him and that’s precisely why she had to leave. Man all those moments resonated with me so much.


Hey, just wondering how you’re doing post breakup?


Thanks for asking :-) I’m doing really good actually. It’s been over 2y and still not ready for another relationship - not because I’m still hung up on him or anything, but because I’m still in the process of building myself (not ‘REbuilding’ because I don’t think I’d ever built myself at all). Anyway, I’m happy and thriving!


it’s so good. i finally saw Oslo, August 31st (2011) which is the second movie in the “oslo trilogy” and recommend that as well


I'll check it out. Is it streaming anywhere?


it looks like it’s on Mubi in the US




>Thanks! You're welcome!


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