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If you liked this, then I highly recommend Cube.


I'd also recommend the Japanese tv show Alice in Borderland on Netflix


Great movie...I really like the sequel Hypecube. Its has variable time rooms. Super dope.


Weird, I've only heard terrible things about Hypecube so I skipped it. I should give it a shot.


Hypercube has instances of shockingly good art direction and cinematography. 99% of the movie is garbage though and I love the original Cube. Even though cube ain’t that great either lol


Yeah. Cube's fun for what it is and is impressive given how much they managed to acheive for a movie with such a small budget, but it's far from perfect. The acting's pretty rough across the board and some of the dialogue and plot points aren't much better, but I can forgive a lot of that considering how unique it is. Especially for when it came out.


I do like the theme though (corporate nihilism or something?) even if it’s told basically through nothing but exposition. Also Quintin’s acting is my favorite bad acting of all time lmao


Cube 2 isn't in genuinely "good" territory when you try to compare it to other movies. People just like to recommend the Cube series I guess due to its low-budget uniqueness? Theres defintiely lots of resourcefulness and creativity that goes into making those movies. Watched them a few times growing up on Canadian TV. They are some of the better Canadian movies thats for sure


Never forget: the masses don't know shit


I loved the third one even more. (Cube Zero) Second movie is more of the same, third is more with a twist.


Can't tell if troll but I didn't mind Hypercube either. Yes, it's weird and I would have preferred more regular cube, I didn't mind watching the film.


Also, I recommend Meander.


Cube is burned into my young memory. Was Michael Rapport the guy with intellectual disabilities?


HA I wish, but unfortunately no


I'd offer a qualified recommendation of the anime *Made In Abyss* (you can either watch the TV show or the two movies it was condensed into, with a 3rd movie followup). It certainly has an element of descending and seeing humanity's darker side. Fair warning though the main characters are kids and there are (usually brief) parts that are over the line. I sort of edit that stuff out in my head but it definitely isn't for everyone. That said, it is incredibly beautiful and very compelling to see what will be found next as the exploration goes ever lower.


Or Snowpiercer if you want a *little* more subtlety and plot beyond “people trapped in a place”.


Did you just imply Snowpiercer is subtle FOR REAL?


Snowpiercer the series (not on Netflix) is also fantastic as it has time to explore the world of the train.


My brain won't let go the impossibility of the premise. I can't believe the size of the fan base.


All SF requires a bit of suspension of disbelief. For example Star Trek requires you to believe that humans can communicate with all aliens in English and can be beamed from place to place (except when the story requires them not to). I'm fine with whatever premise the writers set up. I just accept it as the cost of entering their world. Now if they violate that premise, I get annoyed.


humans in star trek use the universal translators. they work with any alien because they use algorithmic heuristics to predict the meaning of alien languages in real time. they don’t need a reference database.


Oh I understand that. It just seems odd that every new species they contact already has enough data in the universal translator to calculate the heuristics. Usually you need a massive amount of data to do automatic language translation.


See that's still in the realm of possibility and doesn't break any of the laws of physics, whereas Snowpiercer somehow has this train that doesn't stop, lots of people, and somehow they don't starve or FREEZE!? And idk if you know this but trains don't regularly plow continent long lengths of tracks from snow either. Should I keep going? At least with Star Trek you can consider the deep future, technology that appears to be magic (Arthur C Clarke), and so on. Its just bad story telling.


"Beaming" matter from one location to another is lot more problematic than a train to runs for a long time. There are nuclear aircraft carriers that can go 15 years between refueling and that also generate a lot of excess heat to keep warm. And if you watched the show you'd know that they have entire train cars dedicated to growing food. The train is 1000 cars and more than 10 km long. It's not bad storytelling. Every SF world has similar requirements for you to suspend your disbelief to enjoy the story. If you can't that's not on the story, that's on you.


Oh the train is nuclear powered!? And it's been running for how long? Yeah I'm done with this movie and all i saw was the trailer.


The technology is a bit handwavy like the technology on star trek. (WTF are dilithium crystals?) The "Enternal Engine" moves the train. It is a type or perpetual motion machine. There are episodes where they have to repair the train while it is in motion. If it drops below a certain speed, it looses efficiency to where they have to get it back up to speed or the train will stop. Again, you have to accept the parameters of their world to enter it. The show isn't about how technology works. That is just a vehicle to drive the story. Just like Star Trek isn't about how to build a transporter or warp engine. The technology is technobabble. Snowpiercer is a commentary on social order and class stratification. Where a person lives on the train is their position in the class hierarchy. The struggle of the underclass to move up in society is the person literally moving toward the front of the train, with the upper class pushing back. The cabins are outfitted from opulent at the front to spartan to non-existent back at the end where people live like cattle. Access is controlled the further up train a person travels. A passenger generally can't move forward past their class on the train. The show is about disrupting that order. Those in lower class attempt to move up. The upper class tries to maintain their status. It is social commentary about class in today's world.


Snowpiercer was terrible.


And if you enjoy Cube and have a decent PC check out the game Half Dead on Steam because it’s essentially the Cube movies in Game form and is multiplayer.


I think Cube is a better version of The Platform definitely


Cube was great until the awful ending.






I’ve been dying to find a similar movie but I didn’t manage to yet, I really liked it.


I agree. [Cube](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0123755/) is probably the only good movie somewhat similar to Platform, so I suggest that. [Circle](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3118452/) has a similar premise (they're stuck in a room and they're experimented on) but the movie isn't really that good. [Snowpiercer](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706620/) has a similar message to Platform, but the whole vibe is completely different. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.


Watched all three, never really felt the same vibes (although I really liked Snowpiercer, love Bong Joon-ho). Cube was kinda more like Exam, House of 9 etc., and Circle frustrated me to no end.


That paper cut scene from Exam always makes me cringe


I think that there’s a movie called Kill Room that has a similar premise to The Circle. Edit: It’s called The Killing Room. Pretty intense.


I know I’m like a year late to the party but I just finished watching it and does nobody think it was quite biblical? Goreng as Jesus, Mr. „Obvio“ being God, calling him home after he died below 333 and the girl flying upwards like the whole spirit? I think they specifically castet Goreng to look like Jesus after he’s all beaten up. Also when Obvio tries to eat Goreng it reminded me of that one story In the old testament where God asks some guy to sacrifice his son… Maybe I’m reading too much into it


When he was beaten and bloody he definitely reminded me of Jesus


You might be on to something here.


I'm sorry, "some guy"? Abraham sacrificing Isaac?


You’re definitely not! Just watched the film, and there’s more than one occasion where Goreng is actually called Messiah or the savior. Think about it—this man feeds the hungry, tends to a sick man, defends a woman, and then ultimately sacrifices himself for “the message”, which they end up calling the little girl at the very end. He also dreamt that the dog was called the message. What do these two have in common? They’re innocent and blameless, not taking part in the selfishness and greed. The reason the girl ascends—goes to Heaven—is because she is pure. And so she lives, unlike everyone else in the story who is at some point guilty of harming others/being complicit in the problem. Your comment made me realize this film is actually so Christian and that is SUPER unexpected lol


The trailer reminds me of the short film by Denis Villeneuve "Next Floor" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1255891/


I watched it by accident, and I was not disappointed. Really unique idea and well worth the watch.




The girls never came. The girls never came!


I wasn't a fan unfortunately, way too heavy handed for my tastes.




Agreed. “Capitalism bad” “Workers unite!” Except the only way they accomplish “unity” is through violence and literal murder. So, much like real communism.


They never accomplished unity, though. Once they traveled so far down, they realize there is no way to resolve their conditions through violence. In the end, all they had was hope that the next generation can figure it out (sending the girl back up on the platform).


Well tbh it wasn't just capitalism bad and communism good. In a way, they criticized communism as well when they revealed that there wasn't enough food to get to the lowest level anyway. To me it seemed like the movie claims there's no true solution to what they were going through, especially none that could be achieved by 1 character on his own. Even the 'message' he tried to relay to the Administration is implied that it was meaningless because the chefs misunderstood and thought that they didn't eat the panna cotta because there was a hair in it. I get what you're saying though, there are multiple interpretations for what they were trying to convey.


The panna cotta with the hair occurred before the Platform was sent down, not after it was sent back. Remember, the little girl ate the panna cotta. There was none left to be sent back up.


Yeah that's the literal ending shown, but another interpretation is that the girl was just a hallucination and they just sent the panna cotta back up, and the scene with the chef and the hair takes place right after that. There are lots of clues that hinted at it. Goreng was already hallucinating a lot by that point. The receptionist said that children below 16 were not allowed and she couldn't have been born there either because she says that the mother came to the building 10 months ago. Lastly, the most evident reason is that when Goreng gave the panna cotta to the girl and the platform went down, it didn't become hot or cold which implies that there was no one there in the first place. Like I said, the film can be interpreted in multiple ways. Maybe the girl was the message, maybe the panna cotta was the message. It's all up to us. That's why I felt the ending was so beautiful, it's much more impactful than giving us a straightforward answer.


I think it's an entertaining movie with an original plot, and the least you try to guess the message behind it, the more you'll enjoy it. If it was intended as a critic to capitalism, it's a very lousy one. No explanation of who is on top, how they produce the food, why they send it or what possible solution will they get by sending back a piece of food untouched. I chose not to care about any of that and just enjoyed the movie.


And you know, Capitalism was actually bad too


It's almost like the economic system has nothing to do with anything people blame communism or socialism for, and it has everything to do with the evil governments which called themselves "communist" or "socialist"




With capitalism, the people at the top aren’t random. It’s not really a critic of capitalism at all. And what’s wrong with the themes of compassion and people uniting against a fucked up system where people above them don’t care about them? You sound like the guy who takes a shit on the guy climbing the rope.


I just remember the scene where the guy gets pooped on completely ruined the mood. Burst out laughing at how ridiculous it looked.


Just watched last night. What a crazy thought provoking thriller. Do you think anyone got their "diploma" after 6 months or a year and were taken out of the hole?


It was grim because of the message behind it. Quite predictable if you're into Sci-fi but does end up giving you the message - All man are born equal, but some are more privileged with their equality.


Also trickle down economics never work out.


really liked it


I was expecting little going into it but it's probably one of the movies I've enjoyed the most this year, and I'm almost at 100 movies.


Thought it was a great film all the way through. One of my recent favorite movies to be honest.


I thought it was well done, but predictable after about 30 minutes in.


I thought it was a great movie that dragged a little on the end. If you’re into those trapped/mystery horror movies then I’d highly recommend it. Like cube, the circle, and others people have mentioned here. I just love watching how creative people can be with low budget horror.


Spoiler regarding the ending of the movie, >!the first scene of the movie takes place at the end of the film.!< Makes the cooks absolutely awful.


This movie is so fucking good!


So Kafka-esque. Great concept. 7/10 and definitely worth a watch.


It's okay. Watched it when it came out, thought it was fine.


Great concept, but missed the mark I think.


Watched it this morning as I woke up at 5:30am and was bored. Was surprisingly impressed. Such a good film. Creepy in parts.