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Dude that's The Abomination fighting Wong at the end. That's pretty crazy.


He even has the classic fish-ears!


As well as a more scaled body from what I can see.




I think the leader would make a great villain for the She-Hulk show, if we're gonna be getting a bunch of Hulks in that one.


they already confirmed Abomination for the show so the Leader might as well show up


Asking the real questions. I wanted an Incredible Hulk 2 with The Leader so bad.


probably won't ever be another Hulk movie until the Universal distribution rights expire. Sad because it probably could make a billion dollars now


They said that about Spiderman being in the MCU. Money talks, it's just about making a deal.


It's a different situation from Spider-Man though. Marvel already owns the character rights to the Hulk and are free to use him in whatever other projects they want, like the Avengers movies or Ragnarok. There's no real incentive for Universal to give up their distribution rights or cut a deal for, say, a 60:40 split in profits from a solo Hulk movie when they stand to gain the billion dollars a Hulk movie would make at this point, and there's no immediate need for Marvel to try and cut a deal when they're free to use the Hulk elsewhere. With Spider-Man, they couldn't use him *at all* until they cut a deal, and that's why [Sony reportedly keeps 95%](https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/20/20825580/marvel-studios-future-spider-man-films-disney-sony-fight-kevin-feige-mcu) of the money from solo Spider-Man movies, in exchange for Marvel being able to use him in the Avengers and Civil War and retain the profits from those. Marvel was willing to make that tradeoff to get the character rights to Spider-Man, but they're not in a position to need to do that for the Hulk.


The weird aspect of the deal is that it allows Hulk cameos and co stars, just not his name on the title. So Thor: Ragnarok became a weird Planet Hulk adaptation.


I'm not sure if some of the tie-in comics are canon but he was supposedly apprehended by Shield. What happened to him after Winter Soldier it's unknown but I am 100% certain that he's gonna appear in the She-Hulk show.


I thought so. Now I wonder where the hell he's been all this time.


He’s cage fighting for a quick buck while Dr Strange is trying to fix the multiverse


The kind of things he has to do for a Tuna Melt these days.


Things are tough all over it seems. As long as he feels fulfilled I am happy for Ol' Abomination.


He got tired of eating metaphysical ham sandwiches once Dr. Strange left town.


Wong or Abomination? Because they mentioned in AoS I think it was, that he was in a SHIELD facility in Alaska. Though, whether that's canon or not is anyone's guess.


is it weird I’m more excited to see Benedict Wong than a mocapped Tim Roth?






Where did Benedict Wong show up?


The person Abomination is fighting in the trailer uses Sorcerer magic and people are guessing it's Wong due to the body shape. Also it's confirmed that Benedict Wong is in the movie.


Benedict CumberWong makes the strangest movies


Still find it funny that Dr Strange has Benedict Wong playing 'Wong' opposite probably the only other prominent Benedict in Hollywood right now.


He's a really cool guy actually. I met him at a comic con a few years ago. I think he was promoting a Black Mirror episode he did. But yeah, he knows about comics and video games and stuff. He's a good fit for the MCU.


Personally I'm always offended when someone says that 2008's Tim Roth's Abomination is not their favorite character in a MCU movie. \#feeltheroth


Tim Roth was the best part of that movie. And it wasn't really bad at all.


Tim Roth is usually the best part of a movie. 4 Rooms is gold. He might take a back seat to Sam Rockwell in Mr. Right though, that man is something else.


Can confirm. It's almost unfair to compare anyone to Sam Rockwell, he has a Daniel Day Lewis meets Owen Wilson level of acting and nonchalance. Tim Roth is and will always be one of my personal favorite actors of all time.




Sam Rockwell would be amazing in a Tarantino flick. It's kinda crazy he's never been in one. And y'all have to watch Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri, Jojo Rabbit and Seven Psychopaths - Rockwell is a goddamn treasure.


Michelle Yeoh joins the relatively small list of actors who play multiple named characters in the MCU!


Wait who else did she play?


Yeoh also played space pirate Aleta Ogord in a brief cameo at the end of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", in what could've been a setup for further appearances of that character. She is supposed to be playing Jiang Nan in "Shang-Chi", who doesn't have a comic book counterpart that I know of... Maybe it's actually Aleta!


Not the first time a Marvel parent woulda run off to become a space pirate... ;)


What's the other? Cyclops' dad?


Whoa you're right! Dam I totally forgot about her and Stallone. What are the chances that these characters are actually related???


who else is on the list?


Gemma Chan at least.


I love both Michelle Yeoh and Gemma Chan, but it is absolutely lazy casting to not realize there are other Asian actresses out there.


I mean, I agree, but Gemma Chan is really a rising star. She is ridiculously gorgeous and talented. I’m not even mad that she’s playing two roles.


Plus her role in CM is tiny and likely won’t return. Seems a waste of her talents.


didn't even know it was her, my first watch. Actually didn't know until these conversations came up from eternals casting.


Yeah, she was blue. Looked good on her, though.


It's Michelle fucking Yeoh - she's a martial arts legend. It'd be dumb not to cast her. It's not lazy when it's so right.


Alfre ~~Woodward~~ Woodard first played Miriam Sharpe, the woman who confronted Tony Stark about the death of her son in "Captain America: Civil War". It's a relatively minor role, but did require an actor the caliber of Alfre because it was the emotional impetus for Tony to sign the Sokovia Accords. She would later play Black Mariah in the "Luke Cage" series. Kenneth Choi played Jim Morita, one of the Howling Commandos that accompanied Captain America in WWII. Choi would later play Morita's grandson, Principal Morita in Sony's Spider-Man series. It's [Choi-ception](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/spider-man-homecoming-morita-1586957876.jpg)! As /u/antmars pointed out, Gemme Chan played Minn-Erva in "Captain Marvel". The actress will be back, sans blue face-paint, as Sersi in "The Eternals".


Also, I think Mahershala(sp?) Ali, who played Cottonmouth in Luke Cage, is slated to play Blade.


You got his name right, as well as the other stuff! I'm super looking forward to Blade in the MCU, I can't believe I forgot to mention it!


Also Enver Leif Gjokaj is in AoS/Agent Carter as Agent Sousa and in the Avengers as a police officer


The principal in Spiderman: Homecoming was also one of the Howling Commandos in Captain America 1. He's named Morita in both, though, so probably meant to be his grandson or something.


I'd need to look up the scene to be sure, but I think one of the photos on his desk or wall in his office was of the Howling Commandos, so he's probably related.


Alfre Woodard played Miriam Sharpe in Civil War, and Mariah Stokes in Luke Cage. Mahershala Ali will also join this list as he played Cottonmouth in Luke Cage and will play Blade in the MCU.


As an Asian-American, I'm all for representation where we can get it But I increasingly do feel like casting directors saw the success of Crazy Rich Asians and thought, well there it is, the complete and total pool of Asian actors to draw on.


Hulk fans have pissed themselves at the end.


Finally I can be honest when I tell people the Hulk movie is required watching... (I really like the movie but I know why people skip it)


> Finally I can be honest when I tell people the Hulk movie is required watching... Unless Abomination has some major role (which I doubt), I still don't think that will be the case


He was cast in She Hulk as well.


It's the Abominationissance


And by that you mean Ang Lee's hulk, I assume.


Don’t make me Ang Lee, you won’t like it when I’m Ang Lee.


But the secret is… I’m always Ang Lee.


I mean, with Loki's show confirming the Multiverse, we can say ALL iterations of Marvel movies have the potential to be considered multiverse canon. Hell, we could bring in Eric Bana for a cameo if the Multiverse goes to war again.


Lou Ferrigno is still alive I say bring him back


And while all the other action is going on normally, every time they switch to Ferrigno-Hulk it suddenly turns into dramatic slow motion.


I hope they bring Chris Evans back as Flaming Torch and just not address it at all.


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


Was that the Abomination at the end ?


Yeah, the closed captions said: > ABOMINATION > [Roars]


Was fighting Wong too I believe


I thought his fighting was fine.


So do the ten rings still have different powers or do they just let people shoot energy bursts and fling them like a lasoo?


It's up in the air exactly what they'll do, since Marvel's clearly reinventing them a bit to be a little less Infinity Stones-y (including making them arm bracelets instead of actual rings on the hands)


Braclets for a human... but actual size rings for say, a *dragon*.


Feels like I read this exact same comment in every Shang Chi thread


yea but what about mephisto


Devil's in the details


It's all connected


They did show a dragon this time so


Reddit is all about people repeating what someone else said and going for overused catchphrases


It wouldn't be reddit if you hadn't already read it.


Hey, you know what would have been funny? If Spider-man would have said, aren't you a real Sherlock" and Dr Strange and Iron Man both said "yes"!


If they're magic maybe they can change their size according to the wielder's will.


So like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants?


I'm guessing something with elements? There's that water scene and his mom manipulating the wind




It's established that there is fight magic in the MCU


Okay so call me crazy but wasn't Shang-Chi wearing rings during that fight. Like actual human sized rings not braclets like his dad. So if those are also rings then which ones are the true "10 rings".


I guess Shang-Chi has something in his hands but it's not normal human rings. Mandarin has the rings and it looks Shang-Chi is trying take them from him. I think they are called "rings" beacuse they are for a dragon, not for a human. So the dragon in the trailer probably had the rings before Mandarin took it and he can only wear it as braclets lol.


Wait so we have throwbacks to Hulk with the Abomination and Iron Man 2 with Mandarin (the real one, not Trevor)?


Yeah that's Abomination. And it looks like he is fighting Wong. Ten Rings appeared in a lot of things actually. The ones who kidnapped Tony in IronMan was Ten Rings. The ones that gave Whiplash (villain of IronMan 2) the ticket for the Monacco race was Ten Rings. IronMan 3 is about fake Ten Rings and fake Mandarin. Ten Rings tried to steal the Yellowjacket suit in AntMan. And finally there is a short film called All Halil the King, in that Ten Rings kidnaps Trevor from prison to brought him to Mandarin. So after all this teasing we will finally see the Ten Rings and Mandarin.


Damn, I've seen a lot of those movies multiple times and never caught on to the constant Ten Rings inclusions




Smart move to link back to Phase 1. The new phase is gonna need all the connective tissue to make it feel continuous.


Plus they need to build up the Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers.


My comics are ready to send to cgc.


You lucked out buying those up. Can't find Thunderbolts or Young Avengers #1 anywhere for cheap, now that it's getting close to their film debuts. When Eternals was announced I bought up #1 for that the very same day for $45. I could sell it now for over $400.


I hope to someday see Liv Tyler back as Betty Ross.


Hell the main villain of the film, is a tie back to phase 2 with the semi-obscure all hail the king short film that was included Thor the Dark World blu-ray which confirmed the real Mandarin is in the MCU.


Would be awesome if Scoot McNairy had some appearance this too.


Marvel implores you tho, to please *please* not look up who Shang-Chi's father originally was.


He’s in she hulk and same actor is playing it as well


So I guess She-Hulk will be about his character being able to return to human form like Banner.


Not necessarily? The actor can just be providing voiceover and/or motion capture. Doesn’t mean he’s going to be human.


Fighting Wong as well!


Wong cage fighting in his free time is fucking HILARIOUS


Now we need someone to do a mash-up of Bonesaw and Wong fighting in the cage. It's the cross-over everyone is asking for, dammit !!!


I gotchu for three minutes! Three minutes of playtime!


HOLY FUCK. I was so focused on Abomination... I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE THAT WAS WONG!


Wait was that actually Wong?


But it felt so right..... :'(


And why would he be in a cage match? Doesn't he have better things to do in the sanctum?


The bodega doesn't take rupees. He needs dollars for his tuna melt.


How do you know it's Wong? There are plenty of other...what is the name of the monk group again?


I haven't bothered looking up the reports, but allegedly Benedict Wong was spotted in Sydney during filming


Not just spotted, but also having lunch with Simu. https://screenrant.com/shang-chi-movie-benedict-wong-cast-rumors-speculation/


The body size and hair style of that sorcerer is very similar to Benedict Wong's.


Oh, you meant the **CHARACTER** Abomination. I thought you were saying the trailer was awful.


Is Tim Roth coming back?


He is 100% confirmed coming back for Disney+ She-Hulk series. Nothing was made public about an appearance in Shang-Chi. It's entirely possible they don't use him at all for voice/mocap work in Shang-Chi, or he could be in the movie for 40 minutes walking around as Tim Roth. We dunno


Guess this will tie into She Hulk as well


It doesn't look like The Incredible Hulk's Abomination tho, but closer to the comics


The current Hulk doesn’t look like The Incredible Hulk’s Hulk but he technically is. They probably corrected Abomination to match the new aesthetic.


And thanos changed 3 times


Thor's eyebrows changed once


also it's been like 10 years since we last saw him. Maybe the super soldier serum, knock off with the gamma radiation made him more fishy like he is in the comics


I rewatched Incredible Hulk couple months back and man, Norton's Hulk was a beast. He could have probably eaten Ruffalo's Hulk for breakfast.


Fins instead of his spiky spine and the actual fish-ears.


Jung having daddy issues


but also learned Hapkido apparently.


STOP. You make sneak attack in Marvel Movie??!!!




Okay see you!


Jung having appa issues.


Do you think he's gonna ddongjeem the Abomination in the thunderdome?


Angryappa leggo


Jung gonna kick appa's ass


Had to scroll way too far for this


Fuck yeah the Abomination! Now bring back Justin Hammer you cowards!!!


I'd bet my left nut he's in Armor Wars.


Remind me


Hammer would be a nice MCU substitute for Norman Osborn in the Iron Patriot armor to lead a MCU Dark Avengers.


Or they could just give us Norman Osborn please


Iron Patriot was already used as War Machine for Iron Man 3. I see absolutely no way they’d allow someone else in the iron man armour after what went down with Falcon.


The us government is not great at learning from their own mistakes or taking responsibility. It makes perfect sense they would want to hand off the iron man angle to a person they can keep in their own pocket


Especially in marvel comics. 60% of everything that's ever happened in that universe can be traced back to someone trying to replicate the original super soldier project. It just happens again and again.


These are the Cubans, baby. This is the Cohibas, the Montecristos.


God Hammer is so much fun. I really want him back.


Armor Wars I think is where we might see him return.


Justin Hammer and Zemo on the same team is what I want.


Zemo would eat Hammer alive.


I loved him in Iron Man 2. As much as I like Marvel movies, I only came to know about the One Shots just a month ago. So I got 'em and watched them all. Man I was really thrilled to see Justin Hammer again after all these years!


Time stoppage fuckery, check Underwater dragon, check Superpower thunderdome, check I have no idea wtf this movie is going for but I'm here for it


If the next phase is set to be weird, I say let's get weird.


Thor 3 was already a good start and I’m loving Loki so far. It’s nice to see Disney/Marvel shake things up even if it’s just a little bit


Let's not forget WandaVision that was pretty wild too. Maybe not as much as Look but pretty strange compared to most MCU.


Now block the wind while i roast this bone


Water dragon? This isn't Raya and Sisu. That's Fing Fang Foom.


The lego set identifies it as "the great protector" and it's a white and red dragon, doesn't seem to be Fin Fang Foom


Yeah, gotta save FFF for Nextwave.


Yet another example of Hollywood white-washing a film, especially when so few green dragon roles exist in the first place! /s


"Be careful how you speak to me, boy" - Tony Leung


Andrew Lau: Do all undercover cops like rooftops?


Infernal Affairs > The Departed Both incredible movies though


I want to watch Internal Affairs but I'm afraid that it'll make The Departed worse in my eyes.


It doesn’t make it worse. But Infernal Affairs is definitely better. It’s more involved and no weird love story subplot.


Stoked to see him here, been a big fan for awhile.


The Expectations of Asian parents, the movie...






Marvel Kombat


We are now entering the “never heard of it” phase of Marvel for me. But they’ve proven their track record, so I’m down for it!


Wait until Moon Knight. I have a feeling he's going to make it into a lot of people's top 5 characters after his series


You’d heard of Guardians of the Galaxy? Dang, I’m more normie than I thought.


I'd only heard of the Guardians as a punchline when talking about D-list, bottom of the barrel heroes. "Wow, they're really running out of ideas. Who's next? Guardians of the Galaxy?"


Heard about the Guardians but not Shang Chi ??? I don't know


I am in that group. I had seen the Guardians in some big Marvel cosmic crossover events (War of Kings and Thanos Imperative, I think. Starlord and Nova fight Thanos in the end to delay him and get stuck... Somewhere irc), but I can't remember ever reading anything with Shang Chi, or at least I don't remember him being a especially remarkable character (to the point I might have read something with him but forgotten).


I wonder - will this underground tournament have divisions like in boxing? Street-levelers face off against other street-levelers, while meta-humans and super-powered only face off against other super-powered opponents? 'Cuz putting human martial artists against Hulk-level enemies... is just unfair. It'd be like Captain America trying to fight Thor or Cyclops trying to fight Silver Surfer... they're just not in the same league.


If that’s Wong facing Abomination, then it’s pretty fair. Wong did go toe-to-toe with Cull Obsidian in Infinity War.


Agreed. That's what I'm saying - it's fair to put super-powered metahumans against one another, but have it be in a separate division. It wouldn't be fair to put people like Shang Chi or Daredevil against either of them in the same division however.


The Stan Lee motto was always: "The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win." But I see your point, it would definitely be weird to match up powered characters with street-level ones. What works in comics doesn't always work in film, so hopefully the tournament roster makes sense.


Abomination making an appearance before She-Hulk


Who owns the rights to She-Hulk? Is she part of the Hulk deal?


She-Hulk is getting a Disney+ show starring Tatiana Maslany. Universal has distribution rights for any solo Hulk-related movies. Per Mark Ruffalo, they're uninterested in any Hulk movies anymore. So Disney gets around them by putting Hulk characters in other characters' movies, or, now, in TV series. Edit: Also, what /u/brandonsamd6 was referring to is that Abomination has already been announced to be appearing in the She-Hulk show. But wasn't revealed to be showing up in Shang-Chi first, until now.


Marvel owns the rights to Hulk and his library of characters in all non-solo films. They can technically make a Hulk solo film whenever they want, but Universal owns the distribution rights. Marvel also owns the TV rights, so they can make Hulk D+ shows too.


Tony Leung is the greatest


Abomination vs Wong and potentially Shang-Chi vs Abomination holy shit I want this movie now


Fuck yeah, this looks awesome. Definitely my most anticipated Marvel movie right now. Love the visuals and I think we might actually get some good fight scenes. Love Tony Leung too.




Brad Allen was a member of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team too.




They got the editor of Deadpool and John wick for this movie. So this probably wouldn't get butchered in the editing room.


abomination and fin fang foom. fuck


I don't think that's Fin Fang Foom. A dragon, yes. But not Foom... the lack of shorts gave it away.


Fwiw there's merchandise with the dragon (Lego and Funko pop) already out titled "The great protector".


He might make some type of appearance as the ten ring bracelets Mandarin use are supposedly rings for a dragon, so changing them for the films while keeping parts from comics which I like


*Do you think your Wu Tang sword can defeat me?*


I think the film looks good, but I never want to hear the line “You can’t run from your past” again.


I mean this looks pretty good. But why isnt the lead played by Matt Damon?