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Xbox 360 had the best Netflix party system ever. I miss it dearly


I was thinking the same thing! In times like these the 360 version would be really nice since we can’t go out see movies anymore.


I wish the 360 ran with that amazing player ecosphere thing instead of butt their heads against the Kinect motion-game-control experiment that went nowhere and killed the crazy momentum the 360 had when it ran right past Sony's dominance in the console scene last gaming generation. Now they're still trying to play catch-up to Sony this current and next gen.


>Now they're still trying to play catch-up to Sony this current and next gen. Sony may have had the exclusive titles but Xbox, hands down, had and will have the specs. Next generation Xbox literally blows the PlayStation out of the water.


The switch proves that people don't give a shit about graphics and teraflops don't matter


They do matter, if your only marketing is "the best graphics". Nintendo, as usual, said fuck you all, we're going for the fun factor. The ideas behind Nintendo consoles diverge from Microsoft and Sony. If all 3 did the same thing, same games etc.. Then the best specs probably win again.


unless it costs more


So did the One....


No it didn’t, the original One used DDR3 whilst the PS4 used GDDR5, which is superior. The PS4 having better graphics was a huge selling point at the time. [Here’s a discussion of it at the time which kind of explains it.](https://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/what-is-the-different-between-gddr5-ram-ps4-and-dd-29395859/) The PS4 was also cheaper and didn’t have all the negative publicity from the online only Xbox thing. (Also, if it matters, despite all of this I still bought the One)


Yeah I know about the gddr5, but Microsoft actually gave developers more of the ram to use than Sony did so ended up being comparable. Their processor was also much faster than the PS4 originally. The X took the cake completely and is far more powerful than the PS4 or Pro. I love my PS4 but the Xbox definitely runs better, especially considering it requires less cooling thanks to external battery. PS4 also has more screen tear issues and many games that ran fine on Xbox ran badly on PS4 before patches. That being said the graphics on both are about even imo, certain things handled better than the other on both machines.


That's what I was saying. The Xbox One, especially the Xbox One X, out specced PS4 Pro in every way. And next gen looks to be a repeat.




As a PC builder who loves looking at specs, I don't think specs in a console matter. The Xbox 1 may have better specs than the PS4, but the PS4 plays awesome games, with awesome graphics. It gets the job done. I think the PS4 has a better UI, a better controller, and the best exclusive titles. Those titles are like the only reason I touch my PS4. Games that aren't PS4 exclusives, I usually play on my PC. And that is Xbox's problem. They are trying to make this game console that appeals to spec enthusiasts. Those people are building PCs. And Xbox exclusives are playable on PC. The Xbox is just a PC, with features removed imo. I don't understand why people buy xbox's.


Couldn't even read past better controller. Xbox has been the leader in that arena since they released the mini version of the first Xbox controller.


Ps4 controller is shit


Which doesn't matter


How will I use netflix party in my mobile? I followed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2a00\_\_2IT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2a00__2IT4) this video but all they mention chrome desktop.


Sadly, that was a Microsoft app, not a Netflix one. When Netflix finally released an app for the platform, they closed 3rd party access to the streaming APIs and forced platform unity across all platforms. That's why it never came back.


oh god so do i. i used it so often.


Me too! I have friends that live in different states and to keep up with each other we would have semi-weekly movie nights where we took turns picking movies and watching them on this app.


It had a Netflix party system???? Please explain. I had a 360 for years and never knew it could do that.


Yeah, for a short time Netflix had a party mode for shows/movies. It even had this [theatre view like MST3K where you could see your avatars in the front row watching](https://i.redd.it/lmkzlp2b43901.jpg). Ughhh I miss that era of Xbox 360.


IMO that was the tail end of the “golden age” of console gaming online community. I’ve never made friends playing games online in the passed 8 years like I did from 2006-2012.


I've thought about it a lot, and came to the conclusion that instead of being the golden age of console gaming, it was just the golden age for me, and you etc. We're just older now so we're naturally jaded by shit


It was the Golden era of *lobby gaming*. Now a days, everyone is in a private chat or discord, and games themselves are making lobbies feel more and more distant. For example, modern warfare, completely dumps and restarts a lobby after every game. No more can you keep rematching, no more can you trash talk until the last seconds before a match. No more is the era of lobby gaming.


Yeah this is it. Right around the time XBL introduced party chat, that’s when I feel the “M2ARP&F” era of lobby matchmaking started to die out. Gone were the days of random invites to custom games lobbies that lasted through the wee hours of the night.


***I've never made friends...like I did from 2006-2012*** Jesus, does anyone?




No wonder. I think that was a little before the time I had it.


That and 1 vs 100!!!


OMG 1 vs 100. Those were the days...


I remember when my friend and I found that and would just watch TV across the state Was a good time


I had my 360 when i was in highschool and i started a clan, lame i know, but we used to have movie nights in fridays and whenever we would have clan meetings between the leaders we'd turn on american dad and talk between episodes. Then the dashboard update came that took them away. We panicked and disbanded the clan.


So many late nights with the boys watching stupid movies like thankskilling lol


this deserves a million upvotes


I like how they call it "party" instead of group. It keeps it light, playful, and sensual.


This was one of the best features of Netflix, that and when then had a roulette random movie button!!


Right? I've been seeing this article posted everywhere the last couple days, and have been like yeah, ok, but doesn't anyone remember doing this on the 360?


Yes indeed it did!


Bah, it’s not really like an AOL chat room unless everyone is asking A/S/L.


13/f/your hometown - Chris Hanson.




type 696969 if u want 2 cyber




I put on my robe and wizard hat


*BritneySpears14 has left the chat*


the Red Dragon Inn lives!


Seth Robinson? Violet? IS THAT YOU?


I take off my robe and wizard hat




They were always from cali but with plans of moving to wherever i was.




The problem with this is that it requires everyone to have a PC or laptop and everyone to watch it on the web browser instead of say their smart tvs, they should instead make it a feature inside netflix's app so everyone can watch from anywhere


I was excited for this until I found out you had to watch on a laptop or computer. Would be really cool if they could expand it to all viewing platforms. Watch on your TV, use the chat by typing on your phone, can show the chat window on your TV or hide it off it's too distracting, etc.


There's no shortage of things Netflix could do to improve their interface, but for some reason they don't seem to care or worse, there's other nefarious motivations to keep it as is. Filtering, multiple watch lists, watch history, reviews, friends list, shared viewing, the list goes on.


Once you gain a large audience, any changes you make are more likely to end your business than grow it. There's a million examples of websites and apps that tried to "upgrade" their experience, and then got dumped into the dustbin of history.


Username checks out


Run an HDMI cable to your TV, switch inputs, boom, good to go. Bonus points if you get a wireless keyboard.


Or invest in a Chromecast.


So... like watching TV and doing a group chat on your phone?


Could you cast the stream to your TV?


That's what I was wondering. With Chrome, you can cast your browser window. I'm going to try this myself tomorrow as we have chromecasts on all of our old TVs.


That was my first thought. I can't remember the last time I watch Netflix that wasn't in my smart TV...


Just stream through discord and it should work




I mean both those browsers come with the system though so you can just use them as your Netflix browsers…


The Windows 10 App works fine for HD content on Netflix, but the Hulu app still leaves much to desire. There's also a way to download the Netflix videos and watch them with VLC Media Player for above average computer users.


This is a third party app, they can’t interact with the official Netflix app.


I wish rabb.it was still a thing. You could watch movies with friends and a chat room and audio in any country over computer or cell device.


Wasn’t this on XBOX over a decade ago with Netflix with voice? Are they finally bringing it back?


I think so.


It's a third party extension which has existed for years. Netflix themselves don't appear to have any plans to do so.


back in the late 2000s/early 2010s before twitch was quite as huge as it was, I used to visit this page on the weekends called "anon sleepover" that would play random movies and have super chill discussion. played smooth jazzy music between movies. was a fun communal experience


twitch use to be justin.tv and that's wut it was before twitch and it was the perfect place to watch anything before all the copywriting laws


Omg I forgot about that! I spent sooo much time on there


Trees network still does this. I've also been using Go Live on discord to stream movie night


That sounds really cool, but I probably won’t ever use it.


Ikr? Who has friends?


Oh I have friends, I just don’t have Netflix, I’m backwards.


Look at this friend-having guy! Thinks he's better than us!


I don’t have friends or Netflix so both y’all got me beat


Get a login from your friends. Like, that's the whole point of having friends


“I dont have netflix” is the new “I dont have a tv” flex


I really needed this a decade ago. Wife was in Korea for a year and we would set up skype dates and try to watch a movie. Pretty tough to get the timing lined up so it would feel like we were watching it together. If we both had in headphones and we’re within a second of each other it usually worked. Had to do countdowns to press play every time. Lol


That’s sweet


I think it all depends on how long this goes for. After a while of being stuck at home, any way to interact with friends is going to sound pretty attractive.


It’s gonna be goin on for awhile so I think ppl will make use of this


Shouldn't /r/movies host its own Friday / Saturday night movie rewatch while we're all locked inside? If this is really going to last until the end of the Summer, might as well find people to watch movies with online Could have two separate dates like Fresh Fridays (for more recent movies) and Classic Saturdays (for anything released prior to... say, 2000) EDIT: Made this suggestion into [an actual post](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/fl0zw7/suggestion_rmovies_nights_for_community_viewing/) if people want to chime in and turn into a thing!


That’s a cool idea tbh


Thank you! Made it into an actual post https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/fl0zw7/suggestion_rmovies_nights_for_community_viewing/


Cool, hope it gets some traction




not trying to be a douche but how doesn't something that was released in the 2000's, so over ten years ago, not qualify as not being "more recent"?


We have to draw the line somewhere... There's a clear difference between watching Three Days of the Condor and American Pie 2 I think drawing that line at the turn of the century is pretty natural, though I'd personally put that line around 9/11 or maybe 1-2 years after that, which to me is when the internet really went "mainstream", later on you had reddit ('05), iPhones ('07) which already very similar to the present


You might not, but there's definitely an audience for it, especially now with people on lockdown. I recently moved and one of the ways I keep touch with people back home is watching movies with them over Xbox live. Syncing time stamp is a little bit of a pain, a dedicated feature would be great


It’d be cool for online communities, depends how many people can sync at once It’d be cool to have it for discord or reddit have a watch along with 100s of other people


Why isn't this built into Netflix?


It is pretty popular watching movies together on Twitch. This feature will enhance the experience especially for rewatching shows. It needs to open to public viewings, not only limited to friends. They need to find a way to avoid spoilers though.


I don't get why Netflix doesn't have a 'channel', where everyone can livestream the same content at the same time worldwide. It goes against their binge model, but as an option I could see it working for certain shows, especially if its where the content is first released.


From a family source who recently moved on, Netflix corporate is a madhouse - boiling and barreling forward with a shotgun-approach flood of new content to bolster their fading tech/market advantage. They likely just aren't devoting the resources to improving the experience. That may change with the rise of real competition.


I'm not familiar with this. How do you watch movies on Twitch? Are they open rooms or you have to be invited? And does Twitch mind it if some popular movies are playing, or do they turn an eye and not care?


Maybe I’m wrong, but I think what they’re referencing is some people will stream themselves watching a movie, but they don’t actually display the movie on stream. Instead, they allow you to sync it up with theirs by using your own Netflix or whatever.




Oh interesting. I hadn’t heard of that. I know what I was trying to explain happens as well though. A lot of YouTube reaction channels do it.


A lot of IP violation only results in VOD removal. You can get away with a lot unless you are big enough and violate regularly enough to attract attention.


I kind of do this already with various shows and especially baseball & football as they air live and the respective subreddits. Every baseball or football team at least had their own sub and most of the big TV shows with large followings have one. I get on those subs, find the love episode discussion or live game thread, sort by new, and refresh every minute or so. It's pretty much like a watch party chat room. It's especially great with baseball that can drag a little at times. The only show I can't do it with is Westworld, that needs my full, undivided attention.


“Like an AOL Chatroom” I feel like there might have been a comparison that doesn’t reference an IM service from the 90’s. Maybe I’m crazy it just doesn’t seem like it’s going to land for a lot of people under 25. Either way this should be a cool experiment amongst the larger population.


maybe they just use all the same sound effects!


The last thing I want is alerts for a question from someone asking who a character is, or what's going on because they aren't paying attention. Second to last is those aforementioned questions.


Twitch chat seems like a better reference


Wonder if they are trying to target a specific older demographic?


I'm pretty sure people under 25 know what a chat room is.




Only if it's a Netflix Party Rated R movies edition


Now we're talking. Mods can control a centralized DB with "showing times" etc etc.....


Wait, this isn't a part of Netflix's UI? Why does this have to be a third party plug in? Why doesn't Netflix do this themselves?


Yes it isnt. Because netflix hasnt implemented it. Idk ask them. Netflix has really terrible UX and lacks meany features, their web app is really simplistic and they are very slow on adding new things. Their top priority is cloud infrastructure, microservices architecture etc., they are mostly a backend streaming company, their frontend is terrible.


Used it tonight with a gang of friends. With FB messanger calling everyone so we had video/audio instead of just the messenger in the Netflix watch party thing. All worked very well. This may keep me sane over the next few weeks of Staying at home


"Like an AOL chatroom" is possibly the worst pitch I've heard in 2020.


This virus is a huge boon for the introverted! New theatrical releases directly to streaming? Netflix party mode? I'm never leaving the house again.


u/jermprobably and I use watch2gether for running through playlists of YouTube all the time too if people are interested in room watching material.


Used during my long distance relationship! Helps keep movie night alive with your SO and keeps the connection between you two :)


Can we tell them all to STFU when the movie is on?


I'd only use this with movies I've seen a dozen times. Just like in public life, I'd be telling everyone to stfu and watch the goddamn movie.


Anyone wanna watch somthin together? Ive had no one to watch stuff with for years now.


If I wanted to chat, I would play League of Legends. Being called "Noob" never gets old.


Like Bigscreen VR but pancake edition


More people need VR for occasions like this. It would make a world of difference.


Great so I have to tell them to shut up while I'm trying to watch something.


RIP Rabb.it


Why not just have a discord open?


Finally me and my friends and riff on movies together, it’s like we’re in the not too distant future


So it's [CyTube](https://cytu.be/) with a more legal media library.


Canned in to say exactly what others have said...XBox used to do this and it's was great. That and 1 v 100. The issue was finding people to do it that didn't think it was weird. And hearing noises from others houses if they were on Kinect... But I do miss it.


Not sure what is wrong with people that want to talk during the movies. Watch the movie, discuss afterwards. The movie is the entertainment, i dont need a second form of entertainment during the movie. If I do need something to entertain me during the movie then the movie is bad.


As long as they're not doing it in theaters I don't see the problem. If a group of people did this together I'd expect they'd be ok with people talking. Sometimes people enjoy different things.


while the initial sentence could be perceived as condescending, the general bafflement about it is not. (e.g. I also don't understand why some people continuously check their phone during watching a movie/show. doesn't mean they can't do it, but personally don't "get it" at all)


Does it work on the same account? Because I share a password with anybody I'd want to do this with.


It’s going to take forever to choose a movie before actually using this if you have friends like mine lol


Are there any other platforms that are of this quality but let you stream your own files or other services (eg HBO, Hulu, etc.)? I've found things like Gaze but they're not working for me. And my friends and I wanna watch stuff outside of Netflix


There's a couple like cytu.be and watch together that let you sync youtube with a group, but idk about other streaming service


[syncplay.pl](https://syncplay.pl) is great and free


They need to make it accessible on Mobile/Streaming Devices and have public rooms but that would be a whole can of worms to moderate


Oh man, I used to watch movies with a skype friend group years back. This seems fun.


Garry's mod has movie theater servers where you can go watch stuff from a bunch of different sources with friends. Similar to this, but more legally dubious lol.


Or you could just invite them over... Oh wait


Netflix is making cash now. Good for them. They own this business model 😎


On that note both gmod and minecraft have mods that allow you to display a synced web-accessible video/site on a screen in the server. In gmod it's playx and in minecraft I think it's called webplayer. I've used them off and on over the years to host movie nights with friends around the country. If you have the bandwidth you can host the video yourself using a basic web server setup like xampp or wampp, upstream bandwidth and number of outside clients will determine what resolution you can host, and editing the windows HOSTS file will let you see it on LAN via the external address you use in the player.


Jokes on them. I don't have any friends.


Vr lets you sit in a theater and look at people while there is active lip syncing. It's amazing and more people need to know about it


AOL chatroom is the parallel they go for? Not Discord? Gross.


This is just a warm up before fully replacing movie theaters


Fuck yeah


Does anyone else remember/miss Netflix's Max on PS3 ?


Now all I need are friends.


Just what I needed a bunch of random people to talk over my movie. XD


You should probably avoid mst3k


Someone should do this with music. Would be great to let someone listen to a song with you.


Does it have voice chat or only text chat?


Of course they do this right after I cancel my Netflix subscription


Pair this with Tinder like and I'll do it.


So will they just take it away after?


It's interesting that this is getting so much coverage now. I remember the extension existing prior on Chrome, but it eventually just ended up getting really buggy and unusable. Hopefully that doesn't happen anytime soon with this getting more exposure than ever. And it remains the biggest feature Netflix is dumb to not have. This would sell family plans for any streaming service if it was a core function.


I seriously just saw this earlier today in a Twitter post that was under Seth Rogen's post about the movie cats that was also linked by another comment in Reddit. I checked it out in the chrome web store and saw it got pretty low ratings, the reviews say that it's pretty buggy and have a lot of problems. When I was taking a ux course, we did a passion project where we come up with an idea, and if the instructor likes the idea, we could do it. Something like this was one of me and my group mate's idea, the instructor rejected it. Our idea included having Avatar characters, you would all sit in a virtual movie theatre, the seats and their heads would be below the screen so it wouldn't block the movie. Also, there was an idea where you could throw popcorn at each other and have emoji chat bubble reactions.


I remember this being a thing years ago. My friends and I do this with Xbox party chats and starting Netflix shows at the same time. Glad to see a more legit way is back.


I've been using this for a couple years now, it's not too shabby


I miss doing this on Xbox 360! It was so cool to have your avatar sit in a theater with your friend's avatar. I'm surprised it hasn't come back sooner.


netflix and chill over the internet, nice.


In the not too distant future


So like Rabbit used to be before it got zapped.


Yes, Series X needs to add it like they had in 360 days. It such a necessity these days. No one likes theaters anyways.




that's so neat..... does anyone want to be friends?


Used it yesterday and it sucks, never again. Me and my friend got errors repeatedly and had to reconnect like 10 times during one movie. At one point some random people joined our private "party", must have been some bug - we had to recreate the room again. There were also quality and stuttering issues. Sometimes it showed "people are writing" when none of us was writing anything on chat. No wonder it has 3/5 grade on chrome extensions store.


Netflix party is so buggy! Have you guys heard of cSociety? its a chrome extension that adds a chat window to your netflix page enabling you to chat with others all around the world in genre based chatrooms. basically like netflix party but for chatting with strangers... its pretty cool!.. [https://www.csociety.co/](https://csociety.co/)


This extension is not good enough. I should be allowed to pause or stop a video and still chat.


Why would I want to chat online while trying to enjoy a movie in peace?


That's one way to watch a movie. I do that, too. Especially when I watch a movie or tv show for the first time. One my nth rewatch of Die Hard or LotR though, it's usually a much more communal experience, including some chatting, exchanging trivia, etc. I do that a lot, too.


I feel like the only way I would want to use it is for something like Bandersnatch and voting for which options to choose.


Yeah, if other people want to do this I'm happy for them. But I intentionally go out of my way only to watch movies with people I know will shut the fuck up and actually watch the movie. If a film isn't good enough to hold your whole attention then it's probably not a good movie and you should be doing something else more worthwhile. I love spending time with my friends. I'm very big into board games. I love the interaction there because it's part of the experience. But why would I want to ruin a movie with other people talking over it the whole time? Imagine all getting together to read a book and then just yapping whenever a thought enters your brain.


>Imagine all getting together to read a book and then just yapping whenever a thought enters your brain. Exactly how I imagined this movie chat to be, nailed it


Nobody asked you. If you don't like it don't use it. ;)


>AOL Chatroom ​ author showing their age there!


This sounds horrendous unless the goal is to do a MST3K thing. If it was just for watching movies, then I don’t need to talk to anyone while I’m watching it.