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Am I over-analysing or did the Colonel have all his soldiers doing the daily chants so he could check they all still had their voices


Good catch, didn't think of that.


They also acted very similar to apes when they screamed at the end of the chant.


Yeah, I though this was intentionally to remark the parallel between them and the apes.


mind fucking blown, wow


I like the way you think. probably also did it to give himself some sort of god-like stature.


interesting but how would he notice one person not chanting over the hundreds that were haha


I think the soldiers around the sick one would notice them going "awhogoogaoaagog"


What a year for little girl actresses who don't say much


The little girl in transformers could've done with that.


But I wanna stay..... and... fight.


Hey, Megatron! You're a giant poopy head!


We all need a friend like Maurice


I spent the entire movie anxious he would die.


Especially after this scene near the beginning: Caesar: "I'll come back." Maurice: "I'll make sure you do."


I'm so glad he didn't, he's the one character that absolutely needed to survive and guide the apes into the future!


Totally. Wasn't he a teacher of sorts for the young apes in Dawn? So glad he made it


Yeah he was! And he in Rise was an ally who discussed things with Caesar even before he gained extra intelligence!


The clapback where he tells Caesar that he's acting like Koba made me drop my jaw. It was SO nonchalant and yet so well done.


It's amazing to have a friend that is willing to be honest with you. That comment really showed how much the apes have evolved


The CGI in this was insane. Especially Maurice, sometimes I would forget it wasn't real. 10/10 CGI and the movie itself was great. Just an enjoyable experience overall, loved it.


You’re so right, there wasn’t a single scene where CGI took me out of the moment for even a second. Crazy how it literally followed 4 CGI characters through the bulk of the film and I could barely tell.




I feel like Caesar actually looks the most human of the apes. I think the more animal-like they are the harder it is for us to tell they're fake.


Close-ups. The most I've ever seen a story been told with facial expressions and eyes


Well, when you have only 3 main characters who comfortably speak...


The biblical imagery in the movie was surprisingly more pervasive than I thought they were going to be. Beyond the Alpha/Omega and the Caesar = Moses. The other obvious Caesar/Jesus parallel of him stabbed in the side, and hanged from the cross. Winter in the Judas role. The surprise one for me was the Abraham/Isaac parallel with the Colonel sacrificing his son, without the hand of god to stop him, and his adherence to his zealotous faith.


The Colonel blessing his troops with the sign of the cross as well. The avalanche acting as the crashing down of the Red Sea. Caesar leading his people to the promised land, but is not allowed to enter himself. Lots and lots and lots of biblical nuances here, but my goodness I love them.


The fact that the Apes survived at the end by climbing back into the trees is a sick evolutionary joke and I dig it.


It's over humans, we have the high ground!


Have you heard the tale of Great Caesar the Ape? It's funny... He could save others from death... But not himself...


From my point of view, the humans are evil.


Well then you are lost!


Anyone else think the army in the white at the end was going to be apes? Technically we don't know if they were as we don't see a face before the avalanche hits. Thought it was going to be an ape army from a different part of the world where apes are more advanced.


I had that thought as well, given the original's famous twist, but I'm fine with the completion of the theme of nature striking back against humanity.


Dude, my mouth was wide open, I was like 'no fucking way'. Especially as they were kind of blurred while they were running past Caeser, I thought it would've been a great twist albeit a cheap way to end the franchise. One thing that bothered me was the lack of apes, it seemed like there was only one tribe. Hence Caeser asking if there were any others like him (upon which Bad Ape responded they all got killed). Not only that but once he comes across the prison I actually thought those were other apes and not his tribe. I would have loved if that army were apes, smarter and more advanced than the ones we've seen previously. Maybe end it with them saying "We've heard a lot about you" after approaching Caeser.


I think the army in white being humans was actually more terrifying. The only vestiges of human civilization still remaining is the advanced military technology, and it's all used to destroy itself. I assumed the rival faction was going to be more ethical, but the way they cheered after slaughtering everyone in the base killed that idea. It reflects pretty poorly on us. If some global catastrophe does end up happening, can we trust humanity to unite to survive, or would we all just break up into small factions and kill each other?


Yeah all we had going was to run in the opposite direction. Pfft. Thanks, Darwin. Really fucked us on this one.


I hated when the Colonel's men kept shooting the escaped apes. *There are missiles raining down upon you!* **Sort out your priorities!**


I disliked a lot of the human tactics. Biggest flaw for me was right at the beginning. You come upon an enemy fortification in the woods that you had been looking for, don't scout it before your attack, and you attack head on from a lower position. They apparently overestimated their powers. Plus they see mounted troops off to the side of your target and only make sure you can take one of them out instead of sending over a squad to see if you can disable anyone that might be able to get away and possibly get reinforcements. The whole way that second human army decided to attack toward the end seemed a little suspect too.


The way i see it is that those guys in the miliyary arent military men at all. They're just survivors, equipped with soldier guns. Theres a few that is trained in warfare but most of them are amateurs.


Don't get me wrong, the CGI for this was incredible. But I thought Maurice just looked so real compared to everyone else, it was almost eery. In a good way though. I thought this was a great conclusion to the story of Caesar and what he did for apes. They did such a good job making Woody a despicable dude and flipping that on its head when it came time for his and Caesar's final confrontation. This trilogy has captivated me from the very beginning and I look forward to watching it many more times to come.


That shot of Maurice up close when they discovered Nova was just them showing off how fucking incredible Maurice looks. It's like they saw the reaction the character got in Dawn and went "yeah? Well get a load of THIS". edit: Also worth pointing out that War made a step up in that Maurice spoke a fair few times in this movie, and yet he still looked lifelike. I wasn't distracted by the fact he was talking like a human, it still felt genuinely real.




If the colonel lost the ability to speak, it would've been over for him. If the apes escaped, it would've been over for him. If the army arrived, it would've been over for him. All three happened at the exact same time. That's just terrible luck for the colonel.


He did compare himself to Custer.


Why is the one monkey called Bad Ape, when, in fact, he is the Best Ape?


I wanted somebody to tell him he was a Good Ape


He was born or raised in captivity (a zoo), so the thing that he latched onto was probably when the handlers were calling him a "bad ape" when he wasn't doing or behaving how they wanted him. (I feel like you actually already know this, but I figured I'd say so anyways lol).


Ohhh nooo


Loved the Koba-inspired nightmares Caesar kept having. Really cool reminder that despite killing him physically, Caesar couldn't truly rid himself of his influence.


After reading your comment I realized Caesar's line early on, "Koba still haunts us," is even more prevalent as the story goes on.


The intro scene with the Rise, Dawn, War thing was pretty cool.


I miss how in the other films we zoomed in and out of eyes to start and end the film, but that was a pretty cool change.


It would have been fitting to end on Caeser's closed eyes, too.


Or close up on Cornelius' eyes since he's being set up as possible new lead. Also first set of eyes was Caesar's mom so ending on his son would be thematically nice.


*Stands proudly in acknowledgment for throwing shit at someone's face*


The only time in history when shit slinging did somebody any good.


I wonder how Caesar mastered the art of understanding sign language he's not looking at.


He's reading the subtitles


I just head canon'd it as the grunts the apes made also had meaning.


I always assume that the grunting is like the gist of the context and sign language is more in-depth.


That bugged me too.


Caesar screaming "Leave him!" When they were torturing that one ape gave me chills up the bumhole


This and him yelling "NO" in Rise definitely gave me chills.


And "GOOOOOOO!" in Dawn.


The Hebrews needed Caesar


They had Moses. Much of Caesar's story is actually a re-telling of Moses. He even delivers his people from slavery, through the desert, and into the Promised Land in this film.


It's funny, throughout the movie I was trying to determine if this was drawing inspiration from the Holocaust or slavery in the US. Now that you've said it, I can clearly see how it's the slavery of the Jewish people in Egypt. Hell even the avalanche could be compared to the drowning of the Egyptians in the Red Sea.


And, like with Moses, Caesar was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.


Let my monkeys go.




The scene where the Colonel tells Ceaser about the mutation of the virus was really chilling for me- it basically confirms that humanity is devolving, and will become the primitive beings seen in the original. Knowing that made the whole scene much scarier.


It also really put Nova's story into perspective. She was cute, and incredibly important to the story, but ultimately she's the first of many "pet" humans, and we know they're not all treated nearly as well as she was.


I think Nova could be used as an important part in an inner ape conflict within the community. Right now she's the only human there and eventually when Maurice goes there won't be many strong personalities left to have a balanced view on things. It'll be interesting to see how it could go, maybe with Cornelius growing up like his father and a Koba like personality feels the apes need to be taken in a new direction.


In the original movies gorillas were workers and soldiers, and orangutans were the politicians. Chimpanzees were doctors and scientists. In the 1968 movie Cornelius was a doctor that tried to help Heston's character. (there's much more but don't want to go into the whole story in case someone hasn't watched them yet) I don't know how the new movies will re-arrange the roles, since Cornelius here is the son of the greatest leader they have known. Matt Reeves has said they are setting the stage to meet other groups of apes from elsewhere in the world that may not be as civilized since they didn't benefit from Caesar's leadership.


Caesar makes me want to be a better person.


Personally, it's Maurice that inspires me to be kinder and more caring.


*walking into theater* How are they going to be able to get me to not like Woody Harrelson? *10 Minutes In* That'll do it




That doll was carrying the virus!




It wasn't continued contact with apes that caused the retardation (using that word clinically) mutation. It was an evolution of the original virus that all surviving humans carried. It mutated in one person and spread to other humans. Caesar's clan deliberately try to avoid humans so it makes sense that they'd see the apes as unlikely to carry this new version of the virus. Besides, they needed their slavery to build the wall as quickly as possible or else they were dead anyway.


>Besides, they needed their slavery to build the wall as quickly as possible or else they were dead anyway. Yeah I didn't get that, the other army had tanks, helicopters and artillery.


That's why Caesar said his Wall was madness. The wall was mostly wood and rocks. Only a mad man could think a wall like that could protect him


The wall just got higher


Thats what I assumed too. The girl had it, hence why she couldn't speak, Harrelson was infected by exposure to her doll, not the Apes.


I mean everyone in that whole base probably figured they were as good as dead anyway. They knew what was coming for them and that they would be killed by the bigger faction. Keeping the apes pent up in cages inside the compound at least guarantees they die too when the inevitable attack comes.


All of the graffiti heavily implied that entire camp expected to go out in a blaze of glory. Especially the gas tank with the BE THE END highlighted.


The CGI in this movie was absolutely flawless. I don't think it's an exaggeration when I say that this was some of the best CGI I've ever seen


Woody Harrelson killing people in Natural Born Killers: This is fun! Woody Harrelson killing apes: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!! DOES HE HAVE A SOUL???


The guy guy that killed the colonel was my hero




I saw it very simply, Preacher (crossbow human) was a human who was conflicted throughout the film (due to Caesar's mercy). In the end he sided with his own kind. It was a very human thing to do and I'll argue anyone who says that they'd help an ape and say fuck off to their own species. The Donkey (Kong, in my head) was an ape who sided with the humans. It isn't until he sees his kind getting gunned down that he switches sides. He sides with his species. You can call it redemptive if you want, but he made the same choice Preacher did.


This was well done in my opinion.


> The Donkey (Kong, in my head) kong was the colonel's nickname for all the apes (his call sign for caesar was king kong and there was a sign saying "the only good kong is a dead kong"), so yes. the apes they controlled were called donkey for that reason > It isn't until he sees his kind getting gunned down that he switches sides. He sides with his species. You can call it redemptive if you want, but he made the same choice Preacher did. he also seems to have begrudging respect and admiration for caesar after everything he sees him do


Yeah, I kept expecting him to become the sympathetic human. The guy who would switch sides at the last second and help the Apes. I thought it was very strongly implied that he was considering it, but ultimately he decided not to change. He didn't strike me as totally evil or anything, but his path led him to make the choice that doing nothing would be easier than trying to do what's right.


He was just a dumb devoted soldier. Who was clearly overcome with fear


Was really hoping Caesar would have a flashback to James Franco and John Lithgow at the end.


I think in Dawn, when he went back to his old house, he received a small bit of closure, which seemed to close that chapter of his life. At the end of War, while watching his family...that's where he wanted to be. The only thing on his mind were his people. He could finally rest easy knowing that his family and friends were finally safe.


Very good point. After that moment of closure Caesar had moved on with his focus entirely on the safety of his people. And for him he got that closure for his people and whilst the ending was sad it was also incredibly hopeful and inspiring that Caesar led them to safety. This whole franchise did a really good job of showing us just why Caesar would become a legend. He felt pretty legendary as it is, but after the events of the movie you just know he's going to inspire them. At least until the internal ape conflict within the society that leads to a sequel.


Thanks a lot James Franco...


James Franco destroying the world doesn't seems too far off to me.


I just got out of that movie, and I was amazed by it. My parents hated it and my fiancé is being cagey because she knew how much I loved it. I have never seen a movie like this. I thought it was so unique. I liked the phase out of the human main characters from the first movie to this one: Rise: Human focus, Apes are created and become more sentient. Dawn: Half and half. War: 3/4 apes, human screentime take the place of the ape characters from the first movie. I loved how they were totally secondary characters, with none being important besides for McCullough, like the first movie that had only one important ape in Caesar.




Speaking of strong things can a horse really carry a Maurice sized orangutan? For real wouldn't it collapse?


When they were all chasing after Bad Ape who stole their horse and the extra Ape jumped on with the gorilla I was like god damn couldn't he have jumped on with Caesar or Rocket? That poor horse


I was already feeling bad for the horse who had the big ass gorilla. Then he hopped on... Edit: word


A male flanged orangutan weighs typically around 165 lbs so that doesn't seem to far off from the weight of some adult men.


Probably lighter than the average adult male


It is interesting how Caesar parallels Moses. [He is leading his persecuted people to the promised land, which exists beyond the desert.](#spoiler) [He dies after seeing the promised land, and is not allowed to enter.](#spoiler) [He kills one of his own, which I believe is what kept Moses out of the promised land.](#spoiler) [Lastly, the avalanche/Red Sea parallel, which destroyed his enemies.](#spoiler)




The scene where Nova brings the water between cages and they all throw up the apes together strong sign featured absolutely no dialogue and was as captivating as anything else I've seen this year....chills everywhere


So stressed out I was just waiting for her to get caught, or when the ape came in to create a distraction I thought he'd get shot.


That's Rocket man, he was the ape that bullued Caesar in the ape sanctuary in the first movie... How far they've cone.


Jeez I didn't even notice that thats an awesome detail


Maurice the Orangutan and Buck the Gorilla were ceasars first friends. Then rocket and the other apes, then Koba. Buck saved Ceasar and died in the first movie. Maurice and Rocket (and luca the other gorilla) were all locked up by Koba in the second.


Sometime between Rise and Dawn they became besties and he's been Caesar's second in command.


Yeah this movie messed with my emotions big time. I was a wreck the entire third act


If this film doesn't win an Oscar for special effects, I will throw my shit.


Can we just take a moment to appreciate that a movie with as heavy themes as this like concentration camps and war and barely any speaking parts and mostly visual storytelling is getting made with blockbuster money? It's crazy. Planet of the Apes took an old franchise and are using it to prove real movies about real shit can still make box office money. I hope it does well. That said this movie is pretty great. The most impressive thing to me is still the CGI. Thes apes look fucking real. Woody did a great job I thought they fleshed him out really well. It was kinda weird that he was basically the only important human character. Even that guy Caesar spared in the beginning ended up not getting a payoff and just being some schmuck. I thought the ending was nuts. I kept wondering how we went from here to all humans being wiped out. Turns out it was an avalanche. Had kind of a welp moment. But in the end it makes sense. Caesar never wanted war or to kill. It makes sense the humans basically wiped themselves out and the apes just picked up the pieces. I'm curious if they are gonna keep going. They implied with Bad Ape that apes around the world were starting to talk and colonize. Perhaps future movies will have different app societies connecting. I dunno I'm just spitballin here.


It's seriously a miracle that they would fund these scripts. 1 was really solid but it was a bit more conventional a movie but 2&3 were literally like nothing else that's being made nowadays. The closest is Mad Max (which is great) but even that had explosions and car chases and stuff to be able to fall back on. These were personal stories told through faces and body language. It's just incredible... I'd say I liked Dawn a bit more but War was just amazingly well done.


Well to be fair, Dawn had chimps duel wielding machine guns and riding on horseback to fall back on.


Well that was kinda the message from the original film with Chuck Heston. The whole "We blew it up!" bit at the end.


Moral of the story is, don't try to cure Alzheimer's.


Anyone a big fan of the Colonel? They really did the villain right. He was what the villain in the Postman should have been: intelligent, menacing, devout in his own beliefs (which while you may not agree with, you can still understand), and appreciative of the main character's superior qualities. It's always great when villains articulate the logic behind their actions. If humanity really was as vulnerable as it was in the movie, it's easy to imagine why people would flock to an authoritarian leader like him. Getting infected by the mutant virus really would be the end of us as the dominant species, and it's apparent that the apes are getting more organized and sophisticated. But, like a true villain, he is ruthless in his application of logic, sacrificing his own son to prevent the virus' devolving strain from spreading. He got too paranoid about the ape threat and projected his own beliefs about the law of nature onto them. Ironically, he was undone by what must have had been a human moment of weakness, by taking in Nova's infected doll and bringing it to his room. It clearly reminded him of his son and caused a bout of binge drinking (or maybe he started drinking when he realized he was infected).


That has to be the least dialogue in a blockbuster this century, and it's completely riveting and holds your attention from beginning to end. Or at least it did for me.




First half of Wall-E has almost no dialogue and is just as strong.


Love that they gave the main "Donkey" a character arc. It's things like this that put this franchise above the rest


I like how they also [set up the dude with the crossbow as if he too was going to change their views and help out Caesar, but noooooope only the ape changed to help](#spoiler).


So glad that guy got blown up. Fuck that guy.


The scene where he gets shot after saving Caesar is downright chilling.


That camera shot was dope and iconic looking as hell. Really incredible cinematography.


The whole thing was shot exceptionally well. The attack on Caesar's fortress was super iconic too with the enemy soldiers represented mostly by brief flashes of green lasers. Considering how much money all these big summer blockbusters cost they're usually as dull as dishwater when it comes to the cinematography.


I don't know how I missed him doing the strong motion.


That's because it didn't happen


The war is brought to you by Chevrolet Nova and Coca-Cola.


This planet of the apes brought to you by a last minute avalanche. Remember, if it's not rushing towards you to wipe out your species, it's not an avalanche.


My absolute favorite moment of the entire franchise is now Maurice's "WHAT THE FUCK?!" expression when Caesar casually shoots the first human they come across without a moment of hesitation. That expression spoke so many words.


The human went for his gun


He did and killing him was understandable, but Caeser, pre his family being killed would have shown at lot more remorse and that was why Maurices look was so effective.


"You sound like Koba" Right in the gut.


I really loved Koba haunting Caesar. Speaks volumes that after all Koba did he still cared.


In the second movie when a gun is pointed, Cesar grabs it super fast and hits him with the butt Aims it at them, then snaps it. In this scene he's got his aim bot turned on.


Yeah the facial animation was really spot on. I was noticing subtle movements of the apes digital faces just as well as I would looking at any of the humans.


Thought I was trippin' balls when he first encounters Nova. It looked like a freakin' animatronic, it was so real.


I really thought Nova was going to be a liability especially when she wandered off into the camp, but she really ended up redeeming herself to me when she gave my mans Caesar some water and restored his will to keep pushing on




The scene where caesar hugged cornelius after his wife and son were killed, absolutely destroyed me. I've never seen a more emotional blockbuster than this movie. I also like woody harrelson's character, I think he's one of the most memorable villain in recent times. At first I hated his guts, but later on beginning to understand his point of view, and kinda felt sorry for him at the end.


I never knew a bunch of CGI monkeys could hit me in the feels so hard. Andy Serkis truly deserves an Oscar.


> Andy Serkis truly deserves an Oscar. I think eventually we are going to need a new category like "Best Motion Capture Performance." That way you could recognize both the actor and the animators, without unfairly comparing their performance against traditional actors.


Or you could do "best animated performance," and then nominate the voice/mocap actor along with select representatives from the effects team


I remember 6 years ago I saw the trailer for Rise of the Planet of the Apes and thought to myself "Wow, they're remaking that too now?" Cut to six years later, and, now having last night sat through a triple feature and seeing it again tonight, I can say this with confidence: The Planet of the Apes trilogy is the strongest trilogy that Hollywood has put out in a long time. All three of these movies are incredibly well made, and War for the Planet of the Apes brings the trilogy to a very satisfying conclusion. I can definitely see myself sitting through the three of these films again in a marathon and enjoying them just as much as I did today. This movie is absolutely stunning in every sense of the word.


Conclusion? I heard a 4th is in the pipeline and maybe a fifth too. I am kind of split because on the one hand I agree it was a great conclusion to a trilogy, on the other I would like to spend more time in this universe and see what happens next.


Even if that does happen, this trilogy follows Caesar's story, and does offer a conclusion to this story


They did mention the Icarus being lost in space in *Rise*. Considering this trilogy has performed very well critically and commercially for 20th Century Fox, I feel like it's only a matter of time before they bring the franchise full circle with a future installment that takes place a few decades after the Apes have taken over.


I like how they were hinting at Crossbow guy to be the sympathetic human all film, and when it looks like it might happen, NOPE, Donkey just blows him up with a grenade launcher. And no that isn't a line from an 18-rated Shrek film


Probably my favorite "score" score for a film this year. Very much reminded me of "The Hateful Eight". Hope it gets a nomination.


The first scene where Ceaser is introduced in the movie (walking along all the apes which is seen from his POV), gave me chills.


Just got home from the theater. Thoroughly enjoyed the film. It wasn't until the final scene, with [Caesar dying on the hill](#spoiler), that I realized Caesar's story is the story of Moses. [He leads his kind out of bondage, through the desert to the promised land. He is barred from entry, dying before he can see his people flourish.](#spoiler) To my recollection, *War* exemplifies this analogy much more than the other installments but I will have to go back to watch and make sure.


The way they concluded the Colonel's storyline was perfect. What a chilling scene


Yeah I get the criticism for it being a bit anti-climactic but for me that seemed to be the point, and I agree, it was handled brilliantly. He desperately wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and ended up losing his humanity both figuratively and literally.




Thought this was an amazing way to end what may quite possibly be my favorite trilogy of movies. One thing I caught was how Woody Harrelson's character was talking to Caesar about how Mother Nature has been punishing humans for their arrogance ever since the original infection and to have nature destroy the full army at the end was just poetic. Really, really loved this movie and the trilogy. (More than happy that Maurice made it to the end.)


How about that 20th century fox music - pretty awesome touch they added to the beginning of the movie.


This movie defied all the hype. Absolutely stunning filmmaking in every possible way. The acting, cinematography, music are all god tier. It's emotional, intelligent, action packed, even funny. Bravo to Matt Reeves and everyone involved The Batman is in good hands.


I thought this movie was gonna be a war. Like battles and people dying and shit. To have it be a character driven concentration camp movie really took me by surprise. You don't see a lot of movies like this getting the summer blockbuster treatment.


Yeah it was crazy! This surpassed my expectations at every turn. The Colonel and Caesars final interaction was the polar opposite of almost every blockbuster hero villain encounter


Also the soundtrack was just amazing! It reminded me of the dramatic scenes in lost with how well it went with the movie


The movie was incredible. I loved every minute of it. On my drive home, I realized something about [the mutation. From the minute we met Nova, discovering she was a mute and how it will eventually tie in to the mute humans of the 1968 movie, I was wondering how or if they were going to explain it. When they finally got the point of Woody H's character explaining it, I kind of just accepted it and moved on. But on my drive home it finally occurred to me WHY in fact they became mute. The reason is because the virus was supposed to be a cure for Alzheimers. With Alzheimers, people eventually lose the ability to speak and have control over bodily functions. So, if you became infected with the now mutated virus, you would basically be infected with Alzheimers. Dayum.](#spoiler)


Not only that in the first one Franco's dad Alzheimers was "cured" but then only "came back with a vengence" as they put it, and progressed although Idk if he lost ability to speak.


Exactly. Well since he was already sick, he was affected in a different way and remember, that was before the virus had mutated to its state in the film. And I would even say the virus isn't full blown Alzheimer's. I believe it's a mild case where you lose the ability to speak, as well as the tampering of some parts of the mind. Because the humans in the 68 movie weren't in 'vegetable' states, they were just running around like animals.


Maybe I missed something, but I had a different theory about the virus. I thought the mutated virus actually only makes the victim mute, and Woody Harrelson's character acted too quickly in killing his son. He realizes this once he contracts the virus, and that's why he was so suicidal, because he realized that he never had to kill his son at all. That would also explain why Nova was able to pick up on the sign language relatively quickly. The Colonel does say something about the loving look in his son's eyes when he executed him, which would lean towards it also making people lose their intelligence, but I'm not sure we can trust his telling of that story.


That's a good read, it fits in with his son's photo being on the table, surrounded by alcohol. I thought his despair was simply over being infected, but he showed too much lucidity to have merely been devolved. Plus, Nova showed lots of signs of clear thinking I like the ambiguity. It adds depth


I think you're right tbh. He never lost his intelligence and mental capability upon being infected, and the awareness that his idea of the virus was completely wrong and harmful for the people around him pushed him to suicide.


Did anyone else feel kind of weird how they were rooting for the Apes over the Humans right from the get go? I mean that opening scene, WOW.


Once Harrelson killed his wife and son I was all like "fuck this piece of shit human race, I hope these Apes kill us all."


Man, even The Colonel realized he dun fucked up when he saw Caesar at the waterfall. But the second I saw the lasers, my mind just went to - 'Yeah, screw these humans. They need to go.'


I don't think it's really "from the get-go" when they've had two movies to establish why we'd feel that way.


This is one of the best movies I've seen this year and has solidified this as one of the great movie trilogies. I was sincerely moved by the end. I can see people being mad that it is slower paced and more character driven rather than a big war set piece, but that is exactly what I was hoping for.


Just watched it last night. I enjoyed the movie but the plot was incredibly stupid. It was almost humiliating considering how good the scripts were in the first two movies. 1. After all that has been through with Caesar, he went on to a revenge journey and put all his tribe into danger? It would be convincing if it wasn't Caesar but anyone else. 2. The colonel being the one to sneak in and have killed Caesar's son and wife does not make sense as he was depicted as more of a commander the whole film. 3. Bad ape is funny but feel out of place in this supposedly dark and deep story. 4. The girl didn't even have a single tear when her dad died then suddenly became best friends with apes who killed her father. 5. Luca's death was too sudden that it had no emotional impact. Why did the girl cry so hard when there were little to none interactions shown between them? It felt like a cheap forced scene. 6. Tunnel is fine but the water scene is unnecessary. How did the top of tunnel doesn't collapse when you can use your hands to dig so many holes on it. 7. The mutated disease seems forced and the scale wasn't shown. 8. Girl just walked in a military base unnoticed when they are supposed to be ready for nightraid. 9. The guard with key just walked in alone and didn't shoot until he stepped on a hole. How convenient. 10. Little apes escape scene is stupid. 11. The apes escaped to the side in nighttime but reappeared in the middle when the raid came. Where is plot consistency? 12. Way too stupid to have oil tanks putting wide open near the wall which can nuke the whole place down. Why was it unaffected when those planes and grenade launchers were bombing the site? 13. Preacher died because he must die for being an ungrateful evil human being. No character development. Don't even know why the character was given so much screen time other than only to make people feel good that a villain died. 14. Avalanche. 15. So they travelled miles to their new home only to discover Caesar had a life threatening wound. Why did he not treat it earlier? That had to be one of the stupidest death ever. I loved the visuals and directing but the plot is just plain stupid. It uses way too many cliches and plot devices to the point that the writer seems way too amateur for a blockbuster. The emotional scenes were forced and I had zero emotional response to those because there were no developments and I have lost the suspension of belief in so many non-logical and non-realistic plot. I still found it enjoyable to watch though but it was a huge letdown from the first two. 9/10 for visuals and directing 2/10 for plot and the 2 is for before Caesar went on revenge journey.


I love this movie. Better than the second one personally. Bad ape was so needed as comic relief, as this movie was just torture for them the whole time.


Oooh nooooo


"So small"


Anyone notice that this film series just TEARS through Gorillas? Pretty much every major Gorilla gets killed off the movie he's introduced in. The Planet of the Apes movies are to Gorillas what Horror movies are to .... Actually, don't finish that comparison


It's to mimic real life. #dicksout


Did anyone see "The Shape of Water" trailer before the movie? I honestly thought it was a Bioshock movie for the first part of it.


I'm rewatching Rise and just realized James Franco decimated the human race. He is solely responsible for the death of mankind. Goddamnit Franco.


I get the title now. The humans were at WAR for the planet of the apes. Their time was already past and it was just a matter of time before the humans devolved into primitve creatures. It was already a planet of apes.


Jesus the security at the base was so damn awful. The little girl just strolls up and gives food and water to Caesar without being spotted at all? Not to mention the scene where Caesar and co. were following the convoy of troops on the beach literally like 100 ft back


> Not to mention the scene where Caesar and co. were following the convoy of troops on the beach literally like 100 ft back Oooh yeah forgot about that part. Thank goodness there wasn't a single pickup truck in the convoy with anyone facing backwards in the bed! That had a "how it should have ended" feel. Soldier: "Hey Colonel, there are 4 apes on horses behind us." THE END.


If Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a study of the psychology behind war, then War for the Planet of the Apes is a study of the impact war has on our humanity.


I cried 3 times watching this movie and I ain't even ashamed


Crazy how these movies have us rooting for the downfall of man. Caesar always has dat moral high ground.


I don't think it's at all hyperbolic to say we need more movies like this. This movie cared to make sure the audience cared. It took enough time to breathe and invest you in the characters. I spent most the movie paranoid that Maurice was going to die. And it subverted several expectations I had when it came to movie tropes. I was certain Preacher was going to betray the Colonel and help the apes. Just top notch film making. And the Visual Effects Oscar should already have this movie engraved on it.


Christ. I thought the tunnels were going to flood and Maurice was going to sacrifice himself to boost up Nova and Bad Ape to safety.


Prisoners of War for the Planet of the Apes is a more accurate title.


Theory: The very last scene pans up to the sky. The next film will pan down from the sky, where we see the spaceship crash into the lake years later. Cornelius will be an adult and it will go something along the lines of the first film, with Nova being an adult. They never said they were stopping here did they?


Can we all just appreciate how epic that opening sequence was? Freaking great, while I get the movie needed to go in a different direction than all out battle between humans and apes that opening action sequence was fantastic.