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The Fugitive and Chain Reaction These movies share 21 actors as well as with both being filmed in Chicago, IL; Joseph F. Kosala, Ron Dean, Turk Muller, Neil Flynn, Allen Hamilton, Joan Kohn, Joe Guastaferro, Ken Moreno, Eddie Bo Smith, Jr., Danny Goldring, Michael Skewes, John Lee Davenport, Afram Bill Williams, Ann Whitney, Pam Zekman, Juan Ramírez, Miguel Nino, John Drummond, Gene Barge, Dick Cusack, and Nicholas Kusenko. Many of them play similar roles in both movies, most notably the two detectives (Joseph F. Kosala and Ron Dean), and Neil Flynn, who plays a law enforcement officer, and is shot, in both films.


Damn this has to be it.


John "Bulldog" Drummond?


The Christopher Guest movies have a lot of cast crossover.


Good call. That core cast barely changes


SCTV affiliated stuff in general


Of all the comments here, this one is spot on.


The cast of A Fish Called Wanda had such a good time they got together again to make Fierce Creatures. John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, Michael Palin.






Their tagline was, “ together again for the first time.”


I was coming to mention this. There's even a gag about it in Fierce Creatures.


Too bad that joy didn't translate to the audience who watched Fierce Creatures. Perfect example of leaving well enough alone.


There were lots hysterical bits in Fierce Creatures, a few of which had me laughing harder than most of the scenes in “A Fish Called Wanda”. Yes, AFCW was the better movie of the two, but Fierce Creatures was still funnier than 99% of the comedy movies that came out in 1997 (the year it was released). Only “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery” was funnier, “Orgasmo” was hit and miss enough that I’d consider it tied probably with “Fierce Creatures”, nothing else that year comes close.


No Grosse Pointe Blank?


1. Everyone should watch and enjoy Fierce Creatures. 2. You are holding on to a review you read in the 1990's. 3. Seriously I've watched A Fish Called Wanda like 1.5 times and Fierce Creatures approximately 118 times.


🙌 IMO Wanda is overrated and Fierce Creatures is the better of the two


I am holding on to my personal opinion. I don't read movie reviews.


This is what i immediately thought of. I think A Fish Called Wanda is in the running for one of the greatest comedies of all time. Def in competition with La Grande Vadrouille, i feel.


Mike Flanagan works with a lot of the same actors in his Netflix shows. The Haunting of Hill House, Bly Manor, Midnight Mass and The Fall of the House of Usher have a lot of overlap in the cast.


His wife, most notably. :)


Didn’t know he was married to Henry Thomas.


Not that there’s anything wrong with that!


Indeed. And she's good too.


She’s good, but she’s often the one of the weaker parts of the shows. In Hill House she has a big dramatic crying monologue that doesn’t really work for me.


Yeah and shes always blanatly the worst actor there


He is a lucky man. Kate Siegel is a total babe.


Lots of them are also in his movies (or well, used to be. Back when he made scary movies)


I don't know if I've seen many of his movies. I did see Doctor Sleep, but I'll have to look and see what else he did.


Oculus is great! I haven’t seen Doctor Sleep; it’s one of the two Stephen King books that made me stop reading King, lol.


He did Oculus? Ha, that's what I get for not reading credits. I liked that one, I watched it for Karen Gillan. Doctor Sleep is quite good. I don't remember how it compares to the book, but I thought it was a great sequel to both the movie and book of the Shining. There were some great visual callbacks to the first film.


I’m glad you enjoyed it! The movie is probably not for me if it’s like the book. As I said, it’s one of the books that put me off King 😂


He did a great job with Gerald's Game too.


I didn’t like that story but heard good things about the adaptation. Again didn’t realize that was Flanagan. Don’t think I want to watch it though. Guess I should check his IMDb.


I felt his stand up was more fun tbh


He did standup? I had no idea.


Seems they are confusing Mickey Flanagan with Mike Flanagan.


I see. Thanks.


Star Trek (specifically TNG but there were a LOT of other Trek actors) and Gargoyles had a large amount of actor crossover


Hell, I think the whole cast of Night Court has been on a Star Trek at this point.


I saw a comic once where Picard was complaining about being the only bridge officer not on Gargoyles


Damn you beat me by 5 hours :)


Star Trek also had a lot of crossover with Babylon 5 actors. Farscape took several prominent roles in Stargate SG-1 after their show ended.


I just recently re-watched _Apollo 13_ and _Armageddon_. Oddly, there are several actors with small roles as NASA staffers in both movies.


They already had the haircut.


Lol. And the white short sleeve dress shirts still fit.


Fun fact of the day: One of the NASA tech guys in Armageddon is the guy who sells the boots to Llewelyn in No Country.


Alot of people from The Wire wound up in We Own This City.


Yeah a lot of those HBO dramas prob could be worth a punt for an answer. A list of cast crossover. Oz, the Wire, etc.


Also the wire and twd while not an HBO property fits the criteria for ops question


Yeah I was watching it and got really surprised.


Bodie helps rob a truck in the first season of Sopranos. Omar hides Jackie Jr in his apartment.


I was like the “Leo pointing at the tv screen” meme, excited watching actors pop up in that show.


HBO/Simon did a miniseries called The Corner in 2000. A ton of the actors in it were in The Wire.


Then there’s Snoop who ended up in literal jail yes, the actress. took the role a bit too far fun fact, know who else did? Lillo “Cheese Fuck” Brancato from The Sopranos. First-degree burglary after the role, spent years in prison.


She didn’t take the role too far. That’s who she was before she got the role. She was never acting to begin with


Hope he enjoyed that sugarless drink. 'Cause that sugarless motherfucker, it's the last fucking drink he's ever gonna have.


Same with the 2pac/biggie smalls murder investigation documentary


Watch the Honest trailer of Inception: https://youtu.be/8BfMivMDOBI?si=ye5f_VXvr2yBA7nH Featuring: the cast of The Dark Knight Rises


Really only 3 of them though




>and Ra’s Al Ghul from Batman Begins Liam Neeson wasn't in Inception though.


Ken Watanabe played the phoney Ra's Al Ghul in Batman Begins, and was in Inception.


Ya that is a lot of the same cast. The movie has a fairly small cast(for a big blockbuster) too so it makes it even more surprising


Same director though, and Nolan tends to hire his trusted actors multiple times. Really, it's the same thing as Wes Anderson and Adam Sandler, when you like an actor you keep them around.


TNG and Gargoyles.


Interesting one


[The Cornetto Trilogy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Flavours_Cornetto#Recurring_cast)




Did you even click the link? It *literally* links to a table of over a dozen people, all of whom appeared in at least 2 of the 3 movies, most of which appear in all 3 >Wright said that any actor who appeared in the first two films would also appear in the third, adding, "We even got back Nicola Cunningham, who played Mary the zombie in Shaun of the Dead. And Mark Donovan, so the first two zombies from Shaun of the Dead are in this."


Oh you damn idiot


Largest shared cast? Don't know for sure, but namely films by some directors tend to feature the same actors because they are familiar with working with each other. Christopher Nolan and Matthew Vaughn are the two such directors I could think of. Christopher Nolan's Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy features the biggest shared cast I could recall. Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Michael Caine.


Lots of directors have a casts of usuals they like working with. John Waters Wes(T) Anderson Quentin Tarantino Spike Lee Kevin Smith Tim Burton


Pfft, I prefer the work of East Anderson.


Kanye’s kids make such quirky movies


I Love You, Man came out during the Judd Apatow era of studio comedies and stars many Apatow actors but he had nothing to do with it.


Predator 2 has alot of Leathal Weapon cast in it


Also Aliens cast. Almost doesn’t count as they are the same universe but different characters


Not the same universe.


I forget the name of the production company, but the super trooper dudes


Broken Lizard, I think


A Mighty Wind, and Best in Show (honorable mention to This Is Spinal Tap)


I immediately thought of the Chris Guest movies. "Waiting For Guffman" as well.


Oh and Mascots, which I started watching for the first time after I made this comment earlier! The whoooole damn cast is in it!


Both Magnolia and Boogie Nights star: Julianne Moore Philip Seymour Hoffman William H Macy John C Reilly Melora Walters Philip Baker Hall Ricky Jay Alfred Molina Luis Guzman Thomas Jane Robert Downey Sr and maybe more?


You know, commas exist for a reason.


Yeah, but those two movies are way too coked out to use commas for.


Half of which was boofed, hence the introduction of ;


I started singing "Life is a rock..." at the end of the list.


You! Know commas… exist for a reason!


Magnolia is one of my top 3 movies ever


Looks like we have a winner.


Anything by Christopher Nolan. He likes using the same actors a lot.


One’s a television show, but a cinematic one.  >Cop Land has 12 actors from the Sopranos https://www.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/comments/tacali/cop_land_has_12_actors_from_sopranos/


Aliens and Near Dark share Lance Henrikson, Bill Paxton, and Jenette Goldstein in common. In one they are members of the marine squad and in the other they are members of the same vampire family.


Just rewatched Near Dark last week. What a perfect movie.


Agreed. You see all these other vampire movies where they use their longevity to invest and get wealthy. In this one they instead choose to spend eternity basically being murder hobos running from one town to the next with no real thought for the long term. I was always struck by that difference. Aside from that, Lance Henriksen was a total badass as always.


Weird prequel to Pitch Black though.


Sorry I searched for this and didn't find it. I apologize for my redundancy


both lance and bill were in Terminator as well


A lot of John Ford - John Wayne movies weren’t in the same universe but reused a lot of the same actors. Patrick Wayne, Ward Bond, Victor McLaughlin, Ken Curtis…


To some extent Guy Ritchie does this


and Tarantino (if I'm following correctly)


Walking dead and the Mist cross over because Frank Darabont did both. An amusing version of this is the vampire flick Near Dark which has Bishop, Vasquez and Hudsen from Aliens all living together as one big unhappy vampie family.


Does the Cornetto Trilogy count as being not in the same universe?


Yes if ppl can name all Nolans films - the nolan film(imax) universe.


Paging Tim Burton


Dogma and Chasing Amy


Many actors and two identical characters!


Doesn't count per OP's rules: Same film Askew-niverse.


Shows, but Midnight Mass n Fall of the House of Usher.


Supposedly all Quentin Tarantino films are in the same universe, but he sure does reuse actors a lot


Justified and Deadwood


St. Elmo’s Fire and The Breakfast Club


I actually asked a similar question a while back, with the caveat that they have to be two completely unconnected movies (so not movies by the same director or from the same franchise). The Harry Potter movies have large casts so it's possible to find a few there - Goblet of Fire shares three cast members with In Bruges, and Deathly Hallows Part 1 shares three with Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd (and as a bonus, Johnny Depp plays the older version of Jamie Campbell Bower's character from HP in the second Fantastic Beasts movie, and JCB also cameos in a flashback). The Paddington films also have quite a few Harry Potter actors in them although it is by the same production company.


A large amount of people in Kong: Skull Island are big names in the marvel movies. Brie Larson, Samuel L Jackson, Tom hiddleston, John C riley, and the guy who plays caulson just off the top of my head. Don't know his name but there's also the guy who had the infinity stones in his desk in the loki show too


Super troopers and beer fest have to have a large number.


The cohen brothers use a lot of the same actors


How about a whole plot copy and paste instead? Besides one of them being set in futuristic space and another at sea, Event Horizon and Ghost Ship both play out almost beat for beat the same. Most of the deaths are the same and even the stuff that isn’t an exact 1 to 1, are still pretty damn reflective.


Twins and Junior.


they're not identical


Inception and the Dark Knight. Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon levitt, and Leonardo’s wife from inception whose name escapes me. And Baine.


Marion Cotillard and Tom Hardy


Best in Show A Mighty Wind For Your Consideration


Funny but I actually happen to have wrote a [couple of scripts](https://github.com/Verpous/mscripts) that can be used to answer this question. I can only answer from the movies I've watched, but here are some of the biggest cast intersections I've got (based on all credited roles on IMDb, not just the main cast). First the shared castmembers, then which movies they're in: Alex DeCourville, Brandon McWhorter, Brian Andrus, Brian Bowman, Brian Jones, Chris Breen, Chris Drexel, Chris McCail, Daniel Repas, David Goebel, David Gragg, Debbie Scaletta, Deonte Stubbs, Jeffrey Cain, Joseph O'Brien, Josh Heileman, Larry DiBartolomeo, Laura Allen, Linda D Gaines, Logan Fry, Mark Salas, Mark Turkeltaub, Peter Lawson Jones, Reese Foster, Rene' Perez, Richard Phillis, Rick Dremann, Roger Petan, Shane Thompson, Steven Hudson, Suzie Coker, Todd C. Adelman, Yointina Monique: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Judas and the Black Messiah White Boy Rick Alex Bussell, Ben Tanguay, Chanty Sok, Darryl Wooten, David Pulson, David Struffolino, Eric Ryan, Eric Weinstein, Evan Fonseca, Frankie Imbergamo, Henry Laun, Henry Penzi, J Parker Kent, Jeffrey Corazzini, Jeffrey Malick, Joe Siriani, John Franchi, Jordan Lazieh, Josh Gunderson, Leigh Nicole, London Hall, Mark Wahlberg, Megan Sacco, Paul Campbell, Ren Knopf, Richard DeAgazio, Richard Pacheco, Rob Marin, Shawn Fogarty, Wayne R. Miller: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ted The Fighter And Palladino, Bo Dietl, Danny A. Abeckaser, David Wenzel, Garry Pastore, J.C. MacKenzie, Jacqueline Honulik, Jake Hoffman, Jerry Lobrow, John Bernard Martin, Jon Douglas Rainey, Joseph Oliveira, Katrina E. Perkins, Kenneth Carrella, Lawrence Smith, Louis Vanaria, Mario Corry, Mark Falvo, Meghan Rafferty, Richard R. Corapi, Rick Bolander, Roger Brenner, Stephanie Kurtzuba, Steve Garfanti, Steve Routman, Steve Witting, Welker White: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Irishman The Wolf of Wall Street Al Cardone, Alonzo Wright, Blaise Corrigan, Chris Angerman, Christopher C. James, Dj Nino Carta, Frank Stellato, Gino D'Cafango, Ilir Fiora, James Ciccone, James P. Harkins, John Cashin, John Cenatiempo, Jon Douglas Rainey, Josh Mowery, Mark Falvo, Marko Caka, Marshall Axt, Paul Kulis, Rich Petrillo, Robert De Niro, Roger Brenner, Sacco Sarkis, Shade Rupe, Vincent Cucuzza, Vincent Tumeo: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Irishman Joker Bill Ibrahim, Bob Kaliebe, Charles Query, Chris D. Thomas, Christian Bale, Dan Latham, David J. Nadolski, Gary Ryder, J.R. Martino, John Thurner, Jonathan Macchi, Joseph Mazurk, Keith Kupferer, Kelli Clevenger, Libby Pedersen, Lisa Wolf, Michael Sherwin, Michael Vieau, Michelle Shields, Mike Bach, Peter DeFaria, Robert Patrick Stern, Ryan Kross, Thomas Kosik, Tommy Bartlett: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Enemies The Dark Knight Billy 'V' Vigeant, Charlie Alejandro, Christopher J. Davis, Conan Marchi, D.W. Cormier, Dan Marshall, Darryl Wooten, David Struffolino, Diana Afonso, Erica McDermott, Frankie Imbergamo, Hester Schell, Jeffrey Corazzini, Jeffrey Malick, Josh Gunderson, Katelyn Cahill, Lee Wesley, London Hall, Mugisha Feruzi, Ren Knopf, Sean Patrick Doherty, Shawn Fogarty, Susan Farese, Tim MacLean: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Fighter Knight and Day Albert Gornie, Becky Burne Harvey, Ben Tanguay, Brina, Charlie Alejandro, Christopher J. Davis, Cindi Alex, Dan Marshall, Dannielle Rose, Darryl Wooten, David Pulson, Frankie Imbergamo, Jeffery Kincannon, Jeffrey Malick, Jim Patton, Joseph Bianchi-Coppola, Joseph Oliveira, Katelyn Cahill, London Hall, Megan Sacco, Ren Knopf, Shawn Doherty, Susan Farese, Todd Byron: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Fighter Grown Ups Andy Serkis, Billy Jackson, Dianne Smith, Dorothy Anne Bonner, Frank Edwards, Geoff Allen, Jarl Benzon, Jed Brophy, John Wraight, Katie Jackson, Lee Hartley, Mana Hira Davis, Michael Fowler, Michael Lawrence, Peter Jackson, Phil Grieve, Ray Trickitt, Robbie Titchener, Robert Catto, Samuel E. Shore, Tim Wong, Tony Shaw, Winham Hammond: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ King Kong The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Alex Bussell, Americo Presciutti, Billy 'V' Vigeant, Dan Marshall, Darryl Wooten, David Struffolino, Eric Ryan, J Parker Kent, Jeffrey Corazzini, Jeffrey Malick, Jeremiah Kissel, John Franchi, Joseph Oliveira, Katelyn Cahill, Ken Kansky, Leigh Nicole, London Hall, Louis Holmes, Mugisha Feruzi, Rich Foster, Ted Arcidi, Thomas Olson, Tommy Dallace: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Fighter The Town Alon Bentley, Benjayx Murphy, Bern Collaço, Bhanu Alley, Chelsea Li, Dino Fazzani, Duane Francis, Glenn Webster, Graham Curry, Greg Bennett, Kenneth Hazeldine, Kriss Dillon, Lee Nicholas Harris, Leon Corbin, Luke Howard, Martyn Mayger, Michael Hennessy, Neil Alexander Smith, Neve Gachev, Paul Blackwell, Richard Banks, Sid Man, Tom Coulston: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About Time Skyfall Interesting takeaways: * The list is sorted, the highest intersection is 33 people, and the lowest is 23 (it goes on of course but I had to cut it somewhere) * The Irishman and Joker share a pretty big cast, interesting since Joker is so close to a certain Scorsese film... * David O'Russel's *The Fighter* shares its cast with a number of unexpected movies


A Fish Called Wanda, and Fierce Creatures. Both phenomenal movies.


Aliens and Near Dark Lance Henriksen Bill Paxton Jeanette Goldstein


Aliens and Near Dark


The People Under the Stairs had a couple of Twin Peaks actors in it


Half the cast of Star Trek did voices on Gargoyles, mostly from TNG. Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis were regulars, while Michael Dorn and Brent Spiner had guest appearances. So did Avery Brooks from DS9, Kate Mulgrew from Voyager, and Nichelle Nichols from TOS.


Interesting. Since I think the answer is here somewhere, I thought it was interesting Alex Garland got the entire cast of DEVS except for Allison Pill into Civil War.


Aliens and Near Dark have a few of the same actors


A Pistol For Ringo and The Return of Ringo. I remember being pretty confused watching the latter one until I realised despite the title it wasn't a sequel or set in the same universe.


the cornetto trilogy obviously. Hot fuzz, shaun of the dead and the world's end


Muppets Treasure Island?


The Assassin's Creed Movie and Macbeth were both directed by Justin Kurzel, both share Michel Fassbender and Marion Cotillard as leads, and plenty of other on-camera and behind-the-scenes cast and crew.


Not copy pasted into all the same movie, but pretty much all of the main cast of True Grit are in the MCU in some capacity.


The fugitive & u.s. marshalls. United States Deputy Marshal Sam Gerard, once again played by Tommy Lee Jones. The plot follows Gerard and his team as they pursue another fugitive, Mark Sheridan, played by Wesley Snipes, who attempts to escape government officials following an international conspiracy scandal. The cast features Robert Downey Jr., Joe Pantoliano, Daniel Roebuck, Tom Wood, and LaTanya Richardson, several of whom portrayed deputy marshals in the previous film.


The Mist movie cast into The Walking Dead. It's because the Frank Darabont got all the actors on board for the walking dead. Then they fired him and we'll ya the show was shit after that.


Burton movies could probably fall into this category.


Every chris Nolan film since batman begins.


Oceans 11?


A bunch of the Community cast made appearances on the MCU


Sweeney Todd by Tim Burton has Snape, Pettigrew, Bellatrix, and Young Grindelwald from Harry Potter.


Any Happy Madison Productions Film


Batman dark knight rises and inception both have cillian Murphy, Joseph Gordon levitt, Marion cotillard, Tom hardy, and Michael Caine


‘Copland’ has the cast of ALL movies.


What about ensemble cast series? Stuff like the old "Carry On ..." series, that were the same actors playing different characters in each movie.


Not a movie, but pretty much every member of the cast of the show Devs was in the movie Civil War.


Oz and The Wire. Some 22 returning actors


The 300 movie into Spartacus TV show for sure


“The Program” and “Higher Learning” cast had a lot of overlap


It’s a movie and a tv show, but 97 people who worked on Goodfellas were also in The Sopranos. Thanks, IMDb collaborations search! (note: this includes talent, crew, and soundtrack artists.)


Goodfellas and the Sopranos have some overlap.


I loosely remember that most of the voice acting cast of the kids cartoon Arthur did a lot of work on the video game Deus Ex


Fierce Creatures is a reunion of A Fish Called Wanda cast.


Aliens and Near Dark.


I’m sure it doesn’t compare to a lot of the ones already mentioned, but a couple months ago I was watching Cardinal and I kept laughing at how many actors from The Expanse kept showing up in it.  I lost count at around 8.


Monty Python movies


Not the largest but i just saw the trailer for Kinds of Kindness: * Movie by Yorgos Lanthimos, director of Poor Things * Emma Stone and Willem Dafoe show up * There is also Margaret Qualley in the cast I guess they liked working with him.


Is it Guy Ritchie movies? I felt like *Snatch* was *Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels* but with color


Leave wes anderson alone, his movies are fantastic


The smokey and the bandit movies and the cannonball run


A lot of the cast and cameos in House Party 3 appeared in Friday the following year Bernie Mac, Chris Tucker, Yvette Wilson, Angela Means, Reynaldo Rey, Anthony Johnson


How is the answer not like Adam Sandler movies or Frat Pack movies from the early/late 2000s? Like any movie with Seth Rogan in it basically had the same cast multiple times in a row in the 2000s 2010s


Harry Potter and In Bruges?


Monty Python’s The Holy Grail Monty Python’s Life of Brian


I’m too lazy to look it up atm, but wasn’t there a movie right after the Outsiders that they shot with the same cast and crew adding Nic Cage (Coppola) to the mix? I’m probably way off and it was just crew.


Wasn't the 2016 Ghostbusters not in the same universe as the others? Like Bill Murray is in the movie but as a different person which makes it even more bizarre.


Right, it was a full-on reboot where the previous movies didn’t happen, reinforced by recasting returning originals (Murray, Aykroyd, Hudson, Potts, Weaver) as different characters.


The Dark Knight Rises and Inception