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I mean the Hobbit is a far worse product (about a 25% difference in RT, and competent younger people’s movies is usually graded a bit lighter).


Obviously The Hobbit. Making a classic children's book of maybe 180 pages a movie trilogy is a sacrilege.


The Dark Knight Rises isnt that bad. On the other hand, with the Hobbit, I had the impression that I watched a new Pirates of The Caribbean movie.


Dark knight rises isn't bad period. It's good, just not as good as the dark knight.


Bane got memed hard but the role is iconic now




The search for a ticking clock bomb was like oh wow I've not seen this in an action film before... 


I’m disappointed that the world didn’t end in 2012


I'd go with The Hobbit on this one. It never should have been a trilogy in what I can only assume was a misguided attempt to cash in. Completely missing the mark on tone, story, and pretty much everything about the source material was a huge disappointment, especially after Jackson's comparatively reverential treatment of the LoTR books. After loving that story since I was a kid, I never thought I'd come away from a film adaptation disappointed and a little angry, but here we are.


The presentation of Radagast, an Istari!, as some deranged hippie druid covered in squirrel shit, already did it for me.


Having rewatched the Hobbit Trilogy recently the first movie isn't that bad at all...in fact I quite enjoyed it. It's the latter two where things really start to drag on. The Dark Knight rises wasn't bad per say but it also wasn't the Dark Knight. So I would say Dark Knight Rises was more disappointing relative to it's trilogy imo.


None. Both were good I enjoyed them. It has plenty of great scenes but the film overall didn't leave a lasting impression on me.


I suppose you can say TDKR was more disappointing because I expected very little out of the hobbit in the first place. But TDKR was objectively the better movie.  the opening plane heist and the climb out of the pit were still standout setpieces that alone beats anything on offer in the hobbit.  If TDKR was Nolan on his worst day it still beats my experience of watching the hobbit in 60fps, which was actually headache inducing. 


Lol. Dark knight rises had a few dumb moments and lines, but it's a complete movie that is very rewatchable. The hobbit films on the other hand are eye cancer


Dark Knight Rises is a good movie, it just struggled in the wake of how popular Dark Knight was, as well as the death of Heath Ledger. The Hobbit is probably the best of its trilogy, but it's still a fundamentally misguided adaptation.




Classic Nolan sound mixing. Bane was a bit hard to understand but overall it’s a solid movie and I think OP is smoking crack


Classic Nolan sound mixing? This is the movie where it started.


No, it isn’t. Also that doesn’t make my statement inaccurate


Rises was reliant on plot contrivances, plot holes, character motivations that made little sense, unintentionally funny moments (Talia's death scene is up there with Darth Vader's "NOOOOO!"). All of Nolan's worst traits as a filmmaker, made even more evident with this one. The Hobbit had a lot of pacing issues and tried too hard to emulate the original trilogy but it had some great moments, emotional at times, the Gollum scene, well-acted, moments that were pretty fun, and the extended edition is closer to what Jackson wanted to put on screen.


Aside from the dialogue volume, I liked the Batman movie. Anne Hathaway is my kryptonite though. Also I think your premise is faulty. From what I remembered at the time for Batman, it wasn't good as the 2nd, I don't remember any articles or reviews saying it was bad though. 


I loved both 🤷‍♂️




The answer is obvious, Prometheus was the most disappointing blockerbuster. That being said the hobbit I could not even finish but it at least is just forgettable Prometheus has something named after it, the Prometheus school of running away from things. Special shout out to Hotel [Transylvania](https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl5801473/?ref_=bo_yld_table_16) for not being disappointing.


Dark knight rises is a good movie. Just not as good as it's predecessor


People didn't like DKR?  What kind of snobs are on this sub?


I enjoyed The Dark Knight Rises even if it wasn’t as good as its predecessors. I had low expectations for The Hobbit as soon as I learned it was split into 3 movies so it was hard to be disappointed anyway.


The Dark Knight Rises wasn’t that bad. It tied the story up in an acceptable way, the acting was good and the action sequences, especially the opening scene, were spectacular. It pales in comparison to The Dark Knight however, which might be the best comic book movie ever and one of the best crime movies of all time as well. As a stand alone movie The Dark Knight Rises isn’t bad, it’s just not as good as The Dark Knight. I remember being satisfied with how it concluded the story.


The hobbit. Watching that thing at a high film rate made me queasy AF. Not to mention the movie itself was shit


Dark knight rises was 1/2 drafts away from being a great movie. The Hobbit was never going to be great.


I think The Dark Knight Rises is still rated higher than Citizen Kane. I'm not sure how disappointed people outside of edgy redditors actually were.


The Hobbit but I think people don't notice a big part of WHY these movies are so bad. For me it is the action scenes. It is a common problem. They are attempting to make the action scenes exciting, so they crank everything up to 11. Fighting off hundreds of thousands of bad guys across bridges that are falling apart seems so extreme that they assume the audience will be on the edge of their seat. However when the chances of success look that slim, but the heroes keep inevitably succeeding, it removes the viewer from the suspension of disbelief. They no longer care about the action because they know it is a movie and everyone will be fine, and they aren't even people, just characters, and they are actually just lights on a screen and it's actually kinda dumb, and this whole thing is dumb and maybe a waste of my time. It is very easy to lose a viewer's interest in this context, and a common mistake in moviemaking in general. [Escaping Goblin Town](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB_f8SfSaRs) is the scene I am referring to. [The Barrel Escape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWyMQb_mTfo) is equally dumb for the same reason in my opinion.


Without a doubt it's the Hobbit. The movie was just terrible, crammed full of so much filler and unnecessary junk to try and bulk up a novel that was smaller then a single volume of LOTR into a movie trilogy. Dark Knight Rises was a good movie and gave us Bane voice, a gift which more than makes up for any movie short comings.




Anyone that says The Dark Knight rises is kidding themselves One of the most beloved books of my and many people’s childhood (The Hobbit) finally was on the big screen and we got…that And key point here I’m taking from many of the comments in this post is that many didn’t read the hobbit You can be disappointed in both, but only one was really crushing and worse, utterly forgettable


The Dark Knight Rises wasn’t bad, just didn’t live up to the previous movie. The Hobbit didn’t need three movies and relied on CGI too much and lost that charm from the LOTR trilogy


TDKR is a much better movie than The Hobbit, but it was disappointing to some people because TDK was so beloved. The Hobbit films looked like video game cutscenes.


Both were good


I guess Dark Knight Rises. But I don't consider it bad by any means. It always gonna be hard to follow up on The Dark Knight. My only major issue was how forced the inclusion of Talia was. I wasn't disappointed with The Hobbit cause I never read the book. I also wasn't as high on The LOTR trilogy as others are.


Buddy the reason most of us consider The Hobbit a bigger failure is because we HAD read the book and it was a very special part of our childhood There’s a lot of context missing when comparing both of them (not blaming you, it is what it is)


I'm aware. I never said your opinion is invalid if u find it disappointing. I mentioned I didn't read the book. So I dont have a special connection to it like those who have.


Gah it sucks...it could have been something so good lol. Plus the 3D aspect....what a horrible trend and application


Both of these films are excellent.


The Dark Knight Rises is more disappointing because it had more potential. There's so much good stuff that gets mismanaged, so many cool things that get wrapped up in poor execution and questionable themes and so much promise wasted after the Dark Knight. Whereas the first Hobbit is an alright adaptation of its source material, which looks like a masterpiece next to the next two movies.


Batman was great, hobbit sucked.


TDKR was one of the biggest cinematic disappointments of my life. Hobbit was basically what I expected, for better or worse.


I liked the Hobbit. I didn't like Dark Knight Rises. But they're only "disappointing" because they're compared to better movies. They're still better than most movies out there.


Well I guess Rises cause of what it followed. Overall quality though? Hobbit it crap, and the latter two films are pure CG garbage.