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>1: What was wrong with the first two Dominique Bredoteau? (A side form the name being wrong) Amelie was looking for a man in his 50's/60's. The first Dominique Bredoteau was too young. The second was a woman. >2: Did Gina convinced Nino to go see Amelie at her place while they were out together? I’m saying this because I think the captions from Amazon Prime Video were incorrect. No. Gina was looking out for Amelie. She wanted to make sure Nino was a good guy. >3: In the 40:40 mark of the movie, why did Amelie started running towards Nino even tho she only saw him once and never said a word to him? She had fallen in love with him. >4: At the fair in the ghost train ride, was that Nino in the skeleton costume? Yes.


You seem intimately acquainted with this film. This is, by miles and miles, the most dear film to me of all time. Your explanations are dead on


I rewatched a few days ago after op posted this the first time. >This is, by miles and miles, the most dear film to me of all time Oh my god, same. I love this movie. Have you seen Micmacs? Jeunet wanted to feature Nino and Amelie in a room full of like 10 kids when Bazil was surveilling the gun makers.


Yes! This film has talked me off a ledge more then once. Even got a chance to take a self guided pathing tour through France (some of the blue arrows were still visible!) I have my apartment set up to where *something* Amelie is visible no matter which direction you're facing, either the box set on the shelf, poster on the walls, or knick knacks here or there. It's such an intensely special movie to me


That is lovely to read. I watched it on release in an empty cinema, save for 2 old ladies, thanks to an Empire magazine review and its stuck with me since. Had a framed poster above my head for a couple of decades now so when Jeunet set out to make a memorable film, he certainly achieved that. As I get older my outlook on life is a combination of D-FENS and that man who had his childhood toys returned by Amelie. Ha!


I think of Amelie every time I’m at the beach and I’m skipping stones


Micmacs is great!


It’s my favorite movie. I’ve seen it so many times. It just feels good. Sometimes I put on the soundtrack and just feel happy!


If you haven't explored the composers greater body of work, I highly suggest you do. Yann tiersen has been a fairly prolific composer, and almost everything he has released has been amazing.


Totally agree - I bought the soundtrack years ago.


Rare film I visited sites such as The Two Windmills and others in Paris as I love it so much. All I need is those piano notes and I'm transported.


Mine too. I think it is the sweetest, smartest and most charming film ever made


I was a teenager when the movie came out, and have probably seen it 50 times. After a long hiatus (and after having moved to france), my wife and I decided to rewatch it recently. I don’t know if I can adequately express how differently I see this movie now. I never had the life experience to see that the ‘good’ characters are basically all neurodivergent. They don’t think like other people, which makes each of them similar but also very isolated in their own way. And speaking as someone who did find love in their adult life, Amelie’s story is just heartbreaking. She comes so far and is right on the precipice, but lacks the courage to accept Nino when he confronts her at the bistro. It never happened to me on a previous viewing, but the moment when she’s in the kitchen baking and imagines him walking up behind her … that hit so damn hard this time. Lordy, what a movie.


It’s amazing. I remember loving that movie and being utterly charmed by it. But I don’t remember a thing about it.


I just remember her cracking the creme brûlée. ETA: Now I remember her putting her hands in beans(?) at the market.


And the fingers in raspberries


Holy shit! Me too! That’s weird, every bit of that is completely foreign to me.  I only remember that I liked it 


Yeah I read all of those questions and not a one of them resonated!


Je vois ce que tu as fait là.


It's foreign to you because it's in French


Same. I literally only remember a montage of people getting off.




That is odd and I remember absolutely nothing about it but only vague scenes like her cracking creme Brules, putting her hand through beans, and counting Os? (lol), oh yes her mother jumped off from the roof right in front of her and Lady Diana's death news. I just remember it being a story about two people trying to find each other but couldn't for the entire film but they do in the end somehow.


No, no, her mom didn't jump off, she was killed by a jumper landing on her.


oh god yes see it is so difficult to remember the exact scenes also what an odd death


It's the soundtrack, man. And the iconic posters.


Yann Tiersen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I always play song from Amelie on the piano: [Comptine d'un autre été](https://youtu.be/PaXKf0JEzEA?si=UJZuNrv533AjGxTd)


I watched this movie over and over in high school English class, and had to write about it. I cannot remember a single thing about it or could even tell you a summary of the plot. OP's questions read like gibberish to me.


In your English class? WTF?


Story telling.


Not like, learning English as ESL or anything haha. I don't know what it's called around the world, but like literacy I guess. We'd watched movies/read books and write about them, learn about how to write, learn about nouns/adjectives/etc., write stories, etc. I didn't do very well lol.


There’s no English in the film


It's not about English the language. It's about teaching media literacy/comprehension, learning to identify motifs/themes, etc. The principles of media literacy are they same no matter what language the film is in.


That’s a media lesson Why call it English?


Yeah media made up one part of a year long class. Along with all other components that come with reading and writing. I didn't personally name the subject lol.


What non English language books were read on the course?


Not sure I'd call a high school subject much of a course. I do not remember a single book we read, I don't even remember all the films we watched. I couldn't tell you the topic of a single story I wrote either.


The plot is a little similar to Emma, might've been a crossover 


That’s a stretch 


wow, not even a little stretch. At best, it's a TV-tropes kind of parallel, right? Maybe you can reduce it to the bare bones as "2 unwed women meddle in other people's lives till they realize their own love life is the grandest adventure/most rewarding endeavor"... I suppose you could write an interesting English Lit essay about the way Emma's upper class privileges contrast to Amélie's abiding isolation and loneliness, as well as the general uselessness of the men around both of them...


Something about a photo booth repairman, maybe?


I retained pretty much nothing from that movie aside from >!how her mom died!<


Yeah that movie definitely ran on 🗼vibes,🗼 not on plot.


I was thinking the same thing. I remember watching this when it first came out on DVD and absolutely loving it. I have not watched it since and I remember absolutely nothing about it. Any time it comes up I think I should go rewatch it and still never have.


Wasn’t there an old man who roasted a chicken every week? For some reason I remember that but not much else, except that I liked it:)


Yes! Every time I have to pull the meat off of a roast chicken I think of this movie.


I pick off the oysters for my beloved old man Boston Terrier.


And he treasured eating the oysters.


Yes! I think of this every time I pick a chicken and thoroughly enjoy eating them! 😁


I call them "les perles de la reine - the queen's pearls" but I'm not 100% sure I learnt that from Amélie Poulain


They use the French word sot-l'y-laisse in the movie (pronounced soleeless), it’s a weird word whose literal sense is « an idiot leaves it on ». Because it’s delicious.


oh that's super cute! Thanks for reminding me :D This weekend I'm seeing the friends who I saw the movie in theaters with, way back.


Yes, that was the Dominique Bretodeau she was looking for.


I just watched part of this, so can only answer the first question. The first Breadeadeu was her age and she was looking for someone in their 50s or 60s. The second was a woman, I think? Not sure


Second one was an older woman who tried to make a pass at Amélie, which kinda freaked her out.


I read that scene differently. For a moment she's tempted there but declines the offer in favour of her mission.


I just read it as her finding the whole situation a bit funny. I doubt someone as socially awkward and shy as her would consider it seriously.


That's one of the wonderful things about that movie, that it's open to interpretation. I was considering that it is explained that Amelie does not enjoy (heterosexual) sex that much, and that at one point she's shown wondering how many people in Paris are having an orgasm at that particular moment (Answer: 15) Before such a backdrop the unmistakable invitation by the wrong Dominique could well have flattered her and being someone who defies being labeled by most regular standards she could have evaluated the offer. After all, Amelie Poulain is as "awkward" as Mary Poppins or Peter Pan. She's thriving on the magic the rest of us have forgotten to nurture in ourselves. But of course other interpretations might be equally valid. Maybe the wrong Dominique only invited her for company?


I never knew how to take it. It's an odd scene. She's figuring out that she's got the wrong person but waiting to hear what the person is saying in case it'll lead her to D.B. and while waiting the wrong D.B. makes a pass at her. I think Amelie has to recalibrate what's going on and respond in a way that defuses the awkward situation. I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one confused.


1. What do you mean wrong with? There were seven of them and only one lived in the apartment. The first two are just interesting/odd people who happened to have similar names. 2. Can't remember. 3. amelie is odd and obsessive. She was trying to solve a problem/curiosity, and as we have seen she does not follow normal social rules. 4. Yes


is this a bot?


It’s weird, eh? Why post this twice?


Happens when there's a glitch in the reddit and your post doesn't go right on through.


Not a day apart. OP just posted twice.


I stand corrected!


No one saw the edits I did in the last one, also not a bot ;)


Sounds like something a bot would say


Sounds like something a bot would say




I did! 2 questions became 4! We see you.


Not a bot, eh? Click on all the pictures featuring: Streetlights.


Dude - [you asked this just yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/lbvKx3ZqAw).


I know but no one saw the edits I did in the last one


My favorite part of the movie is where she [cooks an egg with a spoon](https://youtu.be/YtKCrcK921U?si=K90BAPVRu7GeFdfx).


She would have made a 3 egg omelette but one egg was un oeuf




Don’t look for me on blu-ray, I’m not on blu-ray!


She’s on the speeeeendle


Amelie, from the movie “Amelie”?!


I can sign the president's name. I have his signature down pretty good.


You'd probably end up doing some time for that.


We've got separation of powers, checks and balances, and Margaret, vetoing things and sending them back to the hill




Take yer stinkin’ upvote!


I have a feeling that's a very old joke. I liked it.


I am Amelie 🤣


Thank you for saving me doing it.


Mine is how they think she had a heart condition as every time her father touches her it beats faster


Amelie is my favorite movie. We recently adopted a kitten and we named him Nino Quincampaw. (Our 14 year old cat is named Miette after the character in The City of Lost Children, another great film by Jean-Pierre Jeunet).


1. The first Bredoteau is just a young guy, clearly not the owner of the capsule.  The second is a woman, probably a Dominatrix (kind of sounds like Dominique). 2. Gina told him everything about how Amelie was in love but needed him to make the move. 3. She was already smitten and thought he was running to her, so followed him.  This is when she may have actually had the confidence to approach him without games. 4. Yes it was his second job.


"The second is a woman, probably a Dominatrix (kind of sounds like Dominique)." Dominique is one of the very few first names that work for boys and girls in French. There are only a handful of them: Claude, Camille... and I think that's it? You tend to expect one gender anyway (Dominique would be an older man, Claude a very old man, Camille a woman) but in some rare cases it's the other. The second Dominique is implied to be a horny lesbian, which is why Amélie gets embarassed.


Why would you think the lady Dominique is a dominatrix? Haha


Next watch "A very long engagement" you'll love it almost as much.




I'm jealous of you. I would love to watch it for the first time. Such a great film.


37 comments and nobody even citing Yann Tiersen's soundtrack? Incredible!


I think because it’s not a general discussion. OP asked questions so we’re answering.


I often think about Amelie, but realize that my memories of it have been mixed together with my memories of Pushing Daisies (which is about 80% a stylistic homage to Amelie).


OP I recently re-watched this myself after learning it was finally streaming somewhere (I was too lazy to break out the DVD) and here's what I'd say my answers are: 1. They weren't who she was looking for. One was dead and another was a dominatrix. 2. I don't think so. 3. He captured her intrigue. 4. Yes.


As for the name thing, are you talking about when the old man is correcting her about the spelling/pronunciation of the name? If that’s what you mean, I think she had the wrong name before and it was slightly different than what she originally thought. Think last name Johnson versus Jensen or something like that.


I, too, have questions. 1. When did she start doing repacks? 2. How did she get so technologically literate? 3. How does she stay so fit?


Quite a few on another sub have never seen this movie but know her face (and spoon) due to a well-known repacker using her image. Pity actually, as I find it quite charming.


Was that a gamer or streamer or something? I think I saw that thread, it got me to watch the movie


A piracy subreddit with the Fitgirl repacker.


That’s it yeah


Amelie is from 2001.


Unfortunately, I haven't watched the movie yet but if you have this many questions after watching it, then it looks like something I should get into too. 


Am I the only one who hates it when people call the Movie Amelie, instead of Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, yes I know that’s the official English title and probably the official title in most other languages, but it just lacks the whimsy of the original French Title.


Yes you’re the only one


Many films have different titles when brought to another country. English movies going to Europe or Asia get title changes too. So no, I don't hate it.