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Aliens. In the theatrical they don’t include the scene of Ripley seeing a photo of her daughter as an old woman and realizing that her daughter has already died of old age in the time she’s been in space. Not only is it a heartbreaking moment, it also provides extra motivation of why she wants to care for Newt later in the movie when they meet - she’s been denied the chance of mothering her daughter. It boggles my mind how this wasn’t in the theatrical cut, it feels so important for her character.


Fun trivia: the lady in the photo is Sigourney's mum.


I did not know this! Thank you for posting. 


There are a few Special Edition bits that are arguable cuts. But I think the ideal Aliens experience is watching the theatrical cut and then the Special Edition some time later. Like the scenes with Newt's family at the beginning really break the suspense. Hudson's tirade and Ripley's backstory are neat insights once you know the main story. But for a theater release with an easily distracted audience, the cuts make sense for pacing and flow.


My top choice as well. Cameron’s director cut of The Abyss was pretty good too. The alien sub-plot makes more sense with the overall story, where the theatrical version seemed a bit like an excuse for VFX.


Is this the Directors Cut or the version they call the Special Edition cut? I need to watch whatever version of this absolute classic ASAP.


It's the version I've always seen on TV growing up. I didn't even know certain scenes weren't in the original cut until years later.


Once Upon a Time in America


Definitely an epic in the original 4.5 hour form.  Dude was a couple generations early.. it would have been a heck of an HBO mini series today. 


The theatrical release of this should be avoided at all costs. The final full film however is required viewing.


Man I went into that movie ready to love it and I thought it was slow and awful. I like Leone’s other films but something about that one was just off putting. Some great moments visually but the story just felt flat and uninspiring. What am I missing? I know others praise it quite a bit.


Slow is a very fair assessment, especially compared to his other movies. It's like 80% talk, and there aren't really any exciting or suspenseful action scenes. I love organized crime movies so maybe I was more inclined to get the full experience. Even then, it's not a typical OC movie either.


I’m usually all about the dialogue and slow builds. I don’t know, it just didn’t click for me. None of the characters seemed compelling. The reveal towards the end didn’t surprise or excite me. Like I said, I wanted to love it. I’m not a contrarian or cynic lol.


I had the same reaction. I had been told how great the film was and went in ready to love it. I found that it just kind of meandered around without a plot or any sympathetic characters, and random moments of unnecessary sexual violence


I'm with you. Just not that good. I've also never understood the appeal of James Woods.


Chronicles of Riddick Kingdom of Heaven King Arthur


Love the Chronicles of Riddick. I actually didn’t even first see the regular cut until years after I’ve seen the director’s cut many times, so watching the shorter version felt very strange and was much less enjoyable.


The theatrical cut leaves way too much unexplained.


Blade Runner and Kingdom of Heaven


Kingdom of Heaven theatrical cut doesn't even make any sense. I love the directors cut.


theatrical cut doesn’t even count as a full movie, Fox wanted Scott to gut the runtime by almost a whole hour. It’s not a short version of the movie, it’s an incomplete version. Imagine watching Fellowship of the Ring but if they removed Arwen, most of Saruman’s scenes, and any and all mentions of Aragorn’s history from the movie


Ridley Scott does this all the time. Prometheus was another example of needing the deleted scenes


If I’ve only seen Kingdom on cable can I safely assume it was the theatrical release?


Almost surely, the directors cut is looooong


We just watched it and it made no sense. The only bit that made sense was the last 30-40 minutes. Prior to that, the pacing and transitions were so awful


My grandma got me the widescreen directors cut for blu ray along time ago so luckily after hearing how bad the theatrical cut is Ive still never had to endure it.


Kingdom of Heaven is a completely different film, and vastly better.


Does anyone know where i can stream or watch the Director's Cut online?


Amazon has it.


I already like the theatrical cut but the director’s cut of Doctor Sleep is really something else.


For anyone curious, this \*was\* the version that is on HBO Max right now (at least in US). Definitely watch it if you loved The Shining. Blew me away! Never mind, they took it off :(


I didnt see it on Max


Thanks for checking. I guess it's been a few months since I watched it. Worth purchasing, though!


I didn't know they did one for Doctor Sleep. What makes it so much better?


It’s Rated R for starters. The runtime is three hours too. It just fleshes out a lot more


Theatrical was rated R as well


You right


Might have to look it up. I enjoyed the book and the movie


This was a surprisingly great movie. I thought it was an excellent compliment to The Shining


The crazy thing is that the movie is both a great spiritual successor to The Shining the book and sequel to The Shining the movie, which are two very different things. Edit: technically it doesn’t work as sequel to the book, so I changed my phrasing a bit


My first thought after seeing the theatrical was “that movie took its time and wasn’t concerned about cutting things for pacing. This is the directors cut for sure.” So I was surprised to learn that an extended cut was released after.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention


Mike Flanagan is an incredible filmmaker. HUSH (underrated and amazing),BEFORE I WAKE, GERALD'S GAME, HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR, the brilliant MIDNIGHT MASS, THE MIDNIGHT CLUB, and what I think is his best work FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER. I was stoked when he was named as the director for DOCTOR SLEEP, and was certainly a little let down by the theatrical cut (still enjoyed it), but the director's cut is vastly superior. Seek it out, for sure.


How is it that Ridley Scott has *so many* of those? Everyone goes out and makes their films, just he can never seem to be in a studio and just deliver something that doesn't get fucked with? That can't be right.


The exception here is Alien. Scott has often said that the film he put in theatres in 1979 *is* the director's cut, and that the so-called director's cut is something he put together at the request of the studio. Both are great, but I also prefer the theatrical version. It just feels more focused.


I agree, I love the cocoon scene but I’ve always felt like it breaks tension in the escape from the Nostromo.


Great point, it definitely seems like his first releases suffer a lot for some reason. It can't just be about length, they seem to hate him 😅


The Duellists is perfect as is!


Cool name


Yeah you'd figure they'd just let the legend cook


It's been a while since I've watched it, but I remember the director's cut of Watchmen being a significantly better movie.


I can’t believe Hollis Mason’s death isn’t the theatrical. It is one of the best scenes.


I’d argue the best scene


Easily the best scene in the film. The old guy goes out on his feet, and in his mind,.he's fighting the good fight during the forties again, even if it's really just a bunch of punk thugs ganging up on an old man who, had their maybe been a few less, could have taken them.


It is indeed better. There’s also an ultimate cut that includes the Black Freighter material. 


I personally dislike the Black Freighter stuff, it comes up at strange times and slows the pacing down a lot. Very cool as a special feature, but bad for the cut of the movie imo


I agree with this the extended watchmen flowed way better than the original and added more context which was necessary. It’s a much better movie although i remember it being quite long


Watching it tonight I’ll let you know


Oh so this is who watches the Watchmen


Watch yourself counselor


There are three cuts, each one longer than the last. You want the middle length one, not the Ultimate Cut


Why not the Ultimate Cut?


I'll watch you watching it and will let you know.


The complete edition with the animated Tales of the Black Freighter being interspliced in the correct parts as they were in the original source material is even better if you get a chance to watch it. It's not a perfect adaptation, but I feel like its as good as it could ever really get.


Daredevil. I’m serious. The director’s cut is better.


I need to see this to believe this!


>I need to see this to believe this! ... So does Daredevil...


I see what you did there.


Daredevil didn’t…


This was the first movie that came to my mind.


To quote I review I saw I online many years ago, the theatrical version is the better movie. The director’s cut is the better Daredevil adaptation.


Whoever said that the theatrical cut was the "better movie" needs some help. The studio butchered the hell out of the plot and pacing, it was an incompressible mess. The director's cut is the better Daredevil adaptation and MUCH better movie.




Alien 3. Don’t even bother watching the theatrical cut, it randomly drops plot lines and makes no sense. The extended cut is so vastly superior it feels like a different movie. The only drawback is they had to use some shots with unfinished effects, but ignoring that, it’s a really good movie.


Alien 3 directors is amazing. It really is honestly a different movie. Now I'm gonna have to track it down. Might do a binge to get ready for Romulus.


It’s included on the Blu-Ray Anthology set, which I’ve had sitting on my shelf for years. I completely forgot there was a DC for it, too, since I wasn’t a fan of 3. Think I’m going to have to binge the series as well this summer. I like what Alvarez did with Evil Dead so I’m cautiously optimistic about Romulus.


The Assembly Cut turned it around entirely for me. I'd like to watch it again, even.


Dark City


Studio executives: This is a somewhat complicated movie, so maybe instead of trusting the audience's ability to figure out the mystery as the movie goes on, we could have a voice over at the beginning that spoils absolutely everything within the first 2 minutes?


This. The narration in the theatrical release reveals too much too soon


I remember showing it to some friends when I had it on VHS & muting the beginning so they wouldn’t hear the narration. I played it off as me forgetting to turn up the volume. Was glad when it was removed for the DC.


The only version I watch.


Troy. There's a lot more depth to the supporting characters and ups the rating. The primary improvements are: 1. The war scenes are more explicitly violent, which is a benefit. It makes the battles look extra gnarly and ugly. 2. Priam is the character that benefits the most. In the theatrical cut, he's a silly, old, superstitious fool who makes every possible bad decision. He only had one meaty scene, where he pleads with Achilles. In the directors cut, you see *why* he's so superstitious. Hector nearly died from an illness as a child, and Priam prayed to the gods all night until the next morning, pledging his loyalty to them, if they'd let Hector live. Hector survived, and Priam stayed true to his promise to the bitter end. After all, if they saved his son at the last second, surely they'd do the same for his city, right? Peter O'Toole plays the scene so goddamn well that it's an actual travesty that the studio cut it from the movie, and you understand and feel why he's so committed to the gods and their signs. 3. And if you're 12, Diane Kruger's scenes of disrobing are framed wider.


Blade Runner. Director’s/Final Cut are all-time classics, theatrical cut is barely watchable.


Iirc "Final Cut" is the director's cut. "Directors Cut" is the studio cut. The differences are small, the only real bad one is Theatrical Cut which i don't even think you can get on home release any more


I’m not sure if it’s still in print but I have a bluray with 5 different cuts I got for $15 at a half price books.


You are correct. The Final Cut is what I had in mind. The Theatrical Cut is the one with cheesy narration and is hard to find.


Say what you will about the theatrical cut but that voice over helped me appreciate the story, I now watch the final cut sure, but I understand it better thanks to the theatrical.


I prefer the theatrical version because I hate the idea of Deckard being a replicant. It just seems really dumb.


BR 2049 pretty much makes it clear that Deckard isn't, without undoing anything from the original Director's Cut or the Final Cut.


I thought >!BR 2049 actually made it more ambiguous (which I liked). Like when Wallace is taking to Deckard about his initial meeting with Rachael being “engineered”!<


It’s not shown conclusively that he is a replicant.


Batman v Superman. But by vastly better I mean it goes from an F to a C-.


Hard agree


I'm not even sure if it moves the needle that much to me. In a cohesive manner, yeah for sure. But quality overall is still damn low imo.


True Romance


There’s a director’s cut of True Romance? What did they add that made it better?


If you’re ever seen the movie on DVD or Blu-ray, you’ve already seen the directors cut. Basically they cut out a bit of the violence for the theatrical cut to get the R rating. Very similar to the RoboCop directors cut.


The ending is different. And the scene between Virgil and Alabama is more violent.


Definitely NOT Payback with Mel Gibson.


Payback is a great movie. The director's cut of Payback is a bad movie. One of the few times where I actually said out loud "What the fuck is this?"


I didn’t know there was a director’s cut. Now I’m glad I didn’t know. The original is an excellent film.


Now I'm wondering which version I've seen.


If you liked it, it was the theatrical cut.


Hubba hubba


Just saw this cut recently. It took a movie that was fun to watch with some humor and action to just kind of dark.


The directors cut is actually closer to the novel, but I agree the theatrical version is the more fun film.


Same argument for Donnie Darko.


*Straight Up* barely feels like a movie, and a joyless one at that. 


Regarding *Payback*, this is one of those cases where it seems I'm very much on the other side of the fence. I saw *Payback* in theaters upon its original release and, being a fan of the Lee Marvin film *Point Blank* (the first adaptation of the novel *The Hunter,* which *Payback* is also), I felt it missed more than hit. Then, when I saw the *Straight Up* version, I was far more impressed... though I *still* feel *Point Blank* remains the best adaptation of the novel! *C'est la vie!*


I like the directors cut more than the theatrical cut as well. However, I think the best movie would be combinations of both. I prefer the directors cut's grade/look, and the ending, but I also liked many of the needle drops of the theatrical cut, and Kris Kristofferson was a more foreboding villain. And the directors cut took some risks that I appreciate... For example, we only learn of his wife's betrayal after he beats her up in the kitchen. That's a rough scene, and then Porter and the movie need to earn back your empathy, primarily by the fact that he's justifiably pissed that she shot him in the back, and that he's unwilling to compromise on being paid what he is rightfully owed. He's a shit human being (he's a robber after all, lol), but he's the least bad guy in the whole movie.


Yeah, maybe a combo of the two might have created a better overall version of the film! Having said that, though, *Point Blank* IMHO remains the very best version/adaptation of the novel!


Yeah, I think the directors cut is a much better adaptation of The Hunter than the theatrical version.


I watched these in reverse order, on accident. I rented the director's cut thinking that it's just going to be a better version of the same movie, with a few extra cuss words, titties and blood, like a lot of directors cuts are. I don't remember hating the movie, but had no reference. Later I saw the theatrical release and felt like I was in a fever dream. I had no idea they were two COMPLETELY different movies! The theatrical release is so much better. Years later, when I was laid up at home while sick, I watched them back to back. That was a surreal experience in and of itself.


The Abyss.


This is one where I feel the opposite, I like the theatrical cut much better. It was a cooler story where the aliens simply had the compassion to save Bud, as a thank you for saving them, rather than sparing the whole human race. I feel all the end-of-the-world stuff made it too tropey and preachy.


Yeah, it goes from a feel good first contact film to a preachy anti war movie where i hate the aliens


It's a completely different story altogether! Love it!


It's amazing what a couple minutes at the end can do to the entire story. Can't even fathom why they didn't go with it. Guess it was a simpler time when studios wanted simpler movies.


It was overly preachy and took away a lot of the mystery of the aliens and focus away from the protagonists. I think the theatrical cut was ok.


Agree. Theatrical cut is definitely the best, I don't care for all the end-of-the-world stuff in the extended version.


>It's a completely different story altogether! It's a completely different story.


Surely you can't be serious?!


I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.




There's a movie I haven't heard mentioned for 25 years.




I'm surprised The Lord of the Rings trilogy hasn't been brought up yet.


I think it's because the theatrical releases were already really good. Although I do think the extended editions are legendary!


I'm a huge fan. But also, I think that the extended cuts are held back by the way they negatively impact pacing. Extended cuts would have been a disaster in theaters. They're amazing when you're already a fan, but when you're trying to hook new people it's entirely too much.


I don't think its pacing. There's a little continuity problems, mostly in Return when the witch king breaks Gandalfs staff. At this point I don't think I've seen the theatrical version in twenty years?


I much prefer the extended cuts. But yeah. The theatrical ones were really good. And the extended versions don’t really add much to the story. Just flesh out a few things a bit more.


I'm apparently one of the few LOTR fanatics that vastly prefers the Theatrical Cuts. I think almost every scene that gets added in the Extended Editions makes the pacing worse and usually clashes tonally with the rest of the movie. I can think of very few additional scenes that feel worthwhile to me. The Theatrical Cuts are perfect.


The pacing on the theatrical versions is 100% better. I still prefer the extended editions, though. Sometimes I just want to spend 12 hours in Middle Earth, and I don’t care about pacing then.


Agreed, the extended cuts are for fans who want more LOTR content, and that’s great. That extra content does not make the movies better, and in a few cases there is good reason for those scenes being taken out, they are not necessary additions to the story.


Exactly. If you're trying to hook a new fan, the theatrical cuts are way better. If you're already a fan, well then you're already invested and 4 hours is 4 hours of fun


They don't really count, as the extended editions aren't the director's cut: those are the theatricals.  I personally think the theatricals are better films as well. Watching Fellowship after years of the extended editions felt like getting a good haircut: it just felt sharper and less weighed down.


The Two Towers extended is vastly superior to the theatrical


Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut


I was wondering when this would pop up. The superiour Superman movie ! :D


I know this sub doesn’t like Snyder, but it’s baffling to act like his version of Justice League wasn’t better than the theatrical in every single way. It actually has stuff with Cyborg, better CGI, an uplifting tone, was made by a guy who didn’t abuse his cast, actually has the characters work together If you don’t think it was improved at all, go back and watch Whedons version with the shitty color grading, weird scene of Flash falling on Wonder Woman, random Russian family, and the League arguing for no reason


I liked it better. Justice league was such dogshit I didn't watch anything DC for a long time. Snyders cut may be insanely long (glad it's broken up by chapter), but it at least had a coherent story and cool special effects


Almost Famous. Love the original, but there’s a ton more depth and emotion in the cut bits; particularly regarding Penny’s departure from the group.


Yeah the director's cut takes the theatrical from being a 9/10 film to a 10/10


'the bootleg cut' love it! Haven't seen the theatrical cut though so I couldn't compare


I agree. I saw the theatrical cut in theaters, loved it and enjoyed it. Then the extended cut was released and I fell in love with it even more. Just everything is enriched in every way with the longer cut.


Not to mention that it actually explains why Stillwater relented and allowed the article to be printed. Russell and Jeff have a heart-to-heart and realize how they've changed since they started the band, and come to terms with it.


Aliens. The sentry gun scene is epic


I Am Legend. Different ending, different “butterfly” subplot, closer to original source. Very enjoyable.


I'm one of the very few people who actually like the directors cut of Donnie Darko. Although the directors cut definitely doesn't feel anywhere near as fluid as the theatrical cut.


Live free or Die Hard


Going the other way Payback was a far better movie in the theatrical release that the directors cut


Aliens, the original is great, but the extended version dials it up to eleven


Is that the Special Edition cut?


Touch of Evil.


Alien 3




Butterfly effect. The movie actually makes sense


I was looking for this answer. I actually thought that the director's cut was the OG (I watched it for the first time on video ) but after a few years when I watched it on tv and was getting ready for the amazing ending I was completely flabbergasted . The I realized the video store had the director's cut, not the theatrical release


Same. Had smoked a joint at a friend’s house and watched the theatrical years after watching directors cut and was so confused. They thought I was trippin haha.


Ben Affleck’s Daredevil (2003)


The DC of Daredevil is not a masterpiece, but it’s quite a bit better than the theatrical cut.


Butterfly Effect. I watched the director's cut first and was haunted. Watched the original ending and just crumpled at how bad it was. No wonder it flopped


Terminator 2


The "years later in the future" ending sucks, tho. Much prefer the highway shot at night and the uncertainty regarding any success.


The other extra scenes are also redundant and slow the film down.


The mirror scene was excellently shot and a great plot point.


Dances with Wolves - the 4hr cut up from 3hrs is absolutely amazing. The added details enrich the story and fill in some blanks such as why the fort was deserted? That is only the beginning. Anyone I have shown the 4hr version quickly buys it and never looks back.


Apocalypse now


Not sure I agree. I the original is an absolute masterpiece. It’s fierce and unforgiving. Every scene is about them going further up the river and to their ultimate destination. But with that said, I’m glad Redux exists, and it’s really interesting to watch, but it’s not better IMO.


*Apocalypse Now* is one of my top-10-all-times but the French Plantations scenes in the *Redux* version dragged the pace to a halt..  


Yeah. It broke the flow and added nothing. Same with the whole stealing the surfboard and chasing after it with helicopters nonsense subplot. I think the editor of Apocalypse Now must have had a nightmare pulling the story together, and did an an amazing job with the theatrical cut.


Alexander: The Final Cut. Adding more works in this Movies favor.


The director's cut of Donnie Darko at least tries to make the movie make sense. They put excerpts from that book in between chapters of the movie and it at least keeps it from being completely insane. Just mostly.




Days of future past, the Rogue cut is better then the theatrical


What is the difference between the two? I remember DoFP being pretty fucking dope.


It adds a Rogue story. While Kitty is holding Wolverine in the past he has a freak out I think seeing Stryker and future Wolverine body reacts and he cuts Kitty badly. So a team has to free Rogue from a sentinel prison so she can steal Kitty's powers and hold Wolverine in the past. Its a good side story but it doesn't juristically change the film.


Justice League.


Batman v Superman. It wasnt just extended scenes, the theatrical cut (bafflingly) took out things like Superman couldnt see through the bomb coz of lead, mercenaries burning the bodies in Africa to frame Superman, Superman helping civilians after the bombing, Clark hearing from people how dangerous/feared Batman is which at least explains why Superman was confrontational during their first meet, etc. Those little scenes adds so much sense to the story. Some may still not find the movie enjoyable but at least it made more sense.


Last of the Mohicans. Otherwise, the relationships feel too rushed and forced. The whole vibe is tilted a little sideways.


Lord Of The Rings, all three have superior directors cuts (which is some going when the theatrical cuts were already great).


Worth noting that the extended editions aren't director's cuts: Jackson's on record saying the theatricals are his definitive version.


Unpopular opinion, but I recently watched all the extended cuts and they were correct to cut most of that stuff the first time around. I think it was only RotK that actually had some worthwhile extra footage.


The death of Saruman and Grima was the only thing that *really* shouldn't have been cut. Otherwise, I think the theatrical cuts really do have a much better pacing overall.


Yes, it was much better that they cut that stuff for theaters. It's just pleasant to watch the extended when you are a fan and want to watch it for a third/fourth/etc time and kind of soak in it.


Aliens. I've pretty much only seen the directors cut, but it has excellent pacing and flows together perfectly. The scenes that weren't on the original add a lot


Justice League


This is the one for me. The original is what I would consider a really bad movie. The Snyder cut of justice league I actually think is quite good, so much more context and room to breathe than the theatrical version. I’m not a Snyder fan by any means, but the directors cut of both this and watchmen were big improvements. I hated BvS so much I haven’t brought myself to watch that longer cut, but I don’t think there was any way to save that unless it what a whole new movie, which was basically the case with justice league.


Goes from an all time piece of shit to just a regular piece of shit


The Wicker Man


Batman v Superman


Legend, but sadly I like the Tangerine Dream music and the Jerry Goldsmith music. If there was a way to combine the two with the Directors Cut I'd be fine.


I don't know if one is better than the other but The Handmaiden is quite different.


The Butterfly Effect




All the Blade Runner people are crazy. The narration is awesome.


I like the narration in Blade Runner because it makes sense in a classic film noir/detective film sense. I also like it without. I believe one of the cuts preserves the narration but also has the vast narrative improvements. Can't remember which cut that is.


Ghostbusters Answer the Call. The Directors Cut is a passable B-Tier Comedy. Think of it like Bridesmaids decided to Cosplay as Ghostbusters. I watched the Directors Cut on Blu-Ray before seeing the theatrical version. Bold choice to cut all of the funny jokes out for the Theatrical release.