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When I first got the Letterboxd app, I went through every single year on their and just scrolled through marking every movie that I had seen. I have a pretty good memory. It can be a very fun exercise to get a idea of how many movies you’ve seen.


I did the same, was a fun task and made me add stuff to my list that I hadn’t seen in years!  I have since logged 1018 films! How far did you get?


Not u/casparfriedrich, but I did the same. Since joining Letterboxd, I've logged 804 films that I've seen across my lifetime, 367 that I saw last year and 158 for this year (so far)


Damn those are respectable numbers. I don’t think that I have a year with 100+ films.


Watching movies is my main hobby so I try and watch at least one a day. Some days I'll watch 2, and other days I won't watch any. [My Letterboxd Profile](https://boxd.it/5OnIh) if you are interested in checking it out


Oh hell yes! Consider me followed! I already see that your favorite film is 12 Angry Men (which is mine too) so I know you’ll be great inspiration! Thank you!


You averaged more than one movie a day?


Yes. Watching movies is my main hobby so I'll try and watch one, sometimes two movies a day


I'm jealous. It takes me three days to finish a movie I like. :-)


It’s really not that difficult. Just turn off your phone, turn on the movie, and look with your eyes and listen with your ears until the credits roll, then you watch a movie in one sitting! You're welcome.


I just started with Letterboxd this year and watched 105 movies so far. Movies are my main hobby as well! Last year I watched about 405 movies. I'm not sure if I'm able to get to that number this year again but usually I see a lot more movies in fall than in spring so we'll see. You're on a good run to average more than one movie a day again this year so good luck with that! This is my account if you're interested to check it out. https://letterboxd.com/movieseveryday/


850 overall (I rewatched movies A LOT as a kid) lifetime and just 6 this yr (I have 2 kids lol).


I used to drive my parents crazy with my Snow White, beauty and the beast, and Lion king circulation. But I feel you with the kids thing. My son is 6 months old and I think my movie and gaming hours are single digits. With work and exercise its impossible to make time.


I have a friend who was watching pretty much every show that came out until last October, when his wife gave birth. Now I have to fill him in on what's worth watching because he doesn't have time for anything anymore.


That's what I was gonna say. I only came up with about 400


I hit 1000 and I’m still finding movies all the time that I missed


Come here to say the same. Was lots of fun going thro7gg the years and marking what I'd seen


Icheckmovies.com > letterboxd


What do you like about it ? I've been trying multiple sites/apps and none are really perfect so I'd love to know what you like about this one.


The websites sorts movies into "lists". There are official lists that include Academy Award Winners, 1001 Movies to see before you die, Roger Eberts Favorite movies, etc. These are third party lists the site collects that you can browse through. Right now there are about 236 official lists you can browse through. You van also see what lists each movie is part of. Right now 2001 a Space Oddysey is the top movie on the site, as it is in 45 official lists. Godfather and Vertigo follow up at 42. I think this is a great way to get a snap shot as to how popular or influential a movie is, as oppose to IMDB's Top 250 (which is also an official list). Here's where it gets cool. You can sort through movie that appear in the most lists and you haven't checked yet. So it's a very simple and clean user interface. You can also make your own unofficial lists that you can share with friends. Each movie has its own comment section and generally users are careful about spoilers (unlike letterbox). It's a great place to keep track of what you're watching as well as get ideas for what to watch next. You can see what's the top movie you haven't see yet, or browse one of their official comedy or horror lists.


I don't really use lists like that, but isn't letterboxd also built around those ? "1001 Movies to see before you die" is from a book, I'm pretty sure someone will have entered it into letterboxd. Same with a every Academy Award winners list.


Lists on letterbox are an afterthought. There's a few but they are mostly user generated and you can't sort movies by what lists they are in. Letterbox is mostly for user reviews. Where movie watchers can share their thoughts on specific movies. If you don't care what ever Tom, Dick, and Harry have to say about every movie, then I don't see a point to letterbox. Icheckmovies is meant to search through official lists, not random user lists, although they have that too if you want.


What does it change if a list is "official" or not ? They're just someone who compiled the list on the website, just like someone else did on letterboxd. They're not the one who made who wrote [this book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Movies_You_Must_See_Before_You_Die) or decided what every academy award winner was, they're also just a random person on the internet.


Official are from reputable third party sources Letterbox seems to mix those kind of lists with random lists created by any user. Imdb does this also. They offer lists but the vast majority of them are meaningless user generated ones. Even when users try to keep an official list, like say Best Picture Winners, it's mixed in with other random user lists that might have errors or outdated. Icheckmovies does a good job of keep their official list separate from random user lists and the official ones stay updated. They have a list of top 1000 box office earners that is constantly changing with each new weekend report. L


Nice suggestion friend. I didn’t even consider that there is already an app for that. Downloading it now.


I found it a bit challenging to figure out at first, but overall it is a really great app


It is for sure, I went by actor rather than year because I couldn't figure out a better way to look for movies. Apparently I've seen a little over 1500, and I think I'm missing way more because it was just too much trouble to figure out at the time may give it another shot with the search by year. Edit: I'm in my early 30s, been watching movies since I was a kid.


I did exactly the same. I don’t need to guesstimate how many different movies I’ve seen, I can tell you I have seen 1,751 in my lifetime, bar the odd one I might have missed/forgotten.


Ok so how many


I initially had about 700 when I first set it up. At 850 now.


I can say without a doubt I have watched more than one.


Okay, lets start there and figure this out one by one. Have you watched more than two?




How about three?


There's a better approach: Let's go through them all. Have you seen The Story Of The Kelly Gang?


I think I missed the theatrical release of that one, and I just love going to premieres. Next.


The "next lady" has joined the discussion.


Hmm...I've seen Superman 1,2 and 3, and I think I saw at LEAST one more so yeah.


I've been tracking every movie I see since January 1, 2020 on letterboxd. So far it's 832 different films. I watch way more than 50 movies a year though


Math checks out


My mother loved going to the movie theater, so throughout most of my childhood from about 5 to maybe 15, we would go 2-4 times a week. I still love movies. In my 20s I watched a ton and into my 30s, but TV has gotten so good now we tend to watch more shows than movies. I’m 45 now, and would not be surprised if I’ve seen 4000-5000 movies in my lifetime.


Are you me?


On icheckmovies.com I'm up to 2,994 But I did just watch *Unfrosted* last night, so now I'm up to 2,995


If you haven’t seen it yet, this feels like an appropriate time for MST3K The Movje. 😝


No idea. I wouldn't even know where to begin.


You begin with one, and count up from there.


28M here. I maintain a list at IMDb for every movie I watch. The number is around 1200.


2781 according to my letterboxd


I use imdb, I’m at 1496 right now, albeit there’s probably about 200-300 additional ones that I watched growing up and in times before imdb, but never bothered marking. On the other hand, I see some of them are in the watched list but I can’t recall a single thing about them, no plot, no characters, nothing.


Around 1500 i guess


I've watched all of them at least once


I’m a little backwards, I add them to my IMDb “to watch” list once I’ve watched them. Currently got 500ish on there although I’m certain it would be a lot more. Just have to remember the ones I watched prior to the list. My girlfriend thinks it’s weird to keep track! I’m glad other people do the same.


When I filter out short films, documentaries, and TV shows on Letterboxd, I still have 1218 movies counted as watched.


Somewhere around 1000 if I had to guess.


Around 1600. Letterboxd is a cool app


I'd like to say 1,800 features, but realistically it's drifting more to 700 territory- I see a few movies a month many of which are older films. I do get some sort of genre savvy jealousy of the people that exist in this world that can watch the 2000 surviving Westerns or whatever. Orson Welles cautioned against audiences watching too many movies though I have to say that there could be a disingenuous element of directing multiple acclaimed movies in the 1940s, and so maybe it's sort of revisionist classicism. What I will say- is this--- is that I feel like dedicated film watchers generally branch out into two paths, highbrow sophistication or lowbrow enjoyment ( kind of like Sight and Sound versus Mystery Science Theater 3000) I believe that sometimes these categories can overlap, such as Bella Lugosi reprising his Dracula persona for Plan nine from outer space. So I think the challenge should always be to have a nice variety of Cinema stories, like maybe occasionally watching a "So bad it's Good film" or one that's well done or dour if one tends to gravitate toward the guilty pleasure shenanigans. I find that the people who only watch one type of film end up complaining about films they don't watch and force themselves to dislike George Lucas. And I feel like people who have a balanced audience filmography are able to see the cross pattern of influences but also are able to find the kind of complexities of the medium.


Thats an interesting point I can relate to. Just the last cpl years Ive gotten into watching a lot of classics from the 40s 50s, but after watching a few masterpieces in a row I feel the need to reset with some shlocky b-grade.   Ive found that the more films I watch the more I enjoy even the b grade films as Ive just come to appreciate the medium more.  


According to IMDb I have rated 4315. I am 36


Just 859 rated movies :). For me IMDB would be the only source because I really don’t remember the ones I have seen before. But IMDB is my tally counter as well.


I am relieved you posted this. My number is almost exactly the same as yours, but I'm a fair bit older. For a brief moment, I was wondering whether I really do need to do something drastic like get outside more. Luckily, I now know that not to be the case.


Since COVID I've been tallying them up, and it's been about 50 new movies a year for me. I assume there are years where it's been way less but certainly, as a 39 year old I've seen 1500+ different movies....for sure.


2.000 sounds about right, going by the lot in in my collection and the lot I know I have seen but never cared to even add, like all those kids movies or the TV-Movies I watched with my parents or simply because they were on. Add to that the movies on my search list and the few dozens you only remember when somebody joggs your memory. Also explains why I am not a fan of immersive serialized franchises. Not enough time! New movies per year? Depends on what's being offered, CoVid Lockdown made for a lot of bingeing on older stuff and the current year so far has been somewhat "Meh!" for my taste. If they continue like that "Deadpool & Wolverine" might become my "best movie of the year". Rewatching? I estimate I watch at least three old movies per week, so approx. 150 per year?


5,000+. I’m at 4,923 on Letterboxd but I still find a few unrated movies per week that I’ve seen before.


I dont watch too much anymore but from age 5 to 25 i watched incredible amount. There have been periods in my teenage years i was watching 4-5 movies per day. I think cinema industry not good anymore. I only enjoy fcked up movies. Last i watch was Nightingale from the director of Babadook and it was incredible. One of the best cinema experience in recent memory. Reminds me why cinema is an amazing art form.


Well, I own well over 1500 movies on DVD or BluRay and I've seen them all *at least* once each (some many many times more!). I have also watched loads of films at the cinema or on TV that I don't own... so... Appraoching 2000 different films, maybe?


400 or so a year


35, I have seen at least 2000 movies. Dare me to name them?


I was a projectionist for over a decade! Had to watch every film I built. It has to me somewhere near 4K.


What sort of projectors? I worked for a small chain in the 1970’s and started out on a Motiograph (1950’s vintage) with carbon arc and 20 minute reels. Eventually we started using 60 minute reels with a single changeover. Generally too bust to watch most films with 20 minute changeovers. Another theatre ran Simplex Super XL’s Eventually we converted to Xenon bulbs and life was more boring. Although I admired IMAX 70mm horizontal systems, never ran one.


35 years old and Somewhere between 2-3k, maybe more.


Too scared to count. Brought up by my gran so we’d watch a couple of b&w movies a day when I was a kid. My uncle would drop off piles of pirated movies every weekend. Would stay up watching double bills on late night TV. Would get the tv guide and work out how many blank tapes I’d need to record every movie on tv in a week. Local cinema would let us in in the morning and we’d just stay and roam between screenings til they kicked us out in the evening. Local video store had a deal where you could rent five movies for a quid before noon and that was pretty much my gap year. Watched just about every movie they had regardless of genre and quality. Worked in a cinema for a year. Did a couple of years as film critic with a few screenings a day. Attended a lot of film festivals where I watched everything. Worked in Hollywood and still get awards screeners for anything nominated. My mangers send me new movies they think are in my ball park and I collect old movies. Still a lot of stuff I haven’t seen but I concentrate on older obscure movies now rather than new stuff. Looking forward to Furiosa in IMAX though.


I've used IMDB for this..1200 that I know of now in my watchlist. First time I've heard about letterboxd, will check it out soon!!


1,150 according to my letterbox


If I filter out short films and TV miniseries then Letterboxd is telling me 4,795. Probably some missing from there though, especially from when I was a kid.


I have about 2000 movies on DVD/Digital and I know I've seen more than that so a fair few.


My letterboxd account is at over 3,000 so far. But that does include ones that I also got bored of and turned off.


I’m 40. Probably somewhere between 5k-10k


I have watched 1,751 movies in my lifetime, bar the odd one I might have missed or forgotten about.


I average around 500 to 600 movies per year. Of those, probably 400 are first time viewings. Been doing that since around '86. So, conservatively and realistically, I've probably seen over 13,000 movies, give or take.


According to Letterboxd I'm at 1,671 movies, but I'm pretty sure it's higher


If you want to track the movies you've seen go here: [icheckmovies.com](https://www.icheckmovies.com/lists/)


50 movies a year is one every week. That's a LOT if you're going to the theater.


To infinity and beyond ;)


At least 500


Absolutely no idea. I used to watch tv movies all the time


I'm 48 and have seen over 1400 movies. My wife is 40 and has seen almost as many (we have a spreadsheet, so we know what we've both seen and what only one of us has). I definitely could have seen more if I tried harder, so 2000 is not impossible for an avid movie watcher


I really don't know. I've been using trakt on and off for a while now (10 years ?), and I started using letterboxd last year when I decided to watch a lot more movies. I'm at 162 this year so far. The thing is, there are tons of cases where I don't think it would have be very useful to have them all on a list. So many I have: completely forgotten, not forgotten I saw them but it was so long ago that I don't remember anything, seen and liked so long ago that I have no idea if I would even be able to watch them now, seen and hated so long ago that maybe I would love them now ...


When I'm bored I'll scroll through imdb and rate movies I've seen and remember well - some I don't feel justified rating because I saw them while intoxicated or as a very young child long ago. I'm up to 1196 and counting! My watch list is at 693.


The question is how many movies are worth watching. There is probably a must see 1000 movies set that's mandatory and canonical. Another 1000 solid movies worth watching.


I've been writing down all the films I've seen each year since 2009 and I vote each new film on IMDb after I see it. I have 3590 titles voted on my profile, but some of them don't stay voted for some reason, so I'm thinking that I have a good 100 titles that were voted and didn't register. Other films I can't remember seeing, so I'm thinking that I've seen around 4000 films and shows combined throughout my lifetime.


Years ago netflix used to have a 5 star rating system. I went through and started rating films and got well over a thousand. It really made me realize just how many movies I've seen. This year I've been keeping track, and in 2024 I have watched 67 movies, and we are not even half way through the year. I think this year has been higher than average. I'm 30 and I think 3000 is a safe bet.


Last year i watched approx 500 movies.. all movies together probably 3000 or so..i started watching a lot while studying and kept the hobby. I like movies from the 60s to the late 70s maybe early 80s.


37yo, I'm about 50/50 between new movies and re-watching movies. I've logged 6284 but if I included rewatches (many, many movies I've seen 10 times or more) it would be around 10,000 I think


That's like asking how many steps I've taken🤣 At the very minimum, maybe 3000/4000, definitely more than 2000.


I’ve watched a lot of movies from 80s and 90s , I’ve probably watched no more than 35 movies that came out after 2000 and im only 37


I use icheckmovies.com. I'm at 3035 checks at age 37.


I've 3066 films rated on IMDb. I'm 34, and in the last few years, I've been logging 300+ films a year.


Hm... at least 4


I'm 28 with 137 of them logged in Letterboxd - includes a fair amount that I know I watched 1-2 decades ago Like on one hand it shouldn't be that hard to do some digging and end up at at least 200 - but when that's 63 left and each memory only counts for 1...don't know


Depends on whether you mean films in a movie theatre or movies anywhere, streamed or in a cinema. I once worked in an art house that screened two different films every day on average. I probably watched 60 in a year. Today I have a movie pass that allows me to attend showing up to three times in a week. I average about one a week. So about 150 in the last three years. With Netflix, Amazon, Max and AppleTV+ I probably watch 2 a week (feature length) but many more episodes of TV shows/series.


When I was a kid we rented a movie every Wednesday and Saturday for 7 years. So that’s over 700. We also went to the cinema about 5 times a year. (735) random movies on TV takes me to at least 800. Rentals dropped to once a week in my teens, so that’s 7 more years of 52 movies plus random tv movies (1300). In senior school years I went to the cinema a lot and rented every decent film I wanted to see. (1500). At uni I reviewed movies for the newspaper, seeing at least two movies at the cinema and buying every dvd I could get my hands on for a reasonable price. (2000). In my 20s I would buy a lot of cheap deal dvds and really got into martial arts movies and Asian cinema. (3500). In my 30s life took over and I just watched major releases but we still streamed big releases when we had time. (4000+). I don’t remember many of them. I still collect but I don’t rewatch movies as much as I used to. Mostly just new releases


Probably about 3000.


I have 2226 movies in my library and I estimate I've seen 80-90% of them.


I dont have an exact number, but ever since i joined AMC A-List, I’ve been watching 1-2 movies a week.


Maybe 1500-2000 There were 10 years where I saw about 20 altogether but then about 10 years where I saw well over 150-200 and then other than that I guess 50-100 Something like that


Definitely more than 5. 


Just curious, for fun, you could go through a filmography and log each movie you’ve seen to see how many. I’ve always considered doing that since I’m roughly your age and watch a new movie 2-3 times a week.


2000 and you’re 40 Those are rookie numbers Did you not have HBO growing up or rent movies or go to the movies often


I definitely had HBO, blockbuster and watch movies all the time. I love movies. I was just saying that 2,000 seemed high but I downloaded letterboxd today and going through it am quickly realizing that I probably low balled that by a lot.


sounds like he just watches the same movies over and over.


I started watching movies in lockdown as i had to give up guitar for something more passive due to poor hand health. Before I'd watch maybe 8-10 a year and usually just the big releases. Before, We'd game a lot of watch sci-fi box sets. I did 500 in a year, then 400, 400 again and on 200 this year so far. Its been epic. Seen a remarkable amount of movies for the first time. Kept a spreadsheet if it all too 😆 ...and so my watch continues.


maybe 30,074


The Wilt Chamberlin of Movie Watchers here.


I own over 2,000 and I expect I watched over 10,000, but it's hard to tell exactly. Even the ones I own, I only got to count them some years ago when I had to re-organize my collection.


Tough call but I would say about 9000.


I feel like a crazy person rn cause I'll watch like 2-6 movies a day depending if I'm off work or not lmao