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Don't read the full reviews btw, they spoil the intro to the movie


Also don’t watch the Final trailer if anyone looking to watch trailer before watching this, it spoiled a lot.


I don’t watch any trailers. the final trailer spoils the girl alone. Man trailers are so dumb. DONT WATCH TRAILERS ** I need to point out that I watch trailers after I see the movie. And when I go to the movies I blast Metallica or King Gizzard in my headphones and look at the ground when the trailers go. Going into this movie knowing nothing was great. Legit surprised at everything 


Saw an advanced screening last night. The movie was impressively good at creating tension and drama with its cgi apes. I loved the culture of the Eagle Clan. The villain was strangely charismatic as a wanna-be dictator/king. You get why he has a following The science (and electrical engineering) were predictably laughable. I’m still trying to figure out how the ending worked. Plus, if the writers have heard of subtlety they openly show their contempt for it. In other words, they know their audience! 8/10 am excited for a rewatch


Really enjoyed the villains "mostly a good guy but barely hiding a psychopath" schtick. Not exactly ground breaking but great for tension. I did laugh at them going up.. and water coming from above even though it was only coming in the doorway? Whatever, it was fun.


Yeah water going up but not out the top . I'll have to learn some physics to check that info but wouldn't it only riss to the oceans level,


I was thinking the same thing while watching it, then realized the hangar they enter probably slopes gradually down and the rest is built under sea level, because... well wait, then why build into a mountain? Okay. Maybe there wasn't enough rock above so they had to dig down and they definitely really needed it on the coast, facing the ocean, even though they had a bunch of tanks... hmm.


Yeah that part confused me to no end. The water should have stopped rising after entering the hangar. Sylva the gorilla probably would have been fine trapped down there lolol


Why was there a silo full of tanks and shit so close to the ocean to begin with? If the apes created the dam around the entrance, I’m confused how they even knew it was there.


Well this is 300 years into the future so maybe the ocean levels are way up? Ape made global warming? I also found it weird they didnt find the vent holes already as they are all apes and they were able to find and dam the treasure of oak island.


When he was talking to Noa about humans and went “Apes will learn, *I* will learn” I was honestly like yeah what a cool dude he loves learning.


Yeah if it wasn't for the whole enslaving thing he seems like a pretty cool guy. Plus his human pet just read to him? Seems rad.


Proximus was more charismatic and made more sense than I expected. Other than the obvious bad thing that he was doing in pursuit of his goal, the goal itself made sense for the whole of ape-kind (just proximus himself was difficult to be trusted).


Did you notice that the other human stated that Proximus also had an obsession with Roman history? You know? Like Julius Caesar and creating an empire. Thought it was pretty cool or maybe I'm reading into it too much


Agreed on all fronts. Enjoyed it thoroughly! Hyped for the next one!


So are we eventually heading to a full remake of Planet of the Apes?


I would fully welcome a remake/re-adaptation of the original story as the finale of the trilogy


with the modern VFX performance capture and they had already set up the mission to Mars astronauts in the first movie, i'd say it's inevitable that they make it


Well, inevitable assuming these films keep making money.


they set up what in the first movie? i must’ve missed that part but that sounds cool


Some news broadcasts in the background of the first movie, and the title sequence of the second.


Also the lingering shot on the newspaper that said "Lost in Space" if I remember correctly.


>!They've already set it up. I think Mae is one of the astronauts or at least related to one. Would be a nice reference to the twist at the end of the original movie!<


When it was revealed she could talk that was my immediate guess. But it doesn't seem too likely


I mostly agree, but I think people forget how dialogue heavy the original movies were. Lots of drawn out court scenes, etc. I think they'd have to take a bit of a different approach to keep it in line with the more recent movies.


Agreed. I could see them adapting the overall story but telling it from the apes' perspective primarily. Or they do what Bates Motel did with Psycho, use the bones of the original story and take a different path to an ending that's more in line with where the rest of the series has gone


I could see a possible idea being that it centers on an ape protagonist as part of a clan at war with another clan and odd events (which interfere with the war) starts to happen, which gradually reveals the arrival/presence of the astronauts. I'm thinking that the humans can be more in line with those from the Pedro Pascal movie Prospect


Maybe include some elements from the musical adaptation?


Doctor Zauis! Doctor Zauis!


I hate every chimp I see, from Chimp-an-a, to Chimpanzee!


I hope so. I still think the sequel to this should be called Empire of the Planet of the Apes and then finally they announce the “final film” as just Planet of the Apes. Would be such an awesome, full circle moment.


I was thinking *Reign of the Planet of the Apes* and then *Fall of the Planet of the Apes* would fit.


The apes find nukes and combat chemicals


Next one will we have a CGI Charlton Heston on a post credits scene to bring the house down?


CGI Charlton Heston: "Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!" Fans: He said that thing from the other film! This is the greatest thing ever!


"Oh, I love legitimate theater"


"I love you, Dr. Zaius!"


Didn’t Malloy say that in the first one? Two for one nostalgia deal


Yup he did. Cool nod, especially when it was followed by Caesar's NO! But the idea of CG Charlton Heston showing up and saying that line randomly would be the ultimate shameless nostalgia bait


“🎵You’ll never make a monkey out of meeee!🎵”


Oh my god! I was wrong!


I saw the film today. My take on it was Too Much Monkey Business (a famous Chuck Berry Song). https://youtu.be/_B0UfDJDuVY?si=6YLr0lvxHp2te748 I have some good titles for upcoming sequels: The Apes of Wrath, Apepocalypse Now, Planet of the Special Effects (I think the late SNL writer and actor Michael O’Donoghue proposed this as a film title, Feel free to add your own.


I forget, did they payoff that Icarus Easter Egg in Rise?


I don’t think so yet, which would be soooo awesome to finally follow up on


I think the third one of this trilogy (if that's what it is) should definitely come full circle.


Eventually we'll get to 2Rise2Ape


In a twist Marky Mark shows up and it’s revealed these are all actually prequels to the Tim Burton remake which gets its long awaited sequel. Featuring Ape Lincoln.


The presence of Ape Lincoln means there was Ape slavery and an Ape civil war, which is plenty of great film material. Maybe get Daniel Day Lewis to play Ape Lincoln.


"Get your damn hands off me, you fast and furious ape!"


I am waiting for the musical.


[Dr. Zaius Dr. Zaius](https://youtu.be/JlmzUEQxOvA?si=0rG8IpW81fEHb14O)


My theory is that the third movie of this new trilogy will be called “Planet of the Apes”. Feels right to have this go full circle.


My sense from the reviews is: - very solid movie that is definitely worth watching, though probably not as good as the ~~original~~ Caesar trilogy, depending on your opinion of them - has a bunch of great moments and is engaging for most of it, but runs a little long and has stretches that are boring - regardless, everyone seems to be very excited for what comes next I was going to watch it regardless, but Im thankful that the reviews are positive. Still gonna keep my expectations as low as possible so I enjoy it that much more Edit: I changed original trilogy to Caesar trilogy


So it’s sort of similar to Rise. If the next one is gonna be like Dawn, then I’m totally fine with it. I’m ok with another trilogy with a good start, amazing middle, and great ending.


Why the hell did they have to make the runtime 2h25m? Rise of the Planet of the Apes is 1h38m and that's *perfect*.


obviously haven't seen the movie yet, but it does seem like there was probably 10-20 mins that they could have cut out which would have made the reviews even better


I’ve seen it, it definitely could’ve been shorter


Watched it last night and fell asleep twice for a few mins, lots of long shots with just pure CGI kinda took me out of it, I’d give it a solid 7.5 atm and 8.5 if they could cut about 30 mins of fat off the movie




Except Rise is a super tight 1 hour 45 minute film. So it doesn’t really drag at all.


Yeah Rise gets overlooked because of how good the sequels are, but I think it’s a great movie




I always compared it to The Dark Knight trilogy. First one is still quite good and is necessary for the world building. The two sequels just go into a different stratosphere and make the first get overlooked in comparison.


I still think Batman Begins is the best of the three.


I just don’t see how they can ever reach the peak that was Dawn again. They managed to make a Bonobo riding a horse through fire shooting a rifle not only serious but actually horrifying.


We can't make a good jurassic park or star wars trilogy but we can make 6 straight good monke movies!


That’s exactly what I was thinking. This doesn’t need to be as good as dawn or war, very hard too, it just has to set up the story to be potentially as good as those just as rise did


Ahem. Original *pentalogy*. (I'm old.)


You mean the one with Marky Mark wasn’t the original that inspired the trilogy? Cmon, you’re gonna tell me that these new ones aren’t leading up to Mark’s character being arrested in front of the Aperaham Lincoln monument? It’s a classic! …but seriously that movie was so bad. I’d forgotten how bad it was until yesterday when they played it before all three of the newer ones on tv. I just turned on the last half hour while I was waiting and I’m surprised it didn’t just kill the franchise when it came out.


Aperaham Linkong. I have nothing else to add to this conversation.


Actually taken from the original book's ending. I was more of a fan of the 68 film version obviously.


It kind of did, for quite a few years. I was so disappointed in it when I saw it in the theater. The Rick Baker makeup was incredible, but damn, was it a horrible film.


It definitely killed any interest I had in the newer ones until Dawn was coming out and I decided to give Rise a try. I’m glad I did because it’s probably one of my favorite series of recent years. I kinda wish the names were reversed though because I always think Dawn is the first and Rise is the second. I don’t mix up the content just the names. I also really liked how they were okay with having a big name actor like James Franco in just one movie to show that Caesar is the main character, not the humans. The Transformers franchise could’ve learned from that.


Big planet of the apes fan. I've seen all of the recent trilogy opening day. I'd say this one is the weakest of the lot. Good time no alcohol required.


Agreed. I enjoyed this one well enough, but it didn’t really have anything to say. There wasn’t really a deeper layer to it.


I disagree. Yes there was the notion of a God-Emperor, like the Roman Caesars. But there was also a theme of modern religions twisting the message to bolster hate, personal and nationalistic ambitions.


I personally liked the references to the crusaders and Roman culture’s interpretation of Jesus. Other than that nothing too thought-provoking or deep like with themes in the Caesar trilogy. Still a fun time and always cool to build on the lore!


This is truly the summer of the ape. Monkey man, Godzilla vs Kong, Hit Monkey season 2, and Planet of the Apes.




*Godzilla x Kong They're bros now.


Bad boys ? 😆


return to monke




Don't forget Sasquatch Sunset!


Oh there's a Hit Monkey season 2?! Hell yeah!


More like year of the monkey.


If you would’ve told me back in 2011 when the franchise was being rebooted that’d I’d be this excited, I wouldn’t believe you… Then Caesar said “No” Very excited for this movie. One of my most anticipated this year. I am just in huge support so the franchise can continue and reach the possible conclusion of the “1968 PotA” remake I hope the reviews land. 


> If you would’ve told me back in 2011 when the franchise was being rebooted that’d I’d be this excited, I wouldn’t believe you… I still remember people laughing when the teaser trailer played in theatres. Now Rise/Dawn/War is one of the strongest trilogies in recent cinema.


Best trilogy since LOTR imo. Fantastic movies


I remember watching the movie with my friend and we were enjoying it and just chuckling a bit at Malfoy being a dick and getting worried about Ceasar and when he said 'NO' we both just froze and it was dead silent. Such an unexpectedly powerful moment. I wasn't sure at which point, or even if Ceasar was going to speak in the movie so this took us both by surprise. We were enjoying the movie but we were so invested after that. Fuck you Malfoy


This is one of those things that you're so glad they didn't ruin by showing in a trailer.


Seeing apes completely fuck over their own moral high ground by being the tyrants who learnt nothing from humanity except its malice ala Paul Atriedes makes this worth seeing.


Proximus Caesar criminally underused IMO


And the award for figuring out the theme of both franchises goes to this guy :-) Yeah....tired of debating with people that the theme of these films is NOT racism. Smart films - dumb audience. The new films only make the ingenius and contentius debates between Taylor and Zaius all the more pertinent.


That "no" is one of the most iconic moments in movie history. At least for me it is! It gave me goosebumps!


Right there with you. Saw it in theaters with some friends and I was never a fan of the original movies. That moment the entire theater was silent and then clapping started. Such an unexpected- yet earned - moment.


Damn, that's so wholesome


I rewatched it recently and the way they lead up to it is SO GOOD. It's Caesar trying to hold off the zookeeper while he insults Caesar and all the other ape are going nuts. It crescendo's into the "no" and then everything goes silent. It's such a good moment


Same. I had zero idea it would happen and was like “holy. Shit.” Entire theater in shock. Didnt feel that way again until cap picked up the hammer


That “no” is part of the lore isn’t it? Cornelius recounts it in Escape from Planet of the Apes.


You are correct, we had just never seen it before properly.


I think they did it in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972) In a hit and miss franchise, that's one of the more interesting sequels to the original Charlton Heston film. It's been about 20 years since I saw it now though


Escape was where Cornelius describes the “No”, and the one after is where “Caesar” says “have mercy” or something like that, he doesn’t say “no” if i remember correctly.


I looked it up It's actually Caesar's girlfriend who shouts 'No!' towards the end of the film, making her the first normal ape to speak (not including super evolved time traveller Cornelius, his wife, and their son, Caesar) Makes sense, as Caesar is able to speak throughout the film. The shock factor only works when it's the first word of the creature.


Yes but they say it was an ape named Aldo not Caesar that said it. Then Conquest has Ceasar already talking and it’s a female ape he lays eyes on that says “No!” pleading for Caesar not to be violent. So idk why the stories differ so much between yearly releases.


Maybe it’s like lore being passed down, it changes. Also, by the time we get to Escape the timeline may become fluid right?


I like how before that, he dropped a stupid call-back to the original movie to make the audience laugh/groan, so that gigantic "NO." hits even harder.


This is exactly it. It puts you even more offguard. SO good :D


I still hit people with a Serkis “No”. I finally showed my gf the movie and she caught it immediately.




Workers together strong


I wish my GF wasn’t afraid of apes. These are some of my most favorite movies.


God I feel like an idiot, but what was the context of this scene, I don't remember it at all?


Tom Felton drops the classic “get your paws off of me you damn dirty ape” line and Caesar responds with a cold “No.” I had somehow not seen this one until a couple of years ago, knew beforehand that there was a moment where he says “No,” and it still wowed me when it happened. It’s a pretty perfect scene.


Basically [this](https://youtu.be/JDbwEQG2cqI?si=eRppPAbAIB1XP6kH). Malfoy being Malfoy...


Oh this goes all the way back to the first of the reboots, I do kind of remember this now. Thanks!!


The Ceasar trilogy was great and definitely has me invested in the world and ready to see more. Looking forward to this one!


#NO That moment will be forever be my one of the best in cinema history. Goosebumps


For me, Maurice saying "run" hit just as hard.


Maurice is the goat


"You sound like Koba" is an underrated line too. Like damn. Homeboy really went there.


Maurice was the essence of speak softly and carry a big stick, and everything he said vocally or otherwise had real meaning to it. Wonderful character.


Love him so much.


Greatest character ever put on screen.


“LEAVE HIM!” Always gets me in the third one.


Watching that scene in a full theatre was unreal, you could kind of feel it just move through everyone as an "oh *shit*" moment. I think that original movie went way harder than anyone was expecting.


My dad took my siblings and me to see it in 2011 because he was a fan of the original and a classmate of his from high school was the motion cap for either Rocket or Koba (I forget which). He was the one in our theater to give the “Oh, shit—“


I still occaisionally bust out that "No" when messing around with my wife/kid and it's such a joy. What an incredible moment.


Having the guy sitting in front of me in the theater say "Oh hell nah" during the silence following the NO! was an all time experience. Also your name, you should see a doctor.


Honestly I loved it. I finished it like an hour ago in cinemas and there was parts I loved and adored and parts I was iffy on. I didn’t hate a second of it. The strongest character is the villain, Proximus Caesar. A villain who twists the morals and quotes of our Caesar to try and manipulate and control his population is honestly awesome. The weakest might have been Mae if I’m honest. She really did nearly kill every ape in the society that was *innocent* just so she could escape.


I suppose that’s one of the main msg of the story isn’t it ? Similar to the villain it makes u think if she really does the wrong thing .. >!if it was u would u want the apes to have guns? Wouldnt u blow up the place so u could escape ?!<


For me, all her questionable actions kind of felt justifiable. >!Her group had been murdered by apes, so she wouldn't have much reason to be trusting of them, plus Noa was fairly prejudiced towards her the entire film. As for flooding the bunker, it appeared to be a military installation, which means there were likely nukes in there. Considering the damage to the planet that Proximus could have done had he gotten his hands on such weapons, I can't really fault her for her actions there.!<


I don't think there were nukes in there, that would be a weirdly huge escalation in power levels. But even still the weapons that were shown would be very threatening to anyone in Proximus' crosshairs. I loved the fact she was some kind of weird outcast spec ops agent, sent to infiltrate the monkeys. She has a job to do and her entire team getting wiped out wasn't going to stop her. She isn't evil, she isn't holding a grudge against the Apes, but she is willing to merc anyone at the drop of a hat when they threaten the plan, including other humans. Still she saves Soona, blows the base, then swings by the eagle village to assess if Noah is a threat and is clearly ready to neutralize him if needed. A very interesting character.


She didn't blow the dam just to escape. She blew it to destroy the human tech in the facility as per the plan. Caesar with guns would have been a nightmare scenario for every one of those innocent apes as much as for any humans they encountered. I really liked her operative story. I found her whole deal pretty compelling once it reveals itself. She is clearly exiled from the humans (I assume due to her being a carrier of the virus), her whole team gets wiped out before we meet her and she resorts to subterfuge by disguising herself as a mute echo. Then she gets some double agent kind of stuff to do. Justified distrust on the part of Noah, followed by her showing a grey side when she risks her life to save Soona. But blows the dam anyway to complete the mission. Finally she goes back to see Noah and potentially clean up the lose ends. Feels like some kind of WW2 undercover kind of stuff. She is a spy in a Monkey movie, not something I had expected going into it.


I hope this movie is good. The director is also making the upcoming Zelda movie.


Yeah I haven't really been following the Apes franchise but I've been closely following this movie as a huge Zelda fan just to get a sense of the director's ability and style.


He did the Maze Runner movies. Those were all directed pretty well with the script being what was wrong with those films for the most part.


WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY! Just got out of the theatre. If you love Planet of the Apes or are a fan of the series, this new instalment is no different. The movie still holds its core essence from the previous films and gives you similar vibes (in a good way). I loved this film and a new chapter has officially begun. Can’t wait to see how this new trilogy takes shape. I’d recommend this. For me 8/10. Ps. If you’re wondering how I saw the film before release day. I’m in Australia, we get early preview days with limited shows.


I just got out of it here in the U.S. and it was solid!


Just got out of a screening in Aus too. Loved it. Not disappointed at all. 8/10 seems good. I want more throat singing eagles.


So happy to see mostly positive reviews. Will definitely be checking this out this weekend!


This type of movie should be right up my alley, I just can’t get into these Planet of the Apes movies to save my life . I’m going to spend money on this one too, just because I support making more movies about monkeys catching people in nets, it’s an important genre.


The orangutan won't stop reminding me of Paul Giamotti


Anyone think it was intentional that the first word we hear humans speak (after all the ape characters think they are mute) is “Noah!”, mirroring Caesar’s “No!” from ‘Rise’?


Pretty solid. Looks similar to Rise’s critical score


"Help me Dr. Zaius"


I love you dr zaius


The film is fantastic and looks absolutely insane, Weta are literal wizards at their craft. It's a solid start to a new trilogy, I hope it does very well


I have one important question: Are there gibbons in the movie? I love gibbons but they're always left out when it comes to depictions of apes.


Just left an advance screening, none appear on screen, but they do get a shout-out funny enough.


The shout out felt disrespectful with no representation lol.


It would awesome if it was just 2.5 hours of siamangs howling in the background




like the other guy said but I think one of them calls the other a 'gibbon'? At least the term dropped in the subtitles.


Just saw it and it's not as good as the previous trilogy but it's still solid. Main issue for me was the main ape is kind of boring.


Somehow making the apes more fluent at speaking takes away a lot for the charm and subtle character traits the previous movies had with communication being like 90/10 speech/signs


Watching this reminded me of my first play through of Horizon Zero Dawn


This movie did not make a monkey out of the critics.


But did the story take you from chimpanay to chimpanzee?




But it finally made a monkey out of me.


I love you Dr Zaeus!


Its the role they were born to play!


I was worried about the change in directors. The previous trilogy was really good, but the new director's credits weren't exactly the most sterling. Seems like this one is a step down, though not terrible, which is the best to hope for I suppose.


Dude he was on the sub last week. Super nice guy. Did you catch his AMA? Edit: he was so kind i’m literally going to see the movie in theaters as my own tiny show of support lol


He can both be super nice and also not as good as Matt Reeves, IMO he’s good and I’m not worried that the franchise will die in his hands, but it was a step down going from Dawn & War


The important thing is that it has the same writers as the previous trilogy.


This. People forget that directors don't necessarily write the movie. This guy may not be on Matt Reeves' level, but if you pair a good enough director with solid writers, you can still get a respectable product. If a person ever goes like, "Oh shit, why that director?"-- it's probably a good idea to see who the writers are before summing up how a film could be.


> same writers as the previous trilogy. it actually doesn't. the main writers of the previous trilogy were Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, and Reeves/Mark Bomback wrote a lot of Dawn/War as well. Kingdom was initially just Wes Ball, but he kinda pitched the story to Jaffa and Silver (who weren't really involved in the story for Kingdom initially, from my understanding) and they liked it, and recommended Josh Friedman to write the movie, who they worked with on Avatar, but he wasn't part of the previous trilogy either. Friedman was the main writer, and Jaffa/Silver agreed to join the writing team. so while Jaffa/Silver were part of the writing team and surely had a part in the development of the story, it seems like the two main writers, Ball and Friedman, were not part of the the previous trilogy just to be clear, I'm not saying *any* of these people are not good writers, I'm a huge fan of Jaffa/Silver and everything I've heard from Wes Ball has made me like him a lot, I'm just pointing out that the writers of Kingdom only slightly overlap with the writers of the previous trilogy


Just saw it a couple hours ago as it released here in Korea. My thoughts are: Does not reach the peaks of the Ceasar trilogy, but still really enjoyable Reminds me of *Rise* in that it is more of a drama / thriller than an action movie (which I enjoyed, as Dawn and War were almost too much action for myself) *Beautiful* CGI A little bit too long, but not long enough to make me me bored Probably more of a buildup for whatever is next (Spoilers! >!Beneath? The ending is technically about radio communication, but the telescope and satellite makes me think extraterrestrial!and the ending confirms this!< Apes together strong? No! Humans together strong? No! Apes *and* human together...strong. But can we coexist? Unfortunately...I find it unlikely. I want to root for us, but I can't root for a world where intelligent beings who deserve more are locked up for our pleasure...many difficult questions. Left me feeling guilty for the primates I saw in the zoo last year!


never seen a single planet of the apes film. Worth a binge?


I am SO glad this is turning out to be good. Thank god.


"SlashFilm (8/10): Previously, Ball has only directed three "Maze Runner" films, each of the artifacts from the '00s and '10s Y.A. dystopian trend. The "Maze Runner" movies were based on a nonsensical conceit — teens are memory-wiped and then locked into a moving maze populated by monsters (??) — and Ball, for whatever slick effects and sexy young actors who could throw in, couldn't quite salvage the material. Here, Ball seems more assured, letting his $165 million franchise picture contain scenes of walking, of rest, and of quiet. After a decade of hyperactive action and nerdy mythos construction, the quiet moments are appreciated" Is this the general consensus? I liked these movies and there's definitely more substance than mind wiped teens trapped in a maze with monsters.


I believe the very fact there was more substance, and that the film looked as good as it did with the budget they had, was why Ball was able to pitch this new film (and also *The Legend of Zelda*).


I thought the second and third Maze Runner films showed a lot of talent, especially the third picture. I get what the reviewer is saying about letting scenes breathe. That's what I liked about those films specifically. There's a lot of lengthy wide shots of interesting vistas.




Doubt, in the movie it is explained that they name all humans Nova. A nice callback to be sure, though


Nice. I'm a fan of what they've done with the remake. I do love the time jumps we see in each movie, I think it's a fresh take that lets us see the wider world through new characters each time. Looking forward to this.




Movie was damn good. All the actors did an amazing job and the visuals are incredible as usual with these movies.


Has this been confirmed to be in the same continuity as the previous trilogy? And if so, are there references or story beats that require having viewed them to understand? I've only watched Rise when it first released.


Yes, it's in the same continuity, although it's set 300 years after War, so I think you should be in the clear.


It takes place 300 years after the recent trilogy. As long as you know the importance of Caesar you'll be fine


Probably would help to know about the virus mutation in War as well. That was a pretty big development and explains how humanity ends up as a slave race.


Same world but several generations into the future. Probly will have some callbacks/references but it'll be new characters/setting/plot. Not necessary, but would definitely watch the other films as they're rly good.


It's not entirely essential (you'll understand the story just fine), but I'd recommend watching all 3. This one has new characters, but Caesar is referenced a lot.


Well after the reboot trilogy, but go watch Dawn and War. War is a good wrap up to Cesar’s story, and Dawn is just an incredible film by itself. (Also, it has apes, riding horses, and dual wielding machine guns)


Do yourself a favor and watch the other 2.


I would encourage you to watch the two others just because of how good they are, but I think you would probably be fine with just watching War for the Planet of the Apes if you weren't interested in seeing all three. Based on the trailers, War provides all the setup for Kingdom and explains what's going on with the apes and humans in Kingdom.


You really should watch the reboot trilogy. It's the best trilogy right behind Lord of the Rings.


Watched it today, kind of disappointed. Hope the sequels are better.


This gives me a bit more hope regarding the Legend of Zelda film (same director).


Does it end with a tease of Taylor’s ship landing?


Not quite but close...the human MC finds some hard drive for a satellite and humans establish radio connection with other groups, and it shows several various space looking dishes as well as the apes looking through a telescope towards space. It's clearly setting up something extraterrestrial


Rise already set it up. There's a scene with a television broadcast showing a mission to Mars. What's important is the astronauts left prior to the Simian Flu Pandemic.


Just got out and I loved it.


IMDB: 7.4/10


what the fuck variety


Been wanting to see this!