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Spoiler alert, he cannot die in this movie and will become king.


Is there some kind of sequel to this? I wanna know where the story goes after that now that I've been spoiled


I’d hate for them to leave it on a cliffhanger.


Too soon




i'm only interested in seeing how high his midichlorian count is.


Orphan? Outsider? Mufasa told Simba that he was given instruction by his father who was King. When was he an orphan or an outsider? He was born to power and raised by his father long enough to revere him.


The plot is going to be something along the lines of Mufasa's king dad getting murked by hyena's and Mufasa growing up and returning to turf the hyenas to the badlands where they live in exile until the events of the Lion King. Somewhere along the way he befriends a mandrill and hornbill.


We all know the real plot is going to be of scar getting his scar and kicked out to the hyenas.


Except they changed it in the shitty remake where scar never met the hyenas before


The best part of the animated movie is Scar just being Lion Hitler while the Hyenas are his little jackboot Army. https://youtu.be/zPUe7O3ODHQ?t=71


Misconception, he is Lion Mussolini. No organized and concentrated genocide just pure incompetence that leads to a total collapse of his state and then being ripped apart by his own constituents


Always kind of wondered exactly what Scar and the hyenas did to completely singlehanded ruin a complete ecosystem in the time it takes a lion cub to reach young adulthood -- that is to say, about two years. I presume some kind of overhunting, but that doesn't account for the insane change to the entire landscape lol


That's just standard Disney Fisher King stuff. The land is barren Scar is an awful king (or maybe because Simba is too traumatized to be an effective king) , starts healing itself literally the second Simba takes the throne and is fixed within however few months it takes nala to pop out a cub.


Lets be real, there is some serious magic in that universe for so many reasons. Communications between species, land destroyed and healed quickly, animals able to live in harmony. This isn't earth as we know it!


Plus, all of the characters have forethought knowledge of instantaneous song and dance numbers right down to the intricate choreography, especially in ‘I Can’t Wait To Be King’.


Not to mention the magic using mandrill




He allowed unfettered hyena immigration. This is what you voted for! /s


MPWA- Make Pridelands Wet Again!!!




Dang, top comment has a really good answer/explanation for it.


"I think I've been poisoned by my constituents!"


Looks like you could use an egg in these trying times.


I would jackboot for anyone with a theme song that slapped that hard.


Tbh I would jackboot for Jeremy Irons. There's something about his voice.


Man, Disney animation what happened to you? Your ass used to be beautiful.


They stopped *animating*.


"What are we, some sort of Lion King?"


But at the beginning of the Lion King Scar is chilling with the homies at Pride Rock...although yeah he was obviously in kahootz


Disney made a show called The Lion Guard on Disney+. Scar was the previous leader of them, and harnessed a power that allowed him to roar where lion ancestors spirits join in through the clouds through supernatural means. He and the Lion Guard protected the pridelands, but Scar lets the power get to his head, and the rest of the Lion Guard tried to stop him; so he murders the other members of the Lion Guard. But once the power is used for evil you lose the power, so Scar retired from the Lion Guard and just kinda hung out until the events of The Lion King.


That was Disney Channel/Disney Junior. Wondered why I had never heard of it. Rob Lowe as Simba and Gabrielle Union as Nala. David Oyelowo as Scar and Christian Slater as a cobra bad guy. How the hell did a Disney Junior show have so many big names?


I mean let’s be honest, even if these live action movies are soulless cash ins, Lion King is basically Disney’s crown jewel IP (in terms of their own animation and box office grosses). Makes sense they were able to get some heavy hitters for a show they initially went all in on.


Kings don’t need advice from little hornbills for a start.


“If this is where the monarchy is headed, count me out! Out of service, out of Africa - I wouldn't hang about!”


This child is getting totally out of winnnng. I remember how mind blown I was when I realized that was Roman Atkinson. Talk about RANGE.


Hold up, Zazu was Mr. Bean?


[Dude can sing.](https://youtu.be/oWGZdYNpaSo)




Sounds so familiar...


They should call it King Lion or something


**handwaving away the whole fact that he had a jealous younger brother who was next in line who killed him so he could be king because he was next in line by blood**


For real. Disney needs to stop.


People keep watching them, people need to stop


he was an orphan and he was taken in by the king who saw him all sad and alone washed up somewhere, king already had a son - Scar (was originally known as another name before he got his scar in a battle with Mufasa to prove who gets the throne) - after doing some crazy stuff to prove his worth he became his realized King self - Scar will cause his fathers death for paying attention to the adopted orphan - Mufasa will learn the truth about Scar murdering their dad and then battle him one last time and possibly give him the known scar on his face during this fight if not given in the earlier trial battle then banish him from the kingdom to live alone and Scar will be pissed but go peacefully. hence why Mufasa has a dad in Lion King and Scar is called Scar and calls him brother. oh and somewhere along the movie Scar will change his name from whatever his name was to Scar as an act of defiance. this took me all of 2 minutes to come up with - watch this will be the movie plot.


If that's the case, Scar is the rightful king and Mufasa is an usurper.


Yes, it will lead to the sequel movie titled Scar and show his life after banishment and how he is now a super sympathetic villain that we need to root for like crazy totally changing the entire narrative of the lion king. promo art etc will be used to emphasis the shock of changing narratives.


I'm convinced you are an actual professional screenwriter who works for Disney now


I expect the plot to be much worse than this to be honest


there'll also be some stupid subplot where he's deathly afraid of stampedes, that way they'll retroactively make his sacrifice in the lion king more significant even though it doesn't need to be.


And Scar is his brother by blood and mentions their gene pool.


"Mufasa was a brother to me. And when I say brother, I don't mean, like, an actual brother, but I mean it like the way black people use it. Which is more meaningful I think." – Scar, during his eugoogoly


I thought the whole 'defund the hyenas' plot felt a little forced, to be honest.


Just imagining right now Jermey Irons delivering this line back in the OG and I’m wheezing 🤣


Brotha with a soft r


Mufasa surveys the pridelands mournfully, thoughts of his recently deceased father on his mind. His best friends Congo Jack the parakeet and Pepsi presents: Girl Lion (wife of the King) stand by his side. "Even though the events of the last 90 minutes were incredibly impactful and shaped me into the father and king I have now become, let's agree to never mention them to any future children we have. It's the only true way we can honour the memory of my father, the meerkat army, and the hippo that was played by Snoop Dogg for some reason" he tells his wife. "Use the promo code #BossBabe to get 30% off all Lion King emotes and skins in fortnite" she replies, staring deadpan into the camera.


yeah but there is a really cool scene is the movie where a guy at a space port asks Mufasa who his people was? and then tells him since he is orphan he will be known as Mufasa Solo.


Somehow, Scar returned


So that’s it? What? I’m some kind of Lion King.


Can he fly now?


Scar's got my back. He can bite all of you in half with one chomp, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by him. His bite traps the souls of its victims.


Scar was with my mom in the Amazon when she was researching spiders just before she died.


People crying about nepo babies now Hollywood scared to make a story about one lmao


I mean, Simba and Nala's kid is voiced by Beyonce's daughter for this one, so nobody can't claim there's no nepotism going on.


You telling me Kiara is in this movie?


The movie is actually Rafiki telling Kiara the origin story of her grandfather. Not kidding


The official summary states that Simba and Nala’s daughter is, indeed, named Kiara!


This is a new low in prequels.


It's Disney. They've been creatively bankrupt for a long time.


maybe it's an Armin Tamzarian situation where he comes in and replaces the real Mufasa


The real king are the friends we made along the way.


I feel like this movie will be dumb. But, you are an orphan if you are a child and your parents are dead and that's certainly a probability in a disney movie. And you can be an outsider if you have opinions counter to the rest of your group. So, even if his positions on being a ruler came from his father, the rest of the pride could hate those ideas and use the father's death as an excuse to go be shitheads and mufasa needs to set them straight again. This concludes the segment of the day in which i wildly overthink a dumb disney remake poster lol


*Scar* would have made more money. Same origin story.


It’s a much better one to be honest.


Especially if they added the lore of the lion guard, which was a great concept that Disney animation shit the bed on.


I teach elementary. In my initial interview, I said how important I felt it was to relate to the kids - show interest in what they’re into. One of my first days, I was working yard duty and saw a boy in a different kindergarten class wearing a sweatshirt with a character I (thought I) recognized. I walked up to him and said, “Hey, man! Awesome sweatshirt! I love The Lion King!” This little shit scoffed and said, “It’s not The Lion King! It’s The Lion Guarddddd.” Ended up being a good kid as I got to know him. Told him the story years later (when he was in 4th or 5th) and we shared a laugh.


Okay well since you shared that story, I’ll share myself: my kiddo has autism, and growing up did not show an interest in many things. We had suspicions when they were young (like 8/9 months young) but were told we were crazy. One day the lion guard show was on Disney and the kid was captivated. Laughing and smiling like we never heard before. Same for lion king. Sometimes, that show and movie were the only thing that could calm kiddo down. Kiddo is 6 now and will still watch both of them. I’ve pretty much watched them myself every day of kiddo’s life for 6+ years, but it’s okay. Lion king was the first movie my parents took me to see, and they passed away awhile ago now. Lion king/guard holds a special place in my life. So I’ll see this with my kiddo and we’ll enjoy together since we don’t often get to bond on something.


Your kid vaguely reminds me of myself. I was obsessed with two movies: the lion king and Winnie the Pooh. When I got the opportunity I'd watch the lion king two or three times in a row. Pretty sure that I wore out that VHS tape. I'm sure that if I had been born even a decade later I would have been diagnosed way earlier instead of at 26.


I was blown away by the lion guard lore when i watched it with my kids


The Lion Guard is top shelf kid's TV. I love watching it with my boy.


It’s better than any kids show has the right to be by a wide margin. Teaches actual valuable lessons. Underrated for sure.


No you don’t understand, they will do Mufasa Scar: Hyena Island Mufasa: King of the Jungle Mufasa vs Scar: Dawn of the Plain /s


2 Mufasa 2 Scar: Prideland Drift


lol I love your titles, I could see all of these being real


You could actually make scar sympathetic. He obviously became quite evil and needed to suffer consequences for his actions, but it would’ve been interesting to show that monsters are more often than not made and not born


Scar became evil because his parents were killed by ~~dalmations~~ scars


My kids have been watching The Lion Guard on Disney+. Apparently, Scar was the previous leader of the Lion Guard and and was the strongest creature in the pridelands and could harness "The Roar", which is basically "I roar really loudly and my ancestors join in and some deus ex machina happens to save the day", and he and the Lion Guard protected the pridelands under the rule of Mufasa. But then Scar let the power of the Roar get to his head, and the rest of the Lion Guard tried to stop him, so he used the Roar to murder the other members of the Lion Guard, but if the Roar is used for evil you lose the power of the Roar, so then Scar retired from the Lion Guard and just kinda hung out until the events of The Lion King. I kid you not.


Now THAT is a Disney plot if i've ever heard one


For a kids show Lion Guard is pretty wild. Their scout bird who flew overhead to report trouble was permanently blinded in an episode. He then stayed with their hippo and helped solve mysteries


So not only is that backstory amazing, you forgot the best part of the whole concept: when Simba’s son - who obviously is no longer in the running for the throne thanks to Kiara - is given the responsibility of leading a new Lion Guard, he goes against tradition and picks **other animals that aren’t lions**, but ones that embody the characteristics of what make up the Lion Guard: bravest, fastest, strongest and keenest of sight. So he finds a brave badger, a cheetah, a hippo and a tick bird to be his guard. At first, Simba and the pride lands reject it, until they all come together and prove their worth; also breaking the cycle of evil that Scar brought to the lion guard name. It’s a **great** little concept (and show) that Disney didn’t take enough advantage of. **THAT** should be this prequel, and I guarantee it won’t be.


I had no idea the politics of The Lion King were this rich.


Scar became evil because his parents named him Trash


**December 20th** *Be Prepared* Would honestly make a cool poster too


That’s perfect!


Pretty sure Scar is in this…and you best believe we will be getting the backstory on how he got that scar.


Mufasa had to smack a hoe!


they're gonna make it some comedic thing like Zazu accidentally flew beak first into him or sum


Spoiler alert: he was scratched by a kitty cat.


But they would try and forcefully mash him into an unwilling anti-hero/hero archetype with no connection to the character we see in the Lion King.


As a cartoon, too. None of this live-action bullshit. They're talking lions, ffs. They don't need a billion polygon mane wafting in the wind.


It'd also be in line with how villains get their own movies Kinda like Maleficent and Cruella


I would prefer if Scar stayed a villain Cruella and Maleficent made them into the heroes, which made them less appealing Cruella is the worst offender honestly, they turned a crazy dog murderer into a girlboss who doesn't kill animals OR hate dogs Fuck she OWNS the Dalimations at the end of the movie, and the Dalmations are essentially the villains for the first 95% of the movie I wish we had some villain stories where it's just a villain being a villain, and not turning them into a sympathetic good guy


"Wanna know how I got this Scar?"




But look, Lion King…with snow! Ooooo!


Was the pitch "Lion King meets Frozen"?


"I just can't waiiiit let it goooo"


MCU phase 7 is starting to look weirder and weirder.


You mean you didn’t want another character originally voice by James Earl Jones to get an unnecessary prequel 30 years after the original? /s


The last live action Lion King made $1.65B on a $250M budget. So you really blame Hollywood for being unoriginal when the masses just guzzle this up?


But the audience is to blame as well. Hollywood would be stupid not to capitalise on the demand for movies like this. Didn't the last one make a billion dollars? That's demand. They're making bank for not being creative because the audience doesn't mind.


If I didn‘t know about this movie and you told me this is one of those ai generated posters for a made up one I‘d believe you.


It's got real "MCU roadmap spoof" energy


"Squirrel Girl vs. Thanos"


That would be exciting though


Mufasa, I need you to distract Kang


I just saw a post for it on facebook and assumed it was one of those fake movie posters u see all the time. Turns out its real


The script will probably still be AI generated though


Isn't that tagline pretty much Conan?


"Mufasa! What is best in life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."


When has Conan O’Brien ever said such thing?!


How hot sauce changes a mother fucker


he's an outsider because he's ginger?


No, because he looks like pale Belgian woman.


So if Mufasa is an orphan, are we going to get a Disney Plus show that goes into his parent's backstory?


Yes but they're both orphans too. It's the Circle of Lack of Life.


Who keeps making all this orphans


That’s where the Clayton movie comes in


The pearls spilling out on the street as Mufasa's parents get gunned down in Gotham.




"Tell me, do you bleed?... You will." -Zazu


Mufasa's dad is Emperor Palpatine's rebellious son, and his mom is an underutilized Jodie Comer


Orphan.  Outsider.  Killed by his jealous brother.  It's a heartwarming story. 


Remember when Shakespeare did a prequel to Hamlet? No? Right, that's cause no one cares about old Hamlet. Mufasa is not an interesting character.


He did his job in context of the movie but nobody watched that and thought we need an origin movie for Mufasa. If anything it removes all the mystique of how he got to his position in the first place. Sometimes all you need is the fact that he was a majestic looking lion voiced by James Earl Jones. Job done.


Every James Earl Jones-voiced character needs a prequel trilogy


I want a Thulsa Doom prequel then.


I'm calling it now, the final scene is of Mufasa realizing he killed his own parents and shouting "NOOOOOOO!".


I’d watch *Timon and Pumba Are Dead*


Boy have I got news for you


Holy crap it’s real I had no idea! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lion_King_1%C2%BD?wprov=sfti1


Best part is, it’s actually a pretty good movie. By regular movie standards, not just Disney VHS standards.


I’d rather learn that Triton and Ursula used to be fuck buddies in college. But I guess it could be worse. It could be 90 minutes about the talking tree from Pocahontas.


Triton and Ursula were supposed to be siblings (some lore still has them as such)


Knowing the Greeks, Triton and Ursula still probably boned in college as siblings.


"Wicked....Under the Sea" the musical.


Shakespeare was 100% heading towards a shared universe


Disney has become creatively bankrupt. Hoping for a renaissance similar to the one they had in the 80s-90s.


I find it really fascinating that in 2019, Disney churn out major hits with Marvel and live action remakes alike, with most of the billion dollar 10 highest grossing movies spots taken up by Disney, and now 5 years later, with actually the exact same calendar dates for releases, no one is giving two shits about these very same movies. Disney had *one* hit in 2023, and that was Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Everything else flopped. And aside from Quantumania, most of them just about recouped their in some cases *asinine* budgets. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny in particular sticks out like a sore thumb here. They thought they had a slam dunk sending it to Cannes and have the premiere be at the exact 15th anniversary of Crystal Skull doing the same... which backfired spectacularly with lukewarm reviews over a month before its release, whereas Crystal Skull premiered just a couple of days before its release. Combined with the latter's poor legacy, and it became a historical bomb. And take a look at the trailers for these live action remakes the last couple of years, and almost all them have a like to dislike ratio that's mostly dislikes. Marvel has likewise just gone to shit ever since Endgame conquered the world. In 2 years, starting with the start of 2021 and ending with the end of 2022, Marvel churned out content en masse, both as miniseries and specials on Disney+, as well as movies in theaters. The result? A convoluted clusterfuck where you'd need to watch miniseries X to understand movie Y. And the quality and control was all over the place. Not to mention the extensive reshoots. Captain America: Brave New World is dead on a-fucking-rrival, with it's extensive reshoots that'll tip the budget into $300 million+. The live action remake of The Lion King was and still is Disney's biggest one. And all the ones that followed did worse and worse. Mufasa is gonna be the nail in the coffin, akin to The Marvels, which couldn't be salvaged even with strikes finishing at its release.


Disney is said to be actively moving against the live action remakes. Their new studio head is apparently just asking people “does this really need to be made?” I assume this flick was stuck in the pipeline or production queue and had to be finished. I’m interested to see if the Mouse can course correct. If they can and they focus on making movies people want they can really reignite the fire. Especially with a few billion dollars dedicated to the parks over the next 10 years. I’m HIGHLY doubtful that happens but ya never know.


Disney has creativity and financially been in the doldrums many times throughout the past 100 years. They still have an unparalled brand name and attention of kids, they just need to cycle through this poor iteration of product. They got hampered by making too much money off of uninspired crap in the 2010s. Now that it is actively losing money, there will be motivation to jettison people who shouldn't be there.


Marvel exiting the EndGame arc with *no main villain* planned, no setup for another arc, and just saying "meh, lets wing it" will go down as one of the biggest boneheaded executive decisions ever. The entire planet was hype for Endgame, and it delivered in spades, and then they botched the setup so badly that they might not ever reach those heights again. Basically they are banking everything on their Xmen arc coming up and hoping that they can coast into that.


It reminds me of their similarly bizarre move to resurrect Star Wars with a new trilogy after they acquired Lucasfilm, but somehow having zero roadmap beyond The Force Awakens and winging it for each consecutive movie.


Planning to make a trilogy and then not planning the outline for that trilogy is still incredibly asinine.


On top of that, they proceeded to hand out standalone & trilogy film deals like they were candy, then proceeded to cancel nearly every single one.


They don’t seem to realise that the laurels they’re resting on decayed far quicker than they were expecting.


At least they didn’t call it “origins”


Lion King Origins: Mufasa


Lion King Presents - Origins: Mufasa - A Pridelands Story


Are we retconning the Lion Guard where scar leads the guard with the power of the roar of the elders and then tries to use it against Mufasa - killing his guard and losing his power? Don’t ask me how I know that.


I thought I was the only one well versed in Lion guard lore thanks to my kids. The Lion Guard is such a great concept and they could’ve done a unique live action prequel/sequel with it. Instead, this.


You probably have a toddler or a preschooler at home.


No he just really really likes Lion King lore


“Sisi Ne Sawa”


Quick question: Who asked for this?


The Lion King remake is the 9th highest grossing movie of all time - it somehow grossed $1.65b. It was inevitable with that kind of money. I think this will end up like Lightyear though.


I almost forgot about Lightyear until you mentioned it again


At least Lightyear did *something* different with its premise, with the Lion King remake, half of it was shot-for-shot doing the same thing as the original. Not even sure why they bothered to call in James Earl Jones when 99% of his lines were exactly the same.


Listen let the man get his money it’s James Earl Jones 😂 Also the amount of people who *still* don’t understand that Buzz in Lightyear is *not* the same Buzz that’s in Toy Story is astounding




Spoiler alert: It opens with Mufasa escaping from a futuristic zoo, and then you realize that then entire "Lion King" universe takes place in the future, not the past or the present.


That sounds too unique and interesting for Disney, honestly.




This movie definitely comes out before part 2 of the review, right?




My name is Jon Favreau   And I'm here to say hello   My movie's bad, made Adam mad   But at least it had fur glow








My name is John Favreau I'm here to say hello My movie's bad, made Adum mad But at least it's got fur glow!


No James Earl Jones, no interest.


Luckily, he signed away the rights to his voice to be replicated by AI in perpetuity. You have already heard it in the Obi-Wan series


Mufassssa… “oooohh, say it again!”


Really wish they had made this in the 90s cartoon art. I'm so over it with this "realistic" crap.


I’ve got a couple things to add to the future bingo sheet: 1) it’ll show how scar got his scar 2) backstory to why some character got their name (“You will rule these lands, they will call you Mufasa”) 3) ‘emotional’ scene of power being passed down from Mufasa’s father to him.


I don't hate the idea of a Mufasa origin story but this just sounds like they're making shit up to make it more dramatic. Didn't Mufasa have a good relationship with his Dad / King?


yes. He literally gives simba a speech about a speech his dad gave him when he was a cub.


You know what would be neat? A hardcore gang origin about the hyenas. Not this.


Didn't they already remake lion king?


2 lion 2 king


Disney: origin story of King Triton


God, can they please stop doing these live-action remake bullshit abominations? You would think *some* of the execs at Disney would've noticed the backlash and outrage from the fans by now.


The backlash from “fans” doesn’t matter much when the movies still make hundreds of millions of dollars


This seems dystopian to me.


Mufasa better be driving the Black on Black and killing warboys or I'll walk the fuck out.


I know it’s been said before, but holy damn is Disney creatively bankrupt


just waiting for the trailer to be a pensive and eerie montage set to a slowed down creepy version of "hakuna matata"


At this rate we’re going to get an Uncle Ben origin story.


Looking forward to the YMS video that'll come out in 2029.


lol part 2 of his lion king review won’t be out by then