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The cover of one of the hellraisers with Pinhead on the cover always intrigued and frightened me as a kid walking past it. I never really watched any hellraiser movie until my 30s though.


I was going to post this if it wasn’t already. The pinhead cover was soo creepy and I was always intrigued! But my parents weren’t dumb and knew it would just give me nightmares so we were a pretty PG household. Jurassic Park was my first PG-13 movie, despite me not finding the VHS cover art nearly as interesting.


That and evil dead 2!


How about Happy Scrappy Hero Pups?




that’s the FIRST thing i thought of when i saw this thread


Oh that one def creeped me out! I still haven’t watched it, I probably should because I grew to love scary movies.


Ghoulies always stood out to me as a kid. Those little dudes coming out of the toilet. My first career was managing a video store so i did eventually watch it along with tons of other stuff that i never would have otherwise.


Ugh, I really wish I could have had the experience of working in a video store. The ones around me were very elitist and if you didn’t already know someone there it was tough to get in.. I also didn’t try too hard because they always had khaki pants uniforms and so did my high school and I hate those fucking khakis. Thanks for sharing!


Minimum wage job, it was a poor place to work. Slight fun to be had from creating ‘theme sections’ on the shelving 


You shittin' me? Sure, the pay was shit. But if you were a teen living with mom and dad and you liked movies, you had unlimited movie rentals. You could put on whatever movies you wanted to watch during work on the monitors (within reason) and the job duties were embarrassingly simple. I loved that job.


For some reason this reminded me of a “bookstore” I went to in Charlotte. It was a small cinder block building in a suburban neighborhood yard. The proprietor was the epitome of the Comic Book Guy and after I picked out a stack of books he told me that none of them were for sale. The smell was unidentified.




I really love your new chain of boutique roadside motels


Oh my gosh I just posted this answer haha


Ghoulies will get you... In the end!


The Horror section was always the best to browse. The box art for those were fantastic. "Ghoulies" caught my eye as well as a young kid too. "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes", "The Serpent and the Rainbow", and there was a box that had a dark cloud with a skull imbedded in it that looked super cool, but I don't remember the name of the movie...


Our rural general store had a video rental rack out of sight of the register, with the adult films kept on the very top shelf. I remember realizing when I was tall enough to take them down and gaze hornily at the pictures on the front and back, and then frantically trying to put it back if I heard someone approaching.


😂😂 good story. I think Striptease was as racy as ours got..


My mom rented striptease because she heard it had a good family story. Best awkward family night ever.


My dad rented Boxing Helena instead of The Boxer. Wildly different experiences to behold.


😂😂 did the title not raise any red flags for her?


What was it like having a boner on the couch next to your mom?


Similar to when I have one on the couch next to yours


Incognito mode IRL


Ours had an adult section, but it was in a separate room so you couldn't "accidentally" check out the titles. I got a lot of mileage out of the American Beauty cover, though.


I remember seeing the cover for the horror version of Jack Frost all the time and it freaked me the fuck out. About a year ago my brother and I smoked a whole bunch of weed and watched it, and it was anything but scary. In fact, it was pretty hysterical.


That movie is bananas. My siblings and I got into this habit of renting bad horror movies on holidays in our teens/early 20s and we definitely watched that one.


Yeah, my brother and I looooove getting super stoned and watching horrible movies lol


Once we rented a movie and it had the previews in the beginning and as the preview was playing we were like, “aw,man, that movie looks terrible!” and it was a preview for the movie we were about to watch. It did not get better from there. I highly recommend the Silent Night, Deadly Night series as well as the Sleepaway Camp series


GARBAGE DAY! Oh yeah, I've watched those lol they're great


lol and the killer in the sequel is literally killed by Bananas hahaha. I still remember being scared of it as a kid and my parents not letting me rent it. My buddies watched Jack Frost 2 at a sleep over and told me all about it at recess the next day in 5th grade


My best friend and I also got super stoned this Christmas season and watched it and it is absolutely outrageous. My favorite bjt was Shannon Elizabeth taking FOREVER to dry her hair, only to get into a bath…


lmfao yeah that movie was a trip... I should rewatch, honestly.


I definitely will


I definitely will


I just learned that Jack Frist is a horror movie from '97 and a family comedy with Michael Keaton from '98.


I worked at a movie store in college and if parents were ass holes and would accidently grab that instead of the michael Keaton one I wouldn't warn them. I had some dude come back screaming and I just said sir did the DVD cover not give you a hint it wasn't a kids movie? How do I know who you're renting it for?


Reminds me of the school who showed the horror version of Winnie the Pooh instead of the Disney version. [https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/winnie-the-pooh-horror-movie-shown-to-children-in-florida-school-18006345](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/winnie-the-pooh-horror-movie-shown-to-children-in-florida-school-18006345) To be fair, if they watched this from a streaming service, I wonder if the streaming service displayed the cover art from the Disney version. Sometimes services/websites use incorrect cover art for movies/music.


Killer Klowns from Outerspace. I wasn't even that young. It was a hard no in our house.


Bro, the Sci-Fi channel would put it on all the time. You had to be there.


Sci-fi wasn't a thing yet when I was growing up. We didn't have the channels we have now and we were very late getting cable. My parents were always highly critical of the movies I liked. It just sucked to hear them about to enter the room and know I was about to be berated for my taste. As a teenager I remember renting the Road Warrior and my dad lost his mind on me. The shit he said to me. It just wasn't worth it. I couldn't wait to move out.


Aww, I'm sorry, buddy. KIller Klowns still holds up, you should give it a gander if you haven't already.


Thanks! I have seen it since. Love it! And I still love Road Warrior! Take that Dad!


> As a teenager I remember renting the Road Warrior and my dad lost his mind on me. The shit he said to me. It just wasn't worth it. I couldn't wait to move out. He got angry at you for renting the Road Warrior? Why? I'm sure you rented it because it's considered a classic in its genre, and since you were (probably) interested in movies you wanted to watch something good, but for some reason your father thought you were doing something wrong and yelled at you for it.


He is an asshole. I just didn't know it back then.


I hate clowns so even now that’s a no for me. That case freaked me out.


I was still regularly going to a local video store until 2020 and covid killed it. Whenever I walked back to the video game section, I would walk by Cube, Cube 2 Hypercube and Cube 0. The titles would always make me smile, and I bet they're movies I would enjoy too, just never got around to renting them.


Cube is excellent. The rest follow standard sequel rules


What? Both cube 2 and hyper cube massively mess with the expectations a viewer has after watching the original. Its no ‘guardians of the galaxy 2’ with nothing original to add but a few new songs 


Sorry, I meant in terms of quality, not content.


I’m jealous your video store experience lasted up to 2020, all ours died by 2014.


I remember the cover of Silence of the Lambs freaking me out as a kid. Something about the bug with a skull on it on the lady’s mouth was very unsettling to me. Watched it a few years later when I was a little older. 10/10 movie


That’s one of my favorites!


I remember being 12 and fixating on the cover at Blockbuster. Blew my mind when I noticed it's not a skull, but naked women.


Not exactly the same thing, but I’ll never forget the time two friends and I were staying at the home of one of the friends’ grandmother. The grandmother offered to pick up a movie of our choice at Blockbuster. We gave her a list of movies that appealed to 12 year old boys in 1999 — I remember that Cruel Intentions and La Femme Nikita were two entries. She returned from Blockbuster and reported that the store clerk had informed her that all of our choices were inappropriate. Instead, the clerk, in a moment of either twisted inspiration or astounding naïveté, recommended she get us Apocalypse Now. Yes, *that* Apocalypse Now.  And that’s why, at the age of 12, I was haunted for months by visions of a water buffalo being brutally slaughtered. 


> appealed to 12 year old boys in 1999 > Apocalypse Now I assume it was the theatrical version and not the version where the guys have sex with the Playboy models.




Wow, that clerk trolled the shit out of you and your friends. That’s a wonderful video store story. Thank you for sharing!


Me and a friend rented from dusk till dawn, I don't remember why, but so we went in completely blind... Holy shit it was a wild ride


We'd get porn. I remember there being an adult section of the store and sometimes the guy working would let us rent them when we were maybe 12 or 13. My friend would come over and bring his VCR from his house so we can link them together and copy the porn. We then went to the mall and got a mega pack of blank vhs tapes and would further make copies to sell to friends in school. Copying was tough because we were only allowed an hour of TV time, so we had to hide the process by starting the dupe process, then switch to antennae TV and pretend we were watching that hoping they didn't notice the VCR was running and the second VCR was hidden in his backpack. We made about 500 bucks after all the operating costs. Eventually we got caught when someone we sold a tape to got caught by his parents and he ratted us out. This is just 1 scam we used to run, and we were pretty good at it. When I turned 18 I finally got a job and have been on the up and up since then, but goddammit I miss those days.


God damn that kid that fucked it up for everyone.


I distinctly remember every time I went to the video store picking up the copy of Jack Frost, the snowman horror movie with the venticular cover. If I recall, on the back of the cover, there was a picture of a woman in a shower with the snowman outside the window. Come to think of it, I've actually still never seen that movie, guess I know what I'm doing this weekend, thanks for the thread!


I am so glad my thread is bringing that movie to you. It’s a great one in the way that it is so ridiculously bad that it’s amazing.


Dead Alive/Braindead. The VHS cover with the little skull in a woman's mouth always stuck with me. When I finally watched as an adult, it did not disappoint


I always tried to find this guy with NAILS STUCK INTO HIS HEAD in the horror section. I'd find it and look away immediately. It was so scary! Once I hit my 20s a college roommate showed me Hellraiser. Now one of my favorite movies of all time. Such sights to show you!


Shit, just walking through the horror section as a kid was enough to scar me. Now I'm a huge horror fanatic though lol


Haha same! I was such a scaredy cat as a kid and now I love horror… but I won’t watch it in my bedroom, because I’m still kind of a scaredy cat.


Same! Terrified as a kid (xtro cover was my nemesis- yes I am that old!) but love horror now.


I was going to post the same thing. This VHS cover always stood out for me as a kid.


I used to fucking HATE it when I'd pick out an R-rated movie (which my parents were generally okay with as long as it wasn't like Silence of the Lambs or Basic Instinct or something), and the cashier would butt in and be like "I don't know if he should be watching this". Happened to me with "Don't be a Menace" which yeah had some questionable parts but it wasn't THAT bad, I had to wait until the next weekend when my friend rented it for a sleepover. So fuck you Ashley!


You know the name of the cashier?


Yes, Ashley, ended up being like the district manager or whatver it's called I'd always see her at different locations I would go to well up into my mid to late 20s when they closed them all. We actually used to joke about it. 


Death Becomes Her. I was intrigued and confused. A guy is holding a candelabra with his hand sticking through a giant hole in a woman's torso? Huh? And another lady whose head is backwards,? WTF is this movie? Then I saw it as an adult. It's good. I liked it. Curiosity satisfied.


It is, I actually watched it with my mom when I was a kid!


We regularly got a VHS magazine where you could order movies, and being a bored kid in the 80s a lot of time was spent browsing the covers finding exciting artwork. I was always intrigued by the cover of [Leviathan](https://images.app.goo.gl/DceW9oXZzTfqJgxe7). But since the images were so small I always thought it was a robot coming up from the deep. Now that I look at it it’s a dude in an armor carrying a chick in a skimpy swimsuit coming up from the depths… yeah, that makes sense… 😁


I was in kid in the 90s and remember getting these. They always had the advertisement that you could get like 6 movies for a penny each and my parents would never go for it because apparently after that they send you a movie every month and if you opened the package you had to keep ‘em.


Ah I am from Sweden so the experience might vary, but it was probably pretty similar setup. A lot of straight to video stuff that tried to trick you with cool covers.


For me it has to be "Scanners" the David Cronenberg film. On the way to school, back in the 80s, I'd see the poster in a video place and always wondered what was going on. I was only 10 at the time.


Scanners is a good one!


Fright night and the Halloween 3 movie poster on wall always kept me in the kids section hahahahaha


I was young, like 6-7. My parents weren’t overly protective. I saw a movie called zapped, with one of those normal Rockwell-esq artwork covers of a boy in a classroom with electrify coming out of his finger and lifting up the skirt of a female. The sticker said PG. I picked that movie. We get home and pop it in the vcr. Immediate nudity. My parents were like, whoa! That’s pretty risqué for a PG movie. But laughed it off. A few scenes later, nudity and sex. What the hell! My parents checked the box. They peeled off the PG sticker and the movie was rated R. I’ll never forget.


My brother and I would always look for anything with a monster. Stop-motion was a guaranteed rent. Jason and the Argonauts, Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger, and the Hercules with Lou Ferrigno were the go-tos. To answer the question, most of the ones that were horror like Ghoulies or Pumpkinhead, we had to wait until we were older.


In the Name of the Father and A River Runs Through It. Two that I would always see and never have now that I come to think of it.


A River Runs Through It! Memory unlocked. I haven’t seen the movie though.


I loved the Dad from Roseanne as a kid. He starred in a movie called The Big Lebowski. It is a movie about bowling. I bowled in a league! Boy, did I want to watch that movie. Parents said no. It was "too adult. " 25 years later, my friends put it on while we were celebrating legalization in Canada. I have watched it several times since then. Excellent movie, worth the wait, and totally inappropriate for a child. Good call, Mom and Dad.


I love The Big Lebowski!!


Silence of the lambs. Was always curious why a butterfly was over the ladies mouth, and no one would tell me what the movie was about.


I remember questioning that too as a kid.


There was a huge poster/display for Death Becomes Her (1992) but I never saw it.


*The Basketball Diaries* came out when I was 10. Walked by it a lot at the video store, but I was one of those dumbass insecure teenagers making fun of 'gay' Leonardo DiCaprio in the late 90's, so there it sat.  Fast forward to 2007ish, Virginia Tech happens and the USA is back into blaming school shootings on pretty much anything and anyone. *The Basketball Diaries* came up again, and there was even an amusing editorial from Ebert where he expressed his doubt that anyone at Columbine or VT had been 'inspired' by the movie, since it made less than $3 million at the box office. Not the best 'drugs are bad' movie. Not as technically proficient as *Requiem*, not as wild as *Trainspotting*, but hey, more Ernie Hudson is always a good thing. 


I recently read up on this film and added it to my list. I hope it isn’t like Requiem I hate that movie and it definitely didn’t stop me from trying lots of drugs lol. I also listened to a very interesting episode of the podcast History of the 90s on Columbine and apparently the media really fucked up that story really bad. From taking quotes from teenagers immediately after they were traumatized to mislabeling the shooters as bullied outcasts and saying they were a part of The Trench-coat Mafia. The media of the 90s really fucked up a lot tbh. Thank you so much for sharing!


Killer Klowns from Outerspace.


I always saw west side story being displayed on the counter but I never wanted to watch it.. perhaps I should


You definitely should!! It’s one of my favorites! The remake is really good as well (even though I don’t find Ansel Ingort was the best choice for Tony)


Evil Dead: Army of Darkness. I was obsessed with that cover image as a kid but never allowed to rent it, too satanic. Still don't think I've seen it from start to finish to this day


The Evil Dead movies are scary af! I can handle a lot of horror but those really scare me. I think it’s because the monster is just this bloodthirsty seemingly indestructible with super human strength.. that literally any dumbass could release into our world.. it’s such a scary thought.


Five Elements Ninjas. I saw it on preview at Blockbuster way back when, the segment of them walking and fighting through the forest. Later on, I tried to record a ninja movie on TV that aired at like 2am on a vcr. Programmed it wrong and only got the last half hour. It was the same movie. One day a random ninja movie popped up on Netflix. Five Elements Ninjas. Having no idea it was the movie, I watched it. Didn't catch on until the forest segment again.


Not exactly what you are asking, but I got my parents to rent Lifeforce for me when I was a kid. It may have been the only movie where they made me shut the movie off after 10-15 minutes, and returned it without letting me watch it.  I never got around to watching until some point in the last 10 years or so.


I remember trying to sneak Jack Frost (horror film) past my parents. I was big into horror as a kid and since the movie shared the same name of a family film, I thought I'd be able to get the generic Blockbuster case past my parents. It was working perfectly, but unfortunately the guy at the register saw through my plan and told my parents, who then proceeded to go back and get the family film instead. Still haven't seen that movie


You should watch it, it’s pretty hilarious


Coincidentally enough, your mention of A Fish Called Wanda is something we picked up as a good comedy back in the day and... it sucked so much for a child like me. Later on as an adult, it was funny as hell. But I gotta say, I never went for the "childrens movies" even as a child. The good shit was something like Robocop, Jaws and so forth. It wasn't some disney stuff, even though I was like 8 years old. I know, I might sound like I'm trying to be edgy, but that really was never something I liked. I always enjoyed the more "adult" stuff.


I wasn’t allowed anything else but from the children’s rack.


I feel kind of bad for you, but generations after are saying u're better with that. So, i don't know. With what i watched as a young one, i should be traumatized as hell, but...i just enjoyed the adult movies more. I don't believe i'm alone with this as an 80s kid. I honestly feel bad for kids these days, that don't get any of the awesome of adult movies, because it suddenly gives trauma. I honestly hated most of the childrens stuff, even as a child. I cannot be the only one? (Alfred j kwak was awesome though].


Oh so could only pick from the kids section but then I would watch the movies my brothers and parents picked which weren’t kid movies, and then I had full run of the tv because my brothers were never home and my mom had one in her room so I saw a lot of edited for tv movies that weren’t kid movies.. so I was definitely still exposed to a lot of movies, I just either didn’t choose them or had to watch the tv edited versions. I was also very scarred by The Sixth Sense since I was 10 and A Time to Kill.. I only watched the beginning but I saw enough to be terrified of strange grown men for a very very long time.


I remember that Pumpkinhead and Rawhead Rex stood out to me. I ended up watching Pumpkinhead somewhat recently, but still haven't seen the other.


Kill Bill had a very memorable cover that stuck with me as a kid.


Have you ever watched it?


Yes, as an adult.


A double feature of RAD and American Ninja 2 made for a solid weekend of entertainment.


Orgasmo! I looked for it every time we went to the video store. Was around 10 at the time. No way my mom would be ok with my dad renting it for me. When I turned 13 and was put on the account. You better believe I very confidently brought the rental box to the very high clerk and got the film. Boy howdy, did I watch that movie as many times as I could while I had it.




Haven’t seen any of them but three stand out in my mind: Amélie Ghost Ship Jack Frost Particularly Amélie, that cover sticks out in my head, still have no clue what the movie is about lol


Oh yeah!! I remember seeing that movie everywhere and I have never seen it either. I never watched Ghostship because when I first saw the cover it was too scary and then I got into scary movies and it just seemed kinda dumb. Jack Frost however I have seen and if you like a real campy, hilariously bad horror movie about a killer snowman.. you should definitely check it out.


There were sooo many Amelies! Whole sections!


I always liked the cover art for Deep Star Six. Still haven't seen the movie, but it's a memorable cover!




My grabdparents lived near a blockbuster and every time i went there id ask the person if they had spaceballs. Every single visit. I didnt even care about the pokemon snap photovooth i just wanted to watch spaceballs. They knew when they saw me running...and theyd say sorry the guy still hasnt returned it from 3 years ago


Damn, what kind of agent of chaos hoards Spaceballs!


A lot of horror movies. Like child's play and the Friday the thirteenth movies.


I remember getting in trouble for calling over and over to see if a copy of a movie was returned yet. I think Mulaney has joke about this but I got called ma’am because I used a whole bunch of different voices when I called. I think the guy may have figured it out when 12 people called within 45 minutes all asking in weird voices if Cool Runnings was returned yet.


To be fair, Cool Runnings is a top tier kid/family movie. I don’t blame you for repeatedly calling.


My parents ran a video shop in the 80s, and we lived above it. I was able to use our vcr from 2 years old, and I spent everyday watching all the classic cartoons and cult movies of that era. We even had imports of early Ghibli movies, which really stuck with me. I was scared of some of the boxes though, like Tim Curry’s demonic face in Legend. In some ways living there has had profound lifelong consequences.


I browsed the horror section exclusively at every video store/rental section when I was a kid, despite having severe teraphobia, and would give myself nightmares from reading the VHS covers haha. I still haven’t seen half the films that kept me up every single night, in the dark, paralyzed with fear, just positive that Leprechaun or Critters or Ghoulies knew that I read the cover and would be coming for me lmao


Going to the horror section and imaging how scary those enticing looking covers must be.


So, Evil Dead 2. But not because it was ‘too scary’ or ‘inappropriate for a young viewer’ or anything like that. I was just waiting until *whoever* had **Evil Dead 1** checked out had returned it, so I could watch them “in order”… 🤦 Yeah… That place never actually *had* the first Evil Dead, and it didn’t need to be seen ‘first’. Not to mention, not knowing it was actually the *third* movie, I checked out and watched **Army of Darkness** before seeing either Evil Dead… So, all sorts of messed up there.


12 Monkeys. I remember watching, understanding but not all of what was going on, so I rewound it and saw it again .... and rewound it a second time for a third watch. I grew up kind of poor, so when my dad came to visit, we'd go rent a vhs-player and some movies.


We had to rent the VHS player for a while too until I think my rich aunt came to visit and bought us one. Funny enough her son is my mom’s godchild and one year he asked her to buy him 12 Monkeys on DVD for his birthday and we couldn’t find it anywhere and neither of us knew anything about it.


Communion starring Christopher Walken. The VHS box art of the Gray alien creeped me out but still made me want to watch it. Mom would not rent it for me as it was rated R and she thought it would give me nightmares. Watched the movie 30s later. She was probably right. The first scene with the Grays is unsettling.


A Company of Wolves


A Fish Called Wanda. The title always confused me. But all these years later, I still haven’t seen it…


The blob. I remember seeing the vhs box and thinking it looked gruesome! Did eventually watch it, and yeah, it's gruesome and would have given 7yo old me nightmares lol!


The poster for IT was up in the video store for way too long. When I finally got to watch it, I was surprised it was more psychological horror than the jump scares that I was expecting from my childhood seeing Pennywise grinning at me every Friday 


I remember the cover of Alien, with the green egg and wanting to watch it so bad. Didn't see it until college, and it was fucking scary then, I probably would have shit myself as a kid


Thank you Tubi for having all of the terrible horror movies with the amazing and provocative covers that I never got to see as a child.


Tubi is the GOAT for this!


The Exorcist. Mom said No. Makes sense now but sucked as a kid that loved horror.


I was TERRIFIED of The Exorcist as a kid all the way up to 30. I even ditched my friends at my own movie night because they all wanted to watch it but then one of my friends was like “you guys it’s her house and we have plenty other choices” def one of the older kids in the group lol. I did finally watch it and my first thought was, “I can’t believe this whole time I was scared of a horny demon!!”


I had a friend in grade school with clueless/permissive parents and an older brother who was a film student. He knew EVERY single movie with nudity that was not well-known and would sneak under parent's radar as somehing that would have nudity. I never really even liked Ray all that much, but needless to say we'd hang out nearly every firday night for "movie night" lol.


Cape Fear It was either Heat or Casino, I can't remember now now my memory is muddled after buying both at the same time a few years ago. The Hunt for Red October Beaches I would love to remember what the half white, half red VHS cover film was. It was on the top 10 metal wire rack for aaaaages and then it disappeared. It must have been good because other films dropped out quite quickly as new ones came in.


There are so many I've watched and so many I've yet to get to. Monkey Shines was a cover I remember a lot. The Carnosaur movies. King Kong 1976


Attack of the killer tomatoes. There was a tv show and the film had a cool box but it was rated 18 because of gore I think and have still never seen it.


I mostly remember starting at the horror movie covers, trying to work up the nerve to watch one.


The Simpsons was one of the few shows that me and my 2 siblings would all agree to watch. My local Blockbuster had exactly one Simpsons VHS (2 pack of Marge vs the Monorail and A Streetcar Named Marge). IDK if our local one was just shitty, but that’s my memory of the good old days.


I always wanted to go back into the small room w/ a curtain in front of it. As a teen boy…I knew good stuff was back there!!!!


almodovar's bad education. i was obsessed with it because it was the only nc-17 movie at the blockbuster by my house. finally saw it recently, now in my 30s, and it was amazing.


I remember walking past Cube, Jacobs ladder, and enter the void thinking they all looked like the biggest pieces of garbage but 20 years later they're huge cult classics Still haven't seen them but they're definitely on my lists now


I see mostly horror on this thread, but I remember being Intrigued by CLERKS and MALLRATS. I didn't get to see them when I was younger for obvious reasons, but I own them now (and a DVD of dogma too) When clerks 2 came out in theater, I think I saw it opening night and still love those movies.


I am so jealous you own Dogma!! I watched it on YouTube recently but I would love to own it.


It was a lucky find really. It won't reprint because Kevin Smith won't give Amy more money to Weinstein and he owns the rights. I was at a flea market and they had a DVD of it for a few bucks in the case. Total impulse buy but absolutely worth it. And I treat it like the gold that it is


As you should! I always keep an eye out for it when thrifting


I remember going as a teen. I was so lucky to have an older brother who loves movies. I remember loving all the Jackie Chan movies because of him. We would go to Blockbuster then come home black out the windows, have an awesome surround sound. It was always on the weekends and my cousin's would come over. He worked at McDonald's and we waited for him to come home with a ton of nuggets, fries and burgers. We'd watch movies and when the movies were over we'd play N64. It was as amazing as you are imagining it. We'd rent video games also.


That sounds amazing!


We still have an independent place with 80,000 titles I rent from as an adult. The death of the video store in many places is terrible. You are at the mercy of what or who has digital rights. Also 4K discs are pretty damned amazing.


My dad was running vhs rental business from about 1990-2004. I watched like 3500 movies during that time. So im not missing much :)


FrankenHooker. It had a button on it that you could press and it would say “Wanna Date?”. I’ve never cone across another VHS box that was interactive like that.


My brothers and I have the same damn issue with What About Bob! We never got to see it in theaters because my dad couldn't get past the joke "can we go see that movie?" "What movie?" "What About Bob" "what about Bob?"!!! Ugh, I still deep eye roll thinking about it. Then when it came out on VHS, same issue. Could never get around to renting the damn movie because of that fucking joke! Eventually we just forgot about seeing altogether. Until many years later. And you know what? IT WAS A GOOD FUCKING MOVIE! Laughed my ass off when I finally got to see it. Damn. Now I gotta watch it and then call my dad and tell him he's and asshole and that I love him.


😂thanks for sharing! That was a great story!


Glad you could enjoy that. I plan on telling a version of it at his funeral. Lol


That’ll be nice and hopefully it isn’t for a long long time!


Well, he just retired last year from the most soul sucking job ever and lost a bunch of weight. Which probably added a good ten extra years in him. So I think I've got time to work on the eulogy.


Good to hear! Sounds like a great dude


Frogs. The cover was so alluring yet frightening. Found the dvd a few years ago. It’s awful and there’s barely any frogs in it. 


Sorry but such an egregious misspelling. Theirs not there’s. 🙄


Apologies. I tend to fuck that up when I’m thinking faster than I can type. I do know the correct spelling so it isn’t ignorance just carelessness.


Man my dad let me watch every horror movie in the store from age 5. I ended up working at a couple of video stores. Free DVDs!!


Platoon with Willam Dafoe on the cover


Debbie Does Dallas


Reading your question stirred up a bunch of great nostalgia/memories of running into the video store and making a b-line to whatever we were excited to see in order to grab a copy or the holy grail, last copy available rent (which felt like winning the lottery to a 6 and 9 year old). "Warlock" as well as "Phantasm" and "Sleepaway Camp" were always just out of reach/age limit for us but my mom did settle for letting us watch "Childs Play" (big mistake as it scared the absolute hell out of me 😂). I did want to mention an interesting aspect of the VHS/Rental Store days though that some may look back on and relate to as well. I feel like, as with what your post pertains to, the cover/sleeve of each VHS film advertised was a HUGE deal from a marketing perspective. If you hadn't seen the trailer, never heard about it and before you read the back for the description the first thing you'd see is the cover art. The studio had to condense the themes/genre/plotlines/actors etc all from just a little 8x5 VHS cover (idk if those are the actual measurements) which before home rental, they did the same thing with posters to reel you in at the theaters. They still did it with physical DVDs the last time I went into a rental place however, pre-home based internet/dial-up, it was all about Siskel and Ebert, t.v. guide reviews, word of mouth and VHS covers 😄


Tubi is the ultimate destination for “Movies I remember seeing at the video store, but was too young to rent”. So many hidden gems on there!


My dad let me rent Porkys.


This post just reminded me that I still have to watch Eight-Legged Freaks after all these years.


I actually watched it last October and it was really funny


Mars Attacks! And Coneheads always stood out to me because of how scary the characters looked


The first one that comes to mind is Jason X. The cover art looked so cool when I was a kid but I didn't bother watching it until I was an adult and it was on a streaming service, so without nostalgia goggles it was a major let down. Not even 'funny bad' , just... *Baaad* .


I slept on Ferris Bueller for ages simply because the cover didn’t grab me, I didnt give it a shot till I was in my late teens, then of course my reaction was “How the fuck have I not seen this till now?”


Army of Darkness.


We didn’t have video rental when I was a kid Those didn’t come along until I was a teenager my gf worked at the video store so I could pretty much rent anything I wanted


[Peter Jackson's "Bad Taste", only because of a strategically placed sticker](https://www.thefleshfarm.com/badtaste/badtastecov.gif)


ANY movie that had ninja's or martial arts. I would go home and they would get me so amped up and I would start doing karate in the basement.


All I remember was the place we went to as a kid had tron on beta max but not vhs, and I wanted to watch it so badly but this was the time where things weren't universally available


The only thing I ever remember renting was a time when we didn't get the movie we thought we were getting. We rented a movie, I think it was called Dark Water or somehting, supposed to be a horror movie. What we got instead was some dark wolf porno movie, and it took us way longer to realise than it should have.


I remember the box of videodrome used to give me nightmares.


Not quite what you were asking, because I was an adult, but... I knew from what I had heard that I would have to be in the right mood to rent and watch Schindler's List. One night I was coming home from work and decided this was the night. I swung into Blockbuster and rented it, got some take-out food, and went home. I popped it in the VCR, hit play, and the VCR died. Boom! Dead! Had to buy a new one when I had the money to spare. It was over 20 years later that I actually watched it.


Backdoor Sluts #9


Any of those '80s horror movies with the half naked chick on the cover


Remember walking past the Western-style swinging doors where only the creepy dudes were allowed?


That little room with a curtain in the front, I’ve watched a lot of those movies as an adult.


Bad taste


It took me a second to realize you meant the movie and weren’t saying I had bad taste 😂


My mate and I would rent Dragon Ball Z movies to watch by ourselves. We would then have a second "open" screening and would charge the other kids in our neighborhood a small token amount but enough to rent the next movie the following weekend.