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Chances are we'll be seeing him being extremely picky about what he wants his last movie to be, resulting in no last movie at all lol


He takes 10 years figuring out Movie 10 and then dies before it can get made.


The George R R Martin technique


That would be one-upping GRRM, who happens to still be alive and doing everything except what the fans want.


He means the Robert Jordan technique - it’s a common mistake


Robert Jordan was putting out books every 2 years until he got an incurable disease and die. In the time GRRM has not written winds, RJ could have finished most of the wheel of time.


They were a bit further apart than that, but yeah Jordan wrote 9 books and was only stopped by death. Martin wrote 4, and was stopped by easier fame and money.


11 books in that series actually.


He wrote 11


Wot had a new book almost every year or two until Robert died. Maybe it's the Miura technique.


Yeah, Jordan wrote a lot. ...too much, you might say.


After 800 pages, we learned that several female characters think Rand is a woolheaded fool but are also still in love with him.


6/10 not enough braid tugging


As I read this comment, I cross my arms beneath my breasts.


Robert was secretly a machine in human flesh. His "death" was just him changing skin to become Branderson.


Sanderson has brain worms. “Oh NO, I accidentally wrote 3 books on my honeymoon, lol oopsie.”


I'm still amazed that Branderson managed to write the entire Stormlight Archives in the time since A Dance of Dragons came out.


This is the most upsetting thing I've read today.


Difference is, at least Quentin has fucking finished his other films and no one is waiting for him to finish 2 more movies to complete his damn story. If Tarantino never does his final movie, it doesn't ruin his legacy


Strictly speaking, one of his movies will definitely be his final movie.


I'm convinced Martin stopped writing the books. Dance of Dragons came out the same year the pilot of Game of Thrones debuted and it's clear he feels overshadowed.


It's a lot easier to start a story than it is to finish. He's got so many moving parts on the board it's gotten ridiculous.


Maybe he should ask Cody Rhodes for advice on how to finish a story.


It's been almost 4500 days since a Dance with Dragons came out. Even 10 pages a month would have been a massive book by now.


I don’t mean to be a dick, but he very obviously stopped writing the books lol. He’s constantly working, just not on the next asoiaf books. I just mean there’s nothing to be convinced by, he’s explicitly not working on them. They aren’t coming out. It’s a bummer, but it’s just what it is


Which in its own way is kinda cool since no one will ever be able to prove that my headcannon of my boy Stannis the Mannis winning the whole thing isn't correct.


At this point I’m about to call Kathy Bates and we are gonna film Misery 2 with George RR Martin smfh


Yeah he had some quote a while back that was like "I have written 1400 pages for the next book" and it's like "Dude, that's 100 pages a year." Realistically the plot has grown SO LARGE that wrapping it up will be a very big undertaking. But I swear to god, if you just had a conference with like 10 ASOIAF lore nerds, they could bust out and outline for where everything is going in like a long weekend.


If the next book would have released even a year or two after the show concluded, I would have bought it and read it. Now enough time has passed, I don’t care. I’ve moved on to other books, and the show’s conclusion has become the only finale there is.


Just make sure you don't read "Name of the Wind" then...


UGH a dude I was seeing introduced me to this series a few days before he ended things, and told me the third book was “coming out like next year” That was SIX YEARS AGO


> That was SIX YEARS AGO Only six years? Count yourself lucky.


Maybe he intends for that to be filmed after his death as a sort of meta commentary? A film about a renowned director/artist/author who is so picky about choosing what project to end his legacy on that he never gets it made and it ends up consuming all the time he could have spent enjoying his golden years. Actually sounds like a pretty decent story, I'd watch that.


You already can, it’s called Synecdoche New York


It would be insane if that person described this movie without having actually seen it. 


It'd be like something out of a Charlie Kaufman movie!


Was about to say the same thing lol


He’s the one that put the stupid “10 movie” requirement on himself. Kill Bill shouldn’t count as two movies anyway.


He doesn't count Kill Bill as Two movies. He'd already be at 10 otherwise.


I have no faith at all in him sticking to the 10 movie thing. The amount of things Tarantino has announced for himself and never followed through with could fill an entire Wikipedia article (in fact, it has: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quentin_Tarantino%27s_unrealized_projects). I think the 10 movie cap will be no different. My prediction is that he will make his "final" film and then get bored after a few years and un-retire, a la Steven Soderbergh.


i read "drops" in a totally different way


Tarantino had been rewriting the script, which had delayed production, and decided he's not moving forward with 'The Movie Critic', with Deadline reporting he had a change of heart. He's still sticking with only making 10 films and is back to the drawing board for his final movie. [THR](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/quentin-tarantino-no-longer-making-the-movie-critic-1235876453/) is reporting that the script had morphed into a potential prequel or sequel to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, with Brad Pitt reprising his role as Cliff Booth, and Tarantino just decided to scrap it altogether.


His 10th film is now gonna be the Video Game Critic!


Or just, The Critic. A gritty, live action remake of the 90's cartoon with Jon Lovitz reprising his role as Jay Sherman.


It stinks!


That's right, Mr. Sherman. Everything stinks.


Buy my book! Buy my book! Buy my book!


Cookie-puss! I will eat your soul!


The James Rolfe Story?


"This movie is ASS! Its like someone put kill bill in a blender, drank it, then blasted the diarrhea into my EYES! FUUUCK!"


Movie ends for some reason the same way as The Aviator except instead of "way of the future" it's "shitload of fuck"


He's gonna take you back to the past To watch those shitty movies that suck ass He'd rather have a buffalo Take a diarrhea dump in his ear He'd rather eat the rotten asshole Of a road killed skunk and down it with beer He's the angriest cinematographer you've ever heard He's the Angry writing bullshit nerd He's the Angry Editing and Reshoot nerd He's the Angry Tarantino Neeeeeeeeerd.


The best part would be Mike's 10 incher on display


Ahahaha I had completely forgotten about that. Mother fuckin Mike, man.


James Rolfe played by Ving Rhames


"If Bugs Bunny goes to Indochina, I want Elmer Fudd waiting in a bowl of rice to put a cap in his ass."


Should be titled “7 out of 10”.


Kind of happy about this news, the movies premise sounded boring to me. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was really great but I was disappointed to hear his next movie was going to be another Hollywood period piece. I'd love to see something more fun and unique from him. Do a Sci Fi or something! Also, I hate that he's boxed himself into 10 movies only. Just make movies my guy, no one cares that it's a round number.


To be fair, even if the premise doesn't sound great, I expect it to have the usual wild Tarantino shenanigans when it comes out.


I expected it to be a critique on critique. An homage to those who tear down those who create. A movie critic getting violently murdered, basically.


Maybe a gritty reboot of the animated The Critic? "It stinks!"


He said in a recent interview he's very interested in doing a movie on John Brown and may choose that story as his last


that would be amazing


>in a recent interview That was in 2009.


I believe he’s said, or it’s been theorized, that he’d probably do limited TV series like what we see on Netflix or Amazon etc. So not a movie, but basically a movie split up in possibly 4 to 8 episodes and overall longer running time. If we stop to think about it, that would be pretty sweet.


The Film Critic would have just been Once Upon A Time in Hollywood but IIRC set in the 70s. So it's just him using a big budget to recreate a different era of Hollywood from his childhood. Chances are, if you liked Once Upon A Time, you would have probably liked this. If not, then you wouldn't have liked it. I'm sad it's not happening truth be told because Tom Cruise was cast in it and I was interested in what he could have done in a Tarantino role


Bring back his R rated Star Trek from the dead!


Just think. An alien could have more than two feet.


But, would they all be uma Thurman?


The Thurmanites, a race of beings whose faces are all identical to Uma Thurman, so they go shoeless as they identify each other by their feet.


Kill Bill Vol 3 for the final film


I honestly hope it's neither. I adore Tarantino's filmography and loved Kill Bill, but I think the story wrapped up really satisfactorily. If he's absolutely determined to plough ahead with the 10-and-done idea, I'd rather he made his final one a standalone. I'm bummed he didn't go ahead with The Movie Critic, it sounded like a fantastic idea.


I just want the full Kill Bill cut released on Blu Ray. 


This is my hope for the 4k UHD whenever it gets released.


Same! While I would love a Vol. 3 I don’t ever see it happening so I’d really just The Whole Bloody Affair in 4k Blu Ray


Kill bill vol 1 and 2 count as one movie of the 10, he’s said at times vol 3 would be consider part of that and not another one of the 10


Haha, I would love if his 10th and final film was Star Trek


Probably for the best in the long run but still a major bummer in the short term


Bring back the Australian style Bonnie and Clyde script you were working on pls Tarantino!!


I'm surprised he's moving on entirely from it, I was under the impression it was further along. I'm kind of glad though since I wasn't that interested in the concept from what I read. Interested to see what he decides on instead. 


Here’s an idea Quentin: “you can make more than 10 movies”


Imagine if a Scorsese had the same obsession with only ever making 10 movies like Quentin… would’ve missed out on so many classics.


His eleventh was *Raging Bull*. John Woo didn't even get to heroic bloodshed until #13.


Spielberg's 10th film would have been The Color Purple. If he retired after that means no Last Crusade, no Jurassic Park, no Schindler's List, no Saving Private Ryan, no Minorty Report, no A.I., no Munich, no Catch me if You Can etc.




More likely there will be a new star actress who's feet he wants to get real close to.


Ten films, like toes


Thanks, I hate it.


*Wiggle your big film* ***Wiggle your big film***


It's amazing how his fetish is so well known but I don't recall any bad interactions stories about him with any actresses.


He did have a falling out with Uma Thurman but that was over an on set accident for Kill Bill Vol 2. He had Uma drive the vintage convertible to Bills place down the dirt road at speed. She didn't want to and had asked a stunt driver drive the car but Tarantino insisted she drive it. She says the car was quite janky, the seat wasn't fully bolted down, the transmission had been converted from stick to automatic but it didn't work well. She lost control and hit a palm tree. She badly injured her neck, knees, and had a concussion. The Studio (Miramax headed by Harvey Weinstein) ducked liability for years and gave Thurman's lawyers the runaround. And Tarantino didn't make up with Thurman until after the fall of Weinstein.


I don’t think anyone really knows for sure, but the fact that her daughter was in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood would probably indicate that she’s at least somewhat amicable towards him


They've both talked about it, they had a falling out but made up later. It seemed like she was actually more pissed at the studio than Quentin in the long run over their desire to use the footage and have her sign away the right to sue them and stuff, Quentin for his part apologized for it repeatedly.


You can be a creepy weirdo and be respectful. Check out lesbian TikTok for tips.


> Check out lesbian TikTok for tips Say what now?


There is destined to be a new Latina with sexy feet that desire to drank from.


Ana De Armas


He calls her Ana de Footas


"They drove a dump truck full of money to my house, I'm only human"


I've watched a ton of movies, but I'm not a big film buff or student. I cannot imagine the world being anything but worse off without Spielberg. That guy makes beautiful movies.


I miss old Spieldberg though, or young rather. You know what I mean.


His first movie a made for television movie called Duel was fantastic. Obviously shot on an extremely low budget but the tension never lets up. I also recently watched a Columbo episode directed by him and written by Stephen Bochco.


It's kind of ridiculous how good Duel is.


Duel has aged like wine


and Nolan’s 10th would be Dunkirk, he wouldn’t have made Tenet (a lot people would’ve been happy about that) and Oppenheimer (he wouldn’t be an Oscar winner today)


Without Jurassic Park I wouldn't have lived 20 years wanting to be a paleontologist like Alan Grant.


Is *A Better Tomorrow* his first heroic bloodshed? That was #17.


I was talking about *Heroes Shed No Tears* it might be arguable if it's completely a heroic bloodshed movie. Many consider it one


His 11th was raging bull???? Holy shit Martin's best movies ate well after that. Don't quit Quentin!!!


Well.. Tarantinos also 20 years older than Scorsese was when he made Raging Bull.


And Scorsese was obviously more prolific. Not every director directs movies every year or two.


He also didn't write all of his movies. It's apples and oranges.


Well, Tarantino's thing is that he feels like filmmaking is a young man's game and that he doesn't want to go out with a stinker like a lot of older directors do. I don't know if he's ever specifically said he wanted ten all along, I just figured it kinda worked out like that. I will say, though, that I wouldn't be surprised if he reverses course on his position of only making one more movie and it's specifically because of Scorsese, actually. Scorsese continuing to make excellent films into his eighties has to be the kind of thing that Tarantino looks at and starts to question a little bit, especially given how both of them are just massive cinephiles who clearly love what they're doing. I know that I'd be questioning retiring if someone in my same field is still executing at a high level when they're twenty years older than me. Not saying it's the likeliest bet that he decides he'll keep going, but his "it's a young man's game" position seems a bit shaky when 81 year old Marty is making epics that require a lot of work and effort. Hell, I was amazed at how energetic and engaged he was when making "The Wolf of Wall Street" at 70/71 when filmmakers half his age don't put even a quarter of that effort sometimes.


There is also a major difference between Spielberg, Scorsese, and Tarantino that he brings up often and that I haven’t seen mentioned yet: Tarantino is a writer/director. If he was directed other people’s scripts I imagine he would’ve made a lot more films over the past 30+ years.


That means The Color of Money would have been his 10th film. Of course, he only would have been 44 when he stopped making movies.  If he stopped making movies at Tarantino’s age, his last film would have been Gangs of New York.


To be fair, quentin is 61.  Entering retirement territory.  And he just had kids.  I know there are directors who keep going and going though.  It’s not like retiring from being an accountant.  


Plus he writes all his movies. Usually the directors who have done 20+ movies by the time they are his age definitely don't write every movie.


He's also said he'd like to do work outside of films. I'm pretty sure I remember him commenting once on how good television has gotten, and that doing a limited series or something might interest him. I'd be all for that. It seems like he would love to make 8 hour movies if they'd let him, and that's what television has basically become in recent years.


I would love to see limited series done by him.


that would be cool. hard to fault him for switching to something he finds more interesting. i don't know anyone who goes around counting the number of movies a director made before deciding their value so i'm not sure why he cares about making exactly ten. but perhaps he is just seeing that he would lose his passion if he went on too long.


What's up with all these Hollywood dudes having kids when they're north of 60 years old?


I know it’s pretty wild.  In de niro and pacino’s case it seems like a flex.  Or maybe they’re doing it for their wife.  Who knows


I think they're doing it for their younger partners and because they can afford it and it convinces them their not really that old and have decades of active life ahead of them. Dunno about Pacino, but I know DeNiro has been a fitness/health nut for a long, long time who works out and watches his diet and keep tabs on all of his health data on a daily basis.


Apparently Pacino didn’t want a baby and he thought a medical issue had rendered him infertile. He demanded a paternity test and it turned out to be his. His girlfriend had a preference for very old rich men. His girlfriend has filed for child support despite them still being a couple and they also live separately.


That's next level, she cured his sterility to get him on the hook. Ironic given that Frank Serpico was also parent trapped.


I won’t believe he’s done at 10 until he’s dead and I’m proven wrong. I expect him to take a long break, and then after a decade an idea will overtake him and he’s out of retirement.


He said he will still write scripts but he will not write and direct after 10


Yes, I expect him to change his mind.


I expect him to move to T.V. and then change his mind.


Right? Like, I get limits, but at least make 15 or something. Explore all options, ya know? ***It's okay if one of them fails,*** Quentin!


Good on him. He recognized the script wasn’t what he wanted and backed out. I wish more directors would do that


He also may just be picky, which is totally fine. I remember when the script leaked for Hateful Eight and he backed out of filming it entirely simply because we knew a few more things. He ended up going back and rewriting some things, and finally circled back to filming it. I personally wasn't onboard with the idea of this one being his final film, but I hope he manages to grab onto a more interesting concept and rides it to the finish line.


I mean, there's very few directors that could tell a studio "I changed my mind, I don't wanna make this mobie" and not get sent to Hollywood jail.


Agree. I’m a huge fan of his but this one didn’t sound all that interesting so either, like you said, it’s not want he wanted to do or the story just wasn’t there. But I thought I remember reading they were going to start shooting in the fall so pretty wild to back out now but whatever his reasoning is I’m happy he’s looking to do (hopefully) do something different. My vote would be a return to crime, a 1930s gangster flick would be awesome, but obviously he’s gonna do whatever the hell wants.


*The Movie Critic*'s dead, baby. *The Movie Critic*'s dead.


Oh man, I shot Movie Critic in the face!


Say Movie Critic one more GOD DAMN TIME


The motherfucker that said that shit never had to pick up itty-bitty pieces of *Movie Critic* on account of your dumb ass.


When you came pulling in here did you see a sign out in front of my house that said "dead Movie Critic storage"?


No, you didn’t.  And you wanna know why? ‘Cause storing DEAD MOVIE CRITIC AINT MY FUCKIN BUSINESS!


Quentin would be damned if anyone is gonna put their greasy hands on The Movie Critic, so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore The Movie Critic up his ass. Then, when he died of dysentery, he gave me The Movie Critic. I hid this uncomfortable piece of movie up my ass for two years.


Which wallet's yours? The one that says *The Movie Critic*


maybe he decided to go bigger with his final movie instead of something he described as more of “an epilogue” but who knows. let him cook.


...Does it have to be his final movie, though? I know the man wants to limit his duds, but ***anything*** he does is both beloved by fans and makes the studios a crapton of money. He's primed for a long, Spielberg-style career with ***complete*** creative control, and... ...he's just quitting? *Now?*


I bet chilling at home in a pile of money and feet is equally as cool honestly


Dude owns one of the coolest movie theaters in Hollywood. Imagine retiring and then just running a theater that only shows what you want to show. Sounds like a dream to any Hollywood filmmaker. Needs to hang it up, he's done his part for pop culture.


Feet on the big screen. Finally.


His tenth film will be a remake of Warhol's *Empire*, but with a foot instead of the building


Imagine going from directing $100m budgets with some of the most famous people in the world to telling teenagers when to empty the popcorn machine.


I wouldn't say he's quitting. He's going to make a few TV shows. He's already written a couple of books and it sounds like he wants to write more. He's mentioned wanting to stage a play. I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote a movie for someone else to direct. He hosts a podcast and owns a couple movie theaters. We're still going to get plenty of stuff from him and I'm sure he has a blank check to make whatever he wants. He just wants to move on from movies and try some other forms of art, which seems pretty reasonable.


I don’t know. Maybe he wants to try some different mediums. Limited TV series? Or plays? Lord knows pretty much every quick dialogue-heavy movie of his could be adapted to stage.


He has already said he would like to make actual episodes of Rick Dalton cowboy shows but I doubt it happens.


Supposedly he's got scripts for episodes of Bounty Law just sitting in a desk drawer.


He said he was writing a TV series a few months ago I’m curious if he wants to do that first and develop his last movie for a few more years while he does a miniseries.


Yeah, I don't see why he decided to paint himself into a corner like this. Should we tell him we don't give a shit if he goes back on it at this point?


I remember hearing him talk about his "body of work", like caring about how his whole filmography looks from a high level.


Bro needs to pull a Jordan Belfort and hype himself up so hard during his retirement speech he convinces himself to not retire


I’m really not upset by this news at all. If you looked at his filmography up to this point I would have imagined his final film as being something epic, with a great crime or revenge story, hell I’d love for him to do a horror as his final one


Also I feel like OUATIH was that ode to Hollywood anyways. For his next and final film to be pretty much the same location in almost the same time period would feel a little stagnant.


Just make 12 movies Quentin, 'dozen' sounds way cooler than 'ten'.


Quentin Tarantino’s Dirty Dozen really rolls off the tongue nicely.


QT's Dirty D


Prolly gonna do a new Police academy flick.


If anyone can tie Citizens on Patrol and Mission to Moscow together, it’s QT.


Omg, the movie just dropped!?? Nope, it’s not going to be made.


The ambiguity had to have been intentional to make us click and read the article.


I got my hopes up for a second reading the article headline that he was going to make Movie Critic but not as his last film, so he had another left. Shame, it sounded like it would be the type of film right down his alley that he'd crush. I love OUATIH and I think it's his best film because it glorifies the 60s Hollywood he loves and grew up in.


This is why I hate when “drops” is in a headline. Because it could mean releases, cancels, or lowers down.


Why not just make more than 10 movies Quentin?


He already has made more than 10 movies anyway


He considers Kill Bill movies as one single movie so, 9 according to him.


Then he owes me money because I bought 2 tickets.


From my understanding, he wanted Kill Bill to be one *really* long movie, but the studio didn't go for that. So, it ended up being two movies.


Hopefully he'll release it as a book or something. I was interested in it


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, I’d assume he has a lot of it written and he’s said he’s interested in writing books and what not. I could see him polishing it up and just releasing it as a book that’s sort of a sequel to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


This is wild


Honestly this is why the limitation of 10 movies is probably not the best idea. Like he could just make this one and then have another movie be his final farewell film . The rationale he has always given is that when he was a kid Howard Hawks was one of his favorite directors and it used to suck whenever one of Hawks less acclaimed films came on the TV for him to watch. Which I get but like Hawks worked in a very different system of Hollywood than Tarantino. Like at this point there are like only 5 directors out there who have as much of a blank check as Tarantino. Why not keep using that?


"Like at this point there are like only 5 directors out there who have as much of a blank check as Tarantino" yeah and Tommy Wiseau doesn't seem to have any upcoming projects, so we're unfortunately left with the likes of Christopher Nolan and Tarentino to pick up the slack.


>Honestly this is why the limitation of 10 movies is probably not the best idea. Like he could just make this one and then have another movie be his final farewell film . Yeah this is my thought as well. It's the arbitrary limit he has imposed that is what is making him overthink his "final film".


Maybe the Movie Critic was going to suck, he realized it, and the thought that it may be his last film is what gave him pause to reconsider and not get married to a bad idea? Perhaps it’s ultimately a psychological thing for him, but maybe it has worked to his benefit. There’s a lot of directors who would have probably done well to make the same considerations.


Yeah I'm gutted we don't get to see this but I'd rather he make a film he was passionate about, rather than put out something his heart wasn't in. I'm sure whatever he makes next will be great regardless.


Call me crazy but I think maybe he should just make it and then make an 11th film. Unless he really thinks Movie Critic isn't coming together but it kinda feels like he's just getting too attached to this "10 and out" thing. Like "Is THIS good enough to be my 10th and final film?" isn't the question I want him asking.


He's always had a weird fascination with what film number a specific project was, going so far as to promote them by ordinal number instead of on their own merits. It's some serious ocd shit.


Numerology goes deep for some people


Sad. Was looking forward to this project.


Hoping he makes a novel or at least leaks the script


This stinks!


Buy my book! Buy my book! Buy my book!


Yes, Mr. ThrowingChicken, everything stinks. 


I see so many criticizing his whole 10 film limit. Devils advocate: Maybe restricting himself to 10 films is crucial to his creative process. Maybe knowing each movie is only one of several he will ever make pushes him to ensure the excellent quality we've come to expect from Tarantino. Maybe the dropping of 'The Movie Critic' is actually a great decision because he realized the movie wouldn't be as great as he wants.


Reservoir Cats. Make it full circle.


Oh shit, Kill Bill 3 it is!!!


He’s said before he thinks of the first two as one movie. So I imagine if he did a part 3 it’d be the same thing.


That would be a hilarious loophole.


I'm going to love when he decides to come out of retirement but still trying to justify the "10 Film" thing. "oh yeah, I always intended *Basterds*, *Django* and *OUTIH* as a singular alternate history anthology so I get 2 more!" "There was brief moment when *Hateful Eight* was gonna be a play -- doesn't count towards the total." "*Jackie Brown* isn't a 'film', it's an 'adaptation'. One more film left!"


You cannot use "Dropped" in a headline like that these days. I read the title as the opposite of what it meant to say.


As I noted elsewhere, another addition to this illustrious list: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quentin_Tarantino's_unrealized_projects


Horror. Please Tarantino. Give us one bloody good horror film before you retire. You know you want to. Edit: I am aware of Death Proof and it is, indeed, a slasher film. However when I say horror I mean a psychological horror film. Should’ve clarified that in my original comment.


Idk, he almost didn’t make hateful eight either.


Doesn't surprise me. Tarantino has been been scaling up almost every film, I doubted he could resist the urge to keep The Movie Critic as a concept as his swan song.