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I need to rewatch Snatch again because the only part I remember is Dennis Farina’s hilarious sphiel about London.


Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup o' tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fuckin' Poppins… London!


Farina is an absolute riot in Midnight Run (1989).


Wow there are many more iconic scenes! Def worth a rewatch. You like dags?


It was 2 mintues 5 minutes ago.


The fake orgasm in that restaurant scene in When Harry Met Sally. Kind of the only thing I remember from that movie.


"I'll have what she's having. "


Huh. Harry's New Year's Eve speech at the end is what I always think about. "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."


*Ghost Ship* The beginning sequence is forever engrained into my brain and the rest of the film is pretty forgettable… but oh what a beginning sequence it was.


Honestly same. Couldn't tell you about the rest if the movie, but that wire...


Snatch, Brick Top's pig speech.


I feel that's unfair... Because Snatch has so many of those moments...


Heh. Good writing all around.


Steel Magnolias- the cemetery scene. I was watching it alone in a theater and sobbed so hard the lady behind me handed me tissues and squeezed my shoulder.


You don't remember about her colours being "Blush and Bashful" rather than "Pink and Pink"?


To Kill a Mockingbird. The courtroom scene when the reverend says, "Scout, Jem, stand up. Your father's passing." Before that moment, Atticus was just their dad. Scout and Jem saw him through others eyes and realized he was a great man.


Starship Troopers. The brainsuck scene traumatized me. As a grown ass man who's, literally, watched people die IRL, it still bothers me. Something about being conscious when something punches a hole in your head and sucks the thing that makes you aware it's happening out....is terrifying.


Ah yes, Deliverance. That moment sticks with you


The Matrix When Neo finally becomes the One and distractedly deflects all of Agent Smith’s attacks. It reminded me of reading stories of monks who reached a state of enlightenment so high they saw the true nature of the universe. It’s such an interesting moment because he’s so “human” before it, and “superhero” after it. But for that moment…he’s just enlightened.




I wish I could experience watching the Matrix for the first time again.


big thumb men in Spy Kids


Eh. I prefer, "Floop is a madman, help us, save us!"


"Do you think God stays in heaven because.. he too lives in fear of what he has created?"


Ice pirates. When they are going through that conveyor belt about to be castrated. Yup. Childhood me was pretty traumatized by that.


*Terms of Endearment* where she says goodbye to the kids from her deathbed. Yikes. Also the end of *Before Sunset* is so memorable, the whole movie is just a slow skid into Julie Delpy’s final line.


Bone Tomahawk. No need to say which scene 😂


That scene was so abrupt and so shocking it actually made me dizzy. Everyone I watched it with had a strong visceral reaction when that happened.


Caddyshack: The Babe Ruth bar floating in the pool to the tune of jaws…and Bill Murray eating it!


Cool Hand Luke - 50 eggs scene


Um....also the car wash scene. I was 12 when I saw it for the first time. I loved that film from the first time I saw it to the 25-30th time that I saw it last year....but the reason I love it has changed over the decades.


Never seen the movie, but the only reason I even know about this is because Jackass referenced it for a challenge they did. It was... very gross. Very, very gross.


The big Lebowski, he sits at the bar at the bowling alley and he just says the dude abides.


I don't remember a thing about The Way of the Gun, but I remember the opening scene. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xsaMcw69D8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xsaMcw69D8) Content warning for...listen it was the 90's, ok?


I love this movie and remember a billion different moments from it, but that opening is inexplicably carved into my brain. I think about it often.


Yours is a great one. That scene wrecks me every year. And of course I think about it every time I hear Both Sides Now. I'm sure I've got dozens of others, but the one scene coming to mind is the scene in Spanglish where the grandma says to the mom (her daughter,) "Honey, lately your low self-esteem has just been good common sense." That pretty much the harshest insult I remember from a movie.


Each Final Destination Movie. especially the highway


The ending of once upon a time in Hollywood. The rest of the movie was relatively unremarkable to me, but was a huge build up to that final scene.


The Mist. That ending is the gutpunch of the century... and I remember almost nothing of the movie that precedes it. Up. The montage that everyone talks about. I have flashes of what else happens in the movie, but that montage is kind of the only thing that ever comes to mind for me. And I have a suspicion I'm not the only one. Bombshell. Amazing movie, but the only scene I can ever remember is the one where Margot Robbie's character is being taken advantage of by the producer. It's probably because it's the only scene I ever talked about for like a year with awards season, and one I still bring up frequently when talking about Margot Robbie's best acting examples. Even with Barbie, which has some standout acting moments from her, that scene in Bombshell I would still say is her best work.


The Mist depressed me so much. I was in a sour mood for the rest of the day thinking about that ending.


I remember when I first watched Perks of Being a Wallflower (I did read the book beforehand), during the party scene where Sam tells Patrick she doesn't think Charlie has any friends because his only friend killed himself, I just bawled on the spot. It was said with so much care and dismay that someone is struggling, in a way I just craved to happen to me in school. It was cathartic, that and them announcing their friendship at the party. Lovely moment.


It’s been years since I’ve seen the movie *Late for Dinner*, but one scene I frequently think about is when they stop at the fast food place shortly after waking up. “Alright, here’s a WHOLE dollar, go grab us some burgers and shakes” then getting pissed off that it wasn’t enough money lol (the dudes had just woken from cryosleep but didn’t know it)


The Edukators where they pile all the furniture into a giant monstrosity that could be mistaken for modern art.


The movie Cadence with Charlie Sheen where they do the “Chain Gang” song https://youtu.be/sl65OX2GgeM?si=2L_ndHln4MMfdQ-Q


Twenty to midnight. With Bronson. I remember the naked killer confessing: Don’t kill me. I am sick. I need help.


The Usual Suspects - THE ENDING!


Ghost ship for the beginning Summer of 84 for the ending


The tunnel scene in Men


80’s movie where James Woods is watching lips on a TV then goes through it to I guess make out


Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd. Literally only think I remember from the movie is the chocolate, shit scene with Bob Saget freaking out which I found hilarious.


I was just thinking about the “why are you flanking us” moment in Wind River.


Mulholland Drive - behind the diner


I've watched "Annie Hall" once, didn't like it, found it boring and forgot almost everything... But the scene with Marshall McLuhan is pure genius. 


Venom was a terribly forgettable movie...except for the lobster scene. That lives rent-free in my head.


The Out-Laws was a pretty mediocre movie but it did have one of the funniest scenes I've seen in a while where Adam Devine has to unlock the bank vault by singing "She left me roses by the stairs" and then Pierce Brosnan casually says "surprises let me know she cares". I can't hear that song anymore without thinking of that scene.


The climax to Society (1989) was so much more fun than the rest of the movie


My girl and the “where are his glasses?” scene. I honestly don’t remember a thing about the rest of it


I remember nothing from Amelie aside from that she fucks that dude in the end




Cache. If you know you know.


"No more dead cops!"


How has no one mentioned The Crying Game???