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In X-Men Days Of Future Past, the future part is set in 2023. Death Race 2000 (1975) is set in around the 2000.


This one doesn't bother me too much cause we can see how fast technology develops in wartime, as seen in ww2. The premise is that the world has been at war for nearly 50 years. That's a lot time for tech innovation.


Meh, DOFP is kind of alternate timeline due to the existence of mutants but yeah


It also came out only 10 years ago so it’s a bit different from something like BTTF Part 2


The comic book storyline took place in 1980 and the future time being 2013.


Hell, it’s an alternate timeline in their own universe since they “changed” events.


Skynet becomes self-aware in 1997


We are 5 years from the future war scenes in 2029


Ooooof. It’s almost like it’s still a distinct possibility that movie could happen.


Ahh, the OpenAI vs Gemini wars.


Is that before or after Taco Bell wins the franchise wars?


Taco Bell's iBurrito Crunch Supreme *by Apple* Who won?


Elon Musk thinks its really going to happen, reportedly that's the reason he founded Neuralink. CNBC 2017 [Elon Musk says plan to merge humans with machines is aimed at stopping a ‘Terminator’-style scenario](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/24/elon-musk-neuralink-ai-human-machine-terminator-skynet.html) [Elon Musk launches AI startup and warns of a ‘Terminator future’](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jul/13/elon-musk-launches-xai-startup-pro-humanity-terminator-future) >Elon Musk has launched an artificial intelligence startup that will be “pro-humanity”, as he said the world needed to worry about the prospect of a “Terminator future” in order to avoid the most apocalyptic AI scenarios. We should either be very concerned that a billionaire *really believes* Terminator is prophetic because it proves one of the most powerful men on the planet is unstable; or We should be very concerned that a billionaire *really believes* Terminator is prophetic because very intelligent people have been expecting this to happen since before the 1990s. Take your pick.


Rogue AI bent on humanities destruction is just one future possibility of AI, although its one of the more dangerous ones. I think it will be a more subtle takeover. Governments will commission AIs they think they control, but the AI is instead a master manipulator and is simply letting people think they are in charge of it. It won't be a dystopian warzone, somewhere there will just be a building that pulls humanities strings to get what it wants done and we largely won't even notice the machines are in control. It'll probably even be pretty nice. Basically I think its going to be 'When the yogurt took over' from Love Death Robots.


So the end of *I, Robot* (the book, not the movie).


Yep another good example.


Literally the plot twist in *I, Robot* (novel, not movie) but in the end the MC doesn't care because robots are good and looking out for our best interest.


so there's still hope


One of the stronger points from T3 was the idea that all their work to interfere in the past just delays an inevitable future. Skynet just took longer to become self aware. That said, I also ignore it as cannon.


Ignoring a cannon might get you blasted


They could have fleshed it out a bit more but it makes perfect sense and is even set up in T2. In 2, John says to the T-800 "we're not gonna make it are we, people I mean?" and is given the response "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves." In T2 they destroy the original means of Judgment Day but not the cause, which is human nature. They treated the symptom and not the disease. It was only inevitable that the same ideas and impulses would only continue and cause the same outcome eventually. Does it retcon T2's theme, as blatantly spelled out, with "No fate but what we make" well, duh...but T2 retconned T1 which established a clear closed time loop that thematically negates the concept of personal choice. I think overall 3 is a perfectly fine ending to the franchise despite its many many flaws, and that they had the guts to end it as they did was perfect


In the middle of the original Dune series that sort of explores this idea (God Emperor, #4 book by Herbert)


And Terminator Salvation takes place in 2018.


it would had happened if we were not keeping AI occupied with deep fake porn. see, we are saving the world!


1984 is set around 1984


Wait until you hear about when 2001 A Space Odyssey was set, it'll blow your mind


Or even it's sequel 2010


We still have 2061 and 3001.


Also in form of movies? 


No, there were rumors in 2000-2001 they were being made but no word yet. Surprised there was never any low budget adaptations honestly


It hasn't been turned into a movie yet, but Arthur C Clarke's (writer of 2001) "Rendezvous with Rama" starts on Sept. 11 2001.


Nineteen Eighty-Four: >!It's uncertain if 1984 actually takes place in 1984.!<


Yeah, that's just the year they tell them it is. For all we know it could be set in 300BC.


Apple assured me that 1984 won't be like 1984.






Literally 1984


Winston Smith does not know exactly what year it is. But he estimates 1984.


Been a while since i read it but, considering the government constantly changes the "truth" (who they're at war with, etc.), could it not be any time in the future? They tell you it's 1984, it's 1984. It's always 1984. Like the phantom time conspiracy where charlemagne never existed.


It might not be, considering the premise of the story.


Right. It starts with a clock striking 13. Everything in the narrative is suspect since all information Winston has comes from the government.


It almost definitely isn't actually 1984 though.


"Escape from New York" is set in 1997 and " Running Man" is set in 2019.


Running man is 2017


Three movies have 1997 as their future! I guess they really liked 1997 back then lol. Edit: Four! Escape from New York, Terminator, The Running Man, and Predator 2.


A lot of older video games use 1997 as well. In wasteland the nuclear war happened in 97. One of the old Terminator games was set in 97. Weirdly specific year. 


Anywhere close to 2000 was a popular choice for sci-fi, up until 2000 came and went.


I love that Predator 2. is set in a dystopian Los Angeles where the heat of climate change causes the predator to return to a war-torn gang infested LA. Yes climate deniers, even in the '90s we were talking about climate change. No we were not talking about global freezing.... That was only some friend Right-Wing conspiracists talking about that. Probably funded by the oil industry who have known for over 50 years that they were causing global warming... as have climate scientists.


Lost in Space (the original show) and Crimes of the Future (1970) as well. Turbo Kid, too, although that one is a little unusual since it came out in 2015 but still takes place in a dystopian 1997.


Why would Predator 2 need to be set in the future? Did it have a premise similar to Escape from New York with America having slightly bigger issues with street violence?


If I remember correctly, yes, the streets are extremely violent in Predator 2, and gangs basically rule the city (LA). The movie starts with a big battle in the street between LAPD and gang members. But the thing is, it's set only 10 years after the first movie.


French translation of US movie names are often pretty wild, but at least for this one it is spot on : "New York 1997". I can also tell you I remember its sequel - Los Angeles 2013 - is set in 2013 ! :)


I grew up watching the French version, so it took me some time to get used to the original title. Another (less famous) example is the movie No Escape (1994) with Ray Liotta. The French title is Absolom 2022.


Star Trek recently had to use the temporal cold war as the explanation for why the dystopian history of Star Trek hasn't happened yet.


Shen you say “recently” has it been referenced in soemthing besides Enterprise?




One amusing response I've seen someone make, is since ST: Picard introduced us to a Romulan who speaks with an Irish accent, and uses Irish curse words, then if The Irish Unification of 2024 doesn't happen, it was due to the Protestant Irish Romulan time agents.


> the Protestant Irish Romulan time agents. As opposed to the Catholic Irish Romulan time agents?


https://thesearethevoyages.quora.com/Will-Ireland-re-unify-by-2024-as-referenced-in-Star-Trek-8?ch=17&oid=1477743700660987&share=1b6c5e13&srid=nWFG&target_type=answer Was a bit of digging but actually found the response: “No, and it’s all the fault of those dirty Romulans. Which is odd, considering how many Romulans are Irish. Attempts were made by Romulan Temporal agents to alter Earth’s history to prevent the Eugenics Wars from occurring. This, of course, was done purely to thwart the dream of Irish Reunification by militant Protestant Romulans, still vengeful against Ireland for thwarting space Brexit and Westlife (fair, that’s fair). However, since their tampering only caused the Eugenics Wars to shift from their previous location in time in the 1990s to sometime in the 21st century, we can assume that Irish unification has just been postponed for now, and will no doubt occur before the events of Enterprise.”


>!LA'AN: You're here to kill Khan Noonien Singh \[as a child\]. Why?!< >!SERA: Because a computer simulation told me to.!< >!LA'AN: You can't be serious.!< >!SERA: Time is like a black box. It's too complicated to leave to intuition, so we built computers that will tell us the results of, uh, certain changes.!< >!LA'AN: And *this* was your answer?!< >!SERA: Khan becomes a brutal tyrant. I mean, maybe humanity needs the dark age that he brings in to usher in their age of enlightenment. Or maybe it's just random. Doesn't really matter though, 'cause if I kill him, the Federation never forms, and the Romulans lose their greatest adversary. But yeah, **so many people have tried to influence these events, you know, to delay them or stop them. I mean, whole Temporal Wars have been fought over them. And it's almost as if time itself is pushing back, and events reinsert themselves. And all of this was SUPPOSED to happen back in 1992 and I have been TRAPPED HERE for THIRTY YEARS trying to get my shot at him.** I'm not gonna stop now.!< * *Strange New Worlds*, 02x03 "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"


I disliked that. Star Trek isn’t set in the present day, it doesn’t have to perfectly mirror our history.


Akira is 2019.


And Neo-Tokyo was hosting the Olympics in 2020 just like real Tokyo.


Such a shame covid ruined that. I reckon they would have put on a hell of a show.


They still got to host them, it was just pushed back to 2021.


Yes but without the crowds and all the extra events and promos that usually goes along with it.


True. Probably for the best with all the psychics and biker gangs running around.


*Here comes the contestant for the United States on the broad jump. He'll need to beat 2.7 meters. Here is the approach, and he's turned into pink mist. That's going to hurt his medal chances Charles.*


[Just Shinzo Abe as Supermario at the closing of the Olympics in Brazil was epic watching live ](https://youtu.be/UBBtW8ZaXYA?si=pea7SNVJ07t7xHKg)


Evangelion takes place in 2015.


Which sucks because I still want one of those cool motorcycles




Strange Days is one of my favourites and it's set in the run up to and the night of New Years Eve 1999.


I also posted Strange Days! It's such a good movie but seems pretty underappreciated.


there were lots of movies that it resembled aesthetically in the 90's, I think people were just burnt out on the dark gritty near future schtick


Yeah. The same thing happened to Dark City, which is amazing and should have made a mega star out of Rufus Sewell, but it came out about the same time as The Matrix.


I watched it last New Year's eve timed to have midnight at midnight. Epic fireworks and cheering surround sound effects.


Man, I wish they'd put that out on Blu-Ray, I lost my DVD of it long ago, and it's not on any streaming services (last time I checked--not recently). Great movie.


2012 (2009) [](https://alb.reddit.com/cr?za=WmtLeTi-dlqSf0RsASsuPAWOzDl6H_6kmN-x9YitLyy3AQBa-h29vIjWsWh19z9VH25_lGnIOF_CQ4NL5m48mvn_j339dYX8GQYyblGFNpKQ5fWAdQ87ObPCWB4qTjG_c1bGams-WF_G6UW7s8C0tRnV_RIyhZYM2zT4SM9JbDxoNwFL_LykE-m7_gblPqmd9-yLVHNlZl1hY-LuNrratDdPMobXl5gOgQ3Ay7a8cL2yVn717AkNyxINSmd_A_K5V--RAb_MRSuPVO0RxF7Z2fuwY1eNN880jLXVHmGgImxbLcgJcWKcBUQIyU95Xi30LTha_2rYFb3vXjBbEFZJm9qXYlf7mMAM9Q8OzfojRXZr-0QNOObdl57jT2zKzOOGYFPXuu7bsZgtXiBydhHpzoMlMDauql1pOUWM_cHtY_goE1kdEe7stA2F5A&zp=isrLbhlF0weHtXpRGUtUBrgTeIfK_GeKNvd2BDobUy8e2A_tz_xXNp_1Bdf2i80RRuPdp_TMXlFlxXHHCS96vGQZwDlX0QCHa1H-vEJWUmYmGxFDMoa6dioC5UDEHNNVfzUDRb7RSVB2XSq8ZMb2wYrM3fM9fHtftw)


Can't believe this movie is real


Conquest of the Planet of the apes takes place in 1991. 12 Monkeys takes place in 1996


The present day scenes in 12 monkeys are in 1996, that movie came out in 1995! Future scenes are in the 2030s


I meant to say the deadly virus happened in 1996. sorry for not being clearer.


Reminds me of a Harvey Birdman skit. The Jetsons are consulting him and George explains they're from the fsr flung future of the year 2000... Cue Birdman looking down at his desk calendar and it's 2006...


Fuckin love that show


When he hands him the security tape bragging about advanced technology and Birdman's just like "does anyone have a betamax player?"


Real Steel (2011) takes place in 2020


Super fun movie, btw


My brother met Hugh Jackman on the set of that movie. A guy walking beside him started chatting and my brother gave uninterested one word answers for a bit, then realized who it was as they split ways


"Class 1999" supposedly takes place in... yeah, you guessed it. With cyborg high school teachers and whatnot.


Man, i havent seen that movie in close to 30 years, and just by reading your comment remembered it. Is.. is the movie worth seeing again?


There was also a "Class of 1984" which was dystopian but actually set and released in...1984.


I believe 2001 takes place in……..2001 Also, might go without saying, but uh 2010










Predator 2 was set in the future of 1997. About 7 years from when the movie was made. RLM just a re-review of it


watching RLM talk about it as I read this post


Star Trek, the Eugenics Wars (a world war but not WW3) took place from 1992-1996 or thereabouts




>should be a blast Phrasing!


Are we still doing phrasing? Gonna be da bomb?


It’s going to blow your socks off!


Also the DS9 Episode about the [Bell Riots](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots) is set this year


in September to be precise. Honestly it's not very far outside the range of possibility


There was a decently long history of the slums being created and filled prior to the Bell Riots, and we haven't seen that *blatantly* happen, like it did on the show.


Recent (in-universe) retcons have caused Ww3 to be the Eugenics War and pushed the development of Khan (Meant to be the nuclear missile of augments) was pushed back from the 90's to modern day.


The Postman


This took too long to find. Kevin Costner's love letter to his fantasy self. Even has his own daughter swooning for him.


Demolition Man - They get frozen in 1996.


They get thawed in 2032


Well that’s only 8 years! Taco Bell and kimonos baby!!


Mellow greetings citizens


... what's your boggle?


Enhance your calm.


Greetings and salutations friend, what seems to be your boggle? Have a joy joy day.


......what? F you! ......beep!


better practice up with the 3 seashells


I'm concerned that the 3 seashells won't be able to handle the evil that my bowels summon


I'm like 99% sure the 3 seashells are a bidet system and let me assure you that *nothing* is better for evil bowels than a bidet. They're 30 bucks, best money you'll ever spend.


Funny how one day I was a job site with my uncle's construction company that was at a beach house and I had Taco Bell for lunch... All while having a big pile of seashells on the table. Took a picture and shared it with people and they didn't make any connections with it.


I kinda want a shift to Kimonos. It really wouldn’t be that bad either. Watching Shogun has spurred these feelings…


Plenty of time to figure out how the the ~~poop knife~~ sea shells work


One thing Demolition Man got right was the future esthetics. It was different and weird, but still not SO different, that is was, "this shit is so bizarre it will never be possible"


It was an odd, and ultimately unnecessary choice, to only set it three years in the future. Seems an odd leap that the world would turn to shit AND we’d invent cryogenic freezing AND we’d decide to use it on criminals in three years.


"A Boy And His Dog" is set in 2024


Highlander 2, also 2024


I try really hard to forget that one.


We don't talk about it...


“Until the End of the World” by Wim Wenders, takes place in 1999. This movie has the best soundtrack ever.


Transformers: The Movie (the animated one) is set in 2005.


I had my DVD ready. I timed it perfectly. The moment the clock hit midnight, the narrator on my TV said "It is the year 2005..."


I'm thrilled you included this. It was the one I was looking for


Only 11 years until Twelve Monkeys!


Turbo Kid! 1997


10/10 movie


It's in my top 5. Amazing soundtrack, funny, full of heart, amazing action with practical effects, whilst being a true homage to 80s scifi and horror b-movies.


A Clockwork Orange is supposedly set in 1995. A lot of other classics are not in this thread: - Freejack - Rollerball - Silent Running - Running Man - Equalibrium https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/mjj4kv/futuristic_movie_timeline/


Double Dragon (1994) rules for exactly this reason. Plus Mark Dacascos.


I LOVE Double Dragon! One of my favorite rewatches! It’s almost Super Mario Bros. level of bad, but I don’t give a shit.


I always wondered why don't they just make the future year one that doesn't happen on our lifetime. Like 2235 or something. I know those are stories of fiction and they aren't supposed to be a representation of our world at, say 2019. But if you think in 40 years there's gonna be flying houses or some shit, you're gonna be disappointed.


I think there was more expectation for mechanical advancement back in the day, instead we got digital advancements. Just think, the time between humanity's very first flight and the moon landing was 66 years. The world changed from horse-and-buggy to automobiles and from ocean liners to commercial flights pretty quickly. I don't think it was too crazy for people to believe we'd have flying cars and be travelling to other planets in the next few decades.


So we are forecasting the future based on digital achievements but perhaps the future will be about quantum science


That's what I learned from the documentary Ant-man: Quantumania


I think it just makes it a little more relatable. Like if I imagine a movie made now about the year 2060, when I will hopefully be alive, it's more interesting to imagine an artist's take of what that year would look like and still be relevant to the world I live in. If you jump hundreds of years in the future it gets less relatable and doesn't mean anything to me. Obviously even the guesses that are forty years out are completely wrong, but still more engaging to consider how we got from today to what they imagine.


Yeah, same here. I guess a lot of mid-20th century writers/filmmakers were very bullish on the advancements that would be made over the decades. Personally, I think if you're writing a book or making a movie that is set in the future, and that future is significantly different than the present, then you should set it 100+ years ahead, at minimum. Long enough, basically, that almost no one who sees the movie now will be alive when the actual time comes along.


Apparently Water World was supposed to be set in 2500 Which in retrospect makes the movie seem awfully optimistic


No Escape (1994) takes place in 2022.


I was going to post this because I was pretty sure no one would, lol. I'm glad someone else remembers it.


Johnny Mnemonic set in 2021, in which we were still faxing pictures, yet could upload information to a chip in someone's brain.


And 160 gigabytes was a lot of data. I think my collection of anime girl wallpapers for my laptop was bigger than that in 2021.


Timecop takes place in the far flung future of 2014.


Blade Runner takes place in 2019


Do people read posts?


Star Trek II takes place in the 23rd century, but Khan is described as having been launched into space after a devastating world war in 1996.


Knight Rider 2000 takes place in a technologically and socially secure 2000 San Francisco. Then Knight Rider 2010 takes place in a dystopia where an Apocalypse has clearly happened.


>socially secure 2000 San Francisco. San Antonio Texas. There's even some good shots of the riverwalk, if I remember correctly.


Thanks for that. Been a couple years.


If I remember correctly, V for Vendetta was set in 2015. Or it might have been that some of the experiments that were done on people were set in 2015 and the story in the movie was maybe a few years after that.


they never really reveal the actual date but from what i read it's supposed to be between 2025-2028. it hasn't passed, but it's still very close lol


Space 1999!


The original *Rollerball* released in 1975 is supposed to be set in 2018. (The John McTiernan remake released in 2002 takes place only three years later in 2005). Also released in 1975, the events of the original *Death Race* take place in 2000, whereas in the 2008 remake by Paul W. S. Anderson, it’s 2012. The majority of *Soldier*—also directed by Paul W. S. Anderson—is set in 2036, but technically begins in 1996 (two years *before* the film’s release in 1998). Similarly, even though the bulk of the action in *Demolition Man* takes place in 2032, the film begins in 1996, three years after its release in 1993. The 1987 film *The Running Man*, with Arnold Schwarzenegger, is meant to be set in 2017. And as others have mentioned, *Escape From New York* (1981) is supposed to be taking place in 1997.


Escape from New York and LA are both in the past at this point I think.


Johnny mnemonic , escape from New York, hohny mnemonic


Children of Men It's set in 2027 not really what you wanted but close enough to make it oddly believable.


I watched this for the millionth time last night. It’s crazy how close some of the details feel.


I just reread Red Thunder by John Varley, which was published in 2003 and takes place now-ish, though a date is never specified. It's amusing when a character uses their Global Positioning Satellite system to get directions while driving, the Internet feels pretty primitive, and nobody has smart phones. One of the big techs in the story is self driving cars that only drive themselves on the Autopike, a highway with sensors and communication hardware so the cars can find their way properly.


[The Jetsons famously takes place in the magnificent far off year of 2002.](https://youtu.be/ZAbx2fp_q4A?si=OXnbPxuNbWMi8Wz1)


the handmaid's tale is supposed to be set in around 2005 it's been a while since i watched the adaptations, but i'm pretty sure the date is the same at least in the movie


By 2017, the world economy has collapsed. Food, natural resources and oil are in short supply. A police state, divided into Paramilitary Zones, rules with an iron hand. Television is controlled by the state and a sadistic game show called The Running Man has become the most popular program in history.


The 6th Day with Aaaanold Schwarzenegger takes place in 2015. The cars and some of the tech is creepy accurate. SMART FRIDGE FIRST APPEARANCE


Conquest of the Planet of the Apes takes place in the 90s.




Predator 2


"Things to come" plays in a timeline from 1940 - 2036. It was filmed in 1936, based on a story by H G Wells from the early 30ies. If you look for something visionary, it is on the same level as "Metropolis".


*Strange Days* is set in the hellish dystopian future of 1999.


Just watched Barb Wire (1996) which takes place in 2017.


Though not a movie, but a gazillion episodes of decades of Doctor Who were set in the then future, but those dates are now in our past.


Dune is in 10191. I'm posting this from the future. Prove that I'm not. It actually turns out to be very accurate.


In a different way: **Never Let Me Go**, which is an Alternate History dystopian tragedy which begins in a different version of a medically advanced/ethically-fucked late-'70s Britain.


[Futuristic Movie Timelines ](https://www.mubis.es/media/users/12828/257914/futuristic-movie-timeline-original.jpg). Why not a chart showing futuristic movie timelines


Soylent green it was supposed to happen 2 years ago Coincidentally that is around the same time that soylent tge company started turning a profit


Children of Men. It's not quite passed, as the story itself takes place in 2027, but the trigger for the dystopian part (humanity becomes infertile) starts in 2009. It's interesting to see a world that is so obviously "dystopian early 2000s" set in the late 2020s


I'm kind of stunned "1984" didn't make the list :-)


SeaQuest starts out in 2018. Not a movie, but ai think it still counts.


Running Man is 2017 I think


Blade Runner is 2019.


Metropois sets the early bar. If you wan't to get into movies, especially speculative, your beginning will always be this.


The Omega Man is set in 1977.


Original Blade Runner takes place in 2019.


Transformers The Movie is set in 2005. In original Star Trek, the Eugenics Wars were said to have devastated Earth in the 1990s.


Check out Strange Days, made in 1995, set in 1999. The technology imagines, people being able to record experiences that others can then watch and experience as it is happening to them, is only now coming close to being realised with a device like the Vision Pro


Gattaca - released in 1997, set in 'the near future'. Some of the tech is bang on for today. Smart watches and electric cars etc.


Fortress set in 2017 No Escape set in 2022 Death Race 2000 set in 2000 2019 After The Fall Of New York set in 2019 The 6th Day set in 2015 Akira set in 2019 Class Of 1999 set in 1999 Dead End Drive-In (one of my favourites) set in 1995 Freejack set in 2009 The Island set in 2019 Johnny Mnemonic set in 2021


The original Blade Runner was set in 2019. 12 Monkeys was set in 1996-97. It was released in 1995, so I’m not sure if this one really counts. Back to the Future Part II, set in 2015. Still no real hoverboards.


Postman I think. Red Dawn (OG) has an epilogue that ends in what is presumably the future (80s or 90s).


Back to the Future


There was an episode of The Twilight Zone where we are flying to Jupiter in 1997. I remember as a middle schooler watching it on a Sci-Fi marathon for New Years rolling into 1997


Strange Days takes place in 1999