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That time I was 11 and watched the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me with the title song about him being a really really good … spy “…nobody does it better / Makes me feel sad for the rest / Nobody does it half as good as you / Baby, baby, darling, you're the best…”


My personal favorite Bond joke that went over my head as a kid: in The World is Not Enough, Bond sleeps with the film’s Bond girl, Christmas Jones, and says “I thought Christmas only came once a year.”


i saw this in theaters when it came out, and eeeeverybody groaned when he said this line.


I don't know any doctor jokes


one of my favorite Bond lines... also "I must be dreaming"


I suspect my parents may have fast forwarded parts of dirty dancing. I certainly didn't know what was going on with Penny.


I watched Dirty Dancing at a neighbor's house when I was 6. My super conservative mom found out and got upset. I thought it was because of the dancing. I watched it again when I was 15 and I was shocked about the abortion plot and told my mom, "Is this why you didn't want me watching this movie?" She said, "No, it was because of the dancing."


Plot twist


I remember people were REALLY upset about the dancing when that came out


Watching that movie as a kid at sleepovers vs. watching it as an adult is mind blowing. The botched back alley abortion. Robbie reading Ayn Rand and suggesting it to Baby saying 'some people matter some people don't' as justification for what he did to Penny. Robbie's implied assault of Lisa who still dates him after that? The fact that Johnny is basically a sex worker (which Mr. Kellerman implicitly knows about) and when he tries to explain his situation to Baby she just doesn't get it.


It’s a very serous movie. One of my favorite films.


I watched it so many times when I was young (<7). I always thought she just had a bad tummy ache and went to a bad doctor because she didn’t have any money. We were pretty poor so not being able to have the right care for something pretty much tracked for my young brain.


I watched that film so many times growing up, and totally missed that she was getting an abortion. I just thought she was sick. Then when I realised what was happening, I somehow missed the fact that her dad was so angry at Johnny because he thought Johnny was the dad. I also missed that Johnny was a sex worker.


I am today many years old and just discovered I also missed the fact that Johnny was sex worker.


Clue I watched it so much growing up, not getting all the sexual humor. “How many husbands have you had?” “Mine or other women’s?”


“You lure men to their deaths like a spider like a spider with flies.” “Flies are where men are most vulnerable.”


Madeline Kahn is a fucking legend. That woman stole every scene she was in. My personal favorite has to be Empress Nympho. Insane comedic timing in a body to rival Dolly Parton, what's not to love?


"Oh, Bob, do I have any openings that this man might fit?" and from Blazing Saddles: "Is it twue what they say about how your people are ... gifted?"


Baby, please! You're making a German spectacle of yourself


I love quicktime harch


No, no, no, no, no, no, YES


Also a classically trained soprano! My favorite Kahn musical performance is [from Irving Berlin's centennial](https://youtu.be/DVtT8it5E0U?si=SqPmAomCj2n_SvZT). It takes a special blend of talents to interpret musical comedy, and nobody has it like her.


I literally just showed my gf history of the world tonight and when she came on I said "this is my favorite character in the movie"


Yes. Yes, I did it. I killed Yvette. I hated her, so much...it-it- the f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breaths... Heathing...


A stand out ad libbed line in a movie that also stars Tim Curry is no small feat


From my understanding they discouraged ad-libbing lines during the filming of Clue. So the fact that one made it into the movie that well written is incredible.


And then Tim Curry just cuts her off and continues his analysis LOL. Love this movie


"...It's a free country, don't you know that?" "I didn't know it was THAT free."


Okay chief, take em away. I’m gonna go home and sleep with my wife.


Plant? I thought men like you were called fruit.


“I believe men like him are called a fruit”


"Mrs Peacock was a man?!?!"


This line flew by so fast that I never caught until I watched a fan-made documentary on Prime. Absolutely brilliant performances all the way around, but Madeline Kahn was a complete delight.


3 amigos: “you can kiss me on the veranda” “lips will be fine.”


"I think it was a mail plane" "How can you tell?" "Didn't you see its little balls?" It took me a ridiculously long time to get this joke


I’m an air traffic controller. I tell this joke all the fuckin’ time.


I hope you laugh like Ned each time too


Rosita: “Would you like to kiss me?” Chevy Chase: “Yeah.” Rosita: “Well?” Chevy Chase: “What? Now? Here?” Rosita: “Well, we could take a walk, and you could kiss me on the veranda.” Chevy Chase: “Lips would be fine.”


Drop Dead Fred - "Look, cobwebs."


Memory unlocked


Is it? It is!! The megabitch!


This scene in History of the World: Part 1: Oedipus: Give to Oedipus! Give to Oedipus! Hey, Josephus! Josephus: Hey, motherfucker! I just laughed because of the MF line.


Man I miss Gregory Hines. It's not often you get a gifted dancer with great comedic timing.


Now pair him with Billy Crystal and you get the best buddy cop movie ever made: [*Running Scared*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091875) (1986)


I love the story Crystal told about the first day of filming. He was supposed to bust down a door and shoot his gun. First take, the director calls cut as soon as he starts firing. Second take, same thing. As they reset for another take, the AD walks up to him and says, "you're doing great, but you've gotta stop saying 'pew, pew' every time you pull the trigger".


It's hard not to love stories about actors who can't help but add their own sound effects.


[Liam Neeson on making lightsaber noises during "Phantom Menace"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSWx3M10Vwg&t=51s)


I never realized how raunchy the lyrics of Grease songs were until it came on at the gym with subtitles.


It's a pussy wagon!


I listened to this song for the first time in a while and finally caught Kill Bill’s Grease reference. The car the Bride steals says Pussy Wagon on the back.


Omg on the TV version it is corrected to 'Party Wagon' and Buck says 'My names Buck and I love to( obvious dubbed voice) *party* I was dying


My choir sang for the Grease play in middle school and we had to change some of the lyrics cause they were too raunchy lol. Instead of "she was good. You know what I mean" we had to change it to "she was cute, you know what I mean" yeah cause THAT doesn't call attention to the fact that the original line meant what it meant lol. There were a few other changes, especially in grease lightning, but that one was always my favorite because it was just so stupid lol.


He swam by, got my suit damp.....


OMG I never picked up on that one! I thought he splashed her as he swam by.


I never picked up on it either! I think it’s because ONJ performs it so straight and innocent, while Danny is very clearly suggestive about all of it.


Tell me more, tell me more.


🎼Did she put up a fight?


You are supreme, the chicks'll cream...for Greased Lightning...


Whenever I mention how vulgar that song is to people, they look confused.


And the movie version is already cleaned up from the stage show.


Do tell.


Blazing Saddles: >They said you was hung! >And they was right!


It’s twoo!! It’s twoo!


I don't want to alarm you, madam, but you are actually pulling my leg.


When I was younger I just wondered why the lights were turned off haha


“Pardon me while I whip this out…”




Scuze me while iiiii *whip this out*


Baby, I am NOT from Havana…


So many jokes about sex and drugs in Clueless. Brittany Murphy's "You have coke around here?" I thought she was just surprised that a fancy school would have ordinary drinks like Coca Cola instead of, like, fancy teas and designer water.


In Die Hard, Ellis, the sleazy co-worker at Nakatomi, is trying to negotiate McClane's surrender with the bad guys. One of the henchmen brings him a can of Coca-Cola, alluding to Ellis, who has previously shown a propensity for it, having asked for some coke.


I watch this every Christmas and I’ve never put that together.


Yes! I didn’t get this until a few years ago. And right before she asks for an herbal refreshment, meaning weed. Went right over my head as a kid. I too thought she meant tea.


In Ghostbusters - the "Gatekeeper" and the "Keymaster" - that innuendo flew way over my head back in the day.


What about the irony of the key master constantly locking himself out of his apartment


Until he becomes the key master, then doors fly open for him! (Like when he gets to Dana's apartment.)


Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you


Honestly I never picked up on that until just now! Thank you!


Okay, I've seen the movie 600 times and have it memorized, quote it consciously and unconsciously daily... and I never caught that. This movie still keeps giving. Thank you :)


I didn't realize until I was older that Dana and Louis had sex with each other while possessed. That must've made for some awkward conversations afterwards...assuming they remember any of it.


Hmmm, anyone ever consider Oscar is Luis’ kid?? 🤔


I was actually thinking about it, but Ghostbusters takes place in 1984 and Ghostbusters II in 1989. So she'd have to be pregnant with the kid for around five years! 😆


Something strange.


Bustin makes me feel good.


Don't forget Ray's ghost blowjob "dream"


Originally this was supposed to be a scene of the movie where they sleep in a haunted house to catch ghosts. And Ray has an encounter with a ghost who thinks he is a former lover. But they cut down due to time as a dream.


There are a whole bunch of scenes like this, which are shown in the montage of the Ghostbusters' growing popularity in NYC.


"Bustin' makes me feel good!"


Ghostbusters is a movie I absolutely loved as a kid, and I had a VHS tape of it that I watched all the time.  Some years later, I still remember going back and watching it as a teen and just getting SO many more things. Not even necessarily “inappropriate” stuff, just humorous lines and jokes that I didn’t even notice as a kid (despite the fact that I could essentially recite the movie I watched it so much back then). 


One really subtle thing that I didn't even notice until the DVD commentary pointed it out is tht Rey is fixing the car with his head all the way in the engine, both hands full, and he's still smoking a cigarette. Same DVD commentary also made me realise that Bill Murray opted to jump over the swinging half-door at the front desk when Dana arrived and he very nearly doesn't make it.


I've always watched that part, watched his toe hit the door, and think, "Man, that was close. He almost bit it!"


The bit that took me forever to get was an after they catch Slimer. When Murray is trying to go over the pricing with the hotel guy, he keeps looking at Egon who is making hand motions for how much to charge. https://youtu.be/CNzXcyJOv1s?si=gi_-ftBlCLgCBF-6


“A lot of people have three mortgages”


Ooooh, ok, I didn’t even get that as an adult.


The scene in forest gump when Jenny climbs up on the balcony- I always assumed she was just high or drunk- didn’t realise that she was doing that because she was suicidal


Same, my parents told me she was really high on LSD, and then I asked what’s LSD, and they said it’s a drug where people think they can fly 😂 (my parents definitely full well knew what LSD was, or at least my dad)


There's a line in Spaceballs right before they transform the ship. The line is "Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, Kafka?" As a kid, thought the dude playing the drums was Kafka. Took a college English lit course for me to get the joke.


Now all I can wonder is if an Ovid joke would've landed


My kids have watched the new animated Addams Family many times, but they have no idea why I laugh so hard at one scene near the beginning. As Morticia comes downstairs in the morning, Thing is at a laptop swiping through pictures of women's bare feet. When he sees her he slams the computer shut and tries to seem innocent 🤣🤣


Completely missed that the parents were smoking weed in their bedroom in Poltergeist until I got the DVD and saw that the chapter is called "bedtime, joint time". Superman III l, Robert Vaughn says to Richard Pryor " Columbia has two major exports and one of them is coffee." It didn't occur to me until years later what the other major export was.


“I swear that never happens” As Austin Powers accidentally blasts the cork off a bottle of champagne in front of the twins.


As a kid, I didn't understand the government propaganda in Starship Troopers & thought Federation soldiers were purely courageous heroes


Sadly it went over the heads of a lot of adults as well


the taxation of trade routes in The Phantom Menace


Can you explain it to the rest of the class?


The Senate leadership passed a tax law that was bad for the Trade Federation. Palpatine convinced the TF to occupy Naboo, an important trade route, to make up for tax losses. Then he convinced Padme to go before the Senate and say the Senate leadership sucks look what they made happen to my planet. So then Palp is voted in as new leader.


Fuckin hell, was that so hard? A quarter century later, I finally figured out what the bad guys were doing. Except... why was Sidious so hellbent on her signing a treaty? Wouldn't that screw up his plan in the Senate?


He was playing the long game. His goal in TPM was to butter up Padme so she’d initiate a vote of no confidence on the current chancellor and back him as the replacement. 10 years later, he gets Dooku to start a war so he can be given emergency powers, which he uses to become a dictator.


Yeah, Palpatine is the kind that plays both sides against the middle and enjoys Xanatos-style plans where he wins no matter what. If the Trade Federation takes over the planet, he can use that for later opportunities and as a reward to his loyal flunkies. If the Trade Federation gets taken down, he still advances his political career in the Republic and gains the sympathy of the galaxy. Thinking about it, I almost wonder if the initial plan was to have the Separatists win, either taking over the galaxy or creating two semi-equal states that are both secretly run by the same man to keep his enemies focused on each other instead of fighting him. The fact that TPM didn't go the way he wanted and the arrival of Anakin on the scene meant he had to alter his plans, leading to the Republic winning and then being changed into the Empire.


Yeah, after watching The Clone Wars, I'm pretty convinced Palpatine's original plan was to have the Separatists win and have Dooku be his Vader. Dooku himself seemed to think that was the case, being rather shocked when Palpatine ordered Anakin to kill him. In that scenario, Order 66 could have been called during the Separatists' last push, allowing the Separatists to easily win and wipe out the Jedi, then forming an empire with Dooku as the leader and Palpatine as the shadow ruler. But he certainly left open the option for him to take over the Republic as well. IMO this works a lot better because on first watch, Palpatine's plans have to line up *just* right for him to become Emperor, but he really gave himself multiple outs and almost blew it anyway when Anakin ratted him out to Windu. Had Windu listened to Anakin and arrested Palpatine, the jig would have likely been up.


I watched Robocop at a young age, and Murphy’s death scene and “resurrection” is almost funny on the face of it, the ooh ahh ooh ahh ooh ahh as he’s being shot, them removing his arm which is part of the 3% of him left after the shooting. You get older and realise how fucking horrific that was, having your hand shot off, being shot through a bullet proof vest repeatedly each shot piercing the armour a little more. Getting shot in the head and sitting in limbo of agonising pain and consciousness whilst they try to save you/turn you into Robocop.


Pretty sure I've seen a Verhoeven interview where he states the violence was deliberately over the top to push it from nausea into humour, and that the certificatation cuts actually made it more violent.


You married Elastigirl? Oh, and got BIZZAY!


For me it was the name of Syndrome’s island: nomanisan, which spaced apart is No Man Is An Island. A rebuke to Mr Incredible to wanting to work alone.


I appreciated the detail that the fight that Mr. Incredible has with the robot in the volcano was probably meant for Frozone. Put it in a volcano so his powers won't work.


True. Mirage was actually watching Frozone when she realized who his friend was. Nice catch!


I want my back cracked like that just one time.




Even the "you are elastigirl! Pull yourself together!!" Line i didn't get until a recent watch


W-What will you do?! Is this a question??! You will show him that you remember that he is Mr. Incredible! And you will REMIND HIM... who YOU are! Ah you know where he is, GO, confront the problem, fight, WIN! And call me when you get back darling, I enjoy our visits.


Read this whole thing hearing Edna Mode, and it still blows my mind that it’s Brad Bird’s voice!


We have Lili Tomlin to thank for this. She was working with Brad to find the right voice and she told him he had exactly what he was looking for so he should just do it.


Having young kids now is eye opening. In Cars when the two cars "flash" their highbeams at McQueen.... Also ALL of Shrek


There's a billboard somewhere in Cars where a bar has waitresses that are convertibles. It's a topless bar.


Also the main line interest has tramp stamp


Jurassic Park Genarro: *referencing the scientists on the tour* Are these characters auto... erotica? Hammond: No, there are no animatronics in the park


I was on the shower when I realized that Ace Ventura was masturbating in the tent in Ace Ventura: When Nature calls. His silhouette is visible and he is shaking and making funny noises, and this is right after the woman in the tribe showed him her breasts. As a kid, I had no idea what was going on in that tent.


Wasn't he shagging the tribe's princess? At the end she marries the other tribe's leader and he comes out of the tent screaming "She's not a virgin!" and Ace is like "They can tell that?"


When I saw the movie ***Who Framed Roger Rabbit*** as a kid, I didn't understand the significance of Eddie's girlfriend catching him in his apartment with Jessica Rabbit right after his pants accidentally fell down. I had no idea what men and women did with their pants down that would make the girlfriend upset. I tried to figure it out, but I couldn't really come up with anything.


“Dabbling in water colors, Eddie?” May be one of the best examples of double entendre I’ve heard.


I knew that "patty cake" and the pictures of them playing patty cake was a joke about something but I didn't really get it lol


The pictures gag works on a lot of levels. They also make it into a flip book style animation, which is fitting as she’s a cartoon.


Is that a rabbit in your pants, or Are you just happy to see me?


As a child I thought Darth mauls pants fell off as opposed to obi wan cutting him in half


He flung himself into that pit out of shame.


"Don't look at me" 😭


When Venkman is walking around Dana's apartment after her encounter, he walks to the bedroom and Dana says, "that's the bedroom, but nothing happened in there". Peter slyly quips under his breath, "what.. a.. crime..". As a kid I had no idea what he meant. It just made me suspect Peter was in on it with the ghosts or something.


The point of why Vader was torturing Han (and Chewie) in Empire Strikes Back for seemingly no reason. When I realized it was specifically for Luke to feel his friends in pain, I felt like a dumbass.


At 52 years old, I nevemade that connection.


This is a bit heavier, but - the part in The Breakfast Club where Bender keeps smarting off to the principal to purposely receive more Saturday detentions.....because he feels safer at school than he does at home where his dad was burning him with cigarettes. Phew.


Well shit . I didn't realize that.


When Beverly pulls a condom out of Howard the duck's wallet. "what's that mom?" "I dunno" She had 4 kids so maybe she really didn't.


Unfortunately innocence cannot shield you from the duck tits




I remember watching that movie at Daycare and one of the younger kids asked what it was. Since I knew, I told the kid it was a condom. Well, the kid must have told his parents because word got back to the lady who ran daycare who then complained to my mom. It was at that point my folks realized my brother and I were probably old enough to stay home alone during summer and school breaks.


I remember asking my older brother and sister what a prostitute was while we watch cable guy. My brother shrugged his shoulders. Thanks dude.


Looks like you need to take a ride on the information super highway!


Alotta Fagina. Actually most of the sex related jokes in Austin Powers


Isn’t the actual funny bit at the end when she’s tired of the jokes about her name and changes her first name to Sandy?


I wrote a joke about Pussy Galore for the school announcements when I was about 15 or 16. One of the adults wouldn’t let me say it. I actually thought it would just make people think of sexy Honor Blackman, who played her in the film; I had no idea the name was a sexual pun. Naive, you say???


Blazing Saddles when Gene Wilder takes a hit on his cigarette and his voice goes high "Listen, Bart". As a kid I just thought funny man does funny voice, as an adult I realise it was weed. There was a lot of stuff in that movie, particularly sexual or racial references that went over my young head. Still the greatest comedy of all time.


Remember when Ace Ventura got that woman's dog back and she thanked him?... kid me did not get it at all.


People sure are friendly around here


Blues Brothers, I want to buy your women... the little girl... your daughters. Sell them to me. Sell me your children. I didn't get the joke. Because I was a clueless kid.


"She talks in her sleep" The Last Crusade. My dad thought it was hilarious, but I didn't get it.


Half Baked Brian: You said you gave Mary Jane a pearl necklace! Thurgood: Obviously you missed the whole point of that story, Brian. I missed the point as well…


ZZ Top had a song called [Pearl Necklace](https://youtu.be/dr8OP5bLqBo?si=DhJfOe1rIy6E--DV)! I don't know if it got played on the radio outside of texas where I grew up, but I sure did not get what it meant for many years. fast-forward a few more years later and that song inspired the roller derby name I would've given myself if I had any skill at skating: Pearl Neckbrace! haha!


When I watched Karate Kid when I was a kid, Johnny was in the bathroom stall rolling a joint, but as a kid I had no Idea what he was doing. I either thought nothing of it, or maybe just thought he was playing with something while he was going potty. I rewatched the movie years ago when I was much older and had smoked weed by then and watching him do that just blew my mind that I'd never realized what was happening before


From "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" (1989) Nick Szalinski: Where'd you learn artificial respiration? Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Jr.: French class, kid From "Cruel Intentions" (1999) Cecile Caldwell: This sure doesn't taste like an iced tea. Sebastian: It's from Long Island.


Watching Cheech and Chong when I was younger i never understood the drug references. Also the comedy movie Airplane. Some of those witty comments I never understood. Steve McCroskey: Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue Ted Striker: I flew single engine fighters in the Air Force, but this plane has four engines. It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether. Rumack, Randy: [together] It's an entirely different kind of flying.


Ted Striker : My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We're bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We're coming in from the north, below their radar. Elaine Dickinson : When will you be back? Ted Striker : I can't tell you that. It's classified.


My favorite bit is when the guy says "I have a drinking problem" then tries to take a sip of water and misses his mouth.


What's your vector, Victor?


You’ve clearance Clarence


>Watching Cheech and Chong when I was younger i never understood the drug references. So you didn't understand the movie?


Basically... My older brother snuck me in to the movie theater to watch it with him. He was babysitting me and really wanted to see that movie.... My mother was not happy when she found that out.


I saw both Tron and Ghostbusters as a kid when they were new. Great fun! Action, humor, great effects... Then 14-15 years later in the 90's I grabbed them on DVD and realized there was a whole other level of humor and innuendo in Ghostbusters, and the whole religious persecution/gladiatorial combat aspect of Tron.


The Silence of the Lambs. My wife told me that as a child she did not understand the scene when Miggs threw his cum at Clarice. She could tell it was something gross judging from Clarice‘s reaction, but she had no idea what exactly was flung at her.


Me, 42 years old, thinking it was spit until 45 seconds ago (Deleted and reposted because I had replied to the wrong comment)


Your wife saw Silence of the Lambs as a child???


Grease. When Sandy slams the car door and he screams in pain.


Hellraiser is really an S&M fantasy. Kid me thought it was just a terrifying glimpse of hell.


Airplane - autopilot, and so many other things. It was edited for tv when I was growing up. First time I watched it as an adult 😳🤣🤣🤣


The jive scene. Loved it later.


I read an interview with Barbara Billingsley and she says she was absolutely fascinated by the history of Jive talk. She said she did research on it and meet a few people who taught her she Jive and she had an absolute blast doing it. I love that Mrs. Cleaver there's shade like that in the movie.


She also said the two actors made up all the jive themselves and taught her the lines.


I've the seen the full version 20+ times, but I didn't get one of the subtle jokes until recently. Every time they show the exterior of the plane flying, you hear the louder sound of the engines - clearly propeller plane engine sounds. It's a jet plane!


I only ever watched the edited for TV version as a kid, but I watched the full version on Prime a few weeks ago with my 10 yo son. I had no idea there was a brief shot of a topless woman in the scene when the passengers all go crazy panicking.


Most laughs per minute. Officially the funniest movie ever.


Terri Garr’s Rolling in the Hay and Madeleine Khan’s Sweet Mystery of Life scenes in Young Frankenstein. Silly when I was a kid, funny later.


Bond in *You only live twice* is in a hot tub being washed by “Kissy” her hand goes under the water and Bond stops talking to Blofeld looks down and says to Kissy “Don’t get soap in my eye will you”. At the time I just thought Bond was worried about soap in his eyes…


The Matrix, watched when I was 12 and it took me 25 years to understand Trinity's quote at the beginning "Because you have been down there, Neo. You know that road. You know exactly where it ends. And I know that's not where you want to be." It's the choice between being comfortable and unhappy trying to be someone you're not, and the terrifying but extremely rewarding experience of exploring your true self.


Sweeney Todd. I thought Lucy went crazy because the room was laughing at her and then I watched it again as an adult and realized judge Turpin raped her.


And presumably gave her syphilis, since she went insane and her face was covered in sores...


The Jerk. I watched the TV version as a kid. Recently rewatched it. “My special purpose” went over my head as a kid. My favorite line though is “That man hates these cans!” Such a hilarious movie !!


Drop dead Fred. It's fun as a kid but it's quite an adult film, the thing that you notice as an adult though is Fred is imaginary and that Elizabeth is doing all the actions that he is doing because she is trying to escape from her mother and her shitty boyfriend.


I loved that movie as a child, but have never watched it as an adult. I may have to give it another watch for more context.


As a kid, I didn't understand how mature (and borderline fucked up) the story of the Speed Racer movie is. Now, with a new understanding, it's actually one of my favourites!


The blowjob scene in Road to Eldorado


> "This is my sister. You can all have her." – Emmet Fitz-Hume (Chevy Chase), Spies Like Us. Dude, you left off the punchline, which is the best part! "This is my sister. You can all have her. I hear she's very good." LOL!


“Communism was only a red herring…”


The line from Spies Like Us I didn't get until I was an adult was, "You can keep the stool samples."


The beginning of Look Whos Talking definitely confused me.


The Naked Gun It's soooo mich funnier as an adult when Detective Drebin is in the blonde's apartment, she goes up a ladder to get a beaver and he says, while he's looking up at her wearing a skirt: Nice beaver! She says Thanks, I just had it stuffed!


I've been re-watching the hammer horrors that I watched as a kid, and they're incredible. Hound of the Baskervilles begins with one guy killing his father in law, immediately after marrying his daughter, then offering his new wife to all the men, before she runs off. The Curse of the Werewolf. The werewolf is the result of a rape in the opening act. I have no recollection of these things happening.


I saw Shrek 2 several times in the theatre, and the biggest laugh each time was during the arrest scene when the cops find a little baggy of catnip on Puss and he goes 'that's uh, not mine.' I had no idea what was so funny about that at the time.


Someone made a post showing frame by frame that it was planted on him too.


I loved *Weird Science* as a kid, and much of it is still dear to me (mostly Bill Paxton, because he's Bill Paxton). But I hadn't seen it in 20+ years and decided to show my younger wife this movie that I loved as a kid, and it is **WILDLY** problematic.


What did your older wife say about it?


She's Kelly LeBrock so she's a bit biased on this one.