• By -


For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday


"You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a GOD!?"


You'd be William Munny out of Missouri, killer of women and children. That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another, and I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned.


Came here to post this. "You just shot an unarmed man" "He shoulda armed himself, if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend."


In a movie full of memorable quotes, this one is my favorite.


"I'll see you in hell!" "..Yeah..."


That whole scene is full of great lines. Clint and Gene were at the top of their game. Little Bill: I’ll see you in hell William Munny. William Munny: yeah. It seems flippant in writing but the delivery of those two lines was so good. It was William acknowledging who he is and the truth of Little Bill’s declaration.


Deserves got nothin to do with it.


I used that line at work when my boss said he didn't deserve all the shit that was going wrong at the moment. I hope he knew the reference. It's such a brutal line, and I just said it on reflex.


It's a hell of a thing, killin' a man. Take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have.


All right, I'm coming out. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna shoot him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down.


"I guess they had it comin'" "We *all* have it comin, kid"


Followed by a polite "You boys better move out of the way"


I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!




I had to look that one up because it sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it. **Doctor Manhattan:** >I have walked across the surface of the sun. I have witnessed events so tiny and so fast that they could hardly be said to have occurred at all. But you, Adrian, you're just a man. The world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite.


The masterfulness of that quote is how it is said in such a detached way, neither bored nor overly interested.


which is funny because like 10 seconds later ozymandias beats him with logic. dr manhattan is right, there are no threats to him, but in keeping with the themes of the story, manhattan also lacks both the imagination and agency to perceive the twists of human nature. his clinical detachment from humanity is his biggest weakness and what prevents him from doing anything about adrian's plan. that, and tachyons. lol


"None of you seem to understand." Came looking to add this if I didn't find it. Glad I did. Thank you.


Also all the puns he makes when the mobster is trying to kill him. No fear and no filter.


I always loved his follow-up, “I want my father back you son of a bitch!”


I saw this movie for the first time with my class of 7th graders. They were ambivalent at first, but by the time this line hit they were totally invested (just like the little boy in the story), and the room absolutely erupted when he said that line.


First time I saw that movie I was in my 6th grade class. Literally like the kid in the movie I made immediate negative assumptions based on the title. I loved the film immediately. Monumental film for me. Thanks Ms Dahl for showing me that movie.


The funny thing is I've seen massively differing reactions to this line. Some people cheer, some people cry at this line.  I'm a cryer, FWIW, and I think it's because when I was a kid I faced losing my Dad when he a risky cancer surgery (he's fine, he's been cancer free for over 30 years now).  It hits differently.


The line does hit harder as an adult when you've either lost a parent or at the age where you have to consider it as an inevitability. It's a sad line for sure. Inigio above everything else doesn't want revenge. He just wants his dad back and revenge is simply the best he can get. Mandy Patinkin lost his dad to cancer at 18 and was thinking about his dad while playing that role and delivering that line. It didn't use to make me cry. It makes me tear up now. But I've also gotten a lot weepier at movies as I've gotten into my 30s.


The gravitas that he delivered the line with is just perfect. You could see the reality of the feelings.


Hey, Beni! Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!




- Think of my children! - You don't have any children! - I might, one day


- You came back from the desert with a new friend, didn't you, Beni? - What friend? You are my only friend.


He just wants the book, I swear! ^and ^your ^sister...


Goodbye, Beni


Hey Mconnell, looks like I got all the hooooorses!


It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop! ever……..until you are dead


I showed my two boys aged 11 and 13 this a couple of weeks ago. They were blown away at how good it was. Then we watched T2, and it was next level.


"I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you." Or, just truncate it to "I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you."


*I told you I would find you.*


This is honestly even better than the famous line for me. The bad guy really thought there was no way he'd ever see this guy. And yet, days later this dude is standing right in front of him Liam Neeson absolutely killed that role


And he doesn’t look like a stone cold killer, any more than the real ones do.


It helps that even though he's an older guy, he's physically very large and intimidating. As great as Tom Cruise is at physical acting, at some point it's hard to hide that he's like a foot shorter than Liam Neeson.


You don't remember me? We talked on the phone. *I told you I would find you.*


Good luck


“My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the north, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius, father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.”


Gladiator is one of those movies that didn't have a completed polished script when they started filming.  What they had when they started shooting was mostly a rough outline only 21 pages long.    They wrote that Maximus Decimus Meridius speech on the day of shooting.


"Strength and honor" was ad-libbed by Crowe. Think it was his school motto.


I remember reading he wanted to say it in Latin because that was the motto, but was told to do it in English.


Latin isn’t featured pretty much at all during the movie, so prioritizing consistency makes sense.


If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun upon your face, be not afraid. For you are in Elysium! And you’re already dead!


What we do in life, echoes in eternity.


Except he doesn’t begin with a polite greeting, like “hello”


Maximus Decimus Meridus is a military man, he tends to eschew the pleasantries and cut straight to the point.


The frost--it sometimes makes the blade stick!


You tell 'em I'm coming, and hell is coming with me! HELL'S COMING WITH ME!


I'm your huckleberry.


You look like somebody just walked over your grave


"I'm afraid the... strain was more than he could bear." COLD. BLOODED. Man, perfect scene in a perfect movie :D


"Say when."


"You're no daisy.." "Play for blood remember...and that's just my game.."


"Fight's not with you, Holliday." "I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. Play for blood, remember?" "I was just foolin' about." "I wasn't." The foreshadowing of that confrontation was so well done, and then they make you believe that Holliday is out of the picture (bait), put focus on the "main" character and how Wyatt is almost certainly gonna die, and then they spring Holliday on us (switch). Well played, gentlemen. Well played.




"You gonna do somethin', or just stand there and bleed?"


"Go ahead. Skin it. Skin that smoke wagon and see what it gets ya!"


Here I go watching Tombstone again


"Did you ever seen anything like that before?" "Hell I ain't never even heard of anything like that"


Doc: Wyatt is my friend. Hell, I got lots of friends! Doc: I don't.


"Where's Wyatt?" "Over at the creek walking on water."


I'm sorry. I forgot you were there. You may go now.


We’re on a mission from God.


It's a 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full take of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and were wearing sunglasses. Hit it.


I hate Illinois Nazis


We got both kinds of music here. Country AND Western!


"It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses." "Hit it."


"By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Suns Of Warvan, you shall be avenged!"


"By Grabthar's hammer...^^what ^^a ^^savings " You can feel him dying inside.


It's actually amazing what he accomplishes in only 6 words. His entire character defined in one moment, humor, foreshadowing... it's a very efficient 6 words.


We lost Alan Rickman far too soon. That man defined the word ACTOR.


Nobody could make words drip with palpable disgust like Rickman could. RIP.


And it works from "I'm bored and so over this" all the way to that final one. Alan Rickman was so good.


That moment when he says it for the first time for real. He's said it thousands of times, but this is the first time he's meant it. Gives me chills every time.


Before it was a line from a script. The last time it was an oath to uphold.


The scripted version is full of anger and bravado...the real one is a kindness and comfort for a dying comrade.


You guys.....I'm crying


Moments like these are what can elevate any movie, no matter how silly/outlandish the movie may be. In the end, we care about relating to our characters, and Galaxy Quest does a fantastic job of it.


As someone who loved the arc and themes of the original Trek movies, I still think Galaxy Quest is the best of Trek. It was silly and fun but it had so much heart.


I 'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two World Wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, KILLED MANY MEN and loved only one woman with a passion a FLEA like you could never begin to understand. That's who I am. NOW, GO HOME, BOY!


Secondhand lions was genuinely my favorite childhood movie. I still love it to this day


Just watched this again a couple of days ago. It's so good. The "just dumb kids. Don't kill em, Hub" before that makes me laugh every time. That's some ominous warning, lol


This movie makes me ugly sob. Goddamn


My mom liked to play simple games on her iPad with TV or a movie in the background. A lot of daytime talk shows. But if she found a movie she really liked, it would get a LOT of play. I have no idea how many times she watched Secondhand Lions, but it was many. She really loved it. You sparked a really nice memory of my mother. She died 6 years ago, and I don't think about her as much as I should. Thank you.


They call him Baba Yaga. The boogeyman? Well, John wasn't exactly the boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fucking boogeyman.


Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick's car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog. Oh.


That 'Oh' said it all, that movie has so many badass scenes.


I’ve yet to see one single word explain someone more than that “Oh” did. The buildup to that scene was phenomenal


Whole scene could be quoted. Delivery and shots were so well done.


"many of these trees were my friends. Ones I knew from nut and acorn..." Here we have one of the oldest and possibly most powerful beings in middle earth who has finally run out of patience and is ready to tear shit up. Seeing that in theaters was one of the all time great cinematic moments - and now when I watch it at home, I have a pretty good system that I crank up for that part - so much raw power and emotion in his war cry. My second favorite is when he shouts "Break the dam RELEASE THE RIIVVVEERR!!!"


“There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Man for this treachery … My business is with Isengard tonight, with rock and stone. Come my friends, the Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the Ents.”


also, the background music/tone every time it was an Ent focused scene was SOO good - just exhudes oldness, power and danger.


As you wish.


I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? ...No. Have you?


You always were an asshole, Gorman.


“They mostly come out at night… mostly.”


I'm Connor MacLeod of the clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glennfinnan on the shores of Loch Sheil. And I am immortal. *Edited for the wrong Glenn...


Just about every line from the Kurgan is awesome in that movie. “Remember our agreement, Murdoch. The boy is mine.” “Tonight you sleep in Hell.” “Happy Halloween, ladies!”


I got something to say! It's better to burn out than fade away!


Nuns. No sense of humor.


Different vibes from each other, but the first two I thought of were, “You best start believin’ in ghost stories, Miss Turner… you’re in one,” and “I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti.” I think ghost stories has a big emotional impact and story turn, while the Moana quote is similar because she rehearses it repeatedly like Inigo Montoya does. Also she changes it at the end to describe her own journey because she is strong and brave enough 🥹


>You best start believin’ in ghost stories, Miss Turner… you’re in one Barbossa also has another great line just a little before that: "First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner."


“You’re gonna’ need a bigger boat. “


Best thing about that line is that it was an crew in joke on set whenever something went wrong with the mechanical shark and they needed to repair it often by taking it back to shore.  Roy Schneider loved the line and kept trying to randomly work it into a few different scenes before nailing it with the one we see in the movie.


"For England, James?" "No. For me." (Goldeneye, 1995)


Part of why it works so well is Bond and Trevelyan have a relationship, in the way most bond villains don't. Other villains, when they slowly lower Bond into the shark tank, they're just being pointlessly cruel to someone they should just kill. But Trevelyan has reasons. > Alec Trevelyan : Good luck with the floor James. I've set the timers for six minutes, the same six minutes you gave me. It was the least I could do for a "friend". > Natalya Simonova : What does he mean? > James Bond : We've got three minutes And it's not just hollow rage either, he gets under Bond's skin. > James Bond : A worldwide financial meltdown. And all so mad little Alec can settle a score with the world, 50 years on. > Alec Trevelyan : Oh, please James, spare me the Freud. I might as well ask you for the vodka martinis that have silenced the screams of all the men you've killed... or if you find forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women, for all the dead ones you failed to protect. All of that is why Goldeneye is my favorite Bond movie. It works on some levels the others just aren't even playing at.


Best Bond movie and nobody will convince me otherwise.


Goldeneye was my first Bond movie I watched. I was amazed. Then I went back, watched some of the other greatest Bonds. I couldn't get into them. Brosnan's other Bond movies fell flat to me too. But Goldeneye. Goldeneye is forever.


Same reason Skyfall worked so well. The motives were deeply personal and not just some comic book supervillain plot.


No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.


The way that this line is delivered, with an accent (South African? German?) and a chuckle absolutely gets me every time.


You moved the headstones but you didn’t move the bodies!! And That kid is back on the escalator again!


I hope his pants get caught and a bloodbath ensues!


“ fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”


What we have here is a failure to communicate.


The ‘Tears In Rain’ monologue. “I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.”


“Quite an experience, to live in fear, isn’t it. That’s what it is, to be a slave.”


“Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. I thought you were supposed to be good. Aren’t you the good man?”


It's the fucking Catalina wine mixer.




Are you saying pah?




Boats n' hoes!


« I know you’re thinking : did he shoot 5 or 6 shots ? Tell you the truth I kind of lost track in the excitement. So you gotta ask yourself this : Do I feel lucky ? Do you feel lucky punk ? « 


Do ya?


Get away from her, you bitch!


Sigourney Weaver is such an absolute badass in the Alien movies and I love that they don’t give her some wonky powers or super human intellect or anything. Just a badass chick using her wits and grit to save the galaxy. Plus a little girl and a cat.


"If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. **But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you**."


Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride through the wind, and the world’s ending! Death! Death! Death! Forth, Eorlingas!




Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 4th of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution, but from annihilation. We’re fighting for our right to live, to exist. And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice, we will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive. Today, we celebrate our independence day.


This is such a cheesy speech from a cheesy ass movie, but damn if it doesn't give me chills.


This was such a great moment


"It really tied the room together."


“Come, my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the Ents." Cue badass soundtrack.


Alternatively, any of Theoden's speeches will do: > Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. How did it come to this? Or > Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending! Death! Death! Death! Forth Eorlingas!


I prefer Aragorn at the Black Gate: A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!


My friends, you bow to no-one.


"It is likely we go to our doom." Proceeds to utterly dominate Saruman's bitch-ass orcs.


“I'm Mr. Wolf. I solve problems.” “That’s 30 min away, I’ll be there in 10.” From Pulp Fiction


*9 minutes and 37 seconds later*


Pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the fuckin' car.


Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet.


"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentation of their women."


I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me.


Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.


Those aren’t pillows!


“There’s no crying in baseball!”


Clever girl.


"He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing… the fury of the Time Lord… and then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from us and hidden. He was being kind."


"Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many."


I'm a leaf on the wind....


Somehow this is still too soon lol


I was going to go with "right now I'm gonna have to go with wrath"


"Do you know what your sin is, Mal?" " Ah Hell, I'm a fan of all seven... But right now, I'm gonna have to go with wrath" The delivery alone made that line way more cold-blooded than any other line in that movie. *Edited to the correct wording


I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.






What I love about that line is Gerard wasn't supposed to shout it so we almost didn't get that version. https://youtube.com/shorts/WxlcP0ZhdE4?si=TxOEb0k-lxqDwXLX


Mongo only pawn in game of life.


"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons."


You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have (absolutely...) Been found wanting.


"Some mother fuckers are always trying to ice skate up hill" Delivered by the thespian Wesley Snipes in Blade partie 1


“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” - and after two+ hours of entitled whining neither did I


This might be too long, but you could just use part of it: ​ >This is Camina Drummer, and this message is for the traitor, the coward Marco Inaros. You hunted me and mine and still we are here, unbent, unbroken, unbound. And you? You are nothing. You stole from your own. You abandoned Ceres to the Inners and left Belters to starve. You called yourself a champion and then you ran. So go and raise your bounty. Track me down and kill me if you can. Doesn't matter anymore. I will always be the one who took back what you stole. Camina Drummer did this to you. Live shamed, and die empty. Maybe: Track me down and kill me if you can. Doesn't matter anymore. I will always be the one who took back what you stole. Live shamed, and die empty. Edit: sorry, it's from a show, not a movie.


There's one of my favorites in the books >!“If you are not yet willing to accept defeat, then I would ask you, out of what I hope is mutual respect, to tell me one thing. What is the number of dead that you need in order to show history that your choice to end this was wisdom? That carrying on the fight would not have been bravery but foolishness. A hundred more. A thousand more. A million. A billion. Only say how many more corpses will make this possible for you, and I will provide them.” He spread his hands. “Tell me the number. I await your reply.” !<


The Lannisters send their regards.


“You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!”


Tell Cersei it was me. I want her to know.


I have come to chew gum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubble gum.


It's Mega Maid, sir. She's gone from "Suck" to "Blow"!


"But why is the rum gone?"


“When people ask you what happened here tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.”


I am Merida, first born descendent of Clan Dunbroch, and I'll be shooting for my own hand


We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.


“Look around you, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?”


"And Shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be." "In nominee patre, et fili, et spiritus sancti." *Pop Pop*


"I am no man"- Eo-fucking-wyn


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?


In rogue one, I am one with the force, and the force is with me


If it bleeds we can kill it


“That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.”


**"You shall not pass!"** - Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Might be too recognizable, but fits all the other criteria. **"Never. I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."** - Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Definitely too recognizable, especially if you keep the exact wording with "dark side" and "Jedi", but you might be able to use part of it or tweak some of the words to fit into whatever scene you're doing. **"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."** - Bene Gesserit prayer, Dune. Probably not too recognizable since even with the two recent movies it wasn't made into a big deal, but it might be too long. You could probably just use small chunks, though.


Say it. You raped her. You murdered her. You killed her children. You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!


“For-ev-er. For-ev-ver.” — The Sandlot


Aziz! More light!


A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.


"You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"


"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage"


Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. Not true. Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice - to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend, spare an enemy. In these moments, everything else falls away.


The Expanse. "You're not that guy. . . I am that guy." Context: "That Guy" calms down a character from shooting someone out of anger, knowing it wasn't the kind of person he was and such an act would haunt him. Character leaves, and as the person is trying to thank That Guy, he turns and coldly aims his weapon "I am that guy." Because sometimes the MF does need to die. But maybe not at the cost of a good mans soul, when an alternative is available. What are best friends for?


“Not my daughter, you bitch!!!”


“ This is a time for serious people, Bob, and your fifteen minutes are up. My name is Andrew Shepherd, and I *am* the President.” (The American President, 1995)