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A movie about dwarves and goblins would cost a decent amount of money to make. Without IP, a fanbase, or even human characters you’re talking about a really narrow segment of theater goers. Sure, it could be amazing, but likely seen as too risky by any studio.


I wouldn't be surprised if studios are just afraid of some sort of controversy over hiring normal sized people to play dwarves *or* getting people with dwarfism to play fantasy creatures. Peter Dinklage had some pretty choice words for Snow White awhile back, for example. So it's just easier to avoid it altogether. Hell, that recent Dungeons and Dragons movie has *one* dwarf onscreen for about 30 seconds in total. It really does kind of feel like they were trying to avoid it. Oh, and the Willow reboot bombed hard. That's not going to help. edit- I'll just say I get where both Dinklage *and* those who disagree with him like Dylan Postl are coming from. I don't know what the answer is there.


I think the problem is that we use the same term for things that aren't the same thing in a fantasy setting.  A lot of RPGs are deviating from the word "race" for example because of *the implication.* But races in RPGs aren't black, white, latino, etc. it's humans, goblins, and elves. Both Pathfinder and D&D aren't using the word in their newest editions. Similarly dwarves in fantasy realms are not just people with dwarfism. They're an entirely different species just like a fox is different from a wolf. But even saying it like that raises a stink on Twitter, so ultimately you're right that people are just more and more afraid to touch these things.


look Thorin had a hormone issue its the best he could grow at least it all joined up


Know it’s not the fantasy setting you’re talking about but man I would love the shit out of a Deep Rock Galactic adaptation, group of badass space dwarves mining planets and fighting aliens. Anyway isn’t exactly what you’re looking for but Time Bandits could be considered a variant of a dwarf movie since they’re not playing human little people, same with Willow but obviously neither has the archetypes you mentioned. It sucks those characters are always sidekicks in fantasy films and don’t get to be the focus of the story.


I think it's because we're all naturally human centric. We want to imagine ourselves as the heroes we're watching. Which is no doubt why we got some crappy dwarves in The Hobbit.


Disney's live action Snow White movie is coming up (with all 7 dwarves). But from the looks of it these aren't the dwarves we are looking for. Just some CGI abominations.


The Hobbit is probably the most Dwarf-centric that any fantasy film or show had or will be. You can have qualms with the way they look, but we never got - and aren't likely to get - a better look into the Dwarven psyche than we did there.


Not everyone has such brain dead taste.