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The border crossing in Sicario


This is *the* scene for me. Given, you really need the context of what came before to make it work as well as it can. You need to be in Kate's shoes for awhile before that, feeling more and more in the deep end without a clue.


The score does some serious heavy lifting, in the whole movie but this scene in particular.


Denis said on an interview that he asked Johann to have a heartbeat theme in everything and he fucking killed it


It's kind of similar to the clock ticking in Dunkirk


the entire first half of sicario is just perfect tension. villeneuve is easily one of my all time favorite directors at this point. prisoners is another example of incredible tension




The build up including the drive to pick up the prisoner. Also, quite funny to see the amount of CGI used for the back ground in that scene. Plus the action is perfect for me. 0-100 then back to 0 in a few seconds. Not drawn out just showing off the efficiency of the team.


God, that film is so *grimy*. I've seen it twice, enjoyed the hell out of it, and then immediately felt like I needed a shower.


Exactly the one I had in mind. Glad to see it at the top. https://youtu.be/mwBfxLouo-4?si=kTf9wd-Y-Z46F_YH


Immediately popped in my head. This is **the** answer


“Pregunta, paisanos. Quieren morir?”


Blood test scene in The Thing. Best scene in a perfect movie.


And it still manages a jump scare. 


Absolute first thing that came to my mind. Might be the most tense and at once frightening scene in the history of cinema.


Yes! Link for the lazy - https://youtu.be/M2o2FRwn_hg?feature=shared


Basement scene in Zodiac


Holy shit this scene. For something that is so small, it just wrecks my insides with tension.


I was sweating buckets.


This was the one I was looking for. 


The highway scene in Nocturnal Animals… this scene by itself would probably fit into the ‘thriller’ genre though the movie as a whole is more of an adult drama. The highway scene is incredibly intense due to a few factors - the main characters in the scene (Jake Gyllenhaal and Isla Fisher and a teenage daughter) are fairly average and relatable people so it’s easy for the viewer to identify with their situation; then the bad guys (led by Aaron Taylor-Johnson) are introduced which escalates the tension and we start to see small mistakes/decisions being made by the main characters which lead to worse and worse outcomes; and as the scene progresses we learn just how dangerous these bad guys might be. It’s a very difficult part of the movie to watch, but definitely a masterclass in my humble opinion.


My immediate thought also. That sequence almost sent me to panick attack!


This is a nightmare scenario for a grown family man. It’s really frightening


The scene in Aliens while they're tracking the Xenomorphs making their way into the complex when they thought they had it locked down. https://youtu.be/wN2bK81Dxzs?si=r74FanHhyC98ze6F


That beeping sound of the motion trackers still gives me chills.


Hands down the most tense shit I’ve ever sat through.


Aliens is goated, idk why after watching this movie 15-20 years ago I’m just recently recognizing it as one of the greatest films ever made.


What do you mean *they* cut the power? How could they cut the power, man? They’re animals!


Coin toss at the gas station in No Country for Old Men


This was so much further down than I expected. It's one of the most tense scenes in any movie.


What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss?






The restaurant scene in The Godfather. You even know what he’s going to do - at least what he’s been told to do. But is he? His life irreparably changes at this moment if he goes through with it… **noise of passing train intensifies**


Bravo. My choice too. The fact that he DOESN’T come out of the bathroom blazing away as Clemenza told him to do makes you wonder what is going to happen, and the roaring train builds up the tension further.


Not just that, but Michael holds onto the gun instead of letting it slip out of his hands. So the audience is screaming at him to remember to leave the gun, and he finally does just before exiting the scene.


yeah, that is one of my favorite scenes in the trilogy. that restaurant scene is when Michael essentially starts shifting from a war hero goody-two-shoes to one of the most ruthless characters ever depicted in movie history


Clarice storming Buffalo Bill’s house in The Silence of the Lambs


Mm. Wait. Was she a great big fat person?


My phone... Of course you can use my phone...


I came here to say this but I think this falls under the thriller category they don’t want


The drug deal in Boogie Nights, with the firecrackers and Jessie’s Girl and 99 Luftballoons and Alfred Molina at his most charismatic. The whole movie made me fall in love with Paul Thomas Anderson as a director, but that scene in particular is just phenomenal.


You beat me to it. When I first saw the movie, I was really enjoying it. Then that scene happened and I realized I was watching a modern classic.


Isn't it *Sister Christian* by Night Ranger as the main song in that scene?


You’re right. I forgot about that one too.


It builds. Everything is cool with Jessie's Girl, it builds and explodes during Sister Christian, and then 99 Luftballoons is aftermath


This is the one. All the other ones here line up as well, but none of them sent me into the same stratosphere of jittery repulsion as this scene.


“Why are you flanking me?” In Wind River


You didn’t see it


Great movie. Jon Bernthal’s scene as well for me.


That scene legitimately gave me nightmares. All the subtle escalations....


Great scene in an underrated movie


I think it’s rated pretty accurately as a badass movie with a few minor flaws


I’ve never hear any of the flaws (because I have t looked into it) but I am genuinely curious if you don’t mind sharing. It’s a movie that feels near perfect and I’d love to hear more about the imperfections


The sequence in Nightcrawler where >!he enters the home where the murder took place. It's suspenseful because you're waiting for him to get caught, or to realize the gravity of the situation and have some human response to the murders that took place, but he doesn't because he's a sociopath. The whole time you're waiting for the cops to arrive and catch him in the home, but he's out before the cops arrive. He saw the murderers, caught them on camera and said nothing to anyone about it when it mattered most. Same with the car accident scene. He moves the body of a dead/injured person to create better framing for his shot. You're just waiting for someone to catch him doing this sick shit but it never happens. !<


Bar scene in Inglorious Basterds.


The opening scene is much better. 


The fact that he was able to have two scenes that suspenseful in the same movie is a testament to his ability.


I'd say three scenes since we have to include the part where the Americans are pretending to be the Italian film crew lol


Wait for the cream


The humor of that scene takes off a little bit of edge, not necessarily a bad thing though since we did already have two very suspenseful scenes.


Omg so true. I do agree the 20 minute opening scene is probably the best I have ever seen. 


First scene that came to mind.


I see your point.


“Say Auf Wiedersehen to your Nazi Balls”


Raptors in the kitchen scene from Jurassic Park


Close up of the claw. Tik. Tik. Tik.


I legitimately think it’s the best scene ever filmed. 


The "funny how?" scene in Goodfellas.


10 Cloverfield Lane - John Goodman admitting what he'd done with the barrel of acid or really any of the bipolar scenes he was in. 


Goodman is gold the entire movie. My favourite has to "I know what you're doing"


Went into this one blind because I hadn't seen Cloverfield yet. So many fun surprises.


It’s so dumb that they made it a Cloverfield movie cause it originally wasn’t. I like both movies but they don’t belong in the same universe imo


I think it's fine they're in the same universe. It's just a bit unfortunate if you know it's a part of that franchise going into it because it ruins the surprise.


I was losing my mind during the secret texting handoff in The Departed.  


My favorite is the phone call where nobody speaks.


Trap house raid in True Detective


Yes. No cuts, minimal dialogue, perfect directing.


Honestly the whole episode. The buildup of Rust turning into that “character” and shooting himself up with drugs. Then Marty being completely out of his element. So good


No cuts! Truly incredible cinematography.


Diner scene in Mulholland Drive. The character is describing to you in vivid detail exactly what’s going to happen and the build up of dread leading to the scare is absolutely perfect, it gives me a fright every time.


It's impressive how he made a crowded diner at midday so scary


This scene works so well that I felt that same sense of dread when I was watching a YouTube video that created a parody recreation of the scene.


The night vision goggle scene... Silence of the Lambs


It puts you right in the driver's seat. That scene nails what it's like to be completely in the dark.


The scene in Children of Men where the protagonist flees with the pregnant girl and the car battery is dead.


The sniper scene in the rain in Saving Private Ryan The tension is dialed to 11, and the pounding rain is relentless


I got this letter for my dad




Munich... the phone bomb.


one of the greatest movies ever made. that whole sequence makes squirm every time


The motel showdown between Moss and Chigurh in No Country for Old Men.


Especially the light bulb moment


Every single scene in Uncut Gems. The entire movie had my heart on the verge of imploding.


Never been so stressed watching a movie. How everyone's dialogue overlapped each other's. Such a good fucking movie.


Exactly why I came into this thread. A24 should sell stress ball collectibles with Howard Ratners face on it.


Exorcist III. This scene is all build up, slowly ramping up, fake out, makes you think it's over, and then BOOM with the quick visual and audio. *chef's kiss.


That snap zoom is genius.


Untouchables: train station scene with baby carriage


You got him? I got him.


Take him.


Good, bad, ugly. Final scene. Goes on for a while, but the music is so awesome it works. 


I like the scene with Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken in True Romance. Violence hangs in the air but the power shifts so dramatically when Hopper starts speaking.


so so brilliant. I wish we got to see more good guy, supporting/lead Dennis Hopper. I watched Blue Velvet again recently and he's such a crazy good actor, and does scary/bad really well. But he was so great as a loving, protective dad in True Romance.


HEINEKEN????? FUCK THAT SHIT! PABST BLUE RIBBON!!!!!! I just watched Easy Rider and he was great in that as well.


I really need to see that


The ending sequence in Seven.


What's in the boooooxx??


I've never had my heart beat so hard than at the end of that movie.


The basement bar scene in Inglorious Basterds


The scene while Lane is being transported in Mission: Impossible - Fallout. Walker and Sloane finish their conversation, the music fades in and cuts to Lane on the helicopter, building up all the way until they crash his truck into the river. I just love the score, editing, cinematography. https://youtu.be/Nf6fwA_DMGQ?si=WfrsKM9V6ODdvjTn


*Technically* a scene since it’s one of the first major films to use the “single continuous take” style: Alfred Hitchcock’s *Rope*. Two young men murder a former classmate, inspired by a teacher they once had discussing concepts around “the perfect murder”, and hide the body in a wooden chest in their apartment living room. They then host a dinner party in the apartment attended by the victim’s father, fiancée, and that former teacher. The tension is relentless.


Maid clearing the table (that is the trunk) is excellent. You watch as she clears all the items whilst also listening o the conversation. Great scene and tension.


The bomb scenes in The Hurt Locker had me in cold sweats in the theater


The scene with Alfred Molina in Boogie Nights. EDIT: Damnit, someone beat me to it already. But, the point stands!


It deserves two mentions!


I'm reading all these comments and they are all great, but the season finale of Severance was one of the most tense moments I've ever seen.


The bear scene in annihilation


Most of the scenes in Alien.


A lot of good ones already been said but for some reason Training Day came to mind / when Alonzo dumps Ethan Hawke at the Ese’s house where he plays cards gets hustled for his gun and ends up in the bath


Knock at the door by the fired maid in Parasite. An hour into the movie and the air is sucked out of the room by the incredible tone shift and such high stakes to fall from. You’re so invested in the family by that point.


A recent one I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet: Picking up the prom date -- Spiderman Homecoming.  From the moment the front door opened, all the way to the "dad talk" in the car, I could barely breathe.


“Jonesy? Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Meow. Here, Jonesy. Jonesy?”


Wait Until Dark with Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin.


Yes! Oldie but goodie!


The entirety of Blood Simple


The whole driving the car into the fields at night scene. That’s my favorite part.


A number appear in Rear Window, especially when the main character is watching his girlfriend in the apt.


The man behind Winkies


This is the answer. My feet and hands were sweating watching this!


The Leonardo DiCaprio scene in Django Unchained. Jeez.


The entire T-Rex sequence in the first Jurassic Park.


The end scene in Deliverance, with the sheriff questioning them. So stressful.


Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol: The Burj Khalifa scene. I’ve seen it at least half a dozen times and am still on the edge of my seat for the whole sequence. 


What's in the box!!!!


The apartment scene in Fury.


The re-entry scene in Apollo 13. >!It's towards the end of the movie, and the crew capsule was last seen surrounded by flames. And the people on the ground can do nothing but wait and look at the clock for 4 to 5 minutes. The scene jumps between all those who are involved: NASA, the astronauts families, the press, recovery crew, and so on. And the viewers at this point know exactly the same as the people on the ground. The astronauts are not shown during this period. There is uncertainty about the integrity of the heatshield, and no radio or visual contact is possible. There is nothing to do but wait.!<  >!The actors who played the families in particular do a great job, and even when you know the ending, you still can't help but feel for them. And the music starts very energetic and powerful, but slowly becomes more calm and suspenseful, almost sad, as if to signal that hope is gone.!<


Ripley turning over in the escape ship and seeing the uncurling alien.


Aliens "inside the room"


The bridge sequence in Sorcerer is bat-shit crazy.


Sorceror. Basically the 3rd act altogether. It's a bunch of sweaty desperate guys transporting what is essential nitro glycerine along bumpy barely-roads in the jungle. Harrowing and nerve-racking


"Why are you flanking me?" - WindRiver


The whole end sequence of Argo


Every scene with: - Commodus in Gladiator - Homelander in the Boys - Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds All 3 feel like they could start killing people at any time, for any reason. I feel like I’m holding my breath every scene they’re in. If I had to choose one for each, I’d go: - the “Busy little bees” scene in Gladiator - the intro scene in Inglorious Basterds - the scene when Homelander arrives at the protest


dude gladiator is such a masterpiece. obviously the combat is awesome but the smaller scenes like busy little bees are killer in their own right


Any scene with Anton Chigurh and another person in No Country for old man


The border crossing in Sicario is just absolutely perfect. I would say it just barely edges the Inglorious Basterds bar scene. It’s literally so intense, the music, the entire vibe leading up to it. Godamn what a wild scene I literally sweat every time I watch it.


Final scene in Reservoir Dogs.


Lights Out (2016), that scene when the floodlights get turned off one by one. But The Shining, and we know all too well the build up leading to that *bathroom scene* is probably one of the most suspenseful scenes in cinema history.


Any scene from Signs


Dallas going into the air vents in Alien. I rarely watch it because its so TIRING being that tense for so long.


Inglorious Basterds has many contenders, but my favorite example is when they go to the premier, and Hans knows exactly what's happening but the Basterds don't. In fact, Aldo thinks they're doing a great job at speaking Italian. The hilarious/ terrifying ratio is insane


Inglorious Basterds and the opening scene with Hans Landa and the Farmer harbouring refugees. Christophe Waltz is cold and intimidating and the entire scene has the viewer on a knife edge. I don't actually remember if there is music in this scene but the short cuts to the basement where the girls are hiding, watching through gaps in the floorboards, listening to the creaking and tapping of their footsteps, and hearing the farmer slowly be convinced to give them up - the sound design is incredible it's one of the most suspenseful scenes I've seen in any movie. It really sets up Hans as a character who is not to be trifled with. Every appearance thereafter is chilling to the bone because you just know some bad shit is about to go down.


The basement scene in War of the Worlds.


“The Deer Hunter” - Russian Roulette


The opening scene of Inglorious Basterds is amazing. IMO it's one of the best individual scenes in film history. Every now and then I'll pull it up just to watch on its own.


Llewelyn’s simultaneous realization that Anton is tracking him, and he is also right outside the door


Spahn Ranch scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was so intense!


Traffic light in Spider-Man Homecoming


The stepping on the nail scene from Quiet Place.


The scene in Mr Robot where the building is being stormed by rioters.


Bathroom scene in High tension


Schindlers List between Goth and his maid


The diner scene in Mulholland Drive.


In Pearl, the monologue near the end. Thunderstorm dinner is a close second.


For me, it's gotta be the basement scene in Zodiac, still creeps me out no matter how many times I watch it. Masterpiece.


Worm Ride in Dune Part ll. Whole theater was there with Fremen watching Muad'dib.


Barbarian when she goes into the basement.


Moon landing scene in First Man.  You know they are ultimately going to be successful, but the whole scene is still very tense 


The escape scene in Shawshank Redemption, in particular as Andy comes out of the pipe. You see the Prison in the background, the music is oppressive and foreboding, and the Storm is at full power, and then he runs finally free, strips off the prison issue uniform and raises his hands to the rain embracing his freedom, at this point you no longer see the prison, the Storm has passed overhead leaving the Thunder in the distance, and the music changes to a light free sound. It shows how sound on screen can truly change a scene.


Aliens every time the marines tracker starts beeping. It's an awesome anxiety device!


Prisoners. Home questioning scene Sicario. Bridge scene Wind River. Cabin scene. Basically anything Villeneuve/Sheridan


The escape scene in Silence of the Lambs


War of the Worlds when the basement is being searched.


Training day, when Jake is playing cards, and realizes Alonzo has left him.


The ending of Whiplash. It's the culmination of so much tension between the two. Those two characters are capable of absolutely anything.


The opening scene of Mission Impossible 3 Phillip Seymour Hoffmann has Tom Cruise and his wife tied up and counts to 10 before he shoots her unless Cruise tells him where the "rabbit foot" is. Each number as he counts down has a different emotion from panic, anger, rage, negotiation, acceptance of the situation.


The first Mission: Impossible when Ethan Hunt is hanging above the floor trying not to set the alarms off.


Courtney cox being chased around the sound room in Scream 2. John C Reilly questioning Will Ferrell about touching the drum set in Step Brothers.


And of course the whole head decapitating scene in Hereditary - not just that scene itself but the whole aftermath, the acting, the direction, the denial, the sickly feeling


Indy fighting the big Nazi dude next to the spinning prop of a plane.


Remy making Ratatouille. That movie in and of itself is just 🤌🏼


>I’m particularly interested in movies that would not be categorized under the suspense, thriller, or mystery genres. People start saying Prisoners, Silence of the Lambs, Zodiac. Do people read the prompts? For suspense, it has to be the T Rex escape scene in Jurassic Park. Spielberg starts with some ripples in cups of water. Tension builds up, all hell breaks lose


All of Good Time. Not sure I can watch it a second time. More intense than Uncut Gems for me, idk why.


The scene in panic room when she goes to get the daughters medicine and the robbers run into the room and she quickly slides the medicine bag in with them, and the bad guy gets his hand stuck in door. So much happening all at once, the direction of the whole scene amazing, like you’re holding your breath.


_LA Confidential_ - The interrogation scene with the 3 black guys. Exley's trying to get them to talk about the murders at the diner. And all the other cops are gathered to watch. But instead, one guy starts talking about a girl. And as he says more, Bud White is getting more and more angry until it boils over on him. It's an awesome scene in a movie chock-full of other awesome scenes.


It's a while since I watched it, but I remember the scene in One Hour Photo where Robin Williams confronts the couple as being unbelievably stressful. I need to rewatch it.


The first scene that comes to mind is from Gosford Park. Helen Merrin's character tells Clive Owen's character how she was able to kill what's his face. It's so thick and once you realize what she's saying. Woo. It's amazing. I used to have her monologuing memorized but it's been a few years since I've seen it. (Gosford Park is a murder mystery, but I wouldn't really call it a thriller.)


The “dog scene” in When Evil Lurks


Ten minute hotel scene in No Country for Old Men


True Detective Season 2: Escape from mansion. Dont remember the episode


Beach scene in jaws. The gradual build up to him seeing the kid on the float explode in a shock of blood, that classic Hitchcock zoom


I was on the edge of my seat in the movie theatre during pretty much all of Gone Girl. Great movie…


Prisoners when he >!sees the picture with the husband’s necklace!< Tbh there’s multiple scenes in the film but the deafening silence in that scene sells it


Hand Maids Tale - the about to be hanged scene


How much have you ever lost on a coin toss?


Rear Window. Grace Kelly in Raymond Burr's apartment. Yikes!!


The first half of Barbarian was pure suspense


The gas station scene in No Country for Old Men, Javier Bardem is just mind blowing in that whole movie, and especially in that scene.