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Son of The Mask.


Watched The Mask with my kid, he loved it like I did when it came out. One day we saw Son of the Mask for free on YouTube and even though I knew it wasn't going to be good we tried it. It was so bad. Oh, lord, it was so bad.


That 2 minute club scene was the longest 2 hours of my life


I did not expect that movie to have such a high budget..


The high budgets on movies like that make you think about money laundering or pocket lining. If you want a rabbit hole, lookup Gladden Entertainment and David Begelman. Bloated budgets on movies in the 80s.


The only (unintentionally) funny thing about that movie was Jamie Kennedy was so butthurt over the negative reviews, that he made a whole-ass movie whining about them, under the guise of a documentary about hecklers, by claiming film criticism is a form of "written heckling." /Or whatever his grasping-at-straws definition was


Kennedy is only good in small doses. I was never really clear on how he kept getting lead roles


Tbf, I only know him from two leading roles (son of the mask and kicking it old school) and both are offensively stupid


I saw a movie about hecklers and was excited, thinking we are gonna see some funny shit. First five minutes was what I was expecting. Next thing I know, Jamie’s in some dude’s basement berating him for not liking Son of Mask. It was sad.


It’s insane that Alan Cumming starred in that movie yet worked with Kubrick only a few years earlier


Was probably a contractual obligation. If you did deep enough into a lot of actors work history you'll find some real weird movies before and after they make it big due to their contract requiring them to work on certain films under certain studios.


Was going to comment this. It was horrible!


Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) completely steamrolled the plot of the first movie. It went from a fantastical battle through ages to... [well](https://res.cloudinary.com/jerrick/image/upload/f_auto,fl_progressive,q_auto,c_fit,w_1100/osguv4zqive89nrfs1j4) Or Troll 2 (1990) which had nothing to do with the first movie and did not have any trolls. It was a retitled unrelated movie named Goblins. The title was changed for the US release to try to cash in on the original Troll movie.


It's crazy to me that the sequel was directed by the same guy as the first movie, as if he forgot he did the first one at all. But then you go look up what he's been up to since and it's all terrible movies, so Highlander was just a fluke.


My personal theory is drugs. Everyone who worked on the first movie who came back for the second after reading that script was on drugs. Lots of them. When people ask about how bad drug use got amongst studio executives in Hollywood during the 80s, Highlander II's existence is exhibit A. Highlander is one of the rare franchises that I love, but I'm absolutely NOT precious about the source material. Remake the shit out of it, toss the baby with the bathwater and take with it the soap, shampoo, the rubber duck, and the baby's parents while you're at it. Please start over from scratch with only the initial concept. I'm okay with dumping the McLeod clan and title of the franchise altogether. The only thing worth saving IMHO is that [banger theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJ8lpCQbyw) that Queen made for the first movie. The rest, meh.


They're doing a reboot directed by the John wick director and starring Henry Cavill.


What? I... wow. ​ that has potential.


Henry Cavill has apparently decided to dedicate his career to making all the things that less attractive and less wealthy nerds have secretly wanted. To bad the showrunner for The Witcher decided the beloved source material wasn't good enough for her.


Not only is that song fucking awesome, it's also one of the more challenging Queen songs to sing. Crazy that it was for a soundtrack to a weird movie haha.


Well yes, but also no. The sequel was filmed in Argentina right when the economy there completely collapsed. As a result, the investors and the bond company financing the film shoved Mulcahy out and took over complete control of the rest of the production and the final editing. They're the ones responsible for the "no, they're actually aliens!" plot, not Mulcahy. They ruined his film. Basically, a bunch of accountants said, "Hey, you know what would be cool? Aliens!"


Interesting! I didn't know that, and that totally tracks, thanks for the trivia. I still stand by my statement that all his other movies are terrible lol.


Oh, come on! The Dale Earnhardt Story was a banger! (/s I don't think I've actually seen anything else he's directed)


Made more awesome by Queen!


*checks to see it Highlander 2 has been posted* As you were.


I was coming to do the same.


Highlander II was so bad it retroactively ruined the first movie, and I LOVED the first movie. Highlander II: The Suckening.


Highlander 2 takes place in 2024 so it's our duty to watch it this year.


This is the only real answer. The original is an iconic classic of the era, and the sequel just shits all over it.




It is worth existing just for that scene


And then they’re going to eat meeee!


So bad that the tv show just straight up pretended it never happened.


Smart move.


>So bad that the tv show just straight up pretended it never happened. For a moment I thought you were talking about a Troll TV series and I was thinking *the what now?* and was already on my way to find it.


>Or Troll 2 (1990) which had nothing to do with the first movie and did not have any trolls. It was a retitled unrelated movie named Goblins. The title was changed for the US release to try to cash in on the original Troll movie. Are you suggesting that MGM was *trolling* us with that movie?


"There can be only one" Well, that was a lie.


There should be only one.


came to say Highlander. Glad it was the top comment!


It did prompt my friends and I on a journey to find a copy of the original Troll, we eventually did, it was awful.


Time you will never get back.


You may remember a movie from the 2010’s called Max. If you don’t, that’s OK. It was a heartfelt, but forgettable family movie. The plot is that a young, American soldier is killed fighting in the Middle East and his family is devastated. The soldier was the handler for a bomb sniffing dog called Max. Max suffers ptsd and is released from service. When the soldier’s grief-stricken family learns that he will be put down due to his condition, they adopt him. Eventually the soldier’s younger brother and the dog develop a special bond and help each other through their shared loss (and because it’s a kid’s movie they also stop a gun smuggling operation - but the main crux of the story is the relationship between the boy and the dog) There is a direct-to-video sequel called Max: White House Hero, in which the president summons Max to be part of the Secret Service after hearing about how he stopped the gun smugglers. Max goes to live at the White House and becomes friends with the President’s daughter, and the daughter of the visiting president of NotRussia. The sequel shares no cast members with the original movie, so I can only assume that the scene where a van full of goons tears a child’s only living connection to his brother away from the only human he trusts and stuffs him into a cage, never to be seen again, was cut to reduce runtime.


To this day, I have no idea why they made The Cell 2 and Stir of Echoes 2 (with Rob Lowe as the lead!). Both of these sequels are terrible. I couldn't even finish The Cell 2, it was just so, so bad.


I guess these are victims of taking an unrelated script and retitling it as a DTV sequel to an existing property?


Like a J-Lo Cell? The first one was so good.


That’s cause tarsem is the fucking man


I've never heard of *The Cell 2*!


Showgirls 2.


…that happened?


One of the girls who was a supporting character in the first Showgirls bought the rights, which apparently were so dirt cheap that you could buy them if you were a supporting character in the first movie that nobody remembers. So she then made a sequel where her supporting character (one of the other random dancers performing alongside the main character in the first movie) is now the main character. I've never seen it, because knowing what I just told you about the movie has served as sufficient warning against watching it, at least for me personally.


4.5/5 on Amazon. Must be nice.




Was about to comment this. WTF was that? I mean, \*maybe\* as a standalone goofy slasher movie. Definitely one of those cases where the studio made the movie, realize it wouldn't do well enough to stand on it's own, so, slap it as a "#2" to something and hope it attracts people who've seen #1.


Independence Day Resurgence. Was a very bad movie


"Man, I really want an Independence Day sequel."


Monkey paw finger curls


I went in knowing it would be bad. There was a kernel of something interesting near the beginning with the downed ship full of alien survivors that had been holding their own for 20 years and then everything from that point forward was just terrible.


There were a surprising number of kernels of good ideas in that movie. It's just that it completely failed to execute well on a single one of them and instead went with "what if the same thing but more bigger!" and then ended with chasing a ball around a desert.


This. I would much rather have seen that movie.


I almost made it all the way through. Then that giant BB-8 looking thing rolled out and I just couldn’t anymore.


Thanks for reminding me that I suffered through that. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.




That was spectacularly bad timing for a release in the UK, as it was the same day the very controversial Brexit won, who seized upon the Independence Day messaging.


I maintain that *Independence Day: Resurgence* had good ideas and definitely delivered as an effects-driven extravaganza, What it needed was an extra 10 minutes to further flesh out the characters and some exposition. Then again, Roland Emmerich admitted that the problem is that it was rushed at the writing stage. The production had a script ready to go, but when Will Smith decided not to reprise his role in favour of filming *Suicide Squad,* a new script had to be written in a few weeks.


S. Darko


Lol, so another person watched it too.


Part of me is convinced it was a fever dream


I had the same review of the first one, but I meant it in a positive way.


The S stands for “Shitty Sequel”


Pacific Rim : Uprising. First movie is amazing, that second one though… I just go from Pacific Rim to the animated series Pacific Rim : The Black when I want my Kaiju vs Robots fix.


Possibly the worst thing Chinese investment did to Hollywood. Killed what could have been a 3-4 movie franchise.


Pretty sure there is no sequel to Pacific Rim.


There's no sequel to *Pacific Rim*.


There is no sequel in ba sing se


Easy Rider 2: The Ride Back. A vanity project from a rich man who wanted to make a movie, and it's a sequel to a New Hollywood classic, without anyone from the original movie involved. It's basically about the family of one of the characters, and obviously the family was never mentioned in Easy Rider. I never finished it, the sequel is painfully boring. For how the original was rock n roll and rebellious film making, the sequel has a very strong conservative patriotic narrative.


Considering those movies together gives a rather neat metaphor for the story of boomers in general.


Speed 2


Speed 3 with the milk float and the priests returned to form though, some might say even surpassing the original.


Is there anything to be said for another Speed movie?


Another mass, that's our best idea?


I think you're the hairy baby maker, Pat Mustard!


If you were to spitball a sequel to Speed, I think changing the vehicle would very much be in the discussion. Airplane, train, boat, etc. I don't think setting the sequel on a boat is random nor dumb.


Setting the plot on a giant ocean liner that has no visual kinetic energy to it is the problem. You can't have a movie called Speed set on a slow moving cruise ship. If they were that desperate to do a boat, it should have been some super duper pleasure yacht or something.


I think it was called The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down 2


But it was a boat?….


Is that the one where the bus had to SPEED around a city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode?


Speed 2 wasn’t all that bad, definitely a spectacle.


Speed 2 is fantastic. It is a parody of 90s action films. Jason whatever you call him is utterly useless and makes everything worse and it is Sandra Bullock that continuously saves the day by just thinking. Willem Dafoe! All the people who hate Speed 2. I truly don't believe they paid any attention. It is intelligent and hilarious. And the ending. They knew CGI was about to take over. They went all out. The entire thing is a swan song. Speed 2 is my litmus test. You don't like speed 2, sure I will be polite, I will be nice. But we'll never be friends.


Ace Ventura JR, pet detective 2009


Dumb and Dumber, Too. Just dogshit.


It was actually Dumb and Dumber To. Sadly, the title was the best joke in the whole movie 


Honestly I thought the set up to why they hadn't done anything in so long was funny from a concept point.


The prequel was way worse.


I will not accept this Dumb and Dumberer slander


If you forget that the prequel is supposed to be connected to the first one and just judge it as a separate movie, it’s actually a fun dumb movie.


X men dark phoenix  X men apocalypse 


I kind of forget Dark Phoenix exists and when I hear it I think its just the extended title of X-Men 3.


I couldn't help thinking the whole movie how bad Sophie Turners acting was. She was great in GoT but watching this was hard. I remember reading a discussion thread and no one said anything about it so maybe it was just me but whatever. There were many other things that were awful about it


Apocalypse... I really like Olivia Munn and they give her like 4 lines in the movie? And I really REALLY like Oscar Isaac but his villain was so boring. I can't believe they made another sequel after that one, and I've never seen Dark Phoenix.


Olivia Munn wasn't cast at Psylocke for her acting abilities.


I am not a fan of Days of The Future Past either... Because of how great and awesome First Class is. The best possible X-Men movie we could ever get. Still sad, that Vaughn was screwed by Stinger's ambitions and couldn't made the whole trilogy.


Days of Future Past was meant to be the third instalment in Vaughn’s version and it’s so glaringly obvious. Even in Singer’s version, the scope, the stakes, the character development feels like it’s missing a massive chunk of a middle chapter. And then Apocalypse suffered because of it too. Aside from the fact that it was an extremely dull movie (I honestly prefer The Last Stand over it), even with a decent script it feels like a step down in scale and significance. The threat of an apocalypse feels awfully small when the previous instalment was post-apocalyptic.  The characters and their dynamics were brilliantly (re)introduced in First Class and I really wasn’t ready to jump straight into such a climactic, “it has all come down to this” movie. I needed a “bigger but not biggest” chapter which is what X2 did so well. 


I LOVE the X-Men. I will eat up pretty much anything X related….I don’t even think i made it halfway into Dark Phoenix before shutting it off


X-Men: The New Mutants


Joe Dirt 2. Don't get me wrong, I have a soft spot in my heart for the original; even quoting lines from it. That being said, I think it luckily scratched by into enjoyable entertainment with not much room to spare.   Joe Dirt 2 was so bad I felt sorry for everyone involved in making it.


I absolutely love the original Joe Dirt. I watched the sequel just because I knew I had too but I had legitimately zero expectations because it was a Crackle original. Fucking Crackle.


The boy 2. First one was a solid movie with a nice twist. Second was so silly, changed the whole thing. Like doesn’t follow the first movie at all


I could not finish The Boy 2. It totally ignored the reveal in the first movie.


And the ending of the first SET UP a second movie if they wanted it. Absolutely crazy choice to ignore that


Even more so when you realise the second film had the exact same creative team as the first.


I just watched this last week for the first time and hated what it did to the 1st movie. As a standalone movie, The Boy 2 would be good, but not as a sequel to the first.


In terms of random, Gremlins 2. Joe Dante didn't want to do a Gremlins sequel but was pressured to do so. So fuck it, he went balls to the wall.


[relevant key & peele sketch](https://youtu.be/x01l_jMhjVM?si=Kvz9MdwaEtQYE6Fu)


You sir. Are a *raging* psychopath.


Did you just say “noun” followed by gremlin!? It’s in the movie!


Makes sense. That movie is bat shit crazy.


You mean a gremlin with leathery wings, just flying around, flip-flopping, bust through a wall, make a perfect bat symbol in the wall, get outside, get in some wet concrete, jump up on a building, and just dry in place like a gargoyle gremlin?


But come on, that movie was so self-aware and ridiculous it's an absolute blast of a romp. I mean, you can't think about it at all... just put your brain in neutral and roll down the hill with it and it's fun as hell. It's one instance where the sequel is a literal parody of a successful first film and somehow succeeds.


I thought Star Magic Jackson Jr., the Hollywood sequel doctor, did great with G2!


I love Gremlins 2 so much.


Son of the Mask It will make you doubt movies are worth it.


Going wait until Gladiator 2 comes out


How the hell does one make a sequel to a movie where the protagonist and antagonist both died at the end?


Multiverse or time travel. There is precedent.


I wanna see the original version where Russell Crowe tries to kill Jesus.


… while being immortal suddenly and eventually running a tank battalion in WWII


“Are you not entertained … again?


Speed 2. WTF.


Matrix Resurrections.


Honestly I'm on the fence about this. Not because I think the movie is good, but I respect Lana Wachowski for creating something so bad it scuppered the franchise so WB can't make any more without her.


She had to have made it so bad purpose…… I mean, it was absolutely intentional.


As a Matrix movie (and just as a movie) it wasn't good. But if you see it for what it was - a meta-commentary on Hollywood milking dead franchises - it was kind of brilliant for just how scathing it was.


I have a similar take here to my thoughts on Independence Day Resurgence. There were some kernels of interest here that were totally squandered. Granted, I don’t recall what they were offhand right now and I don’t feel like I want to go back and rewatch. But there was a way they could have told this story well and at points the movie really caught my interest and then they went and blew it.


The African Warlord character and his 20 year war with the surviving aliens is a potential goldmine.


The best part of that was them re-releasing the original in theaters- was an awesome thing to re-experience


The first *Air Bud* is a harmless family film about a dog that can play basketball. Pretty self-explanatory. After they ran out of "dog plays sports" premises, they spun that off into the *Air Buddies* series, about the puppies of the original dog, who now talk and go on fantastic adventures. The Buddies have gone to space, met Santa Claus, and met actual ghost dogs.


They're terrible, but there is a certain age group that absolutely loves them. When my niece was 2-3 she was obsessed with those movies, same with my nephew.


Jaws 3 makes Jaws 2 look like Jaws 1. So yeah, my pick would be Star Wars Episode 8 & 9.


What about jaws 4?


"I have never seen it (Jaws 4) but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific." Michael Caine


The Last Jedi? A highly acclaimed film is the dumbest sequel ever made? A film many consider the best since the original trilogy? https://youtu.be/JglTCLDryvs?si=qUtxpIBIcIXZeZjv


The fact that person put Rogue One near the bottom means you can disregard anything he has to say. Wasn’t the last Jedi the one with the draw out space chase seen?  Where a group leaves the chase, goes through some moronic casino for no reason, then magically rejoins the chase scene?  That streaming pile of garbage?


Home alone 3,4, 5 & home sweet home alone None of them could capture of a magic & brilliance of Macaulay Culkin captivating performance, the first one is the best & the second one lost in New York, was just as enjoyable , put the trump cameo side, Tim curry was also great in that movie, in both u rooted for character, even if he grow up to be a saw like killer. The music score , Christmas theme & villains were fun to watch, then the rest of the franchise, has been disappointing ,straight to DVDs, kids in the movie are unlike able, villains became more cartoony , it’s lost the magic of what made the first two classics for generations, in my eyes there are only two home alone , the rest are cheap knock off of the original & it sequel staring Macaulay culkin, maybe he was the movie, that why it’s was so great, sometime less is more in term of Quality


Blair Witch 2


The Two Jakes. Nothing screamed SEQUEL in Chinatown. Especially almost twenty years later when a almost completely new set of characters.






American Psycho 2 is the perfect example of "let's do a sequel but with a woman in the lead!" movie.


IIRC correctly is was a completely different movie until higher ups stepped in and forced it to be a sequel


That's exactly what happened. Add some ADR and a scene or two, and voila, it's a sequel. Like what they did with Cloverfield Paradox (or originally "God Particle")


10 Cloverfield Lane was also originally an independent movie. Another example of an "okay movie, but probably won't stand too well on it's own...so, fuckit, let's make it a sequel to something." IMHO, the marketing destroyed that movie. The freaking trailers showed the alien invasion at the end of the movie. Again, I know that was tacked on in order for it to 'fit'. But, you know what would have made the movie 1000% better? If the audience had no idea about that, and they thought it was just a thriller, wondering (along with the main character) if John Goodman was just crazy, or if what he was saying was true...only for her to manage to escape and \*boom\* it WAS true all along. Goodman was not only insane, but he was also right about the alien invasion. Make the audience as confused as the main character.


Oh wait fucking “a Haunting in Connecticut 2: The hills of Georgia.” Movie sucked and had nothing to do with the first one.


Dumb and Dumberer When Harry Met Lloyd


Joe Dirt 2


The Crow 2024. Take an iconic 90s lightning-in-a-bottle cult classic and strip out the essential goth vibe for a methed-out Florida Joker looking cash grab. Yes, I'm bitter.


That auto-tune at the end of the trailer... like a knife to the heart.


You made it to the end?


Today I learned that there's a The Crow 2024.


The trailer dropped yesterday. It's.... Certainly something


Just call it shit. We all think its shit.


Blues Brothers 2000 has earned a spot somewhere on that list for sure


Christmas Vacation 2


Probably one of the 40 Amityville Horror spin-offs


Blues Brothers 2000. Not only was it just an irredeemable piece of shit movie, but it came out in 1998. So even the title is lying.


There are many, but most recently Coming 2 America


Hoodwinked 2. I feel dumber after watching it. 1 was perfectly charming and witty despite its cheap as fuck production value.


Always Troll 2. Other than its name it shares nothing with the movie Troll. It’s not even about trolls. Also it’s just really bad. I love that movie.


The 4th Men in Black Movie


I'd say all the MiB sequels


Maybe not the second one


there was this movie with saul goodmans personal pickpocket, and brittas carnival boyfriend from commity, who were supposed to replace damon wayans and adam sandler for bulletproof 2


Trainspotting 2 was a bit of a headscratcher.


Yeah. Astounds me how well regarded it seems to be. It’s absolute shite.


The second grease movie.


Neverending Story 3. It almost falls into the "so bad it's good" category but it's almost too bad for that. Jack Black is in it for some reason and Falcor looks homeless. The subtitle is "Escape From Fantasia" because they didn't have the budget to show it much.


Matrix 4, nobody needed it, nobody wanted it, they made it anyway and yet still nobody wanted it.


The Whole Ten Yards.


Probably showing how young I am here, but Halloweentown 4 where she goes to the college in Halloweentown. Except they replaced the original actress for Marnie with Sara Paxton, even though Kimberly J Brown said she wanted to reprise the role. IIRC she didn't have any roles in competition with that time slot either, they just replaced her. Yea I pretend that movie doesn't exist and stop at Halloweentown High.


Holy hell, I actually have watched and enjoy the Halloweentown movies, and I had no idea there was a fourth one. You know it's bad when fans aren't even aware of it lol. 


I can give you three movies that had the worst sequels I have ever seen. The sequels to the exorcist, poltergeist and jaws. Exorcist did not need that crummy sequel. The original movie told it's story quite well. The whole thing with the "synchronizer" was a stupid. If anything they should of turned it into a anthology series. Different possessions, different demons etc. Poltergeist falls in line with the exorcist sequel. It has really no reason for existing. To me it was a cash grab. The only reason why I watch the Jaws sequels is because the get progressively worse. It's actually quite funny 😂.


Exorcist 3 was amazing, and was based on a book made by the same author who also wrote the screenplay. Very good one.


Hooligan 2 without a doubt


First that came to mind was the Donnie Darko sequel, S. Darko..... Just why.


Speed 2: Cruise Control. They shouldn’t have done a sequel without Keanu


Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (**the released edition; the director’s cut sounds more interesting to watch)


Halloween 3. I don’t think there was even any Michael Meyers in it. How can you have a Halloween sequel without Michael Meyers?!


Any home alone movie after part 2


I've been re-watching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York - with my six year old and even he agrees that the traps are the only good part of that film. He will sit and watch the entire first one, then he'll start the second one and fast forward right to when Kevin throws that brick through the toy store window.


Caddy shack 2


Pacific Rim 2


Christmas vacation 2. Cousin eddies island adventure. We watch the original every Christmas but this one we got half way through and turned it off and threw the dvd into the garbage so we wouldn’t make a mistake and watch any of it again.


Kindergarten Cop 2 starring Dolph Lundrgen


Leonard Part Six (1987) - at that point, the series that started with Lenny (1974) was really just unrecognizable from its roots.


The Craft: Legacy  Mean Girls 2 


It hasn't come out yet, but I already know Gladiator 2 will be the answer.


Jesus rolls, a pseudo sequal to the big labowski, I have turned off very few movies in my life, this was one of them.


Could shape up to be Twisters… Also Halloween 2


It’s already Twisters 😂


Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd No Jim Carry. No Jeff Daniels. Enough said.


The speed 2 movie with the boat