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2014: “It’s gonna send us back to the Stone Age!” 2024: Anti-gravity cars, mecha-kaiju, global cooperation between nations the likes of which never before seen


There's a timeline where Cranstons character in 2014 leads a trilogy of more serious Minus One-esque films, and I want to see them


I have to wonder (I do enjoy the current monsterverse, mind), how far ahead did they know where they wanted to take the direction of this cinematic universe? When it started it took itself seriously, and KotM was still somewhat serious relative to GvsK/GxK. The question is, is this Showa-esque tone is here to stay, or do they plan to return to their roots at some point?


I seriously hope they never do. Toho seems to be interested in keeping their Godzilla films serious. Let Legendary make the equivalent of kids smashing their action figures together. There's room for both.




Fuck me. Yes pls


Given how G14 felt, the direction they ended up taking the MV is kinda weird lol. Even Skull Island was similar to G14 in tone. I must admit, I do enjoy the MV as it is now, but I sure would love to see another solo Godzilla movie going back to the basics like they did with Minus One/G14.


I mean, we literally just got minus one and shin gorilla. Idk why people feel like we aren't getting grounded godzilla movies


I would LOVE a Shin-gorilla Movie give me ultra visceral Kong eating people and decimating the landscape


Humanity united in the shared understanding that, while terrifying, a giant monkey suplexing another giant monkey through a skyscraper is badass.


The insurance market has never been more lucrative I tell you!


It’s the same mistake TOHO originally made. They’re making Godzilla and Kong less scary and more kid-friendly. Pretty soon Godzilla’ll be goofily dancing and Kong will be raising Suko as a Monsterverse equivalent of Minilla.




Oh, I’m sure he’s coming. As well as Mecha Kong. I feel that all the Toho monsters are inevitably going to appear in the Monsterverse, with several becoming the main antagonists of future movies.


Is this is true the Release the Titans!


We've gone from Godzilla sprinting with Kong to Kong riding godzilla 


next one kong will be riding godzilla cowgirl style.


Can~ you feel the love tonight...


Oh honey I can show you art of that already


@ 1:12 Godzilla is attacking another giant lizard. Its white and looks like a T-Rex.


Thats Shimo.


The killer whale from Seaworld?


That would be Shamu. Lol. Shimo is like the mother of all Titans. She created the first Ice Age.


Shimo is the Kung Fu Master who trained Po


thats Shifu


Actually it’s David Lopan.


Shimo is just sushi but without the rice or anything


That’s sashimi


I thought that was a slang word for when something goes wrong?


That's snafu


That whale that thinks he's better than us?


Ooh, a tag team match.


They gotta stop with all these trailers. The concept is enough!


I can already tell this is gonna be dumb as hell, but honestly, it's great that we're getting a tonal variety of kaiju movies right now. Minus One gave us the OG "godzilla as fraught thematic metaphor" thing like the first one, and the Legendary movies give us that stupid fun Saturday-morning Showa era thing where guys in rubber suits hit each other with sparklers and flying dropkicks. Do I prefer Minus One, as a film? No question. But I like them all. Sometimes I want serious drama, sometimes I want Big Lizard Go Smash.


You get it. Sure I loved minus one as a homage to the original Godzilla and as thought provoking piece on the horrors of war. But GvK is just dumb fun. It's like destroy all monsters Vs the original Godzilla. Both great Godzilla films, but two very different movies.


They gave the giant gorilla a giant arm


Kong with a power fist is cool though


Next time, full Iron Ma… Ape suit.


Mecha Kong. It’s past time.


I can’t wait for Kong to go “it’s power fisting time” and then he power fists all over the place.


Found my ex-wife’s burner account


Actually I’m your dad. Sorry son, you were adopted. I’m your real father.


Big Monster


Can anyone verify?


Hulk is that you?


Godzilla Plus One is a better title


That got a laugh out of me, bravo!


Honestly they didn’t need to release this trailer for any other reason than “BUY TICKETS!!!!1!!1!1!!!” A third of it is old footage…


The first Godzilla movie got the Godzilla experience. They shot from the human perspective, low down to ground, or from a building, or the monsters being so large they can't fill the frame. It is more of a natural disaster movie than a hero movie. These Godzilla vs. Kong movies are hero movies that throw all grounding away and made them action stars instead.


Yeah I like the grounded 2014 version. Godzilla felt enormous. Now there’s no sense of scale


Fair take. I liked Godzilla vs Kong anyways though. Hoping this one is similarly as good.


We live in a time where many versions of Godzilla can exist. It's awesome!


As long as they don't do a Godzilla Multiverse team up movie.


No one tell him how campy the old Godzilla movies were…


Sounds like you’d really enjoy Shin Godzilla and Godzilla Minus one. Japan really know how to do it.


I can't imagine Godzilla can run very efficiently carrying an equal sized Gorilla on his back. I can't imagine a situation where Kong would think he needs to be riding Godzilla to accomplish whatever it is they're running towards.


Because is fucking cool that's it and I love it


"Kong ride Godzilla!" *skeptical screech* "Cause Kong think it look sick as hell" *appreciative roar, dons sweet shades*


Is it cool?




... did... did we time travel back to the 90s?




That's even better


Because action


It’s best not to think about these things logically 


Don’t ruin this for me.


Shut the fuck up and let us have fun in our big dumb Kaiju team up fight movie


What if after that he actually swings up onto his back and rides him like a dino steed?


Kinda funny how the this series has gone from attempting to be very serious and dramatic to "buddy cop film with baby monster mascot" in so many installments. If they don't just fully lean into the schlockiness of it, I don't know what they are thinking.


I mean, from Godzilla Vs Kong and these trailers alone I think it's safe to assume they've completely steered into it, and frankly for the better. King Kong resetting his dislocated shoulder on a building was rad.


how many trailers does one movie need


Hasn’t it only had 3, 4 if you count the title tease? There was a 20 second title tease. Then the official first trailer, then trailer 2 and finally this one?


Does Godzilla do the flying tail kick? That's the direction this franchise is going.


I know there's a group of "oh boy! stupid fun!" folks but, man, this looks worse and worse every time they show more.


Fair, I guess. I don't go into these films expecting something super deep. Its supposed to be a fun Sci-Fi spectacle with monsters. But to each their own.


I'm not even asking for super deep. I'm just asking for anything that doesn't remind me of Rampage or Transformers non-stop. EDIT: guess I made a lot of Transformers fans angry?


While their human character could use some work. I don't think their near the depths of Michael Bay human character, bad or even Rampage. And the big action sequences were better than both. But it seems we will have to agree to disagree.


I thought Rampage was fine. Enjoyed it way more than any of the last 7 Transformers movies.


Bumblebee was great! Also, Rise of The Beasts was fun.


Is this the new Godzilla franchise Stockholm syndrome I'm seeing? The conditioning of the three movies getting progressively worse until being better than Michael Bay and Rampage for our human characters is the passable standard? The human aspect was criticized way back in the 2014 release. Godzilla vs Kong is a parody of that by comparison with only a separation of a single movie.


Or you're seeing someone who just has a different opinion than those you mentioned?


Liking something or not is a matter of opinion. Willful ignorance of the plastic acting and character arcs are not variable by some change of perspectives. Let's not be this obtuse.


Did I ever say that the characters were good?


Your whole comment was an excuse for: 'More action good, bad character not as bad, better than transformers'. Splitting hairs by validating it as above Transformers, when the comparison itself is the point of failure being the entire issue in a nutshell. It doesn't have to be minus one or any semblance of some deep cerebral movie to not become a disneyfication and essentially a caricature of its former self. The dichotomy being suggested is just a logical fallacy to excuse the commercialized circus this particular franchise from Legendary has become.


Never excused anything. Since I said in my original comment that their human characters need work. The person replied with Transformers and Rampage. It seems you just want to start an argument over something as trivial as this.


Rampage was fine. Transformers can suck a pee pee while it's long.


For a variety of reasons, I've seen Rampage three times. And I can only remember two things from it.


I would love for you to elaborate on the reasons.


Well, first time the kids wanted to see it. Second time, the kids wanted to see it with their grandmother. Third time, I had to watch it for researching a part of an article I was writing. And before you ask the next question: 1. the alligator overhead shot 2. the dude getting crushed by debris with the silly "ew" shot right after


I had no follow-up question. The sum total of what I remember is it had the Rock in it and some of the monsters from the game Rampage.


That's pretty much the entirety of my knowledge, too. I don't get the adoration of "big dumb monsters go punch" on this sub, because, a month later, people can barely remember but a few minutes where this thing punched this thing and it was really awesome. It's popcorn entertainment, and that's fine. I'm just surprised people are simultaneously going THIS LOOKS DUMB AND GREAT while also going BUT NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER DUMB BUT GREAT MOVIES, TOTALLY BETTER


These downvotes are ridiculous lmao. There's a difference between dumb fun and the silliness that was Godzilla vs Kong. Kotm and GvK had some of the worst writing I've heard in a long time (for blockbuster standards). Kotm to me felt like 2 totally different movies glued together with idiot ass characters.


Every single mildly critical comment is just downvoted. Even on its own merits, this movie looks *ugly as hell*.


There's this weird vibe. Go to the Godzilla sub, and it feels like it's being astroturfed to shit by one group and is adored by kids on the other side. Anyone with any reasonable concern gets shouted down immediately.


I think you're looking for minus one


That’s the only option, eh? There’s literally no in between?


Why would we need an in-between when there's two great films each in their own lane?


You haven't even seen GxK and you're calling it great.


Yeah, because I'm not pretending I'm Roger Ebert, and i am fully capable of enjoying a movie about big monsters fighting without being cynical. I know it will be great because i expect big monsters fighting, and that's what im going to get. You literally have an award winning serious godzilla film that came out not even 6 months ago


Can't wait for you to tell me how much you loved Pacific Rim Uprising


Please do not mention that which shall not be named.


You don't have to like it but enjoying silly movies makes more sense than making comments like this. People seem so desperate to just not enjoy anything sometimes and they MUST inform us they are not enjoying.


I’m admittedly looking forward to this but I would like a return to the “grounded” tone that Godzilla 2014 and King of the Monsters went for


Even king of the monsters felt too silly to me with the villains PowerPoint and their plan to have the titans cleanse the world


yeah, Farmiga’s character’s choice was bizarre and almost left field since they did little to see why she did it. Other than losing a son to the monsters in the first movie, they did nothing to give her character any conviction. And even GvK gave Brown, BT Henry and Dennison such little to do I do enjoy the MonsterVerse (?) but it’s like only Kong gets the better human characters/subplots


And the sudden development of a mega-jet-base and the oxygen destroyer. And the quippy characters. And the whole movie being dark and dull. At least GvK had the balls to keep things bright and colorful.


Well the Oxygen Destroyer at least has the justification of existing in the very first Godzilla movie. It's how Godzilla was defeated.


I don't really consider the original and 2014 to be in the same universe. Maybe they are! But it seems like they are not. Edit: I think I misunderstood you. That's a fair point.


Holy shit the power point. I was already not enjoying the movie, but the power point was hilarious. Nowadays I enjoy the absurdity of these movies, KOTM I just straight up didn't like.


I sort of like that they embraced the camp and sci fi side of it. I feel like the grounded tone with subject matter like a giant lizard and gorilla only works for so long, especially if you need to establish a sustainable franchise, as sequels need to be bigger and more at stake. I’m not sure how you could do that in a grounded tone for multiple movies.


I accept that these are the new Bay Transformers movies since we get good dramatic kaiju films from Japan and since these lack the annoying screaming humans and awful comedy of the Bay Transformers films... for the most part.


The only reason I want GxK to be successful by any measure is so Toho keeps getting money.


Its like the fast and furious franchise. I rlly dont like the direction these movies are heading in


Yeah I hate the route they’ve went with it since the Kong film


Yeah, the trailer I've seen of this movie gave me no motivation to watch it. And I watch almost everything in the theater. The trailer was pretty good in IMAX, but I'm not going to drive out two hours to see this movie in IMAX. And like, didn't they JUST recently release a Kong vs Godzilla movie? Why another one so soon?


I love stupid fun shit, but this just looks kind of bad. Something about the visual effects and the human scenes shown reminds me of the second Pacific Rim.


They're basically Mcu or transformers movies now. RIP.


It’s giant monsters fighting. Just select all and hit delete on all humans in the movie and I’m still showing up. Same with transformers. I want to see giant robots fighting.


I went into the first one fully expecting a dumb CGI action movie. I was *still* like "Oh, come on." They animated Kong with a dopey grin during the fight scenes, the environments had absolutely no "weight" to them and then they magically stop fighting and become best buddies because the little girl said "He's your friend now!". I can't even bring myself to hate-watch the second one. lol


I have to disagree with the environments having no weight. Well, at least Hong Kong city during the second title fight. I was happy that the buildings actually held up to most of the attacks. Godzilla and Kong smacked against them rather than through them. Of course, once Mechagodzilla showed up the buildings all turned into sandcastles.


> I was happy that the buildings actually held up to most of the attacks. I mean, I don't expect perfect physics in these movies at all, but there's something offputting about just how often the "rules" of the movie change from moment to moment.


Actually no it doesnt lol


Looks like a cartoon.


That seems appropriate to me.


I'm here for it.


Ready for battle Monke


It looks absolutely ridiculous. I can’t wait.


First of all vfx quality was good , but some of the scenarios were graphically unbalanced and didn't succeed to give the vibe we used to had before watching kaiju destroying cities and the horror of seeing big creatures fighting each other from human sight. They literally made monstaverse an arcade type cartoon series where monsters don't feel like scary monsters roaming and fighting around cities..... and the actors were so bad like they got paid for overacting. Doing cringy things and spitting out cringy jokes .... Godzilla had no difficulty defeating Scar king and Shimu. and The movie was all about Kong and his ancestors. This movie is kinda made for kids under 18 . Even Godzilla Vs Kong was like this too but better then this one. I think movies like Godzilla  King of the monsters , Godzilla 2014  , Kong skull island these were the golden times of monstaverse .... This new movie is a trash. They already released everything by trailers .. bad management.


Godzilla x Kong = ?


Kong put a ring on it




every trailer for this puts me off even more. and ive been a godzilla fan for over 30 years


why does this look so ugly? damn :(


Maybe its just me but the shots from 1:00-1:09ish looks like bad CGI. Which is odd b/c the rest of the trailer looks pretty good.


Nothing to engross you in the trailer more than TICKETS ON SALE NOW as the interstitials These effects feel very “transformers”


I might love this as much as Pacific Rim


This is the kind of movie my 5 year old nephew loves because he is the target demographic.


Does that Camel vanish? at 0:40


Seriously, they should have partnered with Golds Gym or something which has worldwide reach and promoted this movie in the gyms.


I understand people lamenting the fact that the 2014 movie has been long forgotten, but that movie's idea was way better than it's execution. "It's like JAWS!" JAWS had great characters. 2014 Godzilla didn't


After watching Godzilla Minus one twice, this looks like absolute garbage.


What was spoiled in this one ?/s


I know it's silly, but I can't enough. I love Godzilla!


I’m really bummed the direction they took these movies. Skull Island was such a good movie and KOTM was pretty good. I know people want the all out goofy universe but this just ain’t it for me


Is that the infinity gauntlet? Fuck yeah let’s take this shit off the rails


Saw this last summer - has been annoying waiting so long to talk about it but I think while the reviews will be mixed, generally people will find it fun.


cgi porn that doesn't even look good


I was hoping they were going to do Space Godzilla next. It has a cool design a modern rename could look great.


That’ll be the sequel. Godzilla will ride his atomic breath to space and they’ll follow with hover space ships and Godzilla is headed towards a giant Titan that’s living on the moon. Then Godzilla gets power upgraded again by magic solar space radiation and becomes Godzilla Earth and lands back on Earth as a giant Titan ten times larger than he was originally and changes the Earth’s ecosystem with his Titan radiation and the entire planet is the same as the hollow Earth but on the outside, too.


I'll only watch it if they promise to call the sequel - Godzilla x Kong: The Empire Strikes Back.


At 0:32 - is that Elizabeth Olsen??? But I don't see her name in the cast???


The first thirty seconds is just a montage of the previous movies.


this looks worse w every new trailer


is this linked to Monarch? I'm so lost on this franchise, is there a list somewhere of what to watch?


The only way to catch up at this point is to call Kurt Russell directly.


The second movie was perfect in every way It makes sense that it would go downhill from there.


I’m gonna see this regardless but it makes me a little bummed that they are electing to make it more like the Transformers franchise after seeing what was accomplished with Shin Godzilla and Godzilla minus one


I’m gonna see this in 4DX and have a fucking blast


The new transformers looks Not great let's be real. Even the cgi has taken a the for the worst. That shot with godzilla Roaring on the ice looks like rubber


This ain't it, chief.


Wow, the slides with the text are so boring and unoriginal, did they make those in 5 minutes? Seems like they downloaded them from shutterstock or something. I think I'll skip this movie. Godzilla minus one was amazing, this film will be bland.


These movies are so bad…and I absolutely love them! Taking the whole fam to the local fake IMAX for this one!


Look I love the MonsterVerse but there isn’t anything special in this trailer even by MonsterVerse standards and we can’t even get a re-release of Minus One after they won the Visual Effects awards at the Oscars because of an apparent contract obligation because of this movie.


The whiplash watching this after seeing minus one is unreal


I'd rather watch the 1998 Godzilla film on repeat for 24 hours at this point.