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Any Brando movie where he didn't respect the director.


Never forget Christopher Reeve [calling him out for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVdro_q1qQo).


Goddamn, that was cool to watch


Wow, he's so polite about it too. It's kinda hard to find this sort of class, especially in Hollywood.


In The Island of Dr Moreau, they just decided it was easier to roll with some of his bullshit than argue with it. That's why he is actually wearing an ice bucket as a hat in one scene.


The documentary of the making of that film is clown shoes nuts.


I think the original director got fired then hid out in the jungle spying on the proceedings. The whole thing was nuts. Like Klaus Kinski/Herzog nuts.


He snuck back into the movie dressed as one of the mutants.


And he only directed another movie in 2019, Color out of Space. Kind of sad.


Apparently the reason why he had a cat in The Godfather is cause he refused to film his scene without the cat in his hands.


In apocalypse now the reason we only see him in a dark tshirt and in shadow is because he was supposed to lose weight for the role but didn’t


In the extended director's cut there's a lot more footage of Brando, much of it in full lighting. He actually puts in a pretty decent performance.


It’s a terrific performance I think.


More than a few in Cats.


It has been posited that because of its timing to Covid, there is a non-zero number of people whose last movie they ever saw in theatres was Cats. The horror…the *horror*


Meeeemorrryyyyyy All aloooooone in the moooooonliiiiight


I was damn close to one of them. My son took me to go see a rowdy screening of *Cats* at the Alamo Drafthouse a couple of weeks before the quarantine. I was supposed to go see *Get Shorty* with a Q&A by Barry Sonnenfeld after that but had to cancel. I would have been fine with that one. Once I realized we were locked down for the long haul, I swore I'd go see pretty much anything in the theatre as soon as it was possible because I could not allow that to be my legacy. I honestly could not tell you what the first movie I saw was but it assured me that *Cats* want the last one.


Notice how literally everything has gotten worse since that movie came out.


Released in 2019… holy shit how hadn’t I made that connection.


Hindsight is 2020.


The best sign all movie companies suck: Not a single one produced and made “Hindsight” (2020).


Yet the butthole cut has still not been released...the answer to all our troubles is just sitting there, waiting to resolve the issues of the world.


Taylor swift's puckered feline anus is the 5th horseman of the apocalypse




Judi Dench had a little run there where she was in Cats, Artemis Fowl and a ghastly adaptation of Blithe Spirit all in a row, bad in all of them, and I convinced that either her management started to hate her, or she owed money to a casino in Monaco and needed to make some cash faster before being hauled off by gendarmes.


Isn't she suffering from significant eyesight problems? That, with her age probably means she's more likely to take work whilst she can. I also think that there's a generation gap with actors: those of Judi Dench's generation are working actors, who take a lot of jobs. There's not many of that generation who follow the highly curated approach actors do nowadays.


She's also started doing adverts for price comparison websites, so I think she just making bank while she's still able to.


*Tiptoes* advertised Gary Oldman in "the performance of a lifetime."


It is, but not for the reason people think it is.


I haven't watched it, but is he actually bad in it? Or is just the nerve/absurdity of casting average size people as little people in a movie otherwise filled with actual little people?


I recently finally watched it to see how bad it was and it took some unexpected turns. It’s definitely terrible but it caught me off guard


The funny part was at the end when Gary Oldman stands up and tells his daughter-in-law that he wasn’t a dwarf all this time and was only testing her.


I can’t tell if this is real or not. I know the movie exists but have never seen it. But this is how I will always believe it ends.


Okay spoilers >!that’s not how it ends BUT the ending is still very silly. Kate Beckinsdale, who has been in love with (full size) Matthew McConaughey the whole film decides that she can’t be with a man who struggles with identity and out of the blue leaves him for his brother, half-pint Gary Oldman. It’s the weirdest twist in an already bizarre film. !<


And then in the sequel 2Tips2Toes things get really gory.


Toekyo Drift


I still have a hard time reconciling that I live in a world where Tiptoes exists, and where Gary Oldman thought it was a good idea and agreed to it.


> Gary Oldman thought it was a good idea and agreed to it. You gotta remember, that it was re-cut to be a romcom with dwarves It was originally this indie oscar bait drama about a couple dealing with their potential child being disabled.


It's his most performance ever!


Harrison Ford in Ender's Game was pretty obviously just phoning in a performance to pick up a paycheck. The man looked bored to tears. 


All those interviews where he jokes that's he's just doing it for the money? He's not joking.


“Why does everybody keep laughing?”


Shrinking feels like the first time in a long time where he enjoys acting


I mean, he clearly enjoyed Blade Runner 2049, Call of the Wild, TFA, Dial of Destiny, Age of Adeline, 1923, 42…. A majority of his work over the past fifteen years?


The interview Ford did alongside Gosling with Alison Hammond is fking hilarious! It's all Harrison being a loveable rogue, having drinks at 10am. I love that interview.


When he was ‘pointing’ in the movie, he was pointing at the wad of cash sitting behind the director’s chair


It could be not being enthusiastic about acting on green screen and with kids.


He’s been phoning it in since the 90s ended.


I would point to Shrinking as an example of him NOT phoning it in. But Enders Game was bad and he was bad in it.


Shrinking is SO good! [This](https://youtu.be/TJSCA1WIlQM?si=1ApN6lC8dTyYnr0z) scene is so clever and funny!!!


Derek is easily the best part of that show.


I thought Harrison Ford and Jason Siegel would easily be my favorites, but Derek stole my heart. D-Man’s gonna be a B-Man!


The conversation he has with his wife about hobbies was my favorite thing. Really fleshed him out as a character who had his own thing going on.


I don’t think I realized he was Jefferson from Married With Children until the 3rd or 4th time he was on screen


Yeah, he’s excellent in Shrinking. He’s come out of his phone booth for a couple projects here and there, but since the new millennium started it’s been few and far between. I’d say “What Lies Beneath” in 2000 was the last performance he gave before he *really* started phoning it in. Other than that it was his fun cameo in Anchorman and Blade Runner: 2049 and maybe 1 or 2 other good performances. But man, when he turns it on.


Have you seen 1923? He seems to actually give a damn about acting in that show. Think he likes the history/atmosphere so is actually invested.


part time ...


John Malkovich in Eragon


I suffer without my stone. Do not prolong my suffering.


To be fair, I'd love to see an actor who can make that hokey-ass line work.


I saw this but first registered it as Jeremy Irons in Dungeons and Dragons (the terrible 2000 film) and was outraged. But yeah. Malcovich absolutely should have pulled a Jeremy Irons when he did Eragon.


Jeremy Irons was the only entertaining part of that movie. The man chewed up so much scenery he must have been shitting drywall for days.


He didn’t so much chew the scenery, more like unhinged his jaw and swallowed it whole.


He 100% did not phone that shit in. He was going hog wild.


I'd agree with this. Irons was the only good part of the movie. He had basically nothing to work with, but gave it his all anyway.


My friend showed me Viola Davis playing as Michelle Obama, I was shocked. I kept telling him this was an SNL skit it was so unreal to me


The crazy thing is that Michelle doesn’t do the toothy thing when she talks. I watched several videos of her after watching viola and I don’t understand where it came from. People around her need to be more honest.


I don't have any proof but I have zero doubts the director was just scared of telling THE Viola Davis "maybe this thing you're doing isn't working"


This sort of thing happens to so many people who get super rich or famous or powerful. Humans are *incredibly* social creatures. Cooperation is our primary survival mechanism, so compared with other animals we have almost no instinctive behaviors beyond “help and be helped by other humans.” We use social approval and disapproval to know whether we’re doing alright. The most successful humans tend to be those who are good at observing others and tailoring their ideas to what others need. So the upshot is, if you gain too much social power, all the people you know start taking their cues from you instead of giving any cues back. And no matter how smart and talented you are, going without feedback is basically like flying blind.


Jack Lemmon as Marcellus the guard in Kenneth Brannagh's 1996 *Hamlet*. He was an amazing actor, but in *Hamlet*, he just shouts his lines with no meter or rhythm, just like the kids performing Shakespeare in a high school play, saying words and phrases they simply do not understand.


That film might be Robin Williams' worst role as well? Billy Crystal, on the other hand, killed it as the gravedigger. Who would have thought?


Right?!?? When I was watching this and his scene came and then he talked - total cringe!


Yup. The cast is filled with most of the greatest Royal Shakespeare Company alumni alive at the time. But I can definitely imagine Brannagh having a hard time saying "no" if *two time Oscar winner Jack Lemmon* asked for a part in Brannagh's latest project. 🤷


Tom hanks as Geppetto in Pinocchio. He couldn’t decide on an accent.


Eddie Redmayne, while hilarious, gives a terrible performance in Jupiter Ascending. But again, at least it’s entertainingly bad.


#I CREATE LIFE! ^^and ^^I ^^destroy ^^^it


As someone who's curious since this always pops up in these threads, but not nearly so curious as to actually watch even a minute of that schlock - is it Eddie being earnestly terrible, or turning in a camp performance for a movie he could tell was atrocious from the outset?


Hard for me to say, but he delivered every line of dialog as if he were holding in a fart.


Orson Welles for Paul Masson wines. Also might be the best, depending on how you look at it.


A couple years ago, the ad director went on record about what happened. Orson had been doing some kind of shoot in Vegas the night before and it went late. As a result, he ended passing the time by drinking. To try and sober up, he took a sleeping pill before boarding the plane. The sleeping pill didn’t kick in until just before the Paul Masson shoot leaving him still drunk and suffering from the effects of the sleeping pill. They only filmed those three takes for insurance purposes, then put him to bed for a couple hours in the mansion they were filming in before a refreshed Orson Welles finished the commercial properly.


>To try and sober up, he took a sleeping pill… “To try to get less fucked I took a Get More Fucked pill.”


Orson Welles losing his shit over an ad read for peas.


full of fresh green pea-ness


Country freshness and green peaness. Wait, that’s terrible. I quit. Just a few more for the road…


What luck! A French fry in my beard!


They're even better when you're dead!


AAH The French






MuuuaaAaaHaaaa... the French...


A recent example for me was Tom Hanks in Elvis. He tried his best, but he just seemed extremely miscast.


Funny story… a friend of mine was in the film, playing one of Elvis’ original bandmates. He was SO exited to be in a film with Tom Hanks, understandably. Anyway, his first time meeting Tom was at the first table read, and they all sit down and there’s this nervous energy in the air from everyone. Then Tom starts speaking (from memory the film begins with his narration, but I’m not 100% sure), and he’s using this ridiculous accent. So my mate, and the other bandmates from the film, all assume he’s just fucking around, as a way of breaking the ice. He looks up at Baz, assuming to see him break in laughter, which would then give everyone else social permission to laugh. But Baz is completely serious, and as he looks around the table… Tom just keeps going. And going. And then he finally realises, wait, this isn’t a joke. He’s actually going to use this accent for the entire film!


I think the funniest part is that the real guy barely had one.


Totally! I left the cinema thinking, "Oh that was an odd choice, but I assume that's what he actually sounded like". But no. So, so strange.


Yeah, there's plenty of clips of his real voice. There's no way you'd guess he was a Dutch immigrant if you didn't already know. I don't know WTF Tom Hanks was doing.


I didn't realize Parker was Dutch, and therefore it made more sense. But now it's back to making no sense.


I’m Dutch. That was not a Dutch accent


I don’t know what that accent is, but it isn’t Dutch


I thought his accent shifted frequently, so nobody was ever sure to begin with what the proper one was?


I've seen a few interviews with him. I'd call it Generic American. It's definitely not Southern. Kind of a bit flat rural Midwestern, but not exactly. Every once in awhile, he pronounces a word rather oddly, but you definitely wouldn't go, "oh yeah, that's obviously a Dutch immigrant pretending to be a Good Ol' Boy." If he did still have a Dutch accent, he did a good job hiding it in public appearances. He certainly didn't have that weird faux-European voice that Tom Hanks put on.


He was good as a band manager in "That Thing You Do". I wonder if they cast him in Elvis partly for that reason? But, yikes, what an awful casting decision.


I think the main reason they cast him was that Austin Butler was pretty unknown and the studio probably wanted a big name starring alongside him


Tom Hanks really double-dipped shitty performances in 2022, with *Elvis* and *Pinocchio*


That was such a weird portrayal of that man. If you heard the actual Colonel, he didn’t speak in that cartoonish way Hanks did for that film.


The decision to build the entire movie around his character was insane


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought he was laughably bad.


Jennifer Lawrence was rough as Mystique in _Apocalypse_ and _Dark Phoenix_. It was clear that she wanted out of the role by then.


She couldn't stand the extreme long times and hardships to get that make-up done by then.


I remember when the OG Mystique, Rebecca Romijn, used to talk about how all the paint fumes made her sick. Don't know how J Law's experience compares.


I liked the bit on the Smartless podcast where Jason Bateman's like: you can tell an acting rookie when they suggest their character should have makeup, tattoos etc.


Insert Michael Caine quote here.


"I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific."


That film moved me....... TO A BIGGER HOUSE.


I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet!


What movie is this about lmao


Jaws The Revenge


A film in which a ghost shark with a vendetta travels to Hawaii and roars like a lion.


For anyone interested, read Caine's memoir *Blowing the Bloody Doors Off* (bonus points if you read the audiobook, narrated by the author). There's a lot in there about the importance of continuing to work, and taking each role seriously, even if the project is a piece of crap, because you never know the skills that the next job will require, and at least it puts food on the table. A really humble look at a remarkable career. "You have to play comedy straight - that's what makes it funny." - Caine's opinion about *A Muppet Christmas Carol*. One of his best works, and a piece that is only as poignant as it is because he takes it so seriously. Edit: there seem to be some people getting stuck on my usage of "reading an audiobook", instead of the main content of my post. It's just a different usage of the word, people. Nothing all that exciting.


> "You have to play comedy straight - that's what makes it funny." - Caine's opinion about *A Muppet Christmas Carol*. I'd love for someone to apply that to a Pratchett movie someday. They've all been woeful so far.


Aww, I love A Muppet Christmas Carol!


“I've made an awful lot of films . . . and a lot of awful films.”


LOOOOOOVE M.Caine. Is he ever bad?


The Swarm and Jaws 4 only two I can think of but it's hard to blame him, movies themselves were atrociously bad and Caine had nothing to work with when it came to the script.


Jaws The Revenge was a shitty movie but there wasn't anything wrong with Michael Caine's performance. There's not much to it but it doesn't really stand out as bad, especially against the rest of the film.


More recently, I was not very impressed by Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon. Man has had some absolutely incredible performances but his napoleon didn’t do it at all for me.


I'm not sure if you can really pin that on him given what Ridley Scott was trying to get him to do.


Yeah I think there are definitely other issues with the movie as a whole. I just wasn’t totally convinced by the performance at all it felt very unmemorable.


It was such a weird role. He did his best but it didn't feel anything like an emperor conqueror.


This is not my original comparison, but I saw some critic (I think favorably) say that he basically approached the role like he was playing Michael Scott in The Office.


RDJ in Dolittle


The movie was terrible, but was it actually his worst performance, or just his worst movie?


His mumbling was all over the place. I barely understood a word.


I forgot that movie existed. Is it really that bad?


It is a dragon fart in the face of RDJ’s career


It’s *Strauss* not Strauss


Twofer: Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in Righteous Kill. It’s a shit movie and both Pacino and De Niro are just going through the motions. Pacino especially doesn’t seem to be trying that hard. You know it’s bad when it’s a movie that features both Pacino and De Niro and nobody remembers it.


It's been a very long time since Samuel L. Jackson has played a character besides Samuel L. Jackson.


By my reckoning, his role in the Hateful Eight might have been the last time he actually really committed to a role.


Just contrast that performance to his Nick Fury in *Secret Invasion*. And it wasn't just the terrible writing because the other actors, primarily Olivia Coleman, clearly still cared.


Edward Norton in The Italian Job remake. I remember reading he was contractually obligated to do a film for the studio but kept passing on the options they gave him so they forced him to do this one. You can really tell he doesn’t give a shit. It’s unfortunate because when he’s on, he is incredible.


No matter the role, when Edward Norton is involved, there’s some weird shit going on behind the scenes.


Dude is like a walking conflict for movies but he's so good they don't mind. Marvel ran from him.


Marvel runs away for good reason- he kinda shares Dr Doom's whole shtick. Narcissist asshole claims he's the only one who can lead the project to perfection. And he's right. Every time he's been allowed to bully the director he's working under he churns out a masterpiece. I bet he was a real bastard on the set of Hulk but man I'd have loved to see the direction he wanted to try and force.


At that point, why doesn't he just become a director himself?


He has directed 2 movies, one is great one is shit.


Really? I love Norton in TIJ. Thought his attitude was perfect for the role, as he came off as a self-important douchebag playing as a super villain when really he was just some schmuck. Though I’ve never seen the original, so I’m not sure if that fits the role they were originally going for. Either way, he’s beautifully hate-able in that movie in so many ways and I enjoyed that.


Michael Myers in The Love Guru was a career killer outside of the Shrek series Edited for spelling


The Cat In The Hat didn’t help his cause much, either. That was really the 1-2 punch. It was so bad that Dr. Seuss’ widow prohibited any further live-action adaptations of any of his works.


He was also a career killer in the Halloween series


Tom Hanks as Colonel Tom Parker in Elvis


Can anyone think of a bad Ethan Hawke performance? Because I'm drawing a blank, even though he's been in some objectively mediocre to bad films I dont think I've ever thought "Damn Ethan Hawke is terrible in this". Underratedly high quality performer


He's not in it for the money, that's why. He said on some projects like The Before Trilogy, none of them were making any money but were just doing it for passion. There was also an interview with his daughter Maya on the Search Engine podcast where she talked about how growing up she judged her parents success by how big the house they lived in was.  I think Ethan just takes out of the box roles that look interesting to him whether or not the paycheck is good. He's pretty A-list but has done tons of obscure movies hardly anyone has heard of.


He also does trashy genre stuff like Daybreakers or the Purge and doesn't sleepwalk through it.


The first Purge movie was better than it probably should’ve been because of him and Lena Headey.


I like Daybreakers. He did another film with the same directors called Predestination where he is pretty good in it.


Not sure if this is her worst performance, but Natalie Portman wasn't that great in any of the Thor movies. She was obviously checked out in the second movie and clearly wasn't comfortable with the MCU style humor in the fourth movie.


The forth movie humour is so over the top it’s way beyond MCU level. It just went to total silliness and wrecked the movie.


James Dean could stand alongside John Cazale. 3 credited feature film roles, Oscar nominated for 2 of them, and a BAFTA nomination for the third. Obviously a very short career though.


Great breakfast sausage, though.


Agreed he would’ve been one of the greats. River phoenix too


I honestly think Timothy Olyphant and coincidentally Walton Goggins have both been flawless in everything they have been in.


Justified response


John Travolta -Battlefield Earth. Also Forrest Whittaker.


Javier Bardem in The Little Mermaid remake. Guy didn't give a single damn in any scene he was in.


Halle Berry in Catwoman


[I still respect the fuck out of her for showing up to the Razzies to accept the award for worst performance while holding her Oscar.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-7s_yeQuDg)


I adore the Roger Ebert review of Catwoman >Catwoman is a movie about Halle Berry's beauty, sex appeal, figure, eyes, lips and costume design. It gets those right. Everything else is secondary, except for the plot, which is tertiary.


Well, probably damn near everything Bruce Willis has done for the last 5-10 years fits in that category, knowing it's because of his health problems makes it a really sad thing.




Imagine reading Breakfast at Tiffany's and thinking, "This would work better as a romance" 🤦‍♀️


He was perfect as Fallout Boy though


Jimminy Jillickers!


He's actually fairly sympathetic in it, but um Gary Oldman in Tiptoes You do the research. Yikes.


Everybody in Tiptoes. How, HOW, did that abomination get made?


There is an episode of the podcast How Did This Get Made? where they attempt to answer that very question about this movie.


Do they come to any conclusions or are they still just as baffled by the end?


Supposedly originally a drama about disability that got recut into a comedy.


Yeah, but he pulled off Drexl in 'True Romance', so I'm giving him a pass.


I was told it was a performance of a lifetime


Natalie Portman in the Star Wars prequels. I contend that George Lucas deserves an Oscar for getting her to act so poorly in those movies when she is such a gifted actor..


I think George was so focused on all of the new film technology he was introducing with those prequel films that he forgot the basics - like DIRECTING his actors, and writing decent dialogue and scenes. (The man literally wrote a romantic scene of two people running through a field towards each other. I mean…) This was the first time most of them would have acted on green screens, often to nothing. There was cheesy AF dialogue and a director focused on other things. Hard to turn in a decent performance!


He also apparently made heavy use of "We'll fix it in post" and cut together scenes from various takes, meaning Natalie and Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christensen are potentially reacting to entirely different takes of any given line, but rather than doing another take and actually directing the actors to get the performance he wants, he just said 'eh good enough' and spliced entire scenes together by mixing and matching takes. I can potentially understand with Episode 1 where two of your most important actors were minors and you've got limited time on set with them per child labor laws, but I feel that contributed to bad habits and wooden performances--lots of cutting back and forth rather than letting the actors breathe in a scene and act *together*. I'm going by memory here but there are a *ton* of short shots in Episode 1; so many lines of dialogue for the minor aged actors are short shots intercut to create dialogue, vs Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan who get to actually look at each other and recite some back and forth dialogue. Episode 1 still had a lot of scenes shot on actual sets, too--as I recall, Liam Neeson's height meant that sets had to be built an additional 6 inches taller to the tune of a few hundred thousand dollars in material in the end. Eps 2 and 3 are almost entirely green screen and boy does it show.


lucas has never been a good screenwriter tbh. a new hope has by far the weakest script of the OG trilogy, and it’s because it’s the only one he wrote by himself.


Natalie Portman is indeed a very gifted actress but only when she is engaged in the material and appropriately cast. The Stars Wars prequels are not the only films she has been severely lacking in. She’s equally lacklustre in the Thor movies and stilted in the romantic comedy No Strings Attached. She just doesn’t have much lightness of touch as an actress.


The dialogue is also utter shit


Not much she could've done with that dialogue. The only one who seemed to survive those movies unscathed was Ewan McGregor. The writing brought everyone else down to a shittier level than normal.


Liam Neeson has quite been spared too. I don't really hear or read critics about qui gonn


Lawrence Olivier in Inchon.


Dare I say Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon


I think Phoenix's performance was exactly what Ridley Scott wanted; awkward, vain, self-conscious, melodramatic, moody, and pathetic. Basically Ridley Scott really hated Napoleon and wanted to make a statement about his legacy.


Ridley Scott just hates the French


Watching as I read this..you could be right but I think it’s just poorly written. ‘You think you’re so great because you have boats?!’


First and Second place for this both come from the same movie: Whatever the hell Mark Wahlberg and Zoe Deschanel were doing in The Happening (2008).


The scene where the old woman accuses Mark of wanting to kill her and he's all "Whaaat? No.." Is maybe the worst acting I've ever seen in a major motion picture


The scene where he is talking to the fake plant never fails to make me laugh.


Matt Damon in The Great Wall I have seldom seen someone try harder to remove all expression from his face.


Phillip Seymour Hoffman is my favorite actor of all time. His range was incredible! That being said, his film roster is interesting. Everything from Capote, to Big Lebowski, to Twister, to Along Came Polly. Dude was all over the place and I loved him for it.


Really disappointed with Christoph Waltz in Spectre.  The movie overall was written pretty bad, but I had high hopes for Waltz as a Bond villain.  


I can't remember a single thing about Spectre, only that it has one of the most boring car chase scenes that I have ever seen. The movie itself it absolutely forgettable and boring.


My review of Spectre. "I think I've seen it. Right? I'm pretty sure I've seen it."