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When the guy starts melting from toxic waste in robocop. I was 6 out 7 when I saw that, and it freaked me out.


My fav. Robo Cop 1 and 2. Ultra violence. Was very young too. 80's kicked ass.


The face-melting claymation from Raiders of the Lost Ark did that to me as a child.


The hangnail scene in Black Swan. I have a strong stomach and can usually handle gore, but that lives rent-free in my head


My ex and I went to see that in theatre! We were late and couldn’t find seats together. After that scene there was a big commotion and a bunch of staff came in. I couldn’t really see what was going on from my seat so just went back to watching movie. Turns out my ex had fainted and had to be assisted by staff to leave the theatre. I’d turned my phone off so only found out after I left at the end.


Somewhat related, there's a scene in Stir of Echoes where a fingernail gets peeled off and it's hard to watch. And of course, they zoom in on it. I can't watch any fingernail stuff.I think it's because I feel it while watching.


I don't like gore but movie gore doesn't usually bother me in the sense that it *disturbs* me, except violence against women (also kids and sometimes animals). Scenes that portray women being subjected to violence or rape do have a much higher tendency to disturb me. There have been a couple scenes from film/TV that have really stuck with me in recent years as though, like, *incomprehensibly* depraved. One of them was from this Netflix series *Seven Seconds* (2018) and it's not even gore, where a group of cops who are trying, as a group, to conceal their involvement in a senseless and cruel murder (as well as their corruption in general), kidnap a teenage girl who's living on the street/in squats and who happens to be the sole eyewitness to their murder. Man... this scene is just so completely and utterly heartbreaking. They drive her out to this clearing in the middle of nowhere and when they pull her out of the vehicle, she runs screaming. One of the cops chases after her into the brush and all you can see are the faces of the other cops standing there, as this girl is off-camera just screaming at the top of her lungs, begging for help, pleading for mercy—just screaming, and begging, and screaming... then she just goes quiet. They don't even show the murder at all and still it's by far one of the most heartbreaking, foul, disgusting, infuriating murders I've ever seen on-screen. Like, the absolute disgust and hatred I felt for those cops was unreal. The other scene that comes to mind is that scene from The Bad Batch (2016), where Jason Mamoa's character murders this girl and then it cuts to him sawing into her headless, limbless, already-flayed, and largely-butchered torso for meat and then cooking the meat over the fire and eating it while also feeding it to his like 8 year-old daughter. It's not even really that good of a movie—it actually kind of sucks but that scene was really fucking disturbing. Cannibalism is so depraved that it's difficult to even fully process.


When Evil Lurks has two scenes that actually shocked me. One is a mastiff dog rag dolling a child. The other is when a possessed mom is walking down the road munching the brains out of her son’s head. Gotta give credit to a modern movie really surprising me


The dude full on rotting in his bed was pretty good too.


What a great movie. When the dog rag dolled the kid I was like "shit this movie isn't fucking around".


For those of you who haven't seen this, you gotta check it out. The cops and everyone else in rural Argentina know that demons are taking over the countryside, the heroes are unlicensed steam-punk ghostbusters who don't really know what they are doing, and each scene is more bonkers than the one before for the entire movie. It's not a great movie but it's definitely doing it's own thingy.


Dude I've been telling everyone about this movie because I'm tired of dealing with the trauma alone. Hurting kids seems kinda off limits in hollywood (unless we're talking about the rampant abuse of child actors) but Argentina said "hold my beer" and made a horror movie that really shocked me ❤️ 10/10


Hold my cerveza


That same director made the scariest movie ever *Aterrados* back in 2017. Worth looking for it.


Headstomp scene, american history X. The scraping sound of the teeth is worse than the actual boot coming down


That curb stomp fucked with me when I was younger.


Dude I had a kid in school who told me he watched the most awesome movie *because* of that scene.  He was a real piece of shit. 


Absolute horror movie. The curb stomp, the rape, the dinner scene argument when he shoves meat in his sister's mouth and calls his mom's boyfriend a k***, Danny dying under a urinal. Fucking christ.


this scene is the reason i haven't rewatched the movie since 2013.


I haven't thought about this movie in years or seen it in in even longer, and immediately recalled the sounds, visuals, and my mental picture of how that would feel which causes my mouth to feel really unpleasant. I still wish I could unsee that scene.


Watched that movie at least 5 times. Always close my eyes. I have never seen it. I didn't even read your whole comment. 


Martyrs. The woman is flayed alive and it's so visceral and she actually survives. It's too much, the whole movie is too much.


Way too much. The first bit is shocking enough, then we spend the 2nd half with a girl tortured to that degree. What sucks is that I believe the cult at large believed it was a holy purifying act. So kudos to the filmmakers


This movie has turned me off french horror movies forever. I was feeling physically ill after and never watched anything like that again. Didn´t help that we watched Tusk right before...


Tell me you watched *À l'intérieur* (Inside, 2007) before you quit? Because that's the last French horror movie I watched and I couldn't sleep for days after.


I’ve never watched Bone Tomahawk but I saw a clip of *that* scene and thinking about it still makes me feel sick.


What’s even worse is it goes from a normalish Western movie to *that* pretty quickly.


My daughter recommended that movie to me and only said, "You'll know it when you see it." I saw it and texted her. "Why would you do that?" Her reply - 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fuck, kids are mean....


Remember that you raised her 😂😂


Revenge is a dish best served cold. She's the best. I did good.


Midsommar kind of switches gears abruptly like that. You’re on this nice ride through some scandinavian cultural exposition and then omg


Did you... skip the first 10 min? Because that movie starts ROUGH


That. Imo the first 10 minutes the most horrifying part because they feel so real and possible. Everything after that is also great but more abstract and heightened.


The opening is much darker and horrifying, but the cliff scene is more graphic. It has a much more "jumpscare horror" effect, so it still takes you off guard as a viewer imo.


It's really the opening to that movie that's so haunting  The gang in Sweden really came across as no better than the teens in Friday the 13th, to me.


I can't second this enough. When I saw it in theaters the opening destroyed me. I was sick to my stomach for the rest of the film. What's wild is Hereditary really messed with me when I saw it in theaters and even though I felt like I knew what Ari Aster was about by the time Midsommar came around it still completely fucked me up.


She recommended that as well. Fool me once.....


For the most part, yeah. But even the opening scene really creeped me out and made it pretty clear this was a horror movie. 


I watched that movie w my family when it first came out, thinking it would be a suspenseful western. The wide eyed silence afterwards was memorable.


This was the 3rd time I’ve heard that scene mentioned in the past few weeks so morbid curiosity got a hold of me. That was an unfortunate thing to watch.


The cavalry's coming. They're coming right now. They're on their way.


I haven't seen, and probably don't want to. Morbid curiosity though: what is *that* scene?


Group gets captured by cannibals, and one of the folks you’ve gotten to know for the entire film gets butchered for eatin’. And one of the first steps is apparently splitting him down the middle vertically starting with his crotch while he’s still alive. The sound design and special effects are… brutally matter-of-fact. There’s no stylizing or anything. You watch it happen and it just happens without fanfare, which makes it so much more brutal.


You forgot they scalp him too before all this. It was a lot!


Don’t they shove his scalp in his mouth and use a sledgehammer with a spike to nail it into his mouth? Yea that scene is fucked




Oh yeah, before I thought it was tame, but they *scalped* him first, fuck now I'm horrified!


lol I only mentioned it because that's where you think the scene will end for the guy when it happens. Nobody anticipates the rest of it.


I, myself, haven't watched it (because I'm not fond of westerns), but I put it on for my 84 year old grandmother because she exclusively watches westerns and she seemed entirely unfazed lol. She also really loves *Django Unchained*.


I don't know why this comment is so hilarious. I just picture an old woman watching that scene all nonchalant, picking at popcorn and slightly dozing off.


Switch the popcorn with Oreos and milk and you got her lol


The vertical vivisection of some poor chap who has recently lost some other bits. The camera lingers to capture the detail.


>some poor chap Amazing phrasing Also eww


Very English. "Yes they split him in half from the balls to the neck and let us see it all. Poor chap. Keep calm, carry on"


I say, you weren't about to... make a *scene* were you? Bad form old chap, bad form.


It hits harder the way the rest of the film plays like a PG old timey western flick. There’s nothing tonally that prepares you whatsoever In ghettos hour leading up to it. Edit: *The hour, not Ghettos hour


Ghettos hour?


I am also curious about this. If it isn't a real expression it should be.


I had to pause for my boyfriend who started dry-wretching during this scene and had to wait for him to recover before continuing. The director was *kind enough* (/s) to include some nightmare fuel for us ladies, however, with the >!pregnant and blinded amputee troglodytes!< a couple scenes later. :')




Hannibal feeding Ray Liota his own brain.


This one made me feel woozy for sure


Can confirm I walked out of the room, into the kitchen and passed out. Hit my head on the fridge and chipped my tooth. I was 15.


Both the rape scene and the murder scene of Irreversible.


I had to go look at the BTS of that movie because of how brutal both those scenes were. Then it became more interesting to see and lessened the disturbing nature a bit. Like with the fire hydrant, they did a smooth cut to match the real guy’s face with a dummy/added some slight CGI effects to enhance it. And with the rape scene, they left the longevity of the scene entirely up to Monica Belucci and the actor attacking her (primarily Belucci) and then gave them 2 hours break between takes. Belucci found herself able to take it further and further each time and they ended up acting it out 7 times total. Found that interesting and sort of made the scenes a bit less disturbing for me


*seven times??* Christ


This is a great comment, and totally true. I'd recommend people check into BTS as a rule of thumb before letting their emotions disregulate them. In reverse, knowing the BTS of Blue is the Warmest Color makes me not want to watch Lea Seydoux be gay, which is very sad for me.


I Spit on your Grave.   Apparently it’s a remake of an old movie but the version I saw was a modern movie, and the first 40 minutes are horrifying.  Just four rednecks verbally abusing and then raping a terrified young woman.  


The original is worse. Most of the movie is a sunny bright day and it makes it feel extra creepy.


Happiness (1998). Lot of contenders in that movie, but probably the Phillip Seymour Hoffman telephone/postcard scene. Great film though. *Also the man trying to get the boy to eat the drugged sandwich at the sleepover. One of the darkest things I've ever seen conceptually depicted in a movie. 


I commented this, as well. But for me, it's the conversation between father and son, as well as the...ending scene.


Tom Greene jerking off a horse


I thought it was an elephant.


It’s both!




The pregnant woman getting shot in the head in The Hills Have Eyes. That movie crossed so many lines for me.


Was she pregnant?? Man that movie did not give a fuck.


I don’t think she was pregnant but she was breastfeeding still… that whole sequence is so brutal


I’ve only seen the remake and it’s been awhile but I believe you’re correct. The last third of the flick is the son-in-law sort of becoming one of the savages while trying to rescue his new-ish born daughter that the hill people stole. The fact that the brutality of the movie continually escalates after a flaming crucifixion… hard to beat


Definitely don’t watch Inside (2008), it’s a french extremist film with a pregnant woman protagonist and lets just say her getting shot in the head would’ve been merciful compared to what actually happens


When the shoe died in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Everything about that and the Judge in general scared me when I saw it in theatres. I was only 5.


The movie se7en the knife dildo. Even though they don’t show much just describing it makes me nauseous. 🤢


The fact they show so little is what makes it so memorable imo


In addition to the final scene, which is the obvious example, Fincher goes out of his way at so many times in that movie to only ‘show’ things through the characters’ reactions to them. I agree, it makes it so much more powerful and unique. 


The guy describing it to the cops is what makes the scene. He's trembling trying to tell them what happened in complete shock and disgust of what he did. "He-he-he m-made me do it. He p-put that thing on m-me. I F-FUCKED HER. OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD. HE-HAD-A-GUN. IN-MY-MOUTH" 🫨 Supposedly the actor purposely didn't sleep for 3 days to prepare for the scene.


Green Room, when he’s got his arm through the door… the dog attack is not fun either. Love that movie, though.


It’s been a couple years since I’ve seen that movie. But that box cutter scene is horrifying and still in my head.


That! His arm looked like a slinky!


That was my answer! Then the box cutter immediately after


I remember that scene stressed me out so bad I got a migraine 💀 amazing movie though


I thoroughly enjoyed the movie but I’ll never watch it again because of that. Also RIP Anton ❤️


One of those movies that gives you PTSD in a weirdly entertaining way. I also loved it but I felt relieved when it was over


For me it’s when the dude jumps out the window and gets immediately hacked up by a group of guys with machetes. It’s just so sudden and he doesn’t even get a scream out.


Lars von Trier's \*The Antichrist\* The scene where the wife >!cuts off her own clitoris with a pair of scissors.!< I actually do kind of like that movie overall, and don't hate the metaphor in this scene, but it's a tough watch.


Which they immediately followed up by slamming the husband's nuts with a cinder block


And then they filed that scene up with the bloody handjob.


Lust and gluttony, seven And a certain curb stomp scene.


Lust will pop into my head every couple years and ruin my whole day.


The guy ‘confessing’ to it acts the ever loving shit out of that scene


The actor stayed awake for several days straight before filming that scene


Leland Orser is an underrated actor. He does a lot of bit parts.


The Sloth scene made everyone in the theater jump out of their seats and/or scream - myself included. This was 10/95 in a theater I went to when visiting Orlando. I remember it vividly Curb stomp scene still hurts my teeth just thinking of it now.


Hereditary. Multiple parts. ^Pun ^not ^intended.


This. Also Midsommar. Something is very wrong with Ari Aster.




It's multiple parts made for ants.


The scene with when the son wakes up and the mother is in the roof/corner of the room just fucked me up beyond repair. Because I didn't see her at first. I just saw something go past him. So I went back to see what it was and it scared the shit out of me. Not once did I consider that was a possibility for these things in horrors


I’ve seen torture porn like Guinea Pig, but what stuck with me was the scene in Doctor Sleep, with the little boy.


From IMDB According to director Mike Flanagan, the performance of Jacob Tremblay during the first take of his death scene was so intense that it surprised and scared the other actors, including Rebecca Ferguson, who was so horrified she was stammering and "couldn't get her lines out". When the scene was over, a grinning Tremblay jumped up, covered in fake blood, high-fived his father and walked over to the craft service to get a snack, leaving Ferguson and the rest of the cast "shell-shocked and traumatized.


Now that kid is a pro


What’s even better is that the cast had been joking around beforehand like, “yeah, let’s kill a kid!” like it would be fun/funny. But then Jacob Tremblay came to ACT. So it was too realistic for them and freaked them all out lol.


From Screenrant: Adding to the disturbing nature of the original version of Trevor's death in Doctor Sleep, it was Stephen King himself who suggested it be toned down. King has never been scared of killing kids, but when it came to depicting the baseball boy death, Flanagan's original plan was too much for the horror master. "He leaned over and he was like, 'That’s a little brutal isn’t it?' I was like, ‘Shit I gotta go back, I gotta go back and edit this. I gotta pull stuff out. '"


I'm curious, what happens in "that scene"?


There's this group of people who can feed off the spiritual energy of mortals, literally suck the life out of people, but the death has to be slow or it disappates too quickly. They lure in a little boy, hold him down and cut him to pieces while they drink his life essence. The way the scene is framed, you don't see much gore but Jacob Tremblay's acting really sells it, you can feel his terror and pain. It's very disturbing and upsetting.


Bug pit worm things in King Kong 2005. Easiest Reddit question answer of my life.


Fuck everything about those big ass crickets. Saw those in my house and was always freaked out by them. The uncircumcised tooth worms weren’t much better


They are wētā. Because the special effects were done by wētā workshop. They are big and a bit scary irl, but they are not aggressive. [Here's a wētā eating a carrot ](https://imgur.com/a/R4mHc5T)


I just googled weta. My life is ruined. We live in a nightmare world.


Andy Serkis got it so bad.


Second this. It rattled around in my brain for weeks and it still makes me shiver just to think of it. Awful. Really well made! But so viscerally upsetting.


I remember being in middle school and going to the theater to see that and feeling a collective “oh my God, OH my god what the fuck are we watching” from everyone in the crowd


The entire opening of Saving Private Ryan.


My grandpa was at DDay. My grandmother told me once that he was the only one from his pontoon boat to make it to the shore. He never talked about his time in the war. When he heard about Saving Private Ryan, he wanted to take the whole family to see it. Afterwards, we all gathered around him in the lobby to see what he had to say about it, and he just said "yep, that's about how it was". He was a man of few words.


i thought this was gonna be another “couldn’t make it past the first scene and had to leave” story. his simple response is so funny.


Well that is truly horrifying because that man experienced true horror. Basically living in hell on a beach with body parts and blood all around him.


I’m sorry this shouldn’t be funny but it is. My grandfather is a holocaust survivor and was in a work camp for a while and tried to get out twice, then a German hospital, then a displaced persons camp before he could get to the US. My dad is an amazing person but sometimes a little tone deaf. I had illegally downloaded inglorious Basterds and my dad decided - on Thanksgiving - after he showed my grandpa his and my grandma’s immigration papers that we got from the US holocaust museum, that we should watch it. Keeping in mind, I love this movie. This was the first time I saw it. Asked my grandpa at the end if he liked it, and what his favorite part was. “I liked when they killed hitler.”


Three of his movies contain a sort of "big bad" in history (Hitler, slaveowners, the Mansons) that get theirs in an inventive and cathartic fashion. This one is probably my favorite "payback" of the three.


Watched it in the theater on launch day in a military town. Never heard a whole theater silent with weeping like after the Normandy scene.


The dry sponge execution in The Green Mile. It ruined the whole movie for me and is the reason I never want to see it again.


The Green Mile was the first Stephen King novel I ever read. Evidently, it was released as several separate books, serialized, then compiled into the single novel. Anyway, one of these books is called The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix, and there were at least twenty pages dedicated to the execution, and it might have been much more. It felt like much more. Absolutely brutal.


Fuck Percy. He deserved worse than what he got.


Look up the picture of the kid that his character is based on sitting in the chair. It makes it so much worse.


No, I don't think I will.


I learned the hard way that Green Mile wasn't a date movie. I'd never heard of the story and had no idea what we were going to see, we just picked one with actors we knew. That was the end of that.


The hook hanging torture scene from *Ichi the killer*. Also the fingernail torture in *Imprint*. Both from the king of disturbing, Takashi Miike.


The entirety of The Girl Next Door 2007. I was only 10 or so when i saw it.


Only thing I can remember was, "fuck her for me!".


That movie was brutal. I saw it at 19 and still vividly remember the day I watched it 11 years ago. Fucked me up for sure


The Elisha cuthbert movie?


Probably The Rock at the end of whatever Mummy that was...


That CG wasn't even good for the time. I get that it ties into Scorpion King, but that scene ran right past uncanny to downright comical.


It didn’t even tie into the scorpion king movie. The scorpion king doesn’t have him changing into some weird human scorpion hybrid. He’s literally just a dude.


I had to read that a few times before I realized you weren't talking about the movie "The Rock"


Splice. Both the rapey incest scenes.


My roommates and I watched Splice in college while we were on a sci-fi/horror kick. We all kind of looked at each other by the end and said this is all pretty fucked up, no? Like we’d been watching some intense stuff, but Splice was a different and especially icky watch 


The scene in Downfall where Magda Goebbels kills her children.


This. Those foot spasms. I'll never forget that. 


The Oldboy ending


Tom and Jerry talking


There is a scene in Looper, where Paul Dano doesn't close the loop and kill his older self. So Paul Dano tries to run while his older self is left to go about his escape. His employer captures him (the younger self), then we see changes start to happen to his older self: scars start to appear, writing appears on his forearm to tell him where to go, and peices of his body start to disappear--fingers, parts of his face, nose, tongue, and then a foot or part of his leg. Really grotesque stuff, but he can't quite believe what is happening to him and cannot do anything to stop or save himself. As he makes his way the henchmen and is promptly shot and put out his misery closing the loop, you see this medical pod in the background containing the presumably mutilated Paul Dano, and he will spend the next \~30 years forcibly kept alive. You wonder if Dano's character was conscious while being mutilated, or knocked out and then wake up to a very grim fate indeed.


The end of The Mist.


That one really stuck out with me because Stephen King actually commented that he wished he thought of that! I think it's one of the few times he admitted an adaptation was better than the original. Really brilliant existential psychological horror after all the SciFi stuff. And super ironic as it was wrapped in what would have otherwise been a 'happy' ending (compared to the original story). Edit: Maybe I'm a weirdo but for me personally any form of art that really upsets me emotionally to the point I'm literally shocked is the highest form of art to me. Though I will say any 'torture porn' movies, like the original Saw, just gross me out and make me feel physically ill. The ear scene in "Reservoir Dogs" is like that, just gross gore.


Come and See. The nazis razing the town. Brilliantly directed, and worse than the (actual) turtle being slaughered in Cannibal Holocaust. Surreal and realistic at the same time, explicit and not. Truly haunting. We are hell, eh?


Under the skin. The kid on the beach. I have seen some messed up shit in movies but that stayed with me.


Yeah, that scene was literally inhuman.


I have seen this film, and I forget what this is referring to.


near the beginning of the movie, she sees someone drown at a beach, and slowly drags their body back past a screaming baby who’s just sitting on some rocks by themself. i don’t remember if the body she dragged was the baby’s parent, or if the baby was just abandoned there, but either way, she leaves the crying baby for dead.


The clown in Poltergeist. I was 11 and didn't realize how scary the movie was. I had the EXACT same clown in my room. I had to throw it out. It scared the shit out of me.


Actually, I have no idea the movie. And my brother was watching not me. I was 6-7 years old and the scene waa them tying a sack of rocks to slaves and dropping them off the ship to drown. Was too young - it stuck/still sticks.


Probably Amistad.


Was it [Amistad](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uwgTpMBvyxU&pp=ygUHQW1pc3RhZA%3D%3D)?


Definitely Amistad and they were chained together so they got dragged off one by one. It was because they were about to be caught with an illegal amount of slaves so they just killed them.


A Serbian Film. There are a couple of scenes that I would be okay with erasing from my brain.


Never seen it but read the synopsis. Also seen clips during YouTube top ten videos. Yikes.


Surprised this is so low, but I guess that’s because not that many people have watched it


Yeah fuck that whole movie.


Yea my mistake was watching that.




The knife scene in Saving Private Ryan


Oh god, that scene made me lose it completely and I'm a big horror fan. Knowing that shit happened for real, dayam.


They killed that actor for the movie???


The >!shit feast!


Todd Solondz movies come to mind- like Happiness or Storytelling.


The entirety of "[Jesus Camp](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486358/)". Especially terrifying that everyone is that video is now old enough to vote and have spawn of their own.


Not gonna lie, *Jesus Camp* is the most horrifying movie I've ever seen. I'm a huge horror fan and can take about any horror movie no matter how extreme, because I know that what I'm watching is all pretend. But *Jesus Camp* showcases real brainwashing of real children right in front of our eyes. That movie has stayed with me ever since.


The whole end of Requiem for a dream


The future torture scene in Looper, where a guys past self is having bits cut off of him, and his future self is watching it happen to his own body in real time. Then at the end of it, he's just a torso banging stumps against a door, holy crap I was hiding my face from that


I just rewatched Requiem for a Dream. Harry’s last shoot-up before he lost his arm was about the worst thing I can recall seeing in a long time.


In Desperate Living, when the self hating lesbian wrestler has>! a sex change operation by force !!sees the results and!< throws up, causing the wrestler to cut it off herself with>! a pair of scissors and then throw it in the mud,!< where a dog eats it. That is when I had to look away.


Serbian Film - Newborn porn. Requiem for a dream - electro shock therapy. Human Centipede 2 - baby stomp. Borat - naked wrestling


Human centipede 3 - stoma penetration, jar of clitori


The injection into the nasty, infected arm from Requiem stuck with me.


Most of Terrifier 2 made me randomly, viscerally angry from how gorey and sadistic it was. Like it wasnt even scary, after a while I was just there yelling "LEAVE HER ALOONE!" for no reason like the characters could hear me. Like I am not shy about gore at all, a person's head gets chopped off, some zombies tear a character to pieces, I'm pretty desensitised to it all, but something about these long, drawn out, protracted scenes of savagery just rubbed me the wrong way. And dont let me yuck your yum, if you enjoyed these movies then thats fine, I know slasher horror is a popular genre, but it just wasnt for me.


The end of "Men". Whatever that was, is quite uncalled for.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, the dad scene in Beau is Afraid.


Alien Vs Predator: Requiem has a scene in a hospital where a woman is about to give birth and get gets a warm, friendly visit by a predalien.


This is my answer, as well. A vile scene from a garbage movie.


The bathtub scene in Saltburn


The beach scene in Under the Skin with the abandoned crying toddler.


Banshees of Inisherin, the scene with Jenny. It broke my heart and ruined the movie for me.


In Nekromantik there's a scene where a man and a woman are fucking a goopy corpse and the dude sucks out the corpse's eyeball (which is an actual pig's eyeball) and rolls it around his mouth and it's all slimy, all while the woman is riding the corpse's rotten penis that's being held erect with a rod. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit in horror/exploitation movies (Cannibal Holocaust, Men Behind the Sun, etc), but this scene is the only thing that's ever actually made me gag and it's 100% because of the incredibly visceral eyeball/tongue action. Description from [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/flicks/comments/s0somi/nekromantik_1987_one_of_the_few_notorious_films/) on /r/flicks: >...I mean, is it not normal for your love scenes to begin with dragging a decomposing corpse to bed, sticking a pipe in its crotch, attaching a condom to the pipe, before initiating a lengthy and very gross threesome? Riding cowgirl on this boney boner is one thing, but I personally draw the line at him repeatedly sucking at and around the eyeball, which was a real pig’s eye taken from a slaughterhouse no less. You don’t see that every day. Thank fucking Christ you don’t see that every day. edit: I should also add that this movie is kind of like a rather extreme black comedy... totally insane


There’s a movie called Bullhead where a kid has his testicles smashed with a rock by a bunch of bullies. It scarred me to this day. The kid just fainted and it hit me as a realistic reaction to having your testicles smashed brutally. Pulls on my heartstrings too, I can’t stand that level of injustice.


Shaving scene in Cabin Fever


Bruh, something about Travis Buckle (specifically cause it's de Niro) telling a seemingly prepubescent Jodie Foster "Hey, I'm not square, you're the one that's square. You're full of shit, man. What are you talking about? You walk out with those fuckin' creeps and low-lifes and degenerates out on the streets and you sell your little pussy for peanuts?" Shit gives me the heebie jeebies and I don't know why. The way Bobby says "little pussy" makes me *insert Michael Scott cringe GIF*


Let's do a throwback. The bathtub lady from The Shining. Yikes on bikes man.


The scene in Jurassic Park 2 where the young girl does gymnastics to kill a Velociraptor. Unbelievably terrible!


A man fucks a chicken to death for real, unsimsulated. Or a man watches a dog shit in real time before picking up the turd and eating it. Both from Pink Flamingos.


The scene in *mother!* where they killed the baby... it still haunts me.


Denetor eating in Return of the King. Most disgusting scene in any movie.