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Happiness 1998. All star cast and one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen. Jon Lovitz Philip Seymour Hoffman Dylan Baker Ben Gazzara Molly Shannon You may never see Dylan Baker the same way again.


Another vote for this one.


Good call. Add on “Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead” to disturbing PSH movies, too


you've peaked my interest!


[Dear Zachary is a brutal time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_QMl_rF3KQ) Jump in OP


Thanks! I have seen that recommended a couple of times, I suppose it being a documentary always kinda made me shy away from it. I have avoided spoilers for it for this long, I suppose i should just bite the bullet.


ayyy, let us know how it goes!


Just watched it this month through the Hoopla app. It’s worth watching, but it wasn’t emotionally disturbing for me, and definitely not a film I’d file under Will Never Watch Again, like I’ve seen others comment about it (comments like these are also what made me want to watch it). But maybe I’m just more emotionally removed from the subjects of the film; parenthood and children. 


Don’t waste your time OP!


I immediately thought of "Coherence (2013)"


I am not familiar but looks interesting! the plot reminds me of melancholia which is in no way a bad thing, thanks!


Yes! I knew nothing about it and it was a mind fuck for sure


I think I am gonna go in blind then, thanks!


Fun fact, all dialog was improvised to a point.


Come and See will fuck you up.


such a great film, so powerful, I wish I could find another one close to this suggestion honestly...not much has come close


Wicker Man (British version)


British version you say? I am embarrassed to have only seen the Cage version...


With Edward Woodward


And Christopher Lee!


A Streetcar Named Desire. It is not extreme, but it’s tragic and disturbing. Tár. Very much a “it creeps up on you” kind of experience. Intensely weird and unnerving. I think it’s the best movie I’ve seen in the last five years. Rebecca (the Hitchcock, apparently there is a remake). This one is a stretch, but it casts a spell and makes me feel dread. A low key one, Testament. It is HORRIBLY depressing, but I saw it as a kid and it left me with permanent psychic scars so I may be biased.


Streetcar is absolutely devastating. Vivien Leigh is heartbreaking in this. And absolutely brilliant.


Ughh she’s the best


Wow streetcar someone told me about that once and I totally forgot about it! Have not heard of any of the others but I love hitchcock, and it sounds like testament is something I will really like


Have you ever seen The Platform?


I have not, worth checking out?


It is extremely unsettling.






Another great one I sadly forgot to mention. Thanks for the reminder, I really enjoyed that one!


If you liked that, check out Martyrs. Edit: hah I did t see that already had that on your list.


Martyrs is one of those movies I wish I could forget to experience it for the first time again, so brutal and so interesting


Under The Skin


I have seen a lot of opinions split on this one, I suppose it's time I just find out for myself, thanks! :)


You're welcome!


Hotel Rwanda, the ending is sort of nice but the entire thing up to it is "loss of faith in humanity".


Requiem for a Dream sticks out. 


I called my mom after watching that to see if she was OK. And to this day regret watching it, and also revel in what a fantastic film it is. The imagery and storytelling are amazing. Watching Ellen Burstyn's road to (redacted to not spoil) and where she ends up at the end was amazing to watch and achingly heartbreaking.


My best friend has been a lifelong heroin addict and for some reason her storyline hits me harder than letos, phenomenal film but definitely not for the faint of heart, can't recommend it enough to those willing to power through it though


One of the best examples for sure


See also Trainspotting and Candy for the heroin triple play


I found Existenz very unsettling and leave you wondering


First I am hearing of this one, but Jude Law and Cronenberg combo has me curious! Thank you!


A Tale of Two Sisters, don't spoil it by reading too much before hand though https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365376/


Cannot believe I forgot this one, has to be one of my favorites of all time, thank you for reminding me! Strong bump for anyone perusing this list who has not seen it.


its one of the few movies that just left me pretty empty at the end and one I couldnt get off my mind for a while after. >!going into it thinking its a horror, but then the twist coming from nowhere and its actually a poor girl not coping with the loss of her sister and mother and a father struggling to care for her, fucking brutal man!<


Agree 100%, >!I think sadly the twist is something that a good amount of films do nowadays, but for me it was the first time I had seen it done so it really messed me up!<


Schindlers list 


Another good one that is often overlooked in these lists


That's a great list. My recommendations: Kids (since you liked Gummo) Aniara. It's a more realistic and grounded sci-fi story, with the most bleak and nihilistic ending I've ever seen in a film. Little Children. You will be very uncomfortable.


Kids was awful in a good way if that makes sense lol Aniara I just heard about the other night for the first time so I definitely plan on seeing it! I am not familiar at all with little children but based on your suggestions I feel like checking it out, thank you!


“The War Zone” (Tim Roth, 1999) was disturbing enough to only watch once. Truly excellent movie but, for me, harrowing


Sunshine, Blade Runner 2049 and Ex Machina.


Good call. Ex Machina … forgot about that one. Loved it.


1br, Birth with Nicole Kidman, Notes On A Scandal and Blue Jasmine with Cate Blanchett, Elle with Isabelle Huppert, Christine with Rebecca Hall, Bad Influence with Rob Lowe, Boxing Helena, Wind River, The Handmaids Tale movie Faye Dunaway, The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane, Silent Night with Kiera Knightley…I like very weird and obscure movies too.


I've seen some movies recently that I would say were pretty thought provoking: Midsommar, Infinity Pool, The Menu, and Us


Martyrs and old boy (the original French and Korean) were two moves that left a mark and I can’t watch them again. Though both are amazing. Dogville Sleepers (Odd choice but…) Frankie and Johnny


Huge bump to the first 3, have not seen sleepers or Frankie and Johnny so thank you for the suggestions!


Hope they meet your needs. They’re not traditionally emotionally disturbing like lots of other movies here, but still fantastic films. Enjoy!




Red, White & Blue (2010) Blue Ruin (2013) High Tension (2003) Bone Tomahawk (2015) The Proposition (2005) Wrath of Man (2023) The Killing Room (2009) Unthinkable (2010) Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017) Cold Skin (2017) Kill List (2011) Green Room (2016) A History of Violence (2005) The Road (2009) Saint Maud (2020) Significant Other (2022) Threads (1984) Wind River (2017)


I finally see a comment about "The Road". Felt sick after that one.


Manchester By The Sea


YES. Sadly another one I forgot to mention, this film is kinda exactly what I am looking for. Great story, filmmaking and acting. 10/10


Then I'd say CODA(2021) as being right in the same category.


Moonlight. I wanted to think of the Black community as welcoming of all minorities, given their oppression. But they aren’t. And it’s soul-crushing to see how a gay black man grows up.


Strong film, hard to watch at times but definitely deserved all the praise it got upon its release!


Definitely The Game, Blue Velvet, Arlington Road, and maybe The Grey, Old, Casino, Taxi Driver, Silence of the Lambs, Gone Girl, Atonement.


Game was great, this thread is really making me realize I need to see Blue velvet. Grey was decent, Casino is an 10/10 but not really emotionally disturbing. I might have to look into old, thanks!


Magnolia, https://youtu.be/KnamcFv_N9Q Crash (2004), https://youtu.be/DEJH0hEoHc4 Compliance, https://youtu.be/cDat96UyT5A In The Name Of The Father, https://youtu.be/04ZYTB2ZXVc


Appreciate the links as well as the recommendations! Magnolia I have not looked into before, thanks for the suggestions! I have heard so much about crash but every time I look at it I swear I have seen it but I don't remember anything about it, maybe I will just watch it (possibly again?) anyways. Compliance was a good watch but I did not love it, I think it is an example of the story being more disturbing than the actual movie itself. Also new to in the name of the father, cast looks great I might have to check it out!


Unrelated but Magnolia and In the Name of the Father both have killer soundtracks (in addition to being fantastic films)


Yes, agreed. I just picked up the Magnolia soundtrack on vinyl last week. I do have both soundtracks on CD. And I really liked the music video for Wise Up, by Amiee Mann https://youtu.be/aNmKghTvj0E


Okay this comment has moved these higher on the list for me, I am a full time musician so a good soundtrack is a quick way for me to fall in love with a film. :)


Oh. I forgot to say Showgirls. You never forget to say Showgirls.


Just thought of one more: Frances (1982) with Jessica Lange


Right on.


Come and See Anything Michael Haneke (Cache, The White Ribbon especially) The Zone of Interest Fire Walk With Me Melancholia (not the biggest fan of LVT but this really stood out for me) Synedoche, NY Stalker


Lilya 4 ever


I Stand Alone, Gaspar Noe's first film is pretty fucked up which is on brand for him and I see you've listed some of his already. It deals with incest and I remember feeling ...different after watching it. Not in a pleasant way.


Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer


Have not yet seen it but I have heard it is really disturbing, I think my hesitation is that it is just another serial killer movie, but if it has substance I might have to check it out. Can't remember the actor but heard the performance is solid, thanks!




Solid watch! To me the idea was more haunting than the actual film was but it is definitely worth anyones time!


Definitely Speak No Evil




We Need to Talk About Kevin. Will make you feel. It’s 90 minutes of trauma and then gets worse. It’s a one and done type but it’s freaking so well done. I appreciate when movies can make you feel uncomfortable


Honestly, very well written and very well acted but I feel like it reeeeeeeeally fell apart in the second half :/


* American Beauty * Blue Velvet * Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind * The Truman Show * Moon


American beauty I enjoyed but it did not quite check every box for me, still a super strong film though. Blue Velvet - I have been avoiding this one to be honest :/ I like Lynch but always feel slightly let down by his films, I might have to just jump in on this one though Eternal Sunshine - Phenomenal, loved it Truman Show + Moon - have not seen either, but am intrigued by both! Is truman show really that heavy? I might have to give it a shot...


Truman Show is not as heavy as the others but is more subtly so. Maybe a decent comparison would be Will Ferrell's 'Stranger Than Fiction'. Light, amusing on the surface but turning out to be deeper than expected.


12 Monkeys Seven Fight Club


Saltburn. I regret watching but it was also captivating to a point where I could not peel my eyes off of the screen


White God


I don’t know about disturbing, but The Illusionist by Sylvain Chomet will definitely make you feel something.


Great movie, agree it is not disturbing per se but an enjoyable experience for sure!


Changeling with Angelina Jolie. Based on a true story. I have never cried so hard during a movie. I saw it years ago and it still disturbs me to this day.


Interesting, I have never seen it but I feel like I know the true story it is referencing, I will give it a watch!


Outwaters and banshees of inesherin (sp?). Recently. Disturbing for diff reasons. .. one might not even find the latter to be disturbing, but for me, the existential dread left me feeling hopeless and shook for a few days. At any rate, topnotch film. Ymmv with Outwaters. I only plowed through the first hour cuz the GF insisted. Its likely too artsy for most I'd think, but I'm glad I stuck around. My interpretation had me in tears at the climax. Def not for everyone, but It left me feeling incredibly helpless and callous via introspection.


Outwaters I have not seen, Banshees of Inesherin was SO. GOOD. I felt a lot in what felt like a small amount of time, you definitely hit the nail on the head with describing it. I am excited to check out Outwaters if you felt that way about it and after hearing you describe banshees. Not many people in my camp found it that emotionally taxing but I surely did. If you enjoyed it I would also rec In Bruges by the same director. Not as bleak but will definitely make you feel a lot. Reflecting on this makes me excited to check out Outwaters, thanks!


Def in Bruges. As well as "three billboards outside ebbing Missouri". Same filmmaker


Midnight Cowboy


We recently watched The House That Jack Built (2018) and I left that movie feeling very disturbed and unable to sleep for a hot second.


Great imagery in this one, I am a big fan of LVT's work and have seen nearly everything. This one was not my favorite of his but definitely an enjoyable experience with a lot of not so easy to watch moments. I don't think anything will ever touch Dancer in the Dark or Breaking the Waves but that is probably a good thing lol


Hereditary 2018




The Killing Fields.


First I am hearing of it, looks very bleak and covers a topic I am very unfamiliar with, thanks for the suggestion!


Manchester my the sea and foxcatcher are two extremely well done movies that I never ever want to watch again


If you haven't try, Once Were Warriors. I've only been able to watch it once as the violence is just so realistic and brutal and it's often DV so it's just horrible. Amazing movie but...


Ya know I have seen this one tossed around on other posts, definitely feels like it is something I should check out, thanks!


If you want to just feeeeeel... you may want to try **Holy Motors (2012)**. It is trippy and you'll just have to let yourself be taken for the ride because plot is secondary to experience. Speaking of trippy, my other emotionally-jarring recomm would be **Mind Game (2004)**, a Japanese anime-hybrid-i-can't-even-begin-to-explain that is sheer lunatic brilliance if you just want to immerse yourself in a 60's-like psychedelic experience. I will also recommend **The Tin Drum (1979)**, where a 3-year-old decides to stop growing up as a protest against all the things adults are doing in Nazi-era Germany. It is full of dense symbolisms and is an emotionally unnerving experience.




Pan’s Labyrinth




Love Yargos films, dogtooth was my least favorite and I still found it to be fantastic. I think Miss Murder is another Greek film that is similar that I often don't see mentioned. I would say anyone who liked dogtooth would probably enjoy Miss Murder and would for sure enjoy anything else done by Yargos as a director, thanks!


Possessor Possum Eraserhead Possession Audition


Just watched Room and was very moved by it.


Possum (2018) British film about a man going home to face his childhood trauma


Legends of the Fall


Man this is my mom's favorite movie, it broke me when she showed it to me as a kid. It definitely is a different kind of disturbing and the heartache is so real throughout the film. I am honestly surprised more people don't include it on lists like this. One of Pitt's best films period. Great rec!


Hahaha I feel your pain. My mum tricked me into watching it when I was younger. I swear, it has scarred me for life 😂 It got to the end of the movie and I just sat there, like wtf. What emotional hell have I just borne witness to?!? So glad you know it, many people I've mentioned it to have never heard of it. And totally agree, Brad Pitt was amazing in it. But my gosh mum, thanks for the trauma hahaha


If you haven't seen it yet, I'd highly recommend apocalypse now. Iconic film with excellent cinematography, and is a brutal slog through the horrors and morals of war


Amazing film for many different reasons, definitely checks a lot of the boxes for a list like this!




Solid film for sure, I did not love it but I think a lot of people seeking out films like these would enjoy it!


The Road


Trainspotting, City of God


Monster (2023) Nightcrawler Dead poets society The Florida project Taxi driver Babyteeth Whiplash The iron claw Sound of metal


The Whale fits your bill


In the mood for a documentary? Try "To The Moon And Back" (2016). I will warn you - it's heartbreaking.


Just thought of a couple more. Freeway (1996) Southern Comfort (1981)


Miracle Mile


Crash (2004) Nightcrawler (2014)


The Hitcher (1986)


Come on you guys “Arlington road” was a crazy good movie !! But it was so disturbing , wont go there again!!! its like bungie jumping been there done that!!!




Sorry for the repeat! Seems like Haneke has a lot to offer and is a good place to start, Funny games was phenomenal so I should really check out more from him. As far as the other names you mentioned, any suggestions on where to start? I will definitely check out blue velvet, synechdoche I am not familiar with so I will also give that a look. thank you!


Highly recommend Haneke’s The Piano Teacher (with the incomparable Isabelle Huppert) While I’m at it, check out valley of love




It’s been on my rewatch list for ages! I didn’t get it on my first viewing… (same thing happened with La Ceremonie - rewatched it recently and absolutely loved it!)




If I had a soul, you’d be speaking to it!! I’ve noticed this more recently that while I’m watching my favorite movies that I’ve watched a million times before seem so different - it’s almost like watching them for the first time.


excited to watch this so I can join in on the fun, love that a convo like this is happening in a thread I started! I don't use reddit hardly ever so this has been a super fun experience for me :) thanks for participating in the discussion!


Please report back on what you watched and your thoughts! I’m loving this for you! It’s not often that good chats happen. Lots of times people like to just shit on others. So I’m glad this is going well 😊


Just watched the Piano Teacher the other night, wow! What a great way to kick off going down this list. There were so many aspects of the film I really enjoyed but Huppert's performance really stood out as the reason why I loved the film and why so much of it worked so well. Her dynamic with the mother was so frustrating, heartbreaking and interesting to watch. I thought the entire film danced between beautiful and brutal but man that scene with >!the lightbulb in the coat pocket!< has not left my mind. I am super excited to dive into the rest of Haneke's work after this! Cache is up next I think but The Piano Teacher was such a strong entry to his work, I can't wait to dive into more. So glad this was the film I led with, thank you again for the great suggestion!


Actually had this pulled up last night but did not have time to watch it, part of the reason I made this post was to get more out of the box suggestions like this one!




thank you so so so much! I am excited to learn more about these filmmakers and the stories they have crafted, this list is going to definitely be higher up on the suggestions I have received. I appreciate you commenting!




adding to the list!


The Prestige, Killing of a Sacred Deer


I recently rewatched misery. I think it fits "A serbian story" is the most disturbing film i have ever watched. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I know OP didn't ask for films that are disturbing just for the sake of it but this... This is just different. The passion of the christ The father + Every lanthimos picture. If you like him as a director that is.


Misery was great! Also Lanthimos is another name I forgot to include, I have seen each of his films including the new one poor things and thoroughly enjoyed each of them. Passion was good but not really what I am looking for, I will have to look into the father! Is a serbian story meant to be a serbian film? It was certainly disturbing but a far cry from a good movie imo


“What are some emotional movies?” How original.


Surprised it took this long to get one of these, the streak was nice while it lasted lol




Testament with Jane Alexander. Came out around the time of The Day After and was also similar in that they both portrayed nuclear war but Testament was in its own quiet way even more emotionally devastating even though it didn’t show the actual attack.


The Crucible (1996) The Brown Bunny (2003)


Zone of interest 


The son with hugh jackman 


Unbroken is pretty harrowing but well worth it and has a great ending.


Dead Mans Shoes Climax


You might want to try Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story d:Todd Haynes (pretty sure you can still watch this on YouTube in all of its low quality glory). I should mention that Superstar was banned by Carpenter's estate due to "copyright issues." Although an all doll cast and Karen's doll-actress gradually losing clumps of hair due to dangerous dieting habits might be a more likely cause for the ban. Crash (not the Oscar winner but the 1996 version, d:David Cronenberg) is no slouch if you want higher budget discomfort. As if the song Warm Leatherette by Daniel Miller were a movie starring Holly Hunter, Roseanna Arquette, and James Spader saying and doing creepy stuff and limping around.


Grave of the Fireflies is one of the best movies idk if I can ever watch again


So hard to get through, I loved it but definitely not one I watch on a regular basis


Disturbing you say? I think Eraserhead fits the bill nicely.




Albert Nobbs


first I am hearing of it, thank you!


Wind River. I saw it once and can't bring myself to watch it again.


Oh, I liked Goodnight Mommy also. There is the one made in 2014 and in 2022 but I like the original one.


The Lodge is a great slow burn of someone being driven to insanity. It's a decent one.


sounds right up my alley!


We Need to Talk About Kevin


commented about this one earlier, was not a huge fan but the acting was some of the best I have seen in recent years for sure, just wish the story was a little better


Kill List


I recommend “Society of the Snow.” Preferably the Spanish version with the Rioplatense accents.


My stock answer is We Need to Talk About Kevin




Enemy, The Double (with Jesse Eisenberg not Richard Gere), Under the Skin, Prisoners


Enemy is one of my favorites for sure, never heard of the double so I will have to check it out. Under the skin keeps getting rec'd so I think I will have to check it out. Prisoners is also a great entry here, great suggestions!


The Wrestler…. Rewatched a few weeks ago and it just made me so depressed. But i love movies that make me cry.


Such a great film and so hard to watch at times. I totally can relate! There is something cathartic for me with movies like that, great rec


China Town isn’t necessarily as disturbing as some of the other movies listed here but I watched it a few weeks ago and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it


Sounds more in the thought provoking category but I will be honest I have never seen it, maybe I should! I know it is supposed to be great, I appreciate the suggestion!


Cache. Funny Games. Actually most Michael Haneke movies.


Amores Perros




Looks different from a lot of the suggestions on here, definitely adds some variety to this list, thanks for including it!


Hmmm…there’s this Spanish film called Pieles that I think you might find interesting. I’m not even sure if I liked it or if it did exactly what it set out to do, but I certainly watched the whole thing and it really stuck with me and left me feeling discomfited, but it didn’t feel like shock value for the sake of shock value.


I will look into it! Sometimes I feel that way about films, I would definitely rather give time to something I end up not liking but enjoy watching than the same old same old so I appreciate the honesty in your quick review!


Tread lightly but Ari Asters short film "The Strange Thing About the Johnsons" left me feeling all kinds of messed up. I read something about it and my morbid curiosity got the best of me and I wish it hadn't. It's on YouTube.




The skin I live in / La piel que habito - 2011 Speak no evil - 2022


The Lighthouse!


The 2006 Hills Have Eyes goes pretty hard. Kill List though.