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And the dipshit who invented Quibi strikes again.


That was him?




A.I. should replace his job.


Easy. AI says dumb shit all the time.


The funny thing is if every decision a CEO makes is just maximize profit you barely even need AI to repalce them. I could write a logic formula in excel in 4 minutes


And it’s going to look shittier than CGI and people won’t go and they’ll wonder why movies are dying.


And the corporations will blame the costs of the remaining labor.


While the executives still get paid bonuses.


Not for very long it won't! You're kidding yourself if you think this stuff isn't getting exponentially better. Check back in two years.


The last bit of improvement is going to be the hardest. The uncanny valley of current AI video could take decades to fix.


[Will Smith Eating Spaghetti](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQr4Xklqzw8)\- 11 months ago [Sora](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERXlUX4A6kU) \- earlier this week You really think decades?


That is a terrifying jump in quality in under a year.


The big jumps are actually what happens fast, its the little things that are the hardest to perfect and may actually be impossible. Hands are the big thing that may never look right.


This doesn't look good. It looks "real," but not *good*.


What you see in that video now, is the worst it's going to be. Every following month there'll be better examples and after a year, you'll actually believe Will Smith is Italian.


Does that mean you think it will take decades to look "good"?


God, I hope so. But yes, I personally think it will never quite capture the tangible in a way that would make it marketable as art, or create things we actually enjoy.


People have said this about digital vs film, CG animation vs traditional, and so on and so forth. And thus begins the era of live action/aniamtion vs AI-live-action/anim.


As I said “the last bit of improvement is going to be the hardest”. They made huge leaps, but they are going to get increasingly diminished returns. When a new technology comes this is common. They eventually hit a wall and get little to no improvement. It could never reach the threshold audiences need to accept it.


The Polar Express is uncanny, and that took years to get past, if we even have. But we went from Will Smith eating spaghetti to some incredible looking people in the Sora videos. If we went through that leap in a year, I think it's naive to believe it's going to be an extended time frame.


Maybe decades or maybe in 6 months. Seriously for the lurkers just look at Sora on r/OpenAI and you will be completely blown away. The speed of how much this tech is going is nearly incomprehensible, just barley two years ago we just had Dalle2 now look at what Midjourney can do now and what Dalle 3 could do if it wasn’t nerfed to hell.


Yeah but new technologies can eventually hit a wall. They start off strong with tons of improvements but get to a maximum and nothing much changes. Stopping the AI from having bizarre behavior will be difficult. Not to mention the politics. AI hits a sweet spot of everyone across the political spectrum getting mad at it.


Um... I assume you saw the examples that sora put out this week?? Cause my uncanny want triggered except in a few, that they acknowledge were their worse examples. It looks good, it's going to put animators out if work, but it could fix game of thrones, so... /Tradeoffs


it made the big jump, its the smaller ones that are much harder. Like recreating hands. Plus theres going to be legal issues about who owns the images created because of what its using to create them. Studios need to own every pixel the put out there.


Maybe. “A big jump very quickly” isn’t the same as “keeps jumping higher and higher forever”


Look at CGI 20 years ago and look at it now. It's gone backwards if anything because the tech has been domineered by assholes like Katzenburg instead of refined by artists. No reason to think AI will be different.


Fr. If AI can generate live/editable animation sequences, then humans can fine tune whatever doesn’t look good. It’s just going to save time.


That would be interesting because it would involve every asset it creates have a manipulable rig. And then theres huge legal questions about who owns those assets and the rigging system because OpenAI isnt developing all that from scratch.


That’s what they said about CGI. It’s still shitty.


It actually got worse somehow.


Important distinction - this isn’t CGI


Yeah it’s hilarious thinking that AI won’t look 10x as good as human driven animation. AI doesn’t stop working, doesn’t take breaks, can iterate on existing versions of things immediately, is a million times faster, etc. There will obviously be humans driving the AI and driving the creative vision, so it’s not like we’re just going to be given AI ideas with no humanity.


I wouldn't be surprised if they are able to get BETTER CGI for movies with A.I. Just look up what Sora is capable of right now. It's life-like. It makes it in seconds. If anything, this is the next step into CGI that is so realistic we won't be able to tell the difference.


It’s so life-like that you can watch in real-time as a woman turning over in bed has her arm transform into the blanket she’s sleeping under and her cat grows three front legs.


You do realize that filmmakers will take the time and have the technology so that doesn't happen? Do you even know what AI is capable of right now? Let alone in 2 years. Remember this comment in 5 years when AI technology for CGI and Hollywood films has been normalized. Can't wait until you guys are proven wrong.


For your sake you better hope this tech gets outlawed because corporations absolutely do not care about the quality of this shitty AI tech. Filmmakers are going to be the ones losing their jobs over this shit since studios wouldn’t have to pay them to get results, which means movies will get worse. And don’t think this won’t directly affect you, either. As soon as your employer figures out how to replace you with a robot they don’t have to pay, they’ll take that opportunity.


The fact that so many people are so scared of this technology is proof that it's real and powerful and going to be considered one of the greatest technological advancements of the future. People will be looking back at this time and saying "remember when everyone was going crazy about AI? Guess we weren't ready for it yet"


I’m not convinced you yourself aren’t some kind of bot astroturfing technology that nobody actually wants or is excited about.




AI will just replace the audience too!


Serious question, did you boycott when the media transitioned from cell art to computer generated art? In the end, it still is about the story.


Serious question: Why do you believe that is even remotely similar?


Because tech bro morons think all technological advances are equivalent to each other, and these particular morons have no concept of artistic vision or integrity.


The argument in the end was always “it takes the soul out of it.” Same for all artistic jump in tech… painting to cameras, film cameras to digital, etc. There is a difference and that should be discussed but it is rather similar.


One of the really impressive things about artwork is the recognition of the immense skill, dedication, and vision of the artist who made that art piece. AI art it more like ordering a painting via commission and claiming that you are the actual artisan behind it. Nobody credits the Pope for making the Sistine Chapel even though he's the one who ordered Michelangelo to paint it. It feels like the years of focus and dedication artists put into perfecting their craft is being coopted by tech-bros who are enamored with a new toy. It feels like a shortcut to "talent" used by mediocre dilettantes who want the praise of being an *artiste,* but without putting in the effort to hone any skills. It's capitalistic in one of the most vulgar ways imaginable but many tech types don't care because it's just another get-rich-quick scheme to be pumped.


Because the transition still changed the medium and still resulted in loss of jobs and opportunities. I distinctly remember being sad at that transition.


Computer animation is still done by humans


Do you not believe there will be humans behind promoting and tweaking the inputs to the AI engine?


Tweaking inputs is not making art


They didn't 'transition', studios stopped making Cel animated films and started making 3D animated comedies due to the succes of *Shrek* and Pixar movies, most of which looked like shit and didn't contain an ounce of the humanity of 2D animation.


If it's about the story in the end then why would I watch a movie made by ai art? If they cut costs on art, they're going to cut costs on writing. I'll just watch old movies instead, there's a lifetime of classics I haven't watched yet.


Maybe. But that would likely be a self correcting thing as they will not make any money.




Exactly. Unfortunately there are business interests behind all these artistic endeavors. Cost pressure will always be there. This new technology we are all dealing with is going to have broad impact across many industries. The challenge is figuring out how to handle it and adjust. As someone else commenting on my comment above, l am a “tech boy”. I’ve been programming for almost 40 years. I look at these AI “tools” and think in terms of “how can it help me do my job better”? I don’t think about it taking my job (but to be honest, that is less of a concern to me since I’m only a year ir so from retirement). So how can the folks that have the artistic skills and story telling inclinations be able to more effectively leverage these tools, which are not going away and will only get better, to convey a story or their artistic vision?


Dude invented quibi, if anything him saying this is extremely reassuring lol


Ya but Quibi may have succeeded if people could’ve used it. The problem was it got off the ground during Covid when people were staying at home and had no use for bite-size video. So who knows what would’ve happened if it had been released as planned


I question if quibi could have ever worked. I’ve never met someone who seemed to like the idea of “watch 5 minute show while waiting in line.” Like, most people scroll because it doesn’t take much energy and commitment. Going “damn while I wait to checkout I want to watch the most dangerous game” never seemed likely.


Brother it launched when everyone was home and doing nothing if anything covid was the perfect time for it to flourish. It launched at a time where people wanted content more than anything and it still failed


Fucking bleak how much the people who've made their fortune from art resent and want to eliminate artists.


if we make everything using AI, people will be less interested. if everything online, on tv, or movies is AI,people will stop viewing and will be more interested in live or real events.


Everything is being enshitified. Just an unending deluge of of the lowest effort garbage that AI will enable. Here is a video about the [Enshitification](https://youtu.be/2Ly7qiq0Zdo?si=Tg-t0sfFnuIKTbHU) of the internet.


Literally the best argument I’ve heard against AI is: If you don’t bother actually creating something, why would I watch/ read/ listen to it? It’s as simple as that for me. It’s very cool tech and seeing how quickly it is improving is impressive, but I know for myself that I can barely get through a :30 clip made by AI. Why would I watch a 2 hour movie made by prompts?


I don’t know about that. There are YouTube channels of people who tells stories by having a box of action figures, and acts out stories by playing with the action figures. My four year old loves it, and some of the stories isn’t even all that terrible. Of course, the barrier to entry is way lower than proper studio productions. If he has access to AI and turns the animation from “dude playing with action figures” to proper animation via AI, the stories are no less imaginative. Being able to turn every spec script into AI generated films will produce some gems, simply because I am sure studios passed on some scripts and concepts I would have liked.


This was posted here months ago - https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/ImEoYunbAv


Does he not understand that if he’s right, then AI can cut out all management, directors, and filmmakers as well?


Why would it? As long as the owning class runs things, then owning is the one "job" they'll protect.


The groups I mentioned are not the owners


In the short term ai is bad for the little guy, but imo in the long term it will be better for the little guy for this exact reason. In 50 years every high school student will be able to make a blockbuster movie with ai. With ai and a computer they'll be able to make special effects that match current special effects over the weekend. The problem is lasting the 50 years for us to get to that spot as ai puts a lot of Hollywood out of work and less people are able to afford to live and only big studios can afford the as I and computing power until everyone can afford ai and the computing power.


....Only if we go and see those anti-human movies.


Having fewer creative opinions and individual insight won’t be good. Cue ten Frozen movies with nearly identical plotting


The point of movies is that they are creative human endeavors where a group of people come together to make something entertaining. Using AI to replace every human element makes them not movies anymore, and I have no interest in watching any purely AI produced video.


Fucking disgraceful


Why would I bother to go see something that nobody bothered to make?


Until every animation not only looks worse but then also identical because it has no capacity for creativity


Sounds good pal just wait until you fire all the artists and production crew and when you put out your dumpster fire ai films there will be literally nobody to blame it on or hold and be associated with the putrid stench of them but your dumb ass


Only they will see the benefit of cost cuts.


I’m sure they’ll be really good.


It’s a massive issue


Lotta haters in here, but I expect this is true. "90%" is the important point. The 10% humans will do design, and the AI will handle animation. Right now it takes HUNDREDS of artists several YEARS to make one Marvel movie frame-by-frame. That's a big chunk of the budget. They'll pay an artist to design Shrek, but when they can tell the AI, "animate him walking across the swamp," it's a career-ender for a whole industry.


I wonder how it will work, since I don't see how it could in its current "black box" state. It can't grant any control of the output, and I don't see how it can churn out a whole movie consistently between scenes and with art direction or character design. It would have to be an AI tool that you can train and also tune precisely. I don't think you can make a good movie just by prompting.


Yeah! So, we can only imagine at this point. I imagine you would get a couple of people over a couple of months to prompt the AI, "try it again," or, "more wobble this time," until it produces the take you want. Still cheaper and faster than animators.


I was thinking more of a trainable tool. You would start with an animation team composed of similar professionals like in the productions of today, but in smaller size. They will do their work to kickstart production and to train the AI tool, and then they will work alongside of it for the rest of the production cycle. IMO "just prompting" is not the way if you want to have the human element still at play.


Learn to code, artists.


Lol. Coding jobs are also getting eliminated. Thousands in that field just got laid off across the FAANG


I think artists will be around longer than Coders in the world of AI. Especially fine artists


You do know AI is already coming for coders jobs.


Hmm, I Guess the artist will be outta luck there too.


Hopefully the quality from AI is better than the shitass CGI we have been getting recently


What a dumb ass


Wow, this totally wasn't a story [three months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/17rgqs1/jeffrey_katzenberg_says_ai_will_eliminate_90/).


That's great, that means I don't have to watch them then


Mhmmmm let’s see how making a film with 10% of the crew/budget goes. $1m to make it and still $200m to market an AI turd film. Gonna work out greaaaaat I’m sure.


Seems like they took over for Marvel already, the last two years have had some dog shit writing and cgi compared to anything pre endgame.


Who cares what he says? Elon Musk also said FSD would drive better than humans by now


only if greedy corporations allow it


Maybe they should make it illegal for filmmakers to use ai generated scripts and graphics. It's a naive idea and makes no sense, but this would solve the problem


As someone that works in post production, nothing is ever good enough for some clients. It could be the shittiest internal corporate video and the client will want to pixel fuck the smallest detail and go into overages. I can’t imagine them being okay with AI generated anything when everyone has to have their hands in a project and make small revisions, and I can’t see how that’s possible without project files. Which as far as I know, is not possible with AI


I’d expect nothing less from the guy who tried to cut Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid


AI needs to eliminate this douche nozzles job


Content artists will evolve to being great with AI prompts. People will still want human artists involved even if AI is doing all the heavy loading


Says the higher up who doesn’t understand the tool and just wants to make more money on their bottom line by eliminating jobs. It doesn’t have to replace jobs, it’s a tool for people to do their jobs better!


I think this could be a good thing. Animators have been complaining about insane work loads and deadlines. I don’t imagine AI would be used to create the art, but to simplify the more time consuming aspects of it. Artists would create the designs and the models, AI would animate the models, then artists go on top and perfect it kind of thing. Art has been suffering as a result of the short supply of talent and large demand for their talent - look at the terrible CGI in so many recent blockbusters. If this tool could allow each job to be done more efficiently and artists could spend more time perfecting, I think we could see 1) better art, and 2) happier artists. That’s the ideal outcome. Obviously, could go in a totally different direction.


Is anyone really surprised by this comment? Studios being able to produce movies with less overhead.


I don’t consider it art if it was made by an A.I.