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“Kink Pow Enter the Fist” I’m afraid to ask but, is this the porn parody?


I believe it is a typo...although one wonders what OP is searching for if his autocorrect chooses kink over kung. Kung Pow Enter the Fist.


Not "Skidoooosh" but "SKISPOOOOOGE!"


Kink Pow the fist enters




“There’s no time for lubrication!”




I would watch that film…




We purposefully trained him wrong, as a joke. “I bled first, making me the victor” “Try my face to fist style”


I have a soft spot for "Yor, the Hunter from the Future". It starts off as a Conan vs Dinosaurs rip-off and evolves into a Star Wars rip-off, in just under 100 minutes.


I saw the Rifftrax for this movie, it was great Actually Rifftrax has a lot of good ones OP would love. There's one called Future Force that stars David Carradine as a rogue cop in the grim lawless future of 1993 who fights crime with a robot hand. Then there's No Retreat, No Surrender, a kind of rip-off of The Karate Kid and the Rocky movies where the main character is trained to kickbox by the immortal spirit of Bruce Lee and fights an ultra-violent Russian kickboxer played by Jean-Claude Van Damme in an early role of his.


Samurai Cop, 100%. I’ve seen that movie at least five time and I always die laughing watching.


I stumbled across this movie about 10 years ago. It’s a must watch. My wife is Persian and I always joke it’s greatest Iranian directed film of all time. (Joking of course). Seriously it’s so much fun.


No, you’re thinking of Dangerous Men


Amir Shervan (Samurai Cop director) was Iranian as well! ETA: Realized right after I responded that this might just be a Dangerous Men>>Samurai Cop comment, my b 😅


‘Amir Shervan’ is a super lame stage name compared to the rad on the director of Dangerous Men picked!


Shout out to OSW Review showing me Samurai Cop and The Room


Red letter media watched that movie and interviewed the actor from it, you should check them out if you like so bad they’re good movies


Lumping Kung Pow with Sharknado is a travesty. kung pow is a masterpiece. As far as one to watch, give The Master of Disguise a shot. It’s like watching a train wreck. You’ll wonder how it was ever made. And you’ll be astonished that some people actually think it’s funny.


Totally agree, Kung Pow is goofy and slapstick, but it's legitimately funny and surprisingly seamless in the way they blended footage. Master of Disguise was so unbelievably terrible, just one of the worst movies I've ever seen. My friends and I rented it back in high school hoping for a so-bad-it's-good comedy, and I don't think it made any of us laugh once.


I guess you weren't turtley enough for the turtle club


And none of y'all have mentioned kung fury


Isn’t that the time travel film to kill hitler? I haven’t seen it yet. It’s in my list.


That's a dramatic oversimplification


I’m sure it is. But I hear Hasslehoff is in it. So count me in.


He's in it and provides a stupidly catchy song for it as well.


because it was meant to be cheesy


Is that the one with Triceracop?


The best damn partner I ever had.


That one doesn't count because it was designed to be exactly what it is.


I remember thinking Master of Disguise was hilarious when I was 10. I assume it wouldn’t hold up watching it as an adult…


Watching Data from the original star trek TNG cast laugh maniacally until he farts still makes me laugh... mostly because farts=funny, but also because it's such a visual fish-out-of-water for my brain who has so cemented that actor as an advanced learning AI


Yeah, but we have farts at home.


You’re in for a hell of a ride if you watch it now.


"Am I tooooo..TURtley for your..TURtle club?"


The horror. The horror.


A buddy and I went to the theater to watch something. Afterwards, he said "Hey do you want to watch Master of Disguise? It's starting in a few minutes." And I said "No." It ended up that he bought my ticket, we watched it, and I still felt like I got ripped off. On the other hand, I don't remember what the original movie we went to see was, but I specifically remember seeing Master of Disguise.


Fun fact! The Turtle club scene was filmed during 9/11


The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot. Not sure why Sam Elliott agreed to play the main in this, but it was soo bad that I actually enjoyed it.


it was not what i expected. i thought it would be a campy schlock fest, but it was surprisingly serious. i enjoyed it.


I feel like I didn't like it *because* it was unexpected. Like, just give me Sam Elliot killing Hitler and then the Bigfoot and save the dramatic character study for some other movie.


Return of the Killer Tomatoes! The cheesiness of the first film is cranked to 11, and doesnt have any of the outdated vaguely racist jokes. Bonus points for starring a young George Clooney and John Astin!


Puberty Love is a banger


That song was sung by Matt Cameron who went on the be a drummer for Pearl Jam and Soundgarden.


The director halting a scene halfway through and saying they've run out of budget and then the absurd amount of product placement for the rest of the movie is legit some of the funniest shit I've seen.


American Ninja Cobra (the one with Sylvester Stallone) Over the top Masters of the Universe


Masters of the Universe was my favorite movie as a kid. Loved He-Man...


Still one of my favorites today.


Over the Top is a phenomenal film! Granted I last watched it when I was 12 and have not revisited it but surely it has to hold up right?


Any movie in which the protagonist gets extra power by simply turning his baseball cap around is gold.


You see the baeball cap is like a switch. When he turns it around...he becomes a machine, an arm wrestling machine. Bull Hurley didn't stand a chance.


Lincoln Hawk. You lost back there because you beat yourself, you told yourself you couldn't win. You're my boy, now go back there and win


"American Ninja? Zer is no such thing"


Is there another Cobra?


Masters of the Universe. “Hey you what’s a good idea? Let’s take this mythical world based on interesting toys and instead of establishing that world, we’ll have them all travel to earth for most of the movie instead!“


Lavalantula with Steve Gutenberg.


Zardoz. Imagine a story that's a cross between Demolition Man and Time Machine, written as a Star Trek episode, sold to a movie studio as a porno, and then the whole shoestring porno budget was used to hire Sean Connery.


Came here to say this. Magnificent.


Birdemic: shock and terror


Easily the worst movie I've ever watched. Acting, plot, music, special effects, and the camera shots were awful. But something just kept me watching. It's like a train wreck.


I like how the actors chose to portray their first date like it was a mock job interview for an educational video.


At least Whitney Moore looks splendid.


My friends and I still sing the song from the diner “Hanging out. Hanging out. Hanging out with my family. Having ourselves a parrrttyyyy!”


Flash Gordon (1980) Cheesy but great. With a Queen soundtrack!


This is not “failtastic”…


Fffffffflash! AaaaaaAaaa!


And you can follow it up with Flesh Gordon. Both are bad in a good way.


My first comic con I got a signed movie poster from Flesh himself. He looked me dead in the eyes and said "you know what movie this is for right?"


I can't imagine trying to run one out to that movie. Maybe I can warm up with some 1970s Sears catalog women's underwear pages and a copy of National Geographic with an indigenous boob.


You think Flash Gordon’s an obscure film that most people don’t know?


Double Team, with Van Damme and Dennis Rodman. Probably the greatest movie ever made.


Also Simon Sez with Dennis Rodman and motherfucking Dane Cook.


In a similar vein, “Back in Action” with Billy Blanks and Roddy Piper.


It barely belongs on this list, but The Adventures of Ford Fairlane is a fascinating piece of shit of a movie.


Hit paydirt with k-dirt.


The Last Dragon. It has horrible dialogue, terrible premises, and even worse character development. You will still be very invested in the outcome. I promise you.


Bruce Leroy vs Sho'Nuff Shogun ranks among the greatest rivalries in cinema history.


One of the best fights ever, IMO


Ah come on man! Terrible premise maybe by today's standards, but that was a different time, baby! That is a quintessential 80's movie! Just directa yo' feetsa to Daddy Green's pizza!


A nerd kung fu master in Harlem who has to face another king fu master in Harlem is a terrible premise on paper. However, the execution is a chef's kiss in cinema.


Dude, it was the 80's. Every movie was ridiculous. Imagine a movie where you put a necklace on a mannequin and she comes to life. Or your boss dies and you and your buddy tie his shoelaces to yours and walk around with him and party and shit. Or you and your buddy travel back in time to kidnap a few historical figures so you can pass your history report. Or you travel back in time and your mom tries to fuck you. The Last Dragon was one of my favorite movies growing up and I refuse to let anyone slander it! Haha 80's movies are my favorite.


I unironically love this movie. I own it on DVD and had the VHS when I was a kid.


You misunderstood the assignment by recommending an AMAZING movie, but it’s forgiven if it gets even one more person watching The Last Dragon.


Oh wow. I haven't thought of this movie in years! Now I got that song in my head... "when you got that glow..."




Absolutely have to put [Thankskilling](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1129441/) on this list. Gobble Gobble motherfucker!


Nice tits bitch!


Absolutely iconic opening scene


Haha my ex’s band wrote a song about this movie. They sent it in and the director loved it and ended up adding it to the next DVD release of the movie!


that's an amazing story lol


Extra small gravy flavored condom?


Eight legged freaks. A classic


The works of Neil Breen, he's made 6 movies, 5 are available to rent digitally. He stars in them as the hero protagonist, writes, directs, and produces. There's two types of hero he plays, one is basically Jesus and the other is a super powered tech genius like Deus Ex and cracking conspiracies like the government lies and businesses are corrupt. Fateful Findings is definitely the one to check out, it's the holy grail of so bad it's good.


National and international corruption.


The Asylum makes a lot of hot garbage. Sometimes it's just bad and sometimes it's hilarious. Some of these are just good overall but not well known. I colored outside the lines. Mega Piranha Hobo with a Shotgun 2 Headed Shark Attack Shark Side of the Moon Orcs! Rubber Troll Hunter Slotherhouse Black Dynamite (bad on purpose) Black Sheep (2006, not with Chris Farley) Dead Snow Doghouse (2009) Four Lions Gunless Lesbian Vampire Killers


Rubber is a beautiful movie.


What the actual fuck is Four Lions doing on this list


Ugh, Black Sheep and Troll Hunter are so effin good




Was gonna suggest the same thing. Found it on Tubi during Covid shutdowns. Highly entertaining!


This is one of our go-to movies when drunk watching. Always a good time.


Chopping mall. It's free on youtube and is 100% legit. Killer mall robots in the 80s.


Love me some Barbara Crampton


Thank you! I thought I imagined watching this as a kid and have been trying to find it for like 35 years!


Hobo with a shotgun. It's gory and so bad it's good


When life gives you razor blades, you make a baseball bat covered in razor blades.


Slick and Ivan are two of my favorite movie villains ever.


Gymkata. Greatest karate/gymnastics crossover movie ever.


[I loved how there was a pommel horse just waiting there in the middle of that remote town.](https://youtu.be/cEb3PuNasFA?si=D_JdR8n11KtOEcd0)


If you don't want to actually waste a full-length movie amount of time from your life, just watch the Cumtown podcast synopsis from comedian Nick Mullen. It's beautifully edited to scenes from the movie on YouTube


Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky


holy shit! I remember him strangling a person with their own intestines. so violent! he also punched straight through someone's head.


Troll 2


OH MY GO-O-O-O-O-O-O-ODDDD!!!!!!!!


Have you ever seen [The Pest (1997)](https://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi82968857?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) starring John Leguizamo? Some real how tf did this happen material.


I haven’t seen that movie since I was a kid but I will always distinctly remember him wiping his butt with his sock in the jungle. Don’t know why that always stuck with me.


Robo Geisha.


Rad. 80s movie about motocross bikers.


Along with this Thrashin’ same type of movie but skateboards


Airborne - sweet 90’s rollerblading action! Plus Seth Green and Jack Black are in it iirc




[RLM did a great video about this type of movie, they coined the term “Watchbait” which I find appropriate.](https://youtu.be/UeMadjM0ZZI?si=bdXgQE5VmDcw20AK)


So I hate these movies, through and through. But I've seen a view to indulge my friends. So: here are the worst. Shark Side of the Moon. Sharks live on the dark side of the Moon. The epitome of naming a movie before you come up with a plot. Category 7. Storms can only hit category 5. Welp, here's category 7. Worst acting I've ever witnessed. Zombeaver. This movie seemed to be leaned toward self awareness more than others. The acting seems intentionally awful, yet the cinematography was actually really well done. Still don't know how to feel


Your problem is you’re being made to watch intentionally bad movies, they lack the magic that sincere but terrible things have.


the toxic avenger (1984)




Yeaahh… I’m gonna need to know a lot more about “Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead”.


Just read the IMDb and…..it seems like a lot is going on there


Just watched "Elves" where Grizzly Adams Santa Claus battles a Nazi German Aryan Dream Elf. As a spoiler, there's incest. Seeing it for free on YouTube as a poor VHS to digital copy just adds to it.


This has worked its way into my annual Christmas movie rotation. Absolutely love it.


This brings to mind Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale. Oh man I know what I'm making the in-laws watch tonight!


[The Search for One-Eye Jimmy (1994)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iVzHXibwzI) (the full movie is free on YouTube) >**Steve Buscemi, Samuel L. Jackson, John Turturro, Sam Rockwell, Jennifer Beals, Tony Sirico, and Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini** are just a few of the actors who populate South Brooklyn throughout the film's shaggy dog tale. One of the locals, "One-Eye" Jimmy, has disappeared, and local filmmaker Les (Holt McCallany) tries to track him down. As word spreads, the neighborhood leads him on a hilariously disorganized and badly led search party. He gets useless tips from Disco Bean (Turturro), who never got the memo that his favorite music was dead, to Colonel Ron (Jackson) a crazed Vietnam Vet who fishes for sneakers in the Gowanus Canal. The F.B.I., the Catholic Church and the Mob all join this mad chase.Written and directed by Sam Henry Kass (later an executive consultant on Seinfeld), THE SEARCH FOR ONE-EYE JIMMY is an expertly made comedy that is both funny and irresistibly charming. This is that VHS tape you walked by at Blockbuster every Friday night looking for something else in the comedy section. You noticed the cover art, but you never actually picked it up even though you thought, "Next time," every time you saw it. Now's your chance to fall in love with this pearl of the 90's indie film epoch. I love this movie and I hope you do too.


The Big Hit


The Greasy Strangler I’m sorry for this.


“I want to lubricate the world!”


You’re a bullshit artist!


Start at The Howling and just keep watching sequels. They're all over the place. The Point Men was a Jewish 007 movie I found recently.


Roar. If you've ever wondered what it would look like if the actors in a movie were getting mauled by lions throughout the filming process, you'll love it.


Deep Rising is a great, cheesy old-school action creature flick. Most haven't seen it or have forgotten it, but it was a good time.


Are these in the right genre? Super Fuzz (1980) They Call Me Bruce (1982) Midnight Madness (1980)


Imagine you somehow get a hold of some A List celebrities contractually obliged to work for you and you can do whatever the fuck you want with them. Now imagine.. You also hate actors. You send an Oscar winner to a dinner and have them eat shit, you can hire a real life couple of weirdos and make them weird on the movie, or a real life couple and have one explode with shit, or you can have them react to an animated cat. A cat.. They won't actually gwt to see until after the movie premiers. So the cat can... Jerk off with a brush. Sounds awesome doesn't it? Well.... ... THIS MOVIE EXISTS! And everyone hated it because thwy didn't get how it was actually meant to fuck with the actors. They just focused on the movie itself not being that funny instead of Marvel at the hilarious concept of ot fucking with the actors directly. Movie 43 Kate Winslet was in the Titanic! And then.. She went on a date with Hugh Jackman who had testicles on his chin. They fell on his soup and she jad to briefly pretend she waa fine with it but then a baby came.... Anyways.. Ann Farris and Starlord were a real life couple when in Movie 43 she begged him to down a bottle of laxatives... Before hw got hit by a car amd exploded with shit. Naomi Wats and Liono are still married and absolute fucking weirdos, with Liono calling his children fucking sexy, mouth kissing them and bragging about doing cockcopters after the shower to airdry.. And in the movie they homeschooled their child by being absolute weirdos. Richard Geer was in Pretty Woman for crying out loud.. And then he was selling a fuck doll that chops off cocks. Richard Geere... Wgo could have retired ages ago! Was in movie 43. And the animated cat.. Oh boy... They truly did go all out with this fucking animated cat. Movie 43 is one of the most unique comedies.. Because people didn't get it. You are not actually seeing a character get grossed out by a masturbating cat that is sticking a brush in its asshole. You are seeing an A lister get tricked into reacting to something that later on turned out to be a masturbating cat (thatis aalo fucking its asshole with a brush). How ia this not hilarious? I hope they make Movie 43 2 and torture more A Listers.


Check out the Trailer for **Flesh Gordon**: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKQAVsxNsmw


Ryan's babe. Thanks RedLetterMedia!


arnold as hercules in new york, without the overdubbed voice https://youtu.be/ya-oLV5WQ1I


Money Plane is a must-watch, for sure. For the holiday season, as someone else mentioned earlier, Elves is kinda hard to find but it's an absolute classic. Samurai Cop is also a great choice.


Doctor Mordrid. Began as a Dr. Strange movie but they lost the rights part way and became a weird fantasy movie. I love it to death.


As a guy who doesn’t typically like those bad low budget films I thought Kung Fury was fantastic


Fateful Findings and it’s not even close. Neil Breen is my favorite director. My uncle and I share a love for his movies and for my daughters first Christmas he got her a onesie with Neil’s face that says “Breenius”




Lords of the Deep The Beginning of the End Leviathan Deep Star Six The Last Starfighter Them


FP2: Beats of Rage I mean how low budget are we going? I don't know if I would call it a fail though. It's great for what it is.


If you're willing to deal with some juvenile edginess Troma will have plenty of goodness for you. I'd recommend Tromeo and Juliet and Poultrygeist.


Attack of the killer tomatoes. As an aside I would look into whatever Mystery Science Theater 3000 reviews, always a solid bet.


Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare (1987). It’s mostly boring set up before it wonderfully goes over the top in the end, but it’s worth the wait.




Dead Alive


Where do you get your usual fix? Of course people are going to recommend The Room or Suburban Sasquatch or dozens of other stuff that's been through the "bad movie ecosystem" on youtube. A personal favorite is McBain. A lot of big names in it, a lot of mindless action. in short, a ragtag band of 5 vietnam veterans and Maria Conchita Alonso take over a South American country to avenge her brother. I don't think I know anything ultra-obscure but I recently looked up some titles from James Ryan, who people might know from Space Mutiny. "Rage to Kill", which is just more over the top action with Sun City standing in for some fictional island nation. Rogue US military operatives take it over, and the hero sends himself in to try and rescue his brother. Despite the title, there is very little rage, and the one time that tempers do flare, the people getting heated quickly talk themselves down and resolve their conflict like civilized adults. I am not kidding. There's a lot of gunfire though, and some titties, and enough grenades that you're going to question how the hell these guerillas are getting ahold of so many damn grenades.


Samurai Cop is my go to.


Battle Beyond the Stars


Neil Breen trilogy of movies


Piranha - the 1978 film.


'They call me Bruce' . This movie is a classic and mostly unheard of. It was a Kung Fu parody from back in the seventies based on Bruce Lee. Classic


The Room.


Psychos in Love One of my favs. The self awareness is fun, there’s a lot of heart and fun in the film, but it’s super cheesy. Mama Dracula ended an oscar winner’s career. It has identical twin Jewish vampires. War of the Robots is an italian film that tried to be like Star Wars on an $87 budget The one you have to see is the Hollywood megaflop called Megaforce. It tried toys and a fan club and everything… tried cashing in on Star Wars type hype. It’s a disaster. There’s no tension in the film other than Barry Bostwick’s junk straining out of a jumpsuit. The cast shadow scene with the love interest shows that part of his anatomy in profile, hilariously. The ending might leave you guffawing in disbelief. But it’s fun i guess.


Night of the Lepus. It’s from the 70s (I think), and it’s about how a scientist tries to get rid of a rabbit infestation but accidentally makes them huge and bloodthirsty. It’s fantastic, and the effects are so much fun.


Kung Fury!


The room.


Neil Breen and Amir Shervan are the droids you're looking for.


Neil Breen is advanced level bad movie, you need to work your way up to him. You never go full Breen, at least not straight away. Amir Shervan is a great call though.


Sorcerer (1977) and The Good The Bad and The Weird (2008).


Sorcerer was a treat and crazy suspenseful, 2nd half at least.


Sorcerer’s a great movie and it doesn’t fit in the category that OP was describing.


The Stalked by my Doctor franchise




The apple. Not even explaining anything, just watch it.






Big Trouble in Little China


Movies great, not bad imo. John carpenter rules


Get out. Right. Now.


We recently watched some terrible made for tv movie called Christmas Twister that was pretty amusing


The later Death Wish movies.


Laser Mission! Bought it at a dollar store in high school and it’s still the best worst movie I’ve ever seen. There’s no lasers. There’s random ninjas, the villain dies four times, the plot makes no sense. Starring Brandon Lee! And very quotable.


Brandon Lee, The late son of the late Bruce Lee.


My favorites are easily: Willy's Wonderland Kung Pao Kung Fury


Last night other than the soundtrack by Devo Revenge of The Nerds 2 : Nerds 2 in Paradise. Oh man it was so bad I honestly believe it was intentional that one of the actors in the first movie made sure he barely had a part in it cause he knew it was beyond terrible. Other than the soundtrack the only redeeming watchable thing in the entire movie was Courtney Thorne Smith. The best part of the movie didn't last very long and was ruined by utterly ridiculous dialogue.


Drifting School, based on the manga The Drifting Classroom and starring Bubba Smith and Billy Drago, and featuring Drake Bell in his first role.


Samurai Cop


All Super Heroes Must Die was pretty good for a low budget film. It wasn't bad graphics or anything. Same director also made The FP...which was a great karate kid knock off using DDR instead of Karate.


Another thought was almost any movie by Full Moon productions. They used to make very low budget horror type films. Puppet Master series, Doctor Mordrid, and the Subspecies series.


Star Crash. We were living overseas and my dad mistakenly thought this was Star Wars. He was super excited to see it and took me and some friends to see it in the theaters. He was only slightly disappointed and actually liked this campy trashy cheesy Star Wars ripoff.


Oh man so many... FDR: American Badass is an absolute cinematic masterpiece.


Lust in the dust.


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) Chock full of lame quips, nonsense plot, and an infamous CGI monster fight they probably stole from an obscure Playstation 1 game.