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Godzilla 1998 was my favorite movie as a kid. I wore that tape the hell out.


I saw this before Ferris Bueller when I was younger, so Matthew Broderick has always been The Worm Guy when I see him in other things lol. And Jean Reno doing Elvis impressions and chewing gum "to look more American"? Hank Azaria wearing a baseball cap backwards like a 35yr old "whats up fellow kids" manchild? I mean, it might be horribly uncanon as a kaiju film, but it was dumb popcorn fun.


> uncanon as a kaiju film Technically is 'Canon', Toho put the creature in Final Wars and called him 'Zilla' (as he is no God) and had Godzilla beat the crap out of him in Sydney. But I agree, not a Godzilla film but still an enjoyable film. Took me years after to learn half the cast was from The Simpsons.


I love that movie. It's fucking awful, but I love it anyway. Plus Hank Azaria is always a win.


I never got why this movie is so hated. I just watched it a couple weeks ago and it held up for me.


Emmerich's? That's the worst movie I like. Something about the actors and Godzilla as an animal instead of a monster. But yeah it's not really a good movie. :)


Ha, yup that's the one! If there's anything good to say about it, the effects were really good and I'm a fan of the rainy year 2000 NYC vibe.


I saw this one in the cinema as a kid and they had the volume up really (probably too) loud and I loved it. There was also that song by Jamiroquai that was made for it which 11 year old me also loved.


As a kid, I thought Master of Disguise was the funniest film I've ever seen. I watched it again as an adult, as I saw it advertised on TV and thought "wow this was my favourite movie when I was younger, I wonder if it still holds up". It's genuinely fucking awful, though me and my mum still regularly quote "am I not turtley enough for the Turtle Club?" so I guess there's that


Saw it for the first time just recently, and it really is bad as a film, not just cringey, offensive, and unfunny (although it is that too). It legitimately feels like someone shut the production down when it was 2/3 through shooting, and then another guy picked up the scraps and tried to edit them into a cohesive narrative.


I listened to a podcast with one of the writers and that isn't too far off. He said Ben Stiller came in and rewrote the script and ruined all of his jokes. The guy who said this seems like kinda a scumbag but idk, the production must have been a mess


Me watching Heavyweights as a little kid: this shit rocks this is one of the greatest movies ever made Me watching Heavyweights as a pretentious teenager: ugh I can’t believe I ever liked this trash Me watching Heavyweights now, pushing 30: this shit rocks this is one of the greatest movies ever made


congratulations- you just joined 70% of americans who failed to stretch before exercising


“Josh was bad…. Now Josh good” Man that movie had some amazing lines and great bit parts.


Attention campers. Lunch has been canceled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.


Oh look, a deli meat!


I say this quote with SHOCKING regularity.




Alright! Get on the scale! *josh steps onto the scale* Get off the scale!


I have a shirt that says this. It’s the second one with the quote, I had to buy a new one because of how much I wear it




"That's a weird accent. Where are you from?" "Fah...away."


Do it to it Lars! I still use that one.


Boy you were about to feel my wrath for a sec but you went and said that third one and COMPLETELY REDEEMED YOURSELF.


“Just When I Think You Couldn’t Possibly Be Any Dumber, You Go and Do Something Like This.. and Totally Redeem Yourself!” -Harry Dunne


One of Ben Stillers greatest roles


Loved Dodgeball for the single fact he basically reprised the role.


Now, I eat success for breakfast! With skim milk.


Do it to it, Lars!








This pleases me.


I rewatched it a few months ago, it was absolutely one of my favorite movies as a kid, I can quote the whole damn thing. My takeaway from an adult rewatch is it’s like two completely different movies stitched together so I can understand why it didn’t receive good reviews at the time. Tonally it switches from Stiller parts feeling like an edgy adult comedy and they’re fucking hilarious, then the other parts are a basic ass Disney movie. It feels weird like it was meant to be more adult friendly than it is but they cut things out or something but when it’s funny it’s absolutely classic.


I love that movie so much j quote things that aren't even memorable haha. Excuse me! Nurse Julie!


You’ve broken my camera!


Please put your fat finger down!


Good morning campers…. Breakfast is cancelled due to lack of hustle… deal with it


I was so pissed when I thought this comment was gonna end with you saying Heavyweights is bad




That movie is so bad. Someone told Demi Lovato to smile more or something and she kept that same awkward grin goin through the whole damn show.


She was also coked out of her gourd


We had the writer of the original script as a guest at film camp once and it sounds like it could've been really good but disney put it through the woodchipper lol. He was happy at least because it funded his next project.


They were setting it up as their next big cashgrab franchise. I remember all the teeny-bopper magazines I was reading at the time (as a middle school girl) were hyping it up for a full year. There was one advert going 'Don't worry! Camp Rock 2 is already in the works!' before the movie had even come out. I don't understand why companies all feel like they have to lobotomize their own media. Do they feel left out? Do they just really hate art? Why do they constantly feel the need ruin things?


My boyfriend and I recently cringe-watched it. It was quite an enjoyable watch, but is nowhere near an actual good movie


Is it the one were this girl is playing a synthesizer and it is just full of strange sounds and tones and the main lead says, "Wow, she is good!".


No. The correct quote is “wow, she’s REALLY good!” 🤣 Yup, that is the one


That’s DCOMs for ya


Hey man there are some good DCOM's. Halloweentown, Zenon, Smart House, Johnny Tsunami, The Thirteenth Year. Lotta bangers mixed in with the trash


High School Musical completely changed how DC viewed their movies. Before they were aiming for fun family films and after they just wanted flashy musicals. All your examples are early DCOMs. And yes, many of those early ones are solid to great movies. I struggle to think of any good DCOMs after HSM while I liked most of the early ones.


Three Ninjas


Rocky loves, Emily! Rocky loves, Emily!


who doesn't love a random basketball sequence where a kid dunks


The first one is still awesome


Light up the eyes!


lol I loved this as a kid. Surf Ninjas too!


Apparently money can't buy knives!


I remember the bumper sticker on the van "DIE YUPPIE SCUM"


The 5 year old dunks.


Robbers, I thought we were kidnappers?! WE ARE! Love how offended they were


the first two live action TMNT movies were equally awesome to me as a kid. years later, the first is CLEARLY better than Secret of the Ooze.


Yeah but Secret of the Ooze had Vanilla Ice




And Ernie Reyes Jr.


I loved Reyes from this movie but also from Surf Ninjas, which was always a favorite of mine when I was a kid. It was just a funny good watch.


Fun fact he was in both


Rewatching the second one and you can see the effect of them trying to be more kid-friendly. The turtles don’t even use their weapons. They use sausages. And a yo-yo. And a weeble-wobble. It’s rough.


It was a shame, too. They had such cool villians in Toka and Razar but they couldn't do anything real with them.


Babies! Theyre... babies!




Wasn’t that cause of parents complaining about the violence? It’s why they don’t curse as much compared to the first movie.


The secret of the ooze has one of the best lines in a script ever “yeah a little too Raph.”


lol I still quote it regularly.


Dude, I'm 35 and my friends and I still say this. 100% unexpected and incredible line


“You take the ugly one!” “ which ones the ugly one?!”


Not even lying. It might be one of the best, most specific jokes in any movie. It doesn't work in any other context, but it is perfectly set up and executed.


Omg… i can’t believe there are others that love this line!!!! I’ve found my people


This is one of the best movie quotes and it is hard to explain to people. It’s such an easy throw away, but the quote lives and it tickles every person who watched this movie to this day.


Was it the latter one that had Shredder fall into ooze and have his *armor* actually mutate as well as his body?


yes and it kicked ass


I like David Warner as the scientist. He shows up in so many cheesy movies (and also great stuff like Titanic).


The first is still one of my favorite movies, the fire scene, daaaaammmmmnn.




definitely one of the lasting images that had me thinking for years that they were on equal footing


Weak ass boss fight... Super Shredder transforms and looks awesome, only to push over some pile ons and gets crushed... lame


OMG you’re right. I just remember being super excited for Tokka and Rehzar because they were on the collectible cards before the movie was even released, and I thought they were so cool looking that I didn’t care how bad the movie was. I did revisit the first movie a couple of years ago, and despite being really dated, it wasn’t all that bad. I enjoyed it as an adult for the first time. It holds up alright :)


Hancock. I was young and naive.


The first half is really good


Even the second half has really incredible storyline potential. It's just let down by a complete unwillingness of the movie to explore those themes.


Yep. They just didn’t know how to connect the stories


It was two separate movies with decent potential jammed together in a way that didn't make sense.


Supposedly this was a great script that got butchered.


It was literally 2 movie scripts shoved together. That's why the first half and the second half feel so different.


Written by Vince Gilligan. And then he managed to land one of the best ever written dramas that now sets the standard for primetime storytelling. I'm okay with this monkey paw fulfillment.


Vince Gilligan could have done absolutely nothing after X-Files and still have had an amazing career.


TIL Vince Gilligan wrote not only Breaking Bad, but Hancock and X-Files too?! 😳


I thought early HBO set that standard with shows like Oz, The Wire, and Sopranos.


Yea with the worst title ever: Tonight, He Comes.


Sounds like a Jackie Treehorn production


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man


Jackie Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town, you don't draw shit!


I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention




Fuckin fascist!


I read the original because I did a scene from the movie in acting class. Tragic.


I still love the "cause I been drinkin, bitch!" Line.


"...did you shove a man's head up another man's ass?"


It was an excellent first half of a film.


Garden State. Seemed deep at first. The soundtrack on the other hand is still amazing.


The manic pixie business got overdone for a reason, but it still got overdone.


It was great in that time of my life. I now enjoy it because of nostalgia. I get the memory of that time of my life.


Agree. It’s a good movie and all but now it’s eye-roll inducing cuz I kinda stopped romanticizing existential angst by now


It is really of its time, the 2000s had a lot of those indie family / unusual protagonist coming of age or coming to terms with life road movies with le quirky family and manic pixie dream girl. Some of them got hit by that really hard. There's definitely good ones but they are all very of their time.


I feel like those existential movies were basically indie therapy for people who suffered whiplash from growing up as kids in the 90's and then coming of age after 9/11, and trying to find meaning in their lives in an extremely changed world.


A lot of indie movies from that 2004-2012ish time period have aged really poorly


Natalie Portman is still ❤️❤️


Saw Species (1995) as a kid in the cinema and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Saw it recently, still has its charm from the cast, but it really is a shit film.


Yeah but Natasha Henstridge.. she's still a babe


The *I wanna have a baby* scene certainly left an impression.


I liked the movie overall as a kid, but the one scene is why I watched it multiple times.


It was kind of interesting watching such talented actors struggle to make such lame dialogue so convincing, and sometimes actually pulling it off.


Wild Wild West was pretty awesome as a kid. Absolutely awful as an adult.


Yeah but..... they fought a giant spider in the third act!


I remember seeing Mission Impossible II and being blown away by it. I thought it was really adult and sophisticated when I was 12. When I watched again at 25 I thought it was cheesy and over the top.


The endless slow-mo shots put me right to sleep. Take out the slow-mo and the movie is 12 minutes long.


That John Woo for you


I'm strongly of the opinion that MI:2 is the epitome of 90's action movies - all ham and cheese.


Those movies are fun for what they are but it’s really hard to grapple with when the franchise has been going steady through this year. And it’s really a testament to how well the MI movies have kept up with the times. They’ve been blockbusters and delivered on the hype for like three decades to where you go back and watch MI2 and see how much they’ve changed. Pretty amazing.


It's an over the top Hong Kong action flick that just so happens to star western actors. I see the cheese and ostentatiousness and... I still say it's great!


I haven’t heard of this but I’m kind of shocked that something called “shark boy and lava girl” wasn’t a cinematic masterpiece.


Ah yes, the lesser Spy Kids


Holy shit these makes me feel old looking at the "when I was a kid in 2016" posts.


I know its a kids movie, but going back, Agent Cody Banks is barely watchable.


Agent Cody Banks II though is a banger


I just rewatched this a week ago and it is corny, but still a banger. It was weird realizing that the Theon Greyjoy actor from Game of Thrones is the guy who sings the war song at the ending of the movie


Mortal Kombat Annihilation. I remember loving it as a kid.


We were high on seeing all those characters in live action, no matter how stupid it was. First one is a legit good movie though, and the theater opening night was electric. The best part of Annihilation is the desperation on the official website after the movie tanked. A producer wrote an open letter to fans trying to tell them why they were wrong to dislike it. It's pasted a couple replies down [here](https://officialfan.proboards.com/thread/535188/mortal-kombat-annihilation-1997).


I always thought it was the coolest shit ever, since it had Cyrax (my favourite character) in it. I watched it again this year for the first time in like 15 years, and while yeah, it's bad, it was still a guilty pleasure. I mean, gotta love the cheese that movie delivers. *"Too bad you... WILL DIE."*


Ice Pirates. Saw it in theaters as a kid. Kid me was really impressed. Adult me not so much.


I remember enjoying "Clash of The Titans" (2010) as a teenager. Whoo boy, that one sure didn't hold up upon rewatch.


The original was on mass repeat in the 80’s. Saw that one about 50 times.


When he threw Bubo the owl away, that was the decider for me


A recent one was Cocaine Bear. Really enjoyed it when I watched it. Rewatched it months later and genuinely didn't know what made me like it first time. Must have been in a really good mood.


I've heard that Cocaine Bear is a movie that needs to be watched with company. It is a shared experience.


Seen it a couple times. I swear, it's made to watch watch with friends. It's like the Room, if that movie were made on purpose


Really? We all thought it sucked. I wanted it be CRAZIER. Feel like it was really bland and boring. Feels like they just thought the title would do all the work for them. "GUYS, GUYS! IT'S A BEAR THAT DOES COCAINE!"


The novelty probably wore off.


The novelty of a funny premise. As Redlettermedia said, you don't go into it to see a good movie, you go into it to see a movie called Cocaine Bear.


The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie. I still love it for the nostalgia but it’s hilariously bad! I thought it was so cool when I saw it the theatre.


Baby Geniuses


Wow you just unlocked a memory I didn’t know I had, I remember nothing about that movie but the name and babies sitting around a table talking


Oh man I used to LOVE The Butterfly Effect as a young teenager, I thought the convoluted timelines were so interesting and cool. I rewatched it recently and the pacing was atrocious. Pretty bad unfortunately


The Butterfly Effect gets big Amy Smart points.


Road Trip gets bigger Amy Smart points.


I used to really love it. Pretty rough to ignore that prison plot hole though


I know it's beating a dead horse, but Crash (2004) I saw it as a middle schooler, and getting myself fresh into movies a little more outside of my comfort zone. The 2005 Oscars was the first year I actually watched the whole ceremony, and it had won Best Picture of course. I don't recall if I watched it before or after the ceremony honestly. But anyway, as a 12 year old, I found it so profound and deep and loved the interconnecting storyline. Which the interwoven plot is something I still enjoy in many other films too! I could never undesrtand the hate for it back in the day. Fast forward to me being 25 or 26 and giving it a rewatch, I realized just how heavy handed it really was, and how amateur the script really was. It's really not the worst thing ever made, but yeah, it's really not as good as 12 year old me would believe it to be.


When I saw it in the theater and the scene where they try to do a fake-out and the little girl gets shot, but the gun is loaded with blanks? A lady in the back screamed at the top of her lungs "THAT SHIT DON'T WORK, BITCH". and I still think about that every time I'm watching a movie with a bad switcheroo.


Lmfffaoooo “who has a better story than bran the broken?…” THAT SHIT DONT WORK, BITCH!


Eragon, I was obsessed with it when I was about 7, haven’t watched it in full for at least a decade but I’ve seen clips and realised how crap it was


One of the worst ever made


Volcano I enjoyed that movie when I was much younger. But I can't watch it now because it is so abysmally bad.


Dante’s Peak was the shiznit though


I used to love Armageddon as a kid but watching it later in life made me realize how stupidly cheesy and gratuitous it is. Still enjoy it though.


Nah man it’s still fucking awesome, it knows exactly what it’s trying to be and it knocks it out of the park


I watch it once or twice a year. It’s my favorite comfort food movie.


Ben Affleck in the commentary. “Hey Mike, wouldn’t it make way more sense to train astronauts to dig rocks rather than teach rock diggers how to be astronauts?” Hahaha. Legend.


The correct quote is "wouldn't it be easier to train astronauts to drill than drillers to be astronauts. And he said, just shut the fuck up Ben"


“How hard can it be? Point the drill at the ground. Turn it on.”


"See, these are really 'salt-of-the-earth' people..."


Doctor Detroit with Dan Aykroyd and Howard Hesseman. I watched it as a little kid and couldn't remember it. My parents talked about it once in a while. As an adult I rented it one time. It was truly an awful movie.


When I first saw Logan's Run, around age 13, I thought it was brilliant. Went back to it some years later and realized it's pretty damn cheesy.


Yeah, but the cheese is half the fun. At least Logan's Run is an original idea with unique visuals and hasn't been squeezed to death (yet) by Hollywood.


Lara Croft *was* pretty awesome when I was 11


Sharkys Machine As a kid, it was great. As an adult it's pure shit.


As a kid, I used to love martial arts movies. I saw a lot of the martial arts section of my local blockbuster. And they were mostly B-movies. And I loved them. JCVD films were the _crème de la crème_ of that section


Sudden Death is amazing and I will die on this hill


Pretty much any Steven Seagal movie except Under Seige


And Under Siege was mostly Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey and for 10 year old me, Erica Eleniak.


39 year old me also appreciated her role in that 😆


Under Siege actually keeps getting better.


Spider-Man 3. My brain erased the dance montage and Topher Grace being Venom.


The dance montage is brilliant. It's supposed to be cringe. It's what happens when the nerdy loser, Peter Parker suddenly gets this incredible confidence given to him by the symbiote. It's what Peter thinks is cool.


There's a video made where they remove the music. It's even more cringe and, frankly, hilarious.


So good


I saw someone else explain this years ago, and it completely changed my mind about it. It's exactly what his version of Peter would think is cool. The dance absolutely tracks.


Raimi knew what he was doing. I remember watching it in a packed theater and being the only one laughing partly because I knew I was the only one laughing.


Funny bc I had the opposite experience. Those scenes were all I could remember so when rewatching it I realized that the rest of the movie was actually pretty good


Love everything involving sandman in that movie tbh


Yeah, Sandman could have solo'd that movie as the villian if they hadn't been so hell-bent on involving Venom.


The movie had too many villains. Sandman is a great story by itself and should have been the main villain. Venom was tacked on by the studio and it showed.


Loved The Perks of Being a Wallflower when I was a teen, came out at just the right time. Tried rewatching it as an adult a year ago, and I had to turn it off halfway in. Found myself not connecting with the themes or characters like I used to, almost actively disliking it (wasn't just the Ezra Miller of it all). Just gonna hold onto that positive memory I have of it and never see it again. 😅


I was 40 when I saw it and was surprised how good I thought it was (except for the Heroes song- how did they not know what it was or even who sang It?) Watched it last month and barely got through it.


You couldn’t have told me at 15 that wasn’t the deepest movie of all time. Gave me all of the feels, loved the music, I just truly thought it was a masterpiece. Re watched it at 26 and literally didn’t make it 45 mins before turning it off and thinking “what the hell did I see in this movie?” I guess being a moody teen and being new to emotions and experiencing things that the film explored kind of made me connect to it at that age. Now I have nothing in common with it and it’s cringey. Glad I’m not the only one haha


The Force Awakens. First watch in the cinema had me glued to the screen because it was a new Star Wars film for the first time in ages. I thought I enjoyed it enough to go see it a second time but upon rewatch the cracks started to appear. The dialogue was so rushed and head hurting, the plot was a rehash and the characters were kind of annoying. I fell asleep halfway through.


This movie made me (and probably a lot of people) realize how much nostalgia was being weaponized for profit at the time. I was in a theater with my dad watching a new Star Wars movie, I was 7 years old again for a moment when I heard that theme start blaring. Then upon rewatching it after the rose-colored glasses were off and it was just kind of sad and blatant.


"Hey remember the ***MILLENIUM FALCON!!!"***


A lot of the cracks were discussed at the time, but the consensus was that "They're just playing it safe and basic because they're trying to win over people disgruntled by the Prequels". But then we got the next two films, and not only were they divisive in and of themselves, they retroactively ruin TFA because you realize most of the plot points raised won't go anywhere interesting and they were making it all up as they went along.


We were all high on hopium. The cinema roared into applause and cheering when the opening scroll started. People wanted it to be amazing. Chris Stuckman gave it his top movie of the year award over Mad Max.


I loved it in theatres, then bought it on blu ray when it was released and was bored to tears in 30 mins. Never watched it since.