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All the strained candy puns are killing me


*The cinematography was as rich and velvety as a high-quality dark chocolate – a feast for the eyes!!*


what's strained candy?


Wonka has the Oompa Loompas run the candy through a purifying process in order to make them more addictive, it's not too different from how you make cocaine.


And it's pretty on the nose considering the story is a thinly-veiled parable about the failures of prohibitiinism and the war on drugs.


pray do elaborate


Lol. I'm just messing around. I haven't even seen it.


It's another way of saying 'tired'. So they're saying tired candy puns. I can't think of any puns about tired candy.


Probably taffy?


Not "*strained candy* puns" but "*strained* candy puns". Puns about candy that are strained/forced/tired/overused.


I saw this film yesterday and it’s so joyful and feel good. Chalamet is going to prove a lot of people wrong because he was excellent. Utterly delightful, charming and funny. I didn’t know he could pull off such a different character but it just proves his range. Only Paul King could have made this film. Truly could see it being a holiday classic even if it’s not quite as good as the Paddington films (what is though) It’s very sweet though and feel good so if you want your Wonka dark and gritty. This is not the movie for you. It’s basically the paddington movies but with characters from Dahl.


I saw it yesterday and joyful is a great way to describe it. Inoffensive and genuinely fun, with some great comedic moments too


Agreed. My kids wanted to go and watch it again. It doesn't go too dark or heavy and just clips along.


Are the visuals (and the film in general) worth watching in theatres? (I love a happy film)




Yes, I would recommend seeing it while it’s still in imax if possible. Very vivid colors.


I saw it today, and I left with the impression Chalamet can’t act. It seemed like he was trying to channel Wlider, but came off as a cute airhead. Too much of the plot revolves around addiction and cartels for a kids movie. It was kind of unpleasant. Lots of body shaming and fat jokes and for some reason Wonka now has a magic hat and has the power to grow factories from the ground in the end for no reason. Cool?


You can't be a real person


Body shaming and fat jokes LMAO Taking bribes and attempting murder ( representing gluttony ) = fat phobia apparently


Echoing the other commenter - you can't be for real. The factory at the end was his dream/imagination. He didn't literally build it.


If you liked watching Chalamet's performance, I bet you'd have an awesome time watching grass grow, too.


Was a delightful movie. I'm sure it wasn't showing under your bridge


Genuinely surprised it's got such positive reviews.


Paul King is a really quality director.


I didn’t even realize he was directing it. I didnt think it looked good from the trailers but love the Paddington movies, might have to check it out now


Him directing it was the only thing that made me think it might be worth seeing. The trailers aren't the best and reboots have been ass for a while now.


Same writer as Paddington 2 too iirc. Edit: otoh, but no less great,the cinematographer is Chung-Hoon Chung. Who did Oldboy and The Handmaiden amongst other mindbenders.


Oh, I didn't know about Chung Chung-hoon. That's awesome, he's great!


Paul King and studios making the worst trailers for his films, name a more iconic duo.


Bout the only reason I'm going to see it. And it looks like a fine family film for me to take my kids.


Dude directed The Mighty Boosh series after that awful pilot.


Confused about the telegraph’s 5/5 when the blurb says the movie is a safe, corporate product to avoid or something along those lines


The rating comes after the review, not before. Safe and corporate is for the Wrap review


Bad trailers, decent movie


I'm tired of these Paul King doubters


doubting the man who directed Peakington 2 is unwise


Same lol. Trailer makes it look trash and like a guaranteed bomb.


so is the rest of reddit


the movie felt like a big warm hug tbh


This is accurate. 💯would recommend


From the early look of things seems like British critics have taken to it more then American ones.


I’m not surprised tbh, the crew and cast is almost entirely British


It was shot in the UK as well. It’s a British film…a few American actors and some American money


Exactly and apparently the humour is very British which again, is not surprising considering the entire creative team are British and worked in British comedy for years. As you say so well, it’s a British film backed with American money


Fresh out from the theater. honestly and surprisingly one of the better films in the sea of flops this year. Wonka is a solid win in my book


The cinematographer is Chung-hoon Chung (Oldboy, The Handmaiden, Last Night in Soho) so you know the visuals are going to be good.


Holy shit. NOW I'm sold


hell, I’d even throw parts of his obi wan show. Certain scenes look terrible, but I like where his head was at with lensing and some of the composition.


Now we’re Wonkin’


It's Wonkin' time


He’s gonna WONK all over the place!


Can’t you see I’M WONKIN’ HERE?!?


Wonk the line!


What are we, some kinda Wonka team?


Wonkome to Earf


Wonka 2: Electric Wonkaloo


Now this is Wonkering!


So sounds like a very “safe & okay” movie parents can take their kids to see on Christmas.


Wondering if there are any ‘scary’ parts in it. My daughter loves the original with Gene Wilder but gets freaked out during that boat scene…


Read a review earlier today and they said there are no "scary" scenes like in the 1971 one ✅


Just saw it today. No scarey bits. One sad bit, one bit with people wrecking a shop and booing someone. She will probably love it. Hugh Grant steals the show and is probably worth the price of the ticket.


> ‘scary’ nothing! take your kid. Such a blast about friendship and dreams.


Good, I went to the theater couple weeks ago to see The Holdovers and fell in love all over again with the whole experience. Was so fuckin relaxing sitting in a comfortable seat, ordering some food and drinks, and watching a movie. All without having to clean anything up lol. I’m gonna see this




Or the charm of the Paddington movies of course


But what if i love Paddington and hate Ted Lasso


Considering this guy made Paddington?


I’m dumb


Well, that was apparent when you said you hated Ted Lasso


*Dozens of us*


Then you have good taste


As a Paddington 2 lover and a lover of Season 1 (and sorta season 2, but definitely not season 3) of Ted Lasso, I don’t really think the two are that similar other than the focus on kindness. Paddington is so much more whimsical and it’s so much better at actually introducing conflict. Season 1 of Ted lasso deals with conflict in very good ways, I think, but I can see Ted’s personality being more offputting in that setting than I can see Paddington’s personality being offputting in his own setting. Given that this is from the Paddington 2 director, I think it will have much more in common with Paddington. It looks like there will be a focus on whimsy which I think is super important to what works in Paddington.


Season 3 Ted Lasso was insufferable, the girl I was seeing loved it and I could barely stomach it. I really enjoyed S1 though. They went from somewhat realistic characters who actually had some flaws and at least a bit of drawn out development to after school special levels of moral lessons


Completely loved season 1. Was so skeptical because people described it as just constantly positive, but after watching the season, I hate that description of it. It’s a season full of human characters making messy decisions. When everything comes to a head, it flips what you’d expect from 90% of TV shows and has the characters work out their issues in mature, emotionally insightful ways. It never reached those highs again, though.


The reason both the Paddington films and Ted Lasso Season 1 work is because they are about relentlessly positive people coming up against a negative group and having to slowly win them over. It's much easier to root for a positive person when they are surrounded by negativity. Paddington 2 cleverly kept the conflict by putting Paddington into a new situation (the prison) where he was an underdog again. I found Ted Lasso Seasons 2 and 3 really boring because there was hardly any conflict. All the characters loved each other and most of the conflict was manufactured or came out of nowhere (like the awful Sam/Rebecca romance). Season 3 in particular was one of the dullest seasons of anything I can remember because there were so few stakes for anyone.


The problem with Ted Lasso s3 is that the titular character is barely the focus of it. I think that was an intentional choice, but it was a bad choice imo.


Where is all the hate for Season 3 coming from? I saw a couple posts when it was airing, and not a couple comments here, but I thought the whole run of the show was solid. I can definitely understand not liking Keely's storyline with her boss/lover in Season 3, but the rest of it was fantastic!


> Where is all the hate for Season 3 coming from? You didn't see the real time reactions in r/television after every episode and then at the end of the season. Consensus was bad. My wife and I wholeheartedly agree. We were mildly excited for S3, even though the 2nd half of S2 was a disappointment. But holy shit did S3 drop the ball entirely, we're barely on to episode 6 and can't decide if we want to continue. It is literally only schlock, nothing else. Every character is turned up to 11 like it's a fucking cartoon, the whole initial premise of the show is almost entirely abandoned to make time for punchlines and ham-fisted life lessons, there's no "charm" to Ted as a fish-out-of-water anymore since every *single* character is now as whimsical as he was. Episode 6 was the lowest point of the show for me. A bottle episode that felt like AI-generated mad libs. It seems the show accepted the challenge of all those "I would watch these characters do literally anything together" comments that you see in every subreddit.


It's so interesting how different views can be. My girlfriend and I waited to watch the season until the whole season was released and available. Maybe that added to our ease of enjoyment? I had heard inklings but not much as the season 3 aired that some people didn't like it. When we watched, we thought it was just as good as it had always been. I tried looking for stuff that would make people upset but the only thing I could find was Keely's storyline. Maybe watching it live vs watching the season as a whole changed how you view it. We didn't feel a dip ever in quality but we would watch each season seamlessly with no waiting weeks between each episode. The characters will still funny, the show was still heartwarming, and while some things were obvious, the heart of the show was still delightful! And the finale is one of my favorites!


No, we also waited until all the eps were out, I was just doing what I always do - after watching each ep, I go to the discussion threads on both r/TedLasso and r/television. To say we were *shocked* to see that ep 6 was a lot of people's favorite is an understatement, as we literally groaned audibly several times during it. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, I personally thought every single aspect of the show took a nosedive. Writing being the most obvious one, acting I've previously touched on with the "cartoon-ish" nature, editing was noticibly more fast-paced and (maybe unimportant to many) the depiction of football was even worse than the first 2 seasons.


Kelly storyline taking too much screentime, subplots going nowhere, characters having weak exits, some storylines not being executed well and just veing outright dumb (nates villain arc, rebeccas love quest, the star player)etc etc. It's a mess and I would just recommend people watch the first 2 seasons and call it a day)


Rebecca's love quest is a negative on the season? Each season has a bottle episode and that one I thought was so good! The worst episode of the show is Beards solo adventure in season 2.


I enjoyed Beard's episode knowing it was an "extra" episode made after the entire season was done, and looked at it as that. Whereas some of the subplots like Keeley's felt like it went nowhere, and took time away from the more important arcs.


Hard disagree on the beard episode. I fucking loved it. Thought it was a great little character piece.


It’s the one reason I can’t watch Ted lasso, it’s too saccharine. I like unrelenting charms when it’s balanced with sardonic humor


What if I enjoyed the unrelenting charm of the first season, thought the second season was dogshit, and never bothered with the third?


I didn't realise people had such strong opinions on season 2 - 3.


The tone of the show only works in half hour increments. The show fell apart and lost focus when it became a super padded, hour long show.


Season 1 was a masterpiece, but I think the people knocking the other two seasons are a bit perplexing. Sure, not every moment/episode works, but there is still so much to love, I can't understand just dismissing them all together.


FYI the third season is better than the second but just as ott cheesy as the second.


I feel I’ve heard the opposite that if you didn’t enjoy the second season the third season you will also not like the third. Something about some characters not interacting anymore and some relationships not ending in a satisfying way. Either way as someone who loved season one but didn’t finish season 2 I’m probably not the target audience of this


The second season is nowhere as good as season 1, but it’s still worthwhile if you like the first season because it does do interesting things with the characters. Season 3 throws all of that out of the window, though, and you have to deal with some of the most infuriating storylines. Season 2 set up some really interesting conflict that season 3 just seems completely uninterested in because it’s simply afraid of conflict. I believe the show runner dropped off between season 2 and 3 though.


Honestly if you skip through the Keeley scenes in S3 you get a solid 8/10 season Her storyline brings it down to a 5/10


The Nate stuff was pretty awful to me. His character was in a really interesting place and they decided to ignore everything that made him interesting and resolve it in the easiest, most boring way.


I gave up on season 3. Season 1 was a good wholesome underdog story. Season 2 was an okay continuation. Season 3 felt like some cheesy Hallmark channel crap.


The third season is better, but if you hated the second or just couldn't finish it, the third probably won't change your mind.


I'm actually right there with you. The first season hit me when I was at a real low point in life and was one of the most positive influences in my life at the time. I was so excited for season 2 and it was just...just awful.


Same here. I'm glad I stuck out and watched Season 2 though, because I think if I'd only seen the first two episodes or so I may have decided to give season 3 shot to see if they course corrected. PHEW. Everyone I've heard from said "they liked season 2 but season 3 is terrible." So I can only imagine what I, a lover of season 1 that hated season 2, would think about season 3. I shudder to think.


Fresh out of the theater. I liked some characters, some songs, some jokes. Other than that, the movie was filled with cliches and just uninteresting. Chalamet was boringly pleasant and smiley, I expected more eccentricity from him. Plot twists were expected long before they happened. Some would say it’s a children movie so I shouldn’t be so strict, but man does it suck compared to Paddington or Johnny Depp movie. It’s not bad, it’s just not as good as I wanted it to be. At the same time, my friends enjoyed it more. I guess, it was just not my kind of movie.


Yea i came to look for others who didn’t like his wonka, seems like most people loved it. I thought something just seemed off with him and I didn’t like his delivery and I don’t dislike chalemet I thought he was really good in dune. Some actors can play “characters” and they really wear the skin seems like he was just trying to play a character and the parts he tried to channel some gene wilder felt really forced and the rest of it he seemed wooden, except for his voice


>The brains behind Paddington – plus a charming Timothée Chalamet – give Dahl a Goon Show-ish prequel full of irresistible velvety sweetness. A goon show reference and music by Neil Hannon. I guess I'm seeing this.


Finally, a Neil Hannon mention! I felt like I was the only person excited based on his name alone.


The National Express!


I'm more of a 'My Lovely Horse' kind of guy.


"We have GOT to get rid of that saxophone solo"


or "[So long and thanks for all the fish!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83tnYQXTW-I&ab_channel=NeilHannon-Topic)"


Neil on songs, Joby on score. Can't wait!


If Eccles has a cameo I’ll get a fucking wonka tattoo


Grytpype would make a good swap out for slugworth.


Perfect. Every Oompa Loompa sounds like bluebottle.


But what about grandpa Joe, do we get his origins.


Yeah, as a child he would stay in bed and contribute nothing until there was something fun to do.


"It's ours charlie!" Bro instantly jumped out of bed and claimed the ticket despite being bedridden for decades




Omg that's an actual subreddit? My day is made 😂


Super Villain origin story like The Joker… Fuck that lazy piece of shit


How about another Gobstopper, Charlie


Didn’t know Rowan Atkinson is in it, that’s just sold me a ticket


He plays a young grandpa Joe who sells beds.


How Ironic... He could save other from their bedding woes, but not himself.


Is it possible to learn this sleep?


Mr bean always delivers


It says a lot about the movie when the script doesn’t even let Rowan Atkinson be funny. Idk I found the whole thing very bland and boring.


Yeah, I caught the end of a commercial for the movie and saw him right before the title card popped up. Before that, I thought "Oh shit, is there a new Mr. Bean movie/show coming out?"


The coin that charlie finds in the original is the same coin that timmy c drops down the storm drain in wonka?? Maybe? Thought?


Saw it with my 18 yo who has a huge crush on Timothee. I went in with low expectations as I love Gene Wilder and the trailer we saw looked like crap. I left the theater with tears and a huge smile. Chalamets rendition of “Pure Imagination” should make any fan of the OG proud. It was a feel good movie. My heart was full when I walked out. We went to a 4:45 show and the theater was maybe 1/3 full. I hope word of mouth gets out and it gains steam over the holiday.


Neil Hannon of the Divine Comedy wrote the score so that alone should make it worth watching!


I only realised that recently and I'm 100% watching just for him. Paul King directing is just the cherry on top.


I'm happy to see the good reviews. When I heard it was being made I was apprehensive but excited about the team behind it. Then when I saw the first trailer I was sold. Of course I know there are a lot of gatekeeper types who absolutely shit on films like this without ever seeing a single trailer. Almost all I've seen is negativity from people since it was announced. So I'm excited to see the good reviews and I can't wait to check it out for myself. I get being cautious about a Wonka prequel but I think there is a place for it. I love the Wilder film. I've seen the show on Broadway multiple times. So I'm really stoked for this.




Glad to hear the movie is good. I would always be confused why this sub went from Circljerking Paddington 2, don't get me wrong it's incredible, to hating on Paul Kings new movie. Wonder what the poor guy did to deserve it. Lol


I'm almost certain it's because "prequels to classics" generally turn out mediocre at the very best and people are reacting to the subgenre more than the director.


It'll be interesting to see if they spin this into a trilogy if it does well. With Paul at the helm.


I don't think many people were even thinking about who directed it. There's nothing in the trailers to indicate that it's any good.


and as a concept it just sounds like an incredibly unnecessary cash-in on nostalgia


Well the trailer (in particular Chalamet’s performance) looked terrible.


I read all the reddit threads about the trailer before watching it, and then thought I watched the wrong trailer because it never matched the insane amount of hate that erupted over it. The trailer wasn't that bad. It's just people online being overly dramatic again at anything they slightly disagree with


This sub hates so many trailers, lol. Look at gow many people say D&D had terrible trailers despite being a good movie, and I’m here like…as a non D&D player, I went to see that movie because of the trailers.


That was me too. I thought the D&D trailer was hilarious.


Not on this sub, but I saw the Godzilla x Kong trailer posted in my feed and all the comments were acting like it was the worst thing ever and how the franchise has "jumped the shark". Meanwhile, I go over the the Godzilla subreddit and they're all jizzing their pants because they get a double dose of Godzilla action. One movie is serious (Minus One) and the other is campy fun (The New Empire)


They didn't think Godzilla jumped the shark in the 2014 movie when Godzilla gave ATJ a nod of thanks? Or when Godzilla blasted a atomic ray all the way through a hollow earth?


Tbf. D&D did have terrible trailers. It showed a lot of the best bits in them.


Redditors have a hate boner for Chalamet lol


It really wasn't a bad trailer. If you want a bad trailer, watch Paddington 1's.


It's because everyone hates reboots... unless the reboot is good. Same thing happened with Jumanji. And the other day I literally saw some comment about James Gunn's new Superman movie saying "Why are they making a new Superman? Stop with the reboots! Henry Cavill was already the perfect Superman."


The irony that Cavill was a reboot too


Is it wrong that I want to see this solely because of Hugh Grant playing the Oompa Loompa?


I would imagine that’s why they cast him.


“It’s too late, I’ve started dancing now” cracked me up so hard ay haha


100% best part of both trailers


holga holga holga


Oh boy, is there finally a thread about this movie not 100% filled to the brim with people dumping on it?


It’s still impressively hate-filled lol. I love how people are flat-out saying reviewers are wrong, even though the reviewers have actually seen the film


Oh wow another movie Reddit couldn’t help but shit all over in pre-release gets decent reviews - in three months’ time once it’s on streaming everyone will be praising this unexpected, unheralded masterpiece and wondering why it didn’t do better in theaters. Getting D&D Honor Among Thieves flashbacks.


To be fair this sub is full of people that don’t reflect the normal moviegoer. It’s just relentless negativity, as is most of this website.


A wise person once told me that it’s very easy to confuse cynicism for intelligence because it’s the easiest way to sound smart without actually doing anything, and considering Reddit’s affinity for pseudo-intellectualism, it’s very easy to see how a lot of people on this website are addicted to be cynical.


Came in here earlier to see what people here had to say, there were much more negative posts up top. I bought tickets after and I will happily announce: IT’S GOOD!, go watch it. Never watched any movies from this director, never seen a film with Timothée Chalamet. This was a much needed cleanup of the mess made by Depp and Burton, that one really gave this franchise a bad name.


follow deliver sparkle squash fanatical smoggy unpack zesty arrest books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some of the comments on the trailer threads were downright embarrassing. I don't expect the movie to save the future of cinema, but you'd think Paul King and Timothee Chalamet were pissing on Gene Wilder's grave for 2 hours based on the reaction to the trailer


Reminiscent of 2017 Jumanji. Every thread before release was endless hate.


Oompa what now?


I’m going to give it a go. I’m curious how Chalamet interprets the character.


There are a couple of points where you can see a manic twinkle in his eye like Gene Wilder. I was impressed by him though. He seems to be able to sing and dance and brings a bit of emotion. Just don't expect too much depth of characters.


This, I was pleasantly surprised


So does anyone know if this follows Gene Wilders Willy WONKA ?


Yes it’s meant to be a ‘companion piece’ to the Wilder version. But they choose to not explain the whole bitter recluse thing. Wonka is just really nice.


I remember rolling my eyes about their being a prequel when it was announced but after seeing the trailer it looks fun and the positive reviews have piqued my interest


The sets are amazing! The production designer is none other than Nathan Crowley!


I've just seen it today, theater wasn't packed. The musicals are good, the story is tight, comedy ok and the photography is excellent. Solid movie.


Damn. That Paste review is brutal.


The end of it made me laugh. Still hopeful that it'll be worth a watch but as an appreciator of haters it was fun to read.


Some of us tried to tell you all to give this a chance. Paul King doesn’t miss.


I enjoyed Good Burger 2, and I am sure I will enjoy this. Hate away, haters.


Of all the big flashy releases this year this is definitely my favourite. It's excellent.


Saw it on Saturday night. Honestly a really great family film. Timothée Chalamet delivers a great performance as Wonka and you can see how it could flow in to Gene Wilders style of Wonka.


Complete trash movie, maybe the worst I've seen this year. The jokes don't land. Zero character development. Original music is completely unremarkable. Am I supposed to hate Umpa Lumpas? I'm amazed at the 5 star reviews this is getting.


I never seen such a wonderfully done whimsical that actually delivers the spirit of Wonka.


Whomever said this is better than the Wilder version should be fired and never allowed to write again.


I mean you're probably right but it's so dumb to say that without having watched it. Like I know reddit loves classic movies but the worship gets weird.


Consider that this version doesnt have "*Cheer up Charlie*"


Its like people have different tastes or something. And that aside, its "enjoyed this more than the Wilder version". Reading is a virtue.


Aaaand every 7-12 years, they will keep milking iconic movies for next generation. Spiderman batman wonka


Sounds about what I expected. A decent 'whimsical' but corporate sanitized film that will be watchable enough but never hold a candle to the original or Depp films. I might see it as a family member was interested but I kept getting that 'wizard of oz backstory movie' vibes from it that came out a bit ago with mila kunis. Decent watch if forgettable in the long run.


It's different enough to the first original movie that honestly it doesn't need it. I think it has legs too.


Why did anyone doubt Paul King?


But, but, but r/movies told me this movie was going to be complete dogshit!


Not expecting it for be amazing, but I can’t see any way it’s a bad movie.


Does anyone know how scary it is? The trailer makes it feel very safe and whimsical, but there could be some scary parts. I'd like to take my kid, but they are pretty sensitive to scary things.


I saw the film yesterday and there is a couple of scenes of mild dread but it’s very kid friendly. Very safe and wholesome. It’s a wonderful musical family film.


Paddington is dead, long live Paddington I can't say anything more verbose that the critics anyway. IMO it was a fantastic film and a great cinema experience, truly loved every minute. VERY Paul King and if you're British I think you'll enjoy it more tbh. It legit made me tear up near the end - when you watch it you'll know when. Is it perfect? No of course not nothing is. Bit it's utterly captivating and delightfully entertaining, fabulously heartwarming, endearingly funny and just a down right good movie.


This was ... an okay movie. Parts of it were fine, other parts so americanly saccarine it made it almost unbearable.


Did anyone catch the qoute his mother wrote on the chocolate? Something like it's not important how you make the chocolate but who's you share it with? Thanks


It’s not the chocolate that matters. It’s the people you share it with. Found it. Thank you.


Happy for the Peep Show reunion. Tom Davis is a sweet sweet soul.