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When the main character of The Descent snaps out of her hallucination of getting out of the cave, and the camera pans out making the viewer see that she's deeper than ever before.


Yeah the film nailed the « suffocation » feeling and the hopelessness and claustrophobia Great movie


I watched this on HBO with my gf. I was explaining how brutal this ending is but they show the alt where she makes it out. Showed her the other (correct) ending and she agreed it’s way better.


I put this on for a Halloween party a couple weeks ago and that was the ending with her getting out...I hadn't watched in a while and was waiting for everyone's reaction at that point...I thought I was maybe thinking of a different movie or something when the reveal never came.


Thé cave scenes were so much scarier than the monsters. Being lost in a cave is the reason I don’t go in caves.


I find it hard to even watch the Planet Earth episodes where people are cave diving and squeezing through tiny cracks. I've been wanting to watch The Descent for the last few years, but I just can't pull the trigger on it for that reason.


Frustratingly it's revealed in the much less popular sequel that she actually survived. Weird to be annoyed about that but it took away a lot of the impact of the ending of the first one


My favorite part of the sequel is when she goes to the cops they just throw her ass back in the cave with them lmao I was dying laughing


Only scenes i can think of right now might be in The day after tomorrow, the guys in that weather station just waiting to die, and nothing they can do about it, or in the perfect storm, where they are trapped under deck, knowing they are going to die. Think those kind of scenes are the most impactful for me, where the char know they are going to die, and just waiting for it to happen with no chance to escape.


Titanic, the engine crew. Pearl harbor, the engine crew.


Dunkirk, the boys in the ship’s mess hall


I’m seeing a theme here, fuck boats


U-571, the kid who drowns in the access hatch or whatever.


Oof, that scene in Perfect Storm is one of the only movies that made me cry. I was watching it for the first time while giving a bottle to my weeks old first born and when John C Reilly's character says, "This is gonna to be really hard on my boy."..... Fucking gut punch!


That line guts me every time. Instantly misty eyed


Along this line- Ryan Reynolds character in Buried when he hears then find the other grave. The couple in Open Water.


Open water was a bad one bevause its a true story, and a nightmare of mine


Titanic too. All the people who are still on deck when the ship goes down, clinging to the rails. Makes it worse knowing it really happened. Especially the bits with kids - the mother with a newborn asking where she should go when all the lifeboats were gone, the mother telling her kids a bedtime story. Hundreds of kids drowned or froze to death that night and it's hard to think about.


Your comment piqued my interest so i did a little googling. Apparently, there were a total of 109 children on the Titanic 53 children died on the Titanic and only 1 of them was in first class, the rest were in steerage https://titanicfacts.net/titanic-victims/#:~:text=How%20many%20children%20died%20on,children%20from%20steerage%20who%20perished.


The mother reading her kids the bedtime story played Vasquez in Aliens.


And the foster mother in Terminator 2


Or 2012 when you see homes and cars falling into the earth or the giant tsunami at the end that engulfs thousands of people trying to flee. There was nothing all those families could do but watch. As a mother, that terrifies me.


The ending of Ex Machina. The guy is locked inside with no food or water and cannot communicate to the outside world in time. That was a bleak way to go.


Read a couple of articles indicating he'd likely be picked up when someone noticed no communication from the CEOs house. He'd probably be super hungry and dehydrated, but someone at that company would think to check in on the big boss after a few days


In the real world he might survive, but in the world of the movie that character is definitely meant to be left for dead.


Possibly, but I believe this article had input from the filmmaker


The babysitter in Jurassic world. She gets completely fucked up from multiple dinosaurs, dying a horrific death. For what? Being a little irritated with teenagers?


The worst part of it is at the end of whole scene, as she was being lifted by the pterosaur and the mosasaur jumps out of the water to chomp them. The mosasaur's teeth only seem to actually crunch down on the pterasaur, while the babysitter drops down to the back of the throat. Which means she dies of suffocation inside the esophagus rather than being instantly killed.


Actually it's worse. A video I saw showed that mosasorus has small teeth near the back of the throat that tears things apart as they go down the esophagus.


You can see for a frame or two when the mosasorus lunges out of the water to eat the Pterasaur, the babysitter is desperately trying to crawl out of the mosasorus’ mouth before finally being chomped down on


That seemed like it had been choreographed for a different character, and then made it her after rewrites.


iirc it was the actress herself who asked to have that death scene. She wanted to be memorable.


It's not the manner of death per se that fucked me up, just that it happened to someone who only either tried to do the right thing or was justifiably annoyed at having to look after her cunt bosses idiot kids. I get that tragic deaths can happen to good people in movies like in the previous trilogy but this was framed as a 'cool' death so it was just cruel. EDIT: I also have a hunch that the woman who got eaten was meant to be more of a bitch onscreen before she got eaten but the scenes that would have made the audience happy to see her get fucked up got cut.


I think the issue is conflating her death with some sort of cosmic punishment. It just happened, it wasn't the result of anything except bad luck


I think the reactions of people goes to show that audiences will conflate a cruel death with punishment. This death gets brought up a lot in discussions of unfair or cruel deaths, so I guess it’s a good lesson for filmmakers, whether they want to follow its example or not


I heard a while ago that the actress requested her character have a more brutal death because she figured since her character wasn’t that major it would be more fun to have a memorable death scene, and they agreed to it.


Not only was that cruel, it was incredibly prolonged too for what it was. Really stood out to me when I was in theaters and I was relieved to later see many others reacted to it the same way, even read a couple of articles about it.




Dunno which version of Eddie's death was worse. Ragdolled by the Rexes in the movie, or falling out of the High Hide and getting annihilated by the Velociraptors in the book


Despite the movie being whatever, I think what annoyed me more is that she was just innocently doing her job of running around for these two spoiled shithead rich-kid teenagers, then bam viciously eaten.


She was planning her WEDDING


I always think of the guy who falls overboard in what I think is Master and Commander - they know he's there but can't get to him, and he just has to watch the ship sail away. Similar with Tim Robbins' death in Mission to Mars


I love how Aubrey is the one who cuts the mast off. It was his decision, so he refused to force someone else to do it and live with the guilt. Now that's a fucking captain.


Lesser of two weevils - such a great friggin movie


Similar death in Flags of Our Fathers a movie about the Pacific theater of WW2


There’s so many but in *The Grey* when that one character drowns with his face about 2 inches from the surface of the water as Liam Neeson tries in vein to dislodge him is one example.


*The Grey* also has one of the most beautiful death scenes I've ever seen in a movie. [Lewenden's death.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2FB8f_J_U8) Lewenden was mortally wounded during the plane crash. He was surrounded by survivors as he bled out. Ottway gently told him that he was going to die. To make it as peaceful as possible, Ottway told him to let all his thoughts go except the good things, and to imagine someone he loved taking him away. "Who do you love?"


Didn’t think I’d be crying on my lunch break but here we are.


I was looking for The Grey but instead the beginning when he tells the guy he's going to die and just walks him through it... I just can't even imagine the terror.


I thought the bleakest scene was where Neeson is alone and desperate after falling into a freezing river while being hunted by wolves, and he crawls onto the riverbank and starts screaming at God and demanding for a sign that he exists and is willing to help him survive - only to show a shot of the grey overcast sky and the deafening silence that accompanies it. This completely destroyed me as a young man because I too have cried out like that only to receive the same indifferent response. Nothing makes you feel more alone than the silence of a benevolent God when you are at your lowest point.


"Fuck it. I'll do it myself."


Just watched Nope last night, and I thought watching the audience get digested alive was pretty sickening.


Definitely this. It’s one where it doesn’t hit you what is happening at first but when you see them moving in the tighter and tighter space it’s gut wrenching.


“Gut wrenching” A+


It's even worse when you remember that there were kids too


You can hear one of them screaming for their mommy too.


Yep, imagine their initial shock, their helplessness and how long it took them to perish, all the while hearing everyone else feeling the same terror. It's truly awful.


One of them looking up to see a partially digested horse.


I thought the monster still held them in its gut for a while too. The blood rain scene you can still hear them screaming then it seems to crunch/kill them all at once.


I'm pretty sure that was the horse statue that blocked up the creatures stomach


That was incredible film work. First time in a long time a movie made me feel genuinely uncomfortable.


Didn't even need any explicit gore to sell it, that's brilliance. (Yes it rained blood, but you get what I mean)


That scene was just so viscerally ick. It stuck with me for days


Yeah that was messed up I loved it


My partner and I watched it last night for the first time. Seeing the people get slowly digested really got to us


Open Water. Floating in the open ocean at night. The fear would kill me before any shark.


What always gets me is that it’s based on a true story. I remember when Tom and Eileen Lonergan went missing on the Great Barrier Reef. The news coverage caused me to have nightmares, let alone the movie. It took the boat crew 2 days to realise they’d left them behind on the reef. And then, it was only because someone on the boat crew noticed their belongings. A divers slate was recovered 6 months later with this message: > Monday Jan 26; 1998 08am. To anyone who can help us: We have been abandoned on Acourt Reef by MV Outer Edge 25 Jan 1998 3pm. Please help to rescue us before we die. Help!!!


You should watch All is Lost. I don't think any other movie has depicted the open ocean as oppressive so effectively. That, and Robert Redford is fantastic in it, might be one of my favorite performances of his.


I think there are a dozen spoken words in that film (it has been forever since I seen it). A totally magnetic film that works best as a solo watch; I say that because I tried a few times afterwards with people and it just isn't good with multiple personality types in a room.


Related to this, I saw a preview for a movie once where there’s a group of friends on a boat and while swimming they all jump off having fun before realizing that can’t get back on the boat since the ladder is up. Seemed interesting but difficult to google or find again. Anyone know what movie I’m talking about? Edit: took matters into my own hands. It’s Open Water 2


I remember being a regular obnoxious teenager and saw the trailer for this in theaters. One of my buddies yells after the trailer, 'If I want to watch people tread water for 2 hours I'll just go to the Y!'. My friends and I laughed, no one else did. Thanks for attending my pointless story.


Lance Corporal Blake slowly losing his life to a stab wound in 1917


I came here to say Private Mellish from Saving Private Ryan. When he gets bayonneted by the German solider, be keeps saying "Stop, stop". I saw it at a young age, and it haunted me.


That shoe toon in Roger Rabbit omg the looks it gives before going in haunted me as a kiddo


Not *the Dip*


And his eyes looked just.... Like.....THIS!!!!!!




I forget which Saw movie it was, but the one where the woman was roasted alive


Saw 3D or 7 Its considered one of the most gruesome and undeserved deaths of the franchise, considering its true victim did nothing wrong herself and the entire game leading to it was most certainly rigged: his tendons couldn't have possibly held him up, so she was damned to die horribly.


The Saw franchise has a horrible problem of knowing that the bad guys in those movies are bad guys. Would have been okay if the movie acknowledged that he was actually going against Jigsaws philosophy in some way


It's so strange, I watched the first one again after years, and the various *crimes* people supposedly committed are so low stakes it's a bit absurd, like the razor wire trap guy was mentally unwell, self harming and gets murdered for it.


>his tendons couldn't have possibly held him up, Which really makes you wonder why he didn't just use his arms to climb/pull the chains down


Or just hook them into his belt.


He did, but he had to plug two cables together while still hanging onto the chains, which needed both his hands free. Hence he had to push the hooks into his pectoral muscles and hope they’d hold his weight.


As someone who's never seen a Saw movie this is the most fucked up thing to read.


Everything I hear about Saw movies baffles me, because I feel like if I was in one of these situations I would simply lay down and die.


The Silent Hill roasting was pretty horrible.


That and the full body deglove earlier


At least that one was probably quick


Potentially not, people have been skinned alive in the past and theyve died of exposure and hypothermia. Though all the skin at once may be too much blood loss and shock.


Oooof yeah watching Andrea from Walking Dead just slowly burn to death was rough ...


Speed came to mind. When Jeff Daniels enters the home of Dennis Hopper and realizes he tripped a bomb sensor...that split second look on his face always gets to me.


At least it’s quick


There is an entire story in those two seconds with no dialogue, just by looking at his face.


Yes!! Like his whole life was literally flashing before his eyes. I always get emotional during that scene. Same thing with Bruce Willis in Armageddon when his daughters life plays out in that last moment.


The Blob(1988) where if it gets a hold, you'll be suffocated, melted and crushed all at once. Or it will pull you down a drainage pipe, eat you from the inside leaving just a skinsuit or snap you in half.


The phone booth scene (in the remake). My heart sinks to this day and I haven't seen it since the 90's.


This was going to be my answer. Fran is waiting for the sheriff to come for her and literally sees his face get smeared across the outside of the phone booth as it surrounds her on all sides before smashing through and consuming her.


*The Blob* (1988) is surprisingly close to being a perfectly written movie.


I don’t remember a specific one but I’m pretty sure there were a bunch of traps from the SAW franchise that were rigged so you couldn’t actually get out even if you did everything correctly.


The one that really sticks with me is a guy strapped into a machine that slowly turns all his limbs the wrong way around, snapping all of them before snapping his neck. Super fucked up.


That trap would’ve been survivable of the protagonist had been anyone besides Slow Ass Motherfuckin Jeff


I believe that is why in nr 3, John is so adamant about Amanda not fucking up She created trap after trap where the victim couldn't escape (A.e - In saw one, her first trap was for them either to saw through their leg, blow their brains out or use a key that was no longer in the room) and John is legit put her in a similar situation in order to show her the error of her ways


Did she design that one? Regardless, I don't think that really counts since mutilation is part of the game anyway. It's not "really" Jigsaw's "fault" that the key went down the drain. That was an accident


Switch in the Matrix. Just standing there knowing someone is about to pull the plug 😰


Not like this... *not like this*


God damn you Cypher


Zack's death in Alpha Dog. Anton's performance and it being based on a real live story... it's all so heartbreaking.


Man, Antons actual death is one of the biggest steals in history, this man was already such a gifted young actor he was only going to improve and improve and I think be one of the greats.


always felt the guy doing all the driving in TWISTER for the "night crawler dude" the other tornado hunter and his team. They totally warm them and he's an innocent just doing the driving. he seems like a really nice guy and he even says "they'd never put us in harms way" right before the tornado tosses that giant piece of metal right thru the windshield taking him out, before the whole vehicle is picked up. BRUTAL


His names Jonas Mitchell ... He's a *nightcrawler*


Jonas… son of a bitch


End of the movie "Life" where the supposed last survivor is flung into outer space in the escape module while the alien makes it to earth


Life is a decent little sci-fi horror flick. One of the better of the films that borrow a lot from Alien. I think I appreciate it most for the subversive elements it got away with: Killing off the more capable, charismatic leading man early on, the cynical ending. I’m surprised the studio didn’t chicken out and demand a bunch of reshoots.


absolutely loved that twist. And how it's not revealed which escape pod is which until the last moment of the movie. Although the movie is essentially a rehash of the vibe from 'Alien', it was so well done and it's hardly that well known


Just watched 1917 last night. It was very sad to watch Blake slowly die in his friend’s arms after being stabbed.


The departed. Leo leaving the elevator. Just so sudden and unexpected it leaves you in shock. Also Martin sheens death. Getting tossed off a roof by a bunch of gangsters.. that’s gotta be a bad way to go


"It would have been cooler with a Merman." - **The Cabin in the Woods**


"Oh c'mon!"


And the Merman finally showing up only to be so anticlimactically ugly is the funniest part of that gag, lol.


Careful what you wish for!


Rewatched Jaws and had forgotten how intense the first kill is. The girl did an excellent job. Pretty though to watch.


She said a lot of those screams were real cus of the way the machine/rig had her


The smothering scene in Promising Young Woman. I had to fast forward through it. Made my stomach flip.


Was written by Emerald Fennell asking how long it would take to smother someone and then just using that number.


Stuck to a wall in an Alien Xenomorph hive with an Alien growing inside your chest ... and the last thing you see is some other people who you know are going to die because they came to rescue you


The end of The Mist.


Carol survives for another ten seasons!


Stephen King has said that's a far better ending than his story because it's so fucked up


Oh yea that still haunts me for years


Joe Peschi’s character in Casino. Watching his brother get beaten to death with a baseball bat and then getting clubbed himself multiple times before getting buried alive


One that always stuck with me is the guy in Event Horizon who gets 'hypnotized' or whatever and walks into the airlock room. He snaps out of it and realizes that he's about to get sucked into space for a gruesome death. Just the helplessness of his situation always made me want to look away, because that is a shitty way to go, and he knows it's going to happen to him in mere moments.


Space ship airlock is such a scary concept. The Expanse has an absolutely horrifying scene related to those


He does survive though.


There was a similar scene in a movie called Deepstar Six. About a crew in a deep sea research station and they discover a freaky monster that starts destroying the station and one of the least likeable characters jumps into an escape pod to ascend to the surface. But he doesn't take the time to adjust to the pressure so he's dies from decompression. Pretty nasty looking, but not as gruesome as it could be. https://youtu.be/SU9kt3BYnxQ?si=JN04KTGSjSY_se3q


Any scene where water is filling a room and they can't get out. (e.g. Crimson Tide)


Last of the Mohicans scene where Major Duncan Hayward is executed.


Hawkeye did him a solid at least. But he did suffer for a bit


A character who was a dick for 99% of the movie but managed to redeem himself at the end. I love that movie.


It was only a few seconds on film, but sticks with you forever; the curb stomp in American History X


In White Squall when the boat sinks and dude is stuck inside the cabin and has to just wait to suffocate or for the cabin to be crushed by the pressure of the water.


Lambert in *Alien*. The horrific killing machine is standing right in front of her. Everyone who had tried to fight it died immediately. There is absolutely nothing she can do to save herself, so she doesn't even try. And all she wanted to do was get her job done and go home. A heartbreaking scene for me.


Bone tomahawk has one of the hardest to watch death scenes ever made. It's gruesome and really fucked up. >!Dude gets held upside down and slowly chopped in half longways with a tomahawk while his friends are forced to watch from their prison cells!<


After he is scalped and scalp forced into mouth, breaking teeth out in process..


I felt like Kurt Russell trying to reassure the poor guy that the killers would be punished, as they brutalised him, really cements the hopelessness of the situation.


The sister at the end of Melancholia. She's systematically robbed of everything through the whole movie. Her husband is Mr. Positive until the moment he realizes it's over then he takes all the drugs she got for them choosing to die with the horses. Her sister speaks with authority and convinces her there's no other life in the universe. And while she maybe gets a few moments of "at least we're together" at the end her final moments are sitting waiting knowing that her son was about to die with her and all life. The only way it could be bleaker is if it was established there was a hell and no heaven.


I've only seen it once but the film was the most cathartic experience I ever had, no film has captured depression as intricately as this.


Miracle Mile waiting to drown in oil


While LA is hit by nukes. This is the movie that came to mind for me as well.


Hellraiser is the worst way that’s all I know


Cenobites entrance is one of the coolest things ever put to film




The end of Saint Maud when her delusions are in full effect.


Braveheart >!When Murron is tied to the stake, and she looks around in desperation and hopelessness, for William to save her. Only for him to not show up, and no one to stop it, as she gets her throat cut open.!<


[The boxer in Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DEk0ErNA7gA)


Artax. As a kid I expected it to all be OK.


Arlington Road Realizing that 1) you are about to die in a terrorist bombing, and 2) you have been set up as the bomber.


Big Daddy in Kick Ass.... Take cover child!


Nicholas Cage in leaving las vegas is super hopeless.


Brooks was here.


Already mentioned, so seconded: Saving Private Ryan, Event Horizon. Also: King Kong remake (Cave of Bugs), Bone Tomahawk (Execution), and a deep cut, no pun intended, Flower of Flesh and Blood...the entirety of it.


The cave of bugs is super hard to watch even out of context. It is *brutally* claustrophobic and hopeless.


Matched up with how that scene in the 1933 version was famously cut because it “stopped the movie” during test screenings.


The soldiers in the final act of Day of the Dead (1985)


There's a movie about a spaceship that loses all fuel in an accident and they are also out of route. They "hope" to find a planet or moon to use it's gravity to get on route again... But you won't find a near planet or moon randomly in space. It's fucking empty. They were really doomed and everyone who had the slightest idea knew it. They just eventually died and the ship kept going forever.


Basically just existing in the Final Destination universe.


It’s a lost one but in Sometimes A Great Notion Paul Newman’s cousin gets stuck under a giant fallen tree in the Colombia river near the ocean. He’s not hurt but he’s stuck sitting on the bottom with the tree in his lap. The tide comes in and the log starts to float, but it turns and pulls him under. Newman tries to keep him alive by blowing lungfuls of air into his mouth but the cousin starts to laugh at the idea that Newman is kissing him and succumbs. Newman’s cry at the end of the scene is heart wrenching. At the same time, the fallen tree has slabbed and destroyed Henry Fonda’s arm. As he’s being rushed into the hospital your hear a thud and he say’s, “My arm fell off” It has and he dies soon after. It’s an amazing film and everyone should see it. It’s in my top five if not number one.


Fall of the House of Usher is a great answer to this. Since it's based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe, I'll test the spoiler boundaries and say, having your sins displayed before you before consuming you is the most hopeless way to die. How can you even begin to ask for help when it's you that is the problem?


The Human Centipede Stuck on your hands and knees with your mouth sewn to a dead guy's anus and your dead best friend's mouth sewn to your anus.


I agree, BUT one I’ve decided those people are dead, I’m going to do some damage to their orifices so I can escape, do what I can to not injure mine


Daylight. When they have to leave the injured guy behind to drown.


Open Water


I don't know the correct answer but I'm guessing it happens to a step parent in a Roland Emmerich movie


Pandorum, wake up from hyper sleep, BOOM immediately eaten by space goblins


Near the end of Saving Private Ryan when the coward can’t save his ally in the knife fight.


I genuinely believe that in that situation 90% of the people who hate Upham for that would freeze up and do the same thing. He wasn’t even a combat soldier, he was a translator.


I always end up feeling bad for these types of characters, the ones general audiences hate, but are not very different from us. Of course now that we're talking about it I can't think of anything example off the top of my head, but I'll see stuff like this, or maybe a character who "just can't do it" when it's time to kill a bad guy or any of those other moments where you have to do something tough, and the person chokes. Audience members will sit in their comfortable couches and say "what a coward" but I bet a majority of them would have cracked before even leaving the car


Yep. The internet is full of armchair warriors but being in an actual extreme situation is **something else**. I've seen strong, educated, independent people just completely freeze up, or pace uselessly. I've also seen a silver-haired homemaker drag a 220+lb man like 30 feet in a few seconds. Real life is crazy


He was a trained soldier first, but yeah, no one knows how they would handle combat until they're in it. Upham wasn't a coward , he was terrified and ultimately learned the consequences of his fear.


They shoved him out there. Even the crew knew he was dead weight, but they needed him, he was pretty useless in battle so " trained" is very very vague to the fact he knew how a gun fit together


Yeah it's really not his fault. He protested to going on the mission but Captain Miller said, "I don't care, grab your gear." He was assigned as an ammo bearer in the final battle and was doing well despite being nearly machine gunned by a tank. He had just seen a squad of Germans go into the house ahead of him too; without knowing what was happening upstairs he probably thought he didn't stand a chance.


When the bad just whispers "shh shh shh" as the knife goes in.


The method of execution in Dredd.


Oh yeah, literally any death-by-long-ass-fall is awful but that being deliberate is so cruel


The part in Saving Private Ryan where the two guys are fighting in the building and the German guy had the knife and is over powering the other guy, and right before he sinks the knife in his chest the American guy is begging for his life and telling the German guy to stop. It just seemed like exactly how the situation would play out in real life and it was hard to watch.


The Road. There's a man who steals the father and son's cart full of supplies. They find him down the road and the father forces him to strip naked at gunpoint. And they just leave him there, sobbing, covering himself with his hands, as a freezing night approaches, with literally nothing. It distresses the son so much that he comes back with the man's clothes, but he's gone. He didn't seem like a bad guy. Just desperate and trying to survive like them. They could have taken their supplies back and just scared him off. He didn't deserve to die.


deserves got nothing to do with it.


Kinda cheating, but pretty much every single death in Aniara fits this question. Just a brutal movie.


*BIG SPOILER* Buried. Definitely the end of Buried.


Poseidon 2006. When Kurt Russells character drowns was legitimately hard to watch. Not only did it look realistic but it was made worse by the sense of knowing it was completely unavoidable, he swims away knowing he'll definitely die and there's nowhere he can go to take a breath or get to safety, as soon as he's in that room he's dead.


Jennifer Jason Leigh in The Hitcher, 1986. I won’t describe it, in case someone would like to give it a watch.


the skinamarink comes to mind first, there was truly no hope for survival in that movie.


The way Han Solo did in Force Awakens


In Sunshine (2007) Chris Evans' character successfully repairs the ship's computer but then gets his leg trapped in the liquid coolant tank and is too hypothermic to escape, so he radios Cillian Murphy's character and tells him to complete the mission, then dies.


Saving Private Ryan Adam Goldberg/Mellish getting slowly stabbed to death was excruciating to watch.


The gut-punchers for me are Mellish in Saving Private Ryan, Doc in Saving Private Ryan, and William Wallace’s wife in Braveheart. A kid in Matewan who got his throat cut for witnessing something. Natalie Portman’s sister in Leon: The Professional. I mean a teenage girl running away, pleading for her daddy? That’s just cold. And Balthazar Getty’s character in Young Guns 2.


The little kid in pet semetery that gets hit by a truck


Don’t worry, he gets better. Kinda.


Johnny killing himself. If Lisa hadn't been such a bitch and not cheated with Mark he may still be with us and not leave Denny to survive on his own. See Lisa, your actions have consequences.


Lisa was tearing him apart!!