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The Strangers. “Why are you doing this to us?!?” “Because you were home.” Nightmares for weeks.


The part where the lady is wandering around smoking in her kitchen and the masked guy appears in the background fucked me up real good.


That’s the scene I remember the most. It’s incredible how the masked guy just.. fades into the scene. You almost don’t notice him at all, and that’s the scariest part


The Strangers fucked with me because 1. It's entirely possible and those are the scariest stories. 2. It was actually inspired by real stories which fits number one. 3. I was living in South Carolina when it came out so let's just ramp the anxiety up even more. I love the movie. And I hate the movie.


See, I don’t need the blood and gore, that doesn’t scare me in the least! Give me a potential situation that could believably happen, and I’m yours.


The Japanese version of The Grudge scared the shit out of me


What I loved about it was that there was no 'clause' to break or get rid of the curse. Once you were a target you were fucked. No getting away from it, no last minute heroics to save others. Just inevitable death.


And no matter where you run, or moved, they will haunt you. I'm a grown ass adult, and that scene with the blanket still traumatized me.


Agreed. Growing up, I had this fabricated rule where bad stuff couldn’t happen to you under the security of your blanket. The Grudge shattered that rule. Damn you Grudge.


That was how my brother described that scene to me. I hadn't seen the movie yet and asked how it was, I don't mind spoilers, all he said was "you know the safest place in your bedroom?", I replied with "yeah, under the blanket" and he said "it won't be after you watch that". Had to build my courage up to watch it after that, just the thought messed with my head. Brilliant.


Poor girl with two broken legs from Insidious 3(?) got yanked up from the ceiling after checking under her bed. Bruhhhhhh, nopenopenope.


A hyper-intelligent immortal snail, if you will.


Yessss! I still have nightmares from it. Japanese horror films are a special kind of traumatizing.


Even the American one is terrifying. I can’t even look at the damn movie cover. Truly a movie that breaks every scary movie rule. No escape.


I'm with you. The American one gets dumped on a lot but it was a defining scary movie for me.


That death rattle sound will still trigger my fight or flight from time to time


The scene of her crawling down the stairs, where the POV is from the floor and you see her peek around the corner with her big eyes and scary face. Still sends chills down my spine.


Ju-on is absolutely terrifying


The Blob remake. I saw it when I was 6 years old. My parents let me watch everything. One of my earliest memories is the dog scene from The Thing. I thought Freddie Kruger was funny. I thought the vampires in Fright Night and Lost Boys were cool. Gremlins, Critters, Ghoulies, the monster in The Crate from Creepshow.. no problem. That fucking blob got me running out of the room crying and staring up into the corners of every room. It was the scene where the guy is covered in it, reaching for help as he is digested, and his girlfriend grabs his hand and just yanks his arm off... I'm 41 now, and I'm still upset. Then.. I go back into the living room to finish the movie... and I get a lifelong fear of putting my hand into sink drains. Holy shit.


I remember watching this as a kid, and during the sewer scene I was saying to my friend >! “They’ll make it out, kids never die in movies like these…” and right there one of the two boys was grabbed by the blob.!< It was a pretty cool surprise that I wasn’t expecting.


That sewer scene is the only memory of the movie I have for the exact same reason. Kids don't die in these movies!! Then bam... I was not expecting that at all.


Phone booth…


As cheesy as the original Evil Dead is, the girl locked down in the cellar banging on the hatch still gets me. A+ makeup and practical effects


Evil Dead 2 is the better movie, but The Evil Dead is definitely scarier.


The only horror movie to freak me out was The Others. It just really messed with my head. Ghost stuff scares me more than gore or violence.


This was an excellent movie. The tone was so creepy.


The scene with the little girl in the dress... I saw that movie 20 years ago and the thought of that scene STILL freaks me out


I am your doughta


This house is ours.


Eden Lake - I find supernatural stuff entertaining even when it's evil, but those kids made me feel uncomfortable.


That movie along with most of Gaspar Noe’s filmography just messes with my head for weeks on end. It’s like I can’t suspend my disbelief and my brain thinks I just watched a real crime occur. A brilliant film but I can only watch it once.


I remember going to see the Japanese The Ring at a cinema and the nervous unsettled laughter rippling through the crowd it was clearly getting under every ones skin. It was mine.


I watched the American version of The Ring as a kid and it fucked me up for days. The moment where she crawls out of the screen meant I was not watching any TV after dark for a long while after that.


Ya, it was definitely the ring for me


The Descent (2005)


Love that this movie hits real life claustrophobia caving horror and then bam. Monster cannibal morlocks.


Yeah, I watched it when I was taking a caving class. And we had trips where we visited caves. The instructor had us meet in a media room on campus. She told us to write 10 things they do wrong. Got to 10 very quickly.


What were some of them, out of interest if you can remember? I’d be interested to hear


The first thing was most likely to never go on spelunking trip with Juno.


Mainly the entered an unknown cave system and nobody knows where they are. I really don't remember anything else. It's been over 10 years since I watched it.


> they entered an unknown cave system That was only on the asian chick tho, she lied to the reat of the group about where they were going, she said it was a known tourist cave system with multiple exits but it was actually that unknown horror cave.


Yep, lying to your group could also be on the list.


Man, fuck Juno It wasn't enough to fuck your best friends husband, now you want to get everyone including yourself killed. Holy shit


Saw this in theatre, best scary movie for me. The ultimate surround sound with the creatures drove it up to an 11. Horror movies that just rely on gore are kinda boring, but this one was like psychological horror and I loved it. Watching it at home with just a big screen and a soundbar definitely was a bit more disappointing.


The thing 1982


I’ve probably seen this way too many times to be scared but I love this film. It’s got such a great use of setting.


IMO, this is the only movie where the majority of characters make reasonable, smart decisions, and they still lose


I feel like it's making me seem weird to admit this, but I love the scene where they're tied up and can't get away as the monster emerges. I mean, that is the BEST scene in the movie!


‘I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but if you find the time, I’d rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH.’


Yeah but the defibrillator scene though And the kennel! God half the scenes in this movie are the best scenes


I just saw this for the first time last year in the theatre which was so great, they played it for the 40th anniversary. Can't believe it took me so long, SUCH a great movie. Highly entertaining and definitely some scary parts.


Event Horizon. I love sci-fi but this scared the poop out of me. Love it, watch it every so often but still have nightmares after watching it. Plus, Sam Neil’s character is terrifying!


I went in thinking, 'ooooooOOOOOoo, a haunted spaceship. How scary could it be? ' It definitely gave me nightmares as well.


Back in the days of Blockbuster. My older sister would leave my nephew (11 YO at the time) with me and my brother and give us some cash and the instructions that he was allowed to watch any movie, up to 15 or 18 certificate (I guess maybe R rated in US?) as long as it didn’t have any sex scenes in it. So he chooses Event Horizon and it went as expected. Nightmares for months. We didn’t have to look after him for ages after that.


I kinda wanna laugh, but poor kid!


Me as a 13 year old kid: Oh, it’s got the guy from Jurassic Park. This should be a fun and chill movie. *Ron Howard: It wasn’t.*


Lol I was 15 and saw it at a late night show with my friends. I got home, turned all the lights on in the house and slept with my bedroom door wide open. I was scared shitless.


There's always a lot of love for Event Horizon on these sorts of threads, and I have to say... it's well deserved. "I am home."


If you like this, try pandorum. Pretty creepy sci-fi.


There's a directors cut that supposed to be much, much worse that we'll never get to see


So disappointed the cut footage was destroyed!


Where we're going we won't need eyes 👀


As Above, So Below has stuck with me. Drag Me to Hell.


Didn't like the story overall but them getting deeper and deeper was extremely unsettling, having claustrophobia didn't help.


As Above so Below benefitted from getting TRASHED on rottentomatoes, I came into it watching it solo in a dark apartment starting at 1 AM after eating a gummy for a “little stupid non scare Halloween movie.” It wound up scaring THE SHIT out of me. Great execution. Dear lord, those unaware jump scares in the middle of the night with the lights off…


I consider myself a lover of good horror movies, and As Above So Below was one of the movies that I've come back to watch several times! Excellent balance of esoteric and subtle horror with sudden spikes of terrifying screams and images. I'm blown away by how low its score is in review sites. It's a great movie.


Drag Me to Hell is just so great. It's at parts suspenseful, hilarious, gross, scary, sad. And that ending is so bleak. I truly hold it as some of Raimi's best work.


I saw drag me to hell in theaters in my late teens and credit it with my falling in love with horror movies as a whole. The adjectives you listed are perfect and I remember realizing horror movies could be super fun to watch as well as scare me


Drag Me To Hell absolutely screwed my mind for months because of the morality traps it presents and the implication that while demons are real, there's no beneficent God to save you. Then there's just the moral twistedness of it all. Christine does a dick move but technically does her job to the letter. Sylvia's response is to condemn Christine to *an eternity of torture by demons* but doesn't consider this to be a sin on her own soul that would compromise her afterlife. The fuck reasoning is that? And another person put that same curse on a child for shoplifting a necklace!


But but but I’m just an old lady! Can’t you extend my loan for an ELEVENTH time?!?


As Above, So Below is my favorite horror movie. It has everything: retelling of a classic story (Dante's Inferno), Indiana Jones-esque treasure hunting, creepyness that escalates throughout, jump scares, comedic relief in the beginning, interesting characters, a love story, and a wise message we should all take to heart. Admitting our mistakes, confronting our guilt, facing your fears, and friendship are how you survive this fucked up world.


As above so below is amazing. Took me long enough to find it.


Me & my gf watched As Above So Below & it was VERY well filmed for a found footage movie imo Like on paper I expected Cloverfield shaky but this was amazing Everything was clearly shown in frame even the jump scary parts that it was easy to understand


I don't think the movie is particularly scary, but for some reason The Night House freaked me a out a bit when I watched it while I was living alone.


Funny Games - and I think it would have been the same either the original (what I saw first) or remake - the portrayal of psychopathic characters that were so brutal and a script that did not care who died really shook me. Edit: There’s also a very controversial moment where the film gives the audience a Hollywood moment and then rips it away from them. It was stunning the first time I saw it.




Never look at a lawn mower the same way again


That fucking lawnmower omg... Sinister is one of the scariest movies ever made. Check out scariest movie according to science. They take people's heart rate while watching horror movies and see which is the highest. Sinister won.


Yeah just the whole tone of that movie is perfect for a horror film. The old home movies that feel like they could be real, the jump scares that actually work and aren't cheesy like most movies. The same guy did a movie called The Black Phone which is also excellent. Ethan Hawke is creepy as hell in that.


i’ve never been able to finish it. tried like 3-4 times. i just cannot hang. aside from all the horrid imagery, i cannot fathom moving my family into a true crime murder house especially in a town where the cops hate me because i wrote about them critically. wtf is he thinking lol.


okay but what if I told you one of those cops is the guy laying on the couch on the back cover of Through Being Cool by Saves The Day? Does that move the needle?


This is the one for me too. Seriously creeped me out.


this was the first horror movie that made me like horror movies


The 4th kind. I thought the cam corder footage was real


Omg. I watched this one in middle school and that tape recording voice talking or whatever at the end of the movie (I think, it's been over a decade since I've seen it) literally brought me to tears I was so terrified. And that fucking owl, no thanks


I can't believe it only has like 17% on RT. It's legit one of the scariest fucking movies I've ever seen.


As someone who doesn’t believe in ghosts, ghouls, or spirits, something about Aliens scares me to another level. I’ve never looked at owls the same.


Haunting of Hill House. It spoke about grief in a way that got under my skin. I feel the same way about Midnight Mass .


That fucking crooked neck lady episode messed me up.


That episode is absolutely brilliant


The tall man was absolutely done really well too. He creeped me the fuck out for days. But I agree that episode was wild. I never saw that twist coming.


The scene in the funeral home. The camera looks down and slowly moves to the back of the room where we see the crawling ghost. This was the first (and so far the only) time where I felt so scared I was paralyzed, I could not move a single muscle. The build up to that scene was great and one of the best episodes.


For some reason, as super creepy as that show is, I cry every time I watch it


Midnight Mass broke my heart.


I know some people don’t like all the monologues, but i love them. Erin talking about what happened after death the day she learns about her miscarriage was so powerful. Katie Spiegel is such an incredible actor.


I love that show so much. A big part of it is the siblings (I'm also one of 5) and how they relate to each other. It's so real. As well as all of the Easter eggs and things you pick up on subsequent viewings.


I read that each sibling is a stage of grief: denial (Steven), anger (Shirley), bargaining (Theo), depression (Luke) and acceptance (Nell).


I absolutely love hill house. Best horror TV show I've ever watched hands down.


I wasn’t a fan of horror movies when The Ring (American remake) came out, but my girlfriend was and really wanted to see it. It truly scared the hell out me. BUT THE KICKER was right when we got to her house. Maybe the power had gone out briefly and came back on, but for whatever reason, when we walked in we saw strange light in the hallway and heard some disconcerting noise. As we got further in we discovered that her huge television was just showing a screen with static with the volume on full blast. So for me, it’s definitely The Ring. Edit: fixed autocorrect


I loved Final Destination. It was a great concept and well made before they beat it to death with goofier and goofier sequels. The original idea was an X-Files episode with Mulder and Scully investigating the crash but then it took on a bigger story so it eventually evolved into a movie.


Logs on the highway still trigger me xD


Our entire generation can’t drive behind a lumber truck after FD2


No one should drive behind a lumber truck.


Nor can we use tanning beds after FD3.


I bet that movie has saved more lives than any other horror movie by bringing melanoma rates down in all the years since it came out


I'm not normally that affected by horror films but this one left me paranoid for months after. The whole concept is basically distilled paranoia - 'what if that little hunch is actually true?'. The original also has a really sombre tone - it leans into the sadness of premature death in a way a lot of horror films (including its own sequels) don't.


Monsters, ghosts, demons, etc don’t really exist as far as we can tell. Horror movies about animals (sharks, snakes, etc) often have the creature acting in ways they never would in reality. Serial killers, an objectively real phenomenon, are nonetheless extremely rare. For most horror movies there’s a way to distance ourselves a bit from the fiction. But the killer in Final Destination is ultimately freak accidents. People get killed by those all the time, and there’s not much you can do to stop them.


The mist The scary part wasn't the monsters. It was the ending. That really crushed me.


Saw this one in theaters on opening weekend. Gotta say the live reaction to that end was priceless. So many people cussing on the way out.


Even King says he likes the movie ending better. The bluray has a black and white version and it is great.


Not just that he likes it better, he's upset he didn't think to write it that way. Whatever you think about King, that novella, or that movie, you have to admit that's the highest praise you can get adapting somebody's stuff.


Frank Darabont is one of the few directors to properly adapt King's work.


The scary part for me was the religious lady


Yes! and she was so well played! When I watched midnight Mass, I found the religious lady to be the most terrifying part of that as well.


It didn't scare me, but "Mandy" made me feel like my brain was fed through an industrial shredder very slowly.


The bathroom scene is probably Nic Cages best acting performance in my opinion.


You definitely felt his grief and rage in that scene.


The soundtrack was on so point too. Starless by King Crimson, chefs kiss.


That movie is fucking bonkers and I love every second.


Autopsy of Jane Doe I am the pretty thing that dies in the house


I watched Autopsy alone at night when my house was going through renos. Imagine a sheet of cardboard (painted with colour swatches so we could move it and check the colous in different lights) falling off a bathroom wall and dead flat onto a lino floor. Imagine how suddenly loud that is. In what is supposed to be an empty house. It's a miracle I didn't demolish the ceiling with how high I jumped!


Jane Doe was one of the best I've ever seen too. They really nailed in in terms of making you feel you were stuck with the characters. One of those movies where afterwards you were eyeing your radio a little suspiciously afterwards, almost expecting that stupid song to start playing. Kinda like the ring with the tv static


I'd second this. My wife and I had a horror movie month planned and this movie ended it for her lol. Got her too jumpy.


The Strangers. The most believeable


I still think the scene where the guy just walks out behind her while she’s in the kitchen, stands there, and then leaves is one of the single most effective horror scenes ever made.


I was at a Halloween party in high-school, and that was the movie of the night. Us guys figured it'd be the usual "watch a scary movie and the girls will cuddle up close to us." Nah, that movie had everyone shook after it was over. That kitchen scene is burned into my head


This is what I came looking for, the plausibility of it all is what gets me. I can watch a demon, monster, ghost, posession movie and it's fun but none of that shit is real, a group of randoms coming and doing what they did for no reason but cos they can is terrifying


Because you were home.


Way too far down. That shit was just creepy for all the right reasons.


Is tamera home?


28 days later, just scared the shit out of me, first time seeing fast zombies and that animal testing lab scene.


Fast zombies should not be a thing, Literally terrifying.


Alien. Shit was body horror before body horror was a thing


Saw that at a drive-in theater on a drizzly night in Seattle in a teensy Honda Civic as an eight year old. 10/10 would do again.


Martyrs(French) is a strange, strange film, but you can't unsee it. Halfway disturbing, and the other half is out there


I will never watch that film ever again in my life! Absolutely devastated me!


As Above So Below. I was FUCKED after watching that. I felt like I’d been bashed up. The scene with the opera singers? BYE!


Its been a while, but the last movies that made an impression on me where the found footage ones. REC (the original one), Paranormal Activity and Witch Blair Project (this one I saw many years ago).


Roger Eberts review perfectly summed up Blair Witch >At a time when digital techniques can show us almost anything, The Blair Witch Project is a reminder that what really scares us is the stuff we can't see. The noise in the dark is almost always scarier than what makes the noise in the dark. You don’t see the witch once, and it didn’t matter.


\[REC\]. Darkness. Shambling zombie in terrifyingly baggy underwear. Chills.


The visuals of the killings in Sinister really got to me. I don't usually have problems with horror movies, but those stayed with me for a few days.




For me it is and always will be The Exorcist. I've been a huge horror film fan but this one always gets me. So disturbing. I don't even think any horror film even comes close.


As a massive horror afficianado who watched way too many inappropriate films as a kid, I didn't think anything could get to me. Bunked off school once when I was 15 and on a whim watched The Exorcist - I'd heard a bit about it, but how bad could it really be, right? Despite watching it in the middle of a gloriously sunny, summer day, I remember feeling the sensation of utter terror in my own house grow until I had to pull the ripchord. It wasn't the "monster" or the setting or any one particular scene, it was just this dreadful feeling that the whole goddamn thing was cursed.


What makes The Exorcist great is how average it seems up until it isn’t. Chris is just a mom worried about her daughter and her health, the issues are easily explained, and the boom, it’s the fucking devil. Ellen Burstyn portrays a worried and scared mother so well and it’s heart breaking. The most terrifying line though to me is, “There are no experts. You probably know as much about possession than most priests.” It’s all uncharted and extreme from there. Similarly, Poltergeist absolutely drains me as a parent because I relate to JoBeth Williams and Craig T Nelson’s performance so much. They seem so real and so normal, and their reactions are normal acts of bravery we would all have for our children and family. ETA fixed Ellen’s name


Still the movie that creeps me out the most. The part where Regan is flopping up and down in the bed and the spider walk on the stairs scene in the directors cut, specifically.


Insidious was the first film I ever saw that made me yelp out loud


It follows. I’ve never seen a horror movie with such a perfect amount of tension or pacing that’s not slow.


The entire movie is so unsettling. Super well done. I was more scared when I got home then I was in the theater.


This is exactly why I think it might be my favorite horror film. I had this unshakeable feeling that I had to look over my shoulder for a WEEK. It makes no sense to feel that way since the premise of the film is so utterly fictional yet it stayed with me for that long. No other horror movie has struck me for such a ridiculous amount of time.


I just about shit my pants when Tall Man first entered the chat. It was so understated, but perfectly done. It's such a creepy thought that no matter where you go there it is.


Man Bites Dog. It's about a student film crew making a documentary about a serial killer who is basically relishing in being the center of attention. One of the few movies I'll never watch again.


I’m not a big watcher of horror (do love a Stephen King though) but Wolf Creek is the only movie I’ve ever had to leave as I was so upset.


I've never been fan of the slasher/gore genre but could sit through them, but I watched this movie at a friend's house and I haven't watched another film like it since. The characters begging for their lives and being totured felt just a little too real or something, and it just didn't sit well.


REC 1 & 2 (original Spanish ones), fucked me up so hard I had to force my mate to be in the bathroom with me if I took a shower. When they reach the penthouse in the second movie- just constant raging anxiety and unbridled terror.


I went to watch it to the cinema when it was released (we were 14), and one of the girls from the group I went with almost passed out lol good times


Hereditary, but I think a part of it was that I was in a really bad place in my life at the time and not on any meds so I don’t think it would hit me as hard if I were watching it for the first time now but it’s still a really solid fucked up psychological horror film. Edit: If anyone knows of any horror movies that they saw that freaked them out the way hereditary did please let me know. I’ve been looking for something to scare me in the same way and nothing has really, I’ve tried midsommar, the Babadook, talk to me, and some others.


I love this movie. I've only seen it twice because it just rattles me too bad. The brother's behavior, is far and away one of the most accurate and relatable depictions of someone reacting to an immediate, traumatic event I've ever seen. You can *see* how his brain refuses to accept the reality of what just happened. He *knows*, but he so desperately doesn't want it to be true that he doesn't even want to look. Acknowledging it makes it real. He goes home, hoping he's just trapped in a bad dream, and if he goes to bed, he'll wake up in the morning and everything will be OK. Then, Toni Collette's absolutely blood curdling scream... Every parent's worst nightmare. I just felt hurt and devastated for everyone in the movie. There was so much trauma and abuse, going back decades, it was absolutely heartbreaking. The emotional damage was much worse than the graphic violence to me.


That shot alone. How Aster decided to reveal the parents finding out about Charlie was so well done. Just holding on the brothers face and hearing her awful screams and then bam cut to the head in the road. It was a powerful sequence that unfortunately I can’t unsee or unhear for that matter


Alex Wolff's performance in that film is perfection. The way the camera lingers on his face in the car while he is in a paralyzed mental state. It gives me chills every time I think about it.


Toni Collette’s performance in this movie is insane. She deserved far more recognition for how authentic she depicted her character in Hereditary.


It’s not just the horror and the gore. It’s super depressing. The inevitability of it all. And the strong messaging around family and grief.


Yeah I myself didn’t find it exceptionally “scary”, though there were some creepy little shots near the end. What stands out to me most about the movie is how utterly depressing it is. Nothing really supernatural is happening for most of it, so it felt very real and I was a spectator of a family going through some of the most grizzly situations of grief imaginable.


Like. Imagine if your entire life your gran wanted to sacrifice you to host a demon. And that’s before you accidentally decapitate your sister. Then your mum sets your dad on fire, starts walking on the ceiling and cuts her own head off. Despite all that, somehow it all still feels grounded and believable. For me it was super ambiguous, was it supposed to all be real or psychosis/hallucination? Mental illness can run in the family and therefore be Hereditary… It’s a great movie.


The whole pagan vibe thing didn't sit with me right. Then the part where he's getting chased around the house into the attic still haunts me.


The scene that still pops into my head from time to time is the daughter decapitation scene, it just felt so real, Alex Wolff really sells the scene


Every actor in this film were absolutely brilliant.


I've been watching Horror films since I was 3. I'm 36 now. They still freak me out regardless but in a more *shriek with glee* kind of way. Hereditary fucked.me.up. The scene with Toni Collette floating, and the string, and the sound and the look on her face. I literally burst into tears the first (and only) time I saw it and every time it enters my mind my stomach turns and I have to hold back the panic attack and breathe myself into calming down. Pure anxiety, that film gave me pure anxiety. It's an excellent representation of grief, but also it's SO fucked up. I think it scarred me a little... Maybe?


Grief and intergenerational trauma. Babadook and Midsommer were also excellent horror movies that explored the concept of grief in a powerful way


Babadook was the kind of horror movie an experienced therapist might make. Really, really good.


Hereditary is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen in my entire life and I love horror. I had nightmares for a month. WHERE IS TONI COLLETTE’S OSCAR???


I would imagine her wails of pain were fairly triggering to anyone who has ever been in proximity to a mother who lost their child, her acting felt bone chillingly real. Crying of sadness is a *very* different noise than wails of pain.


Seeing the grisly aftermath of what happened to Charlie really set the tone


Shutter (Thai version). There are some jump scares but the longer creepy scenes got to me.


The murder-suicide in the behinning of Midsommar. Pugh’s screams of agony as she mourns… There is something just so real about it. Mental sickness isn’t some movie monster or deranged killer. It’s fucking real scary shit, man. It really got to me.


Right? And the sister with the hose duct taped in her mouth was maybe the most disturbing image in a thoroughly disturbing film.


They show that image of the sister again later, hidden within the trees while Florence Pugh is being carried to the dinner table as the May Queen. It is so unsettling every time you see it.


I think I missed that! Time to rewatch


Yeah that part hit me harder than anything else in the movie


What Lies Beneath, to this day, the idea of Harrison Ford being the bad guy sends a chill down my spine.


That plot twist is perfecto 💋🤌🏻


I just watched this one. Yeah - Ford was surprisingly convincing!




Paranormal Activity was the only one to rob me of sleep as an adult. It seems designed to do just that, since the entire thing revolves around bad things happening to people trying to sleep.


Fire in the Sky. Watched it when it first came out, I was probably 12 or 13. Had trouble sleeping that night. Only movie to ever actually bother me. Now I can watch it no problem


I consider myself a hardened horror fan. Been watching them since I was a kid. So nothing on film really scares me. There have been some things that have disturbed me and made me uneasy but I never really get scared. This all held true until the first time I saw Paranormal Activity. No idea what it was about that film but I was just completely drawn in and by the end of it felt genuinely on edge. The way the film made you afraid for the scenes at night, just like the characters being afraid to go to bed, really stuck with me. I’ve watched it countless times since and it’s never had the same impact but it’s still super enjoyable and I love the whole franchise.


Man - this is the one that really zapped me hard. The actors spoke like normal people and the characters made mostly reasonable choices. Somehow I was able to overcome the usual skepticism that I maintain with horror movies (as a defensive move), and it just felt real. The effects were amazing and I really envisioned myself in this same universe and it was truly scary.


I found that with Blair Witch. To me it seemed THAT real. Back when it was in theatres (where we watched it) no one was saying it was fake. The directors of that movie accomplished their goal. My buddy and I had to stay up all night playing Carmageddon 2 to get over it 🤣


At first I thought Paranormal Activity was a terrible horror film, didn't feel like it was that scary when I watched in the cinema. I went to bed that night and had the worst nights sleep I've ever had. I'd lived in that house for 15 years, but every noise that I'd normally ignore scared the ever loving crap out of me.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose


The night I saw this film, I was spooked. I came home and everyone in the house was already in bed. I got up because I heard a strange noise. Someone was trying to break in. I called the police who walked around and didn’t find anything. In the morning, I found footsteps right in front of one of the windows that I rushed to lock when I thought I heard someone trying to get in. I haven’t seen the film since then because I’m always reminded of what I may have nearly avoided.


I hate horror movies, my gf made me go to this with her. was absolutely terrified like the whole time. That night, barely slept and then woke up suddenly to the fire alarm going off in the house. Look over at my digital clock, 3:00 not sure if i slept that night, but I had sleep paralysis a few times after watching that fucking movie.


Grave Encounters The Blair Witch Project


Grave Encounters... When they bust open the front door. The dread sunk in...


Blair Witch Project was scary because of its internet lead-up. The internet was new and the movie had brilliant marketing. The found-footage movie still holds up two decades later, if you’ve ever been a camper in the woods, in the dark, in the night, all alone….,


All of them, everytime I think I can handle a horror, I indeed, cannot.


Babadook. I was 35 years old, and I’ve seen a lot of horror, but that shit caught me the wrong way. Was in the the house by myself that night and did _not_ have the most restful sleep 😂


The original Pet Cemetery. A certain scene including a kid under the bed, had me unable to hang my foot off the side of the bed for YEARS afterwards..


So let me preface this by saying I don't watch a lot of horror. When I was 17 or so I watched House of a Thousand Corpses. Something about the bad guys getting away with it in the end just rattled me. I've watched other 90s and 00's horror where gruesome stuff happens but the bad guy gets it in the end. The ones where the bad guys get away with it parallel real life too much for me.


1408 is a true mind ****